Public Health Nutrition: 12(3), 331–340
Review Article
Defining and labelling ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ food
T Lobstein1,2,* and S Davies3
International Association for the Study of Obesity, 231 North Gower Street, London NW1 2NR, UK:
SPRU – Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK: 3Which?, London, UK
Submitted 11 October 2007: Accepted 6 April 2008: First published online 29 May 2008
Objective: To consider the use of systematic methods for categorising foods
according to their nutritional quality (‘nutrient profiling’) as a strategy for promoting public health through better dietary choices.
Methods: We describe and discuss several well-developed approaches for categorising foods using nutrient profiling, primarily in the area of food labelling and also
with respect to advertising controls. The best approach should be able to summarise
and synthesise key nutritional dimensions (such as sugar, fat and salt content, energy
density and portion size) in a manner that is easily applied across a variety of products, is understandable to users and can be strictly defined for regulatory purposes.
Results: Schemes that provide relative comparisons within food categories may
have limited use, especially for foods that are not easily categorised. Most nutrient-profiling schemes do not clearly identify less-healthy foods, but are used to
attract consumers towards products with supposedly better profiles. The scheme
used in the UK to underpin the colour-coded ‘traffic light’ signalling on food
labels, and the one used by the UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom to limit
advertising to children, together represent the most developed use of nutrient
profiling in government policy-making, and may have wider utility.
Conclusion: Nutrient profiling as a method for categorising foods according to
nutritional quality is both feasible and practical and can support a number of
public health-related initiatives. The development of nutrient profiling is a
desirable step in support of strategies to tackle obesity and other non-communicable diseases. A uniform approach to nutrient profiling will help consumers,
manufacturers and retailers in Europe.
For much of the 1980s and 1990s, the common refrain ‘there
is no such thing as good and bad foods, only good and bad
diets’ was used to deflect attempts by health educators and
policy makers to define specific foods as being unhealthy.
Government policy to combat diet-related disease during
those decades was primarily devoted to health education;
urging people to make healthier food choices and using
food-based dietary guidelines to illustrate general categories
of foods of which consumers should ‘eat less’, such as
sugary and fatty foods, or ‘eat more’, such as fruit and
vegetables, lean meats, fish and wholegrain cereal foods.
Based on such broad guidelines, the advice did not relate
to individual foods or the choices that consumers face on a
daily basis, particularly given an increasing reliance on processed foods such as ready meals, which combine ingredients from different food categories. When questioned,
consumers will usually claim to understand what is or is not
healthy, but they acknowledge confusion about how to put
generalised dietary advice into practice. The focus in recent
*Corresponding author: Email
[email protected]
Nutrient profiling
Food labelling
Nutrition policy
Consumer information
Market regulation
years has therefore shifted towards providing consumers
with practical tools that make healthy dietary choices easier.
Among these tools is a clearer definition of the nutritional
quality – the nutrient profile – of a food product both in
absolute terms and in relation to other food products.
Nutrient-profiling models
Attempts to provide consumers with summary information on the levels of nutrients in individual foods are not
new. Proposals were developed and trialled in the 1980s:
examples include the UK Coronary Prevention Group’s
labelling scheme, which banded the nutrient levels in
packaged foods(1,2) and the London Food Commission’s
rating system for menu items in catering outlets(3).
However, the importance of distinguishing between different foods is now receiving much greater attention in
the context of government strategies to tackle obesity and
r The Authors 2008
diet-related disease, and more sophisticated schemes are
now available.
A discussion on nutrient-profiling methods at a WHO
forum and technical meeting on marketing in 2006
recognised the contextual nature of the task, namely that
nutrient-profiling systems should aim ‘to categorize foods
according to their nutritional composition while taking
into account current objectives of nutrition policies’(4).
The objective in most cases is to increase the proportion
of the population adhering to national food-based dietary
guidelines. The meeting also recognised that, when
developing a nutrient-profiling system, a series of practical questions arise. These include:
Which nutrients should be examined?
Should the profiling criteria differ according to the type
of food being profiled, or should all foods be assessed
using the same criteria?
What is the reference amount: e.g. should foods be
compared per 100 g, per portion/serving or per 100 kcal?
Which mathematical model should be followed – a
single threshold, a set of thresholds or a continuous
How should the results of a nutrient-profiling system be
tested for their performance in support of current
nutritional policies?
