Journal of Ethnobiology and
BioMed Central
Open Access
Circum-Mediterranean cultural heritage and medicinal plant uses in
traditional animal healthcare: a field survey in eight selected areas
within the RUBIA project
Andrea Pieroni*1,2, Maria Elena Giusti3, Caterina de Pasquale3,
Cinzia Lenzarini3, Eleonora Censorii3, María Reyes Gonzáles-Tejero4,
Cristina Patricia Sánchez-Rojas4, Jose M Ramiro-Gutiérrez4,
Melpomeni Skoula5, Chris Johnson5, Anaya Sarpaki5, Athena Della6,
Demetra Paraskeva-Hadijchambi6, Andreas Hadjichambis6,
Mohammed Hmamouchi7, Said El-Jorhi7, Mohamed El-Demerdash8,
Mustafa El-Zayat8, Omar Al-Shahaby8, Zahia Houmani9 and
Mekious Scherazed9
Address: 1SCH Group, Department of Social Sciences, Wageningen University and Research Centres, Postbus 8060 6700 DA Wageningen, The
Netherlands, 2Medical Biosciences Research Focus Group, University of Bradford, Richmond Rd., Bradford BD71DP, UK, 3Department of Art,
Music and Performance, University of Florence, Via della Pergola, 48, 50121 Firenze, Italy, 4Department of Botany, University of Granada, Campus
Universitario de Cartuja, 18071 Granada, Spain, 5Park for the Preservation of Flora and Fauna, Technical University of Crete, Plateia Ag. Markou,
Terma Ag. Titou, 73100 Chania, Greece, 6Agricultural Research Institute (ARI) of Cyprus, P.O. Box 22016, 1516 Nicosia, Cyprus, 7Institut National
des Plantes Médicinales et Aromatiques, B.P 6388 Rabat Institut, Rabat, Morocco, 8Department of Botany, Mansoura University, 60 Al-Gamorhria
St., 35516 Mansoura, Egypt and 9Department of Agronomy, Agro-Veterinary and Biology, Blida University, Douirete Route de Soumaa, 09100
Blida, Algeria
Email: Andrea Pieroni* -
[email protected]; Maria Elena Giusti -
[email protected]; Caterina de Pasquale -
[email protected];
Cinzia Lenzarini -
[email protected]; Eleonora Censorii -
[email protected]; María Reyes Gonzáles-Tejero -
[email protected];
Cristina Patricia Sánchez-Rojas -
[email protected]; Jose M Ramiro-Gutiérrez -
[email protected]; Melpomeni Skoula -
[email protected];
Chris Johnson -
[email protected]; Anaya Sarpaki -
[email protected]; Athena Della -
[email protected]; Demetra ParaskevaHadijchambi -
[email protected]; Andreas Hadjichambis -
[email protected];
Mohammed Hmamouchi -
[email protected]; Said El-Jorhi -
[email protected]; Mohamed ElDemerdash -
[email protected]; Mustafa El-Zayat -
[email protected]; Omar Al-Shahaby -
[email protected];
Zahia Houmani -
[email protected]; Mekious Scherazed -
[email protected]
* Corresponding author
Published: 24 March 2006
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine2006, 2:16
Received: 13 February 2006
Accepted: 24 March 2006
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© 2006Pieroni et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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During the years 2003–2005, a comparative ethnobotanical field survey was conducted on
remedies used in traditional animal healthcare in eight Mediterranean areas. The study sites were
selected within the EU-funded RUBIA project, and were as follows: the upper Kelmend Province
of Albania; the Capannori area in Eastern Tuscany and the Bagnocavallo area of Romagna, Italy;
Cercle de Ouezanne, Morocco; Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche Natural Park in the province
of Huelva, Spain; the St. Catherine area of the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt; Eastern and Western Crete,
Greece; the Paphos and Larnaca areas of Cyprus; and the Mitidja area of Algeria.
