International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Volume 7 No. 2 2003, 175-206
Bezalel Gavish
Cox School of Business
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75205, USA
[email protected]
Abstract: Radio spectrum for wireless communications is a finite resource
whose allocation to different technologies and application areas is governed by
regulatory bodies. Radio spectrum has enormous economic value, which attracts many potential wireless operators. One of the functions of the regulators
is to assign the available radio spectrum to operators. Spectrum auctioning
became a favorable tool for selecting operators and assigning bandwidth to
bidders. Many auctioning methods have been proposed in order to achieve efficient and fair allocation. It is common to decide before the auction begins on
the number of operators that will be permitted to operate in each geographic
We develop a model of the net revenues of an operator as a function of
the number of operators that are permitted to operate in a given area. It is
demonstrated through numerical examples that a priori decisions can lead to
significant reductions in the value of the allocated spectrum. An improved
auctioning method is proposed which captures the impact of the number of
winning bidders on the overall revenues collected by the auctioneer and provides
the regulators with data on the value of different allocations.
AMS Subject Classification: 90B12, 94A05,
Key Words: radio spectrum, models of net revenues of an operator, numerical
15 February, 2003
c 2003, Academic Publications Ltd.
B. Gavish
1. Introduction
Auctions have been used throughout history as efficient mechanisms to trade
goods and services1 . They are used for selling houses, plots of land, cars,
books, paintings, coins, stamps, flowers, wines and any other items that do
not have a ready made price in the local market. More recently, the wide
spread use of the Internet, led to the development of hundreds of sites that
promote on-line auctions of items that are up for bid. Some of the auction sites
also support combinatorial auctions. Combinatorial auctions are auctions that
handle the simultaneous trade of multiple goods; they have many forms and
can arise in a variety of real-world situations. Some of the most famous uses
of combinatorial auctions have been in the process of government deregulation
of industries and the allocation of rights to goods, which were controlled by
the government. Some of the well-known applications of restricted versions of
combinatorial auctions have been in bandwidth allocation for cellular phone
services (Jackson [11], McMillan [18], Milgrom[19]), rights for high definition
TV broadcasting, allocation of take-off and landing slots in airports (Rassenti,
Smith and Bulfin [22]), Grether, Isaac and Plott [10], and McCabe, Rassenti
and Smith [17]). Bidding for railroad right of way segments (Brewer [3], Brewer
and Plott [4]), bidding for shipping and Transportation contracts (Caplice, [5],
Ledyard et al [15]), bidding for multi-attribute items/contracts in electronic
procurement (Bichler et al [2]), and Scheduling of manufacturing operations in
a factory (Wellman et al [25]).
Radio spectrum is used in many application areas; it is a highly valuable
resource and carries significant economic benefits. Examples of the many uses
of radio spectrum include: Analog and digital radio (in multiple bands), TV
broadcasting (regular, digital and HDTV), wireless LANs (WiFi, Bluetooth,
802.11), LMDS, radio amateur operators, satellite communications and satellite
radio, aviation and marine uses, PC and direct TV, CB bands, military, personal
security, fire, medical, police and other rescue operations, wildlife monitoring,
cellular phone and data services, global positioning services, microwave tower
communications, wireless industrial control systems. These are just a few of
the many application areas of radio spectrum. The number and uses of wireless
communications are expanding and growing over time.
Useful Radio spectrum is a limited resource, whose effective capacity depends on developing new and efficient methods for squeezing bits into available
bandwidth. This becomes harder and harder over time as scientists and engineers are approaching the theoretical and practical limits on spectrum use for
Early auctions of slaves are mentioned a number of times in the bible.
digital communications. Due to the limited availability of useful spectrum and
the possibility of interference between different applications and operators, the
allocation and use of radio spectrum is regulated by regulatory bodies (international, national, regional and local). Being a scarce resource, radio spectrum
has to be controlled and allocated to multiple sometimes-competing application
areas and to specific functions.
Spectrum was initially allocated through a straightforward licensing process. Potential operators applied for a license, had to satisfy some minimal
technical and financial requirements. Licenses were allocated using a FIFO
policy among the acceptable applicants. This was extended to other licensing methods, including a lottery system, which used a lottery to pick license
awardees among the approved set of applicants, this encouraged the formation
of consortiums of lottery members (increasing their chances to win). No restrictions have been put on exchanging spectrum or on reselling it by early license
winners. Some of the early awardees bought spectrum from other winners at
what by today standards were bargain prices, amassing enormous fortunes in
the process (multi billion dollars). The enormous wealth collected by a few individuals through their radio spectrum acquisitions has attracted the attention
of journalists, the general population, politicians, scholars and regulators, who
were alarmed that public goods are given out below their market value, to a few
individuals without the public benefiting from such allocations. This set in motion the process which led to the development of proposals on how the society
can reap some of the financial gains stemming from spectrum allocations.
In the mid 80s, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) undertook
the mission of allocating spectrum to digital cellular services. Many methods
were considered for the allocation process, with the objective to collect some
of the economic benefits associated with the allocation of radio spectrum. Kwerel and Felker [14] proposed that licenses for wireless services be allocated by
the FCC using a spectrum auction process. This proposal led to the Congress
authorizing the use of auctions for assigning radio spectrum for Personal Communications Services (PCS). The FCC was assigned by the Congress with the
responsibility of developing spectrum auctioning rules and regulations. Much
research has been done on auction schemes and bidding rules for spectrum
allocation. Interested readers are referred to the work by Milgrom [19], Jackson [11], Kelly and Steinberg [12], Cramton [6], Fritts [7], Ausubel at. al [1],
Rothkopf and Harstad [23], Mcafee and McMillan [16], McMillan [18].
The basic auction idea had to be streamlined into an implementable set
of procedures for spectrum allocation. The real difficulty was discovered when
Spectrum auction designers became aware that they are dealing with a difficult
B. Gavish
combinatorial auction problem. There are many examples of auctions in which
the values of the auctioned items to a bidder depend on him winning a collection
of items. This synergistic effect may be specific to the bidder (depending on
the amount of information, knowledge and financial and technical resources
available to him). Auction designers have the incentive to design their auctions
to encourage bidders to take advantage of the nonlinearties involved in bidding
on combinations of items, in such a way that will be both fair to the bidders
and practical to implement.
Spectrum auction designers were exposed to the negative experiences and
the complexities involved in earlier combinatorial auctions of public goods. For
example during the auctioning of take-off and landing slots in airports, bidders
faced the following impediment. When a bidder bids on a take-off slot from
JFK airport in New York City, he has to make sure that he has won a landing
slot for that plane in another airport (Chicago for example) within the time
frame of the arrival time of the flight to Chicago. At the same time, the bidder
has to make sure that an earlier flight with the same plane type has landed in
JFK, so that a plane will be available for the flight from JFK to Chicago. The
above bidding problem is an example of a combinatorial auction. The value of
a bid depends on the complete set of items (landing and take-off slots) won in
this and other bids by the same bidder. Unfortunately, such full knowledge is
available only when the auction is terminated and the winning bids and bidders
are publicized.
Bidding for bandwidth for cellular services has similar characteristics that
can be handled in principle through combinatorial auctions. Two main difficulties are encountered when applying combinatorial auctioning procedures to
the auctioning of radio spectrum for cellular services. The first difficulty stems
from the computational complexities associated with non trivial size combinatorial auctions which lead quickly to a computational explosion, unless severe
restrictions are placed on the types of combinations that are acceptable as part
of the bidding process. The second type of difficulty follows from the inability
of human beings to understand and process the vast amount of data generated
during an open-ended combinatorial auctions. These two difficulties led to the
formation and use of restricted versions of combinatorial auctions2 .
The innovation of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) spectrum auctions was in having an open auction for many licenses at the same
time. The auction method selected was that of a simultaneous multiple-round
auction. This auction form was proposed by auction experts Milgrom [20],
More details on combinatorial auctions and their implementation in auctioning of radio
spectrum to cellular phone services is given in Section 2.
Wilson and McAfee. A simultaneous multiple-round auction is similar to a
traditional ascending-bid “English” auction, except that, instead of selling one
license at a time, collections of licenses are auctioned simultaneously during
distinct rounds, the auction winners are set when the bidding is concluded on
all licenses. A bidder can bid on any of the collections of licenses put up for
bid. The PCS auction process proceeds in rounds. At the end of each round,
the highest bids become the leading bids. Before starting the next round, the
winning bidders and their bids are made available to all potential bidders. The
auction terminates when bidding has concluded on all licenses; that i s, until
a round goes by in which there are no new bids on any of the licenses. Or
until an auction termination criterion has been met (total revenues collected,
elapsed time, a preset date, number of iterations). At the end of the last round,
the leading bidder on each collection of licenses is designated as its winner.
Rothkopf, Pekec and Harstad [24] provide additional details on the development and implementation of the PCS auction rules. Although, not optimal
when compared to an open-ended combinatorial auction (i.e. all combinations
are open for bidding), the simultaneous multiple-round auction represented a
vast improvement over single license auctioning methods.
Some of the important features of ascending-bid procedure include: its design allows the bidders to react to information revealed in prior rounds. This
reduces the likelihood of the winners curse3 , enabling the bidders to bid more
aggressively (Milgrom and Weber [21]). By auctioning on a large set of related
licenses simultaneously, bidders are able to value collections of licenses. Since
bidder valuations depend on the collection of licenses they win, the ability to
value and bid for collections of related licenses permits a bidder to form efficient
aggregations of licenses. This efficiency is much more difficult to achieve in sequential single item auctions, where one license at a time is put up for bid. A
bidder who is interested in a certain collection of licenses, does not know what
the prices will be in later auctions, when considering whether to change his bid
at the present auction. Some licenses are complements, i.e. one set of licenses
adds value to other licenses, whereas others are substitutes. The simultaneous
sale of related licenses in an ascending bid auction, gives the bidders some of
the flexibility they need to express these value interdependencies. By keeping
the bidding on all licenses open until there are no new bids, bidders are provided with the flexibility of switching among license aggregations as prices and
winners change. Another benefit of the FCC simultaneous ascending auction
is its full transparency. Bidders and other interested parties can verify that
A situation in which a bidder wins and discovers after the auction that he would have
been better off if he did not win.
B. Gavish
the auction and biding rules are followed. If problems are discovered, they are
highlighted and resolved before significant damage is done. Moreover, since
secrecy is not an issue, costly procedures and protocols to preserve secret data
are unnecessary.
The paper is structured as follows; we present in the next section the difficulties involved in spectrum allocation and explain why combinatorial auctions
have been developed as a possible solution to this difficulties. In Section 3, we
outline and explain the steps used by the regulatory bodies to allocate bandwidth to wireless operators. In Section 4, we develop an economic model for
deriving the net revenues of an operator when he is the only one permitted to
operate in a service area, followed by a model for the case in which multiple
operators are permitted to operate in a service area. Section 6 uses numerical
examples to demonstrate the impact of the number of operators permitted to
operate in a service area on the net revenues of an operator and on the number
of cellular subscribers. Section 7 proposes a new parallel auctioning scheme,
which eliminates many of the difficulties that are associated with existing bidding methods. The paper concludes with suggestions for possible extensions of
the basic models developed in this paper.
2. Cellular Auctions as Combinatorial Auctions
Spectrum auctioning for cellular phone services is one of the first important uses
of combinatorial auctions. The combinatorial nature of the auction stems from
the fact that bidders attach a much higher value to contiguous geographical
areas, than to winning disconnected areas that have the same number of potential subscribers. A cellular user is more likely to value his ability to receive
service over a larger contiguous geographic area, closer to the area in which
he resides. Figure 1 contains the details of an example consisting of twenty
service rectangles. Assuming that each rectangle has the same potential number of subscribers, we consider two possible configurations and compare their
attractiveness to cellular bidders:
• Configuration 1 consists of five areas {A, B, C, F, G} and all other areas
won by other bidders.
• Configuration 2 consists of five areas {A, D, O, R, K} and all other areas
won by other bidders.
We also assume that the licensing regulatory bodies do not permit secondary
license trading markets (winning bidders trading areas between them). Under
Figure 1: A service area consisting of 20 areas open for bidding
the above assumptions, the potential number of subscribers in both winning
bids is identical. However, it is obvious that configuration 1 is much more
valuable to a cellular operator than a winning bid consisting of the areas in
configuration 2.
Figure 2a: Configuration 1 of service areas
There are two main reasons for the desirability of configuration 1 over configuration 2. The first one has to do with the attractiveness of configuration 1
to customers who reside in areas A, B, C, F, G, they are assured that they will
have uninterrupted cellular service in areas close to their home base, a feature
that is desirable to potential subscribers. The second reason has to do with the
cost to the service provider of providing cellular services. The system setup and
marginal costs of providing cellular services in configuration 1 are lower than
the ones in configuration 2. A higher portion of the costs is sharable in configuration 1 when compared to configuration 2. For example advertisement and
sales costs can be shared, the possibility of sharing base stations and channels
between adjacent areas, shorter base station interconnection costs, and more
efficient service and technical support operations.
In a sequential bidding process a potential bidder faces an exposure problem,
he has to decide on how he should bid for sub-areas and not end up in a
B. Gavish
Figure 2b: Configuration 2 of service areas
situation in which he overpays for the sub-areas he wins. Consider the following
valuations by the bidder for different configurations. He values winning one subarea at 10, winning two adjacent sub-areas at 27, winning three adjacent subareas at 45, winning four adjacent sub-areas at 65, and winning five adjacent
sub-areas at 100. Using the above valuations, he values configuration 1 at 100,
configuration 2 at 50. If he bids more than 10 for each of the single sub areas,
he might win five sub-areas that are isolated from each other. Since he values
such a win at 50, he overpaid for his winning bids. On the other hand if he
offers only 10 for each sub-area, another bidder who makes an offer of 51 for five
adjacent sub-areas will win them paying only 51, while our bidder who values
them at 100, did not bid an amount in th e range of 51 to 100. Both cases are
bad, both for the auctioneer who would have collected a higher sum, and for the
bidder who will not extract his full expected value from the bidding process.
Combinatorial auctions have been developed in an attempt to resolve the
bidder exposure problem. In combinatorial auctions, a bidder can specify a
combination of sub-areas he wishes to bid for and specifies how much he is willing to pay for that combination. A bidder can submit many bids at the same
iteration of the auction each with a different combination and price. Combinatorial auctions bring up a different question, how does the auctioneer determine
which combinations of bids are the winning bids? And how are the winners determined?
The FCC and wireless communications regulatory bodies in other countries
have devised bidding schemes, in which the spectrum allocated to an application
domain, is put up for bid by existing and potential service providers who can
bid for parts of that spectrum. The regulatory bodies are trying to balance
a few conflicting objectives. Under directive from the legislators, they would
like to collect as much as possible for the right to use the allocated bandwidth,
i.e. maximize the total amount paid by the bidders for the spectrum allocated
to them. Another objective is to ensure that several cellular phone operators
will operate in each service area, so that potential users will be able to select
among several competing service providers, hoping that this will encourage
multidimensional competition (in price, quality of services, coverage, length of
contracts, etc.) and will result in better service and lower prices to consumers.
As shown in Gavish and Sridhar [8, 9], the two objectives can conflict. By
increasing the number of cellular operators in a service area, the level of competition between service providers is increased. However, at the same time it
reduces the effective bandwidth available to each operator. When a cellular
operator is allocated less bandwidth to operate the cellular system, he is forced
to use (out of his own optimal system configuration) inferior technologies and
inferior system configurations (number of cells, location of base stations, transmission power levels) when compared to the ones in which more spectrum is
available to him (less operators in each service area). This may result in reduced
overall economic benefits from operating a cellular service, and increasing the
costs to customers and the economy. This observation is analyzed in Section 4
and Section 5 using appropriate economic models.
3. Current Spectrum Allocation Steps
The regulatory bodies have to play a careful-balancing act between allowing for
the profitable operations of cellular service providers, impact on the economy
of the new technologies and services, and to take into consideration the social
and political implications of their allocation decisions. To accomplish these,
sometimes-conflicting objectives, the regulatory body decision-making process
consists of the following main steps:
Step 1. Allocating bandwidth and frequency spectrum to application domains. There are many existing and potential applications of wireless bandwidth. Some of the potential application areas include uses for: broadcast radio (analog and digital), amateur radio operators, wireless local area networks,
broadcasting analog TV, broadcasting digital TV (high definition), aviation
based communication, radar detectors, police, fire and emergency medical services, cellular phone services, local broadband wireless services, security and
control, military communications. These are just a few of the many application
areas of wireless communications. The regulatory bodies have to decide how
much bandwidth out of the finite useful bandwidth should be allocated to each
potential use. In addition, they also set limits on transmission power on fixed
and mobile units, and specify the frequency ranges that are allocated to each
B. Gavish
service class. This is done in order to reduce the likelihood of interference between different application areas and technologies, and to increase the likelihood
of standardized operations. The regulators have also to take into consideration
when they decide on bandwidth allocations, past spectrum allocations and existing commitments, current technologies and emerging application areas and
technologies. Simultaneously, they have to make sure that spare spectrum is
available to support future possible technologies and application areas which
will emerge or be discovered at a later point in time.
Step 2. Dividing the spectrum into sub-bands: During this step, the regulatory bodies decide how to divide the overall geographic area into biddable
service areas (the size of a biddable area depends on the application or service),
they also decide for an application or service, how many cellular operators will
be allowed to provide services within a geographic service area. In addition,
they also decide on the allocation of the assigned spectrum between the different
operators. If the objective is of economic parity, it implies equal division of the
applicable spectrum between the different service providers, however in some
cases, due to social and political considerations the regulatory bodies decided on
unequal spectrum allocation. In recent years more and more of the bandwidth
allocation process was done through an auctioning process which initially used
ascending sealed bid mechanism with the attempt to maximize the amount collected by the controlling agency. The regulatory bodies decide before hand how
to divide to available spectrum to chunks of bandwidth that are put up for bid.
Recent auctions have used in some form or another multi-round simultaneous
ascending auction methods.
Step 3. The auctioning process: In the past, bandwidth was allocated
using a licensing process, in which spectrum was given away for a licensing fee
to petitioners who fulfilled some technical and financial requirements, in some
cases a simple FIFO policy was used to assign the available spectrum to petitioners. Licensing made sense when the general believe was that spectrum was
a plentiful resource. This view changed a decade ago, when policy makers and
the public observed how many of the early licensees made vast returns on their
investments. They also began to realize that the useful portion of the spectrum
is a finite resource, with an enormous economic value. This led them to look
on the spectrum, as a finite public good. Pressure mounted on the regulatory
bodies, to capture part of the economic benefits associated with the allocation
process. Auctioning of wireless spectrum became the main vehicle for collecting
some of its significant monetary benefits. The auction process is typically an
iterative process, with multiple rounds. At the beginning of a round, the bid-
ders submit to the auctioneer the bundles of service areas and spectrums they
wish to bid on and how much they are willing to pay if that bundle is assigned
to them. In many cases, they are allowed to submit multiple bundles and bids
per round of the auction. At the end of each round, the auctioneer uses the
submitted bids to compute the optimal spectrum allocation and determines the
winning bids. The winning bids and their prices are publicized, and the bidders can modify their bids. This auctioning process continues until there is no
change in bids between two successive rounds, or some upper limit on elapsed
time or number of rounds has been reached. After the auction is complete and
the final bids have been submitted, the auctioneer selects the winners, collects
the amounts that they agreed to pay, and assigns the geographic areas and
spectrum to the winners.
Each one of the above steps has enormous economic implications. This has
been recognized by many investigators who looked into methods for extracting
the economic value of bandwidth allocation. Allocating too much bandwidth
to an application domain reduces the bandwidth that is available to all other
existing and to future application areas. Allocating too little to an application
area might create a situation in which a service or viable technology does not
make it in the marketplace due to limited bandwidth. How much bandwidth to
allocate to each service provider is a complex balancing act between conflicting
economic, political and social objectives. In the next section, we develop an
economic model of the expected net revenues to the cellular operator as a function of the number of operators that are permitted to operate in a service area.
Given the finiteness of available bandwidth, the number of assigned operators
determines the bandwidth allocated to each operator.
4. The Economic Model
This section develops an economic model of a cellular operator valuation of
spectrum, which affects how much he is willing to bid for the bandwidth auctioned in a service area. The decision on how much to bid depends on his ability
to attract subscribers who will use the cellular services that he offers, the revenues they generate, and the costs of providing them with cellular services. The
value of the wireless bandwidth in a given service area, depends on how many
subscribers will be attracted to the cellular service, the overall revenues that
will be generated by the users of the service, the cost of providing the service
to that number of subscribers and the net revenues that are generated. We
develop first an economic model for a single operator (a monopolist) and use
B. Gavish
it in the second part of this section to develop a model to calculate the expected revenues that a single operator can expect when K operators have been
assigned to provide cellular services in the same geographic service area.
The decision of a potential subscriber to actually subscribe and use the cellular service depends on many factors. The main input to the decision making
process of a potential subscriber in deciding to join a specific service provider.
Seems to be: the price of the service as charged by the service provider, the
structure and length of the service contract which determines the magnitude
and length of the subscribers financial commitment, the quality of cellular services (quality of voice, support services, blocking and drop-off probabilities, and
customer service) offered by the service provider. In many cases the regulatory
bodies set the minimal levels of service quality that have to be satisfied by a
service provider. In order to simplify the analysis, we assume that the market
is competitive and all competing cellular service providers offer the same level
of quality of service and support services.
Under the above assumptions, the demand D for cellular services depends
on the price p charged for the cellular service as set and charged by the service
provider. In what follows, we assume that p is the present value of all the
revenues generated by a subscriber who decides to join the service. The demand
D(p) for cellular services as a function of p, is given by the following relation:
D(p) = f (p) .
The analysis concentrates on an average customer and assumes that the
price charged for cellular services is identical for all customers4 . For each service
area, an upper bound DM ax exists on the overall demand for cellular services
that can be generated by all potential customers in this service area. The
maximal demand level DM ax is equal to the long-term level of demand generated
when the price charged for the cellular service is equal to zero, i.e. DM ax is
equal to f (0). The analysis assumes that the demand is nonincreasing with
the increase in price, and that the demand function is defined over the range
of zero demand to f (0) = DM ax , the demand function does not have to be
differentiable in its full range of existence5 .
Given the relationship in (1), the present value of the expected revenues
R(p) collected by the service provider when he sets the price to p, is calculated
Cellular service providers use differential pricing to attract different segments of the consumers population. We believe that the results of the analysis apply also to differential pricing
and will deal with this extension in a future paper.
As we show later, the demand function is unlikely to be differentiable everywhere.
as a function of price as:
R(p) = D(p) · p = p · f (p) .
Assuming that for every fixed price level a unique demand level exists, price
can be expressed as a function of demand. Let f − (D) be the reverse function
of demand, i.e.
p(D) = f − (D)
0 ≤ D ≤ f (0) = DM ax .
The revenues can therefore be expressed as a function of demand,
R(D) = D · f − (D)
0 ≤ D ≤ f (0) = DM ax .
When f − (D) can be derived analytically it is possible to obtain closed form
expressions for the revenues as a function of D. Below are a few examples of
such closed form solutions:
1. Exponential demand function, the demand is expressed as a function of
price as:
D = f (p) = Ae−Bp .
Taking natural logarithms, of both sides leads to
ln D = −Bp + ln A and
ln A − ln D
p =
R(p) = p · A · e−Bp thus,
R(D) = D · p(D) =
· ln
2. Exponential power function, the demand function is given as:
D = f (p) = Ae−Bp .
Taking natural logarithms, leads to
ln D = −Bpµ + ln A and
ln A − ln D
pµ =
ln A − ln D
ln(A/D) 1/µ
p =
ln D
0 ≤ D ≤ A.
R(D) = D ·
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3. Power function, the demand is given as:
D = f (p) = A · p−B
p > 1, B > 1 leading to p =
and the revenues as a function of demand are given by
R(D) = D ·
The present value of the net revenues collected by the service provider are
the difference between the overall revenues collected by the cellular service
provider and his costs of providing that service. The cost of providing cellular services is composed of many cost components, they include: the cost of
acquiring the bandwidth, taxes paid to different governmental bodies (local,
regional, country), sales, marketing and advertisement costs, real estate, labor,
equipment, cellular phones, roaming and charges by other telecommunication
providers, financing, accounting and billing costs. Among other effects, costs
are also dependent on the specific technology deployed to provide the cellular
services. A service provider can select between different technology choices, and
for each one of them, he can decide on different system configurations (number
of base stations, their locations, transmission power, base station interconnection network, antenna types, their direction and configuration, voice coding
techniques to name a few of his parameter choices).
Let the index set of the technology choices that a cellular service provider
has available to him, to select from be T . t, t ∈ T is a particular technology
choice. For a given technology type t, Ct (D) is the lowest cost of technology
t when it is configured to support demand level D. Different demand levels
result in different system configurations for the same technology, thus Ct (D) is
dependent on the demand level. Without loss in generality we can assume that
Ct (D) is not decreasing with the demand level D, Ct (D) can be expressed as:
Ct (D) = gt (D)
To simplify the analysis we assume that if there is a demand range for
which a given technology type cannot support that level of demand within the
acceptable tolerances of quality of service; its associated cost function is set to
a very high cost M , M >> CM where
CM =
0≤D≤DM ax
{gt (D); 0} .
The cellular service operator has the goal of deploying a technology configuration that can support the level of demand generated by the subscribers to
the cellular service, and wishes to do it at minimal cost. This is expressed by:
C(D) = Min {gt (D)}
0 ≤ D ≤ DM ax
C(D) is the cost function of the cost-effective technologies as a function of
demand level. When there exists a range of demand for which C(D) is equal
to M , it implies that no feasible technology exists for that demand range.
The net revenues N R(D) for a demand level equal to D are given as the
difference between the present value of the overall revenues and the present
value of the costs associated with that demand level.
N R(D) = R(D) − C(D) = D · f − (D) − Min {gt (D)} ,
0 ≤ D ≤ DM ax . (7)
A cellular operator, who wishes to maximize the present value of his net
revenues, wants to operate at a demand level a technology and a customers
pricing level that maximizes his net revenues. He will attempt to operate at
b with an associated price f − (D)
b that satisfies
the demand level D
b =
N R(D)
0≤D≤DM ax
{N R(D)} .
b and
N R(D) is a nondifferentiable function, thus the only way to compute D
its associated net revenues is by using numerical procedures. This is done in
Section 6, in which we develop and use a numerical example to illustrate the
formulas and their implications.
5. Extending the Model to Multiple Cellular Operators
As mentioned in Section 4, the demand function that a particular operator
faces depends on how many operators operate in his service area. The number
of operators determines the amount of bandwidth out of the overall bandwidth
that will be allocated to an individual operator. It is unlikely that changing
the number of operators (within a reasonable range) in a service area will have
a significant influence on the maximal potential of the overall number of subscribers to cellular services. Thus, the overall demand function given in (1)
applies to this case. However, changing the number of cellular operators will
affect how many subscribers will be attracted to a particular operator. The
overall actual demand for cellular services will be divided between the different
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cellular operators. Given that cellular operators operate in a service area, we
assume that in order to be fair to each of the winning operators, the spectrum
will be divided equally between them. Assuming a perfect competitive market.
Under the Nash equilibrium conditions, the cellular operators will charge similar prices for providing the cellular service, and if identical sets of technology
choices are available to them6 , they will choose to use an identical technology
and system configuration.
Given that all cellular operators will use the same price, p the overall demand D(p) associated with p is independent of the number of operators and
is given in (1). Given the number of operators K, the mean number of customers attracted to a single operator i is di , while the overall load D(p) on all
K operators satisfies:
di ,
D(p) =
i.e. the overall demand D(p) is divided between the K operators. As noted
above, all operators use the same price p. Thus, the overall demand will be
divided equally between them, or, di = D(p)
K = d(p) i = 1, 2, .., K.
For a given overall demand level, D we can associate a price p(D) that is
equal to the maximal price that will generate an overall demand equal to D.
p(D) = Max {p|D(p) = D} .
0≤D≤DM ax
Given the above definition it is possible to define the sum of revenues R(D)
collected by all operators as a function of the demand level D,
R(D) = D · p(D) .
Given that the system is in equilibrium, without loss in generality we can
assume that d1 = d2 = .. = dK = d.
Assuming that the demand imposed on each operator is equal to d, and
using the definition in (10), the revenues associated with a single operator (out
of the K operators) are given as:
r(d) = d · p(K − d) .
In reality, due to existing ongoing relationships/commitments between cellular operators
and equipment manufacturers, and prior system configuration decisions and handset choices
made by the operators, the set of technology choices might be different for different operators.
In order to simplify the analysis, we assume in this paper identical sets of technology choices.
The cost function that each operator faces as a function of technology choice
t and demand level (capacity) d is given by Ct (d) and is assumed equal for all
operators. An operator will choose a technology which for a given demand level
minimizes his overall costs, or Ci (d) = Mint∈T {Ct (d)}.
Operator i who expects a demand level di will choose to maximize his net
revenues and will operate at a capacity level de that maximizes his net revenues,
which are given in the following expression:
e − Ci (d)
e =
N Ri = r(d)
0≤d≤DM ax
{r(di ) − C(di )} .
Once de is determined the system overall net revenues as a function of K are
given as:
e − Ci (d)
e .
N R(K) = K − N Ri = K · r(d)
6. Numerical Examples
In this section, we present a numerical example that illustrates the concepts
and formulas developed in Section 5. To simplify the exposition the numerical
example is restricted to one geographic service area that is up for bid, and that
the demand D for cellular services is a function of the price charged for such
services. The numerical example uses a demand function D that is dependent
on the price p charged by the cellular operator for his services. The consumer
demand function is given by D(p) = 1000 · e−0.2p . The graph of demand as a
function of price is depicted in Figure 3. The example assumes that the service
area has a maximal cellular subscribers potential of 1000, this is the demand
level corresponding to a price level of zero.
The revenues that a service provider is expected to collect as a function of
price are given by the multiplication of price and demand, i.e. R = p · D. Given
that the demand for cellular services is a function of the price charged for such
services, the revenues are calculated as a function of price, R(p) = p · D(p). As
we will see later, the revenues are compared to the costs of providing cellular
services; these costs are a function of demand. Thus, to be able to compare
the two costs using the same graphs, the revenues have also to be depicted as
a function of the demand D. This relationship is depicted in Figure 4. The
revenues begin at a value of zero, when the price charged for cellular services is
so high that it discourages customers from subscribing to the cellular service,
the demand level associated with that high price level is equal to zero. The
B. Gavish
Figure 3: Demand for cellular services as a function of price
revenues peak at some level and go down again to zero as the price charged for
cellular services decreases to zero, its associated demand level is high, but the
multiplication of price and demand is close to zero (due to a negligible price
charged to the large number of subscribing customers).
So far we have neglected the costs to the service provider for providing the
cellular service, these costs are significant, they include paying for the bandwidth allocated to them, licensing costs, equipment costs, site costs, labor costs,
payments to other providers, taxes, marketing, billing, accounting, and system
maintenance. The cellular system that they put together have also to satisfy
quality of service requirements imposed by the regulatory bodies on cellular
operators. In this example, we assume that the operator selects between two
technologies, each with its own cost function. The first technology has a cost as
a function of demand given by C1 (D) = 300 + 3 · D, a relatively low setup cost
but a high marginal cost. The second technology has a higher setup cost, but
has a markedly lower marginal cost that is given by C2 (D) = 987.5 + 0.25 · D.
The two cost functions intersect at a demand level of 250. We assume that
each one of the technologies was selected and configured so that it satisfies the
service requirements within the range of feasible demand levels.
For a given demand level, the overall cost function is given by the minimal
cost of the two technologies, i.e. C(D) = Min {C1 (D); C2 (D)}. The overall cost
function is depicted in Figure 5.
The expected net revenues for different demand levels are calculated as
Figure 4: Revenues as a function of demand
Figure 5: Revenues and costs as a function of demand
B. Gavish
the difference between revenues and costs N R(D) = R(D) − C(D). The net
revenues for different demand levels are depicted in Figure 6. In this example
when the demand levels are low, the expected revenues are low and the expected
net revenues are negative, the cellular operator is going to loose money due to
the low demand levels. The sum of his setup and marginal costs are so high
that the demand level has to exceed a given bound, in order for the operator to
be able to cover his costs. At the other extreme, when the demand levels are
very high, such high levels of demand are induced by very low prices charged
by the service provider, his overall revenues will be low and his costs will be
high, resulting in significant loses.
Figure 6: Net revenues as a function of demand, and the optimal
operating point for a single service provider in the service area
When only one operator is allowed to operate in the service area, (he is a
monopolist) he will operate at the level of demand (and price), which maximizes
his net revenues. In this example the highest net revenues are derived when
the demand equals to 346.5. The net revenues associated with his optimal
operating point are equal to 762.1. It is interesting to note that when a single
service provider (a monopolist) is assigned to the service area and is given
the full bandwidth, he will offer service to every customer, which is willing
to subscribe, but will set the price to the customer at a price level, which
will induce only 34.6 percent of the potential number of customers to actually
subscribe and use the service.
When the overall bandwidth is allocated to two operators, the example
assumes that the bandwidth is divided equally between the two operators (this
is done in order not to provide undue advantage to one operator over the other
one) that are permitted to operate in the service area. Each operator receives
half of the overall bandwidth that the FCC is willing to allocate to cellular
services. Assuming a perfect competitive market, each operator will attract
at most half of the overall demand level. Both operators will operate at their
optimal operating system configurations and will charge similar prices for the
service7 . Therefore, we can expect that for a given price level the overall demand
generated by consumers will be divided equally between the two providers. This
will result in a lower load on a service provider for the same price level.
Going through the same steps as for the single service provider example, and
using the same technological options used in that case, the best operating point
for each service provider assuming that they use the best available technologies
is at a demand level of 100.94. It is a different operating point than the one
used for the single service provider case that was 346.5 (see Figure 7). It
is interesting to note that in this example, each service provider has a lower
net revenue when compared to the monopolist case, and that the sum of net
revenues 409.48 of both service providers is less than the net revenue obtained
by the single (monopolist service provider). The difference in net revenues
between the two cases, is the loss suffered by the economy. In this example the
economy is loosing an amount of 762.1 − 409.48 = 352.62 when the regulatory
bodies decide to allocate the bandwidth and permit two operators to provide
cellular services in the service area (keeping the overall bandwidth allocated to
cellular services equal to the one provided to the single monopolist). Is such an
economic loss worth the economic value generated by competition is up to the
political system to decide.
When the overall bandwidth is allocated to three service providers, each one
of them receives one third of the overall bandwidth. The demand per service
provider for the same price charged to customers will be one third of what it was
in the single service provider case. The cost functions to the service provider
will remain the same (see Figure 8), leading to much lower net revenues. For the
example, their optimal operating point is 42.3 with a net revenue per operator of
36.49. The additional economic loss when compared to the two service providers
case is 409.48 − 109.48 = 300 an additional economic loss of 300. The cellular
service will attract only 20.189 percent of the overall potential customers to the
three operators.
When the overall bandwidth is allocated to four operators, each cellular
Empirical evidence exists showing that cellular operators use similar pricing in order to
remain competitive within their areas of operation.
B. Gavish
Figure 7: Net revenues as a function of demand and the optimal
operating point for a two service providers case
Figure 8: Net revenues and optimal operating point for three
service providers
operator will operate at a loss −47.63. Thus, it is unlikely that they will bid
for such an option (unless they make a mistake). If by mistake they do bid
and four operators win their bids, it is likely that at some point in time, one
or more of them will declare bankruptcy in which case the remaining operators
will move into the black.
Figure 9: Net revenues and optimal operating point for four
service providers
Table 1 tabulates for the numerical example the results of different performance measures when the bandwidth is allocated to one up to four cellular
operators. If the bandwidth is allocated to more than three operators all of
them will loose money and can not offer a viable cellular service. The overall
net revenues decrease with the number of cellular operators in the service area,
when a single operator operates in the service area his net revenues are equal to
762.10, this decreases to 36.49 per operator when three operators are permitted
to operate in the service area, or 109.48 total revenues for the three operators,
a decrease of more than 85.6 percent in overall net revenues. This reduces how
much a potential bidder will be willing to bid for the right to provide cellular
services in the service area. An increase from one to two operators creates a
reduction in overall net revenues of 352.62, each additional operator decreases
the overall net revenues by an additional 300 units.
Table 1 also displays the total number of subscribers being served by the
cellular operators as a function of the number of operators permitted in the service area. The number of subscribers to the cellular service when one operator
operates the service is 346.46 (out of a maximum of 1000) or 34.646 percent, it
B. Gavish
goes down to 201.89 (20.189 percent) for two or three cellular operators. This
shows a decline of the number of subscribers, this decline is a negative consequence of increasing the number of operators in a service area, and contrasts the
regulatory body stated objective which is to make the service more affordable
and available to a high percentage of the population. The actual numbers of
subscribers will depend on the exact structure and parameters of the demand
function and the operators cost functions. At present, it is up to the regulatory
body to decide on the number of operators that will be permitted to operate
in the service area.
Table 1: Performance measures as a function of the number of operators
B. Gavish
Table 2: Impact of demand sensitivity to price changes and
to number of operators on the number of subscribers and net
A second set of experiments examined the impact of the demand function
on the net revenues and the number of subscribers as a function of the number
of operators in the service area. The demand as a function of price was set
equal to 1000 · e−αD , α was set equal to 0.1, 0.2, and 0.25. A higher value of
α implies a higher sensitivity of demand to price changes. Table 2 displays the
number of subscribers and net revenues, for an individual operator and for the
overall system, obtained for the different values of α and number of operators
In the above analysis we made an implicit assumption that the functional
relationships between prices and demand are known, and that the operator cost
functions for different technologies and service levels are readily available. In
reality, estimating the demand as a function of prices for upcoming technologies
and services, some of which the cellular operator and the consumers are not
familiar with is a nontrivial task. The technological cost functions are even
more difficult to estimate. They depend on existing and future technologies,
some of which do not exist yet, or, are in the design and prototyping phase, or
might exist in research laboratories (similar uncertainties existed in the bidding
for second and third generation cellular systems bandwidth). Technological
costs also depend on many details, which affects the system costs, examples for
such cost factors include: the actual distribution of customers and their daily
and weekly mobility patterns, the geographic topology of the service area which
affects reception of transmitted signals which in turns influaces how many cells
will be allocated to the service area and the exact locations of base stations,
local zoning restrictions,
7. An Improved Auction Process
In the previous section, we have developed and demonstrated the difficulties
associated with the existing auctioning process for allocating spectrum to cellular services. In this section, we propose a change in the auctioning process
that will eliminate some of the difficulties.
The regulatory bodies decide how to divide the available spectrum into
sub-bands that are auctioned to the highest bidders. Our analysis shows that
the decision as to how many sub-bands to divide the available spectrum has
a significant impact on the economic value of the auctioned spectrum. To
illustrate this claim, consider an auction of a bandwidth of ten megahertz,
in a desirable frequency range. Taking the bandwidth of ten megahertz and
dividing it into auctioned sub-bands of one Hertz each (ten million of them),
while enforcing a policy, that does not permit secondary markets for spectrum
B. Gavish
purchases or exchanges, than the overall value of the ten megahertz bandwidth
is almost zero. In order for the regulatory bodies to judiciously decide to how
many sub-bands to divide the available bandwidth, they must have access to
data that specifies how consumer demand is affected by price and to the efficient
cost functions of optimal technological choices and configurations for the service
It is highly unlikely that the regulators will have at their disposal reliable
data on demand as a function of prices, and to the operators cost data. Under
the current spectrum auction rules, the bidders do not have the incentive to
provide the regulators with information that is uncertain to them. The bidders cost structure is also part of their competitive advantage and they will
make every effort to guard this information. In many cases of highly advanced
technologies, service providers face their own uncertainties regarding the cost
structure associated with future technologies.
In what follows, we propose a change in the auction process that shifts the
burden of estimating the demand curve and the costs associated with providing the cellular services, from the regulatory bodies to the potential service
operators in a geographic service area. The proposed change also provides the
regulatory bodies with accurate data regarding the value of dividing the available spectrum into sub-bands. Thus, when a decision is made to permit K
operators in a geographic service area, i.e. divide the available spectrum into
K sub-bands. The regulatory bodies know how much they give up in monetary
proceeds for making that decision.
Once a decision has been made as to how much spectrum will be assigned
to cellular services in a geographic area. The only remaining decision the regulatory body has to make before the auction begins is an upper bound N on
the maximal number of service providers that it will permit to operate in the
service area. The actual number of service providers selected for the service
area, through the auction process can be less than the upper bound N . We
assume that the available spectrum will be divided equally between the selected
service providers.
The auction consists of N parallel auctions. Auction n, n = 1, 2, ..N assumes that there will be n winners in the auction process and that the spectrum
will be equally divided between the n winners. A bidder can participate at the
same time in multiple auctions and he chooses to which ones he wishes to submit bids. When he selects to participate in auction n he is aware that this is
an auction, which assumes that the overall bandwidth will be divided between
n different winners.
Let Vnb be the amount bid by bidder b, b ∈ Bn in auction n. Venb is the ordered
list (within auction n) of bids ordered from the highest bid to the lowest bid,
i.e. Ven1 ≥ Ven2 ≥ .. ≥ VenBn . To simplify the exposition it is assumed that all
the bids in Bn were submitted by different bidders. Under this assumption, it
is clear that for the n-th auction, the winning bids are the n highest bids, and
the value collected by auction n if awarded is:
Vn =
Venb .
Once the Vn values have been computed for all values of n = 1, 2, ..N . It
is possible to compute the loss (or gain) for assigning h service providers in
a service area instead of assigning h − 1 cellular operators; the gain or loss is
given as the following difference:
∆Vh = Vh − Vh−1
h = 2, 3, ..., N .
Based on the above differences, the regulatory body can assess the monetary
implications of a decision to allocate the available spectrum to different numbers
of operators in the auctioned service area. In most cases increasing the number
of cellular operators, decreases the overall expected net revenues collected from
the service area. This in-turn reduces the overall amounts that potential cellular
operators will be willing to bid for the right to operate in the service area.
8. Conclusions and Further Research
This paper highlighted the difficulties caused by the FCC predetermining the
number of winners in a spectrum auction process. It is argued and demonstrated
through numerical examples that by slight changes to the auction process, i.e.
allowing bidders to participate in simultaneous auctions, each with a different
number of winners. The decision makers in the government can collect data on
the loss generated by allowing more operators to operate in a given area. Based
on the additional data, decisions that are more judicious can be made on how
to allocate the available spectrum.
It is interesting to note that the proposed bidding method reduces and
perhaps eliminates the difficulty faced by regulators when they put K subbands up for bid, and by coincidence N bidders participate in the auction,
where N ≤ K. Once the N bidders discover (through the iterative open auction
process) that this is the situation, they do not have the incentive to bid beyond
the minimal level set by the auctioneer. This situation happened in the 3G
B. Gavish
auctions in Italy, Holland, Swiss, Belgium and Greece (Klemperer [13]). In the
proposed parallel bidding process, the bidders do not know in advance which
of the parallel auctions will be the one selected by the regulators, it makes it
difficult for the bidders to enter into such implicit or explicit coalitions.
Throughout the paper, it was assumed that spectrum is divided equally
between the winning bidders. It will be interesting to extend the results to
cases in which spectrum is not divided equally between the bidders. When
spectrum in a parallel auction follows a nonequal division, bidders in each of
the parallel auctions are given a division (possibly not equal) of spectrum to
bands of spectrum and can choose on which band they are bidding and how
much they are willing to pay for it.
It is interesting to note that the governing bodies had accepted without
much difficulty the notion of dividing a service area into subareas, and allowing
as part of the bidding process to compose clusters of subareas that they bid on.
What we propose in this paper is to extend the same concept to the spectrum
Another possible extension to the model is to incorporate into the analysis, queuing effects and quality of service requirements. Queuing, blocking and
drop-off probabilities change the cost functions and prices that users and operators are facing. Incorporating them into the expected net revenue models will
lead to bidding methods that are based on the idea of allowing for parallel bids
which take into consideration the number of operators the overall bandwidth
and its impact on QOS and the queuing (delay) that customers experience.
I wish to express my deep appreciation to the many comments made by participants in seminars and conferences in which preliminary versions and ideas,
which led to this paper, have been presented.
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