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Image segmentation is a prominent task done in computer vision. Image thresholding is one such technique in image segmentation. Thresholding is a method of categorizing image intensities into two classes and on the basis of that yielding an image which is a binary image, and ideally also has all the fine details of region of interest which an image should have for analysis. Image thresholding is widely used as it reduces the computational cost of processing the image and makes processing feasible in real-world applications like medical imaging, object detection, recognition task, character recognition, etc. This paper dwells into the depth of thresholding techniques to know which technique can perform better on all kinds of images so as to extract region of interest. We found out that not every technique is good for all cases, Otsu’s global thresholding is a promising and faster way to segment and generate a binary image, but works well with images having negligible noise and region...
Lahore Garrison University Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2018
Image segmentation (IS) is a procedure by which provided picture can be subdivided into many segments and to observe every segment included in the image. The desired result could be searched by observing them and that information we get is helpful for high standard machine vision software. The difficulties of IS has large problems for computer vision. Many procedures which came under IS are Edge based IS (EBIS), Region based IS (RBIS), Threshold based IS (TBIS). The result of observing image which is relying upon the reliability of IS, but exact division of a picture is most difficult issue. The technique we are using in this article is thresholding based segmentation (TBS). The studied article of IS by reader is beneficial for analyzing the suitable IS techniques and also for improvement of efficiency, performance and major goal, that helps in building latest algorithms.
Abstract— The image segmentation is the basic step in the image processing involved in the processing of medical images. Image segmentation is an essential but critical component in low level vision image analysis and, pattern recognition. It is one of the most difficult and challenging tasks in image processing which determines the quality of the final result of the image analysis[1]. This paper presents an approach to segment the medical images obtained from the mammograms It extracts the texture from the given image. Various image segmentation algorithms are discussed.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 2020
Image segmentation is important part of computer vision and image processing. The applicability and diversity of image segmentation are increase day to day in various engineering and scientific filed for the purpose of data analysis and prediction of particular object in given image [10]. For the processing of image segmentation various technique are used some technique are based on histogram of image and some technique are based on image content such as color, texture and shape & size. In mid-decade used the concept of threshold based image segmentation technique. Threshold based image segmentation technique overcomes the limitation of pervious method of image segmentation. The threshold based image segmentation method performs in terms of local, global and adaptive image segmentation techniques. The process of local and global image segmentation technique differs only in the selection of parameter for the threshold. The selection of threshold value includes the process of image binarization. The local and global image segmentation technique is based on the method of iteration [11]. The process of image iteration cannot be always good for image similarity index for segmented area. In this dissertation the analysis of image segmentation technique is performed based on thresholding technique. For the evaluation of the algorithm performance execution time is used. For the validation of local and global algorithm some standard image dataset is used such as boat, cameraman and Barbara.
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN), 2021
Image segmentation can be defined as a cutting or segmenting process of the digital image into many useful points which are called segmentation, that includes image elements contribute with certain attributes different form Pixel that constitute other parts. Two phases were followed in image processing by the researcher in this paper. At the beginning, pre-processing image on images was made before the segmentation process through statistical confidence intervals that can be used for estimate of unknown remarks suggested by Acho & Buenestado in 2018. Then, the second phase includes image segmentation process by using "Bernsen's Thresholding Technique" in the first phase. The researcher drew a conclusion that in case of utilizing the statistical confidence intervals beside Bernsen's Thresholding technique it can give better results in image segmentation. This method is characterized with different performance if it is compared with the regular Bernsen's thresholding technique during the direct image segmentation in both cases,namely , in case of natural image status or adding speckle noise perturbation.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2015
Image processing is largely used for gathering more knowledge / understanding either by human or by machines like computer. Segmentation, Thresholding and Edge detection are an important technique in Computer vision and Image processing. In digital images feature detection or extraction can be done for finding the irregularities in the image maybe in the rightness etc. This paper is a small review on Otsu"s method. This is proposed for improving the efficiency of computation for the optimal thresholds of an image. This paper gives thresholding technique and Otsu"s method of thresholding, also expresses its algorithm and working. This method gives satisfactory results when the numbers of pixels in each class are close to each other. It is the most referenced thresholding methods, as it directly operates on the gray level histogram, so it"s fast and computes an optimized threshold value. It automatically performs clustering-based image thresholding as its one of many binarization algorithms.
Segmentation of brain tumor manually consumes more time and it is a challenging task. This paper detects the tumor inside the brain by doing segmentation and extraction of the tumor which is been detected. To prove the efficiency of the detection of brain tumor we have performed a comparative study of two segmentation algorithms namely “watershed segmentation algorithm” and “k-means clustering segmentation algorithm”. After the segmentation process the various morphological operations are applied on the segmented image. The morphological operations are applied to concentrate only on the required tumor part and ignoring the remaining area in the brain. The various thresholding algorithms like “Otsu’s thresholding” and “brute force thresholding” is applied to improve the efficiency of the final output image. Comparative study is made between the segmentation algorithms and the thresholding algorithms used. The further step of this project is to present an analytical method to detect t...
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012
Thresholding and edge detection being one of the important aspects of image segmentation comes prior to feature extraction and image recognition system for analyzing images. It helps in extracting the basic shape of an image, overlooking the minute unnecessary details. In this paper using image segmentation (thresholding and edge detection) techniques different geo satellite images, medical images and architectural images are analyzed. To quantify the consistency of our results error measure is used.
Proceedings - International Conference on Signal Image Technologies and Internet Based Systems, SITIS 2007, 2007
Image segmentation is a key technology in image processing, and threshold segmentation is one of the methods used frequently. Aimed at that only one threshold or several thresholds are set in traditional threshold-based segmentation algorithm, it is difficult to extract the complex information in an image, a new segmentation algorithm that each pixel in the image has its own threshold is proposed. In this algorithm, the threshold of a pixel in an image is estimated by calculating the mean of the grayscale values of its neighbor pixels, and the square variance of the grayscale values of the neighbor pixels are also calculated as an additional judge condition, so that the result of the proposed algorithm is the edge of the image. In fact the proposed algorithm is equal to an edge detector in image processing. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm could produce precise image edge, while it is reasonable to estimate the threshold of a pixel through the statistical information of its neighbor pixels.
In biomedical image processing, segmentation is required for separating suspicious organ from the medical radiography. In segmentation techniques, thresholding is widely used because of its intuitive properties, simplicity of implementation and computational speed. Thresholding divided intensity of the image into two sub groups 0 or 255 for 8 bit image. Biomedical images contain complex anatomy which makes the segmentation task difficult. Various algorithms have been proposed to threshold the image. These algorithms take into consideration one or two properties of image for computing threshold. This paper contains performance comparison of various thresholding algorithms by applying on the chest radiograph (X-ray Image).
The recent applications of Digital Image Processing are used in medicine, photography, remote sensing film, video production, and security monitoring [1]. Many modern technologies are emerged in the fields of Image Processing, especially in Image Segmentation domain. Generally, Segmentation is the process of segmenting or partitioning a digital image into multiple segments or partitions .These segmented partitions are analyzed and processed to get some meaning images, then cluster those image pixels into prominent image regions, i.e., regions corresponding to individual objects, surfaces or grouped parts of objects. Image segmentation algorithms are based mainly on two properties (i.e.) either discontinuity principle or similarity principle. The idea behind the discontinuity principle is to extract regions that differ in properties such as intensity, color, texture, or any other image statistics and the similarity principle is to group pixels based on common properties in Image Segmentation [2].Image Segmentation widely used in Face Recognition, Medical Field, Astromical and many other fields. Bali discussed about principle segmentation techniques, implementation, and applications based on human and machine perceptions [3].
Segmentation Algorithms have been developed to segment the images and it can be classified into following Segmentation by Clustering Segmentation by Edge Detection Segmentation by Fuzzy Logic Segmentation by Neural Network Segmentation by Region Based Segmentation by Thresholding
Segmentation by Clustering
Clustering is the task of dividing the population (data points) into a number of groups, such that data points in the same groups are more similar to other data points in that same group than those in other groups. These groups are known as clusters. The most commonly used clustering algorithm is k-means. The loss of information image is often due to generation of boundary in expression of images during segmentation. The clustering method is applied to classification research of many studies [4].K-means algorithm for Image Segmentation helps to improve high performance and efficiency. This method works based on flow as shown in Figure 1. In addition, selection is based on number of clusters determined using datasets from images by using frame size and the absolute value between the means of clusters. The experimental result provides better output and increases the speed of the execution process. K-means used to estimate the number of cluster that dependent on the values of pixels. The number of iteration of process affects its computational cost routine for reaching convergence. The computational time as well as segmentation quality aspects helps to improve accuracy and implementation time by using K-means Clustering [5].
Figure 1
The General Structure of K-means Clustering Based Image Segmentation
Segmentation by Edge Detection
In Edge Detection, Segmentation is done from end to end by identifying the boundaries; edges are detected to identify the discontinuities in the image. In Edge based Detection, detected edges need not to be closed. By detecting edges or pixels during segmentation helps us to extract or associate to form a closed object boundaries [7]. The process of identifying and locating sharp with fine discontinuities is called Edge Detection and this technique helps to get the desired output [8].Performance of various edge detection techniques is carried out with traditional ones as shown in Figure 2. An improved Canny Algorithm is performed and tested by comparing with various Edge Detection Algorithms and concluded that Canny is good one. Canny method helps to separate noise from image before finding edges in image. [9].Edge Detection techniques help to retain change from grey tones in image. means strategies can improve remote sensing image using Threshold Segmentation with fewer iterations time, good stability and robustness [11]. This method mainly depends on the mean of each bunch and gathering similar information characteristics into one group. Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) is one of the reasonable clustering techniques in Medical Image Segmentation mainly for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Fuzzy C-mean Algorithm gives the better results in image segmentation [12].The general structure of Fuzzy logic algorithm is shown in Figure 3. The Deep Convolution Neural Network helps to learn the hierarchy features (low to mid to high level). Deeper means better feature extraction and need to regularize the model well and finely tuned to network that can reduce the domain mismatch [14].
Figure 2
The General Structure of Edge Based Image Segmentation
Figure 3
The General Structure of Fuzzy Based Image Segmentation
Segmentation by Region Based
Region Based Segmentation is also called as Similarity Based Segmentation. As shown in Figure 5 an RGB image which is given as input is converted into gray image to perform segmentation by using Morphological Operations.
Figure 5
The General Structure of Region Based Image Segmentation
One of the important Morphological technique is Watershed
Algorithm. Based on this algorithm, image is viewed in topographic surface and its gray levels of a pixel are interpreted by its altitude. Suppose a water source is placed in each Regional Minimum (also called `Catchment Basins') and the entire topography structure is flooded below in surface. When water from two sources (regional minima) are about to meet, a dam is constructed to prevent the merging .The flooding and dam construction process continues until only the dams are visible from above. These dams (Watershed lines or 'Watersheds') effectively segment the image into regions. Many morphological techniques are available for the segmentation of images. But the problem related to that segmentation is condensed or defeated by the better selection of Marker Controlled Algorithm. Marker can be applied directly on gradient image to control over segmentation [15]. Different Segmentation techniques are reviewed and found that instead of segmenting regions, marking is very easy [16]. Watershed Algorithm is a powerful and efficient in case of overlapping or adjacent rocks formation. By combining with the process of mark selection using Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Processor, Segmentation can be done effectively [17].
Segmentation by Thresholding
The process of Image Segmentation provides the partition of image into different segment according to their feature attribute. Thresholding is the simplest method of Image Segmentation. The local thresholding technique used Region Based Segmentation process and used multiple thresholds for the process of segmentation. The pixel values falling below or above that threshold can be classified accordingly (as an object or the background) [18].This technique is known as Threshold Segmentation. Various algorithms like Otsu's, Eridas and Quadratic Integral Ratio (QIR) are used to do segmentation as shown in Figure 6. One of the Statiscal Algorithm is Otsu's for finding histogram of gray image with Statiscal distribution gives good result [19].The image threshold based on gray level has been calculated and pixels are calibrated to obtain best segmentated image [20]. IJSTR©2019
Figure 6
The General Structure of Thresholding Based Image Segmentation
Comparison of Image Segmentation is made and its advantages along with limitations are discussed and tabulated.
The image segmentation results using Marker-Controlled are shown in Figure 7. Figure 7(a), 7(b), 7(c) shows original, Gradient, Watershed Transformed Gradient respectively. Then it is found that over segmentation arises which can be reduced with implementation of Marker-Controlled Watershed Segmentation as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 7
(a) Read the Image Figure 7: (b) Gradient Magnitude Image ( c) Watershed Transformed Gradient Magnitudes Image ISSN 2277-8616 2210 IJSTR©2019
Figure 8
(g) Modified Regional Maxima Figure 8 :( h) Threshold Opening -closing Superimposed on Original Image by Reconstruction ( i) Watershed Ridge lines Figure 8 :( j) Markers and object Boundaries Superimposed on Original Image ( k) Colored Watershed Label Matrix Figure 8 :( l) Colored Labels Superimposed Transparently on Original Image 4. CONLUSION Several important techniques for Image Segmentation are reviewed and summarized. Algorithms like K-means, Canny Edge Detection, Fuzzy C-means, Neural Network, Morphological Watershed, Otsu's Thresholding techniques are discussed and compared. Some of the recent works on Image Segmentation are analyzed. With the subsequent observation of these techniques individually, it is concluded that,
Watershed Segmentation using the Distance Transforms
The existing edge detecting operators such as Prewitt, Robert, Canny and LoG helps to segment image by using Distance Transform in Morphological Watershed Segmentation. The traditional Watershed Segmentation using Distance Transform are applied to detect edges which are more apparent, pinpointed and sharp with abundant edge information. Moreover, Canny Edge operator filers the noise more effectively than Sobel, LoG and other traditional operators in Watershed Segmentation using Distance Transform. It is found that Canny Edge operator is more efficient for edge detection with watershed segmentation using distance transform method [21].The steps to be followed includes
Step 1: Read the Image Step 2: Convert it to Binary
Step 3: Find complement of Binary image and apply distance transform.
Watershed Segmentation using Gradients
The preprocessing of a gray-scale image before using the Watershed transformation for segmentation can be done with the help of gradient magnitude. Dilation and erosion can be used in combination with image subtraction to obtain the Morphological Gradient image with the smoothened image. The regions in an image are thickened and shrunk by dilation and erosion. Watershed Segmentation based on Morphological Gradient are introduced in Watershed Segmentation through opening and closing by reconstruction. Then reconstruction operators are in use to restructure gradient image in which a set of gradient pixels with high value are conserved and few gradient pixels with low value are detached. Thus improved algorithm using Gradients is applied to reconstruct image which eliminates over-segmentation but not completely. Although it holds the position of region contours clearly [22]. The steps to be followed includes
Watershed Segmentation using Marker-Controlled
From the above discussion it is found that Watershed Segmentation applied directly on Gradient magnitude images, it shows the problem of over segmentation. In Marker-Controlled Watershed Segmentation, the Image to be segmentated is converted in to Grayscale. Then reconstruction of image is made by opening and closing by reconstruction with selection of markers based on foreground and background objects, to found the definite boundaries. The accuracy of the Marker-based Watershed Segmentation is high compared to Sobel, Roberts, LoG, Canny, Active contour Morphological-based Segmentation, Otsu's thresholding segmentation methods [23].It is reliable, efficient, robust, and also provides result with reduced noise .It also works fine with composite images. The steps to be followed includes Marker-Controlled Morphological Watershed Segmentation is superior. Over segmentation is major drawback in segmentation, Marker-Controlled Watershed Segmentation helps to solve and bring out segmentation with reduced over segmentation. It brings desired output when applied using distance measure and gradient magnitude operations. Since there is no unanimously accepted technique for Image Segmentation process, a good recommendation is that Marker-Controlled Watershed Segmentation Algorithm is best suitable for segmentation to attain better implementation in Medical Image Processing.
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