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One hundred and thirty-six veterinary preparations and 110 plant taxa were recorded in the
survey, with Asteraceae and Lamiaceae being the most quoted botanical families. For certain plant
species the survey uncovered veterinary phytotherapeutical indications that were very uncommon,
and to our knowledge never recorded before. These include Anabasis articulata (Chenopodiaceae),
Cardopatium corymbosum (Asteraceae), Lilium martagon (Liliaceae), Dorycnium rectum (Fabaceae),
Oenanthe pimpinelloides (Apiaceae), Origanum floribundum (Lamiaceae), Tuberaria lignosa (Cistaceae),
and Dittrichia graveolens (Asteraceae). These phytotherapeutical indications are briefly discussed in
this report, taking into account modern phytopharmacology and phytochemistry.
The percentage of overall botanical veterinary taxa recorded in all the study areas was extremely
low (8%), however when all taxa belonging to the same botanical genus are considered, this portion
increases to 17%. Nevertheless, very few plant uses were found to be part of a presumed
"Mediterranean" cultural heritage in veterinary practices, which raises critical questions about the
concept of Mediterraneanism in ethnobotany and suggests that further discussion is required.
Nearly the half of the recorded veterinary plant uses for mammals uncovered in this survey have
also been recorded in the same areas in human folk medicine, suggesting a strong link between
human and veterinary medical practices, and perhaps also suggesting the adaptive origins of a few
medical practices. Since most of the recorded data concern remedies for treating cattle, sheep,
goats, and camels, it would be interesting to test a few of the recorded phytotherapeuticals in the
future, to see if they are indeed able to improve animal healthcare in breeding environments, or to
raise the quality of dairy and meat products in the absence of classical, industrial, veterinary
On 17 October 2003, the Convention for Safeguarding
Intangible Cultural Heritage was adopted in Paris at the
32nd Session of UNESCO [1]. In the Convention it was
stated for the first time that knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe are part of our cultural heritage.
This means that ethnobotany, ethnobiology, ethnoecology (including ethnopedology and ethnoclimatology),
traditional environmental knowledge, ethnoveterinary,
folk medical, and pharmaceutical knowledge are now recognised as being inextricable components of culture, and
therefore worthy of being protected and sustained
(Pieroni et al., 2005a). The Convention's statement also
signifies an important shift in the political approach to
scientific research concerning ethnobotany and traditional
knowledge, which in ethnopharmacology represent the
focus or the starting point of much research and analysis.
In the Mediterranean region, there has been much theoretical dispute on the issue of commonality and difference
in cultures, practices and social processes, especially
within the entire debate on what, in cultural anthropology, is known as "Mediterraneanism" [2-8], i.e. the tendency of a few cultural anthropologists to automatically
define a geographical area as an homogenous cultural area
tout-court, and transform it into a stereotype.
In medical anthropology the issue of Mediterraneanism
has often been addressed in the old debate on the "evil
eye", however much less has been done to foster rigorous
comparative perspectives in ethnobiology and ethnopharmacy.
In 2003 the EU Commission funded the research consortium RUBIA [9], within the subprogram INCOMED
(International Cooperation with non-European Mediterranean countries). The main aims of INCOMED have been
to improve research and cooperation on environmental
issues, to better protect and conserve cultural heritage and
the environment, and to improve health among all circum-Mediterranean countries.
The general aim of RUBIA has been to compare traditional
plant usages in the circum-Mediterranean region, and
among Mediterranean migrants in Central Europe.
The general scientific concept of this broad research consortium has been discussed elsewhere [10], but to recap
very briefly, the specific objectives of RUBIA have been:
• To record ethnobotanical knowledge related to traditional plant uses in food, medicine, handicrafts, in the
production of textiles, and for dyeing in eight selected
areas of the Mediterranean;
• To develop an ethnographic knowledge database of all
the recorded technologies and tools related to these plant
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• To deposit all these data in a centralised database and to
compare them;
• To evaluate a few plant resources under the perspectives
of their agronomic feasibility (cultivation of neglected or
wild species in arid and semi-arid areas) and the smallscale eco-sustainable production of herbal products/phytotherapeuticals from local medicinal plants;
• To contribute to modern ethnobotanical and ethnographic museology by developing special sections in local
botanical gardens and ethnographic museums that illustrate the recorded traditional uses of plants.
