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The quick development and deployment of sensor technology within the general frame of the Internet of Things poses relevant opportunity and challenges. The sensor is not a pure data source, but an entity (Semantic Sensor Web) with associated metadata and it is a building block of a "worldwide distributed" real time database, to be processed through real-time queries. Important challenges are to achieve interoperability in connectivity and processing capabilities (queries) and to apply "intelligence" and processing capabilities as close as possible to the source of data. This paper presents the extension of a general architecture for data integration in which we add capabilities for processing of complex queries and discuss how they can be adapted to, and used by, an application in the Semantic Sensor Web, presenting a pilot study in environment and health domains. 1 LENVIS -Localised environmental and health information services for all.
Data Management in the Semantic Web, 2011
The increasing availability of small-size sensor devices during the last few years and the large amount of data that they generate has led to the necessity for more efficient methods regarding data management. In this chapter, we review the techniques that are being used for data gathering and information management in sensor networks and the advantages that are provided through the proliferation of Semantic Web technologies. We present the current trends in the field of data management in sensor networks and propose a three-layer flexible architecture which intends to help developers as well as end users to take advantage of the full potential that modern sensor networks can offer. This architecture deals with issues regarding data aggregation, data enrichment and finally, data management and querying using Semantic Web technologies. Semantics are used in order to extract meaningful information from the sensor's raw data and thus facilitate smart applications development over large-scale sensor networks. * Corresponding author: E-mail address: [email protected], Phone: +302107722425 A. Zafeiropoulos, D.E. Spanos, S. Arkoulis et al. 98
The increasing availability of small-size sensor devices during the last few years and the large amount of data that they generate has led to the necessity for more efficient methods regarding data management. In this chapter, we review the techniques that are being used for data gathering and information management in sensor networks and the advantages that are provided through the proliferation of Semantic Web technologies. We present the current trends in the field of data management in sensor networks and propose a three-layer flexible architecture which intends to help developers as well as end users to take advantage of the full potential that modern sensor networks can offer. This architecture deals with issues regarding data aggregation, data enrichment and finally, data management and querying using Semantic Web technologies. Semantics are used in order to extract meaningful information from the sensor’s raw data and thus facilitate smart applications development over large...
Computer Communications, 2005
The number of sensors deployed for a myriad of applications is expected to increase dramatically in the coming few years. This is spurred by advances in wireless communications and the growing interest in wireless sensor networks. This growth will not only simplify the access to information sources but also will motivate the creation of numerous new ones. Paradoxically, this growth will make the task of getting meaningful information obtained from disparate sensor nodes not a trivial one. On the one hand, traffic overheads and the increased probabilities of hardware failures make it very difficult to maintain an always-on, ubiquitous service. On the other hand, the heterogeneity of the sensor nodes makes finding, extracting, and aggregating data at the processing elements and sink nodes much harder. These two issues (in addition to distribution, dynamicity, accuracy, and reliability issues) impose the need for a more efficient and reliable techniques for information integration of data collected from sensor nodes. In this paper, we first address the issues related to data integration in wireless sensor networks with respect to heterogeneity, dynamicity, and distribution at both the technology and application levels. Second, we present and discuss a query processing algorithm which make use of the semantic knowledge about sensor networks expressed in the form of integrity constraints to reduce network traffic overheads, improve scalability and extensibility of wireless networks and increase the stability and reliability of networks against hardware and software failures. Third, we discuss a scenario of what we believe a uniform interface to data collected from sensor nodes that will map sensor specific data to the global information source based on a context exported by the data integration system
The Second International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, 2008. UBICOMM '08., 2008
In this paper, we present a three-layer flexible architecture which intends to help developers and end users to take advantage of the full potential that modern sensor networks can offer. The proposed architecture deals with issues regarding data aggregation, data enrichment and finally, data management and querying using semantic Web techniques. Semantics are used in order to extract meaningful information from the sensorpsilas raw data and thus facilitate smart applications development over large-scale sensor networks. We describe an open, standards-based, modular architecture which is based on the current standardization efforts of the open geospatial consortium (OGC) and extends them to support semantic Web techniques comprising a core of reusable components and interfaces for supporting different types of services, through Web technologies.
