scorecal - Empirical score calibration under the microscope


Presentation given at the Credit Scoring & Credit Control Conference XVI in Edinburgh, UK. <strong>Abstract</strong> Score calibration is the process of empirically determining the relationship between a score and an outcome on some population of interest, and scaling is the process of expressing that relationship in agreed units. Calibration is often treated as a simple matter and attacked with simple tools – typically, either assuming the relationship between score and log-odds is linear and fitting a logistic regression with the score as the only covariate, or dividing the score range into bands and plotting the empirical log-odds as a function of score band. Both approaches ignore some information in the data. The assumption of a linear score to log-odds relationship is too restrictive and score banding ignores the continuity of the scores. While a linear score to log-odds relationship is often an adequate approximation, the reality can be much more interesting, with...

scorecal Empirical score calibration under the microscope Ross W. Gayler 2019-08-30 Credit Scoring & Credit Control XVI, Edinburgh, UK — Introduction 2 What is score calibration? • Calibration: Answers the question “What do my scores mean?” by empirically determining function from score to expected value of some outcome statistic • Inherently about groups (cases with the same score) • Case outcome is binary (e.g. Good, Bad) • Outcome statistic is some function of binary outcomes of a group of cases (e.g. Pr(Bad|score) or logit(Pr(Good|score))) • Result of calibration is a function from score to outcome statistic • Fitting a function to the data (i.e. curve fitting) • Typically, the function is approximately linear from score to log-odds • Scaling: Transform group outcome statistic to a desired scale • e.g. 1:1 odds 7→ zero points; double odds 7→ ∆ +100 points • Think of converting temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius • Calibration is always on some scale, maybe not the one you want 3 Calibration parameters Calibration depends on: • Substantive parameters • Score definition (function from case attributes to a number) • Number is commonly integer, may be real • Population of cases • Outcome definition • Technical parameters of calibration function estimation • Curve fitting technique • Fitting technique tuning parameters 4 How is the calibration function used? • Operational process management • Set decision thresholds • Make loss predictions • Technical diagnosis of the scoring model (my focus) • For a well-behaved scoring model, the score to log-odds function is generally quite linear (by definition) • Nonlinearity indicates there is possibly a problem • What is the problem? (shape of nonlinearity - not absolutely diagnostic) • Does the problem matter? (size of nonlinearity) • How to fix the problem? (“fix” may be a work-around) 5 Calibration function zoo Some calibration function patterns that may be encountered: score score score log−odds(outcome) Locally reversed log−odds(outcome) Locally flat score Spike log−odds(outcome) score Extremes reversed log−odds(outcome) Extremes flat log−odds(outcome) log−odds(outcome) Change of slope log−odds(outcome) Linear score score 6 Typical approaches to calibration function estimation • Logistic regression from score to outcome, over cases • glm(outcome == ”Good” ~ score, family=binomial) • Estimated function forced to be linear • Unless you use poly(score) - but there are better ways • Blind to any nonlinearities • Score bands • Group scores into bands; calculate outcome statistic for each band • Calibration function is a step-function • Doesn’t assume any relationship between neighbouring bands • Can model any relationship (coarsely - because of band widths) • Local patterns may be hidden by bands (because of band widths) • Doesn’t make efficient use of data (doesn’t use score ordering) • Typically small number of observations per band • Large variance of estimates obscures patterns 7 Score band approach log−odds(outcome) Simulated data with linear score to log-odds relationship (n = 2,000; 7% Bad; 10 bands) outcome Good Bad score 8 scorecal 9 scorecal objectives scorecal: An R package for score calibration Be a better microscope for examining deviations from linearity in calibration functions Issues to be addressed: • Use data efficiently (assume continuity and smoothness) • Relative magnitude of linear and nonlinear components • Common scores • Sparsity of cases in extreme tails • Spike deviations 10 Use data efficiently - issue & approach • Score band approach does not make efficient use of data because it assumes: • No relationship between neighbouring bands • No significance to ordering of scores within bands • Expect neighbouring scores to have similar outcome statistics (continuity of scores and smoothness of calibration curve) • Use smoothing spline or local regression models • Cases “borrow strength” from their neighbours (like having a moving-window estimator) • The effective number of cases used per score value is higher, giving narrower confidence intervals • But, outcome statistic estimates at neighbouring point values are correlated (which follows from assuming smoothness) 11 Use data efficiently - example log−odds(outcome) The same simulated data (95% confidence intervals) outcome Good Bad score 12 Relative magnitude of linear and nonlinear components - issue & approach • Global linear trend is expected pattern • Global linear trend generally much stronger than nonlinearities • Nonlinearities are harder to see when combined with the strong linear component • Decompose calibration function into linear and nonlinear components • Fit linear model and use as offset in nonlinear models • Regularisation of nonlinear component makes the linear component the default pattern when data is sparse (similar effect to a Bayesian prior) • Display nonlinear components separately 13 Relative magnitude of linear and nonlinear components - example = score Nonlinear component + score log−odds(outcome) Linear component log−odds(outcome) log−odds(outcome) Calibration function score 14 Common scores - issue & approach For discrete scores, some score values are very common (occur on a large fraction of cases), e.g. bureau scores for New-to-Bureau cases • For moving-window estimators with window width set at fixed fraction of cases, the fraction of cases on a common score may exceed the window width • No variance of the predictor (score) within the window; regression fails • For smoothing-spline estimators, can reduce the effective number of score values • Use jittering (add small random noise) to break tied scores • Jittering magnitude chosen to preserve order of scores • (Mostly) does no harm if using a smoothing-spline estimator • Average the outcome estimates for all the jittered scores derived from the same unjittered score (i.e. transform the result back to the unjittered scores) 15 Common scores - example Histograms of unjittered and jittered simulated data for a small range of scores count 20 10 0 498 499 500 score 501 502 16 Sparsity of cases in extreme tails - issue Distributions of scores tend to be skewed and heavy-tailed • Cases are sparse in the extreme tails • Confidence interval of fitted calibration curve may be very wide in tails • May include positive and negative slopes • Pattern is ill-defined in tails (needs stronger assumptions to extract the pattern) • Extreme tails have small fraction of cases • Generally not practically important • But, tend to be visually dominant • Can cause technical problems • May be very few cases between smoothing spline knots • May be only one outcome class between smoothing spline knots • Case density may vary strongly within local regression window • Pattern at dense end of window may dominate pattern at sparse end 17 Sparsity of cases in extreme tails - approach • For nonlinear smooth fit, transform jittered score to normal density first • Compresses heavy tails; expands light tails • Estimate calibration curve then inverse transform back to original score scale • Transform is to normal density rather than uniform, because uniform is too aggressive • Effect of density transform is to increase smoothing where tails are heavy and decrease smoothing where tails are light • Smoothing is effectively low-pass filtering • Compression of tails by transformation shifts frequencies of patterns up • Higher frequencies are attenuated more by the smoothing • Inverse transformation back to original scores shifts frequencies down again • Expansion of tails by transformation does the converse 18 Sparsity of cases in extreme tails - example - nonlinear smooth nonlinear component log−odds(outcome) The same simulated data (nonlinear components; 95% confidence intervals) type untransformed transformed score 19 Sparsity of cases in extreme tails - example - total curve combined components log−odds(outcome) The same simulated data (combined components; 95% confidence intervals) type untransformed transformed score 20 Spike deviations - issue • A specific score can have an outcome probability very different from neighbours • Interpretable as the cases in the spike having the wrong score • Possibly due to score calculation error • Possibly due to applying scorecard to a different population • Difficult to detect unless the score is a common score • Difficult to detect in a continuous scorecard because spikes are spread 21 Spike deviations - issue with smoothing approach • Spike deviations break assumption of smoothness log−odds(outcome) • Analysis developed so far hides spikes score 22 Spike deviations - approach Approach: Model spikes with an indicator variable for each spike score • Issue: To find the spikes we need an indicator variable for each unique score • Ideally, fit smooth and select spikes simultaneously with regularised regression • This is possible, but I haven’t done it yet • Current approach: • Pre-filter potential spikes by frequency (say > 1% cases) • Use lasso regression to select spikes with smooth as offset • Re-estimate smooth with selected spikes as added predictors 23 Spike deviations - example data New simulated data with nonlinear score to log-odds relationship and a spike deviation log−odds(outcome) (n = 20,000; n_spike = 1,000; 10% Bad; 10 bands) outcome Good Bad score 24 Spike deviations - example results nonlinear smooth + spike component log−odds(outcome) Compare smoothed nonlinear components estimated with and without spike term score 25 Conclusions • Calibration curves can be usefully decomposed into linear, smooth nonlinear, and spike components • The decomposition can be automated reasonably well • Everything breaks under some circumstances • The method is a work in progress • All the R code for this presentation is publicly available • The R package will soon be publicly available (very alpha) 26 Meta conclusions Content of analysis - simple stuff can be interesting • Useful inferences can be drawn from comparatively restricted evidence • Apparently simple problems can be full of subtleties Tools for analysis - openness and reproducibility are important • Reproducible computational research • Open source tools • Open source research • Tools to simplify reproducibility • Workflows for reproducibility 27 Resources This presentation is implemented as an executable R notebook, which is publicly accessible on GitHub at: This presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License The scorecal R package will be publicly accessible on GitHub at: 28