END TIMES (What could happen in the world tomorrow)

2022, CGSS

CGSS PUBLICATION Title: What could happen in the world tomorrow! End Times: Messiah, Jesus & the Mahdi; and Armilus, Antichrist & the Dajjal (Panoramic Sequel) Author: Afrasiab Mehdi Hashmi Qureshi Publisher: CGSS (Center for Global and Strategic Studies, Islamabad) Publication date: January 2022 (Islamabad) E-book ISBN: 978 - 969 - 9837 - 14 - 2 NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE (An in-house publication, for research and reflection) Afrasiab Mehdi Hashmi Qureshi All rights reserved in the name of the author. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, mechanical, copying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author

Afrasiab Mehdi Hashmi Qureshi WHAT COULD HAPPEN IN THE WORLD,TOMORROW! END TIMES: Messiah, Jesus & the Mahdi; and Armilus, Antichrist & the Dajjal (Panoramic Sequel) i WHAT COULD HAPPEN IN THE WORLD, TOMORROW! END TIMES: Messiah, Jesus & the Mahdi; and Armilus, Antichrist & the Dajjal (Panoramic Sequel) Afrasiab Mehdi Hashmi Qureshi (Center for Global and Strategic Studies, Islamabad) CGSS PUBLICATION Title: What could happen in the world tomorrow! End Times: Messiah, Jesus & the Mahdi; and Armilus, Antichrist & the Dajjal (Panoramic Sequel) Author: Afrasiab Mehdi Hashmi Qureshi Publisher: CGSS (Center for Global and Strategic Studies, Islamabad) Publication date: January 2022 (Islamabad) E-book ISBN: 978 - 969 - 9837 - 14 - 2 NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE (An in-house publication, for research and reflection) Afrasiab Mehdi Hashmi Qureshi All rights reserved in the name of the author. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, mechanical, copying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author. ii The task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen; but to think what nobody has yet thought, about which everybody sees. Erwin Schrodinger 1 1 The 20th century Austrian-Irish thinker on science, ethics and religion. iii CONTENTS 1. THE EXORDIUM 1 2. CONCEPT OF END TIMES IN ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS, OTHER RELIGIONS AND THOUGHT PROCESSES 7 GENERAL OVERVIEW 26 a. Abrahamic faiths: Similarities 26 b. The Mahdi 34 c. The Armageddon 39 d. Abrahamic faiths: Other Commonalities 42 Three Questions put to Prophet Muhammad by ‘People of the Book’; and Prophets Daniyaal and Yahya 47 f. Qustuntunniya 53 g. Jerusalem 57 h. Psychics, Seers, and the Occult 66 i. Satanism; and less discussed subjects 74 j. Nationalism and its religious fabric today: a case study 89 3. e. 4. QUESTIONIZED QUESTIONS; WHEN AND IF! iv 103 5. INCORPOREAL SPIRITUALITY: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES 126 GENEALOGICAL SPECTRUM; MORE SPIRITUAL REFLECTIONS 163 7. CONCLUSORY OBSERVATIONS 185 8. SPECIAL DUA BY AL – GHAZALI 193 9. REFLECTIONS OF HISTORY 194 1) Praising God in Islam (Ayatal Kursee) 195 2) Praising God in Christianity (A Hymn) 196 3) Praising God in Judaism (Morning prayer service) 197 4) Abrahamic Religions 198 5) Charter of Madina (622 AD) 200 6) Charter of Rights by Prophet Muhammad to Monks of St. Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai 202 Launch of Crusades against Muslims (Speech by Pope Urban II at Clermont, France, November 1095 AD) 204 Salahuddin Ayubi - remarks after capture of Jerusalem (October 1187 AD) 206 Battle of Ayn Jalut (September 1260 AD) 207 6. 7) 8) 9) v 10) Constantine Palaiologos XI address (Fall of Constantinople - 1453 AD) 210 11) ‘Qaseeda’, Shah Naimat 212 12) The Siege of Vienna by the Ottomans (1529 AD) 215 13) Speech by Theodor Herzl at the First Zionist Congress (August 1897) 216 14) Balfour Declaration (November 1917) 219 15) Mudros Agreement (October 1918) 221 16) Fahreddin Pasha: Ottoman General who refused to surrender Medina 225 17) Pakistan Resolution (Lahore, March 1940) 227 18) Declaration on Establishment of the State of Israel (May 1948) 229 19) Declaration of Independence of the State of Palestine (November 1988) 234 20) Address by President George W. Bush on 9/11 241 21) Address by US Presidential Candidate Donald Trump on Islam (August 2016) 247 22) Hindu Hitlers of India 254 vi 23) Persons in history who claimed to be the Messiah 262 24) Those who claimed to be the Mahdi 264 25) Jewish prayer referring to the Messiah 265 26) Billy Graham on Antichrist 266 27) Armilus 267 28) Cabala 268 29) The Illuminati 270 30) The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 272 31) Kalki Avtar and Muhammed saheb 274 32) President Donald Trump’s address on recognizing Jerusalem as capital of Israel (December 2017) 276 33) Address by Prime Minister Imran Khan at UN General Assembly, New York (September 2019) 280 34) President Donald Trump speech: This could be the Palestinians’ last opportunity (January 2020) 287 35) Abraham Accords Declaration (2020) 292 vii 36) June 2021 Knesset speech by Naftali Bennett, Prime Minister of Israel 294 37) Remarks by UN Secretary General on Priorities for 2022 298 38) Notable Rabbis in history 315 39) Christian Saints in history 316 40) The First Sufi, Owais Qarni 319 41) Notable Muslim Sufi Saints in history 321 42) Occultists in history 324 43) Neopagan Movements 326 10. SUPERNATURAL, OCCULT AND SPIRITUALITY ‘GLOSSARY’ 327 11. BIBLIOGRAPHY 336 viii THE EXORDIUM End Times is a concept foreign to the secular mind. Some who have studied the subject, tend to look at it with doubt and scepticism. End Times is a subject not foreign to the mind of a theologist. Some in religion, look at it with acceptability. Believers in eschatology, have complete confidence in its inevitability. History is familiar with the philosophy of End Times, its meaning and connotations. End Times is categorized as a ‘future time-period concept.’ The terminology is used in the context of the end of the world. Meaning, the very end; since the time the earth was created whenever it was created. Substantial literature is available on this subject of profound ambiguity and profound unambiguity. According to the ‘books of knowledge,’ End Time perspective has existed in all three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. End Times has been discussed in the literature of all major nonAbrahamic religions. This phraseology has also been applied to similar concepts in the belief systems of ancient East Asian, Pacific and Atlantic civilizations. Eschatological mindset can be sometimes discerned even in liberation movements that have nothing to do with religion. 2 In the words of British author Peter Owen Jones, “Millennialism, premillennialism and dispensationalism are all theories of the end of the 2 Among others, may consult: a) ‘End of Days: An Encyclopedia of the Apocalypse in World Religions’, Wendell G. Johnson, published by ABC-CLIO. (2017) b) Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism: Volume One: The Origins of Apocalypticism in Judaism and Christianity, Bernard McGinn, published by Bloomsbury Academic. (2000) c) Encyclopaedia Britannica ( Site reaccessed on 11 November 2021. 1 world.”3 Importantly, historical eschatology is also reflected in ‘messianism and apocalypticism.’ Curious as it may seem, many in the past, prophesied the end of the world in the year of their prediction. Many claimed to be the Messiah; many said they were the Mahdi. It never happened. The assertions made with messianic conviction, did not came out true. Even today, the End Time predictions have continued to continue. According to Robert Leonhard of the Johns Hopkins University, “Quite apart from the theological question of whether a divine being has a hand in world affairs,” believers and their views on prophecies “indisputably affect our world.” The world is influenced, and in some cases governed, by perspectives highlighted in the “sacred literature of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.” 4 H. G. Wells had earlier opined, “After people have repeated a phrase a great number of times, they begin to realize it has a meaning and may even be true.” 5 When Isaac Newton was setting up “the foundation of modern scientific thinking”, he was at the same time also “trying to map the typography of Hell.” 6 According to A.W. Pink, “The first time Christ came to slay sin in men, the second time he will come to slay men in sin.” 7 3 4 5 6 7 BBC (‘End Times: Millennialism, Premillenialism, Dispensationalism’ Peter Owen Jones discusses end times with Afrikaner Calvinists). Site re-accessed on 2 October 2021. Johns Hopkins University’s National Security Analysis Department (‘Visions of Apocalypse - What Jews, Christians, and Muslims Believe about the End Times, and How Those Beliefs Affect Our World’, Robert Leonhard). May 2010. Book ‘Live in the Present and Learn Valuable Life Lessons to Improve Any Relationship’, Josh R. Himmelman, page 66, Balboa Press. (2012) The Washington Post, 5 November 1995 (‘From Satan to the Sphinx: The Masonic mysteries of DC’s map’ by Charles Paul Freund). Goodreads ( Site accessed on 20 November 2021. 2 Toynbee viewed history as “a vision of God’s creation, on the move.” 8 And, the movement has continued. In historical theology, ‘Hoopoe’ interacted between Solomon and Sheba. Today, Hoopoe is the national bird of Israel. According to a diplomat who served in his country’s diplomatic mission in Tel Aviv, “If you want to sign a lease agreement for accommodation in Israel,” one of its clauses may stipulate that the “lease deed would stand cancelled, if the Messiah arrives on the world scene within the period of the lease.” Unfortunately, history is also ignorant about history. Historian in many instances, does not know the full truth; nor can he be unbiased. While Christmas is celebrated in the Christian world on 25 December, nobody knows the date of birth of Jesus Christ.9 Mount Sinai is renowned as the principal site of divine revelation where God appeared to Moses. Today, even The Jewish Encyclopedia does not know its exact location.10 Judeo - Christian traditions on End Times are revealing. Moses and Jesus are pivotal to the Jewish and Christian faiths. All this has been detailed in this research study. This Treatise also attempts to deal with End Times with focus on aspects of Islamic eschatology which western scholarship either does not know, or tends to overlook. The message of Prophet Muhammad provides commonality of view with Judaism and Christianity. ‘A Study of History’, Arnold J. Toynbee ( magazines/study- history). Site accessed on 1 December 2021. 9 According to The World History Encyclopedia, “Only two gospels, Matthew and Luke, present a nativity story, or the details surrounding the birth of Jesus. The dates are problematic. Matthew claimed that Jesus was born roughly two years before the death of Herod the Great (4 BCE), while Luke claimed he was born during the governorship of Quirinus in Syria (6 CE).” Visit Accessed on 5 December 2021. 10 The Jewish Encyclopedia (Writeup ‘SINAI, MOUNT’, Joseph Jacobs, M. Seligsohn and Wilhelm Bacher). Visit site accessed on 7 December 2021. 8 3 Prophet Muhammad had high regard for Jesus. He used to say, “Both in this world and in the Hereafter, I am the nearest of all the people to Jesus, the son of Mary.”11 Jesus is common between Islam and Christianity. Muhammad had high regard for Moses. The Quran states, “And mention in the Book (the story of) Musa. Indeed, he was a chosen one and was a messenger, a prophet.” 12 Moses is common between Islam and Judaism. The Quran underlines: “Who could have a better religion than someone who submits himself completely to Allah and is a good-doer, and follows the religion of Abraham, a man of pure natural belief? Allah took Abraham as an intimate friend.” 13 Muhammad’s Allah also states in the Quran: “We have sent among every nation a Messenger”, adding, “We have sent Messengers before you (O Muhammad); of some We have related to you their story, and of some We have not related to you their story.” 14 In the words of Jalaluddin Rumi: 15 “The Light of Muhammad does not abandon a Zoroastrian or Jew in the world. May the shade of his good fortune shine upon everyone! He brings all of those who are led astray, into the way out of the desert.” One cannot understand Islam if you look at this religion only from the Western perspective. Islam has to be studied in-depth from the Islamic perspective. 11 12 13 14 15 Bukhari Sahih (Volume 4, Book 55, Number 652). Quran: Surat Maryam, verse 51. Quran: Surat Nisa. Quran: Surah Al Mu'min. MDPI ‘Muhammad, the Jews, and the Composition of the Qur’an: Sacred History and Counter-History’ by Reuven Firestone, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Los Angeles; 18 January 2019. Visit (Site accessed on 5 December 2021.) This writeup gives a good insight into Jewish - Muslim interaction. 4 The world has come a long way since its creation. Past has gone deep into the past; the future, man will have to confront. Science looks at the future from its point of view. In the words of Serbian-American futurist Nikola Tesla, “The day science begins to study the non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all previous centuries of its existence.” 16 Religions look at the future from their perspective. The realm of the ‘supreme superanatural’ is also there. It exists at the farthest end of the indistinct frontiers of logic and rational knowledge. Thus, ‘acroamatic fantasticality’, looks at the future from the perspective of the ‘supernatural esoterica.’ ‘Neo-Paganism’ in the meanwhile is re - emerging with an awfully silent might. Cults today will become religions tomorrow. Belief in secret cabals running the world has been widespread. Cabals are said “to mould the way people think, so that it seems like there is no alternative to what is happening.” 17 Some associate cabals with Western esotericism which seemingly have commonality of view with Occult and the Cabala. The psyche of a religionist has deep apprehensions about ground realities today, as the world seemingly undergoes a ‘grand spiritual transmogrification.’ A few passages on Islam in this account have been derived from my book ‘The Greatest Man in history is Muhammad (peace be upon him)’, World Academy of Art and Science; ERUDITIO (Article ‘Science and Progress’ by Alexander Likhotal, 7 June 2016). 17 Views expressed on Twitter by those who have carefully studied the Occult. 16 5 published in New Zealand in 2017. 18 This study on End Times is an ‘explicit and implicit elaboration’ of a chapter of that publication. My personal experiences with spirituality in this publication, may be of interest. This book is a ‘Panoramic Sequel’ to my work ‘What could happen in the world, tomorrow! End Times: Messiah, Jesus & the Mahdi; and Armilus, Antichrist & the Dajjal’, published in 2021. Scholars of religions underline, “Only God and He Alone”, knows the exactitudes of End Times. Ours are ‘speculations’, even though based on concrete studies carried out by ‘men of understanding.’ Religion is a fact; religion is not fiction. Ironically, people of religion can be more irreligious than the people of irreligion. This is also a fact. Some books are written ahead of their time. Comprehensibilities of yesterday have become incomprehensibilities today. Incomprehensibilities today will become comprehensibilities tomorrow. ‘Tibi seris, tibi metis’ Afrasiab Mehdi Hashmi Qureshi (Islamabad) Jamadi ul Awwal, 1443 AH (January, 2022 AD) 18 Whenever, names of holy personalities are mentioned in Islam, out of respect it becomes obligatory on a Muslim to state “Peace be upon him/her.” (In short, ‘PBUH’.) 6 CONCEPT OF END TIMES IN ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS, OTHER RELIGIONS AND THOUGHT PROCESSES In Judaism, the term End Times is relevant to the Messianic Age with the arrival of the Messiah, who would be a future Jewish King from the line of David. David called Daud in Islam, is mentioned prominently in the Quran as a Prophet of Allah. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, the Messianic hopes are directed towards “a single redemptive figure who, it is believed, will lead the people of God, now suffering and oppressed, into a better historical future.” 19 Unlike the Messiah in Judaism, in Christianity it is Jesus Christ who will return to the earth as has been emphasised in the concept of the Second Coming. Jesus (called Eesaa by Muslims), as mentioned earlier is one of the highly regarded Prophets of God in Islam.20 According to the Islamic traditions, Eesaa (Jesus Christ) will return to the earth before the end of times, after the Mahdi. The Jewish Encyclopedia highlights that Messiah is “the name or title of the ideal king of the Messianic age.” 21 In the older apocalyptic literature, the first book in which the Messiah figures as an earthly king, is ‘The Vision of the Seventy Shepherds of the Book of Enoch.’ In rabbinical apocalyptic literature, “the concept of an earthly Messiah is the prevailing one, and from the end of the first century of the common era, it is also the one officially accepted by Judaism.” 22 19 Encyclopedia Britannica ( Site accessed on 27 September 2021. 20 ‘Hazrat’ is an expression of special respect used by Muslims for holy personalities in Islam. 21 The Jewish Encyclopedia ( Site accessed on 21 September 2021. 22 The Jewish Encyclopedia, ‘Messiah’, Joseph Jacobs and Moses Buttenwieser ( Site accessed on 30 December 2016. 7 The Encyclopaedia Judaica describes Messiah as a “charismatically endowed descendant of David” who, the Jews of the Roman period believed, would be “raised up by God to break the yoke of the heathen and to reign over a restored kingdom of Israel” to which “all the Jews of the Exile would return.” 23 In rabbinic thought, Messiah is the king “who will redeem and rule Israel at the climax of human history and the instrument by which the kingdom of God will be established.” 24 According to the New Jewish Encyclopedia, the Messiah would be a “divinely appointed Redeemer” who would bring salvation not only to the Jewish people but to the “entire human race.” 25 The most authoritative Jewish understanding of the Messiah can be found in the writings of the medieval Jewish sage, Moses ben Maimon, commonly called Maimonides. In Mishnah Torah, his 14-volume compendium of Jewish law, Maimonides observes: “The anointed King (Messiah) is destined to stand up and restore the Davidic Kingdom to its antiquity, to the first sovereignty.” He will build the Temple in Jerusalem and gather “the strayed ones” of Israel together. Whoever does not believe in him or whoever does not wait for his coming, “not only defies” the other prophets, but also “the Torah and Moses our Teacher.” 26 The Jewish people refer to Messiah by using the title ‘Yahev’ or ‘Shahev.’ Jewish traditions highlight that King Messiah will be a just ruler; he will rule with love and peace, not with might and power. He will proclaim peace to all nations, he will put an end to the wars, and 23 24 25 26 Jewish Virtual Library ( Site accessed on 13 September 2016. Jewish Virtual Library ( Site visited on 4 August 2016. New Jewish Encyclopedia ( Site accessed on 10 July 2016. New World Encyclopedia ( Site accessed on 19 July 2016. 8 will go for friendship, love and justice. Above all, “he will watch over the poor and put an end to oppression and cruelty.” 27 In 1982, Marshall Beeber wrote a poem on his love for the Messiah, ‘Shalom Shalom’: 28 Once far, now near. Wise men scoff, while simple revere. Rich men laugh as missiles take aim, But the poor of the earth know the price of this game. Once old, now new. A word from God, through the lips of a Jew. The prophets of old see armies draw near, In perilous times when Messiah appears. Once hate, now love. From sword to plowshare. From serpent to dove. One God, One King. Shalom, Shalom…. The concept of Second Coming is important in Christianity. Catholic Encyclopedia concludes, “The second Parusia or coming of Christ as Judge of the world, is an oft-repeated doctrine” in the New Testament. May also see, ‘The Returning King: The Two Messiahs’ by Garrett Smith, May 2004. ( 28 The Messianic Literary Corner My Shalom in Grace ( Site accessed on 12 January 2017. 27 9 Jesus himself not only foretells the event but graphically portrays its circumstances. The belief in the general judgment has prevailed at all times and in all places within the Christian Church. It is contained “as an article of faith in all ancient creeds including Apostles' Creed, and the Athanasian Creed.” 29 In the Protestant view, a reference to the Second Coming is contained in the Nicene Creed according to which, “He [Jesus] shall come again in glory to judge the living and the dead; and His kingdom shall have no end.” The Seventh-day Adventists assert that the Savior’s coming will be “literal, personal, visible and worldwide.” The Latter-day Saints also believe that Christ will return one day. Accordingly, “When the Savior comes again, He will come in power and glory to claim the earth as His kingdom. His Second Coming will mark the beginning of the Millennium.” 30 A number of Christians believe that the Second Coming is ‘imminent,’ which can happen ‘any time.’ Campbell Morgan observes, “I never lay my head on the pillow without thinking that perhaps before I awake, the final morning may have dawned…And every night before we go to sleep, we ought to say, ‘He may come tonight.’ ” 31 One of the most influential Christian evangelists of the 20 th century, Billy Graham, who was regularly consulted by the US Presidents on religion and spirituality,32 underlines, “The second coming of Christ will be so revolutionary that it will change every aspect of life on this planet. 29 Catholic Encyclopedia ( Site accessed on 31 July 2016. 30 The Church of Latter-Day Saints ‘Second Coming of Jesus Christ’ ( Site visited on 8 January 2017. 31 ‘Can We Hasten The Second Coming Of Christ?’ by Adrian Rogers ( accessed on 26 December 2016. 32 Book ‘Billy Graham – American Pilgrim’ edited by Andrew Finstuen, Grant Wacker and Anne Blue Wills; Oxford University Press. (2017) 10 Christ will reign in righteousness. Disease will be arrested. Death will be modified. War will be abolished. Nature will be changed.” 33 William Butler Yeats was interested in the “occult and spiritualism.” 34 His poem on ‘Second Coming’ would be interesting to read: 35 Turning and turning in the widening gyre, the falcon cannot hear the falconer. Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold, mere anarchy is loosed upon the world. The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere, the ceremony of innocence is drowned. The best lack all conviction, while the worst, are full of passionate intensity. Surely, some revelation is at hand. The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out, when a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi, troubles my sight. Somewhere in sands of the desert, a shape with lion body and the head of a man. A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, is moving its slow thighs, while all about it, reel shadows of the indignant desert birds. The darkness drops again; but now I know, that twenty centuries of stony sleep, were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle. 33 34 35 Billy Graham Library ( Site accessed on 21 September 2021. Poetry Foundation, William Butler Yeats, Chicago, Illinois. The Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats. (1989) 11 And what rough beast, its hour come around at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born. As indicated earlier, in Islamic literature the Day of Judgement is preceded by the appearance of Jesus Christ who will spread righteousness among all peoples of the world. Jesus will be respectfully welcomed on his Second Coming by a great Muslim leader, the Mahdi. Before the return of Jesus, the world would see the evil of the Dajjal against whom the Mahdi would have launched a relentless struggle. The final victory would be achieved by Jesus Christ, and not by the Mahdi. In fact, Mahdi would facilitate the work of Jesus. Apart from the Abrahamic faiths, other religions also have the concept of End Times. In Hinduism, there are ‘yugas’. While Mahabharata uses the term yuga to describe cycles of creation and expungement, Rigveda refers to yuga as ‘generations,’ or ‘a long period of time.’ Four yugas have been mentioned by scholars: Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga. 36 It is said that the world today is passing through Kali Yuga, which is the ‘age of darkness.’ Others conclude that Kali Yuga ended in 1900; with speculations also rife that this dark period has not ended but will come to end in 2023. There also have been views that at the end of Kali Yuga, the world will come to an end “in a great conflagration.” 37 On the other hand, Hindu pundits have opined that after Kali Yuga, the world will not end, but a new era would begin with Hinduism entering ‘a golden age of rise, peace and prosperity.’ 36 37 May also look at a writeup on the subject by accessing the BBC site at (Site re- accessed on 1 November 2021. ) ‘The Four Yugas and their Significance’ by Jayaram V. ( Site re-accessed on 2 November 2021.) 12 According to Hindu scripture ‘Srimad Bhagavatam,’ at the end of Kali Yuga, the tenth and final Maha Avatara (Great Avatar), “Kalki will appear.” 38 In Hindu traditions, Avatar is a highly-respected person who has voluntarily entered the mortal realm with ‘extraordinary abilities, to assist in teaching the Universal Truths to mankind.’ The Avatara will emerge when there is “decline in religious practice...and a predominant rise of irreligion ” in the world. 39 Scholars who have focused on End Times have also noted a similarity between the eschatological imagery associated with Kalki, and the return of Jesus Christ. According to the New World Encyclopedia, there are “diverse beliefs and depictions” within Hinduism as to, when, how, where and why, Kalki will appear. The most common accounts declare that Kalki will arrive on earth “intent on eradicating the reign of evil.” 40 Importantly, Sanskrit scholar Ved Prakash Upadhyay expressed a different viewpoint on End Times in his 1960 publication ‘Kalki Avatar and Muhammad Sahab.’ 41 The book focuses on similarities between Prophet Muhammad and Hindu avatar Kalki in the context of Hinduism and Islam. On their part, ‘Brahma Kumaris’, a Hindu spiritual movement that began in the 1930s, believe that the modern civilization will be obliterated in a nuclear conflict and natural calamities. This would happen as part of ‘the 38 39 40 41 It is one of the 18 ‘great Puranas (Mahapuranas)’ of Hindu religion. The Shamanic Times ( Site accessed on 17 July 2016. New World Encyclopedia ( Site accessed on 24 August 2016. Kalki Aotar Aur Hazrat Muhammad, Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyaya, paperback (ISBN 9789636821494 (ISBN10: 9636821496). 13 natural cyclic process.’ The movement claims a worldwide membership of a million or so persons, in more than a hundred countries.42 Kathleen Raine composed a poem titled ‘Millennial Hymn to Lord Shiva:’ 43 Earth no longer hymns the Creator, the seven days of wonder, the Garden is over, all the stories are told. The seven seals broken, all that begins must have its ending. Our striving, desiring, our living and dying, for time, the bringer of abundant days is time the destroyer. In the Iron Age, the Kali Yuga, to whom can we pray at the end of an era but the Lord Shiva, the Liberator, the purifier?..... 42 43 Also consult book ‘Understanding the Brahma Kumaris’, Frank Whaling, Dunedin. (2012) Famous Poems ( Site re accessed on 4 December 2021. 14 In the beginning the stars sang together, the cosmic harmony, but time, imperceptible taker-away of all that has been, all that will be. Our heart-beat your drum, our dance of life your dance of death in the crematorium, our high-rise dreams, Valhalla, Utopia, Xanadu, Shangri-la, world revolution. Time has taken, and soon will be gone Cambridge, Princeton…Nalanda, Athens and Alexandria all for the holocaust of civilization. To whom shall we pray when our vision has faded…. The End of Times has also been mentioned in Sikhism. The holy book ‘Guru Granth Sahib’ is quoted as stating: 44 Quote Now, the Dark Age of Kali Yuga has come Plant the Naam, the Name of the One Lord 44 May also access 15 It is not the season to plant other seeds Do not wander lost in doubt and delusion One who has such destiny written on his forehead Shall meet with the Guru and find the Lord O mortal! this is the season of the Naam Nanak utters the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har Unquote While Jainism, it is said, does not have the concept of End Times, on his part Buddha predicted that his teachings would be forgotten after 5,000 years followed by a ‘turbulent turmoil.’ In his ‘Sermon of the Seven Suns,’ Buddha focused on the end of the world which would be characterized by the appearance of “seven suns in the sky.” There will come a time when, “after hundreds of thousands of years, rains will cease….all seedlings, all vegetation, all plants, grasses and trees will dry up and cease to be. 45 The National Geographic quotes a 5th century AD Buddhist text, according to which, the seven suns will gradually heat up the Earth, until finally, the planet becomes “one mass of flame” so consuming that it “leaves behind no ashes.” 46 May also see ‘The Sermon on the Seven Suns’, Albert Edmunds; edited by Christopher M. Weimer. (April-May 2002) 46 National Geographic ( Site accessed on 6 January 2017. 45 16 In Buddhism, there is also the tradition of ‘Maitreya,’ the future Buddha, who will “descend to earth to preach anew” the dharma, when the teachings of Gautama Buddha “have completely decayed.” 47 The name Maitreya is derived from ‘maitree (friendliness).’ In Pali, the name becomes Metteyya; in Chinese Milefo, in Japanese Miroku; and in Mongolian, Maidari. His worship was especially popular from the 4th till the 7th centuries, and his images are found “throughout the Buddhist world.” 48 Maitreya is said to currently reside in the Tuṣita Heaven, where Gautama Buddha also resided at one time.49 In Buddhist tradition, there is a poem in honour of the future Buddha: 50 I am Maitreya, the Buddha of the sun. I shine with equal love upon all. I am called the coming Buddha not because I will manifest in physical form. But, because I come to those at advanced stages of spiritual path; and say: “Be blessed friends, and give blessings.” I am called the Buddha of friendship, for I take all beings as equals. 47 Encyclopedia Britannica ( Site re-accessed on 20 November 2021. 48 Encyclopedia Britannica ( 49 Tusita is the fourth of the six deva or heavenly realms of Kamadhatu in Buddhist tradition. 50 ‘Maitreya: The Buddha of the Future’ ( May also visit re- accessed on 23 November 2021.) 17 And do not accept the hierarchies of institutions. My love shines equally upon persons, groups, cultures and worlds. I call upon them to live in universal love and compassion. I am white and golden, harmonious and full of richness. Like a symphony, I unite the competing themes in the universe. I am found in optimism, in hope, and in faith; And in those who look for a better tomorrow. I bless the discouraged and the lonely; The fearful and the mournful. I give them a way out of the prisons of their hearts. I liberate beings from confinement; And show a brilliant and infinite future. There are many forms of liberation within the universe. In the vast galaxy of changing forms, each moment of insight, each movement of growth. Each turning away from the past, Is a kind of liberation. 18 To turn away from identity entirely is a rare blessing. Those who do this do not look to me. Those who seek me need strength and determination in life and in meditation; they need hope and encouragement, and this I give them. Knowing that there is a more perfect world, Allows them to improve this one. Knowing that there are buddhas and bodhisattvas, Allows them to strive for more perfect awareness. Knowing that there is something to look forward to, Allows the bondage of the past to fall away. I am the Buddha of hope, and of striving; so that transient beings may improve the world for other transients. Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions of the world, based on the teachings of Prophet Zoroaster. 51 The concept of End Times also prevails in Zoroastrianism. According to Bahman Yasht, “At the end of the tenth hundredth winter, the sun is more unseen and more spotted; the year, month, and day are shorter; the earth is more barren; and the crop will not yield the seed…..All humanity will speak a single language, and belong to a single nation with no borders.” 52 Bahman Yasht is a 51 52 May study book ‘Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices’ by Mary Boyce, Psychology Press. (2001) Mary Boyce, ‘Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices’, pages 27–29, Routledge & Kegan Paul, ISBN 978-0-415-23902-8. (1979) 19 medieval Zoroastrian apocalyptical text, called ‘The Zand-i Wahman Yasn’. In Gathas, the most sacred hymns of Zoroastrianism, believed to have been composed by Zoroaster himself, there exists the concept of a World Savior. He “is to come and stop the cruelty of bloodthirsty and wicked people, and renew the world.” 53 Zoroastrian prophecies mention that “The victorious Saoshyant and his helpers, will make the world (a) wonderful (place).” 54 Saoshyant (Saoshyans) is a Zoroastrian term for “savior.” The concept of a future savior is considered important. Zoroastrian traditions underline, three ‘Great Saoshyants’ will come after Zoroaster who was himself a Saoshyant.55 According to the ‘Dictionary of Asian Mythology’ by David Leeming, all the saviors will be born from “the seed of Zarathushtra,” which is preserved through the ages in “Lake Kansaoya” (identified with Lake Helmand, in Iran).56 The greatest of the awaited Saoshyants, is ‘Astvatereta,’ who it is said, would be the son of Vispataurvairee, who “will make the world existence splendid.” Upon his arrival, “humankind will no longer be subject to old age, death or corruption, and will be granted unlimited power.” At that time, “the dead will be resurrected and the living will be immortal and indestructible.” 57 Manichaeism is focused on the struggle between the forces of the light and the forces of darkness. Though not specifically geared towards the concept of End Times, in Manichaeism, eventually light is removed from the world of matter and returned to the world of light. 53 Yasna 48.11-12, Yasna 43.3. Zoroastrian Prophecies ( Site accessed on 17 July 2016. 55 Oxford Reference ( 56 ‘A Dictionary Of Asian Mythology’, David A. Leeming, Oxford University Press, USA. (2001) 57 transcripts-andmaps/saoshyant (Site re-accessed on 10 November 2021). 54 20 Manichaeism was founded in Persia in 3rd century AD. The founder Mani (216 – 274 AD) revered Zoroaster, Buddha and Jesus. Manichaean temples existed in Persia, Middle East, China and in parts of Byzantine Empire. Manichaeism was oppressed by the Roman state and was eventually stamped out. According to the Free Online Encyclopedia, “In modern China, Manichaean groups are still active in the southern provinces, especially in Quanzhou and around Cao’an.” 58 In Shamanism, a person is believed to achieve powers “through trance or ecstatic religious experience.” 59 The term applies in real sense to the religious phenomena of the peoples of northern Asia and the Ural-Altaic. In pockets of Africa, few tribes have been following a religion somewhat akin to Animism with Shamanistic practices. Animism considers all beings, including animals, plants, rocks and even rivers, to be alive. Life in their belief system is not permanent. Somewhat similar view also exists in Shamanism. In Norse mythology, ‘Ragnarök’ is important, which refers to an ‘eschatological battle’ that will end the current cosmic order. “Everything will perish” in the apocalyptic conflagration, and “everything in the universe will be torn asunder.” 60 There is also a belief in Norse traditions known as ‘Fimbulvetr’, which means one of ‘the harshest winters ever,’ that will precede the End of the World. Interestingly, there seems to develop a renewed interest in in the belief of the return of the Jesus in the wake of the Corona outbreak. The younger generation in Norway wants to know more about the End of Days. 61 58 Encyclopedia Britannica ( Site accessed on 24 December 2021. 60 May also consult New World Encyclopedia, by accessing Site visited on 23 November 2021. 61 Norway Today, 3 April 2020. 59 21 The term Maya refers to both the modern-day group of people in parts of the world and their ancestors who built an ancient civilization that stretched across much of Central America.62 “Most Maya today follow a religion that consists of ancient Maya ideas, Animism and Catholicism.”63 Some Mayas still believe that their abode is the centre of the world, supported at its four corners by the gods. “When one of the gods shifts his burden, they believe, it causes an earthquake.” 64 Related to this would be the ‘2012 Phenomenon,’ according to which, there was a view that a cataclysm would occur on December 21, in 2012. That never happened. On their part, Rastafaris who believe Haile Selassie as ‘god incarnate,’ have their view of End Times. They hope one day Selassie will return to the earth. 65 Focus on the ‘New Age’ movement would be noteworthy.66 In late 19th century, a Russian thinker Helena Petrovna Blavatsky spoke of the coming of a ‘New Age,’ time period different from the past which would depict a new world, a different world. In her 1877 study ‘ISIS Unveiled’, she expressed views critical of science and religion. 67 To her, mystical experience and doctrine were the means to attain ‘true spiritual insight.’ 62 Live Science ( Site accessed on 23 December 2021. 63 Canadian Museum of History: ‘Maya civilization Cosmology and Religion.’ Visit Site accessed on 21 December 2021. 64 Canadian Museum of History: ‘Maya civilization Cosmology and Religion.’ Visit Site accessed on 21 December 2021. 65 May also take a look at BBC article titled, ‘The Twelve Tribes of Israel’ (Last updated on 2009-10-12). 66 May also consult ‘Gods of the New Age’, Caryl Matrisciana, Harvest House Pub. (1985) 67 ISIS Unveiled, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Theosophical University. (1972) 22 Blavatsky along with others, established ‘The Theosophical Society’ in New York in November 1875. Its members focused on the ‘esoteric, occultism and related disciplines including Cabala.’ Blavatsky wanted theosophists to assist “in the evolution of the human race and prepare to cooperate with one of the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood whose arrival was imminent.” Blavatsky propagated the view that “as the world’s hidden leaders, members of this mystical brotherhood guided the destiny of the planet.” 68 Blavatsky’s successor, Annie Besant continued with the ideas on futurology with a prediction of the coming of ‘a World Saviour.’ Later, in the 1940s, Alice A. Bailey, another occult leader, held the view that a new messiah, the ‘Master Maitreya,’ would appear in the last quarter of the 20th century. Most of the followers of the New Age teachings today, continue to believe that a new era is about to come with new developments and new perceptions related ‘more to spirituality than materialism.’ The Pew Research Center states that the “New Age beliefs are common among both religious and non-religious Americans.” Most American adults who self-identify as Christians today, also hold what are sometimes characterized as ‘New Age’ beliefs, including “belief in reincarnation, astrology, psychics and the presence of spiritual energy in physical objects like mountains or trees.” 69 Overall, “six-in-ten American adults accept at least one of these New Age beliefs.” Specifically, “four-in-ten believe in psychics and that spiritual energy can be found in physical objects,” while somewhat smaller shares ‘New Age movement’ by J. Gordon Melton (Encyclopedia Britannica). Access 69 Pew Research Center (New Age beliefs are widespread common among both religious and nonreligious Americans” by Claire Gecewicz. (1 October 2018) 68 23 express belief “in reincarnation (33%) and astrology (29%).” 70 The case in Canada, Europe and Australia, would not be much different. The Chinese perspective on eschatology has been cyclical, not epochal. The focus has been on this world, not on the other world. There is no concept of Armageddon, Antichrist and the Second Coming. The Chinese mind does not think in terms of the permanent end of an Age and the beginning of a New Age period. They think in terms of eras or periods of prosperity, famine; and rise and fall of dynasties, rulers and governments. They believe in a fall, after which will be a rise; and after the rise, there will be a fall. The cycle would continue. 71 There is a reflection of this view by Du Fu in his poem ‘Spring Wish’, according to which ‘The nation is shattered, and yet the mountains remain.’ In this context, also evolved in Chinese Taoist history, a figure ‘Li Hong (Chinese: 李洪)’, who in their prophecies, would appear towards the end of the world cycle to rescue the chosen people. Myths surrounding Li Hong concretized during the Han literature. Interestingly, prophesies concerning Li Hong's appearance have been used in Chinese history to legitimize and combat rebellions and insurgencies. At the same time, the believing Buddhist tiny minority in China, continues to hold on to the belief of the appearance of the Maitreya, who will bring Enlightenment to the World. ‘The Church of Almighty God’ in parts of China has been described as the country’s “most dangerous 70 Pew Research Center (New Age beliefs are widespread common among both religious and nonreligious Americans” by Claire Gecewicz. (1 October 2018) 71 May also study writeup ‘The Apocalypse Psyche: A Look at Chinese Eschatology,’ by Tomás Swinburne, which appeared in publication, The Diplomat, of 10 November 2015. 24 cult.” 72 One of its key beliefs is that “Jesus returned to earth as a Chinese woman, to bring about the apocalypse.” 73 The members of the ‘Aleph’ in Japan have held the view that the end of the world “was coming.” Also known as ‘Aum Shinrikyo,’ the cult combines tenets from Buddhism and Hinduism.74 The ‘Yongsae-gyo’ in South Korea “combine elements of Buddhism, Christianity and traditional Korean Shamanism.” 75 The ‘Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ in the country has strong views on the end of the world. Its founder, Lee Man-hee, made claims that “he is the Second Coming of Jesus, and can only take 144,000 people to heaven with him on Judgement Day.” 76 May also study 3 June 2014 Global Times’ article ‘Inside China's Eastern Lightning cult.’ 73 DISCOVER: ‘5 cults in Asia that have made the news’ by Dannie Higginbotham, 26 February 2020. 74 Council on Foreign Relations (‘Aum Shinrikyo: A profile of the Japanese religious cult that carried out the 1995 subway sarin attack’ by Holly Fletcher (June 19, 2012). 75 DISCOVER: ‘5 cults in Asia that have made the news’ by Dannie Higginbotham, 26 February 2020. 76 May also take a look at writeup ‘South Korea’s COVID-19 Church Scapegoat is Fighting Back’ by David Volodzko, published in Foreign Policy magazine dated 19 August 2020. 72 25 GENERAL OVERVIEW Abrahamic faiths: Similarities To reiterate, Islamic traditions underline that before the Day of Judgement, Jesus Christ will return to earth to defeat the Dajjal. After he has vanquished him, Jesus will unify humankind in one religion. Muslim traditions mention Prophet Muhammad as stating that “Eesaa (Jesus) will descend (on earth)”; and “When you see him, recognise him. He is a man of medium height and reddish complexion, wearing two yellow garments, looking as if drops of water are falling from his head. He will break the cross, kill the swine, and put an end to war.” 77 Muslims do not worship Jesus, but they revere him and “believe about him much that Christians do,” emphasises the British media commentator Mehdi Hasan in his article in The Guardian.78 Jesus is mentioned twenty five times by name in the Quran. The Quran also confirms the miracles attributed to Jesus which include: speaking from the cradle, healing the blind and the leper, and bringing the dead back to life, only with the power and authority of one All Powerful God. 79 Similarly, Holy Mary or Maryam as she is known in Islam, “is the only woman mentioned by name” in the Quran. One full chapter of this holy book has been “named after her.” Importantly, Islam endorses the Christian concept of her “Virgin Birth,” 80 with Quran stating, “And [mention] when the angels said, ‘O Mary, indeed Allah has chosen you and purified you; and chosen you above the women of the worlds.’” 81 77 Sunan Abi Dawud, 4324. The Guardian 24 December 2009 (‘Jesus in Islam’, Mehdi Hasan). 79 Also consult ‘Encyclopedia of Islam’ by accessing 80 The Guardian 24 December 2009 (‘Jesus in Islam’, Mehdi Hasan). 81 The Quran (3:43). 78 26 Like Judaism, Islam is strictly monotheistic. Islam does not believe that Jesus was god. In Islam, Eesaa (Jesus Christ) was a Prophet; one of the most important Prophets of God. Islam does not believe that Jesus died on Cross. In Islamic faith, Jesus was raised to the heavens. On his return to earth before the Day of Judgement, Jesus will fight the forces of evil and injustice; and ultimately emerge victorious as the sole ruler. His rule would be universal, which he would dispense with justice and fair play for all peoples of the world. Dajjal is an evil figure in Islam, who is to appear before the Day of Resurrection. Dajjal is a common Arabic word whose root is ‘dajl,’ meaning ‘lie’ or ‘deception.’ The literal meaning of Dajjal is the “great deceiver.” 82 The nature of evil perpetrated by Dajjal will lie in his dexterity “in presenting falsehood as the truth.” 83 Warning Muslims that “since the birth of Adam till Judgement Day, there is no fitnah (strife/affliction) greater than that of Dajjal,” Islamic traditions quote Prophet Muhammad as stating, “I warn you against him (Dajjal, the Antichrist); there was no Prophet who did not warn his people against him. No doubt, Noah warned his nation against him. I tell you about him something which no Prophet told his nation before me. You should know that he is one-eyed, and Allah is not one-eyed.” 84 He later reiterated, “I have explained Dajjal to you, but I fear that you might not have understood. Maseeh-ud-Dajjal will be short and his legs will be crooked; the hair on his head will be extremely twisted. He will have one eye.” 85 82 The Prophet of Peace, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, page 155, Penguin Books, India. ISBN 9780143068174. (2009) 83 The Prophet of Peace, Wahiduddin Khan, page 157, Penguin Books, India. ISBN 9780143068174. (2009) 84 Hadith of the Prophet. Among others may see, Sunan Abu Da'ud 37.4292; Sahih Bukhari 3.106; Sahih Bokhari 4.553; Sahih Bokhari 4.554; Sahih Muslim 4.1224; Sahih Muslim 4.1776; and Sahih Muslim 40.6931. 85 ‘Islam and Spirituality’ by Qamar Raza Qureshi, page 304; Senior School Library, The Lawrence College, Ghora Gali, Murree, Pakistan. (1969) 27 According to another hadith cited in history, in details: 86 An-Nawwas b. Saman reported that Allah's Messenger made a mention of the Dajjal one day in the morning… He said, “He (Dajjal) would be a young man with twisted, contracted hair, and a blind eye…..He would appear on the way between Syria and Iraq and would spread mischief right and left.” We asked: Allah's Messenger, how long would he stay on earth? He said: “For forty days, one day like a year and one day like a month and one day like a week and the rest of the days would be like your days.”…..We said: Allah's Messenger, how quickly would he walk upon earth? Thereupon, the Prophet said: “Like a cloud driven by the wind; he would come to the people and invite them (to a wrong religion) and they would affirm their faith in him and respond to him. Dajjal would give command to the sky and there would be rainfall upon the earth, and it would grow crops. Then in the evening, their pasturing animals would come to them with their humps very high and their udders full of milk and their flanks stretched. He would then come to another people and invite them. But they would reject him, and he would go away from them and there would be drought for them and nothing would be left with them in the form of wealth. He would then walk through the waste land and say to it: Bring forth your treasures, and the treasures would come out and collect (themselves) before him like the swarm of bees. He would then call a person brimming with youth and strike him with the sword and cut him into two pieces and (make these pieces lie at a distance which is generally) between the archer and his target. He would then call (that young man) and he will come forward laughing with his face gleaming (with happiness). 86 Sahih Muslim, 2937. 28 And it would be at this very time, that Allah would send Jesus, son of Mary, and he will descend at the white minaret on the eastern side of Damascus wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he (Jesus) would lower his head, there would fall beads of perspiration from his head, and when he would raise it up, beads like pearls would scatter from it.” In Judaism, Armilus is noted as a character akin to Dajjal. ‘Armilus’ or ‘Armilius’ is mentioned as the anti-Messiah figure in medieval Jewish eschatology, who is comparable to interpretations of the Christian Antichrist and Islamic Dajjal, who will conquer Jerusalem and persecute the Jews until his final defeat at the hands of the Messiah. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, “His inevitable destruction” would symbolize “the ultimate victory of good over evil in the messianic era.” 87 Sa'adiah ben Yosef Gaon (892 - 942 AD) is an important rabbinic figure in Jewish history. Known for masterpieces in linguistics, he was a follower of the school of thought called ‘Jewish Kalam’.88 According to The Jewish Encyclopedia, “Saadia is the earliest trustworthy authority that speaks of Armilus.” He mentions “the following as a tradition of the ancients, hence of the eighth century at the latest: If the Jews do not prove themselves worthy of Messianic salvation, God will force them to repentance by terrible persecutions. In consequence of these persecutions, a scion of the tribe of Joseph will arise and wrest Jerusalem from the hands of the Edomites, that is, from the Christians…” Later, “the Messiah will appear, wrest 87 88 Cambridge University Press: 28 May 2006 (‘Saadya and Jewish Kalam’, Sarah Stroumsa). 29 Jerusalem from Armilus, slay him, and thereby bring the true salvation.”89 According to Jewish literature, a time will come when the Jewish people will not be able to keep the Laws of Moses in the Land of Israel, and will be exiled; but would ultimately be redeemed. Accordingly: • God will redeem Israel from captivity that began during the Babylonian Exile. • God will return the Jewish people to the Land of Israel. • God will restore the House of David and the Temple in Jerusalem. • God will raise a regent from the House of David, the Jewish Messiah, to lead the Jewish people and the world and to usher in an age of justice and peace. • Nations will recognize that the God of Israel is the only true God. Generally it is believed that the Christian concept of Antichrist has been derived from the Jewish traditions. In the patristic period, the figure of Antichrist becomes the eschatological arch - enemy of Jesus Christ, “whose advent is expected to precede the Parousia.” 90 The four books of the New Testament that gave rise to the belief in Antichrist have been the first two epistles of John, the Revelation to John, and the Second Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians. The first three of these were authored close to the end of the 1st century AD; the last The Jewish Encyclopedia (‘Armilus’ by Kaufmann Kohler, Louis Ginzberg). Visit Site re-accessed on 2 October 2021. 90 Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity ( Site accessed on 2 January 2022. 89 30 was written “either by St. Paul the Apostle shortly after 50 AD, or by one of Paul’s immediate disciples some 20 or 30 years later.” Both the works “refer to a coming persecutor, who is evidently the same person.”91 In one of his expressions, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “St. Paul refers to the man of sin, the son of perdition.” 92 The man of sin, is “generally identified with the Antichrist, who, says St. John (1 John 2:18), is to come in the last days.” Although much obscurity and difference of opinion prevails on the subject, it is generally believed that before the Second Coming “there will arise a powerful adversary of the Christ who will seduce nations by his wonders 93 and persecute the Church.” The early Christians applied the term to Roman emperors especially Nero who persecuted the church. After Nero's suicide in 68 AD, there was a widespread belief that “he was not dead and somehow would return (Suetonius, LVII.1; Tacitus, Histories II.8; Dio, LXVI.19.3).” 94 The following lines from a poem on ‘the signs of the coming of the Antichrist’ by Shaila Touchton, would be interesting: 95 91 For details study the writeup on the subject by Encyclopedia Britannica ( Site accessed on 20 December 2021. 92 St. Paul the Apostle, original name Saul of Tarsus, “was born 4 BCE?, in Tarsus in Cilicia [now in Turkey], and died c. 62–64 CE in Rome [Italy]). The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes him as one who is “often considered to be the most important person after Jesus in the history of Christianity.” 93 Catholic Encyclopedia ( Site accessed on 31 July 2016. 94 Nero as the Antichrist ( Site accessed on 12 January 2022. 95 ‘Beware of the signs of Coming of Antichrist!’ ( Site accessed on 12 January 2017. 31 Antichrist denies that Jesus Christ is God who came in the flesh. He Opposes God and Exalts himself above God. He is the beast rising up out of the sea, having 7 heads and 10 horns. Upon his horns 10 crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. He is the Beast with the number 666. He is the man of sin, the son of perdition. The Man of Lawlessness and who changes times and laws. He is the deceiver of the elect and Wolf in sheep's clothing. He comes in peace and obtains the kingdom by flatteries. By peace he shall destroy many. He will subdue three kings and is different from the other kings. He will rise from obscurity and speak boastfully. He will blaspheme God, slandering His Name and dwelling place. He will not be succeeded by another earthly ruler, but by Christ. He will claim to be greater than any god and he himself claims to be God. He will be worshipped by many people. Christian traditions emphasise that a number of signs must come to pass before the end of the world, which among others, include: 96 • There will be wars and rumours of wars between nations and kingdoms. • The first sorrows will be in the form of calamities: famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places. • People will hate and betray each other. 96 May also see write-up titled, ‘The twelve signs of the end of the world’ by visiting Site accessed on 20 June 2016. 32 • Preparations will be made for the coming of the Antichrist, called ‘the son of perdition and the beast.’ • Antichrist will be a master of illusion, of 'shock and awe', taking away people's freedom, but making them think that they have been freed. • He will persecute the true servants of the Christ with rage and fury. • Signs will appear in the heavens: the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give light, the stars will fall from the heavens, the sea and the waves will roar and the powers of the skies will be shaken. • The sign of the son of man (the Cross) will appear in the heavens and then will take place the Second Coming of Christ, with power and great glory. American theologian Archbishop Fulton Sheen wrote in 1950: “We are living in the days of the Apocalypse–the last days of our era….The two great forces of the Mystical Body of Christ and the Mystical Body of Antichrist are beginning to draw up the battle-lines, for the catastrophic contest.” 97 All the three religions emanating from Abraham: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, thus, by and large, appear to agree on the concept of End Times. As it seems to turns out, Christianity’s Antichrist could be the Armilus in Judaism who happens to be the Dajjal in Islam. Significantly, Judaism, Christianity and Islam also apparently agree on the identity and general characteristics of the Antichrist. 97 Flynn T & L; ‘The Thunder of Justice’, page 20, Maxkol Communications, Sterling (VA). (1993) 33 The Mahdi Focus on the concept of Mahdi, would be important. 98 While a large number of Sunni scholars subscribe to the view that Mahdi would appear in future, the concept of the Mahdi in Shia Islam almost becomes an article of faith. Ibn Arabi in the 13th century was an Andalusian Muslim scholar, mystic and philosopher of great influence. He received divine instructions to proceed to Mecca where he wrote the book ‘Al-Futooḥaat al-Makkiyya’ (‘The Meccan Illuminations’). The primary focus of Chapter 366 of this intellectual masterpiece which has 37 volumes divided into 560 chapters, would be relevant to the concept of the Mahdi. Others such as Ibn Kathir have also elaborated on the subject. 99 98 For detailed study on the concept of the Mahdi, may also consult the following: a) Encyclopaedia Iranica ‘ISLAM IN IRAN vi. THE CONCEPT OF MAHDI IN SUNNI ISLAM’ ( b) Encyclopedia Britannica ‘Mahdi Islamic concept’( c) US Archives (PDF book titled ‘Prophet Jesus [AS] and Hazrat Mahdi [AS] will come this century’ by Harun Yahya [Odnan Akter]’ published by Global Publishing Istanbul in July 2010). d) Ḥilli, ʿAli Muṭahhar, ʿAdad al-qawiyya li-daf ʿal-mukhalif al-yawmiyya’, Qom Kitabkhana-yi Ayatollah Marʿashi Najafi, 1408 AH. e) Al Islam Organisation ‘The Soldiers of Imam al-Mahdi’ ‘The Soldiers of Imam alMahdi’ ( f) ‘The superior characteristics of the followers of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and their similarities to the Ashab al-Suffa’, ( g) Sibtayn International Foundation ‘Imam Mahdi’s miracles’ ( 149:imam-mahdi%E2%80%99s-miracles&catid=676&Itemid=464). 99 ‘Images of Jesus Christ in Islam’, by Oddbjorn Leirvik, A&C Black (page 41). 34 Mahdi means the ‘guided one’, whose tenure is said to coincide with the Second Coming of Jesus (Eesaa). According to a view, Mahdi would resemble Prophet Muḥammad “both in physical aspect and in behavior”; and according to other traditions, he will “resemble Jesus Christ.” Significantly, Mahdi would not be his real name. Maududi speculates that the Mahdi would be “a modern Islamic reformer/statesman,” who will unite the Ummah and revolutionise the world.100 In 1976, a question regarding the future appearance of the Mahdi was put to the ‘Rabiṭa’al Alam’al Islam,’ an Islamic NGO based in Mecca. In response, Rabita endorsed the concept of the Mahdi according to Islamic traditions, emphasising that the 14th century scholar of great renown, Ibn Taymiyyah, had also accepted the traditions on the Mahdi. 101 To the response, was attached a note, in which five ‘top clerics of standing’ had also subscribed to the views on the Mahdi.102 In short: • Prophet Muhammad had imparted glad tidings of the coming of the Mahdi. • The Mahdi would be instrumental in restoring high moral values. May consult his Quranic translation and commentary titled ‘Tafheemul Quran’. (Tafheem-ul-Qur'an: Meaning of the Quran - 6 Vols, English), Syed Abul A'la Maududi. 101 The Encyclopaedia Britannica (Ibn Taymiyah: 1263 -1328; one of Islam’s most forceful theologians, who, as member of the Ḥanbali school, sought the return of the Islamic religion to its original sources. He is the source of the Wahhābiyyah, a mid18th-century traditionalist movement in Islam). Visit 102 The website of Ayatullah Mukarram Sherazi ( 100 35 • He will also be a great scholar with a prescient mind. • Mahdi will emerge from a large city. • He will begin his work between the ages of 30 and 40. • Mahdi will be of medium stature. His complexion will be that of an Arab but will resemble the children of Israel in appearance. • His gait will be ‘extraordinarily majestic.’ • Mahdi will use his hands when he talks; he will move his hand as he wishes to emphasize what he is saying, and people will note the gesticulations. • He will be adept in the discipline of ‘Qayafa Shanasi’ (Face Reading/Physiognomy). The Mahdi will assume leadership of the Muslim world; and would be instrumental in uniting the Muslim people. Thus would end, the Shia – Sunni schism in Islam. Importantly, Mahdi would be the helper of Jesus Christ in the struggle against oppression, injustice and the evil in the world spearheaded by Dajjal (the Antichrist). He would be a great intellectual who would change the mindsets of the peoples of all religions, towards peace and amity. Mahdi’s rule would last some years. After the end of the Fitna of Dajjal, would come the golden rule of Eesaa (Jesus Christ). The general characteristics of the followers of the Mahdi have also been mentioned in Islamic traditions. For instance: • They will be a ‘select people’ endowed with ‘high intelligence’, ‘sharp intellect’ and ‘deep understanding.’ 36 • They will attract attention with their elegance and eloquence. • They will be ‘intense worshippers.’ They will ‘buzz like honeybees’ in their prayers; and “their foreheads will bear distinct marks of prostration.” 103 • They will frequently use phrases such as ‘Inshaa Allah’ and ‘Mashaa Allah.’ • The followers will resemble one another. Others would think that they are ‘brothers or close relatives.’ • The followers will be more obedient and submissive to the Mahdi than ‘a slave to a master.’ • Allah will bring together the followers of the Mahdi who will be unknown to each other, from distant places. When summoned, they will come ‘flying over the clouds’. They will gather together as “leaves get collected in one place in autumn.” 104 They will come together in the same way, as clouds in the sky. Years after the natural death of Jesus, the world would again plunge into turmoil. According to some traditions, close to the Day of Judgement, the world would see the appearance of Yajooj and Majooj (Gog and Magog). Developments of significance have continued to take place in history. Developments of significance continue to take place which go unnoticed in the world. 103 104 ‘Behaarul Anwaar,’ Volume 52, page 386, tradition 202. ‘Al Sawaeq al Mohreqa’, page 163. 