American Mineralogist, 2008
The structural environment of substitutional Cr 3+ ion in a natural pyrope Mg 3 Al 2 Si 3 O 12 has been investigated by Cr K-edge Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) and X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) coupled with first-principles computations.
APA / Chicago / MLA for the Modern Student: A Practical Guide for Citing Internet and Book Resources by H.P. Young, Minute Help Guides
APA / Chicago / MLA for the Modern Student: A Practical Guide for Citing Internet and Book Resources by H.P. Young, Minute Help Guides
2010 10th Annual International Conference on New Technologies of Distributed Systems (NOTERE), 2010
The lack of infrastructure and dynamic nature of mobile ad hoc networks demand newn etworking strategies to be implemented in order to provide efficient end-to-end communication. Some researches proposed to organize the network into groups called clusters and use different routing protocols for inter and intra cluster to propagate an information. But with these solutions, the network needs first to be organized into clusters and next, we need to construct each routing table. Other researchers proposed to build aspanning tree on the network to forward informations on atree but manysolutions need to knowthe global network topology.I nthis paper,wepropose aself-stabilizing algorithm both to construct cluster and simultaneously build aspanning tree on the network. Without anyg lobal knowledge, we use only one type of periodically exchanged messages of size Log(5n +3)bits, and we construct clusters and the spanning tree on the network with aconvergence time of at most D +6 rounds.
Mathematical Programming, 1981
We describe an algorithm for the asymmetric traveling salesman problem (TSP) using a new, restricted Lagrangean relaxation based on the assignment problem (AP). The Lagrange multipliers are constrained so as to guarantee the continued optimality of the initial AP solution, thus eliminating the need for repeatedly solving AP in the process of computing multipliers. We give several polynomially bounded procedures for generating valid inequalities and taking them into the Lagrangean function with a positive multiplier without violating the constraints, so as to strengthen the current lower bound. Upper bounds are generated by a fast heuristic whenever possible. When the bound-strengthening techniques are exhausted without matching the upper with the lower bound, we branch by using two different rules, according to the situation: the usual subtour breaking disjunction, and a new disjunction based on conditional bounds. We discuss computational experience on 120 randomly generated asymmetric TSP's with up to 325 cities, the maximum time used for any single problem being 82 seconds. Though the algorithm discussed here is for the asymmetric TSP, the approach can be extended to the symmetric TSP by using the 2-matching problem instead of AP. the equations Z x -1, itS., and (7a) can be obtained from (7b) by the reverse operation. Nevertheless, the presence of inequalities associated with the same set S in both subsets (7a) and (7b) need not be avoided, since it may enrich the set of dual vectors (u,v,w) satisfying (8) and w > 0. -7-Finally, for any k«N, S t c N\{k} and S t » N\S t , the arc sets K = (S t ,S t \Ck}) and Kj -(S t \{k},S t ) are (directed) cutsets in the subgraph <N\(k}) o f G induced by N\[k }. Proposition 3. The inequalities (7C) are satisfied by every tour.
