Ken Newman
University of Portsmouth
[email protected]
The Troubled Transition to Game Study Projects
This paper reviews the experience of Students in HE level
Game Courses making the transition from taught units to
self–managed study projects – particularly the problem of
choosing and refining a good study topic. This review
draws on examples of 40+ student projects from 3
universities, and the experiences 6 supervisors in informal
discussion with the author over a period of 4 years. The
paper identifies common trends, mistakes and problems.
Patterns emerge of students struggling with the multidisciplinarity and newness of the field, the lack of
authoritative canon, the difficulty of articulating a topic,
and the tendancy of game students to stray into domains
beyond their experience. From these common problems the
paper proposes a checklist of steps to guide the topic
selection process.
Author Keywords
game studies, game research, game students.
All games students face difficulties doing a study project,
but study projects are hard to avoid - in most HE gamerelated programs there is a significant self-managed
individual or group project - usually in the final year. In
game studies, as in all academic domains, students are
expected, through their study project to demonstrate
conceptual innovation, methodical rigour, and rich
substantive content.[1]
A previous study by Zagal and Bruckman[2] describes the
challenges faced in the transition from gamers to game
students and this paper describes the next logical transition
from game student to independent researcher.
This paper is based on a review of 40+ student projects
from 3 universities and the experiences of 6 project
supervisors in informal discussion with the author.
In all cases it was not just the finished project that was
reviewed but where possible the documentation of the early
stages of the project, especially the process of choosing and
refining the topic.
The experiences of the staff and students consulted
consistently relate that the transition from taught units to
self-managed study projects is extremely difficult. No
matter how well students know the coursework, the
development tools, no matter how proficient they are in
programming, visualization skills, written and verbal
expression, no matter how confident they are in their own
abilities as a game analyst, critic or developer – for most
students initiating a self-managed study project is a
daunting task[3].
Key to this transition, and the focus of this paper is the
problem of choosing and refining a good study topic. This
paper describes patterns of the typical pitfalls that were
found in this review and from these common problems the
paper proposes a checklist of steps to guide the topic
selection and refinement process.
The study projects reviewed are drawn from three HE
A Bachelor of Multimedia program with a Games
major, situated in a Computer Science School of
an Australian University – supervisors Kirsty and
Dave (note, supervisor names have been altered –
for this paper).
A Bachelor of Science (Computer Game
Technologies) program, situated in a School of
Creative Technologies in a UK University –
supervisors Pat and Ron.
A Bachelor of Game Architecture and Design
program, situated in an Academy of Digital
Entertainment in a Dutch University of Applied
Science – supervisors Paul and Aneke.
Each supervisor was asked to contribute between 5 and 10
examples of student study projects from their records which
they considered typical. The projects were reviewed by the
author and then discussed informally with each supervisor
to gain further insight into the process. Records were kept
of these discussions and these fed both supervisor and
student experiences into the themes of this review.
Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory. Proceedings of DiGRA 2009
© 2009Authors & Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA). Personal and educational classroom use of this paper is allowed,
commercial use requires specific permission from the author.
to stray into academic fields of which they have little
knowledge. It is not unusual for a Game Student to propose
a project which involves any one or any combination of the
following; software engineering, artificial intelligence,
animation, statistical analysis, sociology, criminology,
anthropology, international studies, comparative literature
studies, media law, psychology, economics, business
management and finance. This seems to be a particular trait
of game students, other disciplines do not typically assume
they would be capable of building a computer game.
All supervisors and most students found the problem of
choosing and articulating a good topic to be one of the most
difficult tasks of a study project.
A poor choice of topic can leave a project floundering; the
final report can easily become pointless waffling and the
whole process excruciating for the student, supervisor and
examiner - Pat.
With limited time at your disposal there is a temptation to
select a topic before the ground work has been done, but try
to resist the temptation. – Aneke
Some mixture of over-confidence and delusion causes the
game students to stray casually into fields that are far from
their expertise. - Kirsty
If students believe they have a good topic it can be difficult
for them to be convinced otherwise. - Ron
One explanation for this trait may be the multi-disciplinary
nature of games. Since games can be studied from within so
many different disciplines it is not surprising that game
students similarly tend to adopt a chameleon-like crossdisciplinarity.
In all reviewed cases the students are asked to choose and
refine their topic in consultation with their supervisor. In
some cases students are given some guidelines in the
previous teaching semester and asked to come up with one
or two ideas about topics before start of the final year. In
two of the institutions students are given taught units on
research methods and statistics prior to the final project.