37 In recent times, an incident occurred. In the early morning of 20 November 1979, the Holy Kaaba in Mecca was taken over by armed persons when the Imam was about to lead the prayers for the 50,000 or so Muslim worshippers. Five hundred or so armed men, women and even older children, appeared all of sudden from the gathering and took the worshippers as hostages. The attack was led by one Juhayman al-Otaybi who declared his brother-in-law Mohammed Abdullah al-Qahtani, to be the Mahdi. The siege ended only two weeks later when the Kaaba was cleared by the security personnel. Interestingly, in his address to the UN in New York on 26 September 2012, the then Iranian President Ahmadinejad stated, “Will come a time when justice will prevail across the globe and every single human being will enjoy respect and dignity. That will be the time when mankind’s path to moral and spiritual perfectness will be opened and the manifestation of God’s Divine Names will come true…These will all come true under the rule of the Perfect Man, the last Divine Source on earth, Hazrat Mahdi; an offspring of the Prophet of Islam, who will reemerge, and Jesus and other noble men will accompany him in the accomplishment of this grand universal mission.” 105 Agreeing with the view, the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, remarked: “Prophet Jesus will come hand in hand with the Mahdi. I ask Prophet Jesus and Hazrat Mahdi to come as soon as possible.” 106 Noted cleric Dr. Hassan Najafi 107 penned down a poem on the Mahdi, a few lines of which run as under: 108 105 106 107 President of Iran ( Site accessed on 15 June 2016. Chavez was a Catholic. He intended at one time to become a priest. He saw his socialist policies as having roots in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Muhammad-Hasan al-Najafi, 1788–1850, was a prominent Shia religious authority and author from Baghdad. 38 To wait is love’s first demand Die in wait is its last command To wait concomitant with hope is pleasant This is the lovers’ fate and their only current O Mahdi! We are awaiting you A necessity of life, as to the vegetation the dew Prophet Muhammad is also said to have said that when the Mahdi would speak, people in the four corners of the world would not only ‘hear him’ but also ‘see him with their own eyes.’109 In Islamic eschatology, there are also references to some ‘Sufiani’, who would emerge from Syria a little before the time of the Mahdi. The Armageddon Religionists know much about ‘Armageddon.’ Armageddon is the Christian concept akin to the Arabic term in Islam ‘Al-Malhama Al-Kubra,’ or the ‘Great Battle’, which is prophesied to take place at the End of Time.110 Armageddon is mentioned in Bible in the Revelation to John (16:16).111 Going by Merriam-Webster, Armageddon connotes “a final and conclusive battle between the forces 108 Iran English Radio. ( Site accessed on 10 January 2017. 109 May also note the writeup by accessing 110 Book ‘Studies in Early Islamic Tradition by Sulayman Bashir, page 181, JSAI. (2004) 111 May study ‘The Archaeology of the Bible Lands’, by Magnus Magnusson; BBC Publications. (1977) 39 of good and evil” to take place at the End of Time.112 Armageddon seems to have solid connections with Megiddo, a city in Israel today. Megiddo is mentioned in the Old Testament twelve times. It is thought by some that Armageddon would take place and start from this very city of Megiddo. To quote The Encyclopaedia Britannica, “Armageddon, (probably Hebrew: Hill of Megiddo), in the New Testament, is a place where the kings of the earth, under demonic leadership, will wage war on the forces of God at the end of history.” 113 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel observes that Tel (mound) Megiddo, has been identified as one of “the most important cities of biblical times…” A total of 20 cities were built at Megiddo, one above the other, over the past 5,000 years of its continuous existence. 114 The Israeli government sources also describe Megiddo as ‘The Solomonic Chariot City.’ 115 It is said that the city was re-built by Solomon under his personal supervision around 940 BC. According to Talmud, Solomon is one of the forty-eight prophets of God. In Islam, Sulaiman (Solomon) is considered a major Prophet of Allah. Christian tourists visiting Jerusalem normally also come to Israel, to Megiddo, to see the city, which in their eschatology, would play a vital role in the future dispensation of the affairs of the world. In 1964, the Vatican was still far away from recognizing Israel as a Jewish state. But then Pope Paul VI took an abrupt decision to visit 112 Merriam Webster ( Site accessed on 18 November 2019. 113 114 (Site accessed on 21 November 2019.) 115 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel ( Site accessed on 21 November 2019. 40 Israel. On 5 January, the Pontiff came straight to Tel Megiddo; in the words of the Jerusalem Post, “the (would be) site of the apocalyptic battle at Armageddon.” 116 He held meetings with President Zalman Shazar and Prime Minister Levi Eshkol not in the capital of Israel Tel Aviv, but in Megiddo. Megiddo was also the site of one of the last World War I battles fought against the Muslim Ottomans. The German and the Ottoman forces “found themselves encircled by the British and the French forces” in Megiddo.117 This major battle fought on 19 - 25 September 1918, saw the Ottomans lose a major chunk of their territories especially Syria and the adjoining lands. Travelling back centuries, let us once again go to the month of September, but in the year 1260 AD. The heavens witnessed the ‘Battle of Ayn Jalut’ fought between Muslim Mamluks and Mongols, after the Mongols had just decimated the entire Muslim world along with its magnificent capital Baghdad.118 General Baibars who seemed to have emerged from nowhere, defeated the advancing Mongols the first time since their onslaught on the Muslim lands.119 This, along with the subsequent conversion to Islam by the Turkish tribes, saved Islam from extinction. The beauty of the message of Prophet Muhammad is that later the Mongols themselves converted to Islam. The Jerusalem Post, 4 January 2017: ‘Pope’s 1964 Holy Land trip laid foundations for ties with Israel.’ 117 The National Army Museum, London. ( accessed on 18 November 2019. 118 Also consult book titled ‘The Battle of Ain Jalut: The History and Legacy of the Decisive Mamluk Victory that Halted the Mongol Empire’s Expansion across the Middle East’, by Charles River. (Kindle 2019) 119 The full name of Baibars was Al-Malik al-Zahir Rukn al-Din Baibars alBunduqdari. Baibars means the ‘Great Panther.’ 116 41 Importantly, the main ambush during the Battle of Ayn Jalut that led to the humiliating defeat of the Mongol forces, took place at Megiddo. Megiddo is also the place where one of the oldest churches in the world used to exist. Its discovery in 2005, was noted with considerable interest the world over. The city of Lod (Ludh in Arabic) where according to a statement of Prophet Muhammad, the Antichrist will die at the hands of Jesus Christ, is located not far from Megiddo.120 Abrahamic faiths: Other Commonalities As indicated earlier, Judaism, Christianity and Islam seem to have a common view on the concept of End Times. A number of scholars of these three religions believe in the coming of a good man: in Judaism, he is the Messiah; in Christianity, he is Jesus Christ; and in Islam, he is Eessa (Jesus Christ). Before the arrival of this good man, a bad man will come to the earth to cause strife. In Judaism, he is Armilus; in Christianity, he is Antichrist; and in Islam, he is Dajjal. Importantly, Judaism, Christianity and Islam also agree on the concept of Gog and Magog. Ecclesiasts of the three Abrahamic religions also agree that the main area of conflict in respect of End Times would be the Middle East; not Africa, the Americas or the Asia Pacific. Some Muslim analysts believe that the descent of Jesus will take place at or around the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, which is not too far from Jerusalem. Those who have seen the mosque may have noted the ‘Minaret of Eesaa (Jesus)’ within the mosque’s structure, constructed centuries ago. Traditions whether authentic or inauthentic, suggest that this minaret would be the passageway for Jesus Christ to descend from heavens whenever he is destined to return on his Second Coming. 120 Study for yourself, information available with regard to Ludh in the various tafaseer by scholars, including passages relevant to Jesus in Tafheemul Quran by Maulana Maudoodi. 42 Interestingly, Umayyad Mosque, constructed way back in 715 AD, is a beautiful mix of Muslim and Christian architecture. There are claims that columns of the Mosque, are the ones that were used in ‘the throne of the Queen of Sheba.’ Others speculate that the rock which was struck by Moses from which came out the water springs, is also part of the Umayyad Mosque structure.121 Adjacent to the Mosque is the tomb of “one of the most illustrious” Muslims, Saladin, who “recaptured Jerusalem from the Crusaders.” 122 Attention is once again drawn to the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad: I warn you against him (Dajjal); there was no Prophet who did not warn his people against him. No doubt, Noah warned his nation against him. I tell you about him something which no Prophet told his nation before me. You should know that he is one-eyed, and Allah is not one-eyed. Jewish sources also mention that Armilus will have a structural problem in the eye. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia: In the "Midrash wa-Yosha'"—which comes nearest to Saadia's conception—Armilus is taken to be Gog's successor; but is represented as a monstrosity, bald-headed, with one large and one small eye, deaf in the right ear and maimed in the right arm, while the left arm is two and one-half ells long.123 “Some sources depict Armilus,” states Encyclopedia Britannica, “as partially deaf and partially maimed.” 124 121 Muslim Heritage (The Great Umayyad Mosque). Site accessed on 9 October 2021. 122 123 The Jewish Encyclopedia: armilus. (Writeup titled ‘Armilus’ by Kaufmann Kohler and Louis Ginzberg.) Site accessed on 21 November 2019. 124 ‘Armilus, Jewish legend’; 43 Interestingly, some Christian scholars also make a point that the Antichrist will have “a problem in the eye.” One Mat Slick, President of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry in the US, is one such theologian. In his writeup ‘Who or what is the Antichrist?’, Slick observes, “The Antichrist will rise from the dead. His resurrection will be assisted by Satan. His right arm will be withered, and he will be blind in his right eye.” 125 As indicated earlier, there is a concept of the ‘Beast’ in Christianity ‘who will rise during End Times.’ There is also a concept of the Beast in Islam, who will rise from the earth close to the Day of Judgement. Sura An-Naml (verse 82) of the Quran states: “And when the Word is fulfilled against them (the unjust), we shall produce from the earth a beast to (face) them: He will speak to them, for that mankind did not believe with assurance in Our Signs.” 126 A statement is attributed to Prophet Muhammad according to which the Beast will be carrying the ‘the Ring of Solomon (Sulaiman) and the Staff of Moses (Musa).’ 127 Significantly, Judaism too has a concept of the Beast. According to Jewish scriptures, a monster named ‘Behemoth’ (plural form of ‘Behemah’, meaning the ‘Beast’) 128 along with the ‘Leviathan,’ was created by God at the beginning of the Creation. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia: 129 “In the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch, xxix. 4, also, the time is predicted when the Behemoth will come forth from his seclusion on land and the 125 126 127 128 129 Mat Slick earned his Master’s in Divinity degree from Westminster Theological Seminary, Escondido, California in 1991. He is ordained. Visit (Site accessed on 21 November 2019.) Translation by Yusuf Ali ( Site accessed on 8 December 2021. May access Site visited on 7 December 2021. Jewish Encyclopedia ( ). Jewish Encyclopedia ( and-behemoth). Site accessed on 6 December 2021. 44 Leviathan out of the sea, and the two gigantic monsters, created on the fifth day, will serve as food for the elect who will survive in the days of the Messiah.” The number 666 is associated with the Beast in Christianity, who will put this mark on the forehead of its followers. In Islamic eschatology, Dajjal will have the words ‘KAFIR’ emblazoned on his forehead. By some coincidence, Israel produced a multi-role combat aircraft in the early 1970s, for its air force, and named it ‘KFIR’. Reportedly, 666 was the area code for a town in Louisiana, in the US, “but after much grumbling by the locals”, it was changed in 2007. It is said, Number 9 is at the end of the cycle of primary numbers, so it represents “the end as well as the new beginning.” This number is also considered to be “the number of Satan,” since numbers “999 represent the inverted 666.130 Similarly, number 18 has its own significance. Because, 6 + 6 + 6 becomes 18. Some religious - minded Christians in the West take the digits ‘666’ so seriously, that they start suffering from ‘hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia’, which has been categorized as a ‘psychological ailment’ resulting from the obsessive fear of these digits.131 Coincidentally, C - O - R - O - N – A also has six letters. According to the Christian perpective, ‘Spear of Destiny’ is the legendary relic that “pierced the side of Christ at the Crucifixion.” The ‘New Age Philosophy: Old Occultism in New Garments’ by Vesna Nujic (12. 9. 2019). Visitfile:///C:/Users/afffr/Downloads/NEW_AGE_PHILOSOPHY_OLD_OCCULTI M_IN_NEW.pdf. Accessed on 30 December 2021. 131 The Psych Times (‘Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - Fear of the Number 666’). Visit Site accessed on 9 December 2021. 130 45 spear has “long been attributed with supernatural powers.” 132 In esotericism, some believe that ‘whoever possesses this spear, will hold the destiny of the world.’ Interestingly, the term ‘Spear’ has also been used in Islamic traditions on End Times. According to a narrative: 133 Hadrat Abu Huraira relates that the Prophet (PBUH) of God after mentioning the exile of Dajjal said: “The Muslims will be preparing for war with Dajjal and they will be falling in line in preparation for offering Prayers and the Takbir will have been said for Prayers when in the meantime Christ (PBUH), son of Mary, will descend and lead Muslims in Prayer. The enemy of God, Dajjal, on seeing him will start melting like salt in water. If Christ (PBUH) would leave Dajjal alone, he would melt and die anyway, but God will cause Dajjal to be slain at the hand of Christ (PBUH) and Christ will display his spear strained with the blood of Dajjal to the Muslims.” (Mishkat, Kitab-ul-Fitan, Bab: al-Malahim, quoted by Muslim) Today, there are at least three reputed relics of the ‘Spear of Destiny’ though the Vatican does not claim authenticity of any of them. One is located below the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome and was given to Pope Innocent VIII in 1492 after the Turkish conquest of Constantinople. Another is displayed in the Imperial Treasury at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna. Also known as the Lance of St. Maurice, this relic was used in ‘coronation ceremonies.’ The third relic is preserved in 132 Encyclopedia Britannica ( Site accessed on 25 December 2021. 133 ‘Finality of Prophethood’ by Abul A'la Maududi ( Site accessed on 23 December 2021. 46 Vagharshapat, Armenia, and legend holds that it was brought by St. Jude the Apostle. 134 Three Questions put to Prophet Muhammad by the ‘People of the Book’; and Prophets Daniyaal and Yahya The Sura Kahf of the Quran was revealed in response to questions put to the Prophet by Meccan tribals, in consultation with the people of the Book (Jews and Christians), to assess whether Muhammad was actually the Prophet of God. The questions were: 135 Who were ‘the Sleepers of the Cave?’ What is the real story of ‘Khidr? What do you know about ‘Zul-Qarnain (Cyrus the Great)? These queries related to the religious traditions of the people of Christian and Jewish faiths in Arabia about which Arabs generally had no idea. That was the time when ‘Sura Kahf’ was revealed to Prophet Muhammad by Allah. The following is the English translation of the surah which responds to the three questions asked: Sleepers of the Cave We narrate unto you (O Muhammad) their story with truth: Truly! They were young men who believed in their Lord (Allah), and We increased them in guidance. 134 Encyclopedia Britannica ( Site accessed on 25 December 2021. 135 Tafseer al Quran ( Site accessed on 15 December 2021. 47 And We made their hearts firm and strong, when they stood up and said: “Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, never shall we call upon any ilah (god) other than Him; if we did, we should indeed have uttered an enormity in disbelief. These our people have taken for worship aliha (gods) other than Him.” (The young men said to one another): “And when you withdraw from them, and that which they worship, except Allah, then seek refuge in the Cave, your Lord will open a way for you from His Mercy and will make easy for you your affair." And you might have seen the sun, when it rose, declining to the right from their Cave, and when it set, turning away from them to the left, while they lay in the midst of the Cave. That is (one) of the Ayat (signs) of Allah. He whom Allah guides, is rightly guided; but he whom He sends astray, for him you will find no Wali (guiding friend) to lead him (to the right Path). And you would have thought them awake, while they were asleep. And We turned them on their right and on their left sides, and their dog stretching forth his two forelegs at the entrance [of the Cave or in the space near to the entrance of the Cave (as a guard at the gate)]. Had you looked at them, you would certainly have turned back from them in flight, and would certainly have been filled with awe of them. Likewise, We awakened them (from their long deep sleep) that they might question one another. A speaker from among them said: “How long have you stayed (here)?” They said: “We have stayed (perhaps) a day or part of a day.” They said: “Your Lord (Alone) knows best how long you have stayed (here). So send one of you with this silver coin of yours to the town, and let him find out which is the good lawful food, and bring some of that to you. And let him be careful and let no man know of you. For if they come to know of you, they will stone you (to death or abuse and harm you) or turn you back to their religion, and in that case you will never be successful.” 48 And thus We made their case known to the people, that they might know that the Promise of Allah is true, and that there can be no doubt about the Hour. (Remember) when they (the people of the city) disputed among themselves about their case, they said: “Construct a building over them, their Lord knows best about them,” (then) those who won their point said (most probably the disbelievers): “We verily shall build a place of worship over them.” (Some) say they were three, the dog being the fourth among them; (others) say they were five, the dog being the sixth, guessing at the unseen; (yet others) say they were seven, the dog being the eighth. Say (O Muhammad): “My Lord knows best their number; none knows them but a few.” So debate not (about their number) except with the clear proof (which We have revealed to you). Khidr (and Moses) And (remember) when Musa (Moses) said to his boy-servant: “I will not give up (travelling) until I reach the junction of the two seas or (until) I spend years and years in travelling.” But when they reached the junction of the two seas, they forgot their fish, and it took its way through the sea as in a tunnel. So when they had passed further on (beyond that fixed place), Musa (Moses) said to his boy-servant: “Bring us our morning meal; truly, we have suffered much fatigue in this, our journey.” He said: “Do you remember when we betook ourselves to the rock? I indeed forgot the fish, none but Shaitan (Satan) made me forget to remember it. It took its course into the sea in a strange (way)!” [Musa (Moses)] said: “That is what we have been seeking.” So they went back retracing their footsteps. Then they found one of Our slaves, unto whom We had bestowed mercy from Us, and whom We had taught knowledge from Us. Musa (Moses) said to him (Khidr) “May I follow you so that you teach me something of that knowledge (guidance and true path) which you have been taught (by Allah)?” 49 He (Khidr) said: “Verily! You will not be able to have patience with me! And how can you have patience about a thing which you know not?” Musa (Moses) said: “If Allah wills, you will find me patient, and I will not disobey you in aught.” He (Khidr) said: “Then, if you follow me, ask me not about anything till I myself mention it to you.” So they both proceeded, till, when they embarked the ship, he (Khidr) scuttled it. Musa (Moses) said: “Have you scuttled it in order to drown its people? Verily, you have committed a thing ‘Imra (a dreadful thing).’” He (Khidr) said: “Did I not tell you, that you would not be able to have patience with me?” [Musa (Moses)] said: “Call me not to account for what I forgot, and be not hard upon me for my affair (with you).” Then they both proceeded, till they met a boy; he (Khidr) killed him. Musa (Moses) said: “Have you killed an innocent person who had killed none? Verily, you have committed a thing ‘Nukra’ (a dreadful thing)!” (Khidr) said: “Did I not tell you that you can have no patience with me?” [Musa (Moses)] said: “If I ask you anything after this, keep me not in your company, you have received an excuse from me.” Then they both proceeded, till, when they came to the people of a town, they asked them for food, but they refused to entertain them. Then they found therein a wall about to collapse and he (Khidr) set it up straight. [Musa (Moses)] said: “If you had wished, surely, you could have taken wages for it!” (Khidr) said: “This is the parting between me and you, I will tell you the interpretation of (those) things over which you were unable to hold patience. As for the ship, it belonged to Masakin (poor people) working in the sea. So I wished to make a damage in it, as there was a king after them who seized every ship by force. As for the boy, his parents were believers, and we feared lest he should oppress them by rebellion and disbelief. So we intended that their Lord should change him for them for one better in righteousness and near to mercy. 50 And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the town; and there was under it a treasure belonging to them; and their father was a righteous man, and your Lord intended that they should attain their age of full strength and take out their treasure as a mercy from your Lord. And I did it not of my own accord. That is the interpretation of those (things) over which you could not hold patience.” Zulqarnain (Cyrus the Great) And they ask you about Dhul-Qarnain. Say: “I shall recite to you something of his story.” Verily, We established him in the earth, and We gave him the means of everything. So he followed a way. Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water. And he found near it a people. We (Allah) said (by inspiration): “O Dhul-Qarnain! Either you punish them, or treat them with kindness.” He said: “As for him (a disbeliever in the Oneness of Allah) who does wrong, we shall punish him; and then he will be brought back unto his Lord; Who will punish him with a terrible torment (Hell). But as for him who believes (in Allah's Oneness) and works righteousness, he shall have the best reward, (Paradise), and we (Dhul-Qarnain) shall speak unto him mild words (as instructions).” Then he followed another way. Until, when he came to the rising place of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We (Allah) had provided no shelter against the sun. So (it was)! And We knew all about him (Dhul-Qarnain). Then he followed (another) way. Until, when he reached between two mountains, he found, before (near) them (those two mountains), a people who scarcely understood a word. They said: “O Dhul-Qarnain! Verily! Ya'juj and Ma'juj (Gog and Magog) are doing great mischief in the land. Shall we then pay you a tribute in order that you might erect a barrier between us and them?” He said: “That (wealth, authority and power) in which my Lord had 51 established me is better (than your tribute). So help me with strength (of men), I will erect between you and them a barrier. Give me pieces (blocks) of iron,” then, when he had filled up the gap between the two mountain-cliffs, he said: “Blow,” till when he had made it (red as) fire, he said: “Bring me molten copper to pour over it.” So they [Ya'juj and Ma'juj (Gog and Magog)] were made powerless to scale it or dig through it. Dhul-Qarnain) said: “This is a mercy from my Lord, but when the Promise of my Lord comes, He shall level it down to the ground. And the Promise of my Lord is ever true.” And on that Day [i.e. the Day Ya'juj and Ma'juj (Gog and Magog) will come out], We shall leave them to surge like waves on one another, and the Trumpet will be blown, and We shall collect them all together. The above three questions and the response given, as elaborated later in this study, are relevant to the End Times. Specific to Cyrus Zulqarnain, a view would be noteworthy. There are speculations that this journey of his mentioned in the Quran, towards the mountains, ‘probably are the Urals in present day Russia.’ Ural Mountains are among the oldest in the world; and interestingly, constitute a ‘meeting place of the two continents,’ Asia and Europe. Urals have been full of ‘iron and copper.’ The Russian city of Yekaterinburg located in the eastern foothills of Urals, has headquarters of important industrial conglomerates dealing with iron and steel. Those who have not studied the life of Prophet of Islam may note that Muhammad was unlettered. He had never been to school. And, there were no centres of education in Arabia during the time of Muhammad the way they had been existing in ancient Greece and in the Roman empire. 52 Alexander of Macedonia died in Mesopotamia, modern day Iraq, in 323 BC. Historians largely agree that later Alexander was buried in Alexandria, Egypt, with a view, ‘around 300 years before Christ.’ The ‘Nabi Daniyaal Mosque’ also in Alexandria is said to “contain the remains of Daniel.” Called Daniyaal in Islam, Daniel is venerated in Judaism, Christianity and in Islam.136 Ibn Taymiyah has been quoted as stating that “Daniyaal had spoken of the Messiah.” 137 John the Baptist (early 1st century AD) is revered as a holy man of God in Christianity. In Islam, he is called Yahya who has received an honourable mention in the Quran. Parts of his body remains are said to be buried in the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus. As discussed elsewhere, this mosque is mentioned in Islamic eschatology as the place where Jesus is going to descend on earth during the End of Days. Qustuntunniya Istanbul has been important. Also once called ‘Qustuntunnya’, Constantinople was the magnificent capital of the Byzantine Empire from 330 AD to 1453 AD. Prophet Muhammad (in 7th century AD), had prophesied its conquest by a Muslim Emperor. The Prophet is quoted in history as stating: “Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a Wonderful Leader will he be, and what a Wonderful Army will that army be!” At the age of 21, Sultan Mehmet II conquered Constantinople on 29 May 1453. 136 Alexandria Government site Site accessed on 17 December 2021. 137 Site on questions and answers related to Islam and Islamic traditions ( Site accessed on 16 December 2021. 53 After the victory, Mehmet wrote a poem in honour of the Prophet of Islam. Titled, ‘I Do Not Want,’ following are its extracts translated into English: What shall I do with the fragrant Rose that does not smell like you! What shall I do with the fresh Spring that comes without you! What shall I do with the bright Sunrise without you! What shall I do with the four corners of the world without you! I do not want rain in plenty; I do not want the cool breeze that blows in a direction other than you….If the fire is going to burn my heart, let it burn me forever. If my heart turns into ashes, I want no heart or fire without you. The Oasis in which I have not seen you, may belong to the bedouin. I want the desert, not the sweet water without you. I do not want the pen which does not write on you; I do not want the paper which has nothing written on it about you. I have to reach you; why should I stop! Come what may, I shall walk, walk and walk. Why should I bother about the road; even the direction that does not lead me to you. I shall cross a thousand ‘Sinais’ in one go, if it is going to please your heart. Otherwise, what is all this effort to me? I do not desire foreign land; I do not want my motherland, without you. 54 I do not want this Fateh; I do not want Egypt; I do not want this world. I am Sultan Fateh standing in full view of Qustuntunnya….I do not want Sultanate that does not make your ‘rose – face’ smile. I do not want Constantinople, without you. I am your ‘Volunteer - Slave (My Muhammad, may peace be upon you),’ with your ‘Slave Ring’ embellished on my ear. I am from your Nation….You are My Master (‘My esteemed Prophet).’ Why would I ever want a Master, any Master, other than you……138 After the victory, it is said, Sultan Mehmet rode through the streets of Constantinople, straight to the church of Hagia Sophia. Dismounting on the threshold, he stooped down and picked up a handful of earth which he poured over his head as an act of humility to God.139 Moved by feelings of the transient nature of power, he recited a couplet of Saadi Shirazi: “The spider weaves his web in the palace of the Caesars; the owl sings her watch song on the towers of Afrasiab.” 140 138 139 140 ‘The Deewaan’ of Sultan Mehmed II. (English translation, elaborative, of the poem from Turkish.) May also study ‘The Ottoman Centuries: The Rise and Fall of the Turkish Empire’ by John Patrick Douglas and others, published by Morrow in 1977. ‘Oxford Essential Quotations’ 4th edition, Susan Ratcliffe, Oxford University Press, online: 2016. May also see The Friday Times of July 24, 2020 (‘Shifting Fortunes of Mosques and Churches’ by Syed Amir). Further study writeup ‘Hagia Sophia, the treasure of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror’ by Ali Tufekci in The Daily Sabah of 17 June 2020. 55 A statement is attributed to Prophet Muhammad about the Turkish race. Well regarded scholar in the US of Pakistan - origin, Yasir Qazi, quotes from books of religion, according to which, the Prophet remarked, “The Atraak (Turks) will become dominant (in future).” Muhammad also advised, “Leave the Turks as long as they leave you. Do not fight the Turks, because when you fight, you will lose and they will win.” 141 During the time of Prophet Muhammad, Turkish nation had not emerged on the world horizon. It was nowhere to be seen. Outside their desert domains, Arabs mainly dealt with the Byzantine and Persian empires. According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, “A long succession of political entities existed in Asia Minor over the centuries.” Then, Turkmen tribes “invaded Anatolia in 11th century CE,” founding the Seljuq empire, and “during 14th century, the Ottoman Empire began”, reaching “its peak” in 17th century. 142 In fact, the rise of the Turks took place more than 400 years after the time of Prophet Muhammad. Even at the time of the compilation of the ahadith (statements of the Prophet), 150 years or so after his demise, no person could have ever imagined the rise of the Turkic people. The ‘Battle of Ayn Jalut’ fought between Muslim Mamluks and the Mongols in 1260 AD, has been discussed in this thesis. General Baibars who defeated the advancing Mongols in this battle, first time ever since their onslaught on Muslim lands, was a Turk.143 History has proven Prophet Muhammad so right. As stated by Yasir Qazi, a preacher in the US, in his video on the subject (‘The Rise of the Turks’ 22 May 2021). Yasir Qazi has served as Dean of Academic Affairs at the Al Maghrib Institute (with a Center in Houston, Texas). 142 The Encyclopaedia Britannica ( Site accessed on 7 October 2021. 143 ‘Baybars I, Mamluk Sultan of Egypt and Syria’ ( 141 56 Some say, a sword of Prophet Muhammad, preserved in Istanbul, would be used by Jesus Christ when he returns to Earth to defeat the Antichrist Dajjal. Interestingly, this sword was originally in possession of Banu Qaynuqa, a Jewish tribe of Medina during the time of the Prophet. Those who have seen the sword, say, on it is a depiction of David (Prophet Daud in Islam) beheading Goliath (Jaloot in Islam). Moreover, names of Prophets David, Solomon, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Zechariah, John, Jesus and Muhammad, are also inscribed on this ‘Sword of the Prophets.’144 David, Solomon, Moses, and Aaron fall in the category relevant to the Jewish people even today. Joshua, Zechariah, John and Jesus fall in another category in the context of the Christian world. Persons in both the categories above are highly revered in Islam. The ‘Aliyah Day’ is a national holiday in Israel, commemorating Joshua having led the Jewish people across River Jordan while carrying the Ark of the Covenant. In Judaism, the Ark is important. In Islamic traditions, Joshua was the person who accompanied Moses when Moses was travelling to meet Khidr. Jerusalem Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world. Jerusalem is one of the holiest cities in the world. It is holy in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Jerusalem has history. Jerusalem has religion. And, Jerusalem has had conflicts. According to Eric H. Cline’s tally in ‘Jerusalem Besieged’, Jerusalem has in its long history been “destroyed at least twice, besieged 144 May also consult United States Naval Academy (Department of History) site: 57 23 times, attacked an additional 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times.”145 The Third Temple is the term used in regard to a Jewish place of worship in Jerusalem, which many desire to build today in place of the original Temple said to have been constructed by Solomon in the holy city in 957 BC which was destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 AD; and the Second Temple constructed under the Persian Empire, which was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD.146 There have been claims that the two temples were located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem, which happens to be the current site of the Dome of the Rock and Masjid Al-Aqsa. The Al-Aqsa Mosque is the world's third-holiest site for the Muslims.147 The desire to build the Third Temple in Jerusalem is considered “sacred” in Judaism. A number of advocates of the Third Temple have called for its construction ‘in tandem with the arrival of the Messiah.’ The concept of the Third Temple also has a major relevance to some interpretations of the Christian eschatology. MOMENT: ‘Do We Divide The Holiest Holy City?’ March/April 2008; Site accessed on 28 November 2021. (Eric H. Cline is a former Fulbright scholar and Associate Professor of Classics and Anthropology and is Chair of the Department of Classical and Semitic Languages and Literatures at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. He is the author of several books and numerous articles on the ancient world, including ‘The Battles of Armageddon’.) 146 May also see The Encyclopaedia Britannica ( Site accessed on 24 September 2021. 147 May also see ‘Do Israeli Jews really seek to demolish Al-Aqsa Mosque? Jews call area Temple Mount, claiming it was site of two Jewish temples in ancient times’, by Turgut Alp Boyraz (10.03.2021). 145 58 Jerusalem has association with the concept of the Ark of the Covenant, referred to as ‘Taboot e Saqeena’ in Islamic literature. The Ark also called ‘Ark of the Testimony,’ is considered by Jewish people as “the most sacred relic” of their history. 148 It refers to a box-like container in which were kept the ‘Original Tablets’ of Law received by Prophet Moses from God on Mount Sinai. According to the New Testament Book of Hebrews, the box also contained ‘Aaron's rod and a pot of the manna.’ 149 The Jewish Encyclopedia states, “The first mention of the Ark in the Bible is in Ex. xxv. 10 et seq., where Moses on Mount Sinai is told to have an Ark of shittim-wood made for the Commandments which are about to be delivered.” In this regard, detailed directions were given. For instance, the Ark “is to be 2½ cubits in length, 1½ in breadth, and 1½ in height. It is to be overlaid within and without with gold, and a crown or molding of gold is to be put around it. Four rings of gold are to be put into its corners - two on each side - and through these rings staves of shittim-wood overlaid with gold for carrying the Ark, are to be inserted….” 150 Jewish beliefs also underline that “Even Aaron (mentioned as Prophet Harun in the Quran) was forbidden to enter this place of the Ark too often;” and “he was enjoined to perform certain ceremonies when entering there. (Lev. xvi. 2 et seq.).” 151 The Ark was not merely a receptacle for the Law; “it was a protection against the enemies of Israelites,” and (it) “cleared the roads in the wilderness for them.” Two 148 It is said that the first mention of the Ark of Testimony has been in Exodus 25:10. God gave Moses specific instructions for building a tabernacle. So the Ark of the Testimony is said to be the “Box of the Agreement.” 149 May also consult The World History Encyclopedia: ‘Ark of the Covenant’ by Rebecca Denova. ( Site accessed on 27 September 2021. 150 The Jewish Encyclopedia ( 151 The Jewish Encyclopedia ( Site accessed on 27 September 2021. 59 sparks, tradition relates, came out from between the two cherubim, which “killed all serpents and scorpions, and burned the thorns, the smoke of which as it curled upward sent a sweet fragrance....” 152 According to Jewish Virtual Library, “The Ark remained in the Temple until its destruction at the hand of the Babylonian empire led by Nebuchadnezzar.” What happened to it afterwards “is unknown.” 153 Some scholars give credibility to the conclusion arrived at by one Leen Ritmeyer, an archaeologist who conducted research on the Temple Mount and inside the Dome of the Rock. He claimed that the Ark “may be buried deep inside the Temple Mount” in Jerusalem. In Islamic literature, some have speculated that the Ark of the Covenant would be discovered during the time of the Mahdi.154 The OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) with membership of 57 states, comprising close to 2 billion Muslims spanning four continents, came into being in 1969. It is the second largest inter-governmental organisation in the world after the United Nations. The decision to establish OIC was made immediately after a vile act of arson at the AlAqsa Mosque on 21 August 1969, which gave rise to angry emotions in the entire Islamic world. Media reports highlighted that the fire which destroyed part of the old wooden roof and a 800-year-old pulpit of the mosque, was “blamed on Israel, and on Zionists and Zionism in general.” The arsonist, Denis Michael Rohan, as usual, was described by Western analysts, as ‘mentally unwell.” The facts on the ground are different. 152 Jewish Encyclopedia ( Site accessed on 27 September 2021. 153 Jewish Virtual Library “Ancient Jewish History: The Ark of the Covenant” ( Site accessed on 27 September 2021. 154 The Kackar Television (Adnan Oktar interview, 8 January 2009). 60 Denis Michael Rohan was a young Australian White Christian supremacist who had committed the act after a proper and thorough planning. Years before he committed the act of profanity, he moved from Australia to Israel and had started visiting the Al Aqsa Mosque regularly as part of his future plan to set it to fire. Rohan thought by destroying the Al Aqsa mosque, he could “hasten the return of Jesus Christ as the King.” Rohan claimed that he had visions. If you check Rohan’s name on internet today, reports will suggest that “he died in 1995, after spending time in an Israeli prison; and then in an asylum on his return to Australia.” This is not correct. Denis Michael Rohan was very much alive at least till 2009, if the disclosures made in the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) ‘Late Night Live’ telecast on 21 August 2019 at 10.40 pm are to be believed. 155 Moses ben Maimon commonly called Maimonides, one of the greatest Jewish sages of his time (1138 AD -1204 AD) has been quoted earlier. Maimonides also served at one time as “the personal physician to Salahuddin Ayubi (Saladin).” As referred to in the earlier pages, Saladin is remembered in the West because of the Crusades. And, Crusades had deep connections with Jerusalem; which continues to be an issue of pivotal importance even today. Noam Chomsky, while describing the United States as “a very fundamentalist, religious country - one of the most extreme in the world,” argues that, “there are not too many countries where two-thirds of the population awaits The Second Coming.” According to him, “half of them (Americans)” think it is going to happen “in their lifetime.” 156 155 156 ‘ABC Late Night Live’, 21 August 2019, 10:40 pm (‘Apocalypse Now: the political legacy of Denis Michael Rohan’ by Phillip Adams). Chomsky Interview: ‘The US is One of the Most Fundamentalist Countries in the World’; The Wire ( 61 Many White Christian supremacists believe that that the Second Coming is imminent but contingent upon the Jewish control of the city of Jerusalem. May be, this prompted President Donald Trump to accord recognition to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on December 6, 2017. Traditionally, all incoming US Presidents have been undertaking their first overseas visits to the European capitals. Curiously, after becoming the President of the United States, Trump preferred visiting Saudi Arabia, which has deep connectivity with Islam; Jerusalem that has deep connectivity with Judaism, Christianity and Islam; and then The Vatican, which has deep connectivity with Christianity. Robert Leonhard of Johns Hopkins University rightly opined in 2010, “Jerusalem is the epicenter of eschatology—the focal point of the apocalyptic scenarios of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All three faiths think of the city as their own. All three faiths gave rise to prophecies that the end of human history will occur there. The story of how these three systems of belief think about the end times and how those visions of apocalypse affect our world, underlies much of what occurs in our world today.” 157 Dreams can be revealing. In Occult, ‘Oneiromancy’ is a discipline in which dreams can be interpreted to predict future. Visions are significant. 157 Johns Hopkins University, Maryland; National Security Analysis Department (‘Visions of Apocalypse - What Jews, Christians, and Muslims Believe about the End Times, and How Those Beliefs Affect Our World’, Robert Leonhard); May 2010. Visit Site accessed on 1 October 2021. 62 The 7th century scholar Ibn Seerin is remembered. Muhammad Ibn Seerin Al-Basri is said to have authored a book on interpretation of dreams, whose English rendition is available even today, under the title: ‘Ibn Seerin’s Dictionary of Dreams according to Islamic inner traditions.’ 158 As indicated earlier, more than 800 years ago, Ibn Arabi had a dream when he wrote his book ‘Al-Futooḥaat al-Makkiyya’. Leopold Weiss was Jewish, from Austro - Hungarian Empire, born in Lviv in 1900. He was the descendant of a long line of distinguished Rabbis. He undertook in - depth study of Talmud and the Torah. Later, he converted to Islam. His book ‘Road to Mecca’ is a classic. It is said, he had a dream; he had a vision, before he wrote the book. Kanhaiya Lal Gauba, belonged to a distinguished Hindu family of Layyah in the Punjab province of British India. He was born on ‘the day of Krishna Janmashtami’ in 1899, to a prominent businessman Lala Harkishen Lal. Gauba converted to Islam. He wrote a book on the Prophet of Islam. Some say, he had a vision before he wrote the book. Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu was a Romanian diplomat born in the ‘Neamt County’ of Romania in 1916. A brilliant scholar of religions, he became interested in the life of Prophet Muhammad. So impressed was he, that he travelled all the way to Arabia to experience the difficult environment of the ‘dry dreary desert’ in which Muhammad preached his message of peace. All this in mind, Constantin Gheorghiu wrote a book, ‘Mohammed, a Prophet who must be known again.’ Some say, he had a vision before he wrote the biography. 158 ‘Ibn Seerin’s Dictionary of Dreams - according to Islamic inner traditions’, Muhammad M. Al – Akili, Pearl Publishing House, Philadelphia, USA. 63 General Fahreddin Pasha, the last Ottoman Governor of Medina, received instructions from the Turkish military high command to surrender to the British at the end of World War I. He did not, as he had a dream. He continued to resist. He delayed the surrender. He surrendered much later, only after his mission, whatever was the mission, had been successfully accomplished. Iqbal had visions. Some say, Muhammad Ali Jinnah had a dream. Here, one feels like quoting from his address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan of 11 August 1947. His one sentence in the speech in the context of the subcontinent and also the concept of the Two Nations Theory, would be difficult to understand, until all this is studied from the perspective of spiritual prognostication. Jinnah underscored, “… will find that in the course of time, Hindus would cease to be Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense, as citizens of the State.”159 The simultaneity of the date of the establishment of Pakistan with ‘Lailatul Qadr,’ would also be revealing. Visions and dreams are not the exclusive domain of Islam. In Judaism, holy men have been having dreams. Joseph had a dream. People have visions about Israel and the Messiah. Earlier, Abraham had a vision; he received instructions. Plato’s real name was Aristocles. When his father brought him to study under Socrates, the great sceptic declared that the previous night he had a dream of a ‘White Swan.’ He said, it was ‘a good omen’ for the ‘new 159 National Assembly of Pakistan ( 64 disciple.’ Plato’s father, ‘Ariston,’ “claimed descent from “the great mythological hero Cadmus, founder of Thebes, slayer of monsters.” 160 The concept of ‘Jesus, being the Son of God’ in Christianity, is based on a ‘Vision’ that St. Paul had experienced on the ‘Road from Jerusalem to Damascus.’161 Occultists opine, “Modern Christianity is the direct result of the combination of Paganism with Christianity at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD.”162 Damascus is relevant in history, and to the future. Damascus is not too far from Jerusalem, which is the epicentre in the concept of End Times. According to a Jewish tradition, the dead will be resurrected when the Messiah arrives, starting with those buried in Israel. The process “is prophesied to begin at the Mount of Olives,” just beyond the eastern wall of the Old City of Jerusalem.163 Solomon is said to have been born in Jerusalem. And, according to the peoples of religion, David and Jesus were born in Bethlehem, just five miles south of Jerusalem.164 Jerusalem for the Muslim world is ‘Qibla - e - Awwal.’ A Divine Command came from ‘a place of placeless origin,’ World History Encyclopedia (‘Plato: The Poet Aristocles’ by Joshua J. Mark, 29 May 2019). Site accessed on 13 December 2021. 161 May also study ‘The Roads from Jerusalem to Damascus’ by W. J. Conybeare and J. S. Howson, by accessing Further take a look at the writeup, by Encyclopedia Britannica ( 162 May also take a look at ‘Pagan elements of Christianity; and the Significance of Jesus’ by Paul Carus (THE MONIST, Vol. 12, No. 3, April 1902, Oxford University Press. 163 The Times of Israel, 7 June 2019 (‘Why some American Jews pay more than $ 20,000 to be buried in Israel?’ by Josefin Dolsten). 164 Bethlehem/ History, People, Meaning, & Facts ( Site accessed on 16 November 2021. 160 65 and Prophet Muhammad interacted with the Creator of the Worlds after having ascended to heaven from Jerusalem. 165 So states the Quran: 166 “Holy is He, Who carried His servant (Muhammad), by night from the Holy Mosque (in Makkah) to the farther Mosque (in Jerusalem) whose surroundings We have blessed, that We might show him some of Our Signs. Indeed, He alone, is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.” Psychics, Seers and the Occult French psychic Michel de Nostradamus is well known. Probably the most famous example of his work is that which many enthusiasts say predicted World War II. The text itself, taken “from Century 2, Quatrain 24, in translation reads: “Beasts ferocious from hunger will swim across rivers - The greater part of the region will be against the Hister - The great one will cause it to be dragged in an iron cage - When the Germany child will observe nothing.” 167 Nostradamus believers suggest ‘Hister’ is Hitler; the ‘ferocious beasts’ are the invading Nazis ‘hungry’ for power; and the German nation, depicted as a child, was seen observing everything but nothing. Jeane Dixon (1904 -1997) is remembered for predictions. After the assassination attempt on US President Ronald Reagan on 30 March 1981, Nancy Reagan is known to have regularly consulted astrologers, including Joan Quigley and Carroll Righter. On her part, Bulgarian psychic Baba Vanga “said things” before her death in August 1996.168 There are claims that she had predicted the dismemberment of the USSR. 165 Dawn, 23 September 2016 (Journey to Jerusalem by Qasim A. Moini). Also study ‘Tareekh Baitul Muqaddas Musalmano Ka Qibla Awal’, Fact Publications. (2015) 166 Quran: Sura Al - Israa. 167 Book titled ‘100 STRANGEST MYSTERIES’ by Matt Lamy, page 168 and 169, MetroBooks NY. (2004) 168 Independent, 9 December 2015. 66 A prediction also attributed to her, has been that the 44th President of the United States would be an African-American. Barack Hussein Obama II served as the 44th President of the United States of America from 2009 to 2017. The 15th century Persian saint Shah Nimatullah also made predictions. The eschatological poem ‘Qaseeda Shah Naimat’ is attributed to him, which focuses on the future in the context of the subcontinent. The following extracts constitute an interesting reading:169 ….God will later appoint Humayun as the Emperor (of Hindustan). Meanwhile, an Afghan will appear, by the name of Sher Shah. Humayun will run to the land of Persia. Iranian King will help Humayun. By the time Humayun will attack Hindustan, Sher Shah will be dead and his son will be the ruler. Humayun will conquer Hindustan. Then will come Akbar. Then Jahangeer, who will sit on the throne like the bright sun…… When Akbar will be the King, there will appear a saint. His name would be NANAK. This Fakeer will become known. He will be famous in Punjab. He will be the spiritual leader of his people. Sikh people will be cruel towards the Muslims. 169 Shah Naimatullah was a 14th - 15th Persian saint. The English translation of the poem has been cited by analysts from Hafiz Muhammad Sarwar Nizami’s ‘Compilation’ of April 1972. (This is the edited version of the English translation mentioned above.) In Islam, Qaseeda is generally a reverential poem composed in remembrance of a holy personality or an event of significance. 67 Then the Christians will occupy Hindustan. Their order will be obeyed for about 100 years. When the cruelty and one-sidedness will reach its high point, Christians will harm the religion. Christians will leave; Hindustan will be divided. Blood of humans will run. Destruction and anarchy will rule. Muslims will leave their homes due to the wrath of the Hindus. They will migrate. Their women and girls will be kidnapped. Muslims will be in peace in the area of their forefathers. After much punishment, their destiny will appear. The banner of Islam will be prominent for 23 years. Then divine punishment will come upon them. Their own land will become narrow for them. Destruction and anarchy will be their destiny….. When cruelty and crime will spread, there will come a King of the west. He will be good administrator. This Sword of the Lion will wipe off the deniers….There will be a great war in between him and the other. No doubt a large population will be killed. The King of the western part will be the victor due to weaponry. The defeat of the denier nation will be beyond imagination…then will come the Dajjal from the city of Asfahan. Listen carefully, I explain to you that to destroy the Dajjal, Eesaa will come; so would appear the Mahdi. Naimatullah is aware of the secrets of the unseen. Indeed, what he is saying, will appear to be true. 68 Much of what Nimatullah is said to have said above, came out to be true. Abd al-Rahman I, known as Abd al-Rahman al Daakhil, was the founder of the Arab dynasty that ruled the greater part of Iberia for nearly three centuries. Born in 731 AD in Palmyra, Syria, he died in 788 AD in Cordoba, Spain. He has a big name in Moorish history.170 He witnessed the rise of the Abbasids in the then Umayyad Empire. As a nineteen year old prince, he was running from pillar to post when Abbasids were hunting for the Umayyad royalty. Finally, Abd al-Rahman tried to seek refuge in a north African kingdom. The ruler there had a Jewish seer who had predicted that ‘a young man with long red hair’ would one day topple the king. When Abd al Rahman was presented in the court, the monarch took one look at the young prince ‘with long red hair’ and instantly remembered the prophesy. He turned to the seer, who cryptically remarked, “If you kill him, he is not that person; if you let him go, he is the man.” Abd alRahman is said to have had a presentiment. That very night, he escaped to the Spanish Peninsula. Mahmud of Ghazni (998 AD to 1030 AD) is remembered as a mighty ruler from what is today Afghanistan. He was interested in futurology. The royal court in his palace had 11 doors. One day, the Emperor asked his court seer to identify the exact door through which he would exit while leaving the court room. The seer wrote down the calculation on a piece of paper. Mahmud ordered the immediate construction of a twelfth door; and walked through it. Later, when the paper was read, it was written on it that ‘a new door would be constructed, which the Emperor would use while leaving the courtroom.’171 Encyclopedia Britannica: ‘Abd al-Raḥman I, Spanish Umayyad ruler’ ( Site accessed on 9 December 2021. 171 The author recalls from memory his study many years ago of the Urdu translation of the book ‘Kitab al Hind’ by Al-Beruni. The translation was published in Hyderabad Deccan before the partition of 1947. 170 69 The Forbidden City in Beijing is impressive. It served as palace of Chinese Emperors for more than 500 years. A Muslim Ehriduddeen was one of the main architects of the magnificent structure. Some spiritualists in the one thousand - year - old ‘Niujie Mosque’ in the Chinese capital, might narrate to you the unusual experiences experienced by Ehriduddeen when the construction of the Forbidden City began in 1406 AD. In the 1960s, ‘Readers Digest’ was widely read. It carried interesting articles of high standard. In one of its issues appeared a writeup by Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to climb the Everest. He mentioned that during the expedition to climb the peak, they came across a few unclothed Hindu sadhus in temperatures running into many minuses, in meditation. Christiaan Barnard was a South African cardiac surgeon who performed the world’s first human-to-human heart transplant operation on 3 December 1967. It is said, he had some supernatural experiences while performing the surgery. Notable Pakistani civil servant Qudratullah Shahab, in his 1987 publication ‘Shahab Nama’, narrated incidents of unusual dimensions. So did, Mumtaz Mufti in his ‘Alakh Nagri’ that came out in 1993. The Nazis focused on the occult. In his book ‘Hitler’s Monsters,’ Eric Kurlander argues that invocation and appropriation of popular esoteric, border-scientific and religio-mythological beliefs, “helped Adolf Hitler’s party attract supporters.” 172 Greek fascist Savitri Devi Mukherji (Maximine Portaz) had strong connections with India’s Hindu fundamentalist organisation RSS. She promoted occultism in Nazi ideology. She believed Jews to be the 172 The Wire, 21 November 2021: ‘Interview: How Mysticism and Pseudoscience Became Central to Nazism’ by Ondřej Bělíček. 70 power-centers of evil, and had intense hatred for Christians. In her book ‘A Warning to the Hindus’ which came out in 1939, she advised people of Hindu religion to cultivate a 'spirit of organised resistance throughout Hindudom.’ The targets of this resistance were the Muslims, who were a threat, according to her, to the Hindus.173 Savitri Devi believed that Adolf Hitler was an avatar of Hindu god Vishnu. In her view, Hitler was sent to the world by the Divine “to prepare for the end of Kali Yuga -- the last of the four stages that the world goes through.” 174 She died on 22 October 1982 in England. Her ashes were laid to rest in the US “with full fascist honour, next to American Nazi leader George Lincoln Rockwell.”175 Savitri Devi continues to be eulogized today by Hindu fundamentalist organisations in India. She is admired by the Neo-Nazi and fascist organisations in Europe and the US. Her works have been re-issued and widely distributed through the Neo-Nazi networks. She has been lionized as the “Foremother of the Nazi ideology.” 176 A ‘School of Fascist Mysticism’ was established in Milan in 1930 under the patronage of none other than the brother of Mussolini, Arnaldo Mussolini. Benito Mussolini himself in a paper he wrote in 1932, mentioned spirituality in the context of understanding the ‘Doctrine of Fascism.’ 177 Cited from the BBC writeup ‘Savitri Devi: The mystical fascist being resurrected by the alt-right’. (29 October 2017) 174 India Today, 22 October 2018: “Why Hitler's 'priestess' Savitri Devi said he might be an avatar of Vishnu.” 175 India Today, 22 October 2018: “Why Hitler's 'priestess' Savitri Devi said he might be an avatar of Vishnu.” 176 India Today, 22 October 2018: “Why Hitler's 'priestess' Savitri Devi said he might be an avatar of Vishnu.” 177 BENITO MUSSOLINI ‘The Doctrine of Fascism’. (1932) 173 71 Analysts have referred to an ‘undiscussed project’ by the CIA relating to ‘mind control.’ Codenamed ‘MK Ultra’, some say, it consists of ‘experimentation of the psychological dissection of the mind with drugs and torture.’178 The mastermind of this project was none other than Josef Mengele, Hitler’s ‘Angel of Death.’ Mengele had already performed experiments on children “by making them go through molestation,” such as by “putting them in cages, tying them in ropes, exposing them to extremely low and high temperatures, electrocuting them, hanging them upside-down, peeling their skin off…..” 179 If scholars like Vesna Nujic are to be believed, after the fall of Nazi Germany, “Mengele moved to the US, in such a way, moving those experiments onto their ground, but only under the cloak of neuroscience.” Although these events were brought to the public eye back in 1995, after which even President Bill Clinton “offered an apology” to those who endured the atrocities. 180 Noah Shachtman disclosed, “at the height of the Cold War,” the Central Intelligence Agency “paid $3,000 to renowned magician John Mulholland to write a manual on misdirection, concealment, and stagecraft.” All known copies of the document — and a related paper, on conveying hidden signals — “were believed to be destroyed in 1973.” 181 May also consult book titled, ‘Project Mk-Ultra and Mind Control Technology: A Compilation of Patents and Reports’, Axel Balthazar, Unlimited Press (June 2017). Further take a look at ‘Project MK-ULTRA’ by Richard Fernandez, published in January 2017. 179 ‘New Age Philosophy: Old Occultism in New Garments’, Vesna Nujic (12. 9. 2019). Visit file:///C:/Users/afffr/Downloads/NEW_AGE_PHILOSOPHY_OLD_OCCULTISM_IN _NEW.pdf. Accessed on 1 December 2021. 180 ‘New Age Philosophy: Old Occultism in New Garments’ by Vesna Nujic (12. 9. 2019). 181 WIRED (‘CIA's Lost Magic Manual Resurfaces’ by Noah Shachtman, 11. 24. 2009). 178 72 The Lucis Trust was established in the US in 1922 with the primary aim to publish 24 or more books authored by occultist Alice Bailey. The books relate to esoteric thought processes, including ‘spiritual psychology, destiny of nations, and meditation.’ Alice asserted that the majority of her works were “telepathically dictated to her” by a ‘Master of Wisdom.’182 Lucis Trust is also on the “Roster of the United Nations Economic and Social Council.” 183 Interestingly, the Trust has been printing the UN publications. Curious as it would seem, the original name of the Trust was not ‘Lucis Trust’ but ‘Lucifer Publishing Company.’ The question that comes to the mind is why Lucifer which is one of the names of Satan, added to the name of the Trust? For right reasons or wrong, curiosity among many also relates to the Geneva based CERN which is said to be the largest scientific establishment in the world. Vesna Nujic opines, “CERN, whether its founder Heisenberg knew it or not, is an abbreviated title for an ancient Celtic deity called ‘Cernunnos’ whose name means the ‘horned one’ and is thought to be the god of death and rebirth, and the lord of the underworld.” 184 He is often depicted with rings or torques around his stag-like horns or in his hands, which may symbolize the circle of destruction and restoration that he represents. In 2004, a statue of Hindu god Shiva “was erected at the very entrance of CERN.” 185 In Hindu religion, Shiva’s role is “to destroy the universe in order to re - create it again.” 186 Book titled, ‘Children of the New Age: A History of Spiritual Practices’ by Steven Sutcliffe, page 46, Psychology Press. (2003) 183 The Lucis Trust ( Site accessed on 26 November 2021. 184 ‘New Age Philosophy: Old Occultism in New Garments’, Vesna Nujic (12. 9. 2019). Visit file:///C:/Users/afffr/Downloads/NEW_AGE_PHILOSOPHY_OLD_OCCULTISM_I N NEW.pdf. Accessed on 1 December 2021. 185 ‘New Age Philosophy: Old Occultism in New Garments’, Vesna Nujic (12. 9. 2019). 182 73 Satanism; and less discussed subjects In religions, Satan is relevant. Satan is relevant to End Times. Satan is very much relevant to Islam and Christianity.187 Satan disobeyed God; the creation challenged the Creator. One, Anton Szandor LaVey, formalized Satanism by establishing what is described as the ‘LaVeyan Satanism’ in the US state of California in 1966. In the words of one Gordon Melton, “LaVey, a former carnival worker, had absorbed a variety of occult and ritual-magic teachings over the years, which he incorporated into the tenets of the church” he founded on Walpurgisnacht (April 30), 1966.188 The ‘Walpurgis Night’ (Walpurgisnacht in German), has been since centuries, observed in parts of Europe, to commemorate the canonization of the Christian saint, ‘Walpurga’, who was known to stave off effects of dark forces and magic. Interestingly, LaVey proclaimed this very date of 30 April 1966 as ‘Year One’, Anno Satanas, the first year of the ‘Age of Satan.’ It is said that LaVey did not promote worship of Satan as the Christian embodiment of evil or even as an existing being. Instead, it is emphasised that he taught that “His Infernal Majesty” was “a symbol of humanistic values,” including: “self-assertion, rebellion against unjust authority” and wisdom. Interestingly, part of the rituals promoted by LaVey also comprised “a black mass, complete with a nude female used as an altar.”189 BBC writeup ‘Shiva.’ ( In the Torah, the word Satan indicates “accuser,” “hinderer” or “tempter.” 188 189 186 187 74 LaVey also wrote ‘The Satanic Bible’ which was published in 1969. Consisting of four segments, ‘The Book of Satan,’ ‘The Book of Lucifer,’ ‘The Book of Belial’ and ‘The Book of Leviathan’, Satanic Bible among others, details rituals and magic, attempts to remove misperception about Satanism, and promotes compassion and sexual indulgence. Though the Satanic Bible is not considered to be a sacred scripture in the way that the Old Testament is in Judaism, followers of LaVeyan Satanism regard the publication as an authoritative text of their faith. To quote from The Satanic Bible, “Satan has certainly been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years.” 190 Anton LaVey also once stated: “I break away from all conventions that do not lead to my earthly success and happiness…..Satanism condones any type of sexual activity which properly satisfies your individual desires be it heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or even asexual, if you choose. Satanism also sanctions any fetish or deviation which will enhance your sex-life, so long as it involves no one who does not wish to be involved.”191 LaVeyan Satanism is not the only cult that has been adoring Satan. ‘The Satanic Temple’ is another US based organisation, which promotes Satanism. Established in 2013 by Lucien Greaves and Malcolm Jarry, Satanic Temple has branches throughout the world especially in Europe, Canada, and Australia. 192 The Detroit-born Greaves had studied ‘neuroscience, specializing in false-memory syndrome,’ at the Harvard, where he met fellow graduate Malcolm Jarry. 193 Both believed in atheism, not theism. ‘The Satanic Bible’ by Anton Szandor LaVey; published by Avon; 1st edition. (1969) Goodreads ( Site accessed on 3 October 2021. 192 Consult book ‘Speak of the Devil: How the Satanic Temple is changing the way we talk about religion’, by Joseph Laycock published in February 2020. 193 The Irish Times, 24 August 2019. 190 191 75 Days before the Trump Presidential Inauguration, the Temple organised a ‘Satanic Mass’ in Detroit on 14 January 2017. Reportedly, the mass included three rituals: ‘Invocation Ritual,’ ‘Destruction Ritual’ and a ‘Bloodletting Ritual’. A time came in 2020, when the cult management said it will take the Mississippi state government to the court if it went ahead with its intention to include the words “In God We Trust,” on the new flag of the State of Mississippi. The cult has engaged in the display of satanic symbolism to attract the youth. One in 2014, featured an angel falling from the sky. Same year, there was depiction of a snake around a Black Cross. Later in Illinois in 2018, a serpent was shown wrapped around the hand of a woman. ‘The Satanic Temple’ is different from LaVey’s ‘Church of Satan’. Believing Christians categorize the two as separate bodies “with the same objectives” i.e. to “promote Satanism.” To dilute the evilness of Satanism, analysts sympathetic to the cause, classify Satanism as a form of ‘Western esotericism.’ A reference to the UK based occult group, ‘The Order of Nine Angles,’ needs amplification. Categorized by researchers as one that has been following ‘Traditional Satanism’, it is said to have been established by a woman in early 1970s who practised undiscussed rituals of pre-Christian occultism which seem to have survived in parts of Europe.194 Halloween is observed in Western world every year on 31 October. Some assert, Halloween has ‘deep connections with Satanism.’ There is a view that ‘this date is Satan’s actual birthday’ in accordance with the Western calendar being followed today. American televangelist Pat Robertson observed that those who celebrate Halloween, ‘are unknowingly worshipping Satan.’ 195 For details also see: BBC News ‘Order of Nine Angles: What is this obscure Nazi Satanist group?’ by Daniel De Simone; 23 June 2020. ( 195 May also see The Washington Post of 31 October 2015. 194 76 Witchcraft has often been seen, especially in the West, “as the work of crones who meet secretly at night, indulge in cannibalism and orgiastic rites with the Devil, or Satan, and perform black magic.” The terms ‘witchcraft’ and ‘witch’ may have been derived from Old English ‘wiccecraeft’, denoting someone who practices sorcery; and from craeft meaning ‘craft.’ 196 Some say, the Greek term for magic is ‘mageia’ which has been derived from ‘magos’ that means a ‘Priest’”. The practise of (black) magic has its own distinct specification in Arabia and in the subcontinent. Magic is also widely practised in Africa. 197 Black magic can ‘throw one in a pit of abject poverty, misfortune and incurable illness.’ Magic can kill; magic can slaughter. Black magic is lethal. Black magic has deep connectivity with the black forces of darkness.198 In Jewish literature, Azazel has been mentioned as ‘demon’ or an ‘evil spirit.’ According to the New World Encyclopedia, “Azazel was either a mysterious desert demon to whom the ancient Israelites sacrificed a scapegoat on the day of Yom Kippur, or else a rugged cliff upon which the scapegoat was cast down to atone for Israel's sins.” 199 Diane Vera of the ‘Church of Azazel’ opined in June 2006, “There is no reason to believe in the infallible truth of Christian prophecies.” But some prophecies may be self-fulfilling “by sheer force of so many people believing in them.” Stating that an Antichrist “may be just what the world needs” today, she refers to the desirability of “a worldwide coalition against the Abrahamic theocracy” which “would have to 196 Encyclopedia Britannica ( May also study the ‘Global Sisters Report; Religious tackle devil - worship recruiting phenomenon’ by Adelaide Ndilu, Radio Waumini, Nairobi. (3 April 2017) 198 For detailed study, may consult ‘Encyclopedia of Black Magic’, Cassiel, Bdd Promotional Book Co. (November 1990) 199 New World Encyclopedia ( 197 77 include everyone: from Western gay nudist Wiccans, to the fundamentalist/traditionalist Hindus.” 200 Poems have been composed in praise of the Antichrist including one quoted earlier in this book. Another titled, ‘The Birth of The Antichrist’ by Ayman Parray, was posted on web on 12 March 2016.201 Come with me my love into the shadow. We leave behind God's green meadows. We took the forbidden fruit. And the fallen did mock us and hoot. Come with me my love into the abyss. We shall dance with the devil. In the deepest darkness we find bliss. Make love to the rhythm of the serpent's hiss. Come with me my love to the field of corpses. We shall cut humanity down with Satan's forces. We have risen to the seat of power; from the skies fire and death will shower. Mankind will fall as we watch from our ivory tower. Come with me my love it is the final hour. Your wretched body has bloomed like death-trap flower. ‘The Antichrist,’ Diane Vera of the Church of Azazel, (Site accessed on 12 January 2017.) 201 Poem Hunter ( Site accessed on 22 September 2021. 200 78 Analysts also tend to make distinction between Satanism and Devil Worship. Others consider the two interconnected. The fact is that both fall within the realm of ‘the forces of black darkness.’ Importantly, every major religion in the world has been having the concept of evil and the dark. In the last centuries, secret societies have sprung up, with the unsubstantiated view that they want to form a ‘One-World government’ having connections with Satan and End Times. Take the Illuminati, a group which, according to Time magazine, “is allegedly responsible for the pyramid-and-eye symbol adorning the US $1 bill.” 202 On its part, the organisation states on its website, with clarity, “The Illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists, and other influential members of this planet.” 203 Tracing its background, a BBC writeup in November 2017 stressed that “It was on 1 May 1776 that Adam Weishaupt, a professor of law at the University of Ingolstadt, founded the Order of the Illuminati.” It was set up to “oppose religious influence on society and the abuse of power by the state by fostering a safe space for critique, debate and free speech.” Weishaupt in fact believed that the society should “no longer be dictated by religious virtues; instead he wanted to create a state of liberty and moral equality where knowledge was not restricted by religious prejudices.” 204 Time ‘Secret Societies Control the World.’ (,28804,1860871_1860876_1 861005,00). Site accessed on 17 November 2016. 203 204 BBC 28th November 2017 “The birthplace of the Illuminati” by Matthew Vickery ( 202 79 One can look at the Freemasons who publicise their organisation as “the oldest and largest” fraternity in the world. 205 On its part, National Geographic opined in 2004, “Of the 55 men who signed the Declaration of Independence (of the United States), at least 9 are said to have been Freemasons. President George Washington was also among its members.”206 Some say, Freemasonry is ‘a body within another body.’ Outsiders would never know the real names of its lead members. There are claims that Joseph Smith who founded Mormonism and L. Ron Hubbard who founded Scientology, were Freemasons. There seems to be a link between Freemasons and ‘Knights Templar,’ a mysterious order of the Knights established in 1119 AD to provide security to Christian pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. A legend relates that the Knights Templar discovered the greatest treasure in human history buried beneath the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. Freemasons today say, “they are the spiritual descendants of the Knights.”207 The Bilderberg Group, described as the ‘super club’ of the rich and the powerful, has been accused of being “ruthless”, “evil” and a “dark power.” 208 Apprehensions about the cabals also, some speculate, has linkages with the view, according to which the 1997 ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ continue to remain ‘the Jewish plot to take over the world.’ During the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Hilary Clinton blamed a “vast right-wing conspiracy” for her husband’s difficulties, with others arguing that 9/11 was organised by the ‘inner circles’ of the President of 205 Time (,28804). Site accessed on 17 November 2016. 206 National Geographic, 19 November 2004 (National Treasure: Freemasons, Fact, and Fiction). 207 National Geographic, 19 November 2004 (National Treasure: Freemasons, Fact, and Fiction). 208 BBC News (‘Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?’, 8 June 2011. ( Site accessed on 13 December 2021. 80 the United States. 209 In recent period, Benjamin Netanyahu lamented, “even though he has been elected repeatedly (as Prime Minister); in reality, the country (Israel) is controlled by the ‘Deep State.’ ” 210 Then there are curious views about structures. The Elbert County in America has the mysterious ‘Georgia Guidestones.’ According to Smithsonian Magazine, the structure was put there “in 1979, with a set of ten guidelines, in eight modern languages and four dead ones, carved onto (stone) slabs.” 211 New Georgia Encyclopedia elaborates, “The Guidestones’ mysterious origins go back to the summer of 1979, when a man calling himself R. C. Christian came to Elberton in search of both a granite firm to execute his design for a monument and a suitable site for the construction of it.” To this day, “Christian’s real name and the true identity of his organization are unknown.” 212 Gifted by France to the United States on 28 October 1886, the Statue of Liberty stands out prominently in New York. Some opine, its face is ‘the face of the Satan.’ Designed by Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi, the statue was almost being given to Egypt, not to the United States. Similarly, when the bronze statue of a “satanic goat monster” was unveiled at the Arkansas Capitol building in August 2018, there was tension on account of religion. When the ceremony took place, “free speech activists BBC News (‘Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?’, 8 June 2011. ( Site accessed on 13 December 2021. 210 Haaretz, 5 April 2020 (‘Netanyahu: Deep State Controls Israel, There’s No Democracy Here’ by Gidy Weitz). 211 Smithsonian magazine 10 September 2013 (‘Nobody Knows How to Interpret This Doomsday Stonehenge in Georgia’ by Rose Eveleth). 212 Georgia Encyclopedia ( Site accessed on 20 November 2021. 209 81 cheered” and a “smaller crowd” of unhappy people “holding handwritten Bible verses,” jeered. 213 Paris is categorized as the ‘City of Lights’ and ‘Capital of Fashion.’ According to a view, beneath the streets of Paris, there lies an ‘Empire of Death.’ 214 The ‘Paris Catacombs’ house the skeletal remains of some six to seven million men, women and children. During the ‘Kataloween’ celebrations, Parisians get together in the catacombs for fun and merrymaking; and some for ‘devil worship.’ Demonology has its roots in history. In demonology, there are minutes, hours, days and months, designated in respect of demons of various categories. Aleister Crowley, an English occultist (1875 - 1947) who founded the religion of Thelema, is described by some as “the wickedest man in the world.” 215 Occult is rich in acronyms, including the following: YOLO (Youth Obeying Lucifers Orders) SOS (Son of Satan) SWAG (Satan’s Wishes Are Granted) BRB (Beelzebub Rules Below) GC (Great Controversy) 213 May also see Washington Post, 17 August 2018 (A satanic idol goes to the Arkansas Capitol building by Avi Selk). 214 Smithsonian Magazine 28 March 2014 (‘Beneath Paris’ City Streets, There’s an Empire of Death Waiting for Tourists’ by Natasha Geiling). 215 ‘The Great Beast 666: Who was Aleister Crowley?, William Whyte, University of Oxford ( accessed on 2 December 2021. 82 TOTBL (Temple Of The Black Light) KISS (Knights In Satan's Service) COS (Church Of Satan) TSB (The Satanic Bible) PMS (Prepare to Meet Satan) LOL (Lucifer, Our Lord) SD (Satan Disciples) John Adams was the second President of the United States. He had a pet dog, he named ‘Satan.’ The reason for choosing this name, is “lost to history.” 216 ‘The Dictionnaire Infernal’ is a book on demonology by Jacques Collin de Plancy published in 1818. It has been consulted regularly by those interested in the occult. Same is the case with ‘The Dictionary of Demons: Names of the Damned’ by Michelle Belanger, a scholarly work providing a wealth of information on the forces of the dark.217 Some would have heard about Amsterdam's ‘Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica.’ It houses more than 25,000 occult writings, on Theosophy, Alchemy, Gnosis, Anthroposophy, Catharism and Manichaeism. Reputedly, it is the largest occult library in the world. Founded in 1957, it was opened to the public in 1984.218 INSIDER (‘ An alligator, tiger cubs, and a dog named Satan - these are the weirdest presidential pets in history’ by Tom Porter ( 3 January 2020). 217 Published by Llewellyn Publications in October 2010. 218 HETERODOXOLOGY- Exploring the Heterodox in Science, Religion, and Politics. Access Site visited on 14 December 2021. 216 83 Significantly, ‘Zmuidzinavicius Museum’ in Lithuania, also called the ‘Devil’s Museum’, is known to have one of the largest collections on Satan.219 Its artefacts mainly include those that once belonged to the artist Antanas Zmuidzinavicius. According to the museum authorities, Antanas (1876-1966) was “obsessed by the number 13.” He assiduously collected the items “in contravention of Soviet law, which prohibited any religious artefacts.” 220 The largest medieval book known today is said to be ‘Codex Gigas.’ In Latin, the name signifies ‘the Giant Book.’ The book remains veiled in mystery. The manuscript is also called the Devil’s Bible for a large drawing in it depicting the Devil. As legend has it, the author of the book, a monk ‘Herman the Recluse,’ repenting his sins in a cell, finished it “in a single night with the help of the devil.” 221 This book has been written on donkey hides and weighs 165 pounds or so. The text is said to take two men to lift. This 12th century work originated in the Benedictine Monastery of Podlažice in Bohemia, modern day Czech Republic. Analysts categorise it as “the eighth wonder of the world.”222 John Dee (1527 – 1608) at St. John’s College, Cambridge, practised magic. He “mixed science and the occult and believed he spoke to angels.”223 Queen Elizabeth 1 believed in his divinatory powers. In fact, Atlas Obscura (‘Devil’s Museum, Kaunas, Lithuania’). Site accessed on 13 December 2021. 220 The World of Strange Phenomena (‘The Devil Museum, Kaunas, Lithuania’ by Rachel Bignell, September 2007.) Access thuania.html. Site visited on 11 December 2021. 221 Prague Post, 19 October 2005 (‘Codex Gigas: The Devil’s Bible’ by Brandon Swanson). 222 Prague Post, 19 October 2005 (‘Codex Gigas: The Devil’s Bible’ by Brandon Swanson). 223 Smithsonian magazine, 18 January 2016 (‘A Painting of John Dee, Astrologer to 219 84 when Elizabeth succeeded to the throne in 1558, Dee served as her special advisor on matters relating to astrology, science and occult. It was he, who after careful deliberation, had selected ‘the exact date and time of her Coronation.’ John Dee regularly organised meetings on ‘supernaturality.’ It was John Dee who initiated the idea of the creation of an empire, the British Empire. Perhaps, he is the first person to have coined this term in history. Dee promoted knowledge on navigation. He had urged the monarchy to adopt policies of colonialization. Subsequently, Queen Elizabeth established the East India Company on 31 December 1600. Angels are important. In Islam, belief in Angels is integral to the faith. The last verses of Sura Baqara of the Quran, underline: The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and [so have] the believers. All of them have believed in Allah, His angels, His books, and His messengers, (saying), ‘We make no distinctions between any of His messengers.’ And they say, ‘We hear and obey. (We seek) Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the (final) destination.’ Important Angels in Islam, include: Gibrail Angel Gibrail revealed Quran to Prophet Muhammad. Mekaeel Angel Mekaeel is known for responsibility relating to the atmosphere including rains, which water the land. Queen Elizabeth I’ by Marissa Fessenden). 85 Izraeel Angel of Death, Izraeel, is responsible for extracting souls from bodies at the time of death. Israafeel Angel Israafeel will blow the Trumpet to proclaim the start of the process of Qayaamat (Day of Judgement). Demonology also has a hierarchy of demons. ‘Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis’ a study of unknown origin on the occult compiled more than three hundred years ago, comprises books including: ‘Ars Goetia,’ ‘Ars Theurgia - Goetia,’ ‘Ars Paulina,’ ‘Ars Almadel,’ and ‘Ars Notoria.’224 The ‘Ars Goetia’ mentions a number of demons by name, including the following: Stolas Phenex Halphas Buer Gusion Sitri Beleth Leraje Eligos Zepar Sallos Purson Morax Ipos Gaap Furfur 224 May also consult ‘Lemegeton, Clavicula Salomonis’, Nelson White, published by Technology Group. (1994) 86 Sabnock Caim Murmur Amy Orias Vapula Zagan Valac Berith Astaroth Forneus Foras Asmoday Crocell Furcas Balam Alloces There are also symbols in the occult. The list includes the following: 225 The Arrow Black Sun Cross of Saint Peter Eye of Horus Eye of Providence 225 Among others composed from BBC (‘Decoding the symbols on Satan's statue’ by James Morgan, 1 August 2015); ‘Satanic Cult Awareness’ Gayland W. Hurst and Robert L. Marsh, January 1993; LEXICO (;Encyclopedia Britannica (‘Eye of Horus, ancient Egyptian symbol’),; and ‘Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated’ Cathy Burns, Sharing. (1998) 87 Hexagram Icelandic Magical Staves Pentacle Rose Cross Seal of Solomon Seal of the Theosophical Society Septenary Sigil Sigil of Lucifer Squared Circle Sriramachakra Sulfur Cross Sun Cross Symbol of Chaos Tree of Life The ‘Divination disciplines’ are many. ‘High Divinists’ include ‘yoga, astrology, numerology, hypnosis and psychic reading’ in this field. Some allege, a five-petalled rose emblem was once presented to Princess Diana. Incidentally, the name Diana is another name for ISIS in the realm of the occult. 88 Here, one feels like quoting the Quran in which Satan said to God: “I will lie in wait against them (humans) on Your straight path. Then, I will come to them from before them and from behind them, from their right and from their left, and You will not find most of them thankful to You.” 226 Nationalism and its religious fabric today: a case study Nationalism has its role especially since the emergence of modern times. According to Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, “the term nationalism is generally used to describe two phenomena: the attitude that the members of a nation have when they care about their national identity; and, the actions that the members of a nation take when seeking to achieve (or sustain) self-determination.” 227 National Anthems represent nationalism. National Anthems reflect wishes and aspirations of a nation. National Anthems reflect history and ethos of the nation. British National Anthem 228 God save our gracious Queen! Long live our noble Queen! God save the Queen! Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, 226 The Quran, 7:17. Nationalism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy › entries › nationalism). Site accessed on 25 November 2021. 228 The Royal website (, accessed on 20 November 2021. 227 89 Long to reign over us, God save the Queen. Thy choicest gifts in store, On her be pleased to pour, Long may she reign. May she defend our laws, And ever give us cause, To sing with heart and voice, God save the Queen. National Anthem of Republic of India 229 Jana – gana – mana - adhinayaka, jaya hay, Bharata – Bhagya - vidhata. Punjab – Sindh – Gujarat - Maratha, Dravida – Utkala - Banga, Vindhya – Himachala – Yamuna - Ganga, Uchchala – Jaladhi - taranga. Tava shubha name jage, Tava shubha asisa mage, Gahe tava jaya gatha, Jana – gana – mangala - dayaka jaya hay, Bharata – Bhagya - vidhata. Jaya hay, jaya hay, jaya hay, Jaya jaya jaya, jaya hay! 229 (Site accessed on 15 November 2021.) 90 National Anthem of the State of Israel 230 As long as in the heart within, The Jewish soul yearns, And toward the eastern edges, onward, An eye gazes toward Zion. Our hope is not yet lost, The hope that is two-thousand years old, To be a free nation in our land, The Land of Zion and Jerusalem. National Anthem of Pakistan Paak Sar-Zameen Shaad Baad, Kishwar-e-Haseen Shaad Baad, Tu Nishan-e-Azm-e-Aalishan, Arz-e-Pakistan! Markaz-e-Yaqeen Shaad Baad. Pak Sar Zameen ka Nizaam, Quwwat-e-Akhuwatt-e-Awam, Qaum, Mulk, Sultanat, Paayindah Ta Bindah Baad! Shaad Baad Manzil-e-Murad. Parcham-e-Sitara-O-Hilaal, Rehbar-e-Taraqqi o Kamal. Tarjuman-e-Maazi Shaan-e-Haal, Jaan-e-Istaqbal! Saaya-e-Khuda-e-Zul Jalaal. 230 Knesset ( Site accessed on 17 November 2021. 91 Religion and phrases of religion have been used in these national anthems. God has been invoked four times in the British national anthem. Bharata has been used in the Indian national anthem two times. Zion has been mentioned twice in the national anthem of Israel. There is also a specific mention of Jerusalem in its wordings. The national anthem of Pakistan concludes with an invocation to God. Interestingly, the United Kingdom, officially speaking, highlights its democratic values, not the Christian religious ethos. India asserts its secular credentials before the world, not its soul which is rooted in Hindu religion. Some Pakistanis know a quote from Prophet Muhammad that the Dajjal Antichrist would emerge from Ispahan in Persia, but they do not know that the entire national anthem of Pakistan has been written in Persian language, except just one word ‘Ka’. Jerusalem is important to Israel in religion and history; and Jerusalem would remain important to the Israel of tomorrow. The national aspirations from religion and history are also depicted on the national flags of the nations. Asoka Chakra can be seen on the Indian flag, Crescent on the flag of Pakistan, Christian Cross on the British flag, and Star of David has been prominently displayed on the flag of Israel. Theodor Herzl said in 1896: “We have no flag, and we need one. If we desire to lead many men, we must raise a symbol above their heads. I would suggest a white flag, with seven golden stars. The white field symbolizes our pure new life; the stars are the seven golden hours of our working day. For we shall march into the Promised Land carrying the badge of honour.” 231 231 Israeli Knesset ( 92 Sergei Nilus (1862-1929) was a Tsarist civil servant. He was also a mystic. Few would have read his 1905 publication, ‘The Great within the Small and ANTICHRIST, an Imminent Political Possibility’, as the book seems to have disappeared from the market. 232 Importantly, full text of the ‘Protocols of the Elders of the Zion’ was included in the book. 233 The Protocols are said to comprise a confidential report of twenty-four or more meetings held on the sidelines of the First Zionist Congress at Basel, Switzerland in 1897. During the meetings, Jews and Freemasons reportedly had planned to disrupt ‘the Christian civilization and build a One World State.’ If subversion failed, all capitals of Europe were ‘to be sabotaged.’ Hitler used the contents of the Protocols to promote hatred against the Jewish people. Many scholars outrightly rejected the document as ‘fake and untrue,’ stressing that the Protocols of the Elders “is the most notorious and widely distributed antisemitic publication in modern times.” 234 Authors are careful in selecting the title of their book. The question does come to mind, why did Sergei Nilus use the word ‘Antichrist’ in the title of his publication mentioned above? Following are the wordings of the National Anthem of the Vatican: 235 Roma immortale di Martirie di Santi, Roma immortale accogli i nostri canti: Gloria nei cieli a Dio nostro Signore, In Russian language, ‘VELIKOE V MALOM I ANTIKHRIST, KAK BLIZKAJA POLITICHESKAJA VOZMOZHNOST. ZAPISKI PRAVOSLAVNOGO.’ 233 GOODREADS ( Site accessed on 2 April 2020. 234 Holocaust Encyclopedia ( zion). 235 The White House ( Site accessed on 29 November 2021. 232 93 Pace ai Fedeli, di Cristo nell'amore. A Te veniamo, Angelico Pastore, In Te vediamo il mite Redentore, Erede Santo di vera e santa Fede; Conforto e vanto a chi combate e crede, Non prevarranno la forza ed il terrore, Ma regneranno la Verità, l'Amore. Salve Salve Roma, patria eterna di memorie, Cantano le tue glorie mille palme e mille altari. Roma degli apostoli Madre e guida dei Redenti, Roma luce delle genti, il mondo spera in te! Salve Salve Roma, la tua luce non tramonta, Vince l'odio e l'onta lo splendor di tua beltà. Roma degli Apostoli Madree guida dei Redenti, Roma luce delle genti, il mondo spera in te! English Translation (Pontifical Hymn) O Rome immortal, city of martyrs and saints, O immortal Rome, accept our praises. Glory in the heavens to God our Lord, And peace to men who love Christ! To you we come, angelic Pastor, In you we see the gentle Redeemer. You are the holy heir of our Faith, You are the comfort and the refuge of those who believe and fight. 94 Force and terror will not prevail, But truth and love will reign. English Translation (Pontifical March) Hail, O Rome, Eternal abode of memories; A thousand palms and a thousand altars Sing your praises. O city of the Apostles, Mother and guide of the elect, Light of the nations, And hope of the world! Hail, O Rome! Your light will never fade; The splendour of your beauty, Disperses hatred and shame. O city of the Apostles, Mother and guide of the elect, Light of the nations, And hope of the world! Rome has been mentioned in the above Anthem a number of times. Importantly, one entire chapter of the Quran is named after Rome.236 Verses 1 - 6 of Sura Rome, state: 237 The Romans have been defeated. In the nearer land (Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine), and they, after their defeat, will be victorious. Within three to nine years. The decision of the matter, before and after (these events) is only with Allah. And on that Day, the believers (i.e. Muslims) 236 Surah Ar-Rum (Rome): (Site accessed on 29 November 2021.) 237 Noble Quran ( Site accessed on 29 November 2021. 95 will rejoice (at the victory given by Allah to the Romans against the Persians). With the help of Allah, He helps whom He wills, and He is the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful. (It is) a Promise of Allah (i.e. Allah will give victory to the Romans against the Persians), and Allah fails not in His Promise, but most men know not. Roman Army was badly defeated at Antioch in 613 AD by the Persians at the time when these Quranic verses were revealed. Prophet Muhammad and his followers were sad at the defeat as they were sympathetic towards the Romans as Romans were Christians, ‘the People of the Book.’ Arab pagans on the other hand, were supportive of the Persian Empire. They were happy. Later in 621 AD, Romans and Persians fought a decisive battle which resulted in the victory for the Roman empire. The prophecy was thus fulfilled. According to Maudoodi, the prophecy made in this Surat “is one of the most convincing evidence of the Quran being the word of Allah.” Also, there are many references in history quoting Prophet Muhammad with regard to Rome and Romans, in the context of End Times. For instance: Al-Mustawrid reported: He said in front of Amr ibn al-‘As that he heard the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad), peace and blessings be upon him, say, “The Hour will be established while the Romans are the majority of people.” Amr said, “Be careful what you say.” He said, “I have said what I heard from the Messenger of Allah.” Amr said, “If the Prophet said that, indeed, there are four good qualities in them: they are the most forbearing of people in tribulation, they are the quickest to recover after a calamity, they are the most eager to return after a retreat, and they are good to the poor, the orphan, and the vulnerable. Their fifth quality is good and beautiful: they are the best at stopping the oppression of their kings.” 238 238 Muslim: 2898. Also access Site visited on 30 96 Let us move on to the recent history in the subcontinent. Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi, daughter of Jahaharlal Nehru, was an Indian politican.239 She is the only female who served as the Prime Minister of the Republic of India. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated on 31 October 1984. In the words of the former Indian High Commissioner to the UK, Kuldip Nayar, “months before her assassination,” Indira Gandhi used to say, “They are now after me.” Insiders also quoted her as stating, “They are not going to spare me.” She never specified, who were the people who were after her. 240 In 1993, Stanley Wolpert published a biography of Pakistan’s former Prime Minister, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.241 According to the author: 242 Zulfi’s (Zulfikar Ai Bhutto’s) mother was careful to note the precise minute and hour of her precious son’s birth, for though she had converted to Islam before marriage, Lakhi Bai never lost her Hindu faith in astrology. Begum Bhutto had her son’s horoscope cast by an old Bombay Brahman astrologer as soon as she could after Zulfi’s birth on 5 January 1928. A close family friend, who much later saw the horoscope, reported that the astrologer had “predicted everything,” Zulfi’s “marriages,” his November 2021. Encyclopedia Britannica ( Site accessed on 3 December 2021. 240 Narrated by Kuldip Nayar to the author. Kuldip (1923 - 2018) was a well – known and highly respected Indian journalist and author. 241 Stanley Wolpert (December 1927 – February 2019) was an American academic, Indologist, and author considered one of the world's foremost authorities on the political and intellectual history of modern India and Pakistan. He taught at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) from 1959-2002. 242 ‘Zulfi Bhutto of Pakistan: His life and times’, Stanley Wolpert, page 27, Oxford University Press Inc. (1993) Access olpert.pdf. Site visited on 2 December 2021. 239 97 singular “success,” and remarkable “power, up until the age of fifty,” beyond which the old man refused to say any more, vaguely muttering to Zulfi’s mother, “I don’t know what I see!” Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s fortunes started to decline when he was removed from power on 5 July 1977. He was then less than fifty - years - old. Bhutto was hanged to death at the Central Jail, Rawalpindi, on 4 April 1979, when he had just crossed the age of 50. The prophecy by the ‘old Bombay Brahman astrologer’, was not incorrect. Take a look at all this from another perspective. Both Indira Gandhi and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto met a tragic end. Both were in positions of high importance when East Pakistan was separated from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in December 1971. Even the Father of the Nation of Bangladesh, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who played a role in the dismemberment of Pakistan, was not spared by destiny. Mujib, with eighteen members of his family, was massacred by his own army, the Bangladesh army. The macabre massacre took place on 15 August 1975. India celebrates its Independence Day every year on 15 August. And, India had played the pivotal role in the dismemberment of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The story does not end here. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s heir apparent, Sanjay Gandhi died in a sudden plane crash in New Delhi at a young age in June 1980. Indira Gandhi’s other son, Rajiv Gandhi, who served as the sixth Prime Minister of India (1984-1989), was assassinated in a bloody suicide attack in May 1991. 98 Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s son Murtaza Bhutto was killed in Karachi in 1996. Bhutto’s other son Shahnawaz Bhutto died earlier of poisoning in 1985. Unfortunately, Benazir Bhutto, the illustrious daughter of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, herself fell victim to a foreign sponsored terror attack in Rawalpindi in December 2007. Pakistan and Israel are two countries established on the basis of an ideology connected with religion. Pakistan has association with Islam; Israel has connections with Judaism. What a coincidence when Pakistan established its Embassy in Washington DC after its independence in 1947, it was set up in a building purchased from the World Jewish Fund. Much later, the Embassy was moved to another location in the American capital, that too not far from the Embassy of Israel. The ideologies of Pakistan and Israel have an important role to play in the dispensation of events relating to End Times, along with the ideological imprint of a third country, the United States of America, which has deep connections with Christianity. While discussing End Times, one cannot ignore the concept of ‘Ghazwae-Hind’, which stands for a major conflict said to take place between Muslims and the non-believers in the subcontinent.243 Statements are attributed to the Prophet of Islam, in this regard. Two are reproduced as under: • “There are two groups of my Ummah (nation) whom Allah will free from Fire: the group that invades Hindustan, and the group that will be with Eesaa Ibne Maryam (Jesus).” • “Definitely, one of your troops would do war with Hindustan. Allah would grant success to those warriors, as far as they would 243 ‘The resurgence of “Ghazwa-e-Hind: Indian transgressions against Muslims’ by Sarmad Ishfaq (September 18, 2019). 99 bring their kings (from India) by dragging them in chains/fetters. And Allah would forgive those warriors. And when those Muslims return, they will find Eesa Ibn-e-Maryam (Jesus Christ) in Syria.” Islam has been defensively offensive in history. At least this seems to be the view of many including T.W. Arnold, the 19 th century Professor of Arabic at the University of London, who in his book, ‘The Preaching of Islam’ published in 1913, has tried to convey this very message. The Muslims have been a persecuted lot in Hindustan ever since the death of Emperor Aurangzeb Alamgir in 1707.244 Now, when Hindu fundamentalist government has been in power in India especially since 2014, Hindu stalwarts have even started to publicly assert that “dead Muslim women should be raped by the Hindus.” 245 Importantly, the futuristic aspects of Hinduism seemingly have connections with Somnath, a place in India. Hindu eschatologists claim, as stated earlier, that the world is passing through ‘Kali Yuga’. They say their seers were able to decipher this process through symbols discovered from excavations at Mohenjodaro, a city in Pakistan. Some attribute this discovery to Aryabhata (476 - 550 AD) a prominent mathematician-astronomer from the classical age of the Hindu civilization.246 According to them, these writings are preserved at a temple not far from the Temple of Somnath in modern day India, which was destroyed by Mahmud of Ghazna more than 800 years ago. See Israeli newspaper HAARETZ, 26 September 2021 (‘Hindu Mobs, anti – Muslim Boycotts: In Modi’s India, the Echoes of 1930s Germany Are Growing Louder’ by Debasish Roy Chowdhury). May also study book ‘Communal Riots in Post independence India’ by Asghar Ali Engineer, Sangam (1991). Further take a look at writeup, ‘The Gujarat Pogrom of 2002,’ by Paul Brass, March 26, 2004. jarat/brass/). Site accessed on 22 September 2021. 245 See statements of the Chief Minister of one of the largest Indian states, Utter Pradesh; and others, including RSS and Hindu Shiv Sena leaders such as Bal Thackeray prominently reported by the media. 246 His works include the ‘Aryabhaṭiya.’ 244 100 Mohenjodaro is one of the oldest cities in the world, which was the metropolis of the Indus Valley Civilization. The Indus Valley people traded with Mesopotamia. Artifacts have been discovered from Mohenjodaro including statuette of a holy Priest wearing a Sindhi ajrak (shawl). A writeup in the Israeli newspaper ‘Haaretz’ sometimes back speculated that this artifact of the priest may have been drawn in the image of Prophet Abraham, who was born in Mesopotamia.247 Conterminous with Indus Valley civilization is the importance of the Gandhara civilization, also of ancient Pakistan, some of whose descendants today, the Pakhtuns, trace their ancestry to the Jewish race. Israel is sometimes referred to as a ‘Holy Land.’248 On its part, the name Pakistan, means ‘the Land of the Pure’; and is considered by Sikhs and the Buddhists as “special”, since many of their holiest places are located in Pakistan. Pakistan is sometimes described as ‘the Mother of India,’ as the Hindu civilisation in the subcontinent actually emerged from the land which constitutes Pakistan today. Taj Mahal is may be the most beautiful building in the world. It was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in 1648 AD. The services of a Muslim architect were utilized in the construction of this structure of beauty. The name of that architect was none other than Eesa (Jesus). Eesaa is a name of great respect in Islam. But, Eesaa has never been a common name among the Muslims. And, Jesus has deep connectivity with the End of Times. 247 248 The Haaretz, 17 June 2020 (‘Uncovering the Secrets of the Indus Valley Civilization and Its Undeciphered Script’ by Qaseem Saeed and Ruth Schuster). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel (‘Exhibit: Israel - The Holy Land’). Check site Site accessed on 27 September 2021. 101 Today, Hindu fundamentalists claim that the Taj was a Hindu temple, ‘Teju Mala.’ Hindu fanatics also continue to assert that the ‘Kaaba’ in Mecca, at one time was a ‘Hindu Temple.’249 They have expressed their desire to convert these structures into Hindu temples. The Father of the Nation of India Karamchand Gandhi was assassinated by Hindu fundamentalist Nathuram Godse on 30 January 1948. Nathuram had advised his younger brother Gopal to immerse his (Nathuram’s) ashes in Indus, “the holy river of India that flows through Pakistan,” only when “Mother India was whole again.”250 Meaning, when ‘Hindu India’ has fully annexed ‘Muslim Pakistan.’ All this also needs to be looked at in the context of the two statements by Prophet Muhammad quoted above, from the perspective of the End of Times. The Times of India, 18 March 2018 (‘Hindu Mahasabha's calendar refers to Mecca as Macceshwar Mahadev temple, Taj as Tejo Mahalaya’ by Anuja Jaiswal). 250 ‘The Other Face of Fanaticism’, Pankaj Mishra, The New York Times Magazine, 2 February 2003. 249 102 QUESTIONIZED QUESTIONS; WHEN AND IF! The human mind’s inability to answer questions gave rise to philosophy. On its part, science does not have answers to questions. Religions also do not have answers to so many questions. So asserts the Creator in the Quran, humankind has been given “only, a little knowledge.” 251 Ibn-e-Abbas was one of the close companions of Prophet Muhammad. He was a man of knowledge. After the prophet passed away, people consulted him on matters relating to religion. Once his views were sought on a verse of the Quran, which states: “Allah it is He Who created seven heavens, and, like them, the earth.” 252 Ibn-e-Abbas was reluctant to respond. When requested again to elaborate, he said, “If I give you the commentary of this verse you will turn to disbelief.” 253 He then went on to explain. He said, this verse actually means, “In each of those earths, there is a Prophet like your Prophet, an Adam like your Adam, a Noah like your Noah, an Abraham like your Abraham, and a Jesus like your Jesus.” 254 Later, other Muslim scholars including Imam Ghazali believed that “there were people (living) on other planets.” 255 251 The Quran, Sura Israa: verse 85. (Tafheem-ul-Quran - Abul Ala Maududi). The Quran, Surat Talaq. 253 ‘Towards Understanding the Quran’ ( Site accessed on 10 November 2021. 254 Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi, ‘Tafhim al-Qur'an - The Meaning of the Qur'an’ ( 255 Book ‘Restoring the Balance’ by Johan Andre Morrow, page 3, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. It would be useful also to study a writeup on Ghazali by accessing the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy site ( Site visited on 4 December 2021. 252 103 Science even today has doubts about human habitation on planets other than the earth, what to talk of people in Arabia more than 1400 years ago. Sura Al Maarij of the Quran underlines, “The angels and the Ruh (Gabriel) ascend to Him in a Day the measure whereof is fifty thousand years.” Today, scientists tell us that the light travels at a speed of 1,86000 miles per second.256 There are human limitations. What to talk of the future! Haim Eshed headed Israel’s space security program for 30 years. The Times of Israel reported his claim in late 2020, according to which, “aliens exist and that Israel and the United States have long been in contact with them.” 257 Few believed him. His ideas have been outlined in details in the book authored by one Hagar Yanai, titled ‘The universe beyond the horizon.’ Hagar has been the recipient of the 2008 Prime Minister's Award for Israeli Authors. When will the Dajjal, Armilus or Antichrist, appear on the world scene? When will the Messiah appear? When will be the Second Coming? What will be the time period of the arrival of the Mahdi? These are questions. Some, including Dr. Israr Ahmed and Imran Hosein, tend to agree with the view that the long drawn process heading towards End Times, seems to have started.258 Others opine, all this will happen in the next hundred years or so. Noted cleric, Tahirul Qadri speculates that the Mahdi is expected to arrive around two to three hundred years before the Day of May also study ‘The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe’, Vintage Books. (2004) 257 The Times of Israel, 10 December 2020. See writeup on the subject by Nathan Jeffay. 258 See views of Harun Yahya by accessing Site accessed on 1 December 2016. 256 104 Judgement. In his view, Mahdi could be born close to 774 years from now.259 Interestingly, Isaac Newton, one of the greatest minds in history who focused on the laws of gravity and planetary motions, also believed in the concept of End Times. On 22 February 2003, a story on the frontpage of the Daily Telegraph announced that Isaac Newton had predicted the world would end in 2060 AD. Reports quoted him as stating that this would happen “exactly 1,260 years after the foundation of the Holy Roman Empire.” Newton added, “It (the world) may end later, but I see no reason for it ending sooner.” 260 According to a letter ‘from 1704’ which was on show in Jerusalem's Hebrew University in Israel, Newton reportedly “used Bible's Book of Daniel to calculate the date for the Apocalypse.” 261 Born in 1643, Newton was also “an insightful theologian who had a life-long interest in the existence of God and religion.” 262 In the summer of 2018, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, one of the leading Jewish scholars revealed his conviction that the birth of the Messiah had “just taken place.” In his view, the world was “on the cusp, entering the Messianic Age.” Meanwhile, another Rabbi stressed that President Donald Trump’s decision to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was “part of the prophecy of the Messiah.” 263 Rabbi Hillel Weiss said he believes Trump’s decision over the Embassy was “the first stage towards the End of Days.” And then a third 259 Minhaj-ul-Quran ( Site accessed on 25 September 2016. The New York Post, September 1, 2018 (‘Isaac Newton predicted the world will end in 2060’). 261 India Today, October 13, 2009 (‘According to Newton, world will end in 2060.’) 262 Chronicle ( Site accessed on 27 September 2021. 263 ‘Messiah is born, claims renowned Rabbi, says end of time is here’, Deccan Chronicle, 23 July 2018. 260 105 prominent Rabbi, Pinchas Winston, opined that the ongoing tension between Iran and Israel was building towards the appearance of the Messiah on the world scene.264 In the words of Wayne Scriven of Andrews University, “The ‘advent hope’ has throbbed in the hearts of men ever since Christ told His disciples that He would return again to receive them unto Himself.” Likewise, the time of his second coming has been of keen interest “throughout the Christian age; and, from time to time, men have gone so far as to fix a date for His second advent.” 265 The Hippolytus of Rome, a third century Christian scholar of religion; Sextus Julius Africanus, a third century ecclesiast; and the oft quoted Greek religionist Irenaeus (c. 130 – c. 202 AD), are all said to have predicted that Jesus Christ would return to earth in the year 500 AD. To quote a writeup from The New York Times of late 1970s, “In 1860, the French chemist, Marcel Berthelot, said, ‘within a hundred years of physical and chemical science, man will know what the atom is.’ ” He expressed his belief that when science reaches that stage, “God will come down to earth with His big ring of keys and will say to humanity, ‘Gentlemen, it is closing time.’ ”266 In the 13th century, Pope Innocent III predicted that the world would end 666 years after the rise of Islam. Prophet Muhammad passed away in 632 AD, but to denigrate him, Christian scholars in the Middle Ages used to propagate the view that he died in 666 AD. Earlier in 5th century, the Bishop of Aquae Flaviae in what is Portugal today, opined that ‘humanity was living in the End Times.’ 264 Deccan Chronicle, July 23, 2018. ‘Date-setting in America for the Second Coming of Christ during the late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century’, Wayne A. Scriven, page 71, Master’s Theses, Andrews University (1947). 266 The New York Times, 2 October 1970 (‘When is Christ Coming?, Dr. Billy Graham). 265 106 A widely cited English scholar, Joseph Mede (1586 -1639), claimed that the Antichrist had appeared in 456 AD, and the end of the world would come in 1660. In 1924, John Quincy Adams advanced the theory that the “rapture” of the church would probably take place on April 11, 1925; and ‘the return of Christ in glory,’ would happen approximately seven years later, on October 11, 1931. 267 Same has been the case with the concept of the Messiah. One Abu Isa of Ispahan claimed in 8th century AD that he was the last of the five forerunners of the Messiah, and that God had chosen him to ‘free Israel.’ Earlier in 2nd century AD, one Bar Kosiba was hailed as the Messiah. Like others in the past, the founder of the Frankist perspective, Jacob Joseph Frank (1726 - 1791), also claimed to be the Messiah. There have also been Mahdis in history. A Moroccan Ibn Tumart declared himself the Mahdi in 12th century. Same was done by Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri in the 16 th century Pakistan - India subcontinent. Another Moroccan, Ahmed ibn Abi Mahalli in the 17th century, made the claim. In 1881, a sufi from The Sudan, Muhammad Ahmad bin Abd Allah, also declared himself the Mahdi. Above are a few names quoted from history. And, the list continues to grow, albeit slowly, with the passage of time. All said and done, as underlined earlier, one conclusion is commonly reiterated by the followers of all the three Abrahamic religions: “Only God knows, when will all this exactly happen.” 267 ‘Date-setting in America for the Second Coming of Christ during the late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century’, Wayne A. Scriven, page 71, Master’s Theses, Andrews University (1947). 107 Today, questions are being asked. Serious questions have been asked about 9/11.268 Whoever perpetrated 9/11 on 9/11, can again orchetrate a 9/11. Then, what will happen! Questions are being asked about Donald Trump. How come he came into power, that too through the power of democracy in the most powerful democracy in the world! 269 Questions are being asked about Narendra Modi. How did the largest Hindu fundamentalist organisation in the world, the RSS (Rashtrya Swayamsevak Sangh), assume power through the power of democracy in India which is described as the largest democracy in the world? 270 Donald Trump is gone, but ‘Trumpism’ is very much alive. One day it will come back to power. Once Modi goes, Hindu fundamentalism will continue not only to exist but get more strong in India. Why so many Hindus in India respect and eulogise Nazis and Adolf Hitler! 271 Why is Swastika so important in Hinduism and with the Neo Nazis? Why is ‘Mein Kampf’ read with much interest in India? Even Hindu intellectuals are worried about the future of India. Extremist ideologies do not just go away. Deep-rooted ideologies do not just disappear. Gradually a new alliance is coming out in the open. May also take a look at the book titled ‘The 5 Unanswered Questions About 9/11: What the 9/11 Commission Report Failed to Tell Us’ James Ridgeway. (2005) 269 May also take a look at the writeup ‘Eight of the best books about Donald Trump’ by Peter Conrad, published in The Guardian of 1 November 2020. 270 ‘RSS (Rashtarya Swayamsevakh Sangh): The Largest Terrorist Organisation in the World’, Afrasiab Mehdi Hashmi, Hilal English. (September 2019) 271 Israeli newspaper ‘Haaretz,’ 14 December 2017 (‘Hitler’s Hindus: The Rise and Rise of India’s Nazi-loving Nationalists’ by Shrenik Rao). 268 108 White Supremacists, Zionist Supremacists and Hindu Supremacists the world over, are cooperating and coordinating with each other. Any floccinaucinihilipilification of the significance of this alliance would be counterproductive. Even intellectuals dealing with strategic issues, fail to understand the concept of ‘Deep State.’ What does this exactly mean? Even the most powerful people in the world sometimes cannot say things in public they want to say. What are they scared of? Why did the best armies of the world, trained among others in West Point and Sandhurst, suffer one of the worst defeats in human history in Afghanistan? Significantly, focus of politics is shifting more and more towards the Middle East, the main theatre of the conflict, as predicted in ‘the End Times literature.’ Why does the ISIS frequently refer to Dabiq! Why is Khurasan mentioned so frequently? Why do eschatologists make a mention of Taloqan? So many are warning about environmental issues and water shortages in the future. There is talk of ‘world desertification.’ This is what Prophet Muhammad had said more than fourteen hundred years ago in the context of the End of Times. Questions are being asked about ‘Coronavirus - 2020 and the related vaccinations.’ Incidentally, Coronavirus was predicted by one Sylvia Browne in her 2008 book, ‘END of DAYS - Predictions and Prophecies about the End of the World.’ She wrote, “In around 2020, a severe pneumonia like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments.” 272 272 India Today, 4 March 2020. (Writeup titled, ‘This book predicted 2020 coronavirus outbreak 12 years ago.’) 109 Sylvia Browne who died in 2013, was an American psychic who wrote 40 or so books on various subjects especially the paranormal phenomena. Sylvia Browne had also claimed to have observed not only angels but also heaven and other celestial places. 273 People laughed at her ‘spiritual outbursts.’ This is not the only publication that had predicted occurrence of coronavirus. Another book ‘The Eyes of Darkness’ by one Dean Koontz, published more than 40 years ago, also made a reference to this pandemic. 274 If it is Corona today, tomorrow it might be plague or some other world pandemic. During Corona lockdowns, youngsters are not studying the epical works of Arnold Toynbee, Karl Marx or Leo Tolstoy. They are absorbing ‘unverified, if not fictitiouss’ information on their mobiles being fed to them by people ‘they do not know.’ Nor does anyone else know except those ‘who should know.’ What would these youngsters be like, when they assume leadership roles in the world of tomorrow? There is also the other side to the picture. Thirty million or so perished during the ‘Black Death’ from 1347 AD to 1352 AD. Like it happened then, today again Coronavirus is making mankind aware of ‘the fragility of life.’ Many feel that spiritual connection with the Creator is important. A recent Pew Research Center poll indicates that while two percent of those surveyed said, coronavirus has weakened their faith, twenty five percent declared that the virus “has deepened it.” According to Gallup, 3 percent say their faith “has gotten worse;” at the same time, “19% say, it has gotten better.” 275 273 274 275 May also visit (Site accessed on 31 December 2021). India Today, 4 March 2020. (Writeup titled, ‘This book predicted 2020 coronavirus outbreak 12 years ago.’) The Inquirer, 1 August 2020 (Could COVID - 19 inspire the faithful? by Alfred 110 Does this indicate disenchantment of the new generation with the views on religion and religions propagated by the ‘divisive ecclesiasts’, since centuries? If the Dajjal (Armilus/Antichrist) is supposed to have one (functional) eye, we have ‘iPhones (Eye Phone).’ The gadget is not called ‘zPhone’ ‘gPhone’ or for that matter ‘mPhone.’ Computer experts tell us that the letter ‘i’ stands for internet. Even if this is correct, the striking linkage of the letter ‘i’ with the word ‘Eye’ seems to be stupefying. Interestingly, the eye of the camera on your mobile is said to be watching you, watching you carefully, and recording your expressions. The gadget listens to you. The ‘Scrying Mirrors’ used by witches in Europe quite resemble our television, computer and cell phone screens. The witches look for information while gazing at their mirrors made of glass; we look for information while focused on mobile screens made of glass. We are told that each and every site one visits on internet, and each and every e-mail message one sends, gets deleted once you want to remove it; but all this does not get ‘permanently deleted.’ Why? It is difficult to understand. May be sophisticated gadgets know us better than we know ourselves. We forget, they do not. You get old; your memory fades, but the microfilm on you and about you prepared by the gadget is being saved. It has been preserved. For what; for whom is all this being done? For use by someone, somebody, in the future! Lubrano). 111 According to Vesna Nujic, the proof that all this is not coincidental “but more likely planned,” comes with the fact that “the very creators of this technology were occultists themselves,” who knew “quite well what they were doing.” For example, “J. L. Baird, the creator of the first television device, marked his product with a logo showing Earth engulfed in clouds which incidentally covers its one eye while leaving the other open, with a telling inscription underneath it which says: ‘The Eye of the World.’ ” 276 Similarly, it is opined that the creator of Apple computers, Steve Jobs, “was an occultist,” with a comment that “having a Logo of an apple with a mark of a bite in it,” is a reference to “Eve biting into the forbidden fruit.” Since Satan is considered to be “the one who gave both Adam and Eve such fruit, and by that the insight into the good and evil, he is also considered to be the true author of this technology.” 277 If the report in The Guardian published in late 2013 is correct, “Apple’s first computer, the Apple I, was priced at $666.66.” 278 A number of international organisations have ‘logos and representations’ rooted not in religion, but paganism. Occult analysts claim the long list includes even the United Nations itself. Why does the Logo of the World Health Organisation (WHO) show ‘a staff with a serpent coiled around?’ Why does Alfa Romeo Logo depict a snake? Whatever the explanation, snake has negative connotations linked to religion. ‘New Age Philosophy: Old Occultism in New Garments’ by Vesna Nujic (12. 9. 2019). Visit file:///C:/Users/afffr/Downloads/NEW_AGE_PHILOSOPHY_OLD_OCCULTISM_I NEW.pdf. Accessed on 3 December 2021. 277 ‘New Age Philosophy: Old Occultism in New Garments’ by Vesna Nujic (12. 9. 2019). Visit file:///C:/Users/afffr/Downloads/NEW_AGE_PHILOSOPHY_OLD_OCCULTISM_IN _NEW.pdf. Accessed on 3 December 2021. 278 The Guardian, 23 December 2013 (‘Eleven things you didn't know about Apple’). 276 112 The eagle represents authority and power. Eagle also represents the Phoenix that ‘rises from ashes.’ Bald eagle has been the national bird of the United States since 1782, when it was placed with outspread wings on the Great Seal of the country.279 Owl is considered significant in witchcraft. The owl can see in the dark. Owls also have been serving as messengers for the occultists. Owl is a symbol of knowledge. Interestingly, the word owl is part of the very word knowledge. Christmas is not the birthday of Jesus Christ. In ancient Rome, Saturnalia was a long holiday celebrated in the name of god Saturn. It was observed in the month of December. Early Christians did not celebrate it. Easter was a pagan holiday. In the words of Maximilian Rudwin, “There is a fascination in evil which allures men to the edge of the pit.” 280 The demonic world and its sub-organizations try to counterfeit God and twist the truth as much as they can. Satan tries to be “as similar in symbolism, rules, or any other manifestation, that is supposed to represent our God.” 281 “Be, and it is” (Kun Fa-Yaqoon) is a phrase that occurs in the Quran. Meaning, at the time of the creation, Allah ‘willed and it happened.’ In the language of magic, Abracadabra means, “I create, as I speak.” Many would have read the works of Christopher Marlow. Others would have gone through Dostoyevsky’s ‘Brothers Karamazov.’ 282 In fact, English literature in history is full of themes relevant to the devil who 279 US Department of Veteran Affairs, Washington DC. Visit 280 ‘The Devil in Literature’ by Maximilian Rudwin ( Site accessed on 1 December 2021. 281 ‘Truth about the symbols of UNICEF and the United Nations’ 18 August 2014 ( Site accessed on 21 December 2021. 282 May also consult ‘The Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature,’ Volume 1, edited by David Scott Kastan, Oxford University Press (2006) 113 besides Satan, is also mentioned as ‘Lucifer, Beelzebub and Mephistopheles.’ There are other depictions also. ‘The Preaching of the Antichrist’ a fresco by the Renaissance painter Luca Signorelli, is displayed at the Chapel of San Brizio in Italy.283 In contrast, ‘The Last Judgment’ by Michelangelo at the Vatican depicts the Second Coming.284 Eschatologists find similarities in the architecture of the Parliament building in Brussels today and in ancient Babul; others seem to see connections between Mount Rushmore, Brandenburg Gate and Arc de Triomphe with the occult. According to a writeup in the Washington Post, the map of the US capital, as the story goes, “encodes certain secret symbols of Freemasonry.” 285 Similar views have been expressed with regard to other cities including Rome, London and New Delhi. In the occult view, EU and the common currency in Europe, are developments that complement and supplement the work of the Dajjal Antichrist. Even Encyclopedia Britannica does not know the name of the person who initiated the ‘Bitcoin’ currency. Why is it called ‘cryptocurrency’ in the first place, as the word ‘cryptic’ itself has negative connotations! Scholars of esotericism emphasise that Hollywood “promotes satanism.” More and more Satanic interaction has started to take place on ‘TikTok’ and through other mediums of communication, including ‘WitchTok.’ 283 (Site accessed on 24 November 2021.) 284 The Vatican ( Site accessed on 24 November 2021. 285 The Washington Post, 5 November 1995 (‘From Satan to the Sphinx: The Masonic mysteries of DC’s map’ by Charles Paul Freund.) 114 According to a study by Arizona State University, “There are places on internet you can’t find with ordinary web searches.” Outside the panopticon of conventional policing, exists a “subset of the deepweb known as dark web” which is relevant to “spell books and the occult.”286 Recent years have also seen the “expansion of the dark web for use in criminal activity.” 287 Questions are also asked about projects like ‘Disney World’, where young are acclimatized to ‘the grand world of fun, horror and magic.’ Some say, Disney productions utilize ‘masonic imagery to attack body, mind and soul.’ Experts in paranormal phenomena speculate that the ‘All Seeing Eye’ on the American dollar bill is not from the sun, but ‘SIRIUS, the brightest star in the sky. Sometimes described as a ‘sun behind the sun,’ there have been assertions that Sirius holds ‘special symbolic importance for mankind.’ 288 Sirius has been worshipped in history. The name ‘Sirius’, some conclude, has association with Egyptian deity ‘Osiris.’ Others opine, the Pyramid of Giza was built in alignment with Sirius. Today, Sirius also features on the ‘coat of arms’ of the Macquarie University in Sydney. Interestingly, seven ships of the Royal Navy have been named ‘HMS Sirius’ since the 18th century.289 Arizona State University Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict (‘Opening a Star Gate to the Dark Gods: Psychic Espionage, Satanic Cults, & Occult Nazis on the Dark Web’) 287 Journal of Information Warfare, Vol. 17, Fall 2018, published by Peregrine Technical Solutions (‘Conducting Investigations on Dark Web’, C. Easttom). 288 May also consult writeup ‘Sirius in Myth, History and Esotericism’ by Maureen Temple Richmond, published in ‘Esoteric Quarterly’, Summer issue 2020. 289 THE FELLOWSHIP OF FIRST FLEETERS (The importance of HMS Sirius to the first fleet”). Access. Site visited on 28 December 2021. 286 115 Importantly, Sirius is ‘the only star that has been directly and specifically mentioned by name in the Quran.’ 290 Sura An-Najm states: “ ‫ب ه ُو وأ َّن ُه‬ ُ ‫ىر‬ ُ ‫الش ْعر‬ ِّ ” (And that He [Allah], it is Who is the Lord of Sirius [the Mighty Star]) 291 According to Maududi, “the first Surah in which a verse requiring the performance of a sajdah (prostration) was sent down, is Surah An-Najm.” This is the first Surah of the Quran which Prophet Muhammad had “publicly recited before an assembly of the Quraish in which both the believers and the disbelievers were present.” At the end, when he recited the verse requiring the performance of sajdah and fell down in prostration, “the whole assembly also fell down in prostration with him.” Ibn Mas'ud says that “he saw only one man, Umayyah bin Khalaf, from among the disbelievers, who did not fall down in prostration.” Later, as Ibn Mas'ud relates, “ he saw this man die in the state of disbelief. ” 292 Every year on fourth of July, the United States observes its Independence Day. On the fourth of July, every year, it is said, “The sun at midday is in conjunction with Sirius.” 293 According to Occultbot, a Twitter source, the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian calendars which May also consult ‘Encyclopedia of the Quran online’ by accessing 291 Verse (53:49) - English Translation ( Site accessed on 21 December 2021. 292 Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi, ‘Tafhim al-Quraan’: Surah An Najm. 293 Book ‘Resurrection Initiation: The Process and the Joy’, Midas Mantra, page 291, published by Xlibris Corporation in 2011. Also study article ‘The Astrological Significance of July 4th Independence Day of America and the First Independence Day of the Philippines’ dated 15 June 2015, by accessing 4th-independence-day-of-america-and-the-first-independence-day-of-thephilippines/. 290 116 begin on July 23, were “apparently calculated from the date of the heliacal rising of Sirius.” Knowledge is power. Plato said, “Every diagram, system of numbers, every scheme of harmony, every law of the movement of stars, ought to appear as one to those who study it rightly.” 294 Ibn Khaldun opined, “the mind that constantly applies itself to geometry is not likely to fall into error.” 295 One of the undisclosed charms of geometry is what has been categorized as ‘the irrational number,’ which is ‘1.61803.’ Occultists claim, this digital configuration has connectivity with the Pyramids, whose mysteries ‘will unravel closer to the End of Times.’ There are letters in the Quran like ‘Alif Laam Meem,’ ‘Alif Laam Raa,’ ‘Yaa Seen’ and ‘Ḥaa Meem.’ Scholars have tried to deliberate on their meaning for the last 1400 years. May be, these letters have something to do with End Times. Some super-rich, especially in Europe and the United States, are planning to permanently settle in New Zealand at the farthest end of the world, to escape the trials and tribulations of the End of Days. Paradoxically, New Zealand is the first major country where time is ahead of the time in other places in the world. When sun is setting in major regions of the earth, the sun of the following day is rising in New Zealand. May be, New Zealand will be the first country to feel ‘the tremors’ of the End Times. East is also the direction from which a person receives spiritual knowledge and guidance. And, Kiwis no doubt, love to read and reflect. A Christian preacher from New Zealand, Barry Smith, propagated the view that “a one world government” in future that is being talked about by some, would be “satanic” in nature; and that 9/11 294 295 Plato: Epinomis, 991 E1-4. ‘A Dictionary of Scientific Quotations’, Alan L. Mackay, CRC Press. (1991) 117 was orchestrated by the US government. Smith had authored eight books relevant to End Times. 296 The phenomenal multiplication in sophistication in science and technology continues at a phenomenal pace to the amazement of everyone; even the believing ecclesiasts. Understandably, science and technology would have reached the pinnacle tomorrow. To presume that Dajjal Antichrist, leading the forces of darkness, would be riding a ‘braying donkey against an infirm Jesus in tattered clothes’ on his Second Coming, would be a fallacy. Dajjal would be the Master of Nanoscience, a Nanotechnology Wizard; so would be the Mahdi, may be an intensively intense Scholar - General of inexhaustible resilience. The End Times would witness a long drawn war of Generals fought on battle fields and a long drawn war of Scholars and Strategists fought in laboratories of ‘high mind and high intellect,’ that too in an age of heightened militarized sophistication never seen in the history of the world. So it seems. Mundane references to ‘swords and animals’ therefore, need to be looked at from the figurative perspective. Focus on NEOM in Saudi Arabia announced in 2017, is relevant. Meaning the ‘New’ city of the ‘Future’, NEOM is being described as the “society of the future.” 297 Another “zero-carbon city” ‘THE LINE,’ being constructed nearby is said to be a “civilisational plan” that will put the “humans first.”298 These mega projects envisage robots performing functions of security, communication, health and education, with a talk of artificial rains and May also study book titled, ‘Second Warning’, by Barry Rumsey Smith, published by International Support Ministries in 1985. 297 ‘An inspired journey through Saudi Arabia’s NEOM.’ ( Site accessed on 10 November 2021. 298 Observer Research Foundation, 15 May 2021: ‘The brand new futuristic Saudi City - The Line’ by Ramanath Jha.’ ( Site accessed on 1 December 2021. 296 118 seasons and ‘machinized servants and maids;’ besides the entire ‘magic wonder metropoles’ being operated on wind and solar systems. Importantly, both NEOM and THE LINE are located not far from Israel, Egypt and Jordan. May be, close; in cases, may be adjacent. There are also apprehensions. There are fears that that the ‘Gebel el-Lawz’ mountain in the region may be affected, which some believe to be the real ‘Mount Sinai’ where Moses had received ‘God's Ten Commandments.’ Some even claim the area to have the actual place “where the Golden Calf was worshipped.” 299 Nobody would like these holy sites to be bulldozed ‘to make way for the construction of NEOM.’ NEOM is being built in the Tabuk Province of Saudi Arabia. Tabuk has special significance in Islamic history. Apprehending invasion by the Roman empire, more than 1400 years ago Prophet Muhammad had led a military expedition to Tabuk in October 630 AD. Eschatological analysts have also criticised the mega project. In their view, NEOM ‘is being built for use in future by the Dajjal Antichrist.’ Interestingly, ‘the first ever high-level meeting’ between Israel and Saudi Arabia ‘known in history’ was held in NEOM. According to The Times of Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was “on the ground in Neom for more than three hours” in November 2020, meeting Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the presence of the US 299 Evidence from the Bible (‘Archaeological Evidence For Mount Sinai – Jebel El Lawz’). Visit (Site accessed on 14 November 2021.) 119 Secretary of State.300 Later Israeli Education Minister commented, this interaction is “something our ancestors (always) dreamed about.” 301 Earlier, in an interrview to The Washington Post in March 2018, the Saudi Crown Prince had disclosed that Riyadh had spread the Wahhabi ideology (in the world), at the request of the US and the West.302 ‘Al-Ula’ is a city in north-western Saudi Arabia. In partnership with France, Saudi Arabia is trying to turn it into ‘a global tourism destination.’ Importantly, ‘Madain Saleh,’ a UNESCO World Heritage site, is also located there which is a 2,000-year-old city carved into desert rocks by the Nabateans. According to a Reuters report of 4 February 2019, Al-Ula’s development is part of a push “to preserve pre-Islamic heritage sites” by Saudi Arabia. Report adds, “a superstition about the site can be traced back to a hadith,” attributed to the Prophet of Islam, warning Muslims “not to enter ‘unless you are crying ... lest you suffer the affliction’ of its people, said to have perished for their sins.”303 Not many would feel comfortable with this tourism initiative. What has been described in the above report as a Muslim “superstition,” is, for the two billion Muslims, not superstition, but ‘an article of faith.’ The verses 11-15 of Surat Shams of the Quran, would be noteworthy: 304 300 The Times of Israel, 23 November 2020. The Times of Israel, 23 November 2020. 302 Morocco World News (‘Spread of Wahhabism was done at request of West: Saudi Crown Prince’); 30 March 2018. 303 REUTERS report 4 February 2019 (Saudi antiquities site, long seen as haunted, tries to woo visitors). 304 The Noble Quran ( Site accessed on 3 December 2021. 301 120 Thamud (people) denied (their Prophet) through their transgression (by rejecting the true Faith of Islamic Monotheism, and by following polytheism, and by committing sin). When the most wicked man amongst them went forth (to kill the shecamel). The Messenger of Allah (Saleh) said to them: “Be cautious! Fear the evil end. That is the she-camel of Allah! (Do not harm it) and do not bar it from having its drink!” Then they denied him and they killed it. So their Lord destroyed them because of their sin… The Quran here is referring to the people of the Thamud who were destroyed alongwith their dwellings by God for their sins. And the Thamud lived in and around Madain Saleh, mentioned above.305 It was in this context that Prophet Muhammad had cautioned the hmankind against visiting places, cursed because of the wrath of God. In the nearby Gulf states, situation does not seem to have been much different. ‘Burj al Arab’ is a prominent landmark of Dubai. A large Christian Cross, one of the largest in the world, can be seen clearly inbuilt on the high rise building of this luxurious hotel. Tom Wright is the architect of Burj al Arab.306 Some claim that Tom had a dream ‘to place the Cross on the structure in a Muslim land.’ May also take a look at article ‘Madain Saleh: Saudi Arabia’s hidden city’, by Rob L. Wagner, in The Arab Weekly of 13 November 2015. Rob Wagner an American journalist, has been based in Saudi Arabia. 306 WKK ( Site accessed on 2 December 2021. 305 121 On its part, Dubai’s ‘Burj Khalifa’, is impressive. Built in ‘Neofuturism’ style, the structure is 2,716.5 feet tall. It is said to have set so many records: 307 • • • • • • • Tallest building in the world Tallest free-standing structure in the world Highest number of stories (more than 160) in the world Highest occupied floor in the world Highest outdoor observation deck in the world Elevator with the longest travel distance in the world Tallest service elevator in the world Towers have connotations in religion. Hamaan was the high priest in the court of the Pharoah. He was also an architect. When Moses conveyed to him the message of God, Pharoah sarcastically ordered, “Hamaan, light me a fire to bake clay bricks, then build me a Tower so that I may climb up to the God of the Moses: I am convinced, he is lying. ” 308 If the customs officials at the Dubai airport are to be believed, several international passengers arriving from various world capitals, are caught every month, for bringing in items associated with ‘witchcraft and black magic.’ Interestingly, the world's most expensive telephone number was auctioned for charity in Qatar in May 2006. According to The Guardian, the number was none other than “666 6666,” which “sold for 10 million Qatari riyals (£1.5 million).” 309 As discussed, ‘666’ in Christian literature is associated with with the Beast. 307 Facts and Figures ( Site accessed on 2 December 2021. 308 Quran: Sura al Qassas. 309 The Guardian, 24 May 2006 (‘World's most expensive phone number: 666 6666’ by Jack Schofield.) 122 Modern day Iraq was once home to the ancient Sumer civilization that thrived in the Middle East more than 3000 years ago. In occult, there is a belief that Sumerians had made progress in ‘Inter-dimensional Travel’ which allows physical teleportation even into outer space. The ‘Main Stargates’ in respect of this technology, are said to be buried under the Iraqi soil. Some say, one of the main factors that led to the US invasion of Iraq was to dig out this ancient technology. Interestingly, later reports surfaced according to which, the occupying American troops were seen looting ‘ancient artefacts’ from the museums in different parts of the country. The city of Ur received attention in particular, as it is believed to be the main burial ground of the stargates. Ur also happens to be the birthplace of Prophet Abraham. If reports appearing in The Guardian of May 2003 are to be believed, the land “immediately adjacent to Ur has been chosen by the Pentagon for a sprawling airfield and military base.” Access has been “highly selective, screened and subject to military escorts, which even if agreed - needs to be arranged days or weeks in advance.” 310 Since the last many centuries, the ‘BC’ (‘Before Christ’) and AD (‘Anno Domini’- in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ) classifications have been used in the world calendar, said to have been devised by one Dionysius Exiguus in 525 AD.311 In recent years, a new classification has been popularized i.e. BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era). In short, ‘BC’ has now become BCE; and AD has been changed to CE. One reason cited for this is to make the wording ‘secular.’ In other words, ‘a step away’ from religion (Christianity). It is true that history does not mention the exact date of birth of Jesus Christ which created vagueness in the BC/AD world calendar. But, 310 311 The Guardian, 18 May 2003 (‘Troops vandalise ancient city of Ur). May further consult Encyclopedia Britannica ( Site accessed on 7 November 2021. 123 question that comes to the mind is, why was this major change made now; why not earlier? Why did it take centuries to bring about the change from BC to BCE and AD to CE? At the same time, it is also true that the Jewish mind does not feel comfortable with the mention of Jesus Christ in the ‘year classifications.’ Some say that the earliest recorded use of the term CE appeared in the book by Rabbi Morris Jacob Raphall, ‘Post-Biblical History of the Jews’ published in 1856.312 According to the National Library of Israel, Morris Raphall (1798-1868) is most remembered for having declared, on the eve of the American Civil War, that “the Bible and God endorse slavery.” 313 May be, this most important, but less noted change in the classifications of the world calendar, has been formulated keeping in view the objective to subconsciously adjust mindset of the mankind tomorrow. Understandably, in respect of the developments relevant to the end of times. In Christian faith, when the word Christ is mentioned, it alludes to Jesus Christ; in occultism, it represents the Antichrist. In Islam one of the powerful names/ attributes of Allah is “AL ALEEM.” which means: “One Who Who knows all,” with Quran emphasising: ‘Post-Biblical History of the Jews from the Close of the Old Testament’ by Morris Jacob Raphall. Latest edition published on May 27, 2017 by Hansebooks.) 313 The National Library of Israel ( Site accessed on 8 December 2021. Also consult The Jewish Virtual Library writeup ‘From Sea to Shining Sea: Three Views on Slavery and Secession’, by visiting Site accessed on 8 December 2021. 312 124 And you are not (engaged) in any affair, nor do you recite any part from the Quran, and nor any deed you (humankind) may be doing, but We are Witness over you when you enter into it. Nor is there hidden from your Lord (so much as) the weight of an atom on the earth or in the heaven, not anything lesser than that or greater but are (recorded) in a Clear Book. 314 Is all the information about us, which does not get deleted from the internet, mentioned above, being permanently stored for use by the Dajjal, tomorrow? Would this information be used by him to substantiate his claim of being an ‘all powerful, all knowing God!’ Many consider discussion on End Times as ‘mumbo jumbo.’ Others categorize the subject, as ‘Conspiracy Theories.’315 Sometimes, conspiracy theories also turn out to be true. Al Ghazali once reflected: 316 This visible world is a trace of that invisible one; and the former follows the latter like a shadow. 314 Quran (Surah Yunus). There are claims that the term ‘conspiracy theory’ was coined by the CIA to disqualify those who questioned the official version of John F Kennedy’s assassination. 316 The Culturium, 26 September 2021 (Yahia Lababidi: Revolutions of the Heart). According to New World Encyclopedia, “Al-Ghazali was one of the greatest jurists, theologians and mystical thinkers in the Islamic tradition. He is credited with reconciling legalistic and mystical Islam, and gained a reputation within Christian as well as Muslim circles for his piety and godliness. He is widely regarded as a ‘Renewer of Islam, raised up by God to revive the faith.’ He influenced Thomas Aquinas who cited his Maqasid-al-Falasifa (Aims of Philosophers) 31 times.” 315 125 INCORPOREAL SPIRITUALITY: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES It was September in 2001. I was working in junior capacity as Director in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad. In the morning of 10 September, the French Secretary General (Foreign Affairs), held ‘bilateral talks’ with Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary Inam ul Haq. These formal talks were followed by a Luncheon by the Pakistani side. In the evening, there was a dinner hosted by the French Ambassador. A large number of guests were invited. Being one of the invitees, as I entered the dinner hall of the French Embassy located at the Constitution Avenue, I came across French Counselor, dealing with trade matters. He had had just completed his three - year tenure in Islamabad. He was now preparing to return to Paris. The Counsellor mentioned to me that his stay in Islamabad had been ‘very comfortable.’ According to him, high mountains in northern Pakistan were “the most beautiful in the world.” However, he added that air travel to Gilgit sometimes becomes risky due to bad weather. He also referred to the PIA plane crash that had then occurred recently while overflying the mighty Karakorams. I listened to him. I listened to him reflectively. In response, the words that came out of my mouth were: “Here, lies the difference between the perspectives of nations and civilizations on destiny. Who knows, what might happen in future! A PLANE MIGHT CRASH INTO A HIGH RISE BUILDING IN NEW YORK, TOMORROW! This would be destiny. Whatever has to happen, will happen.” This discussion took place on the evening of 10 September in Islamabad; 9/11 happened the very next day in New York. I was shocked. I remembered exactly what I had said to the French diplomat; and what I had said, actually happened! I was petrified. It was certainly not a prediction; it was just a comment, may be a philosophical expression. If 126 at all, the officer remembered the details of the conversation, how would he have felt after listening to the news of the tragedy! Our next door neighbours then at the Foreign Office Lodges in Islamabad, where we were residing, were Nadeem Riyaz (later Pakistan’s Ambassador in Stockholm and Rome) and Ayesha Riyaz (later our Ambassador in Berne and Vienna). Ayesha had just returned from her first posting in Paris. When I mentioned all this to her, she was shocked. Soon the news spread, but nobody talked much about it. A few years earlier, I was serving as Third Secretary in our Embassy in Washington DC. The President of Pakistan, Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, was scheduled to visit New York in September 1988 to address the UN General Assembly and then come to Washington for talks with the American President. Under Ambassador Jamsheed Marker, the Mission was in the process of making preparations for the visit. At a small dinner at my place before the visit, an Embassy colleague asked, in my view, the visit would materialize or not? He specifically said, “Afrasiab, tell us, the President is coming to Washington or not?” I was reluctant to respond. He insisted, so did others who were invited to the dinner. Responding, words that came out of my mouth were: “President Zia is not coming to America.” I was asked “Why?” As I felt like stating; I said: “Sudden, violent, unnatural death!” As fate had it, not many days passed when the military plane carrying the President of Pakistan, crashed. Unfortunately, President Zia died along with all who were with him. The passengers’ list also included Arnold Lewis Raphel, American Ambassador to Pakistan, and Brigadier General Herbert Wassom, their Defense Attache in Islamabad. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq did not come to the United States for the visit. The dinner that I am talking about at my place was a small one. It was in honor of Bob Boggs (and Mrs. Boggs) who was serving as Desk Officer for Pakistan in the Department of State. (Bob had earlier served in the 127 US Mission in New Delhi).317 This discussion on President Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq occurred after the American guests had left my place subsequent to the dinner. From Pakistan side, the dinner was attended by the Accounts Officer of the Mission at that time, Sarshar Ahmed Khan (who years later, retired in Grade 22, the senior most grade in the civil services of Pakistan); Minister Economic and Trade at the Embassy, Chaudhry Moin Afzal (later served as Secretary General, Finance, in the Government of Pakistan); Counsellor Press of the Mission, Salim Gul (who later rose to the position of Secretary Information); and from the Mission’s Defense wing, it was Colonel Hamid Javed (who years later was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General in the Pakistan Army, and served as Chief of Staff to the President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf). In 1994, I was posted to our Mission in India as Second Secretary. On one occasion, the High Commissioner directed me to represent him and my wife represent Mrs. Riaz Khokhar at the annual Commonwealth reception in New Delhi. We happened to be the first ones to arrive at the venue. The reception line was not long. The Indian Army Chief was there along with his wife, to receive the guests which included High Commissioners with their spouses, from Commonwealth countries based in the Indian capital. Other senior officers both military and civil were also there in the reception line. Indian Army chief received me with due courtesy. After a brief conversation, I moved on and shook hands with his wife while he exchanged pleasantries with my wife. As I looked at the face of the wife of the Army Chief, I felt like stating, which I said: “You read a lot….you think a lot. This is the reason you sometimes get headaches on the right side…maybe split headache. You must do some exercise.” Stunned, the lady remarked, “You are so 317 According to the information available on web, Bob Boggs later served as Deputy Head of the US Embassy in Nepal. After retirement, I believe he joined the National Defense University in Washington DC. 128 correct! This is the reason, I take medicines….” Then, she stopped short, and asked, “How do you know this….Who told you all this about me?” The news, and rumours, started to spread in the Indian capital. Then, there was a bee - line. So many, including Generals of the Indian army, especially their family members, and others, started approaching me for guidance, albeit in private. Later, newspapers including Hindustan Times, Asian Age and others, started writing stories.318 A piece also appeared in The New York Times. 319 On another occasion, High Commissioner directed the Deputy High Commissioner Khalid Khattak (later Pakistan’s Ambassador in Moscow), to visit the Indian Foreign Office for some official business. After the meeting, which was also attended by me, the Indian Joint Secretary asked, ‘Afrasiab, tell me about my future?’ I was hesitant. He added, “Okay, who will be our next Prime Minister?” I was further hesitant. (Many years later, the Joint Secretary retired after having served as Indian Ambassador to Kabul.) In 2006, I proceeded to New Delhi the second time, as Pakistan’s Deputy High Commissioner. On one occasion, Indian Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon took me to their Minister for External Affairs, Pranab Mukherjee (later, President of India), saying, “Sir, he is Afrasiab!” On another occasion, I was requested by the Indian side to make an assessment of their National Security Advisor M. K. Narayanan. I wrote down my views and handed the paper to him. Narayanan was greatly appreciative. I was doing Masters in English Literature in Government College Lahore in the early 1980s. A friend asked me about the future of the Prime Minister of India. I felt like stating, which I said, “violent death; maybe assassination!” Mrs. Indira Gandhi was assassinated on 31 318 319 Hindustan Times, 25 February 2010. Write up by Robert Mackey (The Lede - The New York Times News Blog dated 25 February 2010). 129 October 1984 when I was under training at the Civil Services Academy in Lahore. After admission in Government College, I was provided accommodation in the ‘College New Hostel.’ On the very first day, I happened to interact with the hostel Chowkidar (Watchman) who helped me settle down in the dormitory. When I looked at the Chowkidar’s face, I said to myself, “This man is a man of knowledge and intellect. Why is he working in this low position?” Months later, I noted the Chowkidar who was not even a Matriculate, giving lessons in ‘Punjabi poetry’ to the young residents of the hostel who had opted ‘Punjabi’ as a subject in the examination for the Civil Services of Pakistan. To me, all this is strange, very strange. Psychologically, nerve-racking. It affects body, soul and the mind. It has an impact on the brain. Why does it happen in the first place! In my view, this ‘presentimental premonition’ has much to do with spirituality, even though I have also been practising ‘Face-Reading (Qayafa Shanasi)’ as a hobby for long. I attribute all this to the inner self, self-consciousness, heart of the hearts. Specifically speaking, to ‘Zikr’, to ‘Zikr Allah.’ Here, there is a need to diverge a little. What is Islam? No educated Muslim would disagree with the view that according to the Quran, the fundamentals of Islam focus on three aspects, which are: ‘Belief (Imaan), Character (Kirdaar) and Rituals (Ibadaat).’ 130 Belief constitutes faith in One All-powerful God, ALLAH; and in the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh), the Prophet of Islam. All Muslims are required to believe in angels, other prophets of Allah, His revelations and the Day of Judgment. Rituals, among others, include the five time daily prayers (namaz) and fasting in Ramadhan, which further strengthen your faith. And what is also extremely important in Islam, is character; with a focus on human values (Insaaniat), education (Ilm) and social justice (Insaaf). Islam is strictly ‘Monotheistic.’ Allah is the Creator of the world and the worlds, and everything humankind is aware of and everything that humankind is not aware of. Allah is not only the God of the Muslims but the God of the peoples of the Jewish and Christian faiths. Allah is the God of all peoples of all other religions, whether Hindu, Buddhist or Zoroastrian. Allah is the God of those who do not believe in Him. Allah is the Lord of Dajjal the Antichrist/Armilus. Allah is the Lord of Satan. The name “ALLAH”, is powerful; extremely powerful. Over the centuries, mystics have engaged in ‘Zikr Allah’, which is a practice comprising ‘repetitive repetition’ of the name, Allah. Zikr becomes a magnet for a sufi. So much so, the sufi starts to whirl; whirl and whirl, around this very name of Allah. In Islam, Zikr is “one of the most excellent acts, pleasing to Allah.” 320 And, so says the Quran: 321 May consult ‘Muntakhab Ahadith,’ Muhammad Yusuf Kandhlavi, Idara Impex, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi, ISBN 81-7101-441-0 (2014). May also consult ‘The Wisdom of the Sufis’, Kenneth Cragg, Sheldon Press, London, UK. (1976) 321 ‘Dhikr is the Greatest Obligation and a Perpetual Divine Order’ ( Site accessed on 4 April 2016. 320 131 • Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah, for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction. (Quran, Surat Ar-Ra’d) • And to Allah belong the most beautiful names, so call on Him by them and leave (the company of) those who practice deviation concerning His names. (Quran, Surat al Araaf) • He is successful who purifies himself, and remembers the name of his Lord, and so prays. (Quran, Surat Al-A’la) • And remember your Lord within yourself, in humility and in fear, below your breath, in the mornings and evenings, and do not be among the heedless. (Quran, Surat al Araaf) • You who believe, remember Allah with much remembrance. (Quran, Surat al Ahzaab) • Those who remember their Lord standing, and sitting, and lying on their sides. (Quran, Surat Al-Imran) • In houses, which Allah has allowed to be raised to honor and for His Name to be remembered in them; He is glorified there day and night by men whom neither trade nor sale can divert from the remembrance of Allah. (Quran, Surat An-Nur) • Recite to them what has been revealed to you in the book and be steadfast in prayer. Lo! worship preserveth from lewdness and iniquity, but verily remembrance of Allah is more important. (Quran, al- Ankaboot) • You who have believed, when [the adhan] is called for the prayer on the day of Jumma, proceed to the remembrance of Allah and leave trade. That is better for you, if you only knew. And when the 132 prayer has been concluded, disperse within the land and seek from the bounty of Allah, and remember Allah often that you may succeed. (Quran, Surat Jumma) Let me go back to what we were discussing. I was in Class 1, in Lawrence College, Ghora Gali, one of the oldest public schools in the subcontinent established in 1860, where I studied for twelve long years of my life. 322 The year was 1963. On one bright sunny Sunday morning, I had my breakfast with others in the School dining hall. Later when I came down, I saw a friend of mine Meeru (Meer Ahmed) standing wide-eyed just outside. Looking at me, he pointed towards a lone tree in the School playground, and shouted in excitement: “PARREE, PARREE, PARREE (Fairy! Fairy! Fairy)!” 323 Expectedly, I was perplexed. Then, when I looked towards the tree, I saw something. I saw something very strange. I noticed a young girl hardly 13/14 sitting on a branch. She might have been two to three feet tall, with fair complexion and long golden hair. And, she had wings, green in colour. This is what I recall vividly even today. Flushed with excitement, both I and Meeru ran towards the playground through the main entrance, which took us a while. When we reached the tree, there was nobody. There was no fairy. There was no parree. Apprehending optical illusion, I later asked Meeru, ‘Did we really see a fairy? Meeru emphatically replied, “Of course, I was the one who showed you the fairy.” A year passed by; now, we were in Class 2. I asked Meeru, ‘Do you recall, we had seen the fairy?’ He responded, “Of course, I had shown you the fairy.” Another year passed. I could not forget the incident so I asked Meeru, “Do you remember, we had seen the fairy?” He again recalled and said, “Yes, we had seen the fairy.” May also consult book, ‘Never Give in: True to Our Name’ by Dr. Muhammad Asif published in 2010. 323 ‘Parree’ is the Urdu word for ‘fairy.’ 322 133 The following year, while we were going for a walk, I asked Meeru once again, “Do you remember the time when you had shown me the fairy? ” Meeru’s response was unexpected. His response was strange. He said, “What fairy! What are you talking about! I do not remember any fairy.” In Lawrence College, our Principal was Michael Charlesworth, a senior educationist. Our Head Mistress in Junior School was Norah Elizabeth Glegg from Sussex, the UK. I remember both with great respect. We also had other teachers from London. They were a dedicated lot. We were educated in British education system; English manners and mannerism in food, dress and habits. In junior classes, one of the subjects we were taught was, ‘Nature Study.’ We studied plants, shrubs and flowers. We studied fish and fishes, and animals even frogs and tadpoles. We were taught that the creation is attributable to nature. This made me think. I used to ask myself, ‘Why is the term ‘nature’ being used, when all this has been created by God?’ It took me a long time to understand the difference between religion and secular studies. As I grew up, I was initiated into spirituality by a Sufi Master, Khwaja Muhammad Masoom, from Mohri Shareef, near Gujarat. He had a large following in Punjab and parts of the frontier regions of Pakistan. Many of his followers were humans; some of his followers were jinns. Jinns in human form permanently resided in Mohri Shareef. Asif Ali Zardari who served as President of Pakistan, once also travelled to Mohri Shareef, to pay respects to this man of spirituality. In the early 1970s, Benazir Bhutto as a young girl intended to travel from Rawalpindi to Lahore by ‘Tezgam’ with a group of friends.324 Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, her father, was the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The train was fully booked. Incidentally, a coach had been reserved in 324 Tezgam is the name of a fast service train that has been running between Peshawar and Karachi. 134 advance, for Muhammad Masoom and his mureeds, who planned to travel by the same train to Lahore. The Prime Minister’s Office called up the Railway authorities with a special request to accommodate Benazir Bhutto. When Benazir came to know of the snag, she immediately changed her travel date saying: “We must not wrangle with a holy man of God.” Khwaja Muhammad Masoom prayed for me. He educated me in the field of Zikr Allah. He guided me. I started doing the Zikr. I practised Zikr in silence, in reflection, and in isolation. Gradually, Zikr became a habit; second nature. Constant engagement with Zikr, especially in ‘the jungles’ of Lawrence College, when other boys were competing with each other in the school curricular and extra-curricular activities, was an experience. Nobody noticed what I was constantly engaged in, except one man, our Urdu teacher Mr. Fareedi, who started calling me ‘Sufi.’ I did not like it. Some classmates sometimes called me, ‘Philosopher.’ I did not like it. The practice of Zikr was added to by the fire of a heavy ‘naffal prayer’, ‘Salat - e - Tasbih.’ In Islamic traditions, on one occasion, the Prophet said to his uncle Abbas: “Shall I not give you, shall I not grant you, shall I not award you, shall I not do mercy to you.” Allah will forgive your sins, “of future and of past, new and old, those you have forgotten and those you did knowingly, big and small, hidden and revealed.” Then the Prophet taught Abbas the way to say this special prayer, and advised that “it should be offered once a day. If not once every day, then every Friday, and if this is not possible then once a month, and if this is not possible then once a year, and even if this is not possible, then at least once in a lifetime.” 325 325 Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi. 135 Then sometimes, things started to happen. According to the Quran, “We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (Quran) is the truth.” 326 Sometimes, when one does Zikr, intense Zikr with all intensity, on occasions, extremely rare occasions, it so happens that ‘whatever one says with passionate passion, it actually happens.’ It actually occurs. History books on Islamic spirituality speak of unusual occurrences in the context of sufism. Unusual things happened in the past; they also happen today. But, nobody talks about it. Few would like to pen down what they experienced. Earlier, I have written about my stay in the Government College Lahore. One morning, during tea break, my class fellow from Lawrence College, Abbas Raza Dar, came to meet me with a friend. I had never met his friend. Abbas asked me to assess him. I mentioned to his friend that it seemed to me that he had a tendency to commit suicide. I advised him never ever to go in that direction. A few weeks later, Abbas Raza came to meet me again. He said, his friend had committed suicide! I have not met Abbas Raza since then, but we are included on a WhatsApp chat group of old students of the Lawrence College. I believe, he is working in a senior position in Airblue, a private airline established around 2004 by our mutual friend, another Gallian, former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi. Since we spent more years in India during my two tenures, in diplomatic capacity, I would like to recall some more experiences. 326 Quran, Sura Fussilat (41: 53). 136 The landlady of the house where we were residing in ‘Defense Colony’ in New Delhi, hailed from a prestigious family of Moradabad. Her late husband, a Major General in the Indian Army, was a course-mate of Field Marshal Ayub Khan mentioned earlier. (Ayub Khan served as the President of Pakistan from 1958 to 1969.) Her daughter Reena Kumari became a close family friend. She had served as a Minister in the provincial government of Uttar Pradesh. One afternoon, Reena came to our place. She was planning to go to the shrine of Nizamuddin Auliya to meet a “holy Muslim man to seek his blessings.” My wife agreed to go with her. At their request, I also accompanied. On reaching the venue, we found the room rather small with many men and women sitting on the floor in front of the ‘peer sahib.’ We sat down quietly with others. After half an hour or so, Reena gestured that it was time to leave. As she and my wife walked out of the room, I also stood up to depart. All of a sudden, the holy man looked at me with ‘piercing eyes,’ and commandingly shouted, “Tu baith; tu nay naheen janaa warna teri tangain tor doonga! (You keep sitting; do not leave. Otherwise, I will break your legs!)” To this day, I wonder why was peer sahib so harsh with me! Some say, spiritual people have an aura; they recognise each other. May be, there was a clash of rays. Even otherwise, I visited the dargah of Nizamuddin for nawaafil. On one occasion, I was taken to the tomb of the Muslim mystic, Inayat Khan, founder of Inayati Sufi Order in the West, located close to the shrine.327 Inayati sufis are known for the practise of Zikr. Inayat Khan was the father of Nora Baker (Noor Inayat Khan) who served in the British Secret Service against the Nazis during World War II. She was executed 327 Delhi Information (‘Tomb of Hazrat Inayat Khan’). Visit Site accessed on 20 December 2021. 137 by the Germans. Nora Baker was posthumously awarded George Cross in 1949.328 Inayat Khan’s mother belonged to the family of the Muslim Emperor Tipu Sultan. Tipu, son of Hyder Ali, ruled the Kingdom of Mysore in the south of the subcontinent. It is said that as a young boy, Tipu was taken to a Muslim faqeer who prayed for him, saying “the boy will be remembered in history with respect for valor.” Tipu died with honor defending his kingdom against the British on 4 May 1799. Alexander Beatson quotes Tipu as stating, “I would rather live two days like a tiger, than two hundred years like a sheep.” 329 Inayat Khan died in 1927. When India attacked Pakistan in September 1965, his family visited Karachi to pray for the safety and security of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Sufi poet Ameer Khusroe is also fast asleep close to his Master Nizamuddin Auliya. Khusroe’s poetic lines ‘Mun Kunto Mola Ali’ have been sung by the Sabri brothers in their famous qawwali : 330 SHAAH-E-MARDAAN SHER-E-YAZDAAN QUWWAT-E-PARVARDIGAAR LAA FATAH ILLAA ALI LAA SAIF ILLAA ZULFIQAAR King of the brave, Lion of God, 328 The Guardian, 23 October 2012 (Noor Inayat Khan: remembering Britain's Muslim war heroine). 329 ‘A View of the Origin and Conduct of the War with Tippoo Sultan,’ Alexander Beatson. (1800) 330 Famous qawwaals from Karachi, Pakistan. 138 [and] strength of God. There is no one like Ali [and] there is no sword like Zulfikaar. ALI IMAAM-E-MANASTO MANAM GHULAAM-E-ALI HAZAAR JAAN-E-GIRAAMII FIDAA-E-NAAM-E-ALI Ali is my master, I am the slave of Ali, thousands of lives can be sacrificed for the sacredness of name of Ali. MAN KUNTO MAULAA FA HAAZA ALIUN MAULAA To whom I am the master, Ali is the master. The wordings of the above kalaam emanate from a statement of Prophet Muhammad eulogizing Ali bin Abu Ṭaalib, the fourth caliph of Islam. Hazrat Mahdi has been discussed at length in this book. According to Muslim belief, the Mahdi will be the offspring of Hassan, the son of Ali. Islam came to South Asia with the message of peace, preached by the Sufis. Islam was introduced by Arab merchants and traders. Balochistan was the first region that came under the administrative control of the Muslim empire, during the caliphate of Umar bin Khattab (634 - 644 AD). Then it was Sindh and the frontier regions of present day Pakistan, followed by Punjab and other parts of the subcontinent, finally reaching Bengal it is said in the 12th century. Muslims in south India fondly recall Cheraman Perumal, the medieval Hindu king of Kerala, who, centuries ago, traveled all the way to Mecca to pay his respects to Prophet Muhammad. As the narrative goes, “with tears in eyes, Perumal accepted Islam on the very feet of Muhammad.” 139 This aspect of history is recorded in the Brahmanical account ‘Keralolpatti’, as well in the writings of historian Sheikh Zeinuddin. While fundamentalist Hindus in India have disputed this narrative, Indian Prime Minister in a tweet on 3 April 2016, wrote: “Cheraman Perumal went to Arabia, and embraced Islam after meeting the Holy Prophet at Mecca.” 331 It was a bright Sunday morning, with my son insisting that the family go out for a picnic. It was agreed. We got into the car and decided to spend time at the National Rail Museum in New Delhi. There, I found the parking lot full, and started looking for a suitable place to park. Two faqeers appearing from nowhere, with snakes in their hands, approached us for charity. I ignored. Angrily, one of them said, “Aj tayree gadee naee challaigee (your car will not run, today)!” Nothing happened to the car. Everything was fine. After a little effort, I was able to locate a suitable place where I parked the vehicle. It was a nice picnic. We had lunch, we enjoyed the outing. Later, when we came back, there seemed to be a problem. As I sat in the car to go back home, I shifted the gear stick into the reverse gear to move out of the parking lot. The vehicle did not move. I turned the car into the neutral gear, and again moved the stick to the reverse gear. The car did not move an inch. The family got out. They along with our young energetic family servant, Ejaz, pushed the vehicle back. Then I moved the stick into the first gear, and pressed the accelerator. Surprisingly, the car moved forward without difficulty. Seemingly, the problem was resolved. We all got into the car and started to drive. Just to re - check, on the way, I stopped the car along the roadside. I put the car into reverse gear. The car again did not move. I 331 Indian television ‘NDTV report’ dated 3 April 2016 (‘PM Narendra Modi gifts Saudi King gold replica of Kerala Mosque’). 140 tried a number of times; the vehicle did not move back. Later, I put the car in the first gear; it started to run without problem. This was weird. All gears of the vehicle were working well except the reverse gear. It was a brand new vehicle, bought recently, and had run just 40/50 kilometers. Next day, I took the car to ‘Sikand Motors’, from where it had been purchased. They did not understand the problem either. I was advised to leave the car in the workshop for a proper checkup which I did. Then, headed back to the High Commission in a cab. As fate had it, the High Commissioner was looking for me for some urgent work. I explained to him that I was late because of “the problem in the car.” I did not give out the details, otherwise people would have thought that I was out of my mind. Two days later, the workshop mechanic brought the car to my residence. He said, now there was no problem. I asked, what was the problem? He said, he did not understand; but now there would be no problem. The car was fine. Perhaps, I understood the problem. Had I given some money to the ‘two snake - carrying faqeers’ in the parking lot of the Railway Museum, the car might not have had a problem. One evening, a Sikh friend visited us with family. He was a successful businessman, dealing in textiles and readymade garments. Narrating an incident, he said that the manager of “his factories happens to be a Muslim, an honest man.” His business had prospered in recent years, for which he gave credit to the dedication of that manager. A few months ago, at the special request of the manager, he took him to Ajmer Shareef for a (pilgrimage) visit. It was a nice long drive in his new Mercedes. Close to Ajmer, something went wrong with the car. He quickly applied the brakes, but it did not work. The vehicle went off the road and hit a nearby tree. Luckily, there was not much damage. The driver of a passing - by truck who also happened to be a mechanic, was helpful. He was able to temporarily fix the problem in the vehicle. 141 Later, on reaching Ajmer, he and his manager walked into the shrine of Hazrat Moeenuddin Chishti which was full of pilgrims. As he sat in reverence close to the grave of the saint, ‘an old man with a white flowing beard’ approached him, and said, “Bachoo, aaj to teraa waqt aa gayaa thaa; bus tuu bach gaya! (Today, your time had come; you would have been dead. You were spared [by destiny].)” Premonitions, have been mentioned by people. Most premonitions predict events likely to happen. According to Matt Lamy, author of the 2004 book the ‘100 Strangest Mysteries ’, “On 15th September 1981, (one) Barbara Garwell, had a dream involving the shooting of important Middle Eastern men at a stadium.” She knew her premonition would take 21 days to show effect. On the 6th of October, “President Anwar Sadat was murdered at a mass commemoration (in Egypt).” 332 I think, it was 1996. I had a premonition. I felt “some conflagration” at our Mission. The next day, Pakistan High Commissioner’s official car, a Mercedes-Benz, was burnt to ashes while parked at the Chancery. High Commissioner Riaz Khokhar was out of the country. Shahid Malik who was then serving as Deputy High Commissioner had just taken over as the Acting High Commissioner of Pakistan to India. Jinns have been mentioned in this account. Some describe the narrative of jinns in the Quran, as ‘a Muslim superstition’, without realizing that so many cities and so many villages in Europe and the Americas, have haunted houses, haunted roads and haunted towers; with some even pointing finger at the ‘Tower of London.’333 Book titled ‘100 STRANGEST MYSTERIES’ by Matt Lamy, page 142, MetroBooks NY. (2004) 333 ‘Royal Ghost Stories: The Tower of London’ by Rebecca Russell, 29 October 2021 ( 332 142 In junior capacity in the Mission, I was frequently required to go to the Indira Gandhi International Airport to receive/see off delegations visiting India. I followed the normal route from my residence in Defense Colony, which took some time to reach the airport. Then, I came to know that there was a shorter route also, which ran adjacent to a military cantonment on which diplomatic vehicles were allowed in. This would considerably cut down the travel time. At the same time, I was cautioned by our Indian neighbours that one needs to be a little careful while taking that route, especially at night, as the jungle along the road was “frequented by jinns.” The ruins of Feroz Shah Kotla fort in Delhi, built in the fourteenth century, are said to have habitats of Jinns. One is reminded of the 1993 book, ‘City of Djinns’ by William Dalrymple.334 According to Nupur Dogra, in one of the chapters of this book, Dalrymple refers to a Persian couplet often seen as a prophecy, “Whoever builds a new city in Delhi will lose it....the Pandava brethren, Prithvi Raj Chauhan, Feroz Shah Tughlaq, Shah Jahan and later the British.” 335 The Quran refers to Humans and Jinns as under: 336 The Most Beneficent (Allah)! Has taught (you humankind) the Qur'an (by His Mercy). He created man. He taught him eloquent speech. The sun and the moon run on their fixed courses (exactly) calculated with measured out stages for each. And the herbs (or stars) and the trees both prostrate. “City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi” William Dalrymple, Penguin Books (edition). (2003) 335 Outlook magazine, 7 June 2020 (Decoding a City: Common Thread that connects 'Delhi 6', 'City of Djinns' and Covid-19’). 336 The Quran (Sura Rahman). 334 143 And the heaven He has raised high, and He has set up the Balance. In order that you may not transgress (due) balance. And observe the weight with equity and do not make the balance deficient. And the earth He has put for the creatures. Therein are fruits, date-palms producing sheathed fruit-stalks (enclosing dates). And also corn, with (its) leaves and stalk for fodder, and sweetscented plants. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (Jinns and Humans) deny? He created man (Adam) from sounding clay like the clay of pottery. And the Jinns did He create from a smokeless flame of fire. Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (Jinns and Humans) deny? (He is) the Lord of the Two Easts (places of sunrise during early summer and early winter) and the Lord of the Two Wests (places of sunset during early summer and early winter). Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (Jinns and Humans) deny? .... During our stay in India, we were able to travel a little. Once we drove to Mussoorie. On the way back to Delhi, we stopped over at Rishikesh a holy city in Hindu religion. We were received with due courtesy by the pundits in a temple; we were served drinks and snacks. During a brief discussion it was mentioned to us that in ‘Hindu literature’, there have been “a few oblique references to Muhammad sahib.” I was also informed that there is a Hindu mantra ‘ANN KAHEE’, which has ‘connectivity’ with Islam. Meaning “not to be discussed in open,” the mantra is recited by “some very few pundits” on “extremely rare occasions” at the time of the death of a person of Hindu religion. Years later, I read the wording of the mantra on social media, which seems to run as under: LA ILAH HARNI PAPPAM, ILLAL AMBA PARAM PADAM, JANM VAIKUNTHA PRAPTI, JAPE NAAME MAHAMMADAM 144 English translation There is no shelter but in One Allah, to get rid of sin The shelter of Allah is the real shelter If one is born on earth, salvation from sin lies with Allah For this, it is must to follow the path of Muhammad It was the summer of 1996, when I attended a function of the Bharatya Janata Party (BJP) in the outskirts of New Delhi. There were a number of activists of the Rashtriya Swayamsevakh Sangh (RSS) also attending the moot. A sadhu in orange dress, was sitting next to me. On coming to know that I was from Pakistan, he looked at me and remarked: “Time is coming soon, when the Christian world will fight against you the Muslims. After that, would come the time for the Hindus to rule the world.” This discussion took place in 1996, when nobody had thought of 9/11 if at all 9/11 has something to do with what he was stating. After my first posting in India, we left New Delhi for Vienna in 1997, on the next diplomatic assignment. We stopped in Saudi Arabia for Umrah. The circumambulation around The Kaaba was the ultimate ecstasy of the heart. Later, the visit to Masjid - e - Nabvi in Madina was a journey in spirituality. I recalled the narrative of Qudratullah Shahab when while offering maghrib prayers in the same masjid, he noticed ‘a man in rags’ standing next to him just before the start of the namaz. As the prayers concluded, the man had disappeared. Qudratullah Shahab was told that the ‘man in rags’ was one of the martyrs of the Battle of Badr when pagan Quresh of Mecca attacked Medina to eliminate Islam on Tuesday, 13 March 624 AD. 337 337 National Geographic Resource Library (‘March 13, 624 CE: Battle of Badr’). Visit Site accessed on 24 December 2021. 145 In Medina, I also remembered Zheng He, perhaps the greatest ‘Admiral of the Fleet’ in Chinese history who in the 15th century had undertaken seven voyages around the world. He is said to have discovered the Americas before Christopher Columbus. A devout Muslim, Zheng He also travelled to Arabia and paid respects at the Masjid - e - Nabvi, the same mosque where the faqeer had the honour to prostrate before the Creator of the Worlds.338 After Umrah, we took off for Vienna but had to stop over at Amman, Jordan, for two days because of the airline’s flight scheduling constraints. Amman is soothing. We wanted to visit Petra, but could not. May be, because the place was cursed. However, we were taken to a site said to be the place of ‘the Companions of the Cave and their dog.’ I prostrated there. We stayed in Vienna three years. I served as Alternative Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UN and IAEA. I had interesting encounters in Austria. One evening, I had a feeling of unease. I felt as if the earth was shaking. The next evening, which happened to be on ‘the 11th of May 1998,’ came the news that India had conducted its nuclear tests. I wanted to share this experience of mine with our Ambassador in Vienna, Shaukat Umar. I did not. We visited a site about a two hour drive from Vienna, we were told where the Nazis used to exterminate the Jews during World War II. I could feel the ‘energy of sadness’ seeping in the air. I recalled an instance from Islamic history. Once Prophet Muhammad stood up in respect for a passing-by funeral procession. It was pointed out to him 338 ‘Zheng He: China and the Oceans in the Early Ming Dynasty’, Edward L. Dreyer, published by Pearson. (2006) 146 that the dead man was a Jew. Without a second thought, the prophet remarked, “Is Jew not a human!” Vienna has a history of interaction with the Ottomans. Not far from the Pakistan Embassy in the city is a park, ‘Türkenschanzpark.’ 339 We were informed by the Turkish Ambassador that the park was at one time the graveyard of the Ottoman soldiers fallen during the Siege of Vienna (in September 1683). Austria has a central location in Europe; the junction of East and West Europe. We frequently visited the neighboring countries. We travelled to Budapest. In the city, I walked up to the mazaar of Gul Baba, a Muslim saint of the time when Hungary was part of the Ottoman empire.340 On another occasion, I travelled by bus to Sarajevo. I was taken to a place called ‘Takiyyaa’ not far from the Bosnian capital. The place had a beautiful waterfall close to which were two rather longish graves. I was informed that one belonged to a ‘Muslim Darwesh’, and in the other “was resting one of his followers.” The concept of ‘Jannat’ in Islam is beyond human comprehension. Describing the delight of the people in Paradise, the Quran states: “And amongst them will be passed round vessels of silver and cups of crystal, Crystal-clear, made of silver.” 341 One may not fully appreciate the depth of these verses unless one has seen the world’s finest crystal wear in Vienna and in the nearby Praha (Prague), capital of the Czech Republic. It was mentioned to us that ‘Crystal Chandeliers’ in the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina, were produced in Austria. 339 Türkenschanzpark ( 340 ‘Tomb of Gül Baba’ ( Site accessed on 21 December 2021. 341 Quran: Sura Insaan. ( Site accessed on 7 December 2021. 147 Interestingly, supernaturalists say, crystals “regulate, calm and heal the body.” They are believed to channelize “good energy,” and vibrate at frequencies which complement the natural body functions. Lifestyle gurus declare that “crystals promote self-expression, meditation and creativity.” 342 Our drive to Rome from Vienna was memorable. We went to the Vatican. Not far from the St. Peter's Basilica, I had interesting encounter with a Catholic Priest who mentioned to me he was associated with the ‘Archives’ Department of the Vatican. On coming to know that I was a Muslim, from Pakistan, an extended discussion took place over coffee on theology. The Priest referred to the ‘Gospel according to Barnabas’, and said he had “read about it.” This Gospel which is considered by Christian scholars as ‘spurious and made up by some Muslim’, was incidentally included in the list of books banned by the Church even before the advent of Prophet Muhammad. The writer of the Gospel, Barnabas, claimed that he was one of the disciples of Jesus Christ. Significantly, the account given in the Gospel, seems to be similar to the Muslim concept of Prophet Eesaa (Jesus Christ) as described in the Quran. The Priest enquired whether I knew something about “something called Chronovisor.” I replied in the negative. Without elaborating, he advised, “better check it out….It will add to your knowledge.” Later, I did some research. ‘Chronovisor’, supposedly is an orphic device, with which one can view the past. It is said to be available with the Vatican. The device was mentioned by a French priest, François Brune, in his publication ‘Le Nouveau Mystère du Vatican.’343 Book titled ‘100 STRANGEST MYSTERIES’ by Matt Lamy, page 55, MetroBooks NY. (2004) 343 ‘Le Nouveau Mystère du Vatican’, Père Francois Brune, published by Albin Michel. (2002) 342 148 According to Brune, the device was invented by one Pellegrino Ernetti. Reportedly, Ernetti died in 1994. Nobody is sure whether all this is true. From Rome, we travelled to Pompeii. We saw Mount Vesuvius. In the words of Encyclopedia Britannica:344 “Around noon on August 24, 79 CE, a huge eruption from Mount Vesuvius showered volcanic debris over the city of Pompeii, followed the next day by clouds of blisteringly hot gases. Buildings were destroyed, the population was crushed or asphyxiated, and the city was buried beneath a blanket of ash and pumice. For many centuries Pompeii slept beneath its pall of ash, which perfectly preserved the remains. When these were finally unearthed, in the 1700s, the world was astonished at the discovery of a sophisticated GrecoRoman city frozen in time.” Spiritually, the visit to Pompeii was one of ‘the most unpleasant experiences’ of my life. As I did ‘Zikr Allah’ at the ruins, I had a black foreboding. I had a feeling that Vesuvius will erupt again; this time, the eruption ‘will shake the entire region to death.’ I served as Director General (South Asia) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad, from 2009 to 2011. I was responsible for Pakistan’s interaction with a number of countries including India. In June 2009, I visited Yekaterinburg, Russia in respect of the meeting between President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. After the official interaction, I was able to visit places in the city where Czar Nicholas II and his family were kept before execution. The killings took place on 17 July in 1918. The world can be so cruel! 345 344 345 Encyclopedia Britannica ( Site accessed on 31 December 2021. History Today, Volume 58, 7 July 2008 (‘The Murders at Ekaterinburg’ by Richard Cavendish). 149 Importantly, Yekaterinburg is located not too far from the Ural Mountains. As mentioned elsewhere in this book, may be the region has something to do with End Times. Czarina and the Czar had spiritual association with Gregory Rasputin, one of Russia's most controversial figures who posed as a ‘holy man.’ His mysterious character is disputed in history. In 1901, Rasputin is believed to have made “a pilgrimage on foot, to Greece and Jerusalem, walking back to Russia.” 346 Before shooting into fame, interestingly, Rasputin interacted with a lonely monk, ‘Makariy’, who practised rituals akin to ancient shamanic and tribal traditions of the Siberian people. A month later, in July 2009, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh met the Prime Minister of Pakistan Yusuf Raza Gilani in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. On return, the Prime Minister’s delegation made a stopover in Cairo. Egypt is the land of mystery and history. The written history of the country begins between 3400 and 3200 BC “when hieroglyphic script” was in the stages of development. 347 Egypt, some conclude, derives its name from Temple ‘HICUPTA’ which was dedicated to god ‘PTAH.’ Egypt’s original name was ‘Kemet,’ that is related to the word ‘Khem’ which means ‘Black.’ 348 We took a tour of the ancient monuments near Cairo. The ‘nose - less Sphinx’ standing tall among the structures of the past, looks cryptic. The structure is called by the locals, ‘Abool Haul (The Terrifying One).’ In 346 Grigory Rasputin, Biography ( Site accessed on 28 November 2021. 347 World History Encyclopedia ( Site accessed on 18 December 2021. 348 Live Science (‘Ancient Egypt: History, dynasties, religion and writing’, Owen Jarus). Site accessed on 20. 12. 2021. Also visit Site accessed on 19 December 2021. 