As part of this broad study, medicinal plant uses in traditional veterinary practices (ethnoveterinary) have been
recorded in eight selected circum-Mediterranean areas.
This limited set of data is the focus of this current paper.
Ethnoveterinary research has been defined as the "systematic investigation and application of veterinary folk
knowledge, theory and practice" [11], and has recently
been the focus of renewed interest in scientific debate and
the formulation of animal healthcare policies in Europe
and elsewhere, especially after recent dramatic emergencies such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in
the UK, and the discovery of dioxin contamination in
chicken meat in Belgium.
In many developing countries, plant uses in veterinary
care have been the object of many field studies (see for
example [12-22]; for an extensive bibliography, see [23]).
Nevertheless, in Europe and particularly in the entire
Mediterranean region, there have been relatively few specific studies on medicinal plant uses in ethnoveterinary
practices [24-35].
Moreover, as yet no comparative fieldwork has been carried out on medicinal plants uses in traditional animal
healthcare in the Mediterranean, despite the fact that
interest in evidence-based veterinary phytotherapy is
growing continuously in Western countries, due to an
increased interest in complementary and alternative medicines, and also to the increasing numbers of veterinarians
who are taking what is arguably a disputable commonsense view that phytotherapeuticals, with their fewer side
effects, can be seen as suitable substitutes for a few allopathic pharmaceuticals in animal healthcare. Much more
than pet healthcare is at stake here, because it is crucial
that the management of sheep, cattle and goat breeding in
the Mediterranean is improved dramatically in order to
raise the quality of meat and diary products.
The aim of this paper, therefore, is as follows: to present
the ethnoveterinary data that the research consortium
RUBIA has gathered in the field in eight selected Mediterranean areas during the years 2003–2005, and to compare
veterinary plant uses; to discuss the issue of medicinal plant
uses under the perspective of a presumed common, circum-Mediterranean cultural heritage; and to briefly analyse the most interesting veterinary phytotherapeutical
Figure 1
location of the selected study areas
Geographical location of the selected study areas.
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Liliaceae s.l.
Most represented
botanical families used in the folk veterinary phytotherapy of the selected sites
Most represented botanical families used in the folk veterinary phytotherapy of the selected sites.
Common ethnographic methodologies followed during the
field study
The field methodological framework chosen for this
research was that used in ethnobiology and ethnography
[36-38]. The fieldwork was carried out in each of the chosen sites mainly by using participant observation and
unstructured and semi-structured interviews that focused
on details about traditional veterinary uses of plants.
These include details on plant parts, the exact manipulation of the plants, their administration, their claimed use,
and descriptions of the animals treated with specific folk
Choice of the sites
During the consortium's first meeting, all the research
teams involved in RUBIA adopted common criteria for
selecting the local communities to be researched using
field surveys.
Since very different countries were involved in the project,
the main objective of the preliminary phase of the
research project was first to define the criteria for selecting
the study areas, and second to define the exact methodologies to be followed.
Since the main aim of RUBIA was to pinpoint and compare the different technologies, instruments and knowhow related to mainly non-cultivated plants and their various traditional uses, it was decided that rural areas would
be the best sites for carrying out the research. In this study,
we have defined a rural area, not as a particular village, but
rather as an expanse of land that shares similar geo-morphological features and ecosystems. The inhabitants chosen as informants did not necessarily have to belong to
the same village, but could live in several nearby villages.
Neither did they have to belong to the same ethnic group.
Since one of the objectives of the field research was to
investigate how traditional knowledge was passed
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study areas
3 of
as the
used in human
which have also been recorded in the same selected
Proportion of the recorded veterinary plants used for healing mammals, which have also been recorded in the same selected
study areas as being used in human folk medicine for treating "similar" diseases.
through generations and from one area to another, it was
important that the field research was carried out in a few
diverse villages within the same region, as well as among
diverse generations and gender groups.
