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Profesyonel bir yardım ile motivasyon mektubu, İngilizce motivation letter, niyet mektubu (letter of intent) veya ön yazı (cover letter) yazdırmak ya da bu konuda danışmanlık almak isterseniz sitemizde bulunan mesaj butonundan, iletişim bölümünden ya da [email protected] adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
Router>enable : permet de passer en mode d'exécution privilégié. Router#config t : Passez en mode de configuration globale. Router(config)#hostname R1 : Appliquez un nom d'hôte unique au routeur. Router(config)#enable secret fafamdp : Configurez un mot de passe à utiliser pour passer en mode d'exécution privilégié, ici fafamdp. Configuration les lignes de console et telnet pour se connecter au routeur : R1(config)#line console 0 R1(config-line)#password cisco R1(config-line)#login R1(config-line)#exit R1(config)#line vty 0 4 R1(config-line)#password cisco R1(config-line)#login R1(config-line)#exit Configuration d'une bannière de connexion : R1(config)#banner motd #
Review of Artistic Education, 2024
This study started from the idea that knowledge of visual elements and aesthetics of textile arts, understanding contemporary textile techniques, is a form of reflective learning in which the practice (for example: physical actions in the fabric of the technique, touching and feeling the materials) can lead to the deepening of the creative process, contributing to the creation of an aesthetic that is not only visual, but also deeply material and even technical. This way of integrating the knowledge and values of art into fashion design in an experimental and reflexive manner can be a creative factor, therefore the analysis focused both on the idea of how fashion can be transformed through different ways of making textiles and on understanding the importance of knowing them.
Explores the entities within Twin Peaks as they relate to figures in occultism. Symbols portrayed within the series are additionally analyzed.
À l’origine des ruines, les causes sont des plus variées. De tous temps, les guerres ont été les grandes pourvoyeuses, soit pour des raisons stratégiques, soit dans le dessein de frapper l’ennemi de stupeur. Aux xve et xvie siècles, les spectaculaires perfectionnements de l’artillerie rendent les châteaux médiévaux particulièrement vulnérables. La plupart de ces derniers avaient conservé leurs enceintes à hautes tours. L’adoption du boulet de fonte dans les années 1480 multiple les ruines et conduit à un nouveau type de fortification enterrée qui ne ressemble guère à un château : les bastions remplacent les tours rondes et suppriment les angles morts. On détruit également les châteaux simplement pour terroriser. La dévastation du Palatinat décidée par Louvois et Louis XIV durant la guerre de la Ligue d’Augsbourg en offre un triste exemple. Le château d’Heidelberg est bombardé par deux fois, en 1689 et en 1693, par les forces du général Mélac. (Ph. Loupès)
El asma es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica que se caracteriza por obstrucción reversible de las vías aéreas. Se manifiesta por crisis de disnea de diversa intensidad reversible y recidivante AGENTE CAUSAL El asma tiene diferentes agentes causales y se clasifican en 2; intrínsecos (asma no alérgico) y extrínsecos (asma alérgico) Extrínsecos (asma alérgica): hipersensibilidad inmediata (ácaros del polvo doméstico, pólenes, pelo de animales) Intrínsecos (asma no alérgico): infección virus (virus sincitial respiratorio (VSR) y el virus parainfluenza, rinovirus). Bacterias (Haemophilus influenzae (34 %) y Clamidia (28 %), Hongos (Aspergillus fumigatu), emocional, ejercicio, cambios climáticos, analgésicos no esteroideos. La respiración Cada varios segundos, cuando inhalamos, el aire llena gran parte de los millones de alvéolos. En un proceso denominado difusión, el oxígeno se desplaza de los alvéolos a la sangre a través de los capilares (pequeños vasos sanguíneos) que recubren las paredes alveolares. Una vez en la sangre, una molécula de los glóbulos rojos denominada hemoglobina recoge el oxígeno. Esta sangre rica en 1
Revista Direito e Sexualidade
O presente artigo tem por objetivo geral analisar o enquadramento de políticas sociais em favor da comunidade LGBTQIAPN+ em empresas brasileiras e o valor agregado por tal comportamento, e tem por objetivos específicos discutir a realidade dos indivíduos da comunidade LGBTQIAPN+ em relação às empresas, debater a adequação de padrões e políticas no modelo ESG e discutir a importância das empresas de se tornarem aliadas de causas sociais. A abordagem do presente estudo foi qualitativa descritiva, por análise documental e revisão bibliográfica, onde se concluiu que a comunidade LGBTQIAPN+ ainda sofre com ações discriminatórias nas empresas, e, os métodos ESG podem ser um caminho que estabeleça uma solução e uma prosperidade positiva a longo prazo para o grupo social em questão, bem como o desenvolvimento do valor das empresas que adotam tais condutas.
Randwick International of Social Science (RISS) Journal, 2020
ABSTRACT The study assessed China- Nigeria trade relations covering a period of 29 years from 1990 to 2018. The study adopted the ex-post facto research design and obtained data for export and import transactions from the Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin. The study used T-test, charts, and tables to address the engagement of China-Nigeria trade relations. The study used Microsoft excel software package and statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20 to analysis the data. The study found that Nigeria has not gained from trade relations with China from 1990 to 2018 and it is only China that benefited from trade relations with Nigeria from 1990 to 2018. The study recommended that the Nigerian Government should re-strategise its industrial sector to enable the country to manufacture industrial goods and manufactured consumable goods as well as medical equipment to export to China. They should try to discover what type of industrial goods that China does not well produce and should re-strategise to produce it with low labour and low capital. The Chinese Government should continue to import goods to Nigeria since they are the ones benefiting from trade relations in Nigeria from 1990 to 2018. They should also encourage the Nigerian government to produce and manufacture industrial goods so that they can face a little competitive with Nigeria in the future for improvement of their products. KEYWORDS Trade relations; import and export
Conference proceedings: "Au coeur de l'Europe. Aspects de la vie musicale à la cour des derniers ducs de Lorraine." Musée Lorrain (Nancy), 14 October 2016. (Proof)
International journal of artificial intelligence in education, 2024
BRIQ 2024 Sonbahar, 2024
@tic revista d'innovació educativa, 2018
Cibo e Società. Una relazione da esplorare, a cura di M. De Castris, 2018
Scientometrics, 2014
Australian Journal of Crop Science
Medicine - Programa de Formaci?n M?dica Continuada Acreditado, 2006
Les Cahiers de droit, 2003
Dermatology and Cosmetic, 2014
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics, 1997
Middle East Journal of Business, 2018