150 the words of Evan Hadingham, “No human endeavor has been more associated with mystery than this huge ancient lion that has a human head.” 349 More than 200 years ago, Napoleon Bonaparte who is described by some, as “an influential figure in the birth of Egyptology,” captured Cairo on 21 July 1798. If history is to be believed, the General decided to spend a night in the ‘Royal Chamber’ of the Pyramid of Khufu. When he came out, it is said, he was “shaken and shocked by something within.” When asked what had happened, he refused to discuss. Years later in life, he was asked again. He responded with an enigmatic remark, “ No, what’s the use? You will never believe me.” 350 Interestingly, some say, Alexander of Macedonia also spent some time inside the Chamber. On his part, the Master of the Occult, Aleister Crowley, went through a ‘sensational experience’ when he walked into the structure in 1904. Crowley came to Cairo before he tried to unsuccessfully conquer Mt. K-2 in 1902, located in what is today Pakistan. Somewhere under these massive structures of the past, is buried deep under the ground, a library, a huge library. If Occult Masters are to be believed, it is a library containing ‘Knowledge of the past; Knowledge of the present; and Knowledge of the future.’ It is also opined that the earth has a natural source of energy that “manifests itself as a magnetic field or electrical current.” This “unseen power” is thought to have the ability to affect human body conditions and create biochemical reactions when people are near a prime spot of Earth Energy. The Great Pyramid of Giza, is said to be one of the points of “strong natural forces” in the world. 351 Smithsonian Magazine, February 2010 (‘Uncovering Secrets of the Sphinx’, Evan Hadingham). 350 Book titled ‘The Genesis Race: Our Extraterrestrial DNA and the True Origins of the Species’, by Will Hart, chapter 7, published by Simon and Schuster in 2003. 351 Book titled ‘100 Strangest Mysteries’ by Matt Lamy, page 52, MetroBooks NY. (2004) 349 151 We also visited Cairo Museum. It has a large display of mummies including those of the Pharaohs who said they were ‘the Almighty.’ Many have concluded that ‘Ramses II’ was the Pharoah of the time who challenged God in the context of his interaction with Moses. The following passage from a writeup titled, ‘Moses and Pharaoh’ from Encyclopedia Britannica, would be noteworthy: 352 Quote Ramses II became king as a teenager and reigned for 67 years. He aspired to defeat the Hittites and control all of Syria, but in the fifth year of his reign Ramses walked into a Hittite trap laid for him at Kadesh, on the Orontes River in Syria. By sheer determination he fought his way out, but in the light of his purpose the battle was an utter failure. Yet Ramses, like all the pharaohs, claimed to be divine; therefore, the defeat had to be interpreted as a marvelous victory in which he alone subdued the Hittites. His wounded ego expressed itself in massive building operations throughout Egypt, and before his reign ended the boast of his success literally filled acres of wall space. It was probably only a few years after the Kadesh incident that Moses and Aaron confronted Ramses with their demand, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘Let my people go.’ ” As a god in human form, Ramses was not accustomed to taking orders from lesser gods, let alone an unknown like Yahweh. “Who is the Lord,” he inquired, “that I should heed his voice and let Israel go? I do not know the Lord, and I will not let Israel go.” Thus, the stage was set for a long struggle between a distrustful ruler with an outsize ego and a prophet with a new understanding of Yahweh and his power. Unquote 352 Encyclopedia Britannica ( Site accessed on 2 December 2021. 152 A quote from the Quran as under, would also be very much relevant, along with the detailed elaboration: 353 And We took the Children of Israel across the sea, and Fir'aun (Pharaoh) with his hosts followed them in oppression and enmity, till when drowning overtook him, he said: “I believe that La ilaha illa (Huwa): (none has the right to be worshipped but) He, in Whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am one of the Muslims (those who submit to Allah's Will).” God responded: 354 Now (you believe) while you refused to believe before and you were one of the Mufsidun (evil-doers, corrupts, etc.). So this day, We shall deliver your (dead) body (out from the sea) that you may be a sign to those who come after you! When President François Mitterrand assumed power in 1981, Paris asked Cairo, late in 1980s, for the mummy of the Pharaoh so that it could conduct some processing experiments. The body was flown to France. According to The Arab News of 15 March 2013, “for some strange reason,” the French President and his whole Cabinet of Ministers, lined up at the airport to receive the mummy. They “bowed down to him in respect.” After the royal reception, the mummy was taken to the ‘French Monuments Center’ for study “in an attempt to delve into its mysteries.” 355 A senior scientist in charge of the study on the mummy of the Pharaoh, Professor Maurice Bucaille was puzzled over a question: How did this body — to the exclusion of other mummified bodies of other ancient Egyptians — remain that intact although it was recovered from the sea? A fellow archeologist informed him that the Quran, narrates the story 353 Quran: Surah Yunus (Jonah). Quran: Surah Yunus (Jonah). 355 The Arab News, 15 March 2013 (The story of Maurice Bucaille’s inspiring conversion to Islam). 354 153 that the pharaoh had drowned. Maurice was surprised. “He asked himself, where did Quran get this information from, when the mummy itself was not discovered until 1898!” 356 Later, at a medical conference in Saudi Arabia, Maurice Bucaille made the announcement about his discovery from the medical perspective, according to which, the Pharaoh’s body had been kept intact for centuries even after he drowned. One of the conferees opened the Quran and read out the verse (cited above) in which Allah said, “So today, We will (safely) deliver you with your body, that you may be a sign to the one’s succeeding you.” Maurice Bucaille stood up, and loudly said, “I have converted to Islam.” 357 The process of ‘mummification’ was intricate. According to the Smithsonian, “it took seventy days” with “special priests working as embalmers, treating and wrapping the body.” 358 In some cases, the body was also covered with a ‘special cloth’, the Sindhi Ajrak from Sindh in what is today Pakistan.359 In 2011, I took charge as High Commissioner in Dhaka. Bangladesh was East Pakistan. A visit to Sylhet, around four - hour drive from Dhaka, would be worth mentioning. The great Sufi saint Hazrat Shah Jalal rests in Sylhet. It is said that centuries ago when the saint came to the area from Konya in Turkey, it was a small locality with mud blocks. He asked one of the The Arab News, 15 March 2013 (The story of Maurice Bucaille’s inspiring conversion to Islam). 357 The Arab News, 15 March 2013. 358 Smithsonian: ‘Ancient Egypt: Egyptian Mummies’ ( Site accessed on 22 December 2021. 359 As mentioned by the ‘tourist guide’ to the Pakistani delegation during their visit to the Cairo Museum in July 2009. The visit to museum took place during stopover by the Prime Ministerial delegation in Cairo after the visit to Sharm El Sheikh where Pakistani Prime Minister also held a meeting with the Prime Minister of India. 356 154 blocks to give way, by stressing “hat jaa sill! (get out of my way, you brick!).” The township was thus called Sylhet. Sylhet is known for tea gardens. While driving through the lush green plantations, it started to rain. All of a sudden, we saw a Bengali woman, unusually tall, may be 7 feet in height, standing all alone in the thick grove of trees. She was not looking at us. I asked the chauffeur, a Bengali from Dhaka, ‘Babul,’ about the lady. Babul did not give any satisfactory answer. Once during return travel to my residence from a late night dinner in Dhaka, I asked ‘Babul,’ “Do you have earthquakes in Bangladesh? ” He said, “No sir, we have floods in Bangladesh. We do not have earthquakes.” I asked Babul again; he replied in the negative. I put the question to him the third time, I do not know, why. Almost irritatingly, Babul respectfully stated, “We have flooding in Bangladesh due to heavy rains. We do not experience earthquakes.” Lo and behold! That night, there was an earthquake. Bangladesh shook. Next day, Babul expressed surprise at the jolts and said, “I have no idea why did this earthquake occur in Bangladesh!” Bangal is also known for magic, ‘Bangali Jadoo.’ Sir Fazle Hasan Abed who passed away in December 2019, was the founder of BRAC, one of the largest non-governmental organizations in the world. He was kind to us. Once he invited me to lunch. It was a large gathering. Over there, I happened to meet ‘Jewel Aich’, a Bangladeshi jadoogar (magician). I asked Jewel, did he practise ‘real magic’ or ‘magic as a trick?’ He said, “he practised real black magic.” He had blazing fire in his eyes. We discussed so many things. I have never met such a person. Importantly, ‘Mayong’, India’s capital of ‘black magic and witchcraft’ in Guwahati is just a seven - hour drive from the border with 155 Bangladesh. The name Mayong is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Maya’, which connotes ‘illusion.’ Mayong finds its mention in Mahabharata as well. It is believed that in the 1330s, an army of “100,000 horsemen” had disappeared near Mayong due to the black magic spells cast by the magicians of Mayong. And, “not a single trace of the invading force” was ever found. 360 Black magic has been described by some as ‘covered and undiscovered science of body and soul.’ Manzoor ul Haq, later our Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, did a posting in one of the countries in Africa during the early years of his diplomatic career. He had some strange experiences. Another colleague Masud who later served as Consul General in Jeddah, was earlier posted to Yangon. He narrated some unusual experiences to us. In India, the swearing - in of the federal cabinet has sometimes been delayed, as the timing according to the pundits “is inopportune.” There are views according to which pundits in Haridwar, focused on ‘the exact date and time’ of ‘the announcement’ of the independence of India from the British Raaj. In New Delhi, so many believe in the concept of ‘Vaastu Shastra.’ In 2016, I was posted as High Commissioner to New Zealand. Occasionally, I visited secluded places in Wellington for Zikr and Salat e -Tasbih. I frequented the beaches especially when nobody was around. One day, I was engaged in Zikr while lying in leisure on sea sand close to the calm waters of the Pacific. I was all alone, occasionally ‘throwing stones into the sea enjoying the ripple effect they created’ on the water. The Zikr of the heart then became intense, ‘intensively intense.’ All of a sudden, a huge wave developed from nowhere, with a large body of water, splashing on me. It was unexpected; rather scary. The 360 May also consult book ‘Mayong: Birthplace of Black Magic and Witchcraft’ by Manish Kushwaha, published in 2020. 156 name of Allah is powerful, very powerful indeed. Remembrance of Allah generates energy, it causes aura; sometimes it affects not only people around you but also the environment. A few Judeo-Christian eschatologists had mentioned to me that in their opinion, the followers of the Antichrist will be having “a prominent mark on their forehead.” I wondered how would the mark look like. In the meantime, I received an invitation from The University of Otago in Dunedin a South Island city of New Zealand, to visit the university for interaction with faculty and the students. I flew to Dunedin. I had useful meetings. After the interaction, as I came out of the Office of the Vice Chancellor, I saw young students coming in and going out of the campus buildings. It was lunch break. All of a sudden, I noticed a young Kiwi girl with a prominent mark on her forehead. She angrily stared at me for a while; then quickly walked away. Like Jewel Aich mentioned earlier, she had ‘fire blazing in her eyes.’ As Pakistan’s High Commissioner to New Zealand, I was also accredited to Kiribati, Samoa and Tonga. I used to visit these ‘Island countries’ for official business. An interesting incident took place in Tonga after I had made a courtesy call on His Majesty the King. I was having coffee at a café in Nukuʻalofa, the capital city. I noticed a man with a ‘long flowing white beard’ looking at me, as if he was trying to recognize me. When I looked back courteously, he came and sat next to me. Without much introduction, he said, “his presumption was that I know him….know him well.” The remarks were abrupt; I could not respond. He continued, “there was a time when he was associated with occult” and all such practices “including black magic.” Later, “he got fed up; he wanted to get out….. but, could not.” Incidentally, he met a ‘Muslim man’ during a business trip to Dubai, who briefed him on the concept of 157 the ‘Three Cools’. He started reciting ‘the Cools.’ This was done regularly for weeks. “Now”, he said, “he felt cured.” I could not understand what he was saying. On reflection, I understood. The ‘Three Cools’ he was referring to are the three Quls, in fact three Suras of the Quran: ‘Ikhlaas, Naas and Falaq’. Following is their English translation: Surat Ikhlaas Say: He is Allah, the One! Allah, the eternally Besought of all! He begetteth not nor was begotten. And there is none comparable unto Him. Surah Naas Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, The King of mankind, The God of mankind, From the evil of the sneaking whisperer, Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind, Of the jinn and of mankind. Surah Falaq Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the Daybreak, From the evil of that which He created; From the evil of the darkness when it is intense, And from the evil of malignant witchcraft, And from the evil of the envier when he envieth. Prophet Muhammad advised his followers to recite these three Quls to stay safe from magic. The man in Tonga did not forget to tell me that he was not a Muslim. He said, he was an “agnostic, who has continued to benefit from the Muslim Quran.” 158 My book on the Prophet of Islam was published during my stay in New Zealand. On return to Islamabad, I presented a copy to a friend who had served with distinction in the civil service of Pakistan. A man of great perception, he also studied in John F. Kennedy School of Government at the Harvard and King’s College London. Over dinner at his place, I also met his father, a highly respected lawyer, who had long retired from the practice of law and was residing with his son. The handsome old man commended me for having written the biography. When he passed away, my friend mentioned to me that weeks before death, his father used to point towards the door and say, “He is standing there.” The family used to look at the door but saw no one. The old man used to repeat what he had said before, and add, “He/they has/have come to take me (away).” In spiritualism, funny things also happen. We landed in Beijing in early 2003, on my posting to China as Counsellor. As is usual, there was a whole series of dinners one attends hosted by colleagues of the Mission welcoming the new officer and his family. A senior colleague, Mahmood Hussain, was serving as Minister in the Mission. He and Mrs. Mahmood Hussain were kind to invite us to their place. Sitting in their drawing room in a reflective mood, I noticed a beautiful fish aquarium placed close to the seating chairs. The aquarium had all kinds of fish and fishes: red, yellow, orange and silver - white. Mrs. Mahmood noted my focus on the aquarium. She said, they had purchased it two years ago from a shop in Beijing. Looking at it admiringly, I remarked, “What, if the aquarium breaks…..what will happen!” Mrs. Mahmood replied, “How can it break! It is a solid piece made of wood and strong glass.” The very next morning, our phone bell rang out loudly. My wife answered. It was Mrs. Mahmood Hussain. In angry tone, she shouted, 159 “Something does not seem to be right with your husband. The aquarium he was talking about last night, somehow collapsed. It has broken into pieces. Now, my drawing room is filled with ‘glass, fishes and water.’ ” The 16th SAARC Summit was held in Bhutan on 28-29 April 2010. I was included in the Prime Minister’s entourage in my capacity as Director General (SAARC). On the way back after the summit, we travelled by Special Flight of the Druk Air from Paro (near Bhutanese capital, Thimphu) to Kathmandu. From there, we boarded Special Flight of the Pakistan International Airlines to Islamabad. As we settled down in the plane, I lost myself in Zikr. A little while after takeoff, the stewards started to serve ‘Lassi (drink like butter - milk)’ to the passengers. I felt thirsty, very thirsty. After serving the drink to the Prime Minister and cabinet members, a waitress came to our seats in the middle rows. Somehow missing me, she served the drink to passengers seated next to me. Out of courtesy, I remained silent. To my surprise after serving the drink to all passengers in the middle rows, the drink was served to the passengers in the back rows. Then I noticed that drink had been served to all passengers in the aircraft, except me. That was the time when I pointed out to the waitress by saying, “I was also one of the passengers… I was not served lassi.” She just looked at me and said, “Somehow, I did not see you.” Going back to my early years in the Foreign Service of Pakistan. I had just joined the Foreign Office as a junior officer in early 1986. Shah Mahmood Qureshi had entered politics. Due to hard luck, he lost a local body election in Multan. People were surprised, since he belongs to a distinguished political family of southern Punjab whose political influence runs into history. People asked me about my assessment of his future in politics. In particular, my cousin Mian Imran Qureshi who later served as MPA (Member of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab) two times, was curious. I felt like saying, which I said, “One day, Shah Mahmood will 160 become the Chief Minister, Punjab; or Governor, Punjab…he may even take over as the Foreign Minister of Pakistan.” Nobody in the gathering believed me. Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi was sworn in as the Foreign Minister of Pakistan in 2008. He took over as Foreign Minister again in 2018. Shah Mahmood Qureshi is the ‘Sajjada Nasheen’ of Bahauddin Zakariya Multani. Bahauddin Zakariya (1170 - 1262) preached Islam in the subcontinent.361 Bahauddin also established a university in Multan where it is said more than 40,000 students were provided education. The students came not only from the subcontinent but from far off lands including Samarqand, Bokhara, Baghdad and Damascus. Multan is one of the ‘oldest, continuously living cities in the world.’ Some say, it has been inhabited ‘since the time of the Noah.’ It was an important metropolis of the Indus Valley Civilisation. Called ‘Moolisthan’ in history, the city has also been described by scholars as ‘the one time, Mecca for the Hindus’ of the subcontinent. Alexander of Macedonia was fatally wounded in Multan when a ‘poisoned arrow’ hit him in the chest. He could not recover from the wound, and died later in Mesopotamia while on his way back to Macedonia.362 According to historical records, skills of Multani architects were utilized in the construction of the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus. Muhammad al-Ghusani, a Muslim architect from Multan, was sent to Damascus after the invasion of Sindh by General Muhammad bin Qasim in 712 AD. Subsequently, Ghusani’s family settled in Damascus at the request of 361 362 Sajjada Nashin is the direct senior most descendant of the saint. ‘Ancient History of Hinduism and its Important Dimensions’ by Hari Laal published in Hyderabad Daccan in 1941; page 19. 161 Caliph al-Walid who showered honours on them. one of the earliest converts to Islam in the region.364 363 Al-Ghusani was Data Ganj Baksh the highly venerated saint resting in Lahore today, observes in his book ‘Kashf Al-Mahjub’, “We came to Hindustan from Ghazni (in Afghanistan) and settled in a place called Lahore, located in the vicinity of the city of Multan.” 365 Pakistan is the land of saints. Muslim sufi saint Imam Bari 366 buried in the Pakistani capital, predicted more than three hundred years ago, “A city would be established close to our feet, which shall carry a great name in the Islamic world.” 367 The decision to build Islamabad was taken more than 200 years later, when Ayub Khan became the President of Pakistan in 1958. Today, the shrine of Imam Bari is located just next to ‘the Aiwan-eSadr,’ the official residence of the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. ‘The Great Mosque of Damascus,’ Finbarr Barry Flood, BRILL (2001). ISBN: 9789004116382 ‘Ancient history of the city of Multan’ by Qutubi al Nusair. (Manuscript as was preserved in the Mian Khuda Baksh Library in Thatta Qureshi, Muzaffargarh.) 365 ‘Kashf Al-Mahjub: The Revelation of the Veiled’, Ali bin Uthman Al-Hujwiri, Gibb Memorial Trust. (2014). (Hujwīrī came from Ghazna, now in Afghanistan, then the capital of the mighty Ghaznavid Empire. He was a Sufi mystic who travelled widely in the Middle East and Transoxiana. This book considered as a substantial treatise on Sufism, is one of the oldest works on spirituality in Persian language. The account is also enlivened by episodes from the author's own experiences. Kashf alMaḥjūb was written in Lahore not long before his death in about 1074 AD.) 366 Born in 1617 AD, the real name of Bari Imam was Shah Abdul Latif Kazmi. It is said that Emperor Aurangzeb Alamgir came to visit the saint to pay his respects. The shrine of the saint in Islamabad was built on the instructions of Emperor Aurangzeb. 367 Statement by Qudratullah Shahab in book by Mumtaz Mufti, ‘Alakh Nagri’ (page 760). May also see write-up, ‘Mystic’s truth? Military dictator fulfilled a saint’s prediction,’ by Shahzad Raza (Daily Times of 3 June 2006). Also, Pakistani Parliamentarian and historian, Muzaffar Hashmi, has made mention of this in his writings. 363 162 GENEALOGICAL SPECTRUM; MORE SPIRITUAL REFLECTIONS We are Hashmi Qureshis. Our family links go back in history to the family of our the most dear Prophet. Traditions continue to relate that the Mughals granted a ‘jaageer’ to our forefathers, “out of sheer respect.” 368 A voluminous book ‘India and The War 1914-1918’, published decades ago, mentions some details. According to the publication, the Qureshis of Thatta Qureshi “belong to the ancient and respectable family of Hazrat Ghaus Bahawal Haq Sahib Multani.” They “settled in India in Akbar’s time.” In fact, they were “well received by the Emperor” himself. With the passage of time, the family “established its reputation far and wide”, for “piety and learning.” During the British rule, the Qureshis of Thatta Qureshi continued to hold “vast” land holdings “owning 13 villages, and many stately bungalows.” 369 With the passage of time, the jaageer minusculed in scale and size, corresponding to the diminution in the fortunes of the family. Today, it exists in the form of a small village, ‘Thatta Qureshi’ in District Muzaffargarh of South Punjab. In Siraiki language, Thatta Qureshi means the “place of the Qureshis.” Even today, thousands live in and around the village. Muzaffargarh District itself has quite a large population of around 4.3 million, which is a little less than the 4.8 million people who live in a country like New Zealand. The district is adjacent to Multan Division and District Dera Ghazi Khan. 368 369 Jageer is a large Estate located in rural areas. ‘India and The War (Illustrated) 1914 - 1918,’ compiled and published by The Imperial Publishing Co (by Appointment to H. E. The Governor of Bombay), page 109, published in Lahore in January 1924. 163 Miraan Hayaat Sain was a holy man who preached the message of peace in the area. Not much information is available on him. His tomb is located close to the village. Till recently, a plaque there recorded in Persian that the structure was built on the Royal Decree issued by ‘Shahinshah - e - Hindustan Nuruddin Muhammad Salim’ (known by his imperial name, Jahangir). Our ancestors are buried in the compound of the shrine of this faqeer. Traditionally, there have been three main households of the Qureshi family in Thatta Qureshi. Our ancestral house is called ‘Lammi Jaa.’ Comprising the main haveli and adjoining land meant for servants & their families, and others, it is spread over an area of around 31 kanals. Then comes the ‘Main Thatta’; and located a little further away is the ‘Ubbhi Jaa’. ‘Jaa’ in Siraiki language is categorized as a ‘large palatial bungalow.’ Earlier, during late 19th century, the Qureshi family used to reside in a ‘Maaree’ in main Thatta Qureshi, which was a colossal four - storey structure built like a fortress. Few Qureshis reside in the village today. With the passage of time, many moved to Muzaffargarh city, Multan, Lahore and Islamabad. Nevertheless, they retain properties, returning to Thatta Qureshi for visits to take care of the land holdings. Muzaffargarh is named after Nawab Muzaffar Khan Saddozai, the pathan ruler of Multan, others being Shuja Abad and Khangarh named after his brother Shuja Khan and sister Khan Bibi. 370 When I was serving in our High Commission in New Delhi, we had close interaction with Vijay Thakur Singh, an officer of the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) who was dealing with Pakistan in the Indian Ministry of External 370 May also consult Gazetteer of the Government of Punjab by visiting Site accessed on 24 December 2021. 164 Affairs. Years later, she was appointed Secretary to the President of India. On one occasion, she and her husband Vishwajit Prithvijit Singh came for dinner at our place.371 Vishwajit Singh, then a Member of Rajya Sabha, who was scion of the Kapurthala royal family, enquired, where was I from in Pakistan? When I said, from a place near Multan, he showed me a gold ring he was wearing. The ring had a large ruby. Without intending any disrespect, he mentioned, “this ruby was part of the treasure taken by the Sikh Army when it captured Multan from the Sadozai Pathans (in 1818 AD).” I was lost in history. Multan has been discussed earlier as well. Many unwritten accounts lie in the womb of history. My father Mian Muzaffar Mehdi Hashmi was a historian. He studied in Government College Lahore and later in SOAS. He was an active participant in the English Debating Society of the University of London. He received his early education at Jamia Millia in Delhi, one of the foremost nationalist educational institutions in British India. Dr Zakir Hussain who was close to Jawaharlal Nehru and later served as the President of India, was my father’s class teacher in Jamia in Grade 1. Muzaffar Mehdi Hashmi served as Member of the National Assembly of Pakistan (MNA) from 1965 to 1969. He had close interaction with Mian Arif Iftikhar, Gohar Ayub Khan, Mian Abdul Haq, Jam Sadiq Ali, Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi and others, active in politics of that time. However, his best friends were MNAs from the then East Pakistan, as he used to tell me. He regularly contributed articles to The Pakistan Times, 371 India Today, 31 May 1989 (‘Rajya Sabha member Vishwajit Prithvijit Singh weds IFS officer Vijay Thakur’). 165 Dawn and Nawa - e – Waqt. He authored a few books as well, including, ‘Five Years of an MNA’ and ‘Pakistan ki Nazariaati Assaas.’ He was widely travelled. His travelogue ‘Safarnaama’ might be available in a few libraries. Muzaffar Mehdi Hashmi was also a mystic. There used to live in Karachi a holy man called ‘Bhai Sahib’. He was in close contact with him. My father used to be Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s guest whenever he visited Sindh, for spiritual interaction with Laal Shahbaz Qalander. When Bhutto established his political party in 1966, my father was one of the first persons he requested to join. Muzaffar Mehdi refused. He had his own views. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto did not like it. My father had just one brother, Mian Kazim Mehdi Hashmi. Their sister Zakya Bibi passed away when she was young. Mian Kazim Mehdi married the daughter of Makhdoom Mureed Hussain Qureshi, my chaachi, Zareena Begum. Makhdoom sahib’s son Makhdoom Sajjad Hussain Qureshi served as Governor Punjab during the time of President Ziaul Haque. Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi is the son of Makhdoom Sajjad Hussain Qureshi. My grandfather Mian Khuda Baksh sahib Qureshi was known as a ‘man of character.’ Some say, he was a ‘legend.’ He was ‘a staunch Muslim nationalist’ who struggled against the British rule in the subcontinent. As the narrative goes, he used to direct the family servants to hang ‘lit lamps on tree tops at night’ to defy the British regulations on ‘black out’ during World War II. He loved to play ‘shikaar’. He had been to many places in British India including Nainital where he had an interesting interaction with Jim Corbett on the subject of shikaar. He along with others, including Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan and Nawab Muhammad Khan Leghari (father of late President Farooq Khan Leghari), used to visit Srinagar to 166 spend time together as it has always been ‘sweaty hot’ during the months of June and July in southern Punjab. Somehow, he liked Kabul. He regularly visited Afghanistan. In one go, once he travelled to Turkey, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Iraq. He used to quote the Prophet’s statement to me according to which, ‘Travel is Education.’ Mian Khuda Baksh was telepathic. He is known to have the ability to transmit his thoughts to the minds of others. He was a futurologist. The year was 1969. Demonstrations were going on against the military regime of President Ayub Khan both in West Pakistan and in East Pakistan. My father mentioned to my grandfather that next week he was required to go to Dhaka to attend the session of the National Assembly of Pakistan. As a child, I interjected to demand that I would like to accompany him. My father agreed to take me along; my grandfather did not. I started to cry. Mian Khuda Baksh sahib looked me straight in the eye and said, “Do not worry. Later in life, you will get a chance to go to Dhaka.” In the summer of 2011, more than forty years after the discussion, I proceeded to Dhaka as High Commissioner of Pakistan to Bangladesh. Earlier in 2008, as Acting High Commissioner of Pakistan to India, we received an invitation from the Office of the President of India, for a diplomatic reception on the occasion of the Independence Day of India. As the official car, with Pakistan’s national flag fluttering on it, entered the Rashtrapati Bhawan, my heart started to palpitate with Zikr Allah. Mian Khuda Baksh was very well read. He could speak Siraiki, Urdu, English, Persian and Arabic. My father inherited around 10,000 books from him. Many more were added by him to the library which used to exist in our ‘Lammi Jaa’ mentioned above. After his passing away, I 167 gifted this ‘treasure of knowledge’ to the National Defense University Islamabad, for their Library. My grandfather’s mother was from the Dasti family of Muzaffargarh. His cousin Sardar Abdul Hameed Dasti served in the Cabinet during the early years of Pakistan, as was the case with his son, Amjad Hameed Dasti, in later years. Major General Naseer Khan was serving as GOC (General Officer Commanding) Lahore, when India attacked Pakistan on 6 September 1965. His wife was the daughter of Sardar Abdul Hameed Dasti. My great grandfather Mian Ghaunse Baksh sahib Qureshi was one of the ‘towering personalities’ of his time in southern Punjab. Known as ‘Raees - e - Azam,’ it is said, he was a man of “great influence,” one who believed in the strength of character and impartial justice.” He was a ‘profound scholar’ of Persian language and literature.372 He was also a strong nationalist, known to have ‘physically slighted’ a senior British government representative in the district. This had repercussions. The Governor Punjab took the conscious decision to prop up other families in the area “to curtail the influence of the Qureshis of Thatta Qureshi.” However, the British did not go too far. They invited Mian Ghaunse Baksh sahib to the Delhi Durbar of 1911 in honour of ‘His Imperial Majesty King George V and Her Imperial Majesty Queen Mary.’ The eldest son of Mian Ghaunse Baksh sahib was Mian Fazal Kareem Qureshi, who later in life served as Member of the Legislative Assembly. Mian Fazal Kareem’s wife was the daughter of Sir Zafar Ali who had a name of respect in the Punjab judiciary. After him, a road was named close to The Mall in Lahore, ‘Zafar Ali Road’, which continues 372 ‘India and The War (Illustrated) 1914 - 1918,’ compiled and published by The Imperial Publishing Co (by Appointment to H. E. The Governor of Bombay), page 109, published in Lahore in January 1924. 168 to exist in the provincial metropolis. Mian Fazal Kareem’s residence in Thatta Qureshi is the ‘Ubbhi Jaa,’ mentioned above. Another daughter of Sir Zafar Ali was married into the Khosa family of Dera Ghazi Khan. She happens to be the mother of Sardar Zulfikar Khan Khosa, who later served as Governor of the Punjab. Sardar Zulfikar Khan’s sister is married to my uncle Mian Inaam Kareem Qureshi, whose son Mian Khaled Qureshi served in sensitive positions in the Police Service of Pakistan. He was serving as Commandant of the Pakistan Police Academy when I was leaving for Wellington as Pakistan’s High Commissioner to New Zealand in 2016. Khaled Qureshi’s daughter Noorul Ain obtained a top position in the CSS (Central Superior Services of Pakistan) examination, some years ago. She opted for the PAS (Pakistan Administrative Service) cadre. Mian Khaled Qureshi’s brother in law, my cousin Mian Sohail Kareem Hashmi, served as Secretary PMDC. He fell out with Doctor Asim, a close associate of President Asif Ali Zardari, on a professional issue. He was punished for his integrity. Mian Fazal Kareem Qureshi’s son, Mian Faiz Kareem Qureshi, served as Deputy Commissioner in a number of places including Jhang and Multan. So professional was he that people sometimes made fun of his integrity. As the joke went around: “A man asked for a face - cream at a shop. The shopkeeper said, ‘which cream do you want?’ The man replied, ‘Give me any cream, but not Faiz Kareem.’ ” Mian Faiz Kareem’s wife was related to Humayun Khan, who served as the 18th Foreign Secretary of Pakistan, from 3 August 1988 to 22 February 1989. Uncle Faiz Kareem’s younger brother, Mian Mustapha Zafar Qureshi was elected to the Punjab Assembly as MPA during the 1970 general elections in Pakistan. His eldest brother was Mian Sikander Qureshi. His son Mian Ilyas Qureshi held senior positions in the banking sector. 169 Another brother of my grandfather was Mian Aziz Rehman Qureshi. His mother was from the Sheikh family of Muzaffargarh. The youngest brother of my grandfather was Mian Naseer Baksh Qureshi. General Waheed Arshad who served as officer in charge of POF (Pakistan Ordnance Factories) Wah in the 1980s, was his wife’s nephew. A PAS officer, Mian Obaid Rabbani Qureshi, belongs to this family of Multan. Obaid Rabbani’s daughter is also a CSS officer. My mother Kubra Fatima was a Hafiz of the Quran.373 When she recited Quran loudly, morning and evening, I as a child in her lap used to feel the birds chirping on mango trees in the house ‘falling silent.’ Maybe, it was illusion; may be it was a reality. Her father Mian Muhammad Bakhsh Qureshi, is remembered by some for ‘dishing out wheat grains to the poor, in silence.’ He died young. His father was Mian Allah Baksh sahib Qureshi who was the brother of my great grandfather Mian Ghaunse Baksh sahib Qureshi. Mian Raheem Baksh was the brother of Mian Muhammad Baksh. The son of Mian Rahim Bakhsh, Mian Imtiaz Aleem Qureshi, served as Member of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab two times, as well as Parliamentary Secretary. Later, his son, Mian Imran Qureshi was also elected MPA two times. Mian Imtiaz Aleem’s elder brother Mian Akhter Aleem Qureshi was one of the first if not the very first person from District Muzaffargarh to graduate as a medical doctor. Doctor Akhter Aleem’s son Doctor Ali Raza Hashmi has been serving in senior positions in the Services Hospital, Lahore. His father in law, a professional army officer, rose to the rank of Major General. Doctor Ali Raza’s younger brother Hasan Raza and their sister, are all doctors, known for professional standing among the people of Thatta Qureshi. 373 Hafiz is one who has memorized the entire Quran. 170 Mian Imtiaz Qureshi’s elder brother was Mian Afzal Qureshi whose son married the sister of Mian Ayub Qureshi (PSP). Ayub Qureshi held positions of importance in Punjab and in Balochistan. Sir Zafar Ali has been mentioned above. His niece was my maternal grandmother. Aziz Asghar, an IAS officer from the days of British India, was her brother. In late 1950s, Aziz was posted as Minister (Economic Affairs) in the Pakistan High Commission in London. He fell out with an Army Major when he was working earlier in a junior capacity. The Major rose to a senior rank when Pakistan came under martial law. Aziz Asghar was unceremoniously removed from government service. Being ‘dead honest,’ he died penniless. My wife’s father Mian Nazar Hussain Qureshi is remembered for his piety. Close to the time of death, he used to say, ‘he can see jinns.” People never took it seriously. His son Mian Kausar Abbas, my brother in law, used to tell me ‘there are jinns in his new house in Multan.’ Kausar’s father in law, Sahabzada Ibrahim, a well - known lawyer in Multan, has association with spiritualism. Sahabzada sahib’s brother in law Anwaar Khan was in the civil service of Pakistan; so was his elder brother Altaf Khan. Both rose to the senior most positions in the Government of Pakistan. Their brother, late Doctor Ashfaq Khan, was one of the top heart specialists in the country. As the narrative goes, there used to be once a ‘Malang’ in Thatta Qureshi. He was known for ‘non - sensical utterances.’ 374 People thought he was mad. When there were heavy rains in southern Punjab after Partition, the Malang was seen running on the village dust road, shouting, “O Lord! send down water. May the water drown everything, everywhere here and there.” The Malang was angry. River Chenab flows not far from Thatta Qureshi. Chenab waters went red with fury. Then, there was ‘inundation; destruction everywhere.’ 374 A dervish in ecstasy. 171 Syed Muhammad Ramzan Shah sahib was a cousin of my grandfather. He belonged to the highly respected Syed family of Khangarh, three miles away from Thatta Qureshi. At one time, he worked as Political Secretary to the Prime Minister of Pakistan Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy. It is said, the same malang, mentioned above, had once prayed for Ramzan Shah sahib, saying, “May your children rise and rise, higher and higher.” Decades later, Ramzan Shah sahib’s son, Tassaduq Hussain Jilani, in December 2013 was appointed the 21st Chief Justice of Pakistan. His other son Saleem Abbas Jilani served as Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. His grandson Jalil Abbas Jilani was appointed Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary, and the other grandson Ghazanfar Abbas Jilani, served as Secretary, Economic Affairs Division. Another son of Syed Ramzan Shah, Aitezaz ud Din Ahmed, also rose to the top position of Secretary in the Government of Pakistan. His wife who passed away some years ago, was the sister of former Foreign Secretary Riaz Hussain Khokhar. Uncle Aitezaz ud Din sahib’s son in law is Ambassador Khaled Jamali, a nephew of former Prime Minister Mir Zafarulla Khan Jamali. Khaled at present is serving Pakistan in Prague. Here, a distinction between Qureshis and Syeds, needs to be noted. Qureshis originate from Mecca, which was the main tribe of respect in the Arabian peninsula. Prophet Muhammad was a Qureshi. Syeds are also Qureshis, but they are the descendants of the daughter of the Prophet, Fatima Zahra and her husband Ali bin Abu Talib. The Qureshis of Thatta Qureshi are related to the Khokhar family of Multan. They are also closely related to the Qureshis of Kot Addu (both Garhi Qureshi and Sheikh Umar). My uncle Mian Ghulam Abbas Qureshi served as MNA and as a Senator. His son Amjad Abbas Qureshi was also a member of the Senate. Their cousins Mian Mohsin Qureshi 172 and later Mian Mohsin’s wife, served as Members of the National Assembly of Pakistan. Apart from Thatta Qureshi, our family members also had a house in Muzaffargarh city. It was quite large. Some say, a jinn also resided there in human form, along with the servants. Called ‘Kaakoo Jinn’, he was seen praying five times a day. Our servant Ejaz in our village house (Lammi Jaa), will tell you, without an element of forgetfulness, that as a teenager, he had an encounter with ‘Bhoondenr’, which is ‘a witch - like supernatural being.’ Ask any student of Lawrence College, Ghora Gali. He may tell you, he has heard about ‘Maasee Miraan,’ a mysterious woman who is said to move around in the Murree hills at night. Go to Hunza in the north of Pakistan. Even educated locals will tell you with all conviction that the mighty Karakorams have habitats of jinns. Recently, a cousin of mine moved into his newly constructed house in Islamabad. He says, according their maids, there seems to be “some mysterious presence” in parts of the house. Many would have heard the term ‘exorcism.’ An exorcist attempts to dispossess a person ‘who is possessed; who has been influenced by a supernatural entity, power or a force.’ Exorcism has been widespread. Exorcism also has connectivity with the jinns. While the Western oriented elite would scoff at narratives on jinns and exorcism as ‘a superstition without any scientific basis,’ exorcism has existed in all religions and by and large in all parts of the world. If the British daily ‘The Guardian’ is to be believed, exorcism was performed on Mother Teresa prior to her death in 1997. In September 2001, the newspaper quoted Archbishop of Calcutta as stating that exorcism was done a few months before her death, because of fears that “she was being attacked by the devil.” 173 Archbishop Henry D'Souza, a close friend of the nun, had suggested “exorcism” after she had suffered troubled nights of sleep in Birla hospital, Calcutta. He called for a priest, Rosario Stroscio, who “recited a prayer of exorcism” over her for half an hour. According to D'Souza, “She was totally restless. But the night after the exorcism, she slept well. She was totally calm.” 375 According to a 2018 BBC report, the Vatican “has opened its doors for its annual exorcism course” amid “increasing demand” by some of the world's Catholic communities. As many as 250 priests from 50 countries arrived in Rome “to learn how to identify demonic possession, to hear personal accounts from other priests, and to find out more about the rituals behind expelling the demons.” 376 Perhaps, it would not be incorrect to say that it was not possible for any person or family to rise in political influence in the district of Muzaffargarh, without the support of the Qureshis of Thatta Qureshi. Our house Lammi Jaa was a place of politics and hospitality. Hundreds of people were served breakfast, lunch and dinner, each and every day. The ‘musaafir (itinerant)’ was provided bedding and hookah; and fodder for his cattle. All this was free of charge, no payment required. Thatta Qureshi used to be visited by many. The highly articulate religious scholar of one time, Syed Attaullah Shah Bokhari, was a regular visitor. So were my father’s teachers in Jamia Millia, Delhi. And Zakir Hussain mentioned earlier, who later served as President of India. Senior Tiwanas and Noons were the other visitors. 375 The Guardian, Friday, 7 September 2001 (‘Ailing Mother Teresa was exorcised in hospital’). May also see CNN Report dated 7 September 2001 (‘Archbishop: Mother Teresa underwent exorcism’). Further see BBC report dated Thursday, 6 September 2001 (‘Exorcism performed on Mother Teresa’). 376 BBC, 17 April 2018: ‘Exorcism: Vatican course opens doors to 250 priests.’ 174 Once Mian Mumtaz Daultana came to our place. So was the case with senior members of the Bosan, Gardezi, Khar, Kanju, Jakhar, Kaarloo and other respected families of Central and Southern Punjab. I remember meeting Jam Sadiq at our place and also Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi. Benazir Bhutto came to Thatta Qureshi to offer condolences on the death of my uncle Mian Mustafa Zafar Qureshi. The Qureshis of Thatta Qureshi had their own Nais, Lohaars, Kumbhaars and Mochees. We had our own ‘Meerzaadas’ from respectable background, who narrated our family history to us on the ‘beat of the drum.’ Then, there were the ‘story - tellers’ who used to come to us at our calling, to tell stories. The ‘unending stories’ about ‘the mystery - land, Kaukaaf’ continued till past midnight, only to be recontinued the following night. One ‘story teller,’ I remember was ‘DC Meerzaada.’ Significantly, Kaukaaf relates to the Caucasian region, today comprising Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia. Mention of Caucasus in the south Punjab folklore speaks volumes of the Muslim connectivity of the past. A ‘Multani serai’ continues to exist even today in Baku. According to the former Azerbaijani Ambassador in Islamabad, Ali Alizada, “14th century ancient Serai built by the rulers of Baku for the merchants from Multan, is one of testimonies of historic links between the people of Azerbaijan and Pakistan.” 377 A group of qawwaals from northern Punjab once came for performance at Thatta Qureshi. One among them sang so well that he was requested by Mian Khuda Baksh Qureshi to stay on. The young man agreed. Hyder Bakhsh Qawwal stayed on at the Lammi Jaa for more than three decades. He was given a regular stipend. After his death, Hyder Baksh was buried in Thatta Qureshi. Nobody knows which place exactly he had come from; none of his relatives ever came to meet him. No relative of his attended the funeral. 377 Twitter: (Check his tweet on the subject). 175 ‘Shikaar’ was a festival-like occasion. During winters, almost the whole family, with scores of servants pulling hundreds of dogs, were out at the banks of Sindh. Food in plenty, for everyone and everybody; flautists and drummers were there for music; and “Fools” were there for entertainment. Medieval England had the concept of ‘Fools’, also called ‘Jesters.’ Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’ has a character called ‘Fool.’ The Qureshis of Thatta Qureshi also had ‘Fools.’ They cracked jokes and people used to burst into laughter. They were provided regular salary. In particular, I remember one. He was called ‘Pachaahdi’ who lived somewhere in between Muzaffargarh city and Kot Addu. On one occasion, it did not rain for long. Pachaahdi who was there, proposed that he be wrapped up in a thick quilt and placed in ‘the open sun, at noon time.’ It was done. Out of nowhere, came the clouds. It started to rain. Another ‘Fool’, of slightly different category, I remember was ‘Dittoo Rehreewala.’ He was directed to give company to my father when Mian Muzaffar Mehdi as a young boy took music lessons from his music master, ‘Habeeb Meerzaada.’ Dittoo passed away years ago. His son, who is ‘deaf and dumb,’ continues to visit the Lammi Jaa every year to collect the salary that was once given to his later father. Mango is called ‘the King of the Fruits.’ District Muzaffargarh produces the best mangoes. On one side of Muzaffargarh runs River Chenab, on the other side is River Sindh; and on its farthest end is Panjnad, the meeting place of the five rivers. The Qureshis of Thatta Qureshi own one of the finest mango orchards in the country. Mian Khuda Baksh was an innovative farmer. He introduced a new mango variety called ‘Pallaywala Ambb.’ This mango was not produced for business purpose. It was only meant to be ‘eaten for taste’, and for presentation as ‘gift to some special friends.’ 176 Decades ago, an orphan boy was brought to Mian Khuda Bakhsh. He was included in our household. As he grew up, ‘Mastoo’ became our tractor driver. Later, he drove the family car and jeep. His marriage into the Siyaal family of the village was arranged with fanfare. When he became old, my father gifted him a four - kanal land in the prime orchard area of the village. Mastoo has passed away. His sons are working in Pakistan and abroad, I am told in the Gulf. They are selfsufficient; they are well off. My wife’s family had a servant boy, Fareed. He remained with the family for years and years. Later, my brother in law Mian Zahid Abbas Qureshi arranged his employment in Dubai. Today, they are an affluent family. Thatta Qureshi is located close to the main highway of the country that connects Islamabad with Karachi. Muzaffargarh lacks in infrastructure: it does not have good hotels and restaurants. Once a German diplomat who was travelling in his car from Islamabad to Karachi, lost his way. He happened to meet my father by chance. He stayed at our place. Foreign tourists passing through Muzaffargarh were usually invited over. They spent days and days with us. I remember a large group of tourists from Scandinavia travelling together in a number of cars, who sojourned at our place. In mid - 1970s, a German ‘scholar of religions’, stayed on for weeks at the Lammi Jaa. I do not remember his full name. We called him ‘Mr. Haans.’ My uncle Mian Kazim Mehdi Hashmi was his host. On one occasion, the village maulvis got together and tried to emphasise upon him the virtues of Islam. Out of frustration, Haans told the gathering: “Prophet Muhammad had advised his followers, when a respectable person of a nation comes to you, receive him with respect. When he wants to return, allow him to depart in peace.” The maulvis went quiet. Mehr Ali Shah of Golra Shareef was a Sufi scholar of the Chishti order. He was born near Rawalpindi in 1859. Mehr Ali loved visiting railway 177 stations to look at the passing - by trains. He admired the train locomotive, as the “Iron Engine took passengers straight to their destination, without any deviation” just like “the holy man, who guides his followers straight on the path of God, without any deviation.” Once Mehr Ali Shah sahib came to Thatta Qureshi. Mian Khuda Baksh Qureshi mentioned to him that a lady from the highly respected ‘Gurmani family’ in the district, happened to be unwell. He was taken to the village ‘Thatta Gurmani’. 378 After praying, he remarked, “She is fine.” And, the lady was just fine. Later, he proceeded to Muzaffargarh railway station to take the train back to Golra. He saw a lonely beggar lying on the platform. He was paralysed. Mehr Ali Shah ran his fingers on the poor man’s knee. The man started to walk. As mentioned earlier, I studied twelve years in boarding in Murree. I was required to travel in train from Multan to Rawalpindi and from there in bus to the Lawrence College. My grandfather made sure that I sat in a ‘Third Class ’ compartment with remarks, “If God grants you a high position in life, you will never forget the common man.” And I never forgot the common man, even when I was promoted to the top Grade 22 in the civil services of Pakistan in 2017. The junior school of the Lawrence College had a tradition of holding ‘birthday parties’ of its students. Sometimes, I was also invited. Incidentally, my birthday fell in the month of January when the school was closed for long vacation. At my insistence, the family organised by birthday first time at the Lammi Jaa. It was a big event. Cake was there, pastries were there, and so many other goodies. I was happy. My grandfather was not happy. Later, he took me aside and gave me a piece of advice. He said, “So much has been spent on this lavish function. Rich and affluent relatives came…. Had this money 378 Nawab Mushtaq Gurmani who served as the first Governor of West Pakistan in 1955 belonged to Thatta Gurmani. 178 been spent on charity, hundreds of poor people in the village would have had a hearty meal. They would have prayed for you.” He was right. Never in life did I ever hold my birthday party again. The common man in Thatta Qureshi looked up to the Qureshis of Thatta Qureshi. Thousands living in and around the village, called themselves ‘the riaayaa’ of the Qureshis. They respected the Qureshis; Qureshis respected them. Qureshis helped them; they helped the Qureshis. Today, the grandchildren of the family servants of the Qureshi family are on scholarships in China, Canada, and the United States. These are some aspects of the feudal society that once thrived in Thatta Qureshi. Today, the Qureshi family in Muzaffargarh has been reduced to the skeleton of its past. This is how destiny works. Whenever we go to Thatta Qureshi, we have to make sure that we carry with us enough money for the poor, for the destitute; for the children and grandchildren of our servants, who once served us with love and respect. There are so many ‘negatives’ about feudalism. There are some ‘undiscussed positives’ as well. An important point also to note is that the Muslim rule had started to decline in the subcontinent after the death of Emperor Aurangzeb in 1707. Gradually, a large area which today comprises Pakistan, came under the Sikh rule which lasted from around 1799 to 1849. Sikhs were largely not well disposed towards the Muslims. The Eid sacrifice was banned, so was the case with adhaan. Large mosques in Lahore, Multan and other places, were converted into horse stables for the Sikh army. It was but natural for the Muslims to develop sympathy for the British as they were also seen somewhat as liberators against the oppressive Sikh rule. 179 My grandmother was a ‘Tareen Pathan’ from Multan.379 She was the daughter of Sardar Faujdar Khan Tareen, ancestor of the prominent Tareen clans in southern Punjab. Centuries ago, Tareens had migrated to Multan from Pishin in Balochistan. Sardar Faujdar Khan was the grandfather of Allah Nawaz Khan Tareen, the father of Jahangir Tareen and Senator Seemi Ezdi. Allah Nawaz was serving as DIG Police, Rawalpindi, when Ayub Khan was the President of Pakistan. The mother of the President was under treatment in a hospital in Rawalpindi. Ayub Khan who was also a Tareen, had asked Allah Nawaz to take care of his mother especially when he was on overseas visits. In the evenings, Allah Nawaz Khan visited her in the hospital to enquire about her health. The old lady gratefully appreciated his presence, calling him “a good Thaanedar, when her son Ayub was busy with the affairs of the state.” Allah Nawaz Khan Tareen’s elder brother Gul Muhammad Tareen had established ‘Gultex’, which was one of the top business enterprises in Pakistan in the 1960s. His granddaughter is married to Asghar Ali Golo, an officer of the Foreign Service of Pakistan who served as Pakistan’s Ambassador to Ethiopia. My relative Haroon Khan Tareen opted for Income Tax cadre after qualifying the CSS competitive examination. His first posting happened to be in Rawalpindi. Haroon created quite a stir, when he wrote to the then President of Pakistan, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, as to why he had not filed his income tax returns? At the time of the partition of British India, so many Muslims migrated to Pakistan; so many Hindus migrated to India. My grandfather provided all help to the Hindus residing in and around Thatta Qureshi. So much so, a number of Hindu families lived in our village house ‘Lammi Jaa’, 379 Also take a look at writeup ‘Tareen or Tarin’ dated 10 April 2015 by accessing ( 180 for months, before we arranged their safe transportation to India. One such family while going to India, gave ‘chests of expensive family jewelry and diamonds’ to my grandmother for safekeeping; as ‘amaanat.’ Years after the partition, the Hindu family came to Pakistan on a short visit. My grandmother handed over all the jewelry chests back to them. Till her death, she used to proudly tell us, “God be my witness, I am the one who returned the amaanat to whom it belonged.” My grandmother also used to tell me another story, ‘real life story’ from her youth. Being from rural aristocracy, she like other Qureshis in the 1920s, used to travel in horse - drawn coaches. (The newly purchased Ford cars were meant for the head of the family, my great grandfather, Mian Ghaunse Baksh sahib Qureshi.) Once while returning from Multan to Thatta Qureshi, she encountered a severe dust storm. The winds got strong, full of black dust, coming from Thal Desert that surrounds Muzaffargarh in the direction of Dera Ghazi Khan.380 The four horses drawing the buggy, went into frenzy. It seemed that the coach would turn upside down. She and her sister who was travelling with her, the two maid servants and both coachmen, all panicked. My grandmother did nothing but to recite the Darood Shareef loudly, with fervent repetition. The recital coming from the heart, continued with passionate passion. Then, she used to say, without an iota of doubt, came the “the fragrance (of Muhammad).” The scent was in the air. She and others could feel it. The sweet odour was all around. Gradually, the winds started to subside. Soon, it was all calm. 380 Thal Desert Rangelands ( Site accessed on 26 December 2021. 181 The Darood that my old Tareen Pathan grandmother was referring to, derives from the following instruction from the Quran: “Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O you who believe! Send your blessings on him, and salute him with all respect.”381 The love of Muhammad lives in the heart of a Muslim. No doubt, love of Muhammad lives in the heart of a Muslim. Before Muhammad, there was no person on earth named Muhammad. Today, there are more than 400 million people the world over whose name is Muhammad. All have been named Muhammad, only because of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam.382 This is the case not only in the 21st century, but has been happening over the last more than 1400 years. The Muslim mindset constantly revolves around Muhammad and his message, of ‘One, the most beneficent Allah.’ 381 382 Quran (33:56) Noted historian Ibn Kathir (1300 AD-1373 AD) in his ‘The Life of Prophet Muhammad’ (page 68), states “Qadi Iyad has mentioned in Shifa that no one had the name ‘Ahmad,’” and “no one was called by this name.” This was “through divine wisdom.” In the same way, he underlines that “the name ‘Muhammad’ was not used by anyone among the Arabs and non-Arabs.” However, a little before Muhammad’s birth, it had become known that a Prophet by this name was about to be born. So, “in the hope of Prophethood, some Arabs gave this name to their sons.” (Ibn Kathir ‘The Life of Prophet Muhammad’ translated by Rafiq Abdur Rehman, Darul Ishaat, Karachi-2010). Even if this is true, those who were given the name, Muhammad, was just because of and in connection with Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam. 182 Muhammad in Islam, is not God or a God - like person. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Muhammad should never be mixed up with God. If one does, he enters the realm of ‘Shirk (polytheism)’ which is strictly forbidden in Islam. Saints have been frequently mentioned in this account. Shrines of saints, have strong spiritual magnetic fields. One has to be careful. One should never go even close to the threshold of shirk. Shirk is an ‘Unforgivable Sin’ in Islam. Muhammad is important to a Muslim. Muhammad is becoming important to the non - Muslim. The date of birth of Prophet Muhammad is seen prominently depicted in ‘occult calendars’, tabulated on ‘the most important events in the history of the world.’ These are some experiences; unusual experiences, in my interaction with the mystical aspects of Islam. There are other more unusual experiences also, which I dare not discuss. Spirituality in Islam is ‘higher Islam’; ‘higher level(s) of Islam.’ Spirituality has its ‘extreme difficulties’ also. Sufism is not an easy path to follow. There have been distortions in Islamic spirituality. Distorted spirituality misleads; it takes attention away from the Truth. To reiterate, ‘Imaan, Character and Rituals’ are the fundamental basis of Islam. Islam has to be practised in accordance with what has been emphasised in the Quran and prescribed by the Prophet of Islam. Performing Zikr is the command of Allah. Zikr can be electric, zikr is 183 ecstatic; zikr can be euphoric, zikr can be rhapsodic. There are different levels. A Muslim who follows these tenets strictly, can become a different person, a very different human being. And in rare cases, very rare cases, that person sometimes is made to go through some rare, very rare and unusual experiences. Unusual experiences do not happen because that person is special, holy, or a saint. Unusual experiences happen, Only and Only when Allah wants the unusual experiences to happen. In the words of the Quran: “Lo! verily the friends of Allah are (those) on whom fear (cometh) not, nor do they grieve.” 383 Deviation begins when that person starts thinking that he is ‘special, holy and saintly.’ Or when others start saying that, that person is special, holy and saintly. And, because of this, that person also starts to believe that he special, holy and a saint. The ‘Creation’ should never pretend to be like ‘the Creator.’ I do not feel comfortable having written all this. I would have never written all this. All this belongs to the mysterious, the unknown, the ‘other - worldly.’ Yet, I have done it; so that all those who do not know all this, should know all this. And those, who know all this, may benefit from all this. In the words of Muhammad Asad: It was not Muslims that had made Islam great, it was Islam that had made Muslims great. 383 Quran: Surah Yunus. 184 CONCLUSORY OBSERVATIONS Then, after that, your hearts were hardened and became like stones, or even worse in hardness. And indeed, there are stones out of which rivers gush forth, and there are stones which split asunder so that water flows from them, and indeed there are stones which fall down from the fear of Allah. The Quran (Suraa Al - Baqarah) British astrophysicist Arthur Eddington stated, “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together….We must assume behind this force, the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”384 The psyche of Abrahamic religions revolves around one matrix, the matrix of the Almighty God as explained by His Messengers. Eschatology is part of religion. Eschatology is the study of the ‘end of days, end of time, and end of the world’, ranging from theology to the theory of metaphysicality. There have been discussions on ‘Dispensational Premillennialism, Historic Premillennialism, Amillennialism and Postmillennialism.’ 385 Depicting Messianic Age, a quote from the past by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, would be interesting: 384 385 ‘Become Conscious of Wholeness: Humanity's Only Future’, Edwin E. Olson, quoted on page xiii. Book published by Wipf and Stock, in 2021. May also consult book ‘Four Views of the End Times,’ by Timothy Paul Jones, Rose Publishing. (2011) 185 “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. And the suckling child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice’ den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11:6-9). 