Greece: eastern and western Crete;
Cyprus: the Paphos and Larnaca areas;
Algeria: the Mitidja area, northern Algeria.
Field ethnobotanical studies were conducted from March
2003 through September 2005 in the following selected
sites (Figure 1):
Albania: upper Kelmend Province;
Italy: the Capannori area (Eastern Tuscany) and the Villanova di Bagnocavallo area (Romagna);
Morocco: Cercle de Ouezanne, northern Morocco;
Spain: Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche Natural Park
(in the province of Huelva, south-western Spain);
Egypt: the St. Catherine area (Sinai Peninsula);
Choice of the informants
Since the chosen methodology was purely ethnographic
and not sociological in nature, the research teams at each
of the sites used snowball techniques to select between 50
and 150 "knowledgeable" informants, without taking
into consideration their gender or age ratios. Prior
informed consent (PIC) was verbally obtained before
commencing any of the interviews. Ethical guidelines
adopted by the AAA/American Anthropological Association and by the ICE/International Society of Ethnobiology
were rigorously followed.
All quoted plant taxa (with the exception of commonly
cultivated plants) were gathered and identified by trained
taxonomical botanists within each research area.
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Cynodon dactylon
Laurus nobilis
Linum usitatissimum
Oenanthe pimpinelloides
Parietaria diffusa
Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum
Daphne gnidium
Hypericum perforatum
Malva sylvestris
Mentha spicata
Senecio jacobaea
Tuberaria lignosa
Allium sativum
Foeniculum vulgare
Juniperus communis
Lawsonia inermis
Mentha x piperita
Thymus vulgaris
Allium sativum
Hypericum maculatum
Heracleum sphodylium
Lilium martagon
Prunus domestica
Pteridium aquilinum
Cardopatium corymbosum
Cistus creticus
Matricaria chamomilla
Olea europaea
Pistacia lentiscus
Ruta chalepensis
Allium sativum
Artemisia spp.
Juniperus phoenicea
Lawsonia inermis
Origanum floribundum
Pistacia lentiscus
Dittrichia spp.
Euphorbia spp.
Mentha spp.
Olea europaea
Origanum vulgare
Ruta chalepensis
Acacia spp.
Anabasis articulata
Artemisia judaica
Lycium shawii
Peganum harmala
Retama raetam
have been
4 recorded
in at least
one other
country) in the selected areas (in bold are reported taxa whose botanical genera
Most commonly recorded veterinary phytomedicines in the selected areas (in bold are reported taxa whose botanical genera
have been recorded in at least one other country).
Botanical references
Each field research team deposited specimens at the herbarium of the local university or research centre. Identification of the plant taxa was conducted following
procedures outlined in standard taxonomic works:
• Flora Europaea [39];
• Flora d'Italia [40];
• Flora de Andalucía Occidental [41];
• Flora e Shqipërisë/Flore de l'Albanie [42];
• Flora of Cyprus [43];
• Flore de l'Afrique du Nord [44];
• Flora of Egypt [45];
• Flore Practique du Maroc [47].
Audiovisual documentation
Tape recordings were made during the interviews, and
whenever possible video cameras were also used, and
photographic documentation of all the recorded processes involving plants was highly recommended. This
material has been used to produce a DVD and a RUBIA
atlas, both of which are intended for a broader public
audience and for political stakeholders rather than specifically for the scientific community.
Database and data analysis
All the information gathered in the field has been managed using a centralized database hosted by the Greek
institution. The structure of this database was conceptualised and designed by the RUBIA partners to include very
specific information, however an exact description of the
database design will not be provided here as it is outside
the scope of this article.
• Nouvelle Flore de l'Algerie et des régions désertiques
méridionales [46];
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taxa belonging to the same botanical genus
Allium sativum
Ruta chalepensis and Olea europaea
Artemisia absinthium, Lawsonia inermis and Juniperus communis
Hypericum perforatum
Pistacia lentiscus
Malva sylvestris
showing the botanical genera and taxa of veterinary folk remedies, whose use is shared in two or more of the
Diagram showing the botanical genera and taxa of veterinary folk remedies, whose use is shared in two or more of the
selected areas.
