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QuiKey is a light-weight tool that can act as an interac- tive command-line for a semantic knowledge base. It focuses on highest interaction-ecie ncy to browse, query and author graph-based knowl- edge bases in a step-by-step manner. It combines ideas of simple interac- tion techniques like auto-completion, command interpreters and faceted browsing and integrates them to a new interaction concept. It is being developed in the Semantic Desktop project nepomuk 1 . Despite its ver- satility, QuiKey needs very little screen space, which also makes it a candidate for future mobile use.
Balkan Region Conference on Engineering and Business Education
Intuitive user interfaces have been of great concern for GUI developers. The current research, who deals with their designing, faces the term intuitive constantly. The main question is how can the Interface be intuitive? For the moment, the researchers try to provide a very intuitive generic user interface that can be used in a variety of applications. In this paper we provide a solution that can model any applied ontology into a honeycomb menu. The hexagonal shape of the honeycomb has attracted the attention of humans for centuries. As a relevant consequence, the final user can browse any knowledge base very easily with the aid of this interface. Another useful feature is that programmers can take full advantage of semantic web technologies which can tailor results based on any knowledge base that is feed as input, without any need for code change, thus leading towards a panacea system.
We present iMapping, a diagrammatic zooming and nesting based approach for visually structuring information objects on the desktop with a special focus on per-sonal knowledge management. It was designed based on a set of requirements gathered from the analysis of existing knowledge mapping techniques from a cognitive science point of view. We also briefly introduce a prototypical implementation. 1 Motivation Many knowledge management systems, especially those who rely on highly struc-tured information and meta data being entered and maintained by the users, fail because users do not make this additional effort if they do not have to. This may be one of the reasons why semantic technologies have not found widespread use so far, although semantic meta data would undoubtedly improve findabil-ity, interoperability and, in general, automated processing of information and knowledge items. For these technologies to be widely used, they have to provide immediate benefit to the user and it i...
ArXiv, 2021
The semantic linked data model is at the core of the Web due to its ability to model real world entities, connect them via relationships and provide context, which could help to transform data into information and information into knowledge. Linked Data, in the form of ontologies and knowledge graphs could be stored locally or could be made available to everyone online. For example, the DBpedia knowledge base, which provides global and unified access to knowledge graphs is open access. However, both access and usage of Linked Data require individuals to have expert knowledge in the field of the Semantic Web. Many of the existing solutions that are powered by Linked Data are developed for specific use cases such as building and exploring ontologies visually and are aimed at researchers with knowledge of semantic technology. The solutions that are aimed at non-experts are generic and, in most cases, information visualisation is not available. Instead, information is presented in textu...
SOFSEM 2010: Theory and Practice of Computer …, 2010
In this paper we present a novel user interface -the Atom Interface -for browsing and exploring structured semantic web data. The interface organizes the information in a circular fashion. We describe our design goals and demonstrate two example applications. We also conduct an initial controlled experiment to investigate how the interface supports performing certain tasks. The goal of the experiment was to better understand characteristics of our solution and collect some early feedback for later refinement of our design. The results show that the Atom Interface lowers the effort to navigate the information space. The post study satisfaction questionnaire showed also that the subjects preferred, liked and enjoyed the Atom Interface more than the other interfaces used in the experiment.
Journal of Digital Information - JODI
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Search Over the Web - SS@ '13, 2013
There has been much recent interest in user-friendly interfaces that support queries and searching the Semantic Web, without requiring knowledge of sparql and the internal structure used by DBpedia or other knowledge bases. Although powerful, the existing proposals assume the use of desktop computers featuring rather large displays and pointing devices such as a mouse or trackpad. In this paper we tackle the problem of querying and searching the Semantic Web from mobile devices, by taking full advantage of their small touch-enabled screens. We focus on a user-friendly interface that can be used from smartphones, mini tablets, smart watches and possibly other wearable computers such as Google Glass. Indeed existing approaches become much less usable and effective on mobile since these support and require different modalities of user interaction. Our proposal is based on an adaptation of the recently proposed concept of SBE query system, developing a novel mobile interface that allows both browsing and querying the Semantic Web without using sparql nor knowledge of the underlying ontology/schema of the supporting knowledge base. To demonstrate the properties of the proposed interface we have developed QPedia 1 , a mobile app that allows to take full advantages of DBpedia through our mobile-enabled userfriendly interface.
Structural Knowledge Graph Navigator (SKGN) supports end users of Web applications by simple means for ad hoc querying and browsing in an object-oriented database. The interface has been implemented within the European project ICONS. SKGN utilizes three core concepts: intentional navigation (in a schema graph), extensional navigation (in an object graph) and annotated user baskets for storing intermediate and final results of querying. SKGN is organized as an applet on the client side and a wrapper to a database on the server side. The paper describes the main ideas of SKGN.
In this paper we present a preliminary study with Explorator, a tool for exploring RDF data by direct manipulation. Explorator's visual user interface allows users to explore a semi-structured RDF database to both gain knowledge and answer specific questions about a domain, through browsing, search, and exploration mechanisms.
Lecture 3: What should we say about being today? Lecture 4 (Mon, 29.04.2024): What should we say about truth today? Lecture 6 (Tue, 30.04.2024): Reference to objects in space and time. Lecture 6 (Mon, 06.05.2024): The ontic individuation of things 25
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2014
REPSI - Revista Ecuatoriana de Psicología, 2023
La investigación desde el teatro, el teatro desde la investigación. Actas del XI Congreso Argentino e Internacional de Teatro Comparado, 2024
Psychologische Rundschau, 2007
Landscape Architecture Frontiers, 2020
American Journal of Community Psychology, 1989
Journal of vacuum science & technology, 2021
Neuropsychologia, 2019
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 2015
Revista de Estudios Fronterizos, 2025
Sultan Qaboos University Journal for Science [SQUJS], 2007
Relato Autobiográfico, 2025
I. POZZONI (a cura di), Frammenti di filosofia contemporanea XXIV, Villasanta, Limina Mentis Editrice, 2018, ISBN: 978-978-8885426085.