386 There are commonalities, co-occurrences and coincidentalities in religions in the context of End Times. Question that comes to the mind is, are all these occurrences coincidences? Could these be part of a larger scheme of things? Winston Churchill opined, though in a different context, “Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” 387 The world is not all what we see; the world is also what we cannot see. Science concludes, the human eye can see only within the range of ‘380 to 750 nanometers (430 - 790 terahertz). Human ear can only hear a sound ranging from ‘20 to 20,000 Hz’. 388 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs: ‘The image of the Messiah in Judaism and Christianity’ by Dr. Roni Kedmi. ( ism_and_Christianity.aspx.) Site visited on 26 December 2021. 387 Forbes Quotes ( Site accessed on 26 December 2021. 388 May also consult ‘Biology: concepts and applications’ by Cecie Starr, published by Belmont, CA: Thomson, Brooks/Cole in 2006. 386 186 Theosophy is relevant. Theosophy signifies “teaching about God and the world, based on mystical insight.” 389 Helen Keller was a theosophist. D. H. Lawrence believed in theosophy. Kahlil Gibran’s view on spirituality was influenced by theosophy. The list is long. The Knights Templar, Freemasons and the Ark of the Covenant have been discussed. Some conclude, “descendants of the Knights Templar are the Freemasons, who now have the Ark under their control.” 390 Prophet Muhammad advised Muslims to recite ‘Sura Kahf’ of the Quran, to stay safe from the ‘Fitna (turmoil)’ of the Dajjal. As detailed earlier, the Sura relates to ‘The Sleepers of the Cave,’ ‘Khidr,’ and ‘ZulQarnain (Cyrus the Great).’ The ‘Sleepers of the Cave’ are mentioned in Christian literature with respect.391 In Islam, many consider ‘Sleepers of the Cave’ relevant to the End Times. Khidr guided Moses. In Islamic traditions, Khidr even attended the funeral of Prophet Muhammad. It is said, the story of Moses and Khidr stands at “the very heart of the Islamic mystical tradition.” 392 Khidr is in 389 Merriam webster ( Site accessed on 2 December 2021. 390 Book titled ‘100 STRANGEST MYSTERIES’ by Matt Lamy, page 182, MetroBooks NY. (2004) 391 May also consult ‘Bibliotheca hagiographica latina antiquae et mediae aetatis,’ by Bollandists, published by Bruxellis in 1898. Digitizing sponsor University of Ottawa; Contributor PIMS University of Toronto. ( Further study Catholic Forum: ‘Lives of the Seven Sleepers’ ( Sites accessed on 12 November 2021. 392 Omid Safi, Professor of Islamic Studies, UNC Chapel Hill. (See publication ‘Where Two Seas Meet: Al-Khidr and Moses— The Qur’anic Story of al-Khidr and Moses in Sufi Commentaries as a Model for Spiritual Guidance’ by Hugh Talat Halman. (2013) 187 Islam what “Elijah represents to the Jewish people” in Judaism. 393 Elijah (Ilyas) is a revered Prophet in Islam. It is opined, Elijah and Khidr “meet every year during the month of Ramadan in Jerusalem.” 394 Khidr is considered relevant to End Times. Cyrus Zulqarnain is respected in Islam. Cyrus is respected in Judaism. Mention of Cyrus in Sura Kahf along with Gog and Magog, is striking. Gog and Magog in Abrahamic faiths have relevance to End Times. Power can also be knowledge. The transcendental power of internet and web today is acknowledged by all. Internet and web are controlled by technology and intellect that has connections with the Zionist and White Supremacist mindset, within which Hindu fundamentalists are trying to create a space of their own. All this intricate structure of interconnectivity, is also believed to be overshadowed by ‘forces of the dark.’ Future generations will look at the world from a different perspective, may be through the prism of ‘unknowledge and knowledge.’ This seems to be inevitable as authentic books we study today, are being sucked into the technology of the web. Tomorrow, if technology fails, the world will be left with no books of knowledge. The only knowledge available to mankind would be the one formulated by ‘the Entity,’ who ‘will matter.’ Samuel Huntington was not wrong when he presented his perspective on the ‘clash of the civilisations.’395 Now, the situation is going almost ‘Al-Khidr – the Green One’ ( Site accessed on 24 November 2021. 394 United States Naval Academy (Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies) (Site accessed on 3 November 2021.) 395 ‘The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order’, Samuel P. Huntington, Simon & Schuster. (1998) 393 188 beyond. We are entering the aeon of the clash of ‘intra-civilisations’, and clash between ‘religions and irreligions.’ Not all Jews have been ‘believing Jews.’ Not all Christians have been ‘believing Christians.’ Belief system in Islam is strong, but all Muslims are not ‘believing Muslims.’ Importantly, all Jews are not Zionists. All Christians are not supremacists. All Muslims are not fundamentalists. This also holds true for peoples of other religions. So many are imperceptibly abandoning religion today; many are strengthening their belief in religion. The believers irrespective of their religion, are veering in one direction. Unbelievers are veering in the other. Each of the two would need a leader, to lead them tomorrow. In Islam, Allah is not just Rabul Muslameen (God of the Muslims). He is also Rabul Alameen (God of all, including the peoples who are not Muslims). Muhammad is not just Rahmatalil Muslimeen (a Mercy for the Muslims). He is Rahmatalil Alameen (a Mercy for all the worlds). The Quran also specifies, “It is He Who has sent down to you (Muhammad) the Book (this Quran). In it are verses that are entirely clear (Muhkamat), they are the foundations of the Book; and others not entirely clear (Mutashabihat).” 396 May be, some of the Mutashabihat are the verses which would be relevant to the End of Times. Jesus has been discussed. The following Quranic verses are also meaningful: • (And it was part of His scheme) when Allah said: 'O Jesus! I will recall you and raise you up to Me and will purify you (of the company) of those who disbelieve, and will set your followers above the unbelievers till the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me 396 Quran: Surah Al Imran verse 7. 189 you shall return, and I will judge between you regarding what you differed.’ 397 • There is not one of the People of the Book who will not believe in [Jesus] before his death, and on the Day of Resurrection he will be a witness against them.) 398 Muslim scholars quote Prophet Muhammad as stating: “There is no prophet between me and him, that is Eesaa (Jesus);” and he (Jesus) will (after his Second Coming) “live on the earth, for forty years” and then “he will die.” 399 In Islamic tradition, after completing his natural life when Jesus passes away, he will be buried in the city of Medina next to the grave of Prophet Muhammad. Interestingly, a place has been kept vacant there for Jesus for the last more than 1400 years. 400 Since Adam, the Prophets of God have come regularly one after the other, and in cases Prophets were contemporaneous to each other. One of the fundamental beliefs in Islam is the finality of the Prophethood of Muhammad, meaning, after him, ‘there will be no Prophet, but the Day of Judgement.’ History tells us that Prophet Muhammad passed away on 8 June 632 AD. Today, we are in the 21st century. Even according to Islamic precepts, the world cannot exist for another thousands of years. Despite odds, the life and message of Prophet Muhammad is more accessible to the world today, than ever before in history. The accounts on and about him by outstanding scholars of Judeo - Christian heritage, including Leopold Weiss, Annemarie Schimmel, Martin Lings and Karen Armstrong, are being noted with interest. 397 398 399 400 Quran: Surah Aalay Imran, verse 55. Quran: Surah An Nisa, verse 59. (Translation by Abdul Haleem; visit,149,22,85,206). In Islam, when Hazrat Eesaa returns (on his Second Coming), he will follow the religious laws of Prophet Muhammad as per his own divine interpretation. The subject has been discussed by a number of scholars, among them AlAajurri in his book ‘Ash-Sharee‘ah,’ and Al-Qurtubi in ‘At-Tathkirah’. 190 Paradoxically, it was a ‘white separatist, an American Jew’, Michael H. Hart, who in his 1978 book ‘The 100’, described Muhammad as “the most influential person in history.” 401 Understandably, he earned the ire of white supremacists for having spoken the truth. Importantly, the overwhelming majority of even religious people of religions do not believe in a number of aspects of End Times, as, according to them, “all this has not been part of their mainstream scriptures.” Islamic literature that has been referred to in this study in the context of the Mahdi and Dajjal, has been taken from ahadith (traditions of the Prophet). Mahdi and Dajjal are not mentioned in the Quran. But, in Islam, ahadith are also important. The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is not incorrect when he underscored that as we approach the year 2022, the world is facing “a cauldron of political unrest and ferocious conflicts…And the information superhighway is clogged with hatred and lies, giving oxygen to the worst impulses of humanity.” 402 The world seems to be moving in a direction; ‘sometimes, overstepping the limits of intellectual reasonability.’ Unfolding realities seem to be at times crossing the limits of ‘politico - scientific rationality.’ May be, a stage is being set for something to happen tomorrow. May be, this is a presentiment! Are we heading towards the age of religious fascism; ‘supernaturalistic religious fascism’! Are we ‘heading headlong’ into a ‘Conundrum’ which would be relevant to End Times? ‘The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History’, Michael H. Hart, Hart Publishing Company, New York. (1978) 402 Site of the United Nations, New York ( Accessed on 7 January 2022. 401 191 Are we prepared for all this? How can we prepare ourselves for all this when what is destined to happen, will happen! We are living in ‘spiritually charged times.’403 We are indeed living in ‘powerful times.’ Zikr Allah is important. Sajood are important.404 Those unwilling, would be forced by the divine forces of nature to perform Zikr and Sajood. If ‘Dajjal - Antichrist - Armilus’ becomes a reality in the distant future, appearance of the Mahdi and ‘Jesus - Messiah’ would be a logicality. If we are seeing the very beginnings of End Times today, the succeeding generations would be destined to see the very end. From Islamic perspective, we are not talking in terms of ‘Millennia’ but just a ‘Millennium’, if not less, certainly not more. In the words of Muhammad Iqbal: ‘Khzr - e - Waqt’ Az Khalwat Dasht - e - Hijaz Ayad Barun, Kaarwan Zeen Wadi Door - o - Daraaz Ayad Barun. 405 403 404 405 Encyclopedia Britannica ( Site accessed on 12 January 2022. The word sajood originates from sajda, which in Islam means prostration before God. Zaboor - e - Ajam. 192 SPECIAL DUA ADVISED BY AL-GHAZALI 406 0 Allah, truly I seek from thee of grace the most perfect, and of protection the most abiding, and of mercy the most encompassing, and of forgiveness its attainment, and of living the most comforting, and of life the happiest, and of beneficence the most perfect, and of blessing the most general, and of favor the sweetest, and of kindliness the most beneficial. 0 Allah, be for us and be not against us. 0 Allah, seal with happiness our appointed time and confirm in excess our hopes, and unite in forgiveness our mornings and our evenings, and bring to thy mercy our final state and what is for us, and pour out the gift of thy pardon upon our transgressions, and bestow upon us the correction of our blemishes, and make piety our provision for the journey; in thy religion is our endeavor, and upon thee is our trust and our confidence. Fix us firmly upon the path of uprightness and protect us in this world from acts necessitating regrets on the day of judgment and lighten on us the burden of the sins and bestow upon us the life of the righteous, and avert and dispel from us the evils and set free our necks and the necks of our fathers and our mothers from the fire in thy mercy, 0 thou Illustrious One, thou Coverer of sins, thou Gracious One, thou Forgiving One, thou Benevolent One, thou Mighty One, 0 Allah, 0 Allah, thou Most Compassionate of the Compassionate, and in Him we trust. 406 This special prayer is included in the conclusion of the writeup titled, ‘O Son’ by Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, which has been translated into English by George O' Schraer. (Ghazali Organisation website: ( accessed on 31 December 2021. 193 REFLECTIONS OF HISTORY 194 PRAISING GOD IN ISLAM 407 Allah! There is no God but He, the Living, the Self-subsisting, the Eternal. No slumber can seize Him, nor sleep. All in heaven and earth are His. Who could intercede in His presence without His permission! He knows what appears in front and behind His creatures. Nor can they encompass any knowledge of Him except what He wills. His throne extends over the heavens and the earth; and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them, for He is the Highest and Most Exalted. 407 Ayat al Kursi, one of the most important verses from the Quran. 195 A CHRISTIAN HYMN 408 We sing the mighty power of God that made the mountains rise, that spread the flowing seas abroad and built the lofty skies. We sing the wisdom that He ordained the sun to rule the day; the moon shines full at His command, and all the stars obey. We sing the goodness of the Lord that filled the earth with food; He formed the creatures with his word and then Pronounced them good. Lord, how Your wonders are displayed, where'er we turn our eyes, if we survey the ground we tread or gaze upon the skies. There's not a plant or flower below but makes Your glories known, and clouds arise and tempests blow by order from Your throne. While all that borrows life from You is ever in Your care, and everywhere that we can be, You, God, are present there. 408 Attributed to Isaac Watts. Born in Southampton in 1674, he is said to have shown unusual intelligence for reading and writing. In 1702, he became a Pastor. 196 FROM THE MORNING PRAYERS SERVICE IN JEWISH RELIGION 409 Blessed be He who spoke and the world came into being; blessed be He. Blessed be He who maintains the creation. Blessed be He who speaks and performs. Blessed be He who decrees and fulfils. Blessed be He who has mercy upon the earth. Blessed be He who has mercy on His creatures. Blessed be He who pays a good reward to those who fear Him. Blessed be He who lives forever, and endures to eternity. Blessed be He who redeems and saves; blessed be His name. 409 BBC ‘Prayer and blessings in Judaism’, 2009-08-13; ( 197 THE ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS 410 Jews, Christians and Muslims look to their sacred texts to find the history of Abraham and how it has been interpreted through the ages. For Jews, the central text is the Hebrew Bible consisting of the Torah (the first five books or Pentateuch), the Prophets (Nevi’im) and the Writings (Ketuvim). Abraham’s story unfolds in Genesis, the first book of the Torah. Abraham is referred to over and over again throughout the Hebrew Bible as well as in post-biblical rabbinical materials interpreting the biblical narrative (Midrash). For Christians, the Hebrew Bible is the Old Testament, the precursor of the New Testament that narrates the birth, ministry, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ as well as the life and preaching of the earliest followers of Jesus. For Christian understandings of Abraham the Letters of St Paul are of particular importance. Muslims engage with the figure of Abraham/Ibrāhīm in their holy book, the Qur’an, as well as in the Hadith, the body of writings which transmit the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad. Let us turn to Genesis to map out the story of Abraham, which is shared by Jews and Christians. In Genesis 12: 1–3 Abraham (at that stage his name is still Abram) is called by God to: ‘Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing … and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed’ 410 British Library (Extracted from article ‘The Abrahamic religions’, by Anna Sapir Abulafia, Professor of the Study of Abrahamic Religions, at the University of Oxford; 23 Sept 2019. ( 198 In Jewish tradition the sacrifice of Isaac is called the Akedah, the Binding of Isaac. In times of persecution Jewish martyrs invoked the Akedah as they gave their lives in sanctification of God’s name (Kiddush ha-Shem). In Christian tradition, Abraham’s faith became paradigmatic for all those who followed Jesus. In the words of St Paul, in Romans 4: ‘For what does the scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.” … The purpose was to make him the ancestor of all who believe without being circumcised and who thus have righteousness reckoned to them, and likewise the ancestor of the circumcised who are not only circumcised but who also follow the example of the faith that our ancestor Abraham had before he was circumcised’. In this way Abraham became the spiritual father of all Christians. Islam shares with Judaism the narrative of Abraham’s destruction of idols in the service of the worship of the one true God. In Surah 37 of the Qur’an, Abraham ‘said to his father and to his people, “What is that which ye worship?” Is it a falsehood – gods other than Allah that ye desire? “Then what is your idea about the Lord of the worlds?” … Then did he turn upon them, striking (them) with the right hand. … He said: “Worship ye that which ye have (yourselves) carved?” “But Allah has created you and your handwork!” They said, “Build him a furnace, and throw him into the blazing fire!”' There are many different Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions concerning Abraham. Interpretations of Abraham reflect the wide variety of beliefs and customs among Jews, Christians and Muslims at different times and in different places. 199 CHARTER OF MADINA (622 AD) 411 In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful This is a document from Muhammad, the Prophet. The God-fearing believers shall be against the rebellious or he who seeks to spread injustice, or sin or animosity, or corruption. Believers are friends, one to the other. The Jews shall not be wronged, nor shall their enemies aided. The peace of the believers is indivisible. No separate peace shall be made when believers are fighting in the way of God. Conditions must be fair and equitable to all. Whoever is convicted of killing a believer without good reason, shall be subject to retaliation unless the next of kin is satisfied (with bloodmoney), and the believers shall be against him as one man, and they are bound to take action against him. Whenever you differ about a matter, it must be referred to God and to Muhammad. The Jews shall contribute to the cost of war, so long as they are fighting alongside the believers. 411 Excerpted from A. Guillaume, ‘The Life of Muhammad — A Translation of Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah,’ pages 231-233, Oxford University Press, Karachi. 1955. 200 A man is not liable for his ally’s misdeeds. The wronged must be helped. Yathrib shall be a sanctuary for all the people of this document. Quraysh and their helpers shall not be given protection. The contracting parties are bound to help one another against any attack on Yathrib. This deed will not protect the unjust and the sinner. God is the protector of the good and the God-fearing; Muhammad is the Apostle of God. 201 CHARTER OF RIGHTS GRANTED BY PROPHET MUHAMMAD TO THE MONKS OF ST. CATHERINE’S MONASTERY, SINAI412 (Paraphrased text) In 626 AD, Prophet Muhammad granted Charter to the Monks of St. Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai, to secure and protect the rights of Christians and other non-Muslims. By various accounts, the Charter was in the form of a letter, and is said to be available even today with St. Catherine’s Monastery. The letter reads: This is a message from Muhammad, son of Abdullah, as a covenant to those who adopt Christianity, near and far. Verily I, and my followers, defend them, because Christians are My Citizens. I hold out against anything that displeases them. No compulsion is to be on them. Neither are their judges to be removed from their jobs, nor their Monks from their monasteries. No one is to destroy a house of their religion, to damage it, or to carry anything from it to the houses of the Muslims. Should anyone take any of these, he would spoil God’s Covenant and disobey His Prophet. 412 Oxford Reference ( -9780195305135-e-0964). 202 They are my allies; and have my secure Charter. No one is to force them to travel or to oblige them to fight. The Muslims are to fight for them. If a female Christian is married to a Muslim, it is not to take place without her approval. She is not to be prevented from visiting her church to pray. Their churches are to be respected. They are neither to be prevented from repairing them nor the sacredness of their covenants. No one of the nation of (Muslims) is to disobey the Covenant till the Last Day.413 413 Mount Sinai is a 2,285 metre high mountain near Saint Catherine in the Sinai region of Egypt. The St. Catherine’s Monastery is located on the foot of Mount Sinai. The monastery belongs to Greek Orthodox church and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This monastery is believed to be the oldest functional Christian monastery in the world. 203 LAUNCH OF CRUSADES AGAINST THE MUSLIMS (SPEECH BY POPE URBAN II AT CLERMONT, FRANCE) 414 (27 November 1095 AD) O! race of Franks, race from across the mountains, race chosen and beloved by God as shines forth in very many of your works set apart from all nations by the situation of your country, as well as by your Catholic faith and the honor of the holy church! To you our discourse is addressed, and for you our exhortation, is intended. We wish you to know what a grievous cause has led us to Your country, what peril threatening you and all the faithful has brought us. From the confines of Jerusalem and the city of Constantinople, a horrible tale has gone forth and very frequently has been brought to our ears, namely, that a race from the kingdom of the Persians, an accursed race, a race utterly alienated from God, a generation forsooth which has not directed its heart and has not entrusted its spirit to God, has invaded the lands of those Christians and has depopulated them by the sword, pillage and fire. It has led away a part of the captives into its own country. It has either entirely destroyed the churches of God or appropriated them for the rites of its own religion. They destroy the altars, after having defiled them with their uncleanness. They circumcise the Christians….When they wish to torture people by a base death, they perforate their navels…Others they bind to a post and pierce with arrows. Others they compel to extend their necks and then, attacking them with naked swords, attempt to cut through the neck with a single blow. What shall I say of the abominable rape of the women? To speak of it is worse than to be silent. 414 This is a short version of the speech, as available in ‘The Great Notes in History’, Muzaffar Hashmi, SOAS, London. (1957) 204 The kingdom of the Greeks is now dismembered by them and deprived of territory so vast in extent that it cannot be traversed in a march of two months. On whom, therefore, is the labor of avenging these wrongs and of recovering this territory incumbent, if not upon you? Let the deeds of your ancestors move you and incite your minds to manly achievements; the glory and greatness of king Charles the Great, and of his son Louis, and of your other kings, who have destroyed the kingdoms of the pagans, and have extended in these lands the territory of the holy church……But if you are hindered by love of children, parents and wives, remember what the Lord says in the Gospel, "He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me." Let none of your possessions detain you….Let therefore hatred, depart from among you, let your quarrels end, let wars cease, and let all dissensions and controversies slumber. Enter upon the road to the Holy Sepulchre; wrest that land from the wicked race, and subject it to yourselves. That land which as the Scripture says, "floweth with milk and honey," was given by God into the possession of the children of Israel. Jerusalem is the navel of the world; the land is fruitful above others, like another paradise of delights. 205 SALAHUDDIN AYUBI-REMARKS AFTER THE CAPTURE OF JERUSALEM (1187 AD) 415 Lead a life of dignity. Prepare for the life of honour. Do not forget your past, do not forget your traditions. You are the future, we are the past. You are entering, we will be exiting. Be simple, be frugal. Occupy yourself with ideas. Be practical and pragmatic, do not let zest take over you. Avoid temptation, avoid lust, avoid greed. The enemy, by eliminating the past from your minds, is trying to give you an ideology so that your future, the future of Islam gets weak in your minds and soul. Look at the future. See what is going happen tomorrow. The eyes of your enemy are on the future. The eyes of your enemy are on the future of Islam. You have seen the nasaara of today. Try to see the yahood-o-nasaara of tomorrow. 415 As quoted by Salahuddin’s biographer, Bahauddin Saddad, according to Qamar Raza Qureshi in his ‘Islam and Spirituality,’ The Lawrence College Senior School Library, Ghora Gali, Pakistan. (1969) 206 BATTLE OF AYN JALUT 416 (September 1260 AD) Not since the Battle of Badr had the Muslim world stood face to face with extinction as it did at the Battle of Ayn Jalut. Just as the Prophet had triumphed at Badr 600 years earlier, the Muslim Mamlukes triumphed over the combined armies of the Mongols, the Crusaders and the Armenians at the Battle of Ayn Jalut. The Muslim world survived by a margin that was as small as any allowed by history to any civilization. As the Mongols turned back from central Europe after overrunning Hungary and Poland, it became obvious to the Christian powers that Western Europe was safe. At the Council of Lyons (1245 AD) they resolved to seek an alliance with the Mongols against the Muslims. In 1246, one of the delegations under John de Plano Carpini reached Korakorum, the Mongol capital and made representations to Kuyuk, the Great Khan. Two of Kuyuk’s ministers were Christian and John was received cordially. A second delegation under Anselm, a Dominican priest, was dispatched in 1247. Louis, King of France, sent a third delegation under William of Rubruquis in 1253. Hayton, King of Armenia, represented himself and traveled to Korakorum in 1254. The Christian overtures to the Mongols paid off and were rewarded with promises of military help. The Christian population in the major cities was spared even as the Mongols continued to slaughter the Muslims. For instance, while Baghdad was ravaged and pulled to the ground, the Christian populace of Baghdad gathered under the local cathedral and was spared. Hulagu, the destroyer of Baghdad, had several wives, of whom Dokuz Khatun, a Nestorian Christian, was his chief wife. So enthralled were the Christians at their initial success, that Pope 416 May also study book titled, ‘Mongols and Mamluks,’ by Reuven Amitai, Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization Press, ISBN-10: 0521522900. (September 2005) 207 Alexander IV wrote to Hulagu, expressing his pleasure that the latter was disposed to accept the Christian faith. The news of the fall of Baghdad was received with great joy in Christendom who saw in it an opportunity to redress the loss of Jerusalem. It was during this period that the Fatimid Assassins sent a delegation to Henry III of England asking for his help to protect them from the Mongols. The reply from the Bishop of Winchester was curt: “Let those dogs devour each other and be utterly wiped out and then we shall see, founded on their ruins, the universal Catholic Church.” The Christian-Mongol axis continued its aggression against Muslim territories. While the Mongols devastated Asia, the Crusaders continued their onslaught on the eastern Mediterranean and North Africa. In 1218, a German army invaded Egypt, occupied Damietta and proceeded towards Cairo. The Egyptians allowed the invaders to enter the delta, then opened the dykes on the Nile, trapping and drowning the German army. In 1261, the French attempted an invasion of North Africa, while Spain and Portugal were militarily active on the Moroccan coast. Meanwhile, Hulagu followed up the sack of Baghdad with the capture of Iraq and Syria. After consulting his astrologers, he established a base in Maragha. The Atabeg Seljuk Shah was captured near Shiraz and beheaded. Aleppo was stormed and its population was put to death. Damascus surrendered without a fight The Mongol commander Kitbogha, the Armenian King Hayton and the Crusader King Bohemund of Antioch marched together in the streets of the ancient Umayyad capital and forced the Muslim inhabitants of the city to kneel before the cross. Summons were issued to Kutuz, the Mamluke Sultan of Egypt to surrender or face annihilation. The choices before the Mamlukes were stark. They knew that either surrender or a loss in battle would mean annihilation. Jerusalem, Mecca and Madina would be taken. Summons went forth from Sultan Kutuz for a jihad under General Baibars. The response was overwhelming and a 208 motivated Muslim army advanced through the Sinai towards Palestine to meet the invaders. The Mamlukes were a Turkish tribe who had made their home in the islands of the Nile. Hence, they are sometimes called Bahri Mamlukes. The word Mamluke derives its origin from the word Malaka (to own). During the 9th and 10th centuries, slave trade was brisk along the River Volga (in today’s Russia) and around the Caspian Sea. The Vikings (Swedes) were the primary vehicles for this trade. In the 9th and 10th centuries, the Vikings were the imperial power around the Baltic Sea. They conducted raids deep into what are today Russia and Germany, as well as the Slavic lands of the Balkans, captured slaves and sold them to Muslim merchants. These slaves were adopted by the Turkish sultans, often married princesses of the royal households and rose to become rulers themselves. Thus, it was that the transcendence of Islam elevated slaves to kings. In the 13th century, both Egypt and India were ruled by Mamluke (slave) dynasties. The armies of Baibars met the combined armies of the Mongols, the Crusaders and the Armenians near Nazareth at Ayn Jalut in September 1260. A great battle ensued. The Mamluke right flank charged against the invaders and forced it back. But the Mongols counter-attacked on the left and the Mamlukes hesitated. General Baybars took charge and a battle cry went forth for the defense of Islam. The enemies were routed. Kitbogha was killed. Hayton, King of Armenia fled. The Mongols were pursued to Aleppo and destroyed. Egypt and with it Hejaz and Palestine were saved. The dark spell that the Mongols had cast across the Eurasian continent was broken. Ayn Jalut was undoubtedly one of the decisive battles in human history, comparable in its importance to the Battle of Tours and the Battle of Plassey. It marked the farthest advance of the Mongols across Eurasia. With the defeat at Ayn Jalut, Christendom lost its hope for recovery of Jerusalem. 209 REMARKS BY CONSTANTINE PALAIOLOGOS XI BEFORE CONSTANTINOPLE WAS CONQUERED BY MUSLIM OTTOMANS (1453 AD) 417 You know well that the hour has come: the enemy of our faith wishes to oppress us even more closely by sea and land with all his skill…For this reason, I am imploring you to fight like men with brave souls, as you have done from the beginning up to this day, against the enemy of our religion. This Sultan has besieged our city for fifty-seven days. He has relaxed the blockade neither day nor night, but, by the grace of Christ, our Lord, who sees all things, the enemy has often been repelled, from our walls with shame and dishonour. I know the hordes of the impious will advance against us, according to their custom; violently, confidently and with great courage and force in order to overwhelm and wear out our few defenders. They attempt to frighten us with battle cries. But you are all familiar with their cries. I need say no more about it. Protect your heads with shields in battle. Keep your right hand, armed with the sword, extended in front of you at all times. Your helmets and armour are sufficient with weapons and will prove effective. Be firm, and remain valiant, for the pity of God. Take your example from the few elephants of the Carthaginians and how they dispersed the numerous cavalry of Romans with their noise and appearance. If one dumb beast put another to flight, we, the masters of 417 Maktaba Mian Khuda Bakhsh Qureshi; Volume 3; Khuda Bakhsh Library, Thatta Qureshi, Muzaffargarh, Pakistan. (1968) 210 horses and animals, can surely even do better against our advancing enemies, since they are dumb animals, worse even than pigs. Present your shield, swords, arrows, and spears to them, imagining that you are a hunting party after wild boars, so that the impious may learn that they are dealing not with dumb animals but with their lords and masters, the descendants of the Greeks and the Romans. You are well aware that this irreligious Sultan, the enemy of our holy faith, violated for no good reason the peace treaty we had with him and disregarded his numerous oaths without a second thought. Suddenly, he appeared and built his castle in the straights of Asomatos so he might be able to inflict daily harm on us. Then he put our farms, gardens, parks, and houses to the torch, while he killed and enslaved as many of our Christian brothers as he found; he broke the treaty of friendship. I can tell you that this city mastered the entire universe; She placed beneath her feet Pontus, Armenia, Paphlagonia, The Amazonian lands, Cappadocia, Galatia, Media, Georgian Colchis, Bosphoros, Albania, Syria, Cilicia, Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Palestine, Arabia, Judea, Bactria, Scythia, Macedonia, Thessaly, Hellas, Boeotia, Locris, Aetolia, Arcarnania, Achaea, the Peloponnese, Epirus, Illyria, Lykhnites, the Adriatic, Italy, Tuscany, the Celts, and Galatian Celts, Spain up to Cadiz, Libya, Mauritania, Ethiopia, Beledes, Scude, Numidia, Africa and Egypt. Now he wants to enslave her and throw the yoke upon the Mistress of Citie, our holy churches, where the Holy Trinity was worshipped, where the Holy Ghost was glorified in hymns, where angels were heard praising in chant the deity of and the incarnation of God’s word, he wants to turn into shrines of his blasphemy, shrines of the mad and false Prophet, Mohammed, as well as into stables for his horses and camels. 211 ‘QASEEDA’ SHAH NAIMAT 418 I am telling the truth, there will be a King in this world. Taimur his name, and he will be the Conqueror. After Him, Meeran Shah appears who will be the friend of the conqueror Taimur Shah. When he passes away, will appear the King of Humans and Jinns. After Him, Umer Sheikh will be the King; he will be kind. After that, Umer Bin Sheikh will be the owner of the land; he will indulge in riches and luxury. After him, shall come Babar who will be the King of Kabul; later, he will appear in Dehli as the Emperor of Hindustan….Then, God will appoint Humayun. An Afghan will appear, by the name Sher Shah. Humayun will run to the land of Persia. Iranian King will help. By the time Humayun attacks, Sher Shah will be dead and his son will be ruling the land. Then will come Akbar; then Jahangeer, who will sit on the throne like the bright sun…… 418 ‘Qaseeda Shah Naimat’is attributed to the 14th - 15th century Persian saint, Shah Naimatullah. As mentioned earlier, this English translation of the poem has been cited by analysts from one Hafiz Muhammad Sarwar Nizami’s ‘Compilation’ of April 1972. Importantly, this is just part of the English translation from the original, that too edited by Ambassador Afrasiab. Significantly, developments mentioned in the poem seem to be so correct that it would be difficult for a scholar today to believe that these predictions were actually made by a saint five hundred years ago. This very aspect of the poem raises question marks on the originality/actuality of the poem. However, references made in respect of the End Times seem to be noteworthy. 212 When Akbar will be the King, there will appear a saint. His name would be NANAK. This Fakeer will become known. He will be famous in Punjab. He will be the spiritual leader of his people. Sikh people will be cruel towards Muslims. Then Christians will occupy Hindustan. Their order will be obeyed for about 100 years. When the cruelty and one-sidedness will reach its high point, Christians will harm the religion. Christians will be involved in a war. The sign of destruction and chaos will appear. They will win. Christians will leave Hindustan; which will be divided. Blood will run. Muslims will leave their homes. Their women and girls will be kidnapped. Muslims will be in peace in the area of their forefathers. After much punishment, their destiny will appear. The banner of Islam will be prominent for 23 years. Then divine punishment will come. Their own land will become narrow for them. Destruction and anarchy will be the destiny. Allah will send help. An army of Mongols will come from the North……When cruelty and crime will spread, there will come a King of the West. He will be good. This Sword of the Lion will wipe off the deniers. He will be the supporter of the religion of Muhammad. He will be the protector of the country. There will be a great war in between him and the other. A large population will be killed. 213 The King of the western part will be the victor. The defeat of the denier nation will be beyond imagination……then will come the Dajjal from Asfahan. Listen carefully, I explain to you that to destroy the Dajjal, Isa will come; so would appear the Mahdi. Naimatullah is aware of the secrets of the unseen. Indeed, what he is saying, will appear to be true. 214 SIEGE OF VIENNA BY THE OTTOMANS (1529 AD) 419 The Siege of Vienna in 1529 C.E., as distinct from the Battle of Vienna in 1683, was the first attempt of the Ottoman Empire, led by Sultan Suleiman I, to capture the city of Vienna, Austria. Traditionally, the siege held special significance in western history, indicating the Ottoman Empire's highwater mark and signalling the end of Ottoman expansion in central Europe, though 150 years of tension and incursions followed, culminating in the Battle of Vienna in 1683. Some historians believe that Suleiman's main objective in 1529 was to re-establish Ottoman control over Hungary, and that the decision to attack Vienna so late in the season was opportunistic….Suleiman's final assault wasn't necessarily intended to take the city but to cause as much damage as possible and weaken it for a later attack, a tactic he had employed at Buda in 1526. He led his next campaign in 1532 but was held up too long reducing the western Hungarian fort of Kőszeg, by which time winter was close and Charles V, now awakened to Vienna's vulnerability, assembling 80,000 troops. So instead of carrying out the planned siege, the invading troops retreated……. 419 Derived from the New World Encyclopedia ( Site accessed on 15 October 2016. 215 SPEECH BY THEODOR HERZL AT THE FIRST ZIONIST CONGRESS IN BASEL 420 (29 August 1897) As one of those who called this Congress into being I have been granted the privilege of welcoming you. This I shall do briefly, for if we wish to serve the cause we should economize the valuable moments of the Congress. We want to lay the cornerstone of the edifice which is one day to house the Jewish nation. The task is so great that we may treat of it in none but the simplest terms. The homogeneity of our destiny has suffered a long interruption, although the scattered fragments of the Jewish people have everywhere undergone similar ills. It is only in our days that the marvels of communication have served to bring about mutual understanding and union between isolated groups. From time immemorial, the world has been misinformed about us. The sentiment of solidarity with which we have been reproached so frequently and so acrimoniously, was in the process of disintegration at the period when we were attacked by anti-Semitism. And antiSemitism served to strengthen it anew. We Zionists desire not an international league but international discussion. Needless to say, this distinction is of the first importance in our eyes. It is this distinction which justifies the convening of our Congress. There will be no question of intrigues, secret interventions, 420 Maktaba Mian Khuda Bakhsh Qureshi, Volume 5, Khuda Bakhsh Library, Thatta Qureshi, Muzaffargarh, Pakistan (1968). May also visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel by accessing,Switzerland.aspx. 216 and devious methods in our ranks, but only of unhampered utterances under the constant and complete supervision of public opinion. One of the first results of our movement, even now to be perceived in its larger outlines, will be the transformation of the Jewish question into a question of Zion. A popular movement of such vast dimensions will necessarily be attacked from many sides. Therefore, the Congress will concern itself with the spiritual means to be employed for reviving and fostering the national consciousness of the Jews. For the Zionist movement must be greater in scope, if it is to be at all. A people can be helped only by its own efforts, and if it cannot help itself, it is beyond succour. But we Zionists, want to rouse the people to self-help. No premature, unwholesome hopes should be awakened in this direction, This is another reason why publicity of procedure, as it is planned by our Congress, is so valuable. Those who give the matter careful consideration must surely admit that Zionism cannot gain its ends, otherwise than through an unreserved understanding with the political units involved. It is generally known that the difficulties of obtaining colonization rights were not created by Zionism in its present form. One wonders what motives actuate the narrators of these fables. The immigration of Jews signifies an unhoped-for accession of strength for the land which is now so poor; in fact, for the whole Ottoman Empire. Besides, His Majesty the Sultan has had excellent, experiences with his Jewish subjects, and he has been an indulgent monarch to them in turn. Thus, existing conditions point to a successful issue, provided the whole matter is cleverly and felicitously treated. The financial help which the Jews can give to Turkey is by no means inconsiderable, and would serve to obviate many an internal ill from which the country is now suffering. Zionism is simply a peacemaker. And it suffers the usual fate of peacemakers, in being forced to fight more than anyone else. But should 217 the accusation that we are not patriotic figure among the more or less sincere arguments directed against our movement, this equivocal objection carries its own condemnation with it. Nowhere can there be a question of exodus of all the Jews. Those who are able or who wish to be assimilated will remain behind and be absorbed. When once a satisfactory agreement is concluded with the various political units involved and a systematic Jewish migration begins, it will last only so long in each country as that country desires to be rid of its Jews. How will the current be stopped? Simply by the gradual decrease and the final cessation of anti-Semitism. Thus, it is that we understand and anticipate the solution of the Jewish problem. On this solemn occasion, when Jews have come together from so many lands at the age-long summons of nationality, let our profession of faith be solemnly repeated. Should we not be stirred by a premonition of great events when we remember that at this moment the hopes of thousands upon thousands of our people depend upon our assemblage? In the coming hour, the news of our deliberations and decisions will fly to distant lands, over the seven "Seas.” Finally, the Congress will provide for its own continuance, so that we may not disperse once more ineffectual and ephemeral. Through this Congress, we are creating an agency for the Jewish people, such as it has not possessed heretofore, an agency of which it has stood in urgent need. Our cause is too great to be left to the ambition or to the discretion of individuals. It must be elevated to the realm of the impersonal if it is to succeed. And our Congress shall live forever, not only until the redemption from age-long suffering is effected, but afterwards as well. Today we are here in the hospitable limits of this free city-where shall we be next year? But wherever we shall be, and however distant the accomplishment of our task, let our Congress be earnest and high-minded, a source of welfare to the unhappy, of defiance to none, of honour to all Jewry. 218 BALFOUR DECLARATION (November 1917) In a letter dated 2 November 1917, addressed to Walter Rothschild, leader of the British Jewish community, the UK Foreign Secretary, Arthur James Balfour, conveyed the support of his country to the creation of a Jewish state. Following is the text of the letter as displayed on the website of the Ministry of External Affairs of Israel:421 Foreign Office, November 2nd, 1917 Dear Lord Rothschild, I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to and approved by the Cabinet. “His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object. It being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish 421 The website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel ( Site accessed on 22 August 2016. 219 communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. ” I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation. 220 MUDROS AGREEMENT (Salient features) (30 October 1918) 422 I.—Opening of Dardanelles and Bosporus, and secure access to the Black Sea. Allied occupation of Dardanelles, and Bosporus forts. II.—Positions of all minefields, torpedo-tubes, and other obstructions in Turkish waters to be indicated, and assistance given to sweep or remove them as may be required. III.—All available information as to mines in the Black Sea to be communicated. IV.—All Allied prisoners of war and Armenian interned persons and prisoners to be collected in Constantinople and handed over unconditionally to the Allies. V.—Immediate demobilization of the Turkish army, except for such troops as are required for the surveillance of the frontiers and for the maintenance of internal order. (Number of effectives and their disposition to be determined later by the Allies after consultation with the Turkish Government.) VI.—Surrender of all war vessels in Turkish waters or in waters occupied by Turkey; these ships to be interned at such Turkish port or ports as may be directed, except such small vessels as are required for police or similar purposes in Turkish territorial waters. VII.—The Allies to have the right to occupy any strategic points in the event of any situation arising which threatens the security of the Allies. 422 Sir Frederick Maurice, ‘The Armistices of 1918’, Oxford University Press. (1943) 221 VIII.—Free use by the Allied ships of all ports and anchorages now in Turkish occupation and denial of their use to the enemy. Similar conditions to apply to Turkish mercantile shipping in Turkish waters for purposes of trade and the demobilization of the army. IX.—Use of all ship-repair facilities at all Turkish ports and arsenals. X.—Allied occupation of the Taurus tunnel system. XI.—Immediate withdrawal of the Turkish troops from Northwest Persia to behind the pre-war frontier has already been ordered and will be carried out. Part of Trans-Caucasia has already been ordered to be evacuated by Turkish troops; the remainder is to be evacuated if required by the Allies after they have studied the situation there. XII.—Wireless telegraphy and cable stations to be controlled by the Allies, Turkish Government messages excepted. XIII.—Prohibition to destroy any naval, military, or commercial material. XIV.—Facilities to be given for the purchase of coal and oil fuel, and naval material from Turkish sources, after the requirements of the country have been met. None of the above material to be exported. XV.—Allied Control Officers to be placed on all railways, including such portions of the Trans Caucasian Railways as are now under Turkish control, which must be placed at the free and complete disposal of the Allied authorities, due consideration being given to the needs of the population. This clause to include Allied occupation of Batoum. Turkey will raise no objection to the occupation of Baku by the Allies. XVI.—Surrender of all garrisons in Hedjaz, Assir, Yemen, Syria, and Mesopotamia to the nearest Allied Commander; and the withdrawal of 222 troops from Cicilia, except those necessary to maintain order, as will be determined under Clause V. XVII.—Surrender of all Turkish officers in Tripolitania and Cyrenaica to the nearest Italian garrison. Turkey guarantees to stop supplies and communication with these officers if they do not obey the order to surrender. XVIII.—Surrender of all ports occupied in Tripolitania and Cyrenaica, including Misurata, to the nearest Allied garrison. XIX.—All Germans and Austrians, naval, military, and civilian, to be evacuated within one month from the Turkish dominions: those in remote districts to be evacuated as soon after as may be possible. XX.—The compliance with such orders as may be conveyed for the disposal of equipment, arms, and ammunition, including transport, of that portion of the Turkish Army which is demobilized under Clause V. XXI.—An Allied representative to be attached to the Turkish Ministry of Supplies in order to safeguard Allied interests. This representative is to be furnished with all information necessary for this purpose. XXII.—Turkish prisoners to be kept at the disposal of the Allied Powers. The release of Turkish civilian prisoners over military age to be considered. XXIII.—Obligation on the part of Turkey to cease all relations with the Central Powers. XXIV.—In case of disorder in the six Armenian vilayets, the Allies reserve to themselves the right to occupy any part of them. XXV.—Hostilities between the Allies and Turkey shall cease from noon, local time, on Thursday, 31st October, 1918. 223 Signed in duplicate on board His Britannic Majesty’s Ship Agamemnon, at Port Mudros, Lemnos, the 30th October, 1918. (Signed) Arthur Calthorpe Hussein Raouf Rechad Hikmet Saadullah 224 GENERAL FAHREDDIN PASHA, THE LAST OTTOMAN GOVERNOR OF MEDINA 423 Fahreddin Pasha served as the last Ottoman Governor of Medina from 1916 to 1919. He is remembered for his services to Islam. Also called Fakhri Pasha, he bravely defended the ‘City of the Prophet’ against the Arab attacks spearheaded by the British spy-arsonist T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia). At the end of World War I, Pasha received orders from the Turkish military high command to surrender. He did not. One morning after Fajr prayers, Pasha gathered his soldiers in the Masjid-e-Nabvi. He gave them an impassioned speech. He stressed that he had the honour to see the Prophet in a dream. He clearly hinted that he had received instructions. The general directed the Ottoman soldiers to fight on gallantly. Pasha also organised a strategy. He transported the holy relics of Islam from Medina to Istanbul. All these, it is said, among others, included the holy Asaa, garments and footwear of the Prophet. And, and even the copy of the Quran, which was being recited by Caliph Usman at the time of his shahadat in June 656 AD. In all, more than 500 relics are said to have been safely transported to Turkey. Once this monumental task had been successfully accomplished, Fakhri Pasha honourably surrendered to the enemy. He was taken to Egypt; later he was allowed to proceed to Ankara. In 1922, Fakhri Pasha was appointed Turkish Ambassador to Afghanistan. From Kabul, he used to visit Peshawar in modern day 423 Article by Ambassador Afrasiab Mehdi Hashmi Qureshi published in The Nation: ( 225 Pakistan. Not for sightseeing, but to understand the Muslim mindset that has always pulsated in support of Istanbul. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Iqbal and the Jauhar brothers held Ottomans in high esteem. So did the common Muslim in South Asia. Before British India, for more than 800 years Hindustan was ‘Muslim India.’ Almost each and every powerful Muslim Emperor of Hindustan, established his legitimacy on the throne of Delhi only after having received a formal decree of approval from the Ottoman Sultan in Istanbul. This aspect of history had always attracted Ambassador Pasha’s attention. Pasha also noted with interest that the Muslim notables in the subcontinent, wore fez (Turkish cap), which was reflective of their love for Turkey. Pasha was born in 1868 in modern day Bulgaria. Pasha died in 1948 in modern day Turkey. His foes respected him. So did the British who called him, ‘The Tiger of the Desert.’ Had Fakhri Pasha not transported the holy relics to Istanbul, these, including the Quran of Caliph Usman, would have been available not in Topkapi, Istanbul, but in the British Museum, London. During his time, Fakhri Pasha was loved by the citizens of Medina. Today, he is loved in Muslim history. Allah has His mysterious ways, to protect His religion the way He desires. 226 THE PAKISTAN RESOLUTION (Lahore, 23 March 1940) 424 While approving and endorsing the action taken by the Council and the Working Committee of the All-India Muslim League, as indicated in their resolutions dated the 27th of August, 17th and 18th of September and 22nd of October, 1939, and 3rd of February, 1940, on the constitutional issue, this session of the All-India Muslim League emphatically reiterates that the scheme of federation embodied in the Government of India Act, 1935, is totally unsuited to, and unworkable in the peculiar conditions of this country and is altogether unacceptable to Muslim India. It further records its emphatic view that while the declaration dated the 18th of October, 1939, made by the Viceroy on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, is reassuring in so far as it declares that the policy and plan on which the Government of India Act, 1939, is based, will be reconsidered in consultation with the various parties, interests and communities in India. Muslim India will not be satisfied unless the whole constitutional plan is reconsidered ‘do novo’ and that no revised plan would be acceptable to the Muslims unless it is framed with their approval and consent. Resolved that it is the considered view of this session of the All-India Muslim League that no constitutional plan would be workable in the country or acceptable to the Muslims unless it is designed on the following basic principles, viz., that geographically contiguous units are demarcated into regions which should be so constituted, with such territorial readjustments as may be necessary, that the areas in which the 424 Unofficial text. ‘US Relations with South Asia (since Christopher Columbus) and Pakistan-India Interaction (1492-2002),’ Afrasiab, page 513, second edition, WorldMate Islamabad. (July 2002) 227 Muslims are numerically in a majority as in the north-western and eastern zones of India should be grouped to constitute “Independent States” in which the constituent units shall be autonomous and sovereign. That adequate, effective and mandatory safeguards should be specifically provided in the constitution for minorities in these units and in the regions for the protection of their religious, cultural, economic, political, administrative and other rights and interests in consultation with them, and in other parts of India where the Mussalmans are in a minority adequate, effective and mandatory safeguards shall be specifically provided in the constitution for them and other minorities for the protection of their religious, cultural, economic, political, administrative and other rights and interests in consultation with them. This session further authorizes the Working Committee to frame a scheme of constitution in accordance with these basic principles, providing for the assumption finally by the respective regions of all powers such as defence, external affairs, communications, customs, and such other matters as may be necessary. 228 DECLARATION ON ESTABLISHMENT OF STATE OF ISRAEL (14 May 1948) 425 On May 14, 1948, on the day in which the British Mandate over a Palestine expired, the Jewish People's Council gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum, and approved the following proclamation, declaring the establishment of the State of Israel. The new state was recognized that night by the United States and three days later by the USSR. Text begins ERETZ-ISRAEL [(Hebrew) - the Land of Israel, Palestine] was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Here their spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped. Here they first attained to statehood, created cultural values of national and universal significance and gave to the world the eternal Book of Books. After being forcibly exiled from their land, the people kept faith with it throughout their Dispersion and never ceased to pray and hope for their return to it and for the restoration in it of their political freedom. Impelled by this historic and traditional attachment, Jews strove in every successive generation to re-establish themselves in their ancient homeland. In recent decades they returned in their masses. Pioneers, ma'pilim [(Hebrew) - immigrants coming to Eretz-Israel in defiance of restrictive legislation] and defenders, they made deserts bloom, revived the Hebrew language, built villages and towns, and created a thriving community controlling its own economy and culture, loving peace but knowing how to defend itself, bringing the blessings of progress to all the country's inhabitants, and aspiring towards independent nationhood. 425 Website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel ( ablishment%20of%20state%20of%20israel.aspx). Site accessed on 22 August 2016. 229 In the year 5657 (1897), at the summons of the spiritual father of the Jewish State, Theodore Herzl, the First Zionist Congress convened and proclaimed the right of the Jewish people to national rebirth in its own country. This right was recognized in the Balfour Declaration of the 2nd November, 1917, and re-affirmed in the Mandate of the League of Nations which, in particular, gave international sanction to the historic connection between the Jewish people and Eretz-Israel and to the right of the Jewish people to rebuild its National Home. The catastrophe which recently befell the Jewish people - the massacre of millions of Jews in Europe - was another clear demonstration of the urgency of solving the problem of its homelessness by re-establishing in Eretz-Israel the Jewish State, which would open the gates of the homeland wide to every Jew and confer upon the Jewish people the status of a fully privileged member of the comity of nations. Survivors of the Nazi holocaust in Europe, as well as Jews from other parts of the world, continued to migrate to Eretz-Israel, undaunted by difficulties, restrictions and dangers, and never ceased to assert their right to a life of dignity, freedom and honest toil in their national homeland. In the Second World War, the Jewish community of this country contributed its full share to the struggle of the freedom- and peaceloving nations against the forces of Nazi wickedness and, by the blood of its soldiers and its war effort, gained the right to be reckoned among the peoples who founded the United Nations. On the 29th November, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for the establishment of a Jewish State in Eretz-Israel; the General Assembly required the inhabitants of EretzIsrael to take such steps as were necessary on their part for the implementation of that resolution. This recognition by the United 230 Nations of the right of the Jewish people to establish their State is irrevocable. This right is the natural right of the Jewish people to be masters of their own fate, like all other nations, in their own sovereign State. ACCORDINGLY WE, MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S COUNCIL, REPRESENTATIVES OF THE JEWISH COMMUNITY OF ERETZISRAEL AND OF THE ZIONIST MOVEMENT, ARE HERE ASSEMBLED ON THE DAY OF THE TERMINATION OF THE BRITISH MANDATE OVER ERETZ-ISRAEL AND, BY VIRTUE OF OUR NATURAL AND HISTORIC RIGHT AND ON THE STRENGTH OF THE RESOLUTION OF THE UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, HEREBY DECLARE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A JEWISH STATE IN ERETZ-ISRAEL, TO BE KNOWN AS THE STATE OF ISRAEL. WE DECLARE that, with effect from the moment of the termination of the Mandate being tonight, the eve of Sabbath, the 6th Iyar, 5708 (15th May, 1948), until the establishment of the elected, regular authorities of the State in accordance with the Constitution which shall be adopted by the Elected Constituent Assembly not later than the 1st October 1948, the People's Council shall act as a Provisional Council of State, and its executive organ, the People's Administration, shall be the Provisional Government of the Jewish State, to be called "Israel". THE STATE OF ISRAEL will be open for Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of the Exiles; it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. 