Data analysis for this paper was carried out using very
common software packages (Excel, SPSS) with the specific
aim of comparing the parameters of plant taxa and veterinary plant usages.
Results and discussion
Figure 6articulata (Forssk.) Moq.
Anabasis articulata (Forssk.) Moq.
Ethnoveterinary practices in the selected sites
Knowledge of traditional health practices for animals is
quickly disappearing in the study areas, as modern pharmaceuticals are replacing many plant remedies that have
long been used to cure animals of various ailments. Particularly in the selected European sites including postcommunist Albania, institutionalised capillary animal
healthcare systems have been established in recent times
in accordance with EU regulations. Even in the more
remote areas pharmaceuticals are delivered to farmers and
small-scale animal breeders, so the use of medicinal
plants in these sites is likely to be linked to a nostalgic
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Lilium martagon L.
need to maintain familiar customs. A partial exception
was found in the three selected areas in North Africa,
where plant-based veterinary remedies are still being
maintained. On the other hand, there is a new tendency
among urban dwellers to use plant-based and homoeopathic remedies; however amongst rural dwellers it is generally only well-acculturated organic farmers and
veterinarians who have moved back to the countryside
from large cities who are involved in these practices. Nevertheless, indications of the drift towards plant-based and
homoeopathic remedies were directly observed in the discussions with our informants in the selected areas (see the
relatively low total number of plant taxa recorded, additional file: 1), even though "modern" veterinary phytotherapy was not part of the RUBIA focuses.
Figure 8 rectum (L.) Ser.
Dorycnium rectum (L.) Ser.
Medicinal plants used in animal healthcare
In additional file: 1, we report on all the folk taxa recorded
in the field survey that are used in local veterinary medicine. One hundred and ten plant taxa and 136 veterinary
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difficult to assess because of the large variety of plants that
are available within one single region.
Following our analysis of the botanical family members
used for veterinary purposes in each country, we found we
could not speculate on Moerman's disputable proposition, since the areas we considered were very restricted
and not at all phytogeografically representative of the entire
flora of the relevant countries.
Moreover, exact data (and not mere estimates) on the
existing flora within these restricted areas are in fact missing in the national taxonomical-botanical literature.
Figure 9 pimpinelloides L.
Oenanthe pimpinelloides L.
The relatively common use of Asteraceae and Lamiaceae
within the worldwide medicinal plant panorama is not
new, however, and could be due to phytochemical features. For example, the fact that Asteraceae contain mainly
sesquiterpene lactones while Lamiaceae contain many
essential oils implies that taxa belonging to these two families have generally a very marked taste (bitter in the case
of Asteraceae and aromatic in the case of Lamiaceae).
Other authors have suggested that this could have had a
role in the selection of these medicinal plants by the first
human groups [49-51].
Newly recorded veterinary plants
On comparing our recorded taxa with the ethnobotanical
literature available in PubMed, Web of Science, and all the
aforementioned ethnoveterinary references, we found
that a few of the taxa recorded in our survey have not previously been recorded (or it have been very rarely
recorded) as veterinary plants. Moreover, they have rarely
been investigated using modern phytopharmacology and
Figure 10
graveolens (L.) Greuter
Dittrichia graveolens (L.) Greuter.
reparations have been recorded. In the same table, we give
details of their administration, a description of their veterinary use and the animals that they are used on.
In Figure 2, we depict the most-used botanical families
overall, with Asteraceae and Lamiaceae heading the list.
Another comparative work [48] has already pointed out
that people across the northern hemisphere use certain
taxa belonging to the same plant families for medicinal
purposes. The Asteraceae family, for example, ranks in this
analysis first in three of four of the selected regions and
second in the fourth.
However, we believe that the predominant use of taxa
belonging to a given botanical family in one area is very
This was especially the case for the following species:
▪ the desert species Anabasis articulata (Chenopodiaceae,
Fig. 6), which is used by the Bedouins of the St. Catherine
area in the Sinai Peninsula in topical applications to treat
animals with skin diseases. Larvicidal activity was found
in an aqueous extract of this taxon [52];
▪ Cardopatium corymbosum (Asteraceae), whose roots are
used in Cyprus in topical applications on wounds and as
an antiseptic. Very few phytochemical works have been
carried out on this species and its pharmacology is still
largely unknown;
▪ Lilium martagon (Liliaceae, Fig. 7), whose bulbs are used
to treat liver diseases in both humans and animals in
Northern Albania [53]. In the ethnoveterinary literature,
we found find that in northwestern Spain the same bulbs
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are used in the local ethnoveterinary practices, externally,
as anti-inflammatory and analgesic [28];
▪ the legume, Dorycnium rectum (Fabaceae, Fig. 8), whose
aerial parts were recorded in the Spanish site as being used
as a decoction that is applied externally to treat burns and
wounds. Apparently this species contains flavonoids, but
its pharmacology has never been systematically investigated, except in a work by Molan et al. [54] on the activity
of condensed tannins extracted from this species and used
to treat nematoid motility;
▪ Oenanthe pimpinelloides (Apiaceae, Fig. 9), which is used
as fodder in the Italian site, where it is thought to heal
swollen stomachs in poultry;
▪ Origanum floribundum (Lamiaceae), recorded in the Algerian site where it is used to stimulate the appetite of cattle,
sheep and horses;
▪ Tuberaria lignosa (Cistaceae), whose aerial parts are used
in the Spanish site in a decoction to treat wounds in
domestic animals; two works have very recently underlined the antiviral activity of this species [55,56];
▪ Dittrichia graveolens (Asteraceae, Fig. 10), whose aerial
parts are used in Crete in an external application to treat
lice in chicken. This species is well known for its essential
oils, but its pharmacology is largely untapped.
Origins of medicinal plant uses in veterinary treatments:
the link with human medicine
In the ethnoveterinary data recorded within the RUBIA
project, nearly the half of the veterinary plant remedies for
mammals has similar indications in local human folk
medicine (Figure 3).
As discussed in other works [57,58], ethnoveterinary practices have probably followed two main evolutionary pathways: one based on the observations of self-medication in
animals, and the other related to human folk medicine.
Nevertheless, the relationship between human and veterinary practices has been complex and mutual. In some
cases, humans could have tried certain plants on animals
before applying them to themselves, but in other cases
they undoubtedly used plants in veterinary practices,
which were already used in traditional medicines to heal
human beings.
Although it is difficult to distinguish between pharmacological and nutritional adaptations made by animals,
there is certain evidence that animals deal with and take
advantage of plant allelochemicals that have an apparent
medicinal effect in a feeding context (see for example literature on self-medication in chimpanzees [59,60]).
Comparative analysis: does Mediterraneanism really exist
in medicinal plant uses?
In Figure 4 we show the most quoted plant taxa used to
cure animals in the various selected areas, and indicate in
bold those taxa whose botanical genera have been
recorded in veterinary practices in at least two areas. Overall, we found that there are ten botanical genera that are
used in more than one country: Allium, Artemisia, Juniperus, Hypericum, Mentha, Lawsonia, Olea, Origanum, Pistacia, and Ruta.
If we consider botanical genera that were quoted fewer
times, we find that Eurphorbia, Malva and Rhamnus have
also been recorded in more than one of the selected sites.
Details about all the taxa and genera whose veterinary use
is shared in diverse study areas are reported in Figure 5.
The percentage of taxa commonly used among the various
areas has been extremely low (8%), however when all taxa
belonging to the same botanical genera are considered,
this portion increases to 17%. In the eastern sites (for
example, Cyprus and in particular Egypt) there seems to
be fewer taxa that are used in more than one area compared with the western sites. Hence the veterinary phytotherapy used in the eastern areas indicates that very few
features are shared among the various regions (Figure 5).
As far as the Egyptians are concerned, this could be due to
the fact that the flora in the desert environment of the
Sinai Peninsula is peculiar to that particular region.
In any case, looking at our overall results, we can see that
any common heritage in plant uses in the Mediterranean
would be extremely limited. It could be claimed that the
chosen areas are not ecologically and culturally representative of the entire Mediterranean region or that much traditional ethnoveterinary knowledge has already
disappeared, and this is truth. However it is may be worthwhile to emphasize that the sites were chosen by each
research team individually, in accordance with common
criteria. None of the other groups influenced their choice
in any way, and so the data are basically bias-free.
On the other hand, it is clear from how the entire project
has been conceived that our data are not representative
either of the ethnobotany/ethnoveterinary of all the countries involved in this study. In our opinion, the data
shown here should motivate instead other ethnobotanical
research teams to carry out further comparative analyses
in the Mediterranean. We also believe that our findings
raise a crucial question concerning the assumption that it
has to exist a common circum-Mediterranean cultural heritage that influences many human activities and the ethnobotany in the region. If it is true that during the entire
history of this broad geographical area, a very complex
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system of exchanges and relationships between cultures
has taken place (which must have had a remarkable influence on scholastic traditions in medicine and pharmacopoeias), we believe that the notion of a common cultural
heritage in the Mediterranean ethnobotany and folk knowledge would represent, at least in part, a cultural construction. Our data demonstrate in fact that is very difficult to
speak about a "Mediterranean ethnobotany" as a whole;
instead we have a very variegate and composite Mediterranean made by many "Mediterraneans". Hence we feel that
Herzfeld, the first scholar to complete a study of the "evil
eye" in Greece [2], was correct in criticizing the idea of a
unitary Mediterranean.
our study has demonstrated that there is an urgent need
for the documentation of TK related to the intangible cultural heritage concerning traditional plant uses, and that
such a heritage is much more complex that we may think.
Ethnoveterinary data in the Mediterranean region could
offer an extraordinary background for conducting serious
studies aimed at implementing clinical phytotherapy in
animal healthcare and the use of plant-derived nutraceuticals, with the aim of improving the quality of animalderived food products.
Additional material
Additional file 1
All in all, a common cultural heritage, which surely can be
seen in other fields of human knowledge and practice,
cannot be automatically recognized when looking at this
specific portion of the ethnobotanical data that we have
Veterinary phytotherapy in Mediterranean rural areas:
which perspectives for the future?
An interesting dimension of the veterinary traditional
knowledge that was recorded during our study concerns
those plants cited for healing cattle, sheep, goats, and
camels, and used to improve the quality of milk and dairy
Far more research is needed in this domain in order to
provide an understanding of the effects of specific plants
on animal health in general, and especially on the quality
and quantity of meat and dairy products. An important
potential long-term output of this study and other studies
like it could be the development of eco-sustainable
projects that have as a primary goal the use of plant-based
remedies in traditional and new agricultural and animal
breeding systems.
Such projects could also permit the controlled use of suitable phytotherapeuticals and extracts derived from plants,
perhaps under the supervision of local veterinary services,
which could add further value to local products in many
"marginal" Mediterranean areas. However, to accomplish
this, the strategic and political agenda of many national
veterinary services might need to be changed slightly,
since there seems to be a great deal of bias against pluralistic concepts of animal healthcare in the regions we have
Table 1
Click here for file
Special thanks are all the local communities involved in the study and to the
EU Commission, who funded the research consortium RUBIA ("CircumMediterranean ethnobotanical and ethnographic heritage in traditional
technologies, tools, and uses of wild and neglected cultivated plants for
food, medicine, textiles, dyeing, and handicrafts", contract number: ICA32002-10023,; coordinator: A. Pieroni, Wageningen University and Research Centres in the Netherlands).
I would like to acknowledge here also Lindsay Lion for her patience in editing the English of both the text and the complex figures and table of a previous version of the manuscript and one anonymous reviewer for his/her
very useful suggestions.
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