How should the final result be presented?
Profiling to fulfil specific tasks
The answers to the questions noted above depend on the
task required from the profiling procedure. If the
requirement is to define the presence of ‘high’ or ‘low’
levels of nutrients, then the methodological questions are
fairly easily answered, and indeed nutrient profiling in
this sense has been widely accepted for national and
international legislation. The Codex guidance on nutrition
claims(5) and the recently adopted EU regulation on
health and nutrition claims(6) (which came into effect in
July 2007) give threshold values for making ‘high’ and
‘low’ claims for nutrients in food products, per unit of
food, and include specific requirements for presenting
information on which the claim is made.
A similar approach is used to make comparisons
between foods from the same category of products where
one version has a greater quantity of a given nutrient than
another. Statements referring to a ‘higher’ or ‘lower’ level
of a nutrient are relative to a standard quantity in similar
foods, but the product may not necessarily have a high or
low absolute amount of that nutrient. For example, a
reduced-fat spread may have significantly less fat content
than butter or margarine yet still remains a high-fat product. Again, the procedures for these comparisons have
been largely accepted, and the EU regulation on health
and nutrition claims specifies a set of criteria for allowing
T Lobstein and S Davies
enhanced and reduced claims, and sets limits on the use
of comparative claims.
An extension of these principles is to combine several
different nutrients into a single score that can be used to
show that a product is nutritionally better than another,
similar one. For example, a manufacturer or retailer may
promote a ‘healthy eating’ range, or a government or
public health body may endorse a labelling scheme to
identify ‘better for you’ products. Several schemes are
already on the market, of which perhaps the best known
in Europe is the Swedish Keyhole labelling logo (see
Box 1), which is designed to identify healthier options
within classes of foods.
There is a potential conflict between systems designed
to encourage consumption of healthier products and
those designed to encourage consumption of healthy
products. A reduced-salt snack is better than a fully salted
snack, but it may still remain a salty product. A drawback
with an approval mark, such as a Keyhole logo, is that it
might be misunderstood by consumers to mean that the
product is recommended as an important and valuable
part of a healthy diet, which in some cases it is not.
Healthier does not necessarily mean healthy per se, and
notions of ‘better than’ may mislead consumers away
from what is best.
The EU nutrition and health claims regulation has
recognised the importance of ensuring that labels which
indicate that a product is beneficial, e.g. ‘low’ in a particular nutrient such as fat, should not confuse consumers
into inadvertently eating more of another nutrient, such
as sugar or salt. In the case of health claims, the European
Commission is expected to propose a system by January
2009, which defines whether or not products are healthy
enough to be allowed to carry claims, and this will require
some form of nutrient-profiling system for classifying
foods. Nutrition claims will be allowed where a single
nutrient exceeds the profile provided this is pointed out
as prominently as the claim itself, for example, ‘high fat
A second drawback with relative labelling schemes,
such as the Keyhole scheme, is that they may not be
uniformly applied to the identification of foods of which
consumers should eat more, e.g. some schemes do not
include loose fresh fruit or vegetables. Similarly, these
schemes rarely draw attention to foods that should
be consumed less frequently: there are no logos to indicate ‘eat less of’ or ‘eat only occasionally’ in any such
scheme. It can also be argued that these schemes are
primarily aimed at, and of use to, a limited number
of consumers who are already motivated to seek out
healthy choices.
To satisfy these issues requires a set of criteria that
can be used on any given food or beverage product, and
that can be incorporated into regulatory controls for
labelling, marketing and for other health promotion
Healthy and unhealthy food
Box 1
The Swedish Keyhole mark
The Keyhole symbol was introduced by manufacturers during the 1980s as part of a regional intervention project in
northern Sweden to reduce the prevalence of CHD(35). The scheme is now used nationally on a voluntary basis, and
the criteria for labelling are set by the National Food Administration, a Swedish government agency that owns the
logo, in line with current nutrition policies for population dietary goals.
When the symbol appears on a package, it guarantees that the product has a reduced amount of one or more of
the following: total fat; saturated and trans fatty acids; added sugar; salt (sodium); and/or a high amount of fibre(36).
It is mostly calculated on a per-100 g basis, although for some products and nutrients the criteria are calculated on
per 100 kcal or per cent energy basis. ‘Sugar’ refers in some foods to the added sugar content and in other foods to
the total sugar content.
At present, Keyhole logos can be attached to:
Pre-packaged foods, fresh or frozen fish, fresh fruit, vegetables and potatoes sold loose.
Menus and recipes for restaurants and fast food outlets.
Food recipe leaflets targeted at consumers.
The Keyhole label is a relative, not an absolute, scheme, and is used to indicate nutritionally better options within a
category. It can be used, e.g. on reduced fat spreads containing up to 41 % fat, of which up to one-third may be
saturated and trans fatty acids, and on breakfast cereals up to 13 % sugar. Manufacturers can use the scheme without
prior notification but must be able to show that products showing the Keyhole symbol properly fulfil the criteria, and
should be aware that these criteria are subject to review. From the public health perspective, one of the main purposes
is to ‘serve as an incentive to the food industry’ to reformulate products in order to earn the Keyhole symbol(37).
Profiling to assist front-of-pack labelling
Several schemes have been promoted by sections of the
food industry across Europe(7). An early model based on
energy density encouraged consumption of foods such as
skimmed milk and fruit and vegetables by giving a high
score for low density of energy per unit weight(8). The
drawback inherent in using a single nutritional component
is that it does not take account of other relevant nutrients
and components, such as fat, sugar and salt. Energy density
criteria are also open to abuse if manufacturers increase
water levels to lower the energy density per unit weight.
Health promoters and food companies alike are
aware that consumers need more sophisticated support
in making dietary choices and have difficulty using
nutrition information given on back-of-pack labelling.
However, front-of-pack signalling has become a fiercely
contested arena.
The main debate centres around the most useful way to
explain to consumers how the nutrient content of an
individual food product relates to government dietary
guidelines. Some manufacturers and retailers, particularly
in the UK market, have been using ‘guideline daily
amounts’ (GDA) on back-of-pack labelling for some time.
These guidelines amounts were derived by a team led
by the Institute of Grocery Distributors (IGD) in the UK(9,10)
on the basis of population dietary guidelines issued by
various expert committees in the last two decades.
Several of the larger food manufacturers, working together with the Confederation of European Food and Drink
Industries (CIAA), subsequently proposed that GDA
should be used as the basis for a front-of-pack labelling
scheme. In this scheme, nutrient levels are described as a
percentage of the GDA for an average woman, based on
the amount of the nutrient present in a manufacturer’s
recommended portion. Separate GDA values can be used
for children of different ages, where appropriate. This type
of approach, but described as percentage reference intake,
has also been proposed by the European Commission in its
proposal for a regulation on food information.
An alternative ‘traffic light’ scheme has been proposed,
which has been shown to be effective in enabling consumers to assess the significance of nutrient levels
within a single product and in comparison between
Box 2
T Lobstein and S Davies
Front-of-pack traffic light labelling scheme
The UK Food Standards Agency has adopted the following criteria for defining front-of-pack signalling of the
nutritional value of foods and beverages(18). Two sets of threshold are given for the ‘red’ category according to the
‘per 100 g’ and ‘per portion’ content of foods. If the nutrient content per portion of a product exceeds 21?0 g fat,
6?0 g saturated fat, 15?0 g added sugars or 2?40 g salt, then the product is classified as ‘red’ for that nutrient regardless
of the per 100 g value. Otherwise the following obtains:
Foods, per 100 g
Low, green
Medium, amber
High, red
#3 g
#1?5 g
#5 g total sugars
#0?3 g
.3 to #20 g
.1.5 to #5 g
.5 to #12?5 g added sugars
.0?3 to #1?5 g
.20 g
.5 g
.12?5 g added sugars
.1?5 g
Drinks, per 100 ml
Low, green
Medium, amber
High, red
#1?5 g
#0?75 g
#2?5 g
#0?3 g
.1?5 to #10 g
.0?75 to #2?5 g
.2?5 to #6?3 g
.0?3 to #1?5 g
.10 g
.2?5 g
.6?3 g
.1?5 g
Further details and worked examples are available from the FSA(18).
products. In March 2006, after several years of preparatory research and consultation with stakeholders
in the food industry, the UK Food Standards Agency
(FSA) announced a scheme for front-of-pack labelling
using colour-coded signals(11). While allowing supermarkets and manufacturers to develop their own label
designs with an individual look and feel, the FSA
recommended that the schemes should comply with four
core principles:
1. Provide separate information on fat, saturated fat,
sugars and salt.
2. Use red, amber or green colour coding (traffic lights)
to indicate whether levels of these nutrients are high,
medium or low per 100 g (or per 100 ml).
3. Use nutritional criteria developed by the FSA to
determine the colour code.
4. Supplement the signalling with information on the
levels of nutrients per portion of product.
The FSA also identified the priority categories of foods
to which the scheme should be applied and urged food
manufacturers and retailers to adopt the scheme voluntarily. By 2007 a number of companies in the UK had
decided to follow these recommendations and have
adopted the FSA’s recommended scheme.
The FSA’s scheme is based on a set of criteria for the
four key nutrients and the establishment of threshold
amounts of each nutrient that trigger a change of colour
for the front-of-pack signal (see Box 2). The figures relate
to GDA, but the crucial difference between the FSA
scheme and GDA signalling is that the ‘traffic light’
colours interpret what the levels mean for consumers.
Low or ‘green’ signals are based on the definitions within
the EU health and nutrition claims regulation. They are
also consistent with international trade requirements
for nutrient-related claims specified by the Codex
Alimentarius Commission(5). High or ‘red’ signals indicate
levels of a nutrient above 25 % of the GDA for that
nutrient. However, in the case of sugar, the FSA took the
advice of an independent expert group convened to
review the industry GDA(12), and concluded that a lower
figure (60 g rather than 90 g per day) was a more appropriate level. The criteria were subsequently revised so that
they apply to added rather than total sugars. The medium
or ‘amber’ figure is the level that falls in between the
green and red. These high, medium and low levels are
now used in more general UK government health education literature, replacing the previous advice on what
counts as ‘a lot’ or ‘a little’.
Traffic lights or guideline daily amounts?
The use of traffic light signals on foods has been
supported by consumer organisations in Europe. A multistakeholder discussion group, chaired by the Bureau
Europeen des Unions de Consommateurs as part of the
European Commission’s Platform for Action on Diet,
Physical Activity and Health, reviewed the available
evidence from across Europe and concluded that an
interpretative element such as colour coding was
most promising(13). Research from the French consumer
Healthy and unhealthy food
organisation, Consommation Logement de Cadre et de
Vie, concluded that a multiple traffic light approach was
most useful for consumers, while a single traffic light,
giving an overall indication of the healthiness of a product on the label, was judged to be too simplistic(14). This
reinforces research findings by the UK FSA.
Several food companies, however, have rejected the
interpretative approach and have instead preferred to
place summary GDA information on front-of-pack labels.
In February 2006, a consortium of food companies
announced its determination to proceed with a labelling
scheme in the UK showing percentage GDA values(15).
This has led to two competing labelling schemes being
presented to shoppers, with both schemes supported by
advertising campaigns broadcast from early 2007. A survey carried out by the consumer organisation Which? in
2006 found that 73 % of consumers felt that having a
variety of different labelling schemes was confusing(16).
The research also tested the performance of the different
labelling schemes using examples of food products. It
found that the traffic light scheme worked best for consumers, both to assess nutrient levels accurately in a given
product and to compare between products.
The FSA recommends that the colour coding is applied
per 100 g but many manufacturers argue that consumers
think in terms of portions. A review of the use of GDAs in
the UK(17) showed a wide variety of portion sizes being
used by manufacturers, which could make it difficult for
consumers to assess products or compare them reliably.
The FSA guidance(18) currently states that colour coding
applies per 100 g or 100 ml for all foods unless a portion
exceeds specified criteria, in which case a different set of
values operates for the ‘red’ or high criteria (see Box 2).
Evidence is accumulating that front-of-pack colourcoded signalling can have an effect on shopper’s choices.
Sainsbury’s traffic light labelling system – the Wheel of
Health – is reportedly not only driving customer demand
towards healthier products but also stimulating the retailer’s product technologists to reformulate products to
achieve a healthier profile, and hence a better colour
code, to meet this demand. For example, the product
profile of Sainsbury’s Chicken and Bacon Pasta Bake
changed from three ‘red’ signals to only one such signal
after reformulation that increased the amount of chicken
and reduced the amount of sauce, which in turn reduced
the amount of fat and salt in the product(17). More
detailed evaluation is needed to show whether the
scheme results in long-term behaviour change and sustained improvements in product formulation.
Most recently, in the UK some retailers and manufacturers have opted for a combination of both schemes,
in which traffic lights, based on the FSA criteria, are used
to colour-code the percentages provided in the GDAbased scheme. During 2008, the FSA is undertaking a
review of the various schemes proposed and has publicly
committed to adopt the scheme or scheme elements that
are shown to work best for consumers. Consumers and
health organisations(17) have expressed their concerns
that multiple schemes should not coexist, and that
competing schemes should be evaluated against the
following criteria:
1. The scheme should be easy to use within the 4–10 s in
which consumers normally make decisions about food
products in shops and supermarkets.
2. It should be easily used by all social and ethnic groups
and by children, to help them make healthy choices
within and between food categories.
3. It should not be likely to cause any widening of
dietary health inequalities.
4. The nutrient values expressed or embedded in the
scheme should be based on the FSA’s or health
department’s expert advisory groups’ dietary guidelines.
Single-score profiling
A disadvantage of both the traffic light and the GDA
schemes is that they show multiple signals (at least four,
one for each of the key nutrients), making it unsuitable in
cases where a simple ‘threshold’ is required, e.g. when
regulating a product’s promotion on television advertising. Several approaches have emerged that aim to give a
single score to indicate how healthy a particular product
is. The energy density model mentioned above may be
too simplistic and open to abuse, and other schemes have
been proposed. The food manufacturer Kraft for example
has launched its ‘Sensible Solutions’ approach, which
requires foods to be examined on the basis of several
criteria, including energy density, the presence of beneficial nutrients and/or whether the product meets
regulatory criteria for ‘low’ or ‘reduced’ claims(19). This
has potential drawbacks: it mixes absolute and relative
criteria, it is based on the manufacturer’s ‘per portion’
figure, and it is tolerant of energy-dense foods, so that
foods with fat levels as high as 12 % by weight to bear a
Sensible Solution logo.
Unilever has also developed a single-score system that
combines points according to six factors: trans fat as
percentage energy, saturated fat as percentage energy, fat
quality as a ratio of saturated to non-saturated fat, salt per
unit energy, total sugars per unit energy and added sugar
as percentage weight(20). No positive points are given for
beneficial components, such as dietary fibre or fruit and
vegetable content. The model is applied differently to
certain food categories, providing a mixture of absolute
and relative scores, and this means that although direct
comparisons can be made between products within a
category (e.g. vegetable soup v. chicken soup), comparisons cannot easily be made across different categories
(e.g. vegetable soup v. vegetable ratatouille) and some
foods may not be easily categorised (e.g. vegetable,
chicken and rice ready-meal).
Other single-score schemes have also been proposed,
such as the Belgian supermarket company Delhaize
Guiding Stars rating scheme(21,22) and others, examined
by Scarborough et al.(23), such as the Australian-developed Nutritious Food Index, the Ratio of Recommended
to Restricted nutrients, the US-based Naturally Nutrient
Rich score, the Australian Heart Foundation’s Tick
scheme, the American Heart Association’s heart-check
mark and the Netherlands tripartite model defining
‘preferable’, ‘middle course’ and ‘exceptional’ foods
within food groups.
The UK advertising model
Perhaps the most advanced work to date has been
undertaken in the UK to underpin the development of
restrictions on advertising to children on broadcast media
(a statutory control introduced in 2007). This nutrientprofiling model went through several stages of detailed
development in 2004 and 2005 under the auspices of the
UK FSA, and its development has been well-documented
elsewhere(24,25). A review of nutrient profile models concluded that this approach gave the most consistent results
out of four comparable models(26). The model was formally passed to the UK’s broadcasting regulator, Ofcom,
at the end of 2005 as a contribution to the regulator’s
consultation on controls on food and drink advertising to
children. The model has subsequently been incorporated
into a regulation that prohibits advertising of products
high in fat, sugar and salt during programmes for which
children form a large proportion of the audience(27).
The development of the FSA’s nutrient-profiling model
was overseen by an expert working group including
independent nutritionists and dietitians, members of the
UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN)
and representatives from the food industry and from
consumer groups. Two public consultations were held
with responses received from a wide range of stakeholders including food manufacturers, retailers, public
health bodies and consumer organisations. An international workshop was also held to review the model.
Various prototype models were compared with ‘expert
opinion’ using a panel of 850 professional nutritionists,
with each assessing up to 120 different food products.
The professionals’ ratings were compared with the ratings
obtained from the prototype models(28). The best prototype model showed a close correlation with the professional ratings of r # 0?80 (95 % CI 0?73, 0?86). This model
provided a single score derived from the energy, saturated fat, sugars and sodium on the one hand and the
amount of protein, fruit, vegetables and nuts on the other.
A threshold value for the combined score was set, which
determined whether the food should be subject to the
advertising restrictions. Public consultation and SACN
advice led to further refinements, including treating nuts
T Lobstein and S Davies
as fruit, and disallowing the protein score if the energy, fat,
sugar and salt scores were higher than a threshold level (see
Box 3 for the final model). The protein score was found to
be a good indicator of a range of micronutrients that would
otherwise merit inclusion in the model.
The model uses a 100 g measure rather than actual
portion size. This is justified on the basis that 100 g is the
approach legally required for nutritional labelling and is
generally recognised (e.g. in the EU Regulation on health
and nutrition claims) to compare products on a like-forlike basis. Using a ‘per portion’ approach can introduce
several difficulties, not least of which is the fact that
serving sizes and consumption patterns are an individual
matter and cannot be standardised, especially across
different age groups.
The model highlights a clear secondary benefit of
nutrient profiling as a driver for product reformulation.
Processed foods that may fail to meet the criteria permitting their advertising to children might benefit from
reformulation, enabling the manufacturer to continue to
advertise them. For example, most breakfast cereals
promoted on children’s television are high in sugar, and
some are also high in fat and saturated fat. It is hoped that
the controls in marketing may stimulate manufacturers to
produce products that are lower in sugar and fat, thereby
avoiding the advertising restrictions.
The expert group that oversaw the model’s development initially gave a score for added sugars (technically
non-milk extrinsic sugars), but this was later replaced
with a score for total sugar, a move that received substantial support from food manufacturers who said they
faced technical difficulties in analysing added sugars and
that information on total sugars is a requirement of EU
food labelling legislation. The contribution of foods high
in natural sugars to a balanced diet is addressed through
the inclusion of criteria for protein (in which dairy products usually score well) and for fruit and vegetables.
A review of the use of the model is scheduled to be
undertaken after 1 year of use, i.e. in the first half of 2008.
Although developed for restrictions on marketing
through broadcast media, the model also has the potential to be used as the basis for developing more responsible non-broadcast advertising and promotion, e.g. for
product placements in films or for sponsorship promotions. The model needs to be tested on a wider variety
of food products if it is to be applied to food cultures
outside the UK.
Further advantages of nutrient profiling
The development of nutrient-profiling schemes is clearly
beneficial in a wide range of applications, both commercial and health-related. Front-of-pack labelling has
been discussed, and the use of nutrient profiling to
support the European health claims regulations is under
Healthy and unhealthy food
Box 3
Nutrient profiling used for advertising controls in the UK
The nutrient-profiling model developed by the UK Food Standards Agency(38) has now been incorporated into UK
broadcasting regulations pertaining to advertising to children. The model provides a single score for any given food
product, based on calculating the number of points for ‘negative’ nutrients that can be offset by points for ‘positive’
nutrients. Points are allocated on the basis of the nutritional content in 100 g of a food or drink.
There are three steps to working out the overall score for the food or drink.
1. Calculate the total ‘A’ points
A maximum of 10 points can be awarded for each ingredient (energy, saturated fat, sugar and sodium). The total ‘A’
points are the sum of the points scored for each ingredient.
Total ‘A’ points 5 [points for energy] 1 [points for saturated fat] 1 [points for sugars] 1 [points for sodium].
Energy (kJ)
Sat. fat (g)
Total sugar (g)
Sodium (mg)
If a food or drink scores 11 or more ‘A’ points then it cannot score points for protein unless it also scores 5 points for
fruit, vegetables and nuts.
2. Calculate the total ‘C’ points
A maximum of 5 points can be awarded for each ingredient. The total ‘C’ points are the sum of the points for each
ingredient (note that you should choose one or other of the dietary fibre columns according to how the fibre
content of the food or beverage was calculated).
Total ‘C’ points 5 [points for fruit, vegetables and nut content] 1 [points for fibre (either NSP or AOAC)] 1 [points for protein].
(NB: Guidance on scoring fruit, vegetables and nuts is available from the Food Standards Agency(39).)
Fruit, vegetables and nuts (%)
NSP fibre (g)
Or AOAC fibre (g)
Protein (g)
3. Calculate the overall score
If a food scores less than 11 ‘A’ points then the overall score is calculated as follows:
Overall score 5 [total ‘A’ points] 2 [total ‘C’ points].
If a food scores 11 or more ‘A’ points but scores 5 points for fruit, vegetables and nuts then the overall score is
calculated as follows:
Overall score 5 [total ‘A’ points] 2 [total ‘C’ points].
If a food scores 11 or more ‘A’ points but also scores less than 5 points for fruit, vegetables and nuts then the overall
score is calculated without reference to the protein value, as follows:
Overall score 5 [total ‘A’ points] 2 [fibre points 1 fruit, vegetables and nuts points only].
The model can be adjusted to take account of changes in public health nutritional policy. Within the model, any
threshold can be defined according to the judgement of the policy makers and their scientific advisers. For the
purposes of the advertising controls being introduced in the UK in 2007:
a food is classified as ‘less healthy’ where it scores 4 points or more, and
a drink is classified as ‘less healthy’ where it scores 1 point or more.
T Lobstein and S Davies
Box 4
Examples of the potential opportunities for the use of nutrient profile models
Clear and consistent messages and advice to consumers
A uniform approach equitable for all manufacturers and retailers
Interpretative front-of-pack signalling
Standards for broadcast advertising and other forms of food advertising and promotion to children
Regulatory control of health claims to prevent misleading messages
Standards for contracts for mass catering
An evaluation tool for health policies and health impact assessment
Defining food categories for relevant taxation and subsidy schemes
Defining food categories for welfare support schemes
Assisting evaluation of population dietary surveys and food consumption trends
Investor evaluation of food company product lines and sales targets
Marketing opportunities for reformulated foods and healthier product lines
consideration by the European Commission. Similar
measures can be suggested for catering outlets, where a
profiling scheme such as traffic light signalling could help
customers select healthier items from menus in advance
of ordering their food.
While some consumers may pay little attention to the
nutrition panels available on food packaging or in leaflets
in fast food stores, the presence of a red, amber or green
signal is an easy prompt that requires little nutritional
knowledge, can be comprehended readily even by people with poor numeracy skills and children. It also acts as
an incentive for manufacturers to consider reformulation
to improve the nutritional profile of their product.
Improving the nutritional profiles of manufactured foods
is a goal of many national food policies, and the strategy
is less likely to increase health inequalities than relying on
consumer choice alone.
Manufacturers are already reviewing the formulation of
products and the overall range of products they market
with respect to the nutritional quality of the food. Several
reports from investment banks and stock advisors have
indicated the exposure of some companies to the obesity
problem(29–31), either in terms of the potential for a
company to be held legally liable for inducing unhealthy
behaviour (triggered by the attempt to hold McDonald’s
liable for deceptive nutritional labelling(32)) or for their
dependence on a narrow product range that may suffer a
sales decline if consumers switch to healthier choices. A
method for measuring the nutritional quality of their
products can help a company and the investment community to evaluate exposure and indicate opportunities
for improvement.
The use of nutrient profiling can be extended to contractual relationships: e.g. the quality criteria for products
supplied for school meal services and institutional catering
in the workplace, health sector, armed service, prisons and
elderly care homes. Nutrient profiling standards could be
used for contract compliance and for health impact assessments of meal service policies.
Fiscal policies designed to benefit public health may, if
they are considered appropriate, also benefit from using
nutrient profiling as an assessment tool. One criticism
made of the suggestion to impose a tax on foods such as
soft drinks and snack foods is the difficulty of administering the tax because of the problem of defining what
constitutes a soft drink, a snack food, etc. Nutrient
profiling provides a method for categorising foods for
taxation or subsidy, and can help model the effects of a
tax and subsidy regime on different sectors of the
population (see Box 4). Similarly, manufacturers could
be encouraged to reformulate to take best advantage of a
tax and subsidy regime.
Promoting health
Foods are composed of combinations of many nutrients and
ingredients, and attempts to summarise them quantitatively
into a single score, a set of scores, or even a set of ranges
of scores, is bound to lead to the loss of some valuable
information. A scoring system is justified by its utility: e.g.
the benefit of helping shoppers make rapid decisions on
dietary choices, or the benefit of controlling the types of
health-related messages received by children. The utility
of the UK schemes appears to be supported by the early
evidence from the use of traffic light labelling and from
calculations undertaken by Ofcom on the costs and
benefits of advertising controls(33).
The era when it was difficult to talk about ‘good’ and
‘bad’ foods has passed and we are now approaching the
issue in a more sophisticated manner. The industry itself, in
its promotion of functional food products and of individual
food items labelled with logos declaring the products to be
‘healthy’ or ‘good for you’, has accepted that specific products can be categorised on a dimension relating to health
benefit. The regular consumption of foods rich in fats,
sugars and salt would make it hard for an individual to meet
healthy eating guidelines, and it is essential that consumers
Healthy and unhealthy food
can clearly distinguish foods they should consume less
frequently and those they should consume more frequently.
Models are now available that enable this distinction to be
made in a meaningful way.
Health ministers in the WHO European Region are
committed to supporting the Second WHO European
Action Plan for Food and Nutrition Policy(34), which
includes a number of key actions where nutrient profiling
(NP) can play a valuable role.
Action 1.3. School nutrition policies: NP for contracts,
standards and evaluation and the provision of information and education to children.
Action 2.2. Promoting reformulation of food products:
NP for comparing recipes and promoting reformulated
Action 2.4. Improved nutrition in the food supply in
public institutions: NP for standards for contractors and
for monitoring and evaluation.
Action 2.5. Commercial foods aligned with dietary
targets: NP to assess planning permits, retail needs, award
schemes, portion sizes and promotional marketing.
Action 2.6. Use of taxes and subsidies: Taxable categories classified using NP.
Action 2.7. Targeted programmes for vulnerable
groups: Welfare programmes, subsidies, home meals
standards assessed using NP.
Action 3.1. Food-based dietary guidelines: Define
and describe foods with NP, support the guidelines with
NP-defined promotion activity.
Action 3.2. Public campaigns: NP can assist healthy
choices through labelling, school education, etc.
Action 3.3. Appropriate marketing: Use NP to define
suitable marketing standards.
Action 3.4. Adequate labelling: NP with interpretation
element, e.g. using traffic light colour signals.
Action 5.3. Nutrition services in hospitals: use NP for
service standards, use NP labelling for patient’s food choice.
Actions 6.1 and 6.3. Surveillance and evaluation: NP
assists evaluation of dietary surveys, target setting and
comparative health impact assessment.
Much has been achieved in the last decade. Nutrient
profiling can achieve adequate objectivity and validity to
be acceptable to policy-makers. Nutrient profiling can be
simple enough to convey information to the target audience (consumer, caterer, etc.) in a manner that influences
choice, and can be rigorous enough to be definable in
statutory regulations.
As a result, the principle of defining healthy and
unhealthy foods using nutrient profiling has now been
formalised and applied in a number of settings and has
the potential to be applied in many more. The challenge
now is to agree on a consistent, industry-wide approach
at the national and international levels and use this as the
basis of a broad range of actions and initiatives to tackle
obesity and diet-related disease.
Further research will help to elucidate the degree to
which nutrient profiling can support dietary patterns that
confer future protection from obesity or chronic disease
and can validate the effect of the nutrient-profiling
approach on public health.
Conflict of interest: Both authors are employees of nongovernmental non-profit organisations. No commercial
interests were involved in supporting or drafting this
paper. S.D. was a member of the expert group set up by
the UK Food Standards Agency to oversee the development of its nutrient profiling model in her capacity
working for Which?, to provide a consumer perspective.
No other conflict of interest declared.
Authors contribution: Both authors contributed to the
drafting of this paper and approved the final version.
Acknowledgements: We acknowledge the support of
Francesco Branca of the European Regional Office of the
World Health Organization for originally commissioning
this paper.
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