231 THE STATE OF ISRAEL is prepared to cooperate with the agencies and representatives of the United Nations in implementing the resolution of the General Assembly of the 29th November, 1947, and will take steps to bring about the economic union of the whole of Eretz-Israel. WE APPEAL to the United Nations to assist the Jewish people in the building-up of its State and to receive the State of Israel into the comity of nations. WE APPEAL - in the very midst of the onslaught launched against us now for months - to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions. WE EXTEND our hand to all neighbouring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neighbourliness, and appeal to them to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual help with the sovereign Jewish people settled in its own land. The State of Israel is prepared to do its share in a common effort for the advancement of the entire Middle East. WE APPEAL to the Jewish people throughout the Diaspora to rally round the Jews of Eretz-Israel in the tasks of immigration and upbuilding and to stand by them in the great struggle for the realization of the age-old dream - the redemption of Israel. PLACING OUR TRUST IN THE "ROCK OF ISRAEL", WE AFFIX OUR SIGNATURES TO THIS PROCLAMATION AT THIS SESSION OF THE PROVISIONAL COUNCIL OF STATE, ON THE SOIL OF THE HOMELAND, IN THE CITY OF TEL-AVIV, ON THIS SABBATH EVE, THE 5TH DAY OF IYAR, 5708 (14TH MAY,1948). David Ben-Gurion Daniel Auster Mordekhai Bentov 232 Yitzchak Ben Zvi Eliyahu Berligne Fritz Bernstein Rabbi Wolf Gold Meir Grabovsky Yitzchak Gruenbaum Dr. Abraham Granovsky Eliyahu Dobkin Meir Wilner-Kovner Zerach Wahrhaftig Herzl Vardi Rachel Cohen Rabbi Kalman Kahana Saadia Kobashi Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Levin Meir David Loewenstein Zvi Luria Golda Myerson Nachum Nir Zvi Segal Rabbi Yehuda Leib Hacohen Fishman David Zvi Pinkas Aharon Zisling Moshe Kolodny Eliezer Kaplan Abraham Katznelson Felix Rosenblueth David Remez Berl Repetur Mordekhai Shattner Ben Zion Sternberg Bekhor Shitreet Moshe Shapira Moshe Shertok Text concludes 233 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE (Establishment of the State of Palestine in the Land of Palestine with its capital at Jerusalem) (November 1988) 426 On the same terrain as God's apostolic missions to mankind and in the land of Palestine was the Palestinian Arab people brought forth. There it grew and developed, and there it created its unique human and national mode of existence in an organic, indissoluble and unbroken relationship among people, land and history. With epic tenaciousness in terms of place and time, the people of Palestine fashioned its national identity. Its steadfast endurance in its own defence rose to preternatural levels, for despite the ambitions, covetousness and armed invasions which deprived that people of an opportunity to achieve political independence, and which were prompted by the allure of this ancient land and its crucial position on the intersecting boundaries of powerful nations and civilizations, it was the constancy with which the people adhered to the land that gave that land its identity and which imbued its people with the national spirit. Nourished by many strains of civilizations and a multitude of cultures and finding inspiration in the texts of its spiritual and historical heritage, the Palestinian Arab people has, throughout history, continued to develop its identity in an integral unity of land and people and in the footsteps of the prophets throughout this Holy Land, the invocation of praise for the Creator high atop every minaret while hymns of mercy and peace have rung out with the bells of every church and temple. 426 United Nations ( Site accessed on 3 December 2021. 234 From generation unto generation, the Palestinian Arab people has not ceased its valiant defence of its homeland, and the successive rebellions of our people have been a heroic embodiment of its desire for national independence. At a time when the modern world was fashioning its new system of values, the prevailing balance of power in the local and international arenas excluded the Palestinians from the common destiny, and it was shown once more that it was not justice alone that turned the wheels of history. The deep injury already done the Palestinian people and therefore aggravated when a painful differentiation was made: a people deprived of independence, and one whose homeland was subjected to a new kind of foreign occupation, was exposed to an attempt to give general currency to the falsehood that Palestine was "a land without a people". Despite this falsification of history, the international community, in article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations of 1919 and in the Lausanne Treaty of 1923, recognized that the Palestinian Arab people was no different from the other Arab peoples detached from the Ottoman State and was a free and independent people. Despite the historical injustice done to the Palestinian Arab people in its displacement and in being deprived of the right to self-determination following the adoption of General Assembly resolution 181 (II) of 1947, which partitioned Palestine into an Arab and a Jewish State, that resolution nevertheless continues to attach conditions to international legitimacy that guarantee the Palestinian Arab people the right to sovereignty and national independence. The occupation of Palestinian territory and parts of other Arab territory by Israeli forces, the uprooting of the majority of Palestinians and their displacement from their homes by means of organized intimidation, and the subjection of the remainder to occupation, oppression and the destruction of the distinctive features of their national life, are a flagrant 235 violation of the principle of legitimacy and of the Charter of the United Nations and its resolutions recognizing the national rights of the Palestinian people, including the right to return and the right to selfdetermination, independence and sovereignty over the territory of its homeland. In the heart of its homeland and on its periphery, in its places of exile near and far, the Palestinian Arab people has not lost its unwavering faith in its right to return nor its firm belief in its right to independence. Occupation, carnage and displacement have been unable to dispossess the Palestinians of their consciousness and their identity - their epic struggle has endured, and the formation of their national character has continued with the growing escalation of the struggle. The national will has established its political framework; and that is the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole, legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, as recognized by the international community and represented in the United Nations and its institutions and in other international and regional organizations. Founding itself on a belief in inalienable rights, on the Arab national consensus and on international legitimacy, the Palestine Liberation Organization has assumed leadership in the battles of a great people fused in an exemplary national unity and in a legendary and steadfast resistance to carnage and encirclement within its homeland and outside. To the Arab national consciousness and to that of the entire world, the epic of the Palestinian resistance has manifested itself as one of the most conspicuous national liberation movements of the age. The great popular uprising now mounting in the occupied territories, together with the legendary steadfastness of the camps within and outside the homeland, have raised mankind's grasp of the true nature of the Palestinian issue and of Palestinian national rights to a level higher than that of full and mature comprehension, have brought down the final curtain on an entire epoch of falsification and conscientious indifference and have beleaguered the official Israeli mentality, prone as it is to 236 appeal to arguments based on mythology and to resort to intimidation in its denial of Palestinian existence. With the uprising, with the escalation of the revolutionary struggle and with the accumulation of revolutionary experience wherever the struggle is in progress, the Palestinian conjuncture reaches a sharp historical turning point. The Palestinian Arab people asserts once more its inalienable rights and its demand to exercise those rights in its Palestinian homeland. By virtue of the natural, historical and legal right of the Palestinian Arab people to its homeland, Palestine, and of the sacrifices of its succeeding generations in defence of the freedom and independence of that homeland, Pursuant to the resolutions of the Arab Summit Conferences and on the basis of the international legitimacy embodied in the resolutions of the United Nations since 1947, and Through the exercise by the Palestinian Arab people of its right to selfdetermination, political independence and sovereignty over its territory: The Palestine National Council hereby declares, in the Name of God and on behalf of the Palestinian Arab people, the establishment of the State of Palestine in the land of Palestine with its capital at Jerusalem. The State of Palestine shall be for Palestinians, wherever they may be therein to develop their national and cultural identity and therein to enjoy full equality of rights. Their religious and political beliefs and human dignity shall therein be safeguarded under a democratic parliamentary system based on freedom of opinion and the freedom to form parties, on the heed of the majority for minority rights and the respect of minorities for majority decisions, on social justice and equality, and on non-discrimination in civil rights 237 on grounds of race, religion or colour or as between men and women, under a Constitution ensuring the rule of law and an independent judiciary and on the basis of true fidelity to the age-old spiritual and cultural heritage of Palestine with respect to mutual tolerance, coexistence and magnanimity among religions The State of Palestine shall be an Arab State and shall be an integral part of the Arab nation, of its heritage and civilization and of its present endeavour for the achievement of the goals of liberation, development, democracy and unity. In affirming its commitment to the Pact of the League of Arab States and its concern for the strengthening of joint Arab action, the State of Palestine calls upon the members of the Arab nation for their assistance in achieving its de facto emergence by mobilizing their capacities and intensifying the efforts made to bring the Israeli occupation to an end. The State of Palestine declares its commitment to the purposes and principles of the United Nations, to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to the policy and principles of non-alignment. The State of Palestine, in declaring that it is a peace-loving State committed to the principles of peaceful coexistence, shall strive, together with all other States and peoples, for the achievement of a lasting peace based on justice and respect for rights, under which the human potential for constructive activity may flourish, mutual competition may centre on life-sustaining innovation and there is no fear for the future, since the future bears only assurance for those who have acted justly or made amends to justice. In the context of its struggle to bring peace to a land of peace and love, the State of Palestine calls upon the United Nations, which bears a special responsibility towards the Palestinian Arab people and its homeland, and upon the peace-loving States and peoples of the world and those that cherish freedom to assist it in achieving its goals, in bringing the plight of its people to an end, in ensuring the safety and 238 security of that people and in endeavouring to end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory. The State of Palestine further declares, in that connection, that it believes in the solution of international and regional problems by peaceful means in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the resolutions adopted by it, and that, without prejudice to its natural right to defend itself, it rejects the threat or use of force, violence and intimidation against its territorial integrity and political independence or those of any other State. On this momentous day, the fifteenth day of November 1988, as we stand on the threshold of a new era, we bow our heads in deference and humility to the departed souls of our martyrs and the martyrs of the Arab nation who, by virtue of the pure blood shed by them, have lit the glimmer of this auspicious dawn and who have died so that the homeland might live. We lift up our hearts so that they may be filled with light from the radiance of the hallowed uprising, of the epic resistance of those in the camps, in the dispersion and in exile, and of those who have borne the manner of freedom: our children, our elders and our youth; our prisoners, detainees and wounded based on the hallowed soil and in every camp, village and city; the valiant Palestinian women, the guardians of our life and our survival and keepers of our eternal flame. To the spirits of our righteous martyrs, to the masses of our Palestinian Arab people and our Arab nation and to all free and honourable men, we give our solemn pledge to continue the struggle for an end to the occupation and the establishment of sovereignty and independence. We call upon our great people to rally to the Palestinian flag, to take pride in it and to defend it so that it shall remain forever a symbol of our freedom and dignity in a homeland that shall be forever free and the abode of a people of free men. 239 In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate ‘Say: 'O God, Master of the Kingdom, Thou givest the Kingdom to whom Thou wilt, and seizest the Kingdom from whom Thou wilt, Thou exaltest whom Thou wilt, and Thou abasest whom Thou wilt; in Thy hand is the good; Thou art powerful over everything ..." Almighty God has spoken the truth. 240 ADDRESS BY PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH ON 20 SEPTEMBER 2001 IN THE WAKE OF 9/11 427 ……..My fellow citizens, for the last nine days, the entire world has seen for itself the state of union, and it is strong. Tonight, we are a country awakened to danger and called to defend freedom. Our grief has turned to anger and anger to resolution. Whether we bring our enemies to justice or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done. I thank the Congress for its leadership at such an important time. All of America was touched on the evening of the tragedy to see Republicans and Democrats joined together on the steps of this Capitol singing "God Bless America." And you did more than sing. You acted, by delivering $40 billion to rebuild our communities and meet the needs of our military. Speaker Hastert, Minority Leader Gephardt, Majority Leader Daschle and Senator Lott, I thank you for your friendship, for your leadership and for your service to our country. And on behalf of the American people, I thank the world for its outpouring of support. America will never forget the sounds of our national anthem playing at Buckingham Palace, on the streets of Paris and at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate. We will not forget South Korean children gathering to pray outside our embassy in Seoul, or the prayers of sympathy offered at a mosque in Cairo. We will not forget moments of silence and days of mourning in Australia and Africa and Latin America. Nor will we forget the citizens of 80 other nations who died with our own. Dozens of Pakistanis, more than 130 Israelis, more than 250 citizens of India, men 427 Text shortened for economy. May also visit C-SPAN site at 241 and women from El Salvador, Iran, Mexico and Japan, and hundreds of British citizens. America has no truer friend than Great Britain. Once again, we are joined together in a great cause. I'm so honored the British prime minister has crossed an ocean to show his unity with America. On September the 11th, enemies of freedom committed an act of war against our country. Americans have known wars, but for the past 136 years they have been wars on foreign soil, except for one Sunday in 1941. Americans have known the casualties of war, but not at the center of a great city on a peaceful morning. Americans have known surprise attacks, but never before on thousands of civilians. All of this was brought upon us in a single day, and night fell on a different world, a world where freedom itself is under attack. Americans have many questions tonight. Americans are asking, "Who attacked our country?" The evidence we have gathered all points to a collection of loosely affiliated terrorist organizations known as al-Qaida. They are some of the murderers indicted for bombing American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya and responsible for bombing the USS Cole. Al-Qaida is to terror what the Mafia is to crime. But its goal is not making money. Its goal is remaking the world and imposing its radical beliefs on people everywhere. The terrorists practice a fringe form of Islamic extremism that has been rejected by Muslim scholars and the vast majority of Muslim clerics; a fringe movement that perverts the peaceful teachings of Islam The terrorists' directive commands them to kill Christians and Jews, to kill all Americans and make no distinctions among military and civilians, including women and children. This group and its leader, a person named Osama bin Laden, are linked to many other organizations in different countries, including the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, the Islamic 242 Movement of Uzbekistan. There are thousands of these terrorists in more than 60 countries. They are recruited from their own nations and neighborhoods and brought to camps in places like Afghanistan, where they are trained in the tactics of terror. They are sent back to their homes or sent to hide in countries around the world to plot evil and destruction. The leadership of al-Qaida has great influence in Afghanistan and supports the Taliban regime in controlling most of that country. In Afghanistan, we see alQaida's vision for the world. Afghanistan's people have been brutalized, many are starving and many have fled. Women are not allowed to attend school. You can be jailed for owning a television. Religion can be practiced only as their leaders dictate. A man can be jailed in Afghanistan if his beard is not long enough. The United States respects the people of Afghanistan -- after all, we are currently its largest source of humanitarian aid -- but we condemn the Taliban regime. It is not only repressing its own people, it is threatening people everywhere by sponsoring and sheltering and supplying terrorists. By aiding and abetting murder, the Taliban regime is committing murder. And tonight, the United States of America makes the following demands on the Taliban……I also want to speak tonight directly to Muslims throughout the world. We respect your faith. It's practiced freely by many millions of Americans and by millions more in countries that America counts as friends. Its teachings are good and peaceful, and those who commit evil in the name of Allah blaspheme the name of Allah. The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself. The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends. It is not our many Arab friends. Our enemy is a radical network of terrorists and every government that supports them. Our war on terror begins with al-Qaida, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist 243 group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated. Americans are asking, "Why do they hate us?" They hate what they see right here in this chamber: a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other. They want to overthrow existing governments in many Muslim countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. They want to drive Israel out of the Middle East. They want to drive Christians and Jews out of vast regions of Asia and Africa. These terrorists kill not merely to end lives, but to disrupt and end a way of life. With every atrocity, they hope that America grows fearful, retreating from the world and forsaking our friends. They stand against us because we stand in their way. We're not deceived by their pretenses to piety. We have seen their kind before. They're the heirs of all the murderous ideologies of the 20th century. By sacrificing human life to serve their radical visions, by abandoning every value except the will to power, they follow in the path of fascism, Nazism and totalitarianism. And they will follow that path all the way to where it ends in history's unmarked grave of discarded lies. Americans are asking, "How will we fight and win this war?" We will direct every resource at our command -- every means of diplomacy, every tool of intelligence, every instrument of law enforcement, every financial influence and every necessary weapon of war -- to the destruction and to the defeat of the global terror network. Now this war will not be like the war against Iraq a decade ago, with a decisive liberation of territory and a swift conclusion. It will not look like the air war above Kosovo two years ago, where no ground troops were used and not a single American was lost in combat. Our response involves far more than instant retaliation and isolated strikes. Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign unlike any other we have ever seen. 244 From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime. Our nation has been put on notice, we're not immune from attack. We will take defensive measures against terrorism to protect Americans. Today, dozens of federal departments and agencies, as well as state and local governments, have responsibilities affecting homeland security. These efforts must be coordinated at the highest level. So tonight, I announce the creation of a Cabinet-level position reporting directly to me, the Office of Homeland Security. And tonight, I also announce a distinguished American to lead this effort, to strengthen American security: a military veteran, an effective governor, a true patriot, a trusted friend, Pennsylvania's Tom Ridge. He will lead, oversee and coordinate a comprehensive national strategy to safeguard our country against terrorism and respond to any attacks that may come.…..The only way to defeat terrorism as a threat to our way of life is to stop it, eliminate it and destroy it where it grows. Many will be involved in this effort, from FBI agents, to intelligence operatives, to the reservists we have called to active duty. All deserve our thanks, and all have our prayers. And tonight a few miles from the damaged Pentagon, I have a message for our military: Be ready. I have called the armed forces to alert, and there is a reason. The hour is coming when America will act, and you will make us proud. This is not, however, just America's fight. And what is at stake is not just America's freedom. This is the world's fight. This is civilization's fight. This is the fight of all who believe in progress and pluralism, tolerance and freedom. We ask every nation to join us. We will ask and we will need the help of police forces, intelligence services and banking systems around the world. The United States is grateful that many nations and many international organizations have already responded with sympathy and with support -nations from Latin America, to Asia, to Africa, to Europe, to the Islamic world….And finally, please continue praying for the victims of terror 245 and their families, for those in uniform and for our great country. Prayer has comforted us in sorrow and will help strengthen us for the journey ahead. Tonight, I thank my fellow Americans for what you have already done and for what you will do. And ladies and gentlemen of the Congress, I thank you, their representatives, for what you have already done and for what we will do together. Tonight, we face new and sudden national challenges. We will come together to improve air safety, to dramatically expand the number of air marshals on domestic flights and take new measures to prevent hijacking. We will come together to promote stability and keep our airlines flying with direct assistance during this emergency. We will come together to give law enforcement the additional tools it needs to track down terror here at home. We will come together to strengthen our intelligence capabilities to know the plans of terrorists before they act and to find them before they strike. We will come together to take active steps that strengthen America's economy and put our people back to work….. Some speak of an age of terror. I know there are struggles ahead and dangers to face. But this country will define our times, not be defined by them. As long as the United States of America is determined and strong, this will not be an age of terror. This will be an age of liberty here and across the world.…..But our resolve must not pass. Each of us will remember what happened that day and to whom it happened. We will remember the moment the news came, where we were and what we were doing. Fellow citizens, we'll meet violence with patient justice, assured of the rightness of our cause and confident of the victories to come. In all that lies before us, may God grant us wisdom, and may He watch over the United States of America. 246 ADDRESS BY US PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE DONALD TRUMP ON ISLAM 428 (15 August 2016) Today, we begin a conversation about how to Make America safe again. In the 20th Century, the United States defeated Fascism, Nazism, and Communism. Now, a different threat challenges our world: Radical Islamic Terrorism. This summer, there has been an ISIS attack launched outside the war zones of the Middle East every 84 hours. Here, in America, we have seen one brutal attack after another. The Boston Marathon Bombing wounded and maimed 264 people, and ultimately left five dead – including 2 police officers. Last December, 14 innocent Americans were gunned down at an office party in San Bernardino, another 22 were injured. In June, 49 Americans were executed at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, and another 53 were injured. It was the worst mass shooting in our history, and the worst attack on the LGTBQ community in our history. In Europe, we have seen the same carnage and bloodshed inflicted upon our closest allies. In January of 2015, a French satirical newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, was attacked for publishing cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. Twelve were killed, including two police officers, and 11 were wounded. Two days later, four were murdered in a Jewish Deli. In November of 2015, terrorists went on a shooting rampage in Paris that slaughtered 130 people, and wounded another 368. France is suffering gravely, and the tourism industry is being massively affected in a most negative way. In March of this year, terrorists detonated a bomb in the Brussels airport, killing 32 and injuring 340. This July, in the South of France, an Islamic terrorist turned his truck into an instrument of mass 428 This is not the complete text as it has been shortened for economy. 247 murder, plowing down and killing 85 men, women and children – and wounding another 308. Among the dead were 2 Americans – a Texas father, and his 11-year-old son. A few weeks ago, in Germany, a refugee armed with an axe wounded five people in a gruesome train attack. Nor can we let the hateful ideology of Radical Islam – its oppression of women, gays, children, and nonbelievers – be allowed to reside or spread within our own countries. We will defeat Radical Islamic Terrorism, just as we have defeated every threat we have faced in every age before. But we will not defeat it with closed eyes, or silenced voices. Anyone who cannot name our enemy, is not fit to lead this country. Anyone who cannot condemn the hatred, oppression and violence of Radical Islam lacks the moral clarity to serve as our President. The rise of ISIS is the direct result of policy decisions made by President Obama and Secretary Clinton. Let’s look back at the Middle East at the very beginning of 2009, before the Obama-Clinton Administration took over. Libya was stable. Syria was under control. Egypt was ruled by a secular President and an ally of the United States. Iraq was experiencing a reduction in violence. The group that would become what we now call ISIS was close to being extinguished. Iran was being choked off by economic sanctions. Fast-forward to today. What have the decisions of Obama-Clinton produced? Libya is in ruins, our ambassador and three other brave Americans are dead, and ISIS has gained a new base of operations. Syria is in the midst of a disastrous civil war. ISIS controls large portions of territory. A refugee crisis now threatens Europe and the United States. At the same time, ISIS is trying to infiltrate refugee flows into Europe and the United States. Iran, the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, is now flush with $150 billion in cash released by the United States – plus another $400 million in ransom. Worst of all, the Nuclear 248 deal puts Iran, the number one state sponsor of Radical Islamic Terrorism, on a path to nuclear weapons. It all began in 2009 with what has become known as President Obama’s global ‘Apology Tour.’ In a series of speeches, President Obama described America as “arrogant,” “dismissive” “derisive” and a “colonial power.” He informed other countries that he would be speaking up about America’s “past errors.” He pledged that we would no longer be a “senior partner,” that “sought to dictate our terms.” He lectured CIA officers of the need to acknowledge their mistakes, and described Guantanamo Bay as a “rallying cry for our enemies.” It is time for a new approach. Our current strategy of nation-building and regime change is a proven failure. We have created the vacuums that allow terrorists to grow and thrive. I was an opponent of the Iraq war from the beginning – a major difference between me and my opponent. Though I was a private citizen, whose personal opinions on such matters was not sought, I nonetheless publicly expressed my private doubts about the invasion. Three months before the invasion I said, in an interview with Neil Cavuto, to whom I offer my best wishes for a speedy recovery, that “perhaps [we] shouldn't be doing it yet,” and that “the economy is a much bigger problem.”….. If I become President, the era of nation-building will be ended. Our new approach, which must be shared by both parties in America, by our allies overseas, and by our friends in the Middle East, must be to halt the spread of Radical Islam. All actions should be oriented around this goal, and any country which shares this goal will be our ally. We cannot always choose our friends, but we can never fail to recognize our enemies. As President, I will call for an international conference focused on this goal. We will work side-by-side with our friends in the Middle East, including our greatest ally, Israel. We will partner with King Abdullah 249 of Jordan, and President Sisi of Egypt, and all others who recognize this ideology of death that must be extinguished. We will also work closely with NATO on this new mission. I had previously said that NATO was obsolete because it failed to deal adequately with terrorism; since my comments they have changed their policy and now have a new division focused on terror threats. I also believe that we could find common ground with Russia in the fight against ISIS. They too have much at stake in the outcome in Syria, and have had their own battles with Islamic terrorism. My Administration will aggressively pursue joint and coalition military operations to crush and destroy ISIS, international cooperation to cutoff their funding, expanded intelligence sharing, and cyberwarfare to disrupt and disable their propaganda and recruiting…Unlike Hillary Clinton, who has risked so many lives with her careless handling of sensitive information, my Administration will not telegraph exact military plans to the enemy. I have often said that General MacArthur and General Patton would be in a state of shock if they were alive today to see the way President Obama and Hillary Clinton try to recklessly announce their every move before it happens – like they did in Iraq – so that the enemy can prepare and adapt. The fight will not be limited to ISIS. We will decimate Al Qaeda, and we will seek to starve funding for Iran-backed Hamas and Hezbollah. We can use existing UN Security Council resolutions to apply new sanctions. Military, cyber and financial warfare will all be essential in dismantling Islamic terrorism……Just as we won the Cold War, in part, by exposing the evils of communism and the virtues of free markets, so too must we take on the ideology of Radical Islam. While my opponent accepted millions of dollars in Foundation donations from countries where being gay is an offense punishable by prison or death, my Administration will speak out against the oppression of women, gays and people of different faith. Our Administration will be a 250 friend to all moderate Muslim reformers in the Middle East, and will amplify their voices. This includes speaking out against the horrible practice of honor killings, where women are murdered by their relatives for dressing, marrying or acting in a way that violates fundamentalist teachings. Over 1,000 Pakistani girls are estimated to be the victims of honor killings by their relatives each year….To defeat Islamic terrorism, we must also speak out forcefully against a hateful ideology that provides the breeding ground for violence and terrorism to grow. A new immigration policy is needed as well. The common thread linking the major Islamic terrorist attacks that have recently occurred on our soil – 9/11, the Ft. Hood shooting, the Boston Bombing, the San Bernardino attack, the Orlando attack – is that they have involved immigrants or the children of immigrants. Clearly, new screening procedures are needed. A review by the U.S. Senate Immigration Subcommittee has identified 380 foreign-born individuals charged with terrorism or terrorism- related offenses between 9/11 and 2014, and many more since then. We also know that ISIS recruits refugees after their entrance into the country – as we have seen with the Somali refugee population in Minnesota. Beyond terrorism, as we have seen in France, foreign populations have brought their anti-Semitic attitudes with them. In Cologne, Germany, on New Year’s Eve, we have seen the reports of sexual violence and assault. Pew polling shows that in many of the countries from which we draw large numbers of immigrants, extreme views about religion – such as the death penalty for those who leave the faith – are commonplace. A Trump Administration will establish a clear principle that will govern all decisions pertaining to immigration: we should only admit into this country those who share our values and respect our people. 251 Only those who we expect to flourish in our country – and to embrace a tolerant American society – should be issued immigrant visas. To put these new procedures in place, we will have to temporarily suspend immigration from some of the most dangerous and volatile regions of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism. As soon as I take office, I will ask the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security to identify a list of regions where adequate screening cannot take place. We will stop processing visas from those areas until such time as it is deemed safe to resume based on new circumstances or new procedures. Finally, we will need to restore common sense to our security procedures. The 9/11 hijackers had fraud all over their visa applications. The Russians warned us about the Boston Bombers, here on political asylum, and the attackers were even twice interviewed by the FBI. The female San Bernardino shooter, here on a fiancé visa from Saudi Arabia, wrote of her support for Jihad online. A neighbor saw suspicious behavior but didn’t warn authorities, because said they didn’t want to be accused of racially profiling – now many are dead and gravely wounded. One of my first acts as President will be to establish a Commission on Radical Islam – which will include reformist voices in the Muslim community who will hopefully work with us. We want to build bridges and erase divisions. The goal of the commission will be to identify and explain to the American public the core convictions and beliefs of Radical Islam, to identify the warning signs of radicalization, and to expose the networks in our society that support radicalization. This commission will be used to develop new protocols for local police officers, federal investigators, and immigration screeners. We will also keep open Guantanamo Bay, and place a renewed emphasis on human intelligence. Drone strikes will remain part of our strategy, but we will also seek to capture high-value targets to gain needed information to 252 dismantle their organizations. Foreign combatants will be tried in military commissions. Finally, we will pursue aggressive criminal or immigration charges against anyone who lends material support to terrorism. Similar to the effort to take down the mafia, this will be the understood mission of every federal investigator and prosecutor in the country. To accomplish a goal, you must state a mission: the support networks for Radical Islam in this country will be stripped out and removed one by one. Immigration officers will also have their powers restored: those who are guests in our country that are preaching hate will be asked to return home. To make America safe again, we must work together again. Our victory in the Cold War relied on a bipartisan and international consensus. That is what we must have to defeat Radical Islamic terrorism. But just like we couldn’t defeat communism without acknowledging that communism exists – or explaining its evils – we can’t defeat Radical Islamic Terrorism unless we do the same. This also means we have to promote the exceptional virtues of our own way of life – and expecting that newcomers to our society do the same. Pride in our institutions, our history and our values should be taught by parents and teachers, and impressed upon all who join our society. Assimilation is not an act of hostility, but an expression of compassion. Our system of government, and our American culture, is the best in the world and will produce the best outcomes for all who adopt it… We will reject bigotry and oppression in all its forms, and seek a new future built on our common culture and values as one American people. Only this way, will we make America Great Again and Safe Again – For Everyone. 253 THE HINDU HITLERS OF INDIA 429 (RASHTRIYA SWAYAMSEVAK SANGH - RSS) The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, widely known by the acronym RSS, is a Hindu fundamentalist organisation in India working for the promotion of Hindutva. Under the garb of nationalism, Hindutva basically connotes, expansionist and hegemonic Hinduism. According to Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics and International Relations, the term Hindutva has fascist undertones. And Hindu fascism is, what RSS has pursued, to achieve the overall national objectives for Hindu India. At least this is what liberal analysts in India have been repeatedly accusing the RSS of. Importantly, the Nazi salutations and Nazi symbolism have been an integral part of the RSS structure. Interesting comparisons can be drawn between India’s ‘Hindu man of ideas’ Savarkar’s 1923 pamphlet ‘Hindutva: Who is Hindu?’ and Goebbels’s 1926 German publication ‘Der Nazi Sozi.’ Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, a Hindu ideologue, established RSS in Nagpur on 27 September 1925. His aim to set up the organisation was to strengthen the Hindu identity, especially vis a vis the Muslims and Christians of the Subcontinent. Thus, the prime objective to establish a Hindu nation (rashtra), has been foremost in the minds of the RSS leadership. Out of antipathy for Islam, Hedgewar sometimes described the people of the Muslim faith, as “the hissing Yavana snakes.” 430 He and his fellow activists used derogatory terms for the Dalit and Sikh communities as well. Global Village Space, ‘RSS: Hindu Nazis of India’ by Ambassador Afrasiab. (3 November 2019) 430 Article titled, ‘Saffron has a go at history’ by Khushwant Singh in the Hindustan Times of 7 November 2008. 429 254 The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in India has been described as the political face of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. In fact, RSS is to BJP what SS (Schutzstaffel) was to the Nazi party in Germany. The difference being that SS under Himmler, was subordinate to the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) under Hitler. In India, BJP draws inspiration, and takes instructions from RSS. Mainly, due to reasons of history, Islam has been considered by RSS its arch - enemy. The fundamentalist Hindus in India have been targeting the holiest personalities of Islam even more than ever before. RSS ideologues describe Islam as an evil religion which promotes an evil ideology. The RSS firmly rejected the Constitution of India when it was passed on 26 November 1949. Its leadership has been making statements critical of the national flag and the national anthem of India. Apart from being secretive in its working, which it prefers without publicity because of reasons of strategy, RSS is also one of the most feared organisations in India. As such, crimes against humanity committed by RSS, remain undiscussed and are mostly downplayed. The RSS attained notoriety when one of its activists (or an ex member, as some claim) Nathuram Godse, assassinated Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the Father of the Nation of India, on 30 January 1948. Godse committed this act of terror to punish Gandhi, for what he perceived as Gandhi’s “leanings” towards the minorities, especially Muslims. Consequently, RSS was banned by the government of the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru. Earlier during the British rule, a ban was placed on RSS because of its association with the right-wing organisations in Europe, especially German Nazis. The RSS was banned again when the Emergency was imposed in India by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1975-77; and later when Babri Masjid was demolished by RSS fundamentalists in December 1992. 255 The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi who joined the organisation when he was eight years old, is an active member of RSS. So is the case with most of his cabinet ministers, and close civil and military advisers. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is “the mother party” of all-important Hindu fundamentalist organisations in India. This includes Vishva Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal and the Shiv Sena. RSS has set up thousands of shaakhaas (Hindu madrassas) all over the country. It has more than six million members in India. By and large, silent support for RSS has always existed in sections of the Indian civil society, bureaucracy, armed forces and especially in the security agencies of India. According to a write up posted on SAMVADA website, the first Army Chief of India, Field Marshal Carriappa once in his remarks to the organisation, underlined: “RSS is my heart’s work. My dear young men, don’t be disturbed by the uncharitable comments.....Look ahead! Go ahead! The country is standing in need of your services.” 431 Understandably, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has rendered invaluable services to Hindu India. The following contributions are not really discussed in public: - More than 200,000 Muslim men, women and children were mercilessly massacred in the State of Hyderabad in 1948. A large number of RSS workers were involved in these acts of terror. - RSS terrorists, in collaboration with security personnel of the Maharajah of Kashmir, butchered more than 200,000 Muslim men, women and children in Kashmir in 1947-1948. 432 - Dressed in the uniform of the Pakistan Army, widespread atrocities especially rapes, were committed by RSS activists in East Pakistan in 1971. 433 431 SAMWADA; ( posted on 24 October 2012). May also see Snedden, What happened to Muslims in Jammu? page 121. (2001) 433 Among others, discussions with Indian analysts, journalists etc. including K.K. 432 256 - Close to 10,000 Muslims were massacred in just three days in Gujarat in 2002 by RSS activists, on specific orders of the then Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi. 434 - Reports indicate that RSS activists dressed in uniform of the Indian Army, are involved in the ongoing Indian atrocities against the Muslim populace in Indian occupied Kashmir. Earlier in August 1946, a large number of Bengali Muslims were massacred in Calcutta. Many perpetrators were inspired by the RSS ideology. In a rather chilling interview in 1993 with ‘Time Magazine’, the RSS allied ‘Shiv Sen’ Supremo, Bal Thackeray, commented: “There is nothing wrong if Muslims are treated as Jews in Nazi Germany... if you take Mein Kampf and remove the word ‘Jew’ and put in its place the word ‘Muslim’, that is what I believe in.” 435 The Times reported in summer of 2019 that extremist Hindu groups in India have been offering “money, food and alcohol to mobs to kill Christians and to destroy their homes.” 436 The allegations followed the British government’s refusal to grant visas to the members of the Hindu radical groups, as they were “linked to the worst anti-Christian violence in India since Partition.” Earlier, Graham Stains, an Australian missionary, was burnt to death along with his two sons, in Orissa, by the RSS inspired Hindu mob. While neo - Nazi websites in Europe declare Hitler as the “reincarnation” of Hindu God Vishnu, some in India especially RSS activists, have emblazoned Adolf Hitler as “India’s Swastika God.” Slogans of “Hail Shree Ram; Hail Hitler”, have been frequently raised at Katyal. Interaction with Indian journalist, Harinder Baweja. 435 Haaretz, Friday, September 27, 2019 issue. 436 The Times, 23 August 2019. 434 257 RSS gatherings. Importantly, textbooks are being rewritten in India for school children. In Gujarat, chapters have been added in social studies books with titles such as ‘Hitler, the Supremo.’ A section on Nazi ideology, emphasises: “Hitler gave dignity and prestige to Germany. He adopted a policy of opposition towards the Jewish people, and advocated supremacy of the German race.” 437 According to Palash Ghosh, during World War II, Indian nationalists received “explicit support” from the German Nazis. In fact, some even served in “Hitler’s army and in the notorious SS.” Ghosh adds that in a speech in Dresden (Germany) in 1943, Adolf Hitler emphasised: “I am impressed by the burning passion” with which Netaji (India’s nationalist leader, Subhash Chandra Bose) seeks to liberate India “from foreign domination.” Hitler added, “Netaji’s status is even greater than mine.” 438 Muslims have always been a persecuted minority in India. Since Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister in 2014, Muslim persecution has increased manifold. The RSS leadership has publicly announced the conversion of all Muslims and Christians in India to Hinduism. They have even set deadlines. Significantly, accusations of terror against RSS, even today have continued in India. - Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956) is considered to be the architect of the Constitution of India. He was India’s first Law Minister. In a statement in January 2019, his grandson Prakash Ambedkar described RSS “a terrorist organisation.” 439 Writeup by Shrenik Rao titled, ‘Hitler’s Hindus: the Rise and Rise of India’s Nazi loving Nationalists’ in Haaretz, dated 14 December 2017. 438 Write up titled ‘Hindu Nationalists’ Historical links to Nazism and Fascism’ by Palash Ghosh, in International Business Times issue of 3 June 2012. 439 ANI Report, 28 January 2019. 437 258 - In a statement in November 2018, CPI (M) leader Ramchandran Pillai equated RSS “with Taliban and Khalistan terrorists.” 440 - Senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh said in June 2018, “All Hindu terrorists who have been caught, have association with RSS in some way or the other. This ideology is spreading hatred; hatred breeds violence, and from violence is bred terrorism.” 441 - The then Home Minister P. Chidambaram urged India to be aware of saffron terror in an August 2010 meeting of the State Police heads in New Delhi. 442 - In his address to the Congress party in Jaipur on 20 January 2013, Indian Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde emphasised, “The BJP and RSS are promoting Hindu Terrorism through their training camps in India.” He added, “BJP and RSS are conducting training camps to spread terrorism.”443 Supporting this view, Union Minister Mani Shankar Aiyar said, “I am hundred percent with Shinde on this. This is not a secret. I want to thank the Home Minister for saying what everyone knows, but does not have the courage to say.” Pakistan is the MOTHER OF INDIA. India is called India because of River Indus, which flows through Pakistan not India. The Mahabharata was recited the first time in history in Taxila, a city located in Pakistan not in India. Like China, India wants to be proud of its 5000 year-long history. Ironically, the main sites of the Indus Valley Civilisation: Mohenjodaro and Harappa, are not located in India but in Pakistan. Similarly, the land that constitutes Pakistan was the centre-piece of the Sarasvati 440 NDTV report, 21 November 2018. Economic Times, 19 June 2018. 442 May also see Business Standard dated 2 April 2019. 443 The Hindu, 20 January 2013. 441 259 civilization when the Vedas are said to have been compiled thousands of years ago. Paradoxically, the name Sindh which is a province of Pakistan, is an integral part of the national anthem of India. The RSS considers Chanakya as one of its greatest scholar-diplomats. Chanakya was civilizationally a Pakistani. He was not born in Delhi or Varanasi, but in Taxila (in Pakistan). Importantly, Chanakya’s first students hailed from what is today Islamabad, not Nagpur. Coming into power of Narendra Modi, has once again, re-validated and re-authenticated Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s Two Nation theory. Narendra Modi’s ascent to power, is bound to weaken the ideological foundations of India. Understandably, Indians are worried. The recent abrogation of the articles on Kashmir, is bound to have long term repercussions. The interests of the People’s Republic of China in the issue of Jammu and Kashmir, are at stake. And, Beijing knows that RSS hates China. India’s 1962 humiliation has been unpalatable to the RSS. Those Kashmiris who sided with Nehru in 1947, are today regretting their gravest mistake. The long list includes Farooq ABDULLAH. Many term RSS as the largest “voluntary organisation” in the world. Others categorise BJP as the largest “political party” in the world. How can one ignore the view that Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is the largest terrorist organisation in the world, with its political arm BJP, relentlessly implementing the RSS agenda of Hindu fascism!! As mentioned earlier, accusations of terror against RSS have not emanated from Islamabad, but from Hindu analysts in India. The long list of critiques of RSS includes each and every Prime Minister of India, minus Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Narendra Modi. Even these two would have criticized RSS, had they not been its active members. 260 The RSS ideologues do not want to call their country India or Hindustan. They call their country Bharat. Bharata according to them, was their ancient legendary Emperor whose name is “synonymous with power and expansionism.” Indians knows too well that India has never been a one country in history, except during the British rule and when Hindustan was ruled by Alauddin Khilji. The world is heading towards right-wing religiosity. Hindus believe in millions of gods. Like Islam, Judaism and Christianity believe in the ALL MERCIFUL GOD. The RSS hates all the three Abrahamic religions to the core. Analysts in Israel have taken note of the RSS admiration of the Nazis and Adolf Hitler in India. On 4 September 2015, Prime Minister Narendra Modi called on RSS leadership at the RSS headquarters in Nagpur. Indian analysts emphasise that Modi went there “to present himself” before the RSS chief Mohan Bhagat. “Almost his entire Council of Ministers was there to demonstrate their accountability to the RSS.” The message Modi received in the meeting was, “No matter how big or popular you are, you cannot be bigger than the RSS.” 444 Today, India is no longer the country of Gandhi and Nehru. India has changed. Today, India is ruled by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, whose members eulogise not Gandhi but Gandhi’s assassin Nathuram Godse. 444 May also see, Dawn, dated 10 October 2015. 261 PERSONS IN HISTORY WHO CLAIMED TO BE THE (JEWISH) MESSIAH 445 Simon bar Kokhba (2nd century AD) Moses of Crete (5th century AD) Ishak ben Yakub (8th century AD) David Alrui (12th century AD) Nissim ben Abraham (13th century AD) Abraham ben Samuel (1240 AD- 1293) Moses Botarel (15th century AD) Asher Kay (16th century) David Reubeni (birth 1490 AD) Sabbetai Zvi (1626 – 1676) Barukhia Russo (1695-1740) Abraham Cardoso (1630–1706) Joseph ben Jacob (18th century) 445 Some in the list may not have said that they were the Messiah, but others said they were the Messiah. 262 Eve Frank (1754–1817) Shukr Kuhayl (19th-century) Judah ben Shalom (19th-century Menachem Schneerson (1902–1994) 263 THOSE WHO CLAIMED TO BE THE MAHDI 446 Syed Muḥammad Jaunpuri (1443 -1505) Ahmed ibn Abi Mahalli (1559 - 1613) Mahamati Prannath (1618 - 1694) Prince Diponegoro (1785 - 1855) Muhammad Ahmad (1844 -1885) Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835–1908) Wallace D. Fard Muhammad (1877- ) Muhammad bin Abd Allah al-Qahtani (1935 - 1980) Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi (1941- ) 446 Some in the list may not have said that they were the Mahdi, but others said they were the Mahdi. 264 JEWISH PRAYER ON JEWISH MESSIAH 447 Praying for the Messiah to come is a daily part of prayer in Judaism. From the Amidah The heart of the Jewish prayer life consists of a prayer known as the Amidah (18 Blessings). Often said three times a day, while praying with others, this prayer becomes the cornerstone of each prayer service. The following phrases are included in the daily Amidah: The offspring of Your servant David may you speedily cause to flourish, and enhance his pride through Your salvation, for we hope for Your salvation all day long. Blessed are you, Hashem, Who causes the pride of salvation to flourish. From the Yigdal As a part of the daily morning prayers said in many congregations, the Yigdal prayer is often sung or chanted. This prayer focuses on the 13 Articles of Faith that The Rambam (Maimonides) says every Jew should believe in. The 12th principle is stated as "I believe with complete faith in the coming of Moshiach (Messiah). And though he may tarry, I shall wait anticipating his arrival each day." 447 The Jewish Roots. ( Site accessed on 30 March 2020. 265 BILLY GRAHAM ON THE ANTICHRIST 448 The Antichrist isn’t a symbol or a figure of speech. The Bible says he is real, and that shortly before Christ’s return the antichrist will come in a final, desperate attempt by Satan to destroy God’s work. The Bible calls him “the man of lawlessness … (who) will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God.” (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) At the same time, the Bible warns us against jumping to conclusions about the identity of the Antichrist, or trying to predict when he will come–just as it cautions us against trying to predict when Christ will come again. In fact, the Bible says that the evil spirit of the antichrist is always working in the world–and the reason is because Satan is always at work. The Bible says, “Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come” (1 John 2:18). 448 BILLY GRAHAM ( Site accessed on 17 March 2020. 266 ARMILUS 449 In later Jewish eschatology and legend, a king who will arise at the end of time against the Messiah and will be conquered by him. The origin of this Jewish Antichrist is as much involved in doubt as the different phases of his development, and his relation to the Christian legend and doctrine. Saadia (892-942 AD) is the earliest trustworthy authority that speaks of Armilus. He mentions the following as a tradition of the ancients: If the Jews do not prove themselves worthy of Messianic salvation, God will force them to repentance by terrible persecution. In consequence of these persecutions, a scion of the tribe of Joseph will arise and wrest Jerusalem from the hands of the Edomites, that is, from the Christians. Thereupon the king, Armilus, will conquer and sack the Holy City, kill the inhabitants together with “the man [Messiah] of the tribe of Joseph,” and then begin a general campaign against the Jews, forcing them to flee into the desert, where they will suffer untold misery. When they have been purified by sorrow and pain, the Messiah will appear, wrest Jerusalem from Armilus, slay him, and thereby bring the true salvation. 449 Extracted from Site accessed on 15 March 2020. 267 THE CABALA 450 Cabala is a specific term for the esoteric or mystic doctrine concerning God and the universe, asserted to have come down as a revelation to elect saints from a remote past, and preserved only by a privileged few. Cabala comprised originally the entire traditional lore, in contradistinction to the written law (Torah), and therefore included the prophetic and hagiographic books of the Bible, which were supposed to have been "received" by the power of the Holy Spirit rather than as writings from God's hand. How old the Cabala is, may be inferred from the fact that as early a writer as Ben Sira warns against it in his saying: "Thou shalt have no business with secret things" (Ecclus. [Sirach] iii. 22; compare Ḥag. 13a; Gen. R. viii.). In fact, the apocalyptic literature belonging to the second and first pre-Christian centuries contained the chief elements of the Cabala; and as, according to Josephus (l.c.), such writings were in the possession of the Essenes, and were jealously guarded by them against disclosure, for which they claimed a hoary antiquity. It was Azriel (1160-1238), a Spaniard with philosophical training, who undertook to explain the doctrines of the Cabala to philosophers and to make it acceptable to them. Asher ben David, a nephew and pupil of Isaac the Blind, a cabalistic contemporary of Azriel, and probably influenced by him, added little to the development of the Cabala, judging from the few fragments by him that have been preserved. 450 Extracted from Site accessed on 21 March 2020. 268 The cabalists consider Naḥmanides as the most important pupil of Azriel—a statement not supported by Naḥmanides' works; for his commentary on the Pentateuch, although permeated by mysticism, has little that pertains to the speculative Cabala as developed by Azriel. The real continuation of the Cabala is to be found in Ḥasidism, which in its different forms includes both the mystical and speculative sides. 269 THE ILLUMINATI 451 Illuminati is the designation in use from the 15th century, assumed by or applied to various groups of persons who claimed to be unusually enlightened. According to adherents, the source of the “light” was viewed as being directly communicated from a higher source or due to a clarified and exalted condition of human intelligence. To the former class belong the Alumbrados (Spanish: “enlightened”) of Spain. Spanish historian Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo first finds the name about 1492 (in the form aluminados, 1498) but thinks their views were promoted in Spain through influences from Italy. One of their earliest leaders—indeed, some scholars style her as a “preAlumbrado”—was María de Santo Domingo, who came to be known as La Beata de Piedrahita. She was a labourer’s daughter, born in Aldeanueva, south of Salamanca, around 1485. Ferdinand of Aragon invited her to his court, and he became convinced of the sincerity of her visions. The movement (under the name of Illuminés) seems to have reached France from Seville in 1623. It attained some prominence in Picardy when joined (1634) by Pierre Guérin, curé of Saint-Georges de Roye, whose followers, known as Guerinets, were suppressed in 1635. Another body of Illuminés surfaced in the south of France in 1722. 451 Extracted from Site accessed on 18 March 2020. 270 Of a different class were the Rosicrucians who claimed to have originated in 1422 but achieved public notice in 1537. Their teachings combined something of Egyptian Hermetism, Christian gnosticism, Jewish Kabbala, alchemy, and a variety of other occult beliefs and practices. Perhaps, the group most closely associated with the name illuminati has been the Bavarian Illuminati, a short-lived movement of republican free thought founded on May Day 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingolstadt and a former Jesuit. The members of this secret society called themselves “Perfectibilists.” Their founder’s aim was to replace Christianity with a religion of reason, as later did the revolutionaries of France and the 19th-century positivist philosopher Auguste Comte. Secret societies of this kind fitted in with the idea of benevolent despotism as a vehicle for the Enlightenment, as Goethe shows in Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship. The movement suffered from internal dissension and was ultimately banned by an edict of the Bavarian government in 1785. After 1785 the historical record contains no further activities of Weishaupt’s illuminati, but the order figured prominently in conspiracy theories for centuries after its disbanding. It was credited with activities ranging from the instigation of the French Revolution to the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, and the notion of an all-knowing cabal of ancient masters remained a powerful image in the popular consciousness into the 21st century. 271 ‘THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION’ (Extracts from an article in the Israeli newspaper HAARETZ) 452 You read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" with mounting incredulity. The 24 Protocols document a Jewish plot to take over the world. They consist of a description given by a senior Elder to a new Elder on how the Jews, assisted by Freemasons, will achieve their goal. They will control the press, pervert financial systems, cause world wars, sponsor terrorism, destroy religion. Most significant of all - a tell-tale indication of the arch-reactionary source of the forgery - the conspiracy will undermine established society by spreading liberalism, freedom of the press, human rights and democracy. The sole speaker in "The Protocols," the senior Elder, says: "Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: Think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzscheism….” What inspires incredulity is less than the alleged conspiracy is so plainly fictional as that it is such bad fiction. It lacks the color of what the best fantasy fiction needs to possess. You ask yourself what person with a modicum of education can ever have swallowed such drivel. This farrago was concocted by the czarist police at the turn of the last century to counter a hankering for constitutional government among the long-repressed Russian people. The appearance of "The Protocols" did its work well. It did not take much for the people to return from thoughts of liberty to their proper business of slaughtering Jews. 452 Article ‘The Elders of Zion: 113 Years of a Lie That Refuses to Die’ by Michael Fox published in Israeli newspaper HAARETZ of 8 September 2016. 272 "The Protocols" first saw the light of day in Russian in 1905, in a book by a Russian Orthodox fanatic named Sergei Nilus. It was only in 1920 that the first English translation of the pamphlet appeared, under the title "The Jewish Peril." It is astonishing that it was not greeted with hoots of derisive laughter. Even to full-blown conspiracy theorists it should have been obvious that this farcical invention was not the proof they needed. But "The Protocols" were taken seriously and by serious people. In 1920, The Times of London, then the most authoritative newspaper in the world, called it a "disturbing pamphlet," and called for an inquiry. It is (also) to its credit that it was The Times that produced and published conclusive proof that the pamphlet was not only a forgery, but a piece of blatant plagiarism as well. With The Times having unequivocally pronounced the pamphlet a forgery, you would have thought that that would be an end to the matter, at least in the half of the world that generally had little time for conspiracy theories. But the curiosity of "The Protocols" is their strange afterlife. That Hitler discovered them and adopted them for his own was to be expected. "The Protocols" survived in the West, too. A series of articles in Henry Ford's newspaper, The Dearborn Independent, were collected and republished as a book entitled "The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem," in 1920. "The Protocols" are alive and well and if you are minded to, you can check on their ongoing health by reading the fan mail on the Web sites devoted to them. There is a wearying sameness in the blogs. You can discern a monotonous pattern in the ranting views of the believers. In one form or another their crazy argument is that "The Protocols" must be genuine because the conspiracy has been authenticated by later history. But history does not show that at all. I am sorry to discourage those who would like to try their hand at world domination. “The Protocols” are sadly lacking in practical detail…The lesson is clear. If you fancy your chances as a Master of the Universe, try another religion. 273 BOOK ‘KALKI AVTAR AND MUHAMMED SAHEB’ BY PUNDIT VED PRAKASH, PUBLISHED IN INDIA 453 (Opinion on the book by scholars from Malaysia) 454 Following is the Summary of the contents of the book as dealt with by Pundit Ved Prakash in the context of the Prophet of Islam: • Hindu scriptures mention that Kalki Avtar will be the Last Messenger of Bhagwan to guide the world. This comes true in the case of Prophet Muhammed, as according to the Islamic faith Muhammad was the last Prophet sent by Allah (Bhagwan) to mankind. • In Hindu precepts, the father's name of 'Kalki Avtar' is mentioned as 'Vishnu Bhagat.' 'Vishnu' stands for Allah and the literal meaning of 'bhagat' is slave. The name of the father of Prophet Muhammad was Abdullah which in Arabic means the ‘Slave of Allah.’ • Similarly, Kalki’s mother's name would be 'Somanib' which in Sanskrit means ‘peace and tranquility.’ Prophet Muhammad’s mother’s name was 'Amina' which has the same meaning in Arabic language. ‘Kalki Avtar and Muhammed Saheb’ by Dr. Ved Prakash (MA Sanskrit, D.Phil.), published by Saaraswath Vedanth Prakash Sangh. (1969/70) 454 ‘The Hindu Philosophy of Kalki Avatara from Islamic View of Nubuwwah’ by Mohamed Mihlar Abdul Muthaliffa and Mohd Rosmizi Abd Rahman, Faculty of Leadership and Management, Universiti Sains Islam, Malaysia. Published in the International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. (Vol. 7, 2017) 453 274 • The Vedas mention that 'Kalki Avtar' will be born in a noble family of his land. This is true in case of Prophet Muhammed as he was born in the respected tribe of Quraish in Makkah. • According to Hindu precepts, 'Kalki Avtar' will be taught in a cave by Bhagwan (God). The first verse of the Quran was in fact revealed to Prophet Muhammed in the cave of Hira (in Mecca.) • According to Hindu precepts, Kalki Avtar will be born in an island. Prophet Muhammad was born in ‘Jazeeratul Arab’ (the Island of Arabia). The following is the opinion about the above book by Mihlar Abdul Muthaliffa and Rosmizi Abd Rahman, Universiti Sains Islam, Malaysia: Pundit Ved Prakash, a Hindu scholar from India, claims in his book Kalki Avtar that the description of the Avtar found in the holy books of the Hindu religion, matches with Prophet Muhammad. After years of research, he published this book and less than eight other prominent Hindu scholars from India–Dr. Srivasdev, Pundit Sunderlal, Sri Pal Ram Sang Parihar, Dr. P. H. Suphe, Dr. Ramesh Prasad Kruk, Pundit Durga Shankar, Swami Amar Jyoti and Sri Kashmiri Lal Baath–have endorsed the basics of his argument as authentic. Pundit Ved Prakash has produced sound evidence from Vedas, Puranas and other sacred books of Hindu religion, in support of his claim. 275 US PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP ADDRESS ON RECOGNIZING JERUSALEM AS THE CAPITAL OF ISRAEL (6 December 2017) When I came into office, I promised to look at the world's challenges with open eyes and very fresh thinking. We cannot solve our problems by making the same failed assumptions and repeating the same failed strategies of the past. All challenges demand new approaches. My announcement today marks the beginning of a new approach to conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. In 1995, Congress adopted the Jerusalem Embassy Act urging the federal government to relocate the American Embassy to Jerusalem and to recognize that that city - and so importantly - is Israel's capital….. Yet for over 20 years, every previous American president has exercised the law's waiver, refusing to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem or to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital city. Presidents issued these waivers under the belief that delaying the recognition of Jerusalem would advance the cause of peace. Some say they lacked courage, but they made their best judgments based on facts as they understood them at the time. An illustration of a dodo-like bird, a large praying mantis, and an aquatic rat. Nevertheless, the record is in. After more than two decades of waivers, we are no closer to a lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. It would be a folly to assume that repeating the exact same formula would now produce a different or better result. Therefore, I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. While previous Presidents have made this a major campaign promise, they failed to deliver. Today, I am delivering. I have judged this course of action to be in the best interests of the United States of America and the pursuit of peace between Israel and the Palestinians. 276 This is a long overdue step to advance the peace process and to work towards a lasting agreement. Israel is a sovereign nation with the right, like every other sovereign nation, to determine its own capital. Acknowledging this as a fact is a necessary condition for achieving peace. It was 70 years ago that the United States under President Truman recognized the state of Israel. Ever since then, Israel has made its capital in the city of Jerusalem, the capital the Jewish people established in ancient times. Today, Jerusalem is the seat of the modern Israeli government. It is the home of the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset, as well as the Israeli Supreme Court. It is the location of the official residence of the Prime Minister and the President. It is the headquarters of many government ministries. For decades, visiting American presidents, secretaries of state, and military leaders have met their Israeli counterparts in Jerusalem, as I did on my trip to Israel earlier this year. Jerusalem is not just the heart of three great religions, but it is now also the heart of one of the most successful democracies in the world. Over the past seven decades, Israeli people have built a country where Jews, Muslims, and Christians - and people of all faiths - are free to live and worship according to their conscience and according to their beliefs. Jerusalem is today - and must remain - a place where Jews pray at the Western Wall, where Christians walk the Stations of the Cross, and where Muslims worship at Al-Aqsa Mosque……today, we finally acknowledge the obvious: that Jerusalem is Israel's capital. This is nothing more or less than a recognition of reality. It is also the right thing to do. It is something that has to be done. That is why, consistent with the Jerusalem Embassy Act, I am also directing the State Department to begin preparation to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem….In making these announcements, I also want to make one point very clear: This decision 277 is not intended in any way to reflect a departure from our strong commitment to facilitate a lasting peace agreement. We want an agreement that is a great deal for the Israelis and a great deal for the Palestinians. We are not taking a position on any final status issues, including the specific boundaries of the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem or the resolution of contested borders. Those questions are up to the parties involved. The United States remains deeply committed to helping facilitate a peace agreement that is acceptable to both sides. I intend to do everything in my power to help forge such an agreement…..The United States would support a two-state solution if agreed to by both sides. In the meantime, I call on all parties to maintain the status quo at Jerusalem's holy sites, including the Temple Mount, also known as Haram al-Sharif. Above all, our greatest hope is for peace - the universal yearning in every human soul. With today's action, I reaffirm my Administration's longstanding commitment to a future of peace and security for the region. There will, of course, be disagreement and dissent regarding this announcement. But we are confident that ultimately, as we work through these disagreements, we will arrive at a peace and a place far greater in understanding and cooperation. This sacred city should call forth the best in humanity, lifting our sights to what is possible, not pulling us back and down to the old fights that have become so totally predictable. Peace is never beyond the grasp of those willing to reach it. So today, we call for calm, for moderation, and for the voices of tolerance to prevail over the purveyors of hate. Our children should inherit our love, not our conflicts. I repeat the message I delivered at the historic and extraordinary summit in Saudi Arabia earlier this year: The Middle East is a region rich with culture, spirit, and history. Its people are brilliant, proud, and diverse, vibrant and strong. But the incredible future awaiting this region is held at bay 278 by bloodshed, ignorance and terror…..It is time for the many who desire peace to expel the extremists from their midst. It is time for all civilized nations, and people, to respond to disagreement with reasoned debate, not violence. And it is time for young and moderate voices all across the Middle East to claim for themselves a bright and beautiful future.….let us re-dedicate ourselves to a path of mutual understanding and respect. Let us rethink old assumptions and open our hearts and minds to possible and possibilities. And finally, I ask the leaders of the region - political and religious, Israeli and Palestinian, Jewish and Christian and Muslim, to join us in the noble quest for lasting peace. God bless you, God bless Israel, God bless the Palestinians, and God bless the United States. 279 ADDRESS BY IMRAN KHAN, PRIME MINISTER OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN, AT THE UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY, NEW YORK (27 September 2019) 455 I stand here at this forum of world leaders to discuss the problems the world is facing. I have seen leaders talk about the issue of climate change. But I don't see world leaders really realizing the urgency of the situation. We have a lot of ideas; but as they say, ideas without funding is mere hallucination. Pakistan is among the top ten nations in the world affected by climate change. We depend on our rivers; we are mainly an agricultural country. Around eighty percent of our water comes from the glaciers and these are melting at an alarming pace. If nothing is done, we fear a huge catastrophe. In KP, a province of Pakistan, we planted a billion trees in five years. Now, we have a target of ten billion trees. But one country cannot do everything. This has to be a combined effort. We can do great things. And this is where I want the United Nations to take the lead. Rich countries who contribute the most to green-house gas emissions, must be held accountable. Every year, billions of dollars leave the poor countries and go to rich countries. Dollars siphoned by corrupt politicians to purchase expensive properties in western capitals. Corruption is impoverishing the developing world. Difference between the rich and poor countries is growing. Money-laundering is not treated the same way as drug money or terror financing. Today, poor countries are being plundered by their elite. 455 These are extracts from the unofficial version of the speech. 280 In my country, when I took charge of the government a year back, in the 10 year preceding period, our total debt went up four times. As a result, the total revenue we collect in one year, half of it went into debt servicing. How will we spend on our 220 million population when our money was plundered by the ruling elite? And when we located properties of these corrupt leaders in the western capitals, we find it so difficult to retrieve it. If we retrieve the plundered money, we could spend it on human development. But there are laws protecting these criminals. We don't have the money to hire lawyers worth millions of dollars. The rich countries must show the political will; they should not allow this flight of capital. The corrupt ruling elite must not be allowed to take money out. The world is changing; if the poor get poorer and the rich get richer, there will be a crisis. The World Bank, IMF, the Asian Developing Bank, must find a way to stop this plunder. Islamophobia has grown since 9/11. This is alarming. It is creating divisions. Muslim women wearing hijab seems to have become a problem. A woman can take off her clothes in some countries but she cannot put more on! And why has this happened? Because, certain western leaders equated Islam with terrorism. What is radical Islam? There is only ONE Islam; and that is the Islam of our Prophet MUHAMMAD. Extremism has nothing to do with our religion. We have faced Islamophobia while travelling abroad; and in European countries it is marginalising the Muslim communities. Marginalisation creates room for and leads to radicalisation. 281 Post 9/11, war against “radical Islam" started, rather than Muslim leaders trying to explain to the West that there is no such thing as radical Islam. There are radical fringes in every society, but the basis of all religions is compassion and justice. In Pakistan; we were the eye of the storm. The 9/11 bombers did suicide attacks. All sorts of theories came out. This suicide attacks were equated with Islam. No one bothered researching the Tamil Tigers and the Japanese Kamikaze bombers. No one blamed religion when they carried out suicide attacks and rightly so because no religion teaches violence. The West could not understand what the problem was. They do not look at religion the way we do. In their eyes, Islam became an intolerant religion. Someone would malign our Prophet. Muslims would react, and the West would term them intolerant. I blame some in the West who provoked the Muslims. The Prophet is the ideal we want to live up to. He created the state of Medina which was a welfare state. The state of Medina was the first that took responsibility of women; the widows, and the poor. The state announced that all human beings were equal; whatever the colour of the skin. Our Prophet announced that one of the greatest deeds was to free a slave. But if you could not; treat them as equal members of the family. As a result, the unprecedented happened: slaves became kings, and slave dynasties were formed in the Muslim world. 282 In Islam, it has been a sacred duty to protect places of worship of all religions. The 4th caliph of Islam, lost a court case against a Jewish citizen. When a Muslim community is unjust to a minority, it is going against the teachings of our religion. Our Prophet MUHAMMAD lives in our hearts. When he is maligned, it hurts us. In western society, the holocaust is treated with sensitivity because it hurts the Jewish community. All we ask for is: do not hurt our sentiments by maligning our Prophet MUHAMMAD. Pakistan went through one of its worst periods during the war against terror. We lost 70,000 people to the war, 150 billion dollars to our economy. We joined the war against the Soviets in the 1980's. Pakistan trained the then “Mujahedeen" at the behest of the Americans. The Soviets called them terrorists, Americans called them freedom fighters. The Soviets left; then US also packed up. Came 9/11, now that we had to join the US and tell the same indoctrinated people this is now not a “freedom struggle" but “terrorism". They suddenly saw us as collaborators; it became a nightmare and they turned against us. Thousands of Pakistanis lost their lives due to a war Pakistan had nothing to do with. No Pakistani was involved in 9/11. I have friends in India. My first move was to reach out to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. I said let's work on our differences. Our priority should be our peoples, as we have similar problems: poverty, climate change etc. On receiving zero response from New Delhi, we thought we should wait till the Indian elections. Meanwhile, a Kashmiri boy, radicalized by Indian forces, blew himself up on an Indian convoy. Immediately India blamed Pakistan. I told New Delhi: give us the evidence, and we will act. 283 We had solid proof of the Indian involvement in terrorist attacks in our Balochistan province. We even caught their spy Kulbhushan Yadav, who admitted to having committed acts of terror in Pakistan. Instead of sharing evidence of any Pakistani's alleged involvement in Pulwama attack, India tried to bomb us. We retaliated. We captured an Indian pilot. But, returned him the next day, because we did not want the situation to escalate. In the election campaign, Modi used terms like “This was just a trailer. The movie is yet to come." Indians tried to push us on the FATF blacklist; to economically isolate us. And then the revocation of Article 370 happened, which had granted Kashmir a special status. India escalated the number of troops in Kashmir and put eight million people under the curfew. I also have to explain what the RSS is. Modi is a “life member" of RSS, an organisation inspired by Hitler and Mussolini. They believe in racial superiority, the same way the Nazi's believed in the supremacy of the Aryan race. The RSS believes in racial superiority of Hindus. It has hatred for Muslims and Christians. You can just google the founding fathers of the RSS like Golwalkar. This ideology of hate led to the assassination of Gandhi. This hate ideology allowed RSS goons under Modi's chief ministership in Gujarat, to butcher thousands of Muslims. Congress party gave a statement that terrorists were being trained in RSS Camps. Modi was not allowed to travel to the US. What kind of a mindset locks up 8 million people: women, children, and ill people in Kashmir. What I know of the west; they wouldn't tolerate 8 million animals to be locked up. Kashmiris are human beings. 284 Arrogance has blinded Modi and the BJP. Kashmiris will never accept the status quo under revocation of Article 370. Kashmiris are caged like animals. Their political leadership arrested, even pro-India ones. Thousands of Kashmiri boys have been picked up and taken to unknown locations. Youngsters have also been blinded with pellets. This will only lead to further radicalisation. What will happen when 8 million Kashmiris come out of the lockdown and confront 900,000 Indian troops? I fear there will be a bloodbath. We also fear another Pulwama incident. And for that, India will again blame Pakistan. The phrase Islamic terrorism allows India to dismiss charges of human rights violations in Kashmir; and further increases the level of its cruelty on the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Don't you think that 180 million Muslims will be radicalised in India as they see 8 million Kashmiris locked up? And what about 1.3 billion Muslims who are watching all this. How would the Jewish community react if even 8000 Jews were under lockdown? How would Europe react? How would any human community react? Are we the children of a lesser God? Don't you realize that this causes us pain! When people lose the will to live, they pick guns. This is one of the most critical times. The two nuclear armed nations almost went head to head in February. And this is why the UN has a responsibility. This is why you came into being in 1945! I feel, we are back in 1939; Munich. Will the world community appease a market of 285 1.2 billion, or will it stand for justice and humanity? If a conventional war starts between the two nuclear countries, anything can happen. A country seven times smaller than its neighbour, is faced with a question: ‘surrender, or fight till the end.’ I ask myself this question. My belief is ‘La Ilaha Illallah'. We will FIGHT! I am not threatening a nuclear war; it is a serious worry, a genuine apprehension. It is a test for the United Nations. 286 PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP SPEECH: THIS COULD BE THE PALESTINIANS’ LAST OPPORTUNITY (Washington DC; 28 January 2020) Today, Israel takes a big step towards peace. Young people across the Middle East are ready for a more hopeful future, and governments throughout the region are realizing that terrorism and Islamic extremism are everyone’s common enemy…….On my first trip overseas as President, I visited the Holy Land of Israel. I was deeply moved and amazed by what this small country had achieved in the face of overwhelming odds and never-ending threats. The State of Israel comprises only a miniscule amount of land in the Middle East and yet it has become a thriving center of democracy, innovation, culture, and commerce. Israel is a light unto the world. The hearts and history of our people are woven together. The Land of Israel is an ancient home, a sacred place of worship, and a solemn promise to the Jewish people that we will never again repeat history’s darkest hour. During my trip to Israel, I also met with Palestinian President Abbas in Bethlehem. I was saddened by the fate of the Palestinian people. They deserve a far better life. They deserve the chance to achieve their extraordinary potential. Palestinians have been trapped in a cycle of terrorism, poverty, and violence, exploited by those seeking to use them as pawns to advance terrorism and extremism. I returned from my visit determined to find a constructive path; and it’s got to be a very powerful path forward in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict…… It has been a long and very arduous process to arrive at this moment. On Sunday, I delivered to Prime Minister Netanyahu my vision for peace, prosperity, and a brighter future for the Israelis and Palestinians. This vision for peace is fundamentally different from past proposals. In the past, even the most well-intentioned plans were light on factual details 287 and heavy on conceptual frameworks. By contrast, our plan is 80 pages and is the most detailed proposal ever put forward by far. As I have seen throughout my long career as a dealmaker, complex problems require nuanced, fact-based remedies. That is why our proposal provides precise technical solutions to make Israelis, Palestinians, and the region safer and much more prosperous. My vision presents a ‘win-win’ opportunity for both sides, a realistic two-state solution that resolves the risk of Palestinian statehood to Israel’s security. Today, Israel is taking a giant step toward peace……This is the first time Israel has authorized the release of a conceptual map, illustrating the territorial compromises it is willing to make for the cause of peace. And they have gone a long way. This is an unprecedented and highly significant development…..We will form a joint committee with Israel to convert the conceptual map into a more detailed and calibrated rendering so that recognition can be immediately achieved. We will also work to create a contiguous territory within the future Palestinian State for when the conditions for statehood are met, including the firm rejection of terrorism. Under this vision, Jerusalem will remain Israel’s undivided; very important, undivided capital. But that’s no big deal, because I have already done that for you, right? We’ve already done that, but that is okay. It is going to remain that way. And the United States will recognize Israeli sovereignty over the territory that my vision provides to be part of the State of Israel. And, crucially, the proposed transition to a two-state solution will present no incremental security risk to the State of Israel whatsoever….Peace requires compromises, but we will never ask Israel to compromise its security…..As everyone knows, I have done a lot for Israel: moving the United States Embassy to Jerusalem; recognizing the Golan Heights and, frankly, perhaps most importantly, getting out of the terrible Iran nuclear deal….Today’s agreement is a historic opportunity for the Palestinians to finally achieve an independent state of their very 288 own. After 70 years of little progress, this could be the last opportunity they will ever have; and ‘last’ for a lot of reasons. We’ll never have a team like we have right now. We have a team of people that love the United States and they love Israel, and they’re very smart and very, very committed….The Palestinian people have grown distrustful after years of unfulfilled promises; so true, yet I know they are ready to escape their tragic past and realize a great destiny. But we must break free of yesterday’s failed approaches. This map will more than double the Palestinian territory and provide a Palestinian capital in eastern Jerusalem where America will proudly open an Embassy. No Palestinians or Israelis will be uprooted from their homes. Israel will work closely with a wonderful person, a wonderful man, the King of Jordan, to ensure that the status quo of the Temple Mount is preserved and strong measures are taken to ensure that all Muslims who wish to visit peacefully and pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque will be able to do so. This is a major statement. This is of major import— importance. And, at the same time, our vision will deliver a massive commercial investment of $50 billion into the new Palestinian state. You have many, many countries that want to partake in this……Our vision will end the cycle of Palestinian dependency upon charity and foreign aid. They will be doing phenomenally all by themselves. They are a very, very capable people. And we will help by empowering the Palestinians to thrive on their own. Palestinians will be able to seize the new future with dignity, self-sufficiency, and national pride. To ensure a successful Palestinian state, we are asking the Palestinians to meet the challenges of peaceful co-existence. This includes adopting basic laws enshrining human rights; protecting against financial and political corruption; stopping the malign activities of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other enemies of peace; ending the incitement of hatred against Israel - so important; and permanently halting the financial compensation to terrorists. 289 Perhaps most importantly, my vision gives the Palestinians the time needed to rise up and meet the challenges of statehood…..President Abbas, I want you to know that if you choose the path to peace, America and many other countries will be there. We will be there to help you in so many different ways. And we will be there every step of the way. We will be there to help. In other words, for the first time in many, many decades, I can say: It will work. It is going to work. If they do this, it will work. Your response to this historic opportunity will show the world to what extent you are ready to lead the Palestinian people to statehood. The Middle East is changing rapidly. On my first trip aboard (abroad) as President, I traveled to Saudi Arabia to discuss our shared priorities with the 54 leaders of the Muslim and Arab countries. I made clear that all civilized nations share the same goals: stamping out extremism; creating opportunity for the region’s youth. And we have to take care of the region’s youth; the region’s youth is growing up with no hope. We have to take care of the region’s youth. And existing in harmony with one’s neighbors. Since that time, immense progress has been made. A growing number of nations have taken strong stands against terrorism and radicalization. You see it. Thanks to the courage of U.S. forces, the ISIS territorial caliphate - 100 percent - not 95 percent, not 99 or any other percent 100 percent of their caliphate, ISIS, is destroyed. And its savage leader, al-Baghdadi, is now dead……The Iranian regime is isolated and weakened greatly. We eliminated Qasem Soleimani, the world’s top terrorist. And, as you know, he was with the head of Hezbollah….In truth, Jerusalem is liberated. Jerusalem is a safe, open, democratic city that welcomes people of all faiths and all places. It is time for the Muslim world to fix the mistake it made in 1948 when it chose to attack, instead of recognize, the new State of Israel. It is the time….so many squandered opportunities - in the name of senseless causes, is beyond measure. The Palestinians have 290 been the primary pawn in this regional adventurism, and it’s time for this sad chapter in history to end - end quickly, end now. It is never too late for courageous leaders to set a new course, to pursue what is right, to change the future only for the better. America is prepared to work with all parties on our vision……But America cannot care more about peace than the stakeholders in the region. There are many Muslims who never visited Al Aqsa, and many Christians and Jews who never visited the holy sites in the West Bank described so vividly in the Bible. My vision will change that. Our majestic biblical heritage will be able to live, breathe, and flourish in modern times. All humanity should be able to enjoy the glories of the Holy Land. This part of the world is forever connected to the human soul and the human spirit. These ancient lands should not be symbols of conflict but eternal symbols of peace. Thank you again for all of the work you have all done, and all of these incredible honored guests for being here. 291 THE ABRAHAM ACCORDS DECLARATION 456 On 15 September 2020, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates, and the Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain, signed a document titled the ‘Abraham Accords Declaration.’ It was signed at the White House in Washington DC. The Declaration was named after Prophet Abraham, because of whom Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are called ‘the Abrahamic religions.’ President Donald Trump put his signature as a witness to the Declaration. Following is the text of the Declaration as released by the Department of State in Washington DC: We, the undersigned, recognize the importance of maintaining and strengthening peace in the Middle East and around the world based on mutual understanding and coexistence, as well as respect for human dignity and freedom, including religious freedom. We encourage efforts to promote interfaith and intercultural dialogue to advance a culture of peace among the three Abrahamic religions and all humanity. We believe that the best way to address challenges is through cooperation and dialogue and that developing friendly relations among States advances the interests of lasting peace in the Middle East and around the world. We seek tolerance and respect for every person in order to make this world a place where all can enjoy a life of dignity and hope, no matter their race, faith or ethnicity. 456 The US Department of State ( re accessed on 4 December 2021. 292 We support science, art, medicine, and commerce to inspire humankind, maximize human potential and bring nations closer together. We seek to end radicalization and conflict to provide all children a better future. We pursue a vision of peace, security, and prosperity in the Middle East and around the world. In this spirit, we warmly welcome and are encouraged by the progress already made in establishing diplomatic relations between Israel and its neighbors in the region under the principles of the Abraham Accords. We are encouraged by the ongoing efforts to consolidate and expand such friendly relations based on shared interests and a shared commitment to a better future. 293 THE JUNE 2021 SPEECH IN THE KNESSET BY INCOMING PRIME MINISTER OF ISRAEL, NAFTALI BENNETT 457 I want to begin my words by saying, on my own behalf, and in the name of the members of the designated government, in the name of this House, and in the name of all the citizens of Israel – thank you. Thank you to the outgoing Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, for your many years of service, replete with achievements, for the sake of the State of Israel. As Prime Minister you acted throughout many years to embolden Israel’s political, security, and economic strength…..Expressing gratitude is a fundamental principle in Judaism. This is the time for the people to say to you, thank you. Honored ladies and gentlemen, this is a special moment. The moment in which the baton of leading the people and the country passes – as in a relay race – to the next generation. It is a sacred endowment. The State of Israel is not ‘just another country’. It is the dream of generations of Jews – from Marrakesh to Budapest, from Bagdad to San Francisco – a dream we merited to see realized every day before our very eyes. Each generation has its own challenges, and out of each generation comes the leaders that can overcome them. The external challenges we face are great: the Iranian nuclear project, which is moving towards a crucial point; the ongoing war on terror; Israel's image in the world and the unfair treatment it receives in international institutions – these are all sizable and complex tasks. At this time, we are also facing an internal challenge. The ongoing rift in the nation, as we see in these very moments, which continues to rip apart the seams that hold us together, and has thrown us – one election after 457 May see Israeli newspaper ‘Haaretz’ of 13 June 2021 (‘Incoming Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's Speech in the Knesset). 294 another – into a maelstrom of hatred and in-fighting. Such quarrels, between the people who are supposed to be running the country, led to paralysis. One who quarrels, cannot function. And so Israel ceased to be managed: a lack of governance in the Negev and loss of the South for 12 years, riots in mixed cities, the lack of state budget, the terrible disaster in Meron…..Friends, as the Jewish people tend to be people with opinions… and as we see here, the Parliament of the Jewish state, is a parliament of opinions, and anyone who has ever seen a pair of students studying Talmud together, or a heated debate about a product in the office corridors of an Israeli start-up, understands the force for good of “disputes for the sake of Heaven”. But there are points in Jewish history in which the disagreements between us have gone out of control, in which they were no longer “disputes for the sake of Heaven”, times in which they threatened us, and all that we have built with our sweat and blood. Twice in history, we have lost our national home precisely because the leaders of the generation were not able to sit with one another and compromise. Each was right, yet with all their being right, they burnt the house down on top of us. I am proud of the ability to sit together with people with very different views from my own. This time, at the decisive moment, we have taken responsibility. We understood that we have to safeguard our home. To continue on in this way – more elections, more hatred, more vitriolic posts on Facebook – is just not an option. Therefore, we stopped the train, a moment before it barreled into the abyss……The time has come for different leaders, from all parts of the people, to stop, to stop this madness….To the citizens of Israel I say: this is a sensitive moment, of political change. 295 I call on all, to demonstrate maturity and restraint….The government will work to promote Jewish immigration (Aliyah) to Israel, and the best integration for them. We will strengthen the bond between the State of Israel, and the Jews of the Diaspora. We will care for our brothers and sisters around the world, we will fight against the wave of antisemitism. We will safeguard the State of Israel, the nation state of the Jewish people, as a Jewish and democratic state. And that is just part of our plans. As I said, we have come to work! For everyone. From here, I turn to the ultra-Orthodox community. Although the ultraOrthodox parties chose not to join the coalition, that does not mean you are not represented - I will represent you, we will represent you. The new government will respect the study of Torah, the Torah which kept us safe for so many years in exile, and at the same time will work to remove the barriers which prevent the ultra-Orthodox community’s integration into the employment market, and Israeli society….The government is setting out on its path, as the greatest threat to Israel, the Iranian nuclear project, is reaching a critical point. The Middle East is still yet to recover from the effects of the first nuclear deal, which emboldened Iran to the tune of billions of dollars, and with international legitimacy….Israel will not allow Iran to be equipped with nuclear weapons. Israel is not party to the agreement, and will maintain full freedom to act. Last month, we received a reminder that the conflict with the Palestinians is still here. We must remember, and remind the world, that our enemies deny our very existence in the Land of Israel, and that this is not a dispute over territory. We need military strength, civil resilience, and a belief in the justness of our path at times when the conflict raises its head…..Violence and terrorism are not a natural phenomenon or destiny with which we are supposed to just come to terms. The Palestinians must take responsibility for their actions, and understand 296 that violence will be met with a firm response……The government will work to establish and expand peace agreements with the Arab states, to increase regional economic, entrepreneurial, and cultural cooperation, and to deepen the direct connection between the peoples of the region, such as the connection between the citizens of Israel and the citizens of the United Arab Emirates. Dear friends, on behalf of us all, I want to thank the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, for standing alongside Israel during the last operation in Gaza, “Guardian of the Walls”, and for his longstanding commitment to the security of Israel. President Biden said during the operation, “Until the region says, unequivocally, they acknowledge the right of Israel to exist as an independent Jewish state, there will be no peace”. It is important that this message be heard, and internalized, in the Middle East. We greatly appreciate the support of the United States, our greatest friend. My government will make an effort to deepen and nurture relations with our friends in both parties – bipartisan. If there are disputes, we will manage them with fundamental trust, and mutual respect. ….Now, hours before accepting this responsibility, I pray to God that He grant me wisdom and understanding to lead the State of Israel. “Heavenly Father, Rock and Redeemer of Israel, bless the State of Israel, the first flourishing of our redemption, guard it in your abundant kindness, spread over it the shelter of Your peace. Send forth your light and truth to its leaders, ministers, and advisors, and grace them with Your good counsel. Strengthen the hands of those who guard our holy land, grant them deliverance, and adorn them in victory. Give peace in the land, and grant its inhabitants eternal happiness.” 297 REMARKS BY UN SECRETARY GENERAL ANTÓNIO GUTERRES TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY ON PRIORITIES FOR 2022 458 Excellencies, We begin another year in the grips of a global pandemic. COVID-19 continues to upend lives, plans and hopes. The only certainty is more uncertainty. Meanwhile, inequalities are growing. Inflation is rising. The climate crisis, pollution and biodiversity loss rage on. We face a cauldron of political unrest and ferocious conflicts. Mistrust among world powers is reaching fever pitch. And the information superhighway is clogged with hatred and lies, giving oxygen to the worst impulses of humanity. Excellencies, We all know this. Now is not the time to simply list and lament challenges. 458 Site of the United Nations, New York ( Re accessed on 16 January 2022. 298 Now is the time to act. All these challenges are, at heart, failures of global governance. From global health to digital technology, many of today’s multilateral frameworks are outdated and no longer fit for purpose. They do not protect critical global public goods that are intended to support humanity’s wellbeing -- from the global economy and finance systems to the health of our planet. Nor are multilateral frameworks delivering on our common aspirations for peace, sustainable development, human rights and dignity for all. My report on Our Common Agenda is a starting point to addressing these challenges and threats, based on unity and solidarity. Developing countries need this more than ever. Excellencies, I want to begin the year by raising five alarms -- on COVID-19, global finance, climate action, lawlessness in cyber space, and peace and security. We face a 5-alarm global fire that requires the full mobilization of all countries. First, we must go into emergency mode in the COVID-19 battle. Omicron is yet another warning. The next variant may be worse. 299 Stopping the spread anywhere must be at the top of the agenda everywhere. At the same time, the virus cannot be used as cover to undermine human rights, shrink civic space and stifle press freedom. Governments have also imposed disproportionate restrictions that penalize developing countries -- for example, what I described some time ago as “travel apartheid”. Our actions must be grounded in science and common sense. The science is clear: Vaccines work. Vaccines save lives. Last October, the World Health Organization unveiled a strategy to vaccinate 40 per cent of people in all countries by the end of last year, and 70 per cent by the middle of this year. We are nowhere near these targets. Vaccination rates in high-income countries are seven times higher than in the countries of Africa. At this rate, Africa will not meet the 70 per cent threshold until August 2024. Manufacturers worldwide are now producing 1.5 billion doses per month. But the distribution is scandalously unequal – and we need to convert vaccines into vaccinations everywhere. Instead of the virus spreading like wildfire, we need vaccines to spread like wildfire. We need all countries and all manufacturers to prioritize vaccine supply to COVAX and create the conditions for the local production of tests, 300 vaccines and treatments in so many countries able to do it around the world. This includes pharmaceutical companies more rapidly sharing licenses, know-how and technology. We must also fight the plague of vaccine misinformation. And we must do much more to ready our world for the next outbreak in line with the recommendations of the independent panel on pandemic preparedness, including by strengthening the authority of the World Health Organization. Excellencies, Second, we must go into emergency mode to reform global finance. Let’s tell it like it is: the global financial system is morally bankrupt. It favours the rich and punishes the poor. One of the main functions of the global financial system is to ensure stability, by supporting economies through financial shocks. Yet faced with precisely such a shock – a global pandemic – it has failed the Global South. Lopsided investment is leading to a lopsided recovery. Low-income countries are experiencing their slowest growth in a generation. Sub-Saharan Africa could see cumulative economic growth per capita over the next five years that is 75 per cent less than the rest of the world. 301 Many middle-income countries are ineligible for debt relief despite surging poverty, and the growing impact of the climate crisis. Women and girls, who represent the majority of poor in most regions, are paying a high price in lost healthcare, education and jobs. Unless we take action now, record inflation, soaring energy prices and extortionate interest rates could lead to frequent debt defaults in 2022, with dire consequences for the poorest and most vulnerable. The divergence between developed and developing countries is becoming systemic – a recipe for instability, crisis and forced migration. These imbalances are not a bug, but a feature of the global financial system. They are inbuilt and structural. They are the product of a system that routinely ascribes poor credit ratings to developing economies, starving them of private finance. Credit ratings agencies are de facto decision-makers in the global financial system. They should be accountable and transparent. Developing countries also suffer from a lack of transparency around in several circumstances Official Development Assistance, climate finance, and more. This enables re-labeling and double-counting. These imbalances are also the result of a disconnect between the real and the financial economies; between working people and money markets. 302 We requested and applauded the International Monetary Fund’s decision to issue Special Drawing Rights last year. But according to the rules, the vast majority of those SDRs went to the biggest and richest economies that need them least. That is why redistribution is so important. And so are the efforts such as the creation of the IMF Resiliency and Sustainability Trust that we fully support to address injustices by providing more long-term, low-cost funding to poor and vulnerable countries. Excellencies, Since the start of the pandemic, I have called for reform of the global financial system to support the needs of developing countries, through an inclusive and transparent process. To build a strong recovery, governments need the resources to invest in people and resilience, through national budgets and plans anchored in the Sustainable Development Goals. All countries must be able to invest in strong health and education systems, job creation, universal social protection, gender equality and the care economy, and a just transition to renewable energy. This requires a serious review of global financial governance mechanisms, which are dominated by the richest economies in the world. Financial metrics must go beyond Gross Domestic Product, to assess vulnerability, climate, and investment risks. Credit ratings should be based on comparable fundamentals and evidence, rather than harmful preconceptions. 303 Reforming the global financial architecture requires an operational debt relief and restructuring framework. It means redirecting Special Drawing Rights to countries that need help now. It requires a fairer global tax system, in which some of the trillions amassed by billionaires during the pandemic are shared more broadly. It means addressing illicit financial flows, which drain more than $88 billion annually from Africa alone. It requires boosting the resources of Multilateral Development Banks so they can better support developing economies, both directly and by leveraging private investment. In 2022, I will continue pushing for these fundamental reforms, and use the convening power of the United Nations to boost investment in the SDGs. We must rescue the Agenda 2030 and I count on your support. Excellencies, Third, we must go into emergency mode against the climate crisis. The battle to keep the 1.5-degree goal alive will be won or lost in this decade. And we are far off-track. Our planet has already warmed by around 1.2 degrees. The consequences have been devastating. 304 In 2020, climate shocks forced 30 million people to flee their homes -three times more than those displaced by war and violence. Small island nations, least developed countries, and poor and vulnerable people everywhere, are one shock away from doomsday. Numbers don’t lie. We need a 45 per cent reduction in global emissions by 2030 to reach carbon neutrality by mid-century. Yet, according to present commitments, global emissions are set to increase by almost 14 per cent over the current decade. That spells catastrophe. This year, we need an avalanche of action. All major-emitting developed and developing economies must do much more, much faster, to change the math and reduce the suffering – taking into account common but differentiated responsibilities. A growing number of countries have committed to significant emissions reductions by 2030. Others, including some big emitters, have an economic structure – namely high dependence on coal – that stands in the way. They need resources and technology to accelerate the transition from coal to renewable energy. That is why I am appealing for the creation of coalitions to provide financial and technical support for each of these countries that need assistance. 305 Developed countries, multilateral development banks, private financial institutions and companies with the necessary technical know-how – all need to join forces in these coalitions to deliver needed support at scale and with speed. At the same time, every country must strengthen their Nationally Determined Contributions until they collectively deliver the 45 per cent emissions reduction needed by 2030. No new coal plants. No expansion in oil and gas exploration. Now is the time for an unprecedented investment surge in renewable energy infrastructure, tripling to $5 trillion dollars annually by 2030. This is particularly urgent in emerging and developing economies. A strong reliance on renewable energy is crucial to avoiding the present fluctuation in fossil fuel prices. Every sector and every industry, including shipping and aviation, must be on a trajectory to reach net zero emissions by 2050. Wealthier countries must finally make good on the $100 billion climate finance commitment to developing countries, starting in 2022. Developing countries cannot wait any longer. And we need a radical boost for adaptation The Glasgow commitment to double adaptation finance -- from $20 billion -- is an urgent priority and a good first step, but we would still be far behind. 306 Access and eligibility systems must be reviewed to allow developing countries – to get the finance they need on time. COP-27 in Egypt and the upcoming conferences focusing on biodiversity and oceans will also be important opportunities to protect our planet and all species. The effort required is extraordinary, but so too are the possibilities for bold action when people work together. We can draw inspiration from those with the greatest stakes in the future — young people. As with so many other issues, young people are on the frontlines in pushing for progress. Let’s answer their calls with action. Excellencies, The first three crises I have laid out — COVID-19, a morally bankrupt financial system, and the climate crisis — represent a triple emergency for developing countries and a triple multiplier of global inequalities. They undermine human rights and are a powder keg for social unrest and instability. In each, better global governance is sorely needed to restore fairness, rescue the Sustainable Development Goals, and live up to our commitment to uphold the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family. Excellencies, The fourth area is one where global governance barely exists at all. We must go into emergency mode to put humanity at the centre of technology. 307 Technology shouldn’t use us. We should use technology. And if governed properly, the opportunities are extraordinary, especially if we can ensure safe and secure internet connectivity everywhere. But growing digital chaos is benefiting the most destructive forces and denying opportunities to ordinary people. In countries with low broadband connectivity, simply connecting schools to the internet can grow GDP by 20 per cent. Realizing such benefits requires safely connecting the 2.9 billion people who remain off-line, mainly in developing countries. Women still lag far behind men in terms of internet access. This year’s Transforming Education Summit will be an important opportunity to help close the digital divide, and ensure affordable, safe and secure internet services for all. As we seize the opportunities of the digital world, risks like data misuse, misinformation and cyber-crime are already outpacing any meaningful efforts to address them. Our personal information is being exploited to control or manipulate us, change our behaviors, violate our human rights, and undermine democratic institutions. Our choices are taken away from us without us even knowing it. The business models of social media companies profit from algorithms that prioritize addiction, outrage and anxiety at the cost of public safety. 308 We need strong regulatory frameworks to change this business model. To address these issues, I’ve proposed a Global Digital Compact as part of the Summit of the Future in 2023. The Compact will bring together governments, the private sector and civil society to agree on key principles underpinning global digital cooperation. This will reinforce the ongoing coordinated approach on cyber security to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure. And I’ve proposed a Global Code of Conduct to end the infodemic and the war on science, and promote integrity in public information, including online. We look forward to developing this with governments, media outlets and regulators. So many technological advances are underway in this domain. I continue to urge Member States to speed up work on banning lethal autonomous weapons, and to begin considering new governance frameworks for biotechnology and neurotechnology, as I outlined in Our Common Agenda. Excellencies, Fifth, we need to go into emergency mode to bring peace to a world that sees too little of it. We face the highest number of violent conflicts since 1945. Military coups are back. Impunity is taking hold. 309 Nuclear weapons stockpiles now exceed 13,000 — the highest level in decades. Human rights and the rule of law are under assault. Populism, nativism, white supremacy and other forms of racism and extremism are poisoning social cohesion and institutions everywhere. The pushback on human rights – especially the rights of women and girls – continues. My Call to Action for Human Rights is a pushback against that pushback. We will always push back – and push forward – to defend human rights. Meanwhile, the climate crisis is fueling conflict and escalating humanitarian crises. And terrorism remains a constant threat, further destabilizing some of the most fragile countries in the world. Through our peacekeeping and peacebuilding capacities, the United Nations will always stand with and protect those who are caught up in the fighting, and work to build stronger, more resilient and peaceful communities. And conflict prevention is at the heart of the proposed New Agenda for Peace. I pledge to spare no effort to mobilize the international community – and step up our push for peace. Allow me to mention a few. In Afghanistan, to provide a lifeline of help for the Afghan people, inject cash to avoid an economic meltdown, ensure full respect of international 310 humanitarian law and human rights – particularly for women and girls – and effectively fight terrorism. In Colombia, to sustain and deepen peace implementation and reinforce UN support. In Ethiopia, to guarantee the end of hostilities, all hostilities and also humanitarian assistance everywhere, ensuring a lasting ceasefire and the withdrawal of foreign forces, and promote an inclusive dialogue involving all Ethiopians. In Haiti, to encourage and support Haitian-led solutions to end a deepening political and institutional crisis, craft a new constitution and plan elections in a secure and peaceful environment. Regarding Iran, to support talks to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action as well as engagement between Iran and its neighbours. In Israel-Palestine, to encourage parties to refrain from unilateral steps – including settlement expansion and violence – and to help revive the peace process and pave the way to ending the occupation and achieving a viable two-State solution. In Libya, to promote dialogue, support presidential and parliamentary elections as soon as possible, and push for the coordinated withdrawal of foreign fighters. In Mali, to continue working with all national and regional stakeholders towards the restoration of Constitutional order, to schedule elections with an acceptable timetable and strengthen the peace agreement. In Myanmar, to work for the restoration of democracy, deliver humanitarian aid, and mobilise international support grounded in regional unity. 311 In the Sahel, to address the root causes of poverty, underdevelopment and governance challenges, and ensure robust support to the G5 Sahel and its Joint Force through predictable and sustained funding. In Sudan, to help realize the people’s democratic aspirations and support an inclusive intra-Sudanese political process. In Syria, to advance the full implementation of Security Council resolution 2254, reconvene a credible Syrian-led, Syrian-owned, UNfacilitated Constitutional Committee, release detainees, and continue efforts to reach all in need with humanitarian aid. In Ukraine, to reduce tensions, and urge that all issues be addressed exclusively through diplomacy. In Yemen, to reach a lasting ceasefire, open access to the country and restart an inclusive political process to end the calamitous seven yearconflict. On nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, to make the most of the Tenth NPT Review Conference, reduce nuclear risks and take steps towards nuclear disarmament. And we will persevere in our efforts to prevent conflict, protect civilians and consolidate peace from the Western Balkans to the Caucasus … from the Central African Republic to Cyprus to the Democratic Republic of the Congo ... from Iraq to the Korean peninsula to Lebanon … from Mozambique to Somalia…from South Sudan to Venezuela to the Western Sahara and beyond. This world is too small for so many hotspots. We need a united Security Council, fully engaged in addressing them. Geo-political divides must be managed to avoid chaos around the globe. 312 We need to maximize areas for cooperation while establishing robust mechanisms to avoid escalation. And in all we do to secure peace, I am committed to ensuring that women are at the centre of our conflict prevention, peacemaking and peacebuilding efforts. We know that peace efforts are more successful and sustainable when women are a full part of decision-making and mediation and peace processes. We’re increasing the number of women peacekeepers. We now have more women leading our field missions than ever before — with parity among our Heads or Deputy Heads of missions. And 40 per cent of the Peacebuilding Fund focuses on gender equality and women’s rights. We will continue building on this important work in the coming year. Excellencies, The sheer number of conflicts I have touched upon is yet more evidence that we spend much more money and resources managing conflicts than on preventing them and building peace. We need to seriously review our priorities and resources across the peace continuum, strengthening investment in prevention and peacebuilding. Across all these challenges, the world needs a strong and effective United Nations to deliver results. 313 Our reforms have been crucial and we’ve made significant progress over the last few years. As we build on these gains, the continued support of Member States is pivotal — particularly with respect to the annual programme budget. Excellencies, Our responses to the five emergencies I have laid out today will determine the course of people and planet for decades to come. We must go into emergency mode and put out this 5-alarm fire. By fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Reforming the global financial system to ensure a just recovery. Tackling the climate crisis. Putting humanity at the centre of the digital world and frontier technologies. And delivering sustainable peace. My report on Our Common Agenda -- which strengthens Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals – offers a roadmap to gather the world together, in solidarity, to address these governance challenges and reinvigorate multilateralism for the 21st century. Together, let’s make 2022 a year in which we forge a new, more hopeful and equal path. 314 NOTABLE RABBIS IN HISTORY 459 (Incomplete list) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 459 Meir Kahane Mordecai Menahem Kaplan Kaufmann Kohler Alexander Kohut Judah Leon Magnes Isaac Mayer Wise Stephen Samuel Wise Leone Modena Judah ben Solomon Hai Alkalai Eleazar ben Azariah Jonathan Eybeschütz Moses ben Israel Isserles Ezekiel Landau Manasseh ben Israel Solomon ben Abraham Adret Simeon ben Zemah Duran Derived from Encyclopedia Britannica ( 315 CHRISTIAN SAINTS IN HISTORY 460 (Incomplete list) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 460 St. Agnes St. Anacletus St. Anastasius I St. Arsenius the Great St. Calixtus I St. John Cassian St. Cecilia St. Celestine I St. Christopher St. Clement I St. Constantine I St. Cornelius St. Crispin St. Crispinian St. Cyril of Jerusalem St. Soter St. Stephen I St. Sylvester I St. Urban I St. Valentine St. Victor I St. Peter Chrysologus St. Clare of Assisi St. Aidan St. Alban St. Anselm of Canterbury St. John Eudes Derived from Encyclopedia Britannica. These saints according to the Encyclopedia are recognized by the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and/or Oriental Orthodox churches. ( 316 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • St. Faustus of Riez St. Felix of Valois St. Vincent Ferrer St. Francis of Sales St. Fulbert of Chartres St. Geneviève St. Gotthard St. Henry II St. Hildegard St. Clement Mary Hofbauer St. Norbert of Xanten St. Edith Stein St. Heinrich Suso St. Ulrich St. Anterus St. Clement of Alexandria Saints Cyril and Methodius St. Diadochus of Photice St. Dioynsius St. Eleutherius St. Markos Eugenikos St. Eusebius St. Eustathius of Thessalonica St. Mother Teresa St. Brendan St. Brigit of Ireland St. Ciaran of Clonