Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1482 (2000) 218^228
Major urinary proteins, K2U -globulins and aphrodisin
A. Cavaggioni, C. Mucignat-Caretta *
Dipartimento di Anatomia e Fisiologia Umana, Universita© di Padova, Via Marzolo 3, 35131 Padova, Italy
Received 14 October 1999; received in revised form 20 January 2000; accepted 10 February 2000
The major urinary proteins (MUPs) are proteins secreted by the liver and filtered by the kidneys into the urine of adult
male mice and rats, the MUPs of rats being also referred to as K2U -globulins. The MUP family also comprises closely related
proteins excreted by exocrine glands of rodents, independently of their sex. The MUP family is an expression of a multi-gene
family. There is complex hormonal and tissue-specific regulation of MUP gene expression. The multi-gene family and its
outflow are characterized by a polymorphism which extends over species, strains, sexes, and individuals. There is evidence of
evolutionary conservation of the genes and their outflow within the species and evidence of change between species. MUPs
share the eight-stranded L-barrel structure lining a hydrophobic pocket, common to lipocalins. There is also a high degree of
structural conservation between mouse and rat MUPs. MUPs bind small natural odorant molecules in the hydrophobic
pocket with medium affinity in the 104 ^105 M31 range, and are excreted in the field, with bound odorants. The odorants are
then released slowly in air giving a long lasting olfactory trace to the spot. MUPs seem to play complex roles in chemosensory
signalling among rodents, functioning as odorant carriers as well as proteins that prime endocrine reactions in female
conspecifics. Aphrodisin is a lipocalin, found in hamster vaginal discharge, which stimulates male copulatory behaviour.
Aphrodisin does not seem to bind odorants and no polymorphism has been shown. Both MUPs and aphrodisin stimulate the
vomeronasal organ of conspecifics. ß 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Pheromone; Mouse; Rat; Olfactory; Lipocalin; Vomeronasal organ
1. The rodent's physiological proteinuria
Proteinuria, a secretion of plasma protein into
urine, is not a normal physiological event because
plasma proteins have a high molecular mass which
prevents their glomerular ¢ltration in the kidney. The
proteinuria of male rodents is an exception made
possible because major urinary proteins (MUPs)
are small monomeric proteins with Mr about 18 000
[1^15]. The major part of MUPs ¢ltered by the glo-
* Corresponding author. Fax: +390 (49) 8275301;
[email protected]
meruli are concentrated and excreted into the urine
although some reabsorption occurs in the kidney
proximal tubuli [16^18].The MUP proteinuria of an
adult male mouse is about 5^10 mg protein per day,
about 10% of the mouse nitrogen balance. MUPs are
stable under a variety of conditions likely to be
found in the ¢eld, such as freezing and thawing, drying, moderate heating and also proteolysis [14]. MUP
synthesis takes place in the liver and accounts for
3.5^4% of total protein synthesis of the male mouse
liver [14], and in the order of magnitude of 100 Wg/h
per g of liver tissue in the isolated and perfused male
rat liver [12]. MUPs expressed in the hepatocytes are
cleaved of the secretion signal peptide and secreted
0167-4838 / 00 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII : S 0 1 6 7 - 4 8 3 8 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 4 9 - 7
A. Cavaggioni, C. Mucignat-Caretta / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1482 (2000) 218^228
into the bloodstream, and then ¢ltered by the kidneys [7].
The hormonal regulation of MUP synthesis in the
hepatocytes operates pretranscriptionally by induction of MUP gene expression [19]. The synthesis of
MUPs is sex-dependent under the in£uence of androgens [20^27]. Testosterone induces the synthesis of
MUPs also in adult female mice. Other hormones,
however, are needed for normal MUP synthesis, notably, the growth hormone [21^23,27], the thyroid
hormone [19,20], the glucocorticoids and insulin
[21]. Reciprocally, MUPs seem to in£uence the pituitary-gonadal axis and hypothalamic nervous mediator metabolism [25,26]. MUP synthesis decreases
early in carcinoma transformed hepatocytes [28].
2. MUP polymorphism
Several forms of MUPs are expressed in the liver
and excreted in urine of rodents. The forms di¡er in
the deduced amino acid sequence. Some of the MUP
forms can be separated by charge or mass di¡erence
[29^33]. Isoelectric focussing of male mouse urine
resolves up to 15 MUP forms with pI ranging from
4.6 to 5.3 [30]. Adult female rats excrete a smaller
amount of MUPs, about one sixth that of male rats,
and these are distinct from male MUPs with pI values of about 4.6 [31]. There are interline di¡erences
in the MUP excreted by di¡erent mouse inbred
strains [7], e.g., Balb/c and C57BL/6 give forms differing in pI and mass [30,34^36]; forms with Mr
18 645 and 18 710 dominate in C57BL/6 male mice
and Mr 18 694 in Balb/c male mice.
There is also considerable di¡erence in the pattern
of MUP secretion among individuals of wild type
populations, and wild individuals excrete MUPs
not previously observed in inbred strains [37]. Lines
of wild-derived mice express in the liver amounts of
MUP mRNA that di¡er considerably from the inbred C57BL/6 line, and male to female MUP mRNA
ratios range from one to several hundred, a ¢gure to
be compared to the 5^10 ratio normally observed in
inbred mouse strains [32].
It has been proposed that MUP polymorphism is a
protein compatibility system involved in chemosensory allorecognition among rodents [38]. Allorecognition aimed at maintaining the genetic identity or to
avoid inbreeding may be su¤cient for the evolution
of polymorphisms, the ultimate degree of which is
equal to the phenotype diversity in the population
[39]. Interestingly a well known compatibility group
of proteins, the highly polymorphic MHC, has been
shown to be involved in intraspeci¢c recognition of
mice and rats based on urinary olfactory cues [40^
42]. Testing whether also MUPs represent a compatibility system used for allorecognition would require
the use of chemically de¢ned MUP forms as adequate stimuli. The expression and high secretion
yield of recombinant MUP by the yeast Pichia pastoris host system pave the way for testing this hypothesis [43].
Comparing mouse and rat MUPs, the amino acid
sequence reveals protein homology. Identity of the
aligned residues is about 65% and characteristic motifs conserved in the MUPs of the mouse are conserved in the rat. A signature motif of MUPs is the
amino-terminal hexapeptide Glu-Glu-Ala-Ser-SerThr [13]. A major di¡erence between species is that
MUPs are glycosylated in rats [12,44] but not in
3. MUP genetics
MUP genes form a polymorphic multi-gene family
[45^59]. MUP genes are clustered in the MUP locus
on chromosome 4 of the mouse [46,54,56] upstream
from the brown locus from the centromere, and on
the homologous rat chromosome 5 [59]. The multigene family is composed of at least 35 distinct MUP
genes per haploid mouse genome [48]. MUP genes
fall into two groups, group 1 made of active genes
and group 2 of pseudogenes containing inappropriate stop codons and frameshift mutations [44,47,52].
The MUP genes contain six coding exons. The predominant arrangement of the genes is peculiar.
Group 1 and group 2 genes are arranged in pairs
each containing a group 1 and a group 2 gene in
divergent transcriptional orientation with 15 kb of
DNA between the cap sites, forming a unit of about
45 kb [53,55]. There is base conservation between
units, coupled with divergence within the unit. The
evolutionary rate of divergence of MUPs of mice
with a homologous MUP of rats is high, whilst there
has been a selective pressure against change within
A. Cavaggioni, C. Mucignat-Caretta / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1482 (2000) 218^228
the species [49]. It has been proposed that the evolutionary ampli¢cation of these tandemly arranged
genes could be brought out either by unequal crossing over or by gene conversion [48,53]. These observations suggest that MUPs must have important species-related functions.
The possibility of epigenetic inheritance has been
investigated. MUP DNA sequences are poorly methylated in diplotene oocytes and highly methylated in
pachytene spermatocytes [57]. Repression of MUP
gene methylation in adult mice can be experimentally
induced by epigenetic manipulations in the early embryo such as nuclear transplantation [60]. Strikingly,
the low methylation phenotype acquired through epigenetic manipulations is transmitted to most of the
o¡spring of the manipulated parent mouse [61]. The
MUP locus on chromosome 4 of mice has been
linked genetically to some factors responsible for
sperm morphology [62].
4. Constitutively expressed MUPs and control of
Forms of the MUP family are expressed in exocrine glands of mice and rats independently of sex,
age, and state, i.e., constitutively [63^79]. Beside the
liver, MUPs are constitutively expressed in the mammary, parotid, sublingual, submaxillary, lachrymal,
nasal, and modi¢ed sebaceous glands.
In the mouse, MUP mRNAs conventionally referred to forms from I to VI show a loose speci¢city
with exocrine glands. MUPs I, II and III are expressed in the liver, MUP II also in the mammary
gland, MUP IV in the parotid, lachrymal and nasal
glands, MUP V in the submaxillary and MUP VI in
the parotid gland [65,67,69,70].
In the rat, MUP mRNAs have been detected, beside the above glands, also in modi¢ed sebaceous
glands, namely, preputial and perianal glands
The endocrine status of the rodent organism controls the MUP gene transcription in the liver, whereas the gland cell speci¢cally controls the constitutive
MUP gene expression. Epigenetic factors may be
into play [61]. The high degree of homology between
the £anking regions of MUP genes suggests that
some of the DNA response elements are located in
these regions [72]. Inserting 7 kb of DNA comprising
a rat MUP gene with its £anking regions into the
mouse germ line has been reported to result in transgenic mice with a high heterologous MUP expression
in the liver suggesting that the transgene comprised
the regulatory regions; there was expression also in
preputial glands, a fact not observed in natural mice,
indicating that the transgene had tissue-speci¢c response elements [73]. Cis-acting regulatory sequences
involved in the di¡erential tissue-speci¢c expression
have been described [74]. Beside cis-activity, there is
evidence that a trans-acting gene regulates expression
in a MUP variant observed in a substrain of Balb/c
mice [75]. A MUP-tk reporter gene exhibits many of
the characteristics of endogenous MUP genes but
shows expression also in the preputial glands and
testis of transgenic mice and, curiously, confers
male sterility [76]. Three cis-response elements and
one element located within intron 4 bind the glucocorticoid receptor in vitro and are required for inducing MUP expression with dexamethasone [77].
Three response elements for GH-dependent induction of MUP expression, two of which are involved
in sexually dimorphic expression have been localized
[27,78]. Finally, the mute gene MUP 1.5 b is silenced
probably by steric e¡ects hampering its transcription
rather than by cis- or trans-inhibiting elements
5. Binding of odorant molecules
Besides MUPs, a variety of volatile molecules
found in adult male mouse urine, that are not
present or present in smaller quantity in female or
castrated mouse urine, have been characterized by
gas chromatography and mass spectrometry [81]. A
reason of this di¡erence between sexes is that MUPs
bind and help concentrate odorants in male urine.
MUPs are thus odorant binding proteins [82^89].
Among the variety of odorant molecules bound to
MUPs in urine, 2-sec-butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole and
dehydro-exo-brevicomin are most abundant. The
binding a¤nity of MUPs for these molecules is in
the order of 104 ^105 M31 , as determined by competitive displacement of the ligand 2-[3 H]isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine. Mouse and rat MUPs bind with different a¤nity and di¡erent forms of MUPs of the
A. Cavaggioni, C. Mucignat-Caretta / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1482 (2000) 218^228
same species bind with di¡erent a¤nity. Precise kinetic data on the binding are not available but the
dissociation of the bound odorant is a slow process.
Not surprisingly, therefore, MUPs retain the odorants bound when chromatographed. Changes in the
short range forces between the odorant and the protein moiety, associated with small conformational
changes are likely to help retain the odorant bound
for long periods although the binding a¤nity is not
particularly high. It is conceivable that MUPs bind
the odorants in the bloodstream and convey them
into the urine. The volatile molecules would then
slowly di¡use in air once urine has been released in
the ¢eld to mark a spot. There is direct evidence that
MUPs evince a slow release of olfactory signals from
scent marks that extends the longevity of olfactory
signals [90,91]. The release of odorants is a complex
phenomenon. Both the dissociation constant as well
as the lifetime of the odorants are into play. The
racemization, e.g., of the 2-sec-butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole stereoisomers is likely to provide a cue for the
mouse to date the time of deposition of the scent
mark, a task that mice are very good at doing [92].
6. MUP structure and relation to other lipocalins
The structure of MUP of mice and rats has been
studied by X-ray di¡raction of MUP crystals and the
peptide backbone has been resolved [86]. The map of
the binding site occupied by 2-sec-butyl-dihydrothiazole [89] and the solution structure of recombinant
MUP [93] have been obtained with NMR spectroscopy (Fig. 1). MUPs share the overall folding pattern
of lipocalins characterized by eight L-sheets de¢ning
a L-barrel structure. The interior of the L-barrel
forms a pocket with a highly apolar lining, ideal
for the binding and transportation of small hydrophobic molecules through hydrophilic media like
plasma and urine. There are, however, di¡erences
in both the identity and positions of amino acid residues forming the binding pocket. Most noticeable
are the substitution of Val 54 and Ala 104 of the
mouse MUP by phenylalanine in rat MUP. In the
mouse MUP structure there is a hydrogen bond to
one of two water molecules in the binding pocket
from the side chain hydroxyl group of Tyr 120. In
rat MUP this group points directly to the bound
ligand. These di¡erences help explain why these
highly homologous proteins bind a variety of ligands
with di¡erent a¤nities. NMR data on a recombinant
MUP-racemic 2-sec-butyl-dihydrothiazole complex
show that in the hydrophobic pocket the dihydrothiazole ring is adjacent to Leu 40 and the sec-butyl
chain approaches the side chains of residues 42, 54,
90, 103 and 120 in one or both diastereoisomeric
complexes [89].
Classi¢cation of the lipocalins using a pro¢le
search method shows that more than half of the lipocalin amino acid sequences form a large group, with
signi¢cant scores for excretory MUPs, including
odorant binding proteins, proteins involved in the
reproductive system and the L-lactoglobulin family
[94^99]. In these proteins an `open' and a `closed'
end leading to the hydrophobic cavity seems well
adapted to binding small ligands and interaction
with cell surface elements respectively [97,98].
7. MUPs and chemical signalling
The odour of male mouse urine has a profound
e¡ect on the biology [100], the endocrine system and
behaviour of conspeci¢cs [101]. In an early report
Vandenbergh and his colleagues [102] attributed a
major role to urinary volatile molecules in the test
of acceleration of female puberty induced by male
urine. In subsequent studies [103,104] they noticed
that the factor responsible for this activity could
not be extracted in ether, was destroyed by boiling
and digestion but not by organic extraction of the
aqueous phase and could be chromatographically resolved in two peaks, a protein peak corresponding to
Mr about 18 000 and a small molecular weight component with Mr about 800. The Mr 18 000 corresponds to the mass of MUP and Mr 800 has been
suggested to correspond to the hexapeptide Glu-GluAla-Arg-Ser-Met which is a potential out£ow of a
MUP pseudogene [52]. There is no report, however,
that a peptide corresponding to this amino acid sequence has been isolated from male mouse urine.
Later studies con¢rmed that MUP partially puri¢ed
from male mouse urine and dissolved in juvenile
mouse urine is active on the puberty acceleration
test, even after stripping o¡ of natural ligands by
organic extraction or competition displacement,
A. Cavaggioni, C. Mucignat-Caretta / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1482 (2000) 218^228
Fig. 1. Graphical representation of the hydrophobic binding pocket inside recombinant MUP as resolved by NMR spectroscopy. The
side chains of all residues in the interior of the L-barrel are displayed as rods. The non-polar side chains are coloured in green (Trp
19) and yellow, while polar residues are shown in red. From [93].
A. Cavaggioni, C. Mucignat-Caretta / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1482 (2000) 218^228
whereas the volatile fraction is inactive [105]. Very
similar results were obtained with the oestrus synchronization test (Whitten e¡ect) showing that
MUP with the ligands is active in water but MUP
without ligands is not active in water but is active in
urine naturally excreted without MUP, namely, in
urine of a male mouse castrated early in life or of
juvenile male mouse or in urine of castrated female
mouse (A. Marchlewska-Koj, A. Cavaggioni, P.
Olejniczak, unpublished data). These results suggest
that MUPs require the bound ligands or a urinary
context and that the volatiles require MUPs to express their endocrine priming activity. At variance of
previous observations [106] recent results repropose a
role for the volatile fraction and tend to exclude a
role for the protein fraction in the puberty acceleration test [107]; the majority of the positive results,
however, were obtained with the volatiles in a carrier
medium containing MUP rather than in air or in an
organic phase, while the negative results were obtained with water as a carrier. A detailed analysis
of this protocol versus the former experimental protocols may help clarify the complex issue of MUPs,
volatiles and MUPs with bound volatiles in the endocrine priming e¡ects of male mouse urine.
The role of volatiles on behaviour is clearer. MUP
ligands play a role in chemical signalling, as the volatile odorants from MUPs have a di¡erent impact on
environment exploration of male and female mice
[108], females being attracted whilst male mice are
repelled [109] to such an extent that they ultimately
display aggressive behaviour even against receptive
females anointed with MUP-borne molecules [110].
These results highlight the complexity of chemical
signalling by means of urine in mice which is still
largely unravelled. MUPs play an important role in
chemical communication as they bind, concentrate
and slowly release odorants [90] in the air like £ags
[111] to mark a spot. In a urinary context they seem
to play a role on the endocrine system of female
conspeci¢cs conveying information on the sex and
hormonal status of the releaser and on its phenotype
as well.
Volatile odorants of urine are likely to stimulate
the main olfactory epithelium and the vomeronasal
organ (VNO), and the latter is thought to be accessible to proteins [112]. Interestingly, acceleration of
female puberty onset by male pheromones is medi-
ated by the VNO [113] and so is the oestrus synchronization e¡ect driven by MUPs (Marchlewska-Koj et
al., unpublished data). Two types of cells have been
described in the VNO, a cell type which expresses
putative olfactory receptor molecules of class V1R
homologous to the main olfactory epithelium, and
a second cell type peculiar of the VNO which expresses receptors of class V2R homologous to a metabotropic glutamate receptor molecule [114]. It is
not known whether the two cell types project to different parts of the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB),
the ¢rst central relay nucleus of the VNO. A di¡erent
spatial pattern of activation, however, has been described [115] in AOB structure following VNO exposure to MUPs stripped of volatile odorants or to the
odorants alone. Taken together this evidence suggests that the VNO is a complex receptor with an
organized sensory system [116]. It will be interesting
to see whether MUPs and the volatile odorants stimulate di¡erent VNO receptor cells and activate di¡erent sensory pathways to the brain [38].
8. Aphrodisin
In the golden hamster a proteinaceous factor
present in the vaginal discharge has been found to
elicit male mounting behaviour in conspeci¢cs
[117,118]. A protein has been isolated from the vaginal discharge which retains this biological activity
and has been appropriately termed aphrodisin. The
protein, made of 151 amino acids and glycosylated at
two asparagine sites, is homologous to the lipocalin
family as deduced from amino acid sequence analysis
[119^121]. The similarity with excretory lipocalins
like MUPs, odorant binding proteins and L-lactoglobulin is high. The highest similarity found so far is to
both subunits of the heterodimer odorant protein I
of the mouse nasal glands [70,122]. Aphrodisin gene
expression is highest in the glands of the cervix uteri
of the hamster and in the lower part of the uterus
[123]. Immunohistochemical methods con¢rm this localization and detect aphrodisin extracellularly on
the surface of the anterior vaginal pluristrati¢ed epithelium resulting from excretion in the vaginal discharge. Aphrodisin, however, is also excreted in female hamster parotid gland [124]. Aphrodisin-elicited
sexual behaviour is lost by heating and proteolysis
A. Cavaggioni, C. Mucignat-Caretta / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1482 (2000) 218^228
but is retained after procedures for removing all possible ligands such as volatile odorants, steroids and
peptides from the protein. This evidence strongly
suggests that aphrodisin is a reproductive pheromone
[117]. At variance with MUPs, there is no published
evidence that aphrodisin carries volatile pheromones,
and no aphrodisin polymorphism has been so far
described based on amino acid sequence, mRNA
and gene base sequences. The receptor organ for
aphrodisin is the vomeronasal organ of the hamster
and vomeronasalectomy abolishes the behavioural
response. The intracellular transduction mechanism
activated by aphrodisin in the vomeronasal receptor
neurones seems to be the IP3 cascades. Puri¢ed aphrodisin modulates IP3 production of vomeronasal
membranes of male hamster, while the production
of cAMP is not altered [125]. The vomeronasal speci¢city of aphrodisin transduction is demonstrated by
the fact that aphrodisin does not change the concentration of either second messenger in a preparation
of membranes from the main olfactory mucosa.
9. Conclusions
Mice, rats and hamsters have been shown to communicate sexual information among conspeci¢cs by
means of chemical systems based on the excretion of
lipocalins. Mice and rats communicate by means of a
complex system based on a polymorphic system of
lipocalins (MUPs) and their volatile ligands excreted
in urine by male conspeci¢cs, ultimately releasing
both behavioural as well as endocrine responses.
Hamsters make use of a single lipocalin (aphrodisin)
excreted in the vaginal discharge of receptive hamsters which triggers male mounting behaviour. In
general, lipocalins are characterized by the diversity
of the functional roles despite conservation of the
structure. The MUP and aphrodisin systems illustrate that lipocalins subserve di¡erent roles in the
sexual communication among conspeci¢cs.
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