Vocabulary is knowledge of words and word meanings. However, vocabulary is more complex than this definition suggests. First, words come in two forms: oral and print. Oral vocabulary includes those words that we recognize and use in listening and speaking. Print vocabulary includes those words that we recognize and use in reading and writing. Second, word knowledge also comes in two forms, receptive and productive. Receptive vocabulary includes words that we recognize when we hear or see them. Productive vocabulary includes words that we use when we speak or write. Receptive vocabulary is typically larger than productive vocabulary, The study aims at investigating the following questions: 1. Which is more effective in learning a new Language,the use of picture or contextualization in teaching vocabulary items or teaching by using definition? 2. Is teaching through pictures easier than using definition to learn vocabulary? After dividing the sample into two groups, control and study groups, the statistic re4sults are to be confirmed and the meant targets are to be obtained ان معرفة الكلمة وما تعنيه ليس بالعمل السهل أولا لان الكلمات تأتي بشكلين شفوي والمكتوب. المعنى المكتوب يتضمن تلك الكلمات التي ندركها ونستعملها في الاستماع والكلام. المعاني المكتوبة تتضمن تلك الكلمات التي ندركها ونستعملها في القراءة والكتابة. ثانيا معرفة الكلمات تأتي بشكلين استدراكي وإنتاجي بالنسبة للاستدراكية تتضمن كلمات ندركها عندما نسمع أو نرى الأشياء. بينما الإنتاجية تتضمن تلك الكلمات التي نستعملها عندما نتكلم او نكتب .المعنى الاستدراكي هو اكبر من الإنتاجي ويعتبر المعنى من العناصر الرئيسة في الاختبارات القياسية ويجب إن يعطى الاهتمام المطلوب لتدريس هذه الفعالية المهمة باللغة. اهداف الدراسة تتلخص: 1( هل استعمال الطريقة التقليدية المتمثلة بالكلمة ومعناها أكثر فاعلية للطلبة؟ 2( هل التدريس باستخدام الصور لتوضيح المعنى أسهل من طريقة الكلمة ومعناها؟ وبعد تقسيم العينة إلى مجموعتين تجريبية وضابطة واستعمال أنوفا لمكافئة المجموعتين تم احتساب النتائج إحصائيا وتم التوصل إلى النتائج التي تثبت الاهداف المذكورة بالدراسة. Ass. Prof. Dr. Bushra S. M. Al-Noori Baghdad University College of Education for Humain Sciences (Ibn Rushd) Dr. Nadia Fadhil Al-Taie Baghdad University College of Islamic Sciences
Szeged Attila J6zsef University 1994 This publication was sponsored by TEMPUS JEP 2606, "SUGOJA" © JATE, editors and authors, 1994 2 J. Sziics, "Die Nation in historischer Sicht und der nationale Aspekt der Geschichte", in Cicero: "populus autem nOD omnis hominum eoetus quoquo modo eongregatus, sed coetus multitudinis iuris consensu et utilitatis cornmunione sociatus" (De Re Publ. I, 25). Quoted by SIDes op. cit., 186. 10 Populus a deo imperatori [regi, duci, corniti ete] subiectus.
Background and Motivation
The rapid development and deployment of sensor technology involves many different types of sensors, both remote and in situ, with such diverse capabilities as range, modality, and manoeuvrability. It is possible today to utilize networks with multiple sensors to detect and identify objects of interest up close or from a great distance. Connected Objects -or the Internet of Things -is expected to be a significant new market and encompass a large variety of technologies and services in different domains. Transport, environmental management, health, agriculture, domestic appliances, building automation, energy efficiency will benefit of real-time reality mining, personal decision support capabilities provided by the growing information shadow (i.e. data traces) of people, goods and objects supplied by the huge data available from the emerging sensor Web [1].
Vertical applications can be developed to connect to and communicate with objects tailored for specific sub domains, service enablement to face fragmented connectivity, device standards, application information protocols etc. and device management. Building extending connectivity, connectivity tailored for object communicationwith regards to business model, service level, billing etc, are possible exploitation areas of the Internet Connected Objects. Important challenges are to achieve interoperability in connectivity and processing capabilities (queries, etc.), to distribute "intelligence" and processing capabilities as close as possible to the source of data (the sensor or mobile device), in order to avoid massive data flows and bottlenecks on the connectivity side.
The sensor is not a pure data source, but an entity (Semantic Sensor Web) with associated domain metadata, capable of autonomous processing and it is a building block of a "worldwide distributed" real time database, to be processed through realtime queries.
The vision of the Semantic Sensor Web promises to unify the real and the virtual world by integrating sensor technologies and Semantic Web technologies. Sensors and their data will be formally described and annotated in order to facilitate the common integration, discovery and querying of information. Since this semantic information ultimately needs to be communicated by the sensors themselves, one may wonder whether existing techniques for processing, querying and modeling sensor data are still applicable under this increased load of transmitted data.