Secondly, game students, once they become aware of the
field they are straying into, tend to fearlessly tackle the new
body of knowledge with the same level of confidence with
which they approach a new game, programming language
or development tool. Perhaps it is the fast changing, multidisciplinary nature of games and game development that
makes the students … fearless (sometimes a bit deluded)
when it comes to jumping in to the deep end of other fields
of knowledge. Dave.
In the initial meetings with students supervisors found a
wide range in both the quality of the project ideas and the
level of critical awareness of their ideas.
The common problematic trends that emerge from these
discussions are here articulated into the following
The relevance of the topic to the students own
program, interests and expertise.
The degree to which the topic has been exhausted.
The clarity with which the topic is articulated.
The degree to which the topic is realistic for the
The degree to which the topic is worthy of the
The degree to which the topic proposal has an
appropriately defined scope?
The degree to which the topic proposal
demonstrates an appropriate level of awareness of
relevant literature, theory, and principles?
Thirdly, and to be fair to students, sometimes they are fully
aware of, and alarmed by, their own lack of domain
expertise but they are trying to satisfy the requirements of a
project brief for which they feel ill-prepared. Often students
are told that their project has to have an ‘original research’
element to it.
Sometimes I wonder if our taught units on research
methodology are actually just confusing the students. They
feel the need for their project to have an element of original
research and they go back to . – Paul.
Students may therefore suggest research topics, aware that
they are straying alarmingly into unknown disciplines, but
not knowing how else to satisfy what they perceive to be
the requirements of ‘original research’.
Has the topic been exhausted?
There are a number of perennial chestnuts that seem to just
keep appearing, largely because they are perceived as
being interesting topics. The trouble is these topics are
exhausted. - Aneke
The degree to which the topic proposal has an
adequately and appropriately defined method?
The discussion now describes and summarizes the common
trends within each of these groupings.
The top candidates for the exhausted topics list from the
supervisors includes;
Is this topic relevant to yo ur course of study, in terests
and expertise?
A recurring trend that emerges from the review of projects
seems to be that Game students themselves have a tendency
Do games cause violence?
Are games narratives?
What is a game?
responses to character and believability, or even a study of
social/economic/cultural framework
The history of … (some game genre).
Topics don’t stay hot forever though. At the moment
Facebook games are hot topics but at some point that will
become exhausted. Aneke.
Is the proposal realistic?
Two often opposing criteria in the refinement process are
the need for a proposal to be realistic vs the need for a
proposal to be worthy of the effort. First let’s consider the
ways in which a project should be realistic in terms of the
time and resources available and the skills of the project
A chestnut topic can yield a good study projectbe as long as
there is the opportunity to find something new to say or do
with it.
One advantage of choosing a topic that has already been
well discussed is that the topic is, or at some point in time
has been a hot topic. There will be lots of literature to
review and probably some well established arguments that
can be built upon.
All supervisors recognized a trend, often from the best and
most ambitious students to propose unrealistically
ambitious projects. Projects could be unrealistic in terms of
the time, resources or the sheer complexity of their topic.
Even with good project management, it is still essential to
ask at the proposal stage whether the project is realistic. If
it clearly isn’t then it may be possible to break it down into
some component part that becomes more realistic. Pat
Is the proposal clearly articulated?
A common problem with game proposals is that they are
often expressed in the language of popular culture that
either has a very esoteric (not commonly understood)
meaning or does not actually have any precise meaning. By
their nature games are situated in popular culture and tend
to both absorb the language of popular culture and generate
If the topic is something a bit experimental it can be hard to
judge how realistic it is. In that case the proposal needs
some extra flexibility and fallback positions. Aneke
In any case great care must be taken in the project
management and monitoring of milestones to confirm that
what seemed realistic in the proposal is, in practice.
Some examples of esoteric gaming verbs which appeared in
early drafts of proposals without clarification include: to
frag (kill), to be ganked (to be killed unfairly), to grind
(mindlessly perform repetitive tasks), to pwn (pronounced
and meaning “to own”)[4]. Words evolve within closed
cultures to express meaning that may be unique to the
culture and in doing so serve to define who is, or is not,
within a culture. There is a tendency in game students to
use esoteric terms in a project proposal that unrealistically
assumes prior knowledge. Terms that may not be
commonly known should be given clear, unambiguous
definitions. In many cases terms from popular culture, or
anywhere else, that have no precise meaning should not be
At the other end of the ‘realistic’ spectrum is the proposal
which does not represent a sufficient level of time and
effort for the project. Often a student will propose a topic
which, when it is stripped of its rhetoric is essentially
We had a team propose a study project about how game art
for the Monkey Island games has changed from version 1 to
4. I mean, come on, that’s basically a weekend task, not a
year –long project for six people. Ron
Supervisors identified the all too common problem of ,
projects of insufficient scope that often results in barely ontopic, waffle to pad the topic out so that it looks bigger than
it actually is. Such topics are …
… excruciating for the student, the supervisor and the
examiner. Ron
A student will come with a proposal like “I want to study
what makes a game character cool”- the way they word it
is meaningless. You then have to try to make them see that
they have made a naive assumption that ‘cool’ exists as a
universally agreed and measurable state, which it obviously
isn’t. Kirsty
The task of determining the correct level of realism in a
project at the proposal stage is not a trivial one. The ideal
project is challenging enough to make the project team or
individual work hard for the project completion date, but
not so challenging as to be unachievable.
Supervisors found in many instances that there may be a
good topic somewhere within a poorly articulated proposal
but the topic needs to be much more precisely articulated
before it is useful. In the example above the supervisor
suggested studying game character construction methods,
character representation, behavior and intelligence, player
Is the project worthy of the effort?
As mentioned before the project will ideally satisfy the
formal project requirements for your particular course, give
the student a valuable learning experience, be something
involved whereas scope has more emphasis on the
determining what is and isn’t included in the study. How
does one recognize an appropriate scope? In some cases the
scope can become better defined when it is associated with
the client’s research agenda, which will help to set the study
in a context. A client is not always the solution though, and
some clients will have no clear idea about what they want
or what they want it to do.
you are personally interested in and ultimately produce
some inherently useful outcome.
A surprising number of students propose topics that are
inherently pointless, of no interest to them personally, set
out to prove the obvious or do not yield the right level of
Scoping a project, like determining whether it is realistic or
worthy, involves judgements often based on vague and
subjective processes.
We get students proposing a year-long study to see if people
who play some game genre, actually enjoy playing those
games. I tell them they might as well do a study on people
who like potato chips, and see if they enjoy eating a potato
chip. Paul
As a guide, I tell my students that a project is scoped too
widely when it fails to be a single coherent question, but the
trouble is, what question can’t be further broken down into
more specific parts? - Pat
Since a positive result is expected and there is no evidence
to support a negative hypothesis, such a proposal is setting
the students on a year –long journey to prove the obvious.
In more established branches of science and engineering it
is often the case that a topic’s scope will be defined by the
context within the field of study, but since the game study
field tend to be less matured topic scope often cannot be
defined in this way.
More subtly pointless proposals sometimes involve the
development of game or artefact that might have some
clever feature but is ultimately unplayable.
We had a student propose “to develop a second person
shooter – to prove the concept could be a valid game device
for commercial games”. The student was initially convinced
he had spotted an overlooked possibility for gaming which
would be the next big thing.
If there is no clear and obvious line to define the scope, I
tell my students to think about borderline examples of what
you would consider within or not within the scope of your
proposal. Aneke
A second aspect of scoping a project is a tendency for
students to ‘sell themselves short’ by not recognizing fully
what they are actually doing.
Eventually the student became convinced there were valid
reasons why a second person shooter was never going to be
a commercial success and instead began looking around for
other reasons why he might want to make an unplayable
game. To his credit, he came up with two interesting
possibilities. The first possibility was to treat it as an art
installation making some kind of statement about
disorientation. The second possibility was to promote
awareness of Dissociative Identity Disorders. The would be
used to simulate an experience of the Fugue State – where a
person begins to behave as though they were another person
that they know personally. Both ideas had interesting
potential, but in the end the student decided that despite the
quirkiness of the proposal, the whole idea of spending such
a vast amount of time and effort on developing an
unplayable game was not worthwhile.
We had a student making a series of educational games to
demonstrate nanotechnology processes for one of the
researchers in another department. Her proposal was
initially just to animate the procesess, but when she thought
about it she found she was investigating questions about
visually representing things - molecules. – so there’s no
colour at that size – so any use of colour in her models was
purely a design decision. Also shape, and sound were useful
only as devices to help understand the processes. So I told
her to expand the scope of the proposal to include all of
this. Dave
The scope of a project should give anyone reading the
project proposal a clear idea of what is and what is not
within the scope of a project.
