On the Hilbert Geometry of Convex Polytopes
arXiv:1406.0733v1 [math.MG] 3 Jun 2014
Constantin Vernicos
Institut de mathmatique et de modlisation de Montpellier
Universit Montpellier 2
Case Courrier 051
Place Eugne Bataillon
F–34395 Montpellier Cedex
[email protected]
Abstract. We survey the Hilbert geometry of convex polytopes. In particular we
present two important characterisations of these geometries, the first one in terms of
the volume growth of their metric balls, the second one as a bi-lipschitz class of the
simplexe’s geometry.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Definitions related to Hilbert Geometry, polytopes and notation . .
2.1 Hilbert Geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Faces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alternate viewpoints on the Hilbert metric of Polytopes . . . . . . .
The group of isometries versus collineations for a polytopal Hilbert
geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Characterisation by volume growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Characterisation by isometric embedding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1 The special case of simplices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 Isometric embeddings of polytopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Polytopal Hilbert geometries are bi-Lipschitz to Euclidean vector
spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Introduction
Our understanding of the Hilbert geometry associated to the interior of a
convex polytope has increased tremendeously in the last decade. Polytopes
play an important role in the realm of Hilbert geometries because they are
related to linear programming and their geometry is somehow more amenable
and simple than that of general convex sets.
This chapter aims at presenting various results and characterisations of
the Hilbert geometry of polytopes. For instance their group of isometries is
now well understood (see Section 4). Their volume growth is polynomial and
its order characterises them (Section 5). They are the only Hilbert geometry
which can be isometrically embedded in a normed vector space (see Section
6). For a given dimension, they all belong to the same bi-Lipschitz class with
the Euclidean metric space (see Section 7).
When it was enlightening we dared offer our own proofs on some of the
results presented here. Hence one will find an outline of a new proof that in
dimension 2 the unique Hilbert geometry isometric to a normed vector space
is the one associated to a triangle. We also show that any polytope with N + 1
faces can be isometrically embedded in a normed vector space of dimension
N . This last results improves the dimension of the target space which was
previously known to be N (N + 1)/2) [21], and is more geometric in nature
than the previous proofs. We end this chapter by outlining a proof of the fact
that the Hilbert geometry of a polytope is bi-Lipschitz equivalent to a normed
vector space of the same dimension.
2 Definitions related to Hilbert Geometry, polytopes and
2.1 Hilbert Geometries
Let us recall that a Hilbert geometry (C, dC ) is a non-empty bounded open
convex set C on Rn , that we shall call convex domain, with the Hilbert distance
dC defined as follows : for any distinct points p and q in C, the line passing
through p and q meets the boundary ∂C of C at two points a and b, such that
someone walking on the line goes consecutively by a, p, q, b (Figure 1). Then
we define
dC (p, q) =
log[a, p, q, b],
where [a, p, q, b] is the cross-ratio of (a, p, q, b), i.e.,
[a, p, q, b] =
kq − ak kp − bk
> 1,
kp − ak kq − bk
and k · k is the standard Euclidean norm in Rn .
Figure 1. The Hilbert distance
Note that the invariance of cross-ratios under projective maps implies the
invariance of dC by such maps.
These geometries are naturally endowed with a continuous Finsler metric
FC defined as follows: if p ∈ C and v ∈ Tp C = Rn with v 6= 0, the straight line
passing by p and directed by v meets ∂C at two points p+ and p− ; we then
and FC (p, 0) = 0.
FC (p, v) = kvk
kp − p− k kp − p+ k
Figure 2. The Finsler structure
The Hilbert distance dC is the length distance associated to the Finsler
metric FC .
2.2 Faces
To an arbitrary closed convex set K of a real vector space we can associate an
equivalence relation, stating that two points A and B are equivalent if there
exists a segment [C, D] ⊂ K containing the segment [A, B] such that C 6= A, B
and D 6= A, B. The equivalence classes are called faces. A face is called a kface when the dimension of the affine space it generates is k. Observe that a
face is always open in the affine space it generates. As usual we call vertex a
0-dimensional face.
In this chapter a simplex in Rn is the convex closure of n + 1 affinely
independent points, that is a triangle in R2 , a tetrahedron in R3 , etc. More
generally, in this survey, a polytope in Rn will be the convex hull of a finite
number of points, such that n + 1 of them are affinely independent. The n-face
of a polytope is its interior, in particular it is never empty.
The next definition is due to Benzecri [6] and plays an important role in
the study of convex sets.
Definition 2.1 (Conical faces). Let C be a convex set in Rn . Let k < n.
Suppose that a simplex S contains C and that a non-empty k-face f ⊂ ∂C, is
included in a k-face of S. Then we say that f is a conical face of C and that
C admits a conical face.
Figure 3. Conical faces in dimension 3
When a face f is contained in the boundary of another face F we write
f < F.
Definition 2.2 (Conical flag). Let C be a convex set in Rn . If there exists a
simplex S contained in C, and a sequence of faces (fi )06i6n−1 such that for
any k = 0, . . . , n − 1,
(1) ∅ < f0 < f1 < f2 < . . . < fn−1 < S,
(2) fk is a subset of a k-conical face of C;
(3) no other k-face of S is in the interior of a k-conical face of C;
then we call f0 < f1 < f2 < . . . < fn−1 < C a conical flag and we say that C
admits a conical flag. Furthermore we will call S a conical flag neighborhood
of C.
3 Alternate viewpoints on the Hilbert metric of
We present here two explicit formulas arising from two different viewpoints on
the Hilbert metric. The first one is due to Garett Birkhoff and the second one
to Ralph Alexander. Both are useful in some applications (see Section 6).
Proposition 3.1 (G. Birkhoff [9]). Consider a convex polytope P in Rn defined by the N affine maps L1 , . . . , LN : Rn → R as follows
P = {x ∈ Rn | Li (x) > 0, 1 6 i 6 N }.
Then for any pair of points (x, y) contained in the interior of P one has
Li (x) Lj (y)
sup log
dP (x, y) =
2 16i,j6N
Li (y) Lj (x)
This formula is a consequence of the convexity and the fact that if zi is the
intersection of the straight line (xy) with the hyperplane Hi = {Li = 0}, then
by Thales’s theorem we have
||x − zi ||
Li (x)
||y − zi ||
Li (y)
In dimension two a second point of view is available: focus on the angle
defined by two lines H1 and H2 intersecting at a point p. Consider now two
points x and y lying the interior of the same sector Q defined by these two lines
and let X ∗ and Y ∗ be the straight lines (px) and (py) respectively. Assuming
that the four lines H1 , X ∗ , Y ∗ and H2 appear in that order let hQ (x, y) be
their cross-ratio, and define
log hQ (x, y).
In other words, δQ is the cone-metric associated to the cone Q. It is equal to
0 if (px) and (py) define the same line. If Hi is given by the equation Li = 0
for i = 1, 2 then we have
δQ (x, y) =
δQ (x, y) =
L1 (x) L2 (y)
L1 (y) L2 (x)
From this last remark we can now state the following proposition, which is
a kind of Crofton formula related to the Hilbert geometry of plane polytopes,
i.e., polygons. This means that we relate the length of a segment to a measure
on the set of lines crossing that segment, see [3].
Proposition 3.2 (R. Alexander [1]). Let P be a polygone with vertices
p1 , . . . , pN , and for i = 1, . . . , N let Qi be the interior angle defined at the
vertex pi ; then the Hilbert distance in P is given by
dP (x, y) =
δQ (x, y).
2 i=1 i
To obtain this formula, it suffices to sum up the δQi ’s corresponding to
the vertices lying on one side of the straight line (xy), which gives dP (x, y). A
somewhat similar description in higher dimensions has been given by Rolf Schneider [27].
4 The group of isometries versus collineations for a
polytopal Hilbert geometry
Let σn+1 be the group of permutations on the set {1, . . . , n + 1} and let us
denote by Γn+1 = σn+1 σ2 = σn+1 Z/2Z.
Let us remind the reader that a collineation is a bijection from one projective space to another, or from a projective space to itself, such that the images
of collinear points are themselves collinear. A homography is an isomorphism
of projective spaces, induced by an isomorphism of the vector spaces from
which they are derived. Homographie are collineations but in general not all
collineations are homographies. However the fundamental theorem of projective geometry asserts that in the case of real projective spaces of dimension
at least two a collineation is a homography.
Theorem 4.1. Let (P, dP ) be a polytopal Hilbert geometry of dimension n.
Then the group of isometries is isomorphic to
(1) Rn ⋊ Γn+1 if P is a simplex;
(2) the group of collineations of P otherwise.
The first part of this theorem was known, see for instance Pierre de la
Harpe [18]. The second part of the theorem is due to Bas Lemmens and Cormac
Walsh [22] following ideas of Cormac Walsh [32] (see also his contribution to
this handbook [33]).
Their main idea is to study the Horoboundary of a Polytopal Hilbert geometry. They show that one can define a metric, the detour metric, between
Busemann points which extends somehow the Hilbert metric. For this metric
the Busemann boundary is divided into different parts. Two points between
different parts are at an infinite distance, in particular Busemann points related to two different faces of the polytope are not in the same part. Then
their strategy consists in proving the following facts: Given an isometry f
between two polytopal Hilbert geometries:
(i) The map f defines an isometry between their respective Busemann boundaries endowed with the detour metric;
(ii) either f maps vertex parts to vertex parts and faces to faces or f interchanges them;
(iii) if f maps vertex parts to vertex parts, then f extends continuously to
the boundary;
(iv) if f extends continuously to the boundary, then it is a collineation;
(v) if f interchanges vertex parts and faces, then the two polytopes are simplices.
Notice that although it is now known that for a general Hilbert geometry the group of isometries is a Lie group (see L. Marquis’ contribution to
this handbook [23]), it is still not known when it coincides with its group of
5 Characterisation by volume growth
Theorem 5.1. Let (Ω, dΩ ) be a Hilbert geometry of dimension n. Let Vol
be its Hausdorff or Holmes-Thompson measure and let BΩ (o, R) be the metric
ball of radius R centerd at o. Then the upper asymptotic volume, which is
defined as
Vol BΩ (o, R)
Asvol Ω = lim sup
is finite if and only if Ω is a polytope.
The fact that the upper asymptotic volume of a polytopal Hilbert geometry
is finite was proved by the author in [28]. The converse is also due to the author
and a complete proof can be found in [30]. More precisely, in that paper we
prove the following lower bound on the asymptotic volume:
Theorem 5.2. There exists a constant an such that for any Hilbert geometry
(Ω, dΩ ) of dimension n which admits k extremal points one has
an · k 6 Asvol Ω .
Hence having finite asymptotic volume implies that the convex set Ω has a
finite number of extremal points and therefore is a polytope.
The proof of Theorem 5.2 relies on the identity (6.3) below and on the
fact that the measure of balls of radius R have a uniform lower bound of the
form bn Rn , for some constant bn depending only on the dimension (see [30]).
Then it suffices to include in a ball of radius R, k-disjoint balls of radius R/4,
centered on the geodesic rays joining the center of the ball to the extremal
points. This is possible precisely thanks to the the equality (6.3).
Notice that finding a similar upper bound as in Theorem 5.2 is not yet
done, and would probably solve the entropy upper-bound conjecture using the
methods developed by the author in [31] to prove it in dimensions 2 and 3.
6 Characterisation by isometric embedding
6.1 The special case of simplices
Theorem 6.1. Let (Ω, dΩ ) be a Hilbert geometry. It is isometric to a normed
vector space if and only if Ω is projectively equivalent to a simplex.
The “if” part was proved by Roger Nussbaum [24] and Pierre de la Harpe [18].
The “only if” is due to Thomas Foertsh and Anders Karlsson [16].
Let us illustrate the two-dimensional case with an ad hoc proof not requiring the technicality of [16]. Let e1 , e2 and e3 be an affine basis of an affine
plane; then the convex hull of these three points is a two-dimensional simplex
S2 .
Now using the barycentric coordinates attached to the family (ei )16i63 ,
each point p in the interior of the simplex is uniquely
associated to P
a triple
of positive real numbers α1 , α2 , α3 such that
i αi ei .
i αi =
Therefore, one can define a map from S2 to the plane x + y + z = 0 of R3
, log
, log
Φ2 (p) = log
This map is easily seen to be a bijection whose inverse is
2 (x, y, z) =
(ex+y , ey , 1).
Finally, if R3 is endowed with the sup norm, then this map is an isometry.
Now, the intersection of the unit cube of R3 with the plane x+y +z = 0 is a
regular hexagon, and therefore we deduce from this that the Hilbert geometry
of a simplex is isometric to R2 endowed with a norm whose unit ball is a
regular hexagon.
Conversely, and without loss of generality, suppose that Ω is a planar
bounded convex set whose Hilbert geometry is isometric to a two-dimensional
normed vector space. Since its volume growth being polynomial of order two,
it follows, from [30], that Ω is necessarily a polygon. Besides, in dimension 2,
the length of a sphere of radius R in a normed vector space is cR for a constant
6 6 c 6 8. However in a polygon with n vertices a simple computation shows
that as R goes to infinity, the length of a sphere of radius R is equivalent to
2nR. Hence, n = 3 or 4. The case n = 4 would mean that Ω is a convex
quadrilateral, which is projectively equivalent to a square; however the square
is not isometric to a normed vector space, as in the center the finsler norm is
a square, on the diagonals an hexagon and elsewhere an octagon. Therefore,
n = 3 and Ω is a triangle.
6.2 Isometric embeddings of polytopes
Theorem 6.2. For a convex domain Ω ⊂ Rn , the following conditions are
(a) Ω is a bounded polytope.
(b) The Hilbert geometry (Ω, dΩ ) can be isometrically embedded in a finite
dimensional normed vector space
Observe that condition (b) means that there exists a norm k · k on Rm for
some m ∈ N, and a map f : (Ω, dΩ ) → (Rm , k k) which is an isometry onto its
image. By Theorem , the image f (Ω) ⊂ Rm is an affine subspace if and only
if Ω is a simplex.
The implication (a) ⇒ (b) is due to Brian Lins who proved it in his dissertation [21]. He used Birkhoff’s result Proposition 3.1 and obtained an embedding
f : Ω → RN (N +1)/2 for the sup norm, where N is one less the number of faces
of the polytope.
A more geometric proof of this implication is to see it as an immediate
consequence of Theorem 6.1, together with the following result which states
that any bounded polytope is affinely equivalent to the intersection of a simplex
and an affine subspaces in some vector space (see also [17] Theorem 1 in section
5.1). The argument also reduces the dimension of the ambient space from
N (N + 1)/2 to N .
Proposition 6.3. Let P be a convex and bounded polytope in Rn with N + 1
(n − 1)-faces. Then there exists an N -simplex SN and an n-dimensional affine
space An in RN such that P is affinely equivalent to An ∩ SN .
Proof. Let Li : Rn → R be affine function, for 1 6 i 6 N + 1 such that
P = {x ∈ Rn | Li (x) > 0, 1 6 i 6 N + 1}.
Notice that necessarily N > n for the convex to be bounded. Let the family
(ei )16i6n+1 be an affine basis of Rn P
and let us suppose
that in that basis, one
has, in barycentric coordinates x = i xi ei and i xi = 1,
Li (x) = ai1 x1 + · · · + ain+1 xn+1 ,
where for each 1 6 i 6 n + 1 the aij are not all equal and, without loss
of generality, we can suppose that the first n + 1 hyperplanes are affinely
Now let us consider an affine basis (fi )16i6N +1 P
of RN , and then
P define the
following affine functions from R to R, with y = i yi fi and i yi = 1,
ai1 y1 + · · · + ain+1 yn+1
for 1 6 i 6 n + 1
Hi (y) =
ai1 y1 + · · · + ain+1 yn+1 + yi for n + 2 6 i 6 N + 1
Then the affine hyperspaces {Hi = 0} for 1 6 i 6 N + 1 are affinely independant points in the dual space, hence
SN = y | Hi (y) > 0, 1 6 i 6 N + 1
is an N -simplex of RN . Now notice that the intersection of that simplex with
the affine space
An = {y | yn+2 = · · · = yN +1 = 0}
is affinely equivalent to P, using the map
(x1 , . . . , xn+1 ) 7→ (x1 , . . . , xn+1 , 0, . . . , 0).
The implication (b) ⇒ (a) in Theorem 6.2 is due to Bruno Colbois and
Patrick Verovic [15], who actually proved that if one can quasi-isometrically
embed a bounded Hilbert geometry (Ω, dΩ ) into a finite dimensional normed
vector space (V, || · ||), then the boundary ∂Ω admits at most a finite number
of extremal points. Let us make a slight variation of their proof, assuming an
isometric embedding f : (Ω, dΩ ) → (V, || · ||) is given. The proof relies on the
following important two facts:
(i) The unit sphere of a normed vector space of finite dimension is compact,
therefore a maximal set of 1-separated points (i.e. a set in which any
two distinct points are at distance at least 1) is finite. Let N be the
cardinality of such a set.
(ii) If x∞ and y∞ are two extremal points on the boundary ∂Ω of a Hilbert
geometry with supporting hyperplanes not containing the line (x∞ y∞ );
o a point in Ω; x(t), y(t) two geodesics rays from o to respectively x∞
and y∞ ; then
dΩ x(t), y(t)
= 1.
Now let us suppose that the boundary ∂Ω admits N + 1 distinct extremal
with suppoting hyperplanes not containing any two of
points x1∞ , . . . , xN
them, and let us fix a point o in Ω and suppose that the image of o is the
origin of V . Let us denote by xi (t) a geodesic ray from o to xi∞ .
Then for any positive real number t ∈ R+
∗ we have on the one hand
f (x (t)
hence f (xi (t)/t lies on the unit sphere of (V, || · ||). On the other hand, using
the formula (6.3) we can find T ∈ R+ such that for any 1 6 i < j 6 N + 1
and t > T ,
dΩ xi (t), y j (t)
f (xi (t) f (xj (t)
> 1.
Therefore, for t > T , the family f (xi (t))/t is a 1-separated family on
the unit sphere, which admits N + 1 points. This is in contradiction with
the maximality of N . Hence the boundary ∂Ω admits no more than N such
extremal points.
Now if Ω is not a polytope, it admits a two-dimensional section wich is
not a polygon, and then by Krein-Millman’s Theorem we can find a sequence
of distinct extremal points whose supporting lines do not contain any two of
them. Hence we cannnot embed it into a normed vector space.
7 Polytopal Hilbert geometries are bi-Lipschitz to
Euclidean vector spaces
Theorem 7.1. An n-dimensional polytopal Hilbert geometry (P, dP ) is biLipschitz equivalent to the n-dimensional Euclidean geometry (Rn , k · k). In
other words, there exists a map Φ : P → Rn and a constant A such that for
any two points x and y in P,
· kΦ(x) − Φ(y)k 6 dP (x, y) 6 A · kΦ(x) − Φ(y)k.
This theorem was proved by Bruno Colbois, Patrick Verovic and Constantin Vernicos in dimension 2 [13], and independently by Andreas Bernig [8]
and by the author [29] in all dimensions.
Both proofs consist in building a bi-Lipschitz map. A. Bernig shows that
if the convex polytope is defined by N affine maps L1 , . . . , LN as follows
P = {x | Li (x) > 0, 1 6 i 6 N },
then the map
x 7→ Φb (x) =
log Li (x) · dLi
is a bi-Lispchitz map onto the dual vector space (notice that the linear part
of Li coincides with dLi ). This map is easily seen to be Lipschitz continuous.
The difficult part in A. Bernig’s proof is to show that this map is onto.
Our construction is more geometric and the map we build is easily seen to
be a bijection. The tricky part is to prove that it is a bi-Lipschitz map. Our
proof recedes through the following four steps:
(i) Using the barycentric subdivision, we decompose a polytopal P domain
of Rn into a finite number of simplices Si , which we call barycentric
simplexes and which happen to be conical flag neighborhoods of the
Figure 4. The last three steps of the decomposition in dimension 3
(ii) The second steps consists in proving that each simplex Si admits a bilipschitz embedding Li onto a fixed or standard barycentric simplexe of
the n-simplex. The map is a linear one, the difficult part is to prove that
it-is bi-lipschitz.
Figure 5. The standard barycentric 3-simplex of the 3-simplex
(iii) In the third step, We show that we can send isometrically the barycentric simplex of an n-simplex onto a cone of a vector space Wn , using
P. de La Harpe’s map Φn between the n-simplex and Wn . This cone
is then sent in a bi-lipschitz way to the cone associated to a barycentric
simplex of a polytope thanks to the inverse of the map Li denoted by Mi
in the figure 8.
v3,0 = v2,0
v2,1 = v1,1
Figure 6. Barycentric simplices of a polygon
̟3,0 = ̟2,0
̟2,1 = ̟1,1
Figure 7. Barycentric cones of a polygon
(iv) Finally this allows us to define a map from the polytopal domain to Rn by
patching the bi-Lipschitz embeddings associated to each of its barycentric
Let us finish by stating the main ingredient of this proof which is a comparison theorem and which is interesting on its own:
As in formula (2.1) we denote by FC the finsler metric associated to the
convex set C.
Theorem 7.2. Let A and B be two convex sets with a common conical flag
neighborhood S. There exists a constant C such that for any x ∈ S and v ∈ Rn
one has
· FB (x, v) 6 FA (x, v) 6 C · FB (x, v).
Example 7.3. In the two-dimensional case the condition is that A and B
contain a triangle S with one of its edges on their boundaries, a unique vertex
of which is an extremal point of both of them where they fail to be C 1 (see
figure 9).
vi,2 = 0
vi,2 = 0
Tp Φ ·v
0 = ve2
Φn (m)
Tm Φn ·V
Figure 8. The application Φ in dimension 2 illustrated
A0 = B 0
Figure 9. Illustration of Example 7.3
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