In the following of this paper we introduce the state of the art in data querying over network of data providers. In Sect. 2 we present the software architecture of a data integration system in which we added complex query processing features. Sect. 3 introduces the case study in which we deployed our system: the study of short term effect of air pollution on health. Sect. 4 presents the detailed implementation of the querying features together with results on real data sets. Finally, Sect 5 presents the conclusions and future work.
State of the Art
This paper stems from the work presented in [12], in which is presented a software system aimed at forecasting the demand of patient admissions on health care structures due to environmental pollution. The target users of this decision sup-port tool are health care managers and public administrators, which need help in resource allocation and policies implementation. The key feature of that system was the algorithmic kernel, to perform time series analysis through Autoregressive Hidden Markov Models (AHMM) [7]. The scenario in which the system has been deployed is the research project LENVIS 1 , which is aimed to create a network of services for data and information sharing based on heterogeneous and distributed data sources and modeling. One of the innovations brought by LENVIS is the "service oriented business intelligence", i.e. an approach to Business Intelligence in which the information presented to the user comes from data processing that is performed online, i.e. data are extracted under request of the applications, and on the basis of data availability, i.e. data are exchanged through web services, which does not guarantee response time neither availability.
Such a complex environment, in which data sources are distributed over the internet, is common to several problems and has been faced by different approaches. One of them is that of [13], in which "monitoring queries" continuously collect data about spatially-related physical phenomena. An algorithm, called Adaptive Pocket Driven Trajectories, is used to select data collection paths based on the spatial layout of sensors nodes. This is not the case of our project, in which the geo-graphical location of the data providers is unknown; however, this approach can be extended in order to consider not only the geographical organization of sensors, but also any contextualization of thematic information in different spaces -be they conceptual or physical (e.g. considering as generalized concept of space any type of organization deriving from cooperation of data sources in an environmental monitoring network). The concept of modelling generalized spaces, locations and mapping between locations belonging to different spaces is introduced in [2]; this model has been implemented in a prototype system for space-aware communication [3] [4].
A different approach for continuous queries [11] is based on C-SPARQL, an extension of SPARQL, the standard language for querying Re-source Description Framework (RDF) graphs. RDF graphs are data models, which in this case encode metadata using the Semantic Sensor Web ontology ( C-SPARQL adds to SPARQL the possibility to perform continuous queries over data streams and supports simple forms of reasoning in terms of incremental view maintenance. The main drawback of RDF is the performance: the representation of data model based on XML requires executing inference and exploration of graphs; in case of several queries executed in very short time, this overhead can greatly increase the response time. The same problem in performance can affect systems based on ontology reasoning; an example is SEMbySEM [5], an European research project with the objective of creating a framework for the management of semantics in sensor networks. Sensor data are mapped in OWL ontologies and a rule based engine is applied for reasoning.
The explicit management of sensors semantics is addressed also in [8], which presents a framework for query processing. Distributed end users can request streams of interest with efficient energy management, based on the principle of pushing the query down to the network nodes as much as possible, to maximize lifetime and utility of the sensor network. Also in this case, the modelling of semantics is performed through ontology. The object oriented meta-model that is at the basis of our architecture allows explicit management of data types, taking benefits of the time and resource efficiency of Java objects manipulation (see Sect. 2).
LarKC [10] is an ongoing European research project with the objective of mixing logic reasoning with information retrieval. The attempt to fuse data retrieval and elaboration in sensor networks is not new; in [6], for instance, is presented FA, a system where users and applications can pose declarative forecasting queries and continuous queries to get forecasts in real-time along with accuracy estimates. A feature that is missing in this system is the automatic discovery of the data sources, which instead is addressed by systems based on ontologies, RDF and our meta-model: in FA the user must state explicitly from which source the data should be extracted; this is not always possible and easy in dynamically changing environment, like our application case (Sect 3), in which sensors and services may not be always available. Furthermore, the Analysis Layer of our architecture introduces at query execution level the possibility to obtain data from analysis and forecast models; the platform autono-mously manages these models, without the need that the user explicitly deals with them.
System Architecture
The work presented in this paper is based on the architecture for data integration already developed for querying environmental and health data [12]. Data providers in the scenario in which our software is deployed are distributed over the web: in order to meet the requirements of data accessibility and increase the availability of information we extended the basic components of the software architecture by implementing in the Analysis Layer a set of complex queries for time series analysis. As described in Sect. 4, we applied these queries to extract indicators of critical situations in environmental monitoring.
The system architecture which we are developing has been designed to be used as basic infrastructure by other applications, like for instance Business Intelligence tools, to retrieve heterogeneous data of different nature and data series, like sensor measurements (e.g. environmental samples of different quantities), non-sequential (more "DB-like") data; e.g. people lists, clinical records, etc. The idea is to access uniformly heterogeneous data sources (the containers of such data), integrating them logically without modifying their content or structure.
The data types that are manipulated correspond to domain entities, which are specific for each application. An example of data is "PM10", which represent a sensor measurement of concentration of particulate matter; each type has a set of properties (i.e. attributes); for instance PM10 has a date and a concentration value. This is strongly different for a simple representation of sensor measurements as numeric values: it is not possible, for instance, to execute mathematical operation on values of types that are not compatible following the application specific model defined by the programmer. The requests of data items are performed by queries with SQL-like expressivity. Specific wrappers for each type of data source (e.g. DB, text file, software interface, ...) are configured to access the data.
The system architecture is implemented in Java SE 6; it is deployed on a centralized server, connected over the Internet to data providers, and it composed by four layers: 1) Data; 2) Integration; 3) Analysis and 4) Application layers (Fig. 1).
Figure 1
By Data Layer we identify the set of supported data sources: relational databases and structured text files, which store mostly static data, and web services, through which flow the data from sensors and services connected through the web.
The Integration Layer is kernel of our system; it provides the facilities to process queries extract the data and compose them to produce outputs. A key feature is the meta-model, which allows referring explicitly to the types of data in selection criteria and configuration of wrappers. Our meta-model is an object-oriented representation of domain entities, which is implemented in the DAC (Data Access Component). The querying mechanism defined by the DAC is an object oriented representation of query types and their elements, including constraints, expressions and operators. The main components of the DAC are: Query Processor, Data Aggregator and Wrapper. The Query Processor analyzes queries formulated by the user and processes them to pro-duce the results. The Data aggregator merges the output of the different wrappers involved in the query evaluation, joining types when required. A Wrapper is a general component that links the Query Processor with a data source (DB, web service, text file…).
Fig. 1: System architecture
In the Analysis Layer is implemented a set of built in queries (see Sect. 5), which combine the query operators of the DAC and computational components. These queries are not possible to perform through the standard querying mechanisms like SQL, since they involve data processing, for instance forecast produced by machine learning algorithms. One of the greatest innovations of our work is that each component in the Analysis Layer is connected to a Wrapper as a data source; it can then reply to queries and the data that it produces are part of the query output together with historical and streaming data from sensors.
In the Application Layer are defined web services and the Java API (Application Programming Interfaces) for the interaction with external applications and users' interfaces. These two technologies have been chosen in order to offer the widest, platformindependent support to the integration of our system. The possibility to formulate queries as object-oriented system calls and the features offered by our framework, in particular the masking of the data sources and automatic discovery of the data providers, make it easy to develop data analysis, visualization and business intelligence applications. Furthermore a set of pre-defined complex queries, some of which are presented in Sect. 4, is still under development to offer a continuously increasing library of embedded data analysis components, to be used by external applications. The data produced as output are presented by the framework as objects in the types defined by the user, with fields and attributes that can be configured for any specific application, delegating to the framework the responsibility to convert the data from the original formats in the sources.
The Case Study
The aim of this paper is to show how our system can simplify the access to information in network of distributed data sources. The LENVIS project is a test bed with a specific application: the querying of air pollution data and health indicators. As environmental data we consider the concentrations of air pollutants in the city of Milan.
The network of air pollution monitoring has 9 stations, each of which is equipped with a variable number of sensors, for a total of 37 sensors in the whole network. Each sensor measures the concentration (in µg/m 3 ) of one among: benzene, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, total nitrogen oxide, ozone, PM10 (Particulate Matter), PM2.5, TSP (Total Suspended Particulate). The station calculates every hour the mean of pollutant concentration and sends it to a control centre, where the data are manually validated to filter outliers and further aggregated to obtain a daily measure.
The health indicators that we collected are the daily number of hospitalizations in the town of Milan for respiratory and cardio-vascular diseases, whose acute occurrence can be related to air pollution. The number of hospitalizations for each pathology are collected by the local government of the Lombardy region and stored in a database.
High level and complex queries
In this section we present the queries implemented for the case study introduced in Sect. 3 and the results of their execution. As introduced in Sect. 2, the querying mechanism defines an object-oriented abstraction of the types of objects and the constraints on which to perform selections; this requires that before the execution of all the queries we define types (in our case pollutant and admission) and their properties.
In the box below, we define two properties for each type: date represents the timestamp in which the pollutant concentration or the admission has been recorded; value is the numeric value of the pollutant concentration or, respectively, the number of hospital admissions. As a general approach, in our system a query is defined with three steps: 1) definition of symbolic expressions, which create a reference to the attribute of a property; 2) definition of selection expressions, which complete symbolic expressions by adding a compound expression, which defines operations and constants; 3) definition of the query that combines all the selection expressions previously defined.
Query 1
The objective of Query 1 is, given a time period (e.g. a year, a month or a week), to find the number of days in which the pollution concentration exceeds a critical threshold. This is useful since risk thresholds are defined by the law and local administrations, for instance, need to have warnings to know when pollution reduction policies have to be actuated.
Query structure: The query structure follows the three steps described above. First, the symbolic expressions poll_date and poll_val create respectively a reference to the properties date and value of the pollutant of interest. In the second step it is defined the selection criteria, called poll_Over_Thr, through a CompoundExpression that extracts all the pollutant concentration values above the defined threshold. Since the user might be interested only to a particular time period, a CompoundExpression is defined to apply the Poll_Over_Thr selection criteria with the dataRangeCriterion. Finally, the query q1 combines all the criteria previously defined to select the pollutant concentration values over the threshold in the time period. The number of days in which threshold is exceeded (dayOverThr) is given by the count of elements in the result set obtained after query execution. Results: The query is executed with the following parameters: as pollutant we chose the Particulate Matter with a diameter less than 10 microns (PM10) and as temporal period we select the data in the month of February in all the years, from 1998 to 2008. The PM10 threshold is 50 µg/m 3 .
The query identifies that the threshold has been exceeded in 211 days. A representation of the results is depicted in Fig. 2. Here, for each day of the month under study, a different colour represents the different concentration of pollutant PM10: darker cells correspond to days with higher pollution. Analyzing the results, we see immediately that the month with higher pollutant concentration is February 2006.
Figure 2
Query 1 results
Query 2
The problem addressed by Query 2 is to know the variations of pollution concentrations during the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) by comparing the results in different months or different years. Query q2 extracts the number of Saturdays and Sundays in which the pollution concentration exceeds a specific threshold.
Query structure: The structure of q2 is similar to q1. Also in this case we must define, through a symbolic expression, a reference to the date and value property of the pollutant of interest and then select all the episodes of pollutant concentration over the threshold during the time period of interest. Unlike the first query, here we introduce the selection of the weekend days by applying a post-processing phase in which, through the Java GregorianCalendar methods, we select only the Saturdays and Sundays in the time period under study.
Results: The pollutant selected is PM10 and as a time period we chose the years from 1998 to 2008. The threshold defined is 50 µg/m 3 .
The number of Saturdays and Sundays over PM10 threshold returned by the query is 380. In Fig. 3 are depicted the results of the query q2 with a calendar view. In the figure is visualized only the year 2007. A peculiarity that is clearly visible from the image is that in December and January there are high pollutants concentrations during the weekends, probably due to general climatic conditions and higher vehicular traffic.
Figure 3
Query 2 results
Query 3
Both queries q1 and q2 have been executed on data collected by single sensors. In the next queries we want to elaborate data recorded by different sensors located in the network of air pollution monitoring stations. In this case the objective is the extraction of the number of days in which the pollution concentration exceeds the threshold (different for each pollutant) in four different sensors.
Query structure: The structure of this query is simpler than the previous ones. In fact, as visible in the box below, we must merge the results (q3_s1, q3_s2, q3_s3 and q3_s4 as reported in the pseudo-code) obtained with each simple query applied to each sensor. Query results are reported in Table 1. The sensors for PM10 registered the higher number of days over threshold in all the period under study. This confirms what has been found by scientific studies: that the number of days over threshold for SO 2 decreased significantly over the years compared to PM10 [9].
Table 1
Query 3 results.
Query 4
The fourth query is similar to q3; the only difference is that q4 extracts the number of days in which the pollution concentration exceeds the threshold at the same time in three different sensors. Query structure: This query is a combination of the previous ones. In fact, after the definition of a reference to each sensor pollutant concentration attribute and after the selection of all the measurements over the threshold thr, the query combines with the logical operator and the obtained results. Table 2.
Table 2
Query 5
The last query that we propose is the more complex. The objective is to know the average lag between the local maxima of pollutant concentration and the local maxima of hospital admission in a time period chosen by the user. This query represents the typical analysis that is applied to discover short-term variations on air pollutant data, to find how pollutant concentration and hospital admissions are correlated.
Query structure: This query is a three stages query, where the second and third stages are post processing steps. In the first step, through q5_p and q5_a, are extracted all the measurements for both pollutants and admissions in the period of interest. The extraction is made using a query similar to q1, with the only difference that here we take out a time series of all measurements. The pseudo-code is reported in the box below.
Expression poll_date = new Symbolic(pollutant.getPropertyByName ("date")); Expression poll_val = new Symbolic(pollutant.getPropertyByName ("value")); Expression adm_date = new Symbolic(admission.getPropertyByName ("date")); Expression adm_val = new Symbolic(admission.getPropertyByName ("value"));
Expression dateFrom_p=new CompoundExpression(CmpOperator.GREATER_EQUAL, poll_date,new Constant(dateF)); Expression dateTo_p = new CompoundExpression(CmpOperator.LESS, poll_date,new Constant(dateT)); Expression dateRange_p = new CompoundExpression(AND,dateFrom_p, dateTo_p); Expression dateRangeCrit_p = new CompoundExpression(AND,poll_val, daterRange_p); //similar selection criteria for admissions ..... Query q5_p = new SelectQuery("pollutant", dateRangeCrit_p); Query q5_a = new SelectQuery("admission", dateRangeCrit_a); //find local maxima List localMax_p = findLocalMaxima (q5_p.getResults()); List localMax_a = findLocalMaxima (q5_a.getResults()); //compute average lag Double avgLag = computeAvgLag(localMax_p, localMax_a);
The second step (method findLocalMaxima) is focalized on the analysis of each time series obtained in the previous step with the subsequent individuation of local maxima, generally defined as the maximal value in some segment of the series. In this way a local maximum is found by comparing each point in the time series with the previous and the next one: if in a given point the value is greater than the previous and the next, this point is defined as a local maximum. Local maximum extraction is applied on both pollutant concentration and hospital admission time series.
Finally, in the third step (method computeAvgLag), is computed the average lag between each local maximum of pollutant concentration series and the correspondent local maximum of hospital admissions. Results: The query described above is applied on data recorded in the months of February and March. We analyze jointly PM10 and admissions for respiratory diseases, which are the health problems major related to particulate since, because of the size of the particle, it can penetrate the deepest part of the lungs. Larger particles are generally filtered in the nose and throat and do not cause problems, but particulate matter smaller than about 10 micrometers (PM 10 ) can settle in the bronchi and lungs and cause health problems.
Analyzing, for example, the month of April 1998, it's possible to obtain the results reported in Table 3. The average lag between max pollutant and hospital admission for respiratory diseases is 3.4 days
Table 3
Query 5 results
Table 2 :
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