Ultimately deciding on whether your project is worthy of
the effort will be a highly subjective one but it is worth
remembering why you are doing this project and asking
yourself whether it will satisfy the four broad criteria. Will
the project satisfy the formal project requirements for your
particular course; will it give you (the student) a valuable
learning experience; is it something you are personally
interested in; and ultimately will the project produce some
inherently useful outcome.
Does the proposal demon strate an app ropriate l evel of
awareness of relev ant literature , t heory, a nd
Does the proposal have an appropriately defined scope?
To some degree this question is a continuation of the first
question – is the proposal relevant to the student’s skills.
You should have at least some of the theoretical and
technical knowledge before you even propose the topic,
which is not to say you need to know everything.
The problem of scope is similar to the problem of realism,
though realism has more to do with the size of the effort
We had an example of the team were vaguely aware that
there was going to be some maths involved in generating an
better insight into the studies you are reading about if you
understand how their methods. Paul
isometric view, but they did not know what the formulas
were. I told them to do some preliminary investigation and
they found all the trig formulas they needed and wrote them
into their method. It made their proposal sound really wellinformed. -Paul
This paper has reviewed a range of game study projects
and drawn on the experiences of students and supervisors to
identify common problems experienced by game students
making the transition from taught courses to independent
study projects. From this review recurring problems have
been grouped around a number of identifiable themes which
has provided insight into the transition process. These
themes are;
If the project involves a research client then ideally the
theoretical underpinning of their client’s research will all be
well established, and the study can quickly become specific
and focused.
In some courses students have the option to do a project
which is entirely theoretical. The supervisors had a range
of views of purely theoretical study projects at
undergraduate level and some were dubious about the
original contribution such projects could realistically
In a theoretical project the student has to know the existing
literature very well, and it would be a foolish student
indeed who thought this might be an easy way to avoid
having to build something or conduct an experiment. – Ron
How relevant is the topic to the student’s course of
study, interests and expertise?
Has the topic been exhausted?
Is the proposal clearly articulated?
Is the proposal realistic?
Is the project worthy of the effort?
Does t he proposal have an appro priately defin ed
Does the proposal have an appropriately defined
At the most concrete end of the proposal students will
describe how the project is going to be done. A thorough
review of different types of game research and game study
methods students have used is too big a topic for this paper
but there are two reasons to briefly discuss methods at this
Does the proposal demonstrate an appropriate
level of awareness of relevant literature, theory,
and principles?
Does the proposal have an adequately and
appropriately defined method?
First, it is really the next logical step - the research method
must be appropriate to the research question.. After the
student’s project question has been established propose a
method by which to answer the question in a meaningful
way. Sometimes the method will suggest itself, there may
be a clear method built into the way the question is asked.
Often, though this is not the case and the choices of method
may be quite bewildering.
It is hoped that this review and the themes articulated can
provide a checklist and roadmap for helping students and
supervisors to avoid some of the common problems
experienced in choosing game study projects.
Further Studies
Apart from choosing and refining a topic, there are other
problems to do with ongoing management of the study
project – interpreting data and writing and presenting the
thesis are not addressed in this paper. These aspects of
study projects could also be examined by similar methods
(review/interview), to identify recurring themes.
I always encourage students to do some initial
experimentation especially if there’s any development
component. It helps them to be clear about the method
they’ll be using. Kirsty
Students may be able to draw on their previous coursework
and existing skills to adequately define their methods or
they may, even in the proposal stage, have to learn some
completely new skills or software tools.
Secondly, there was a general agreement that a basic
understanding of research methods is useful for students at
the literature review stage. There was a range of views
among the supervisors on the need for formally teaching
research methods to students.
You don’t have to know all about different approaches to
research to do a good project but it can help – it also helps
when you come to do a literature review as you can get
Cryer, P., The Research Student's Guide to Success.
2000, Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Zagal, J. and A. Bruckman. From Gamers to
Scholars: Challenges of Teaching Game Studies. in
Situated Play, Digra 2007. 2007.
Lei, S.A., Factors Changing Attitudes of Graduate
School Students toward an Introductory Research
Methodology Course Education, 2008. 128.
Websource_001. Gaming Terminology. 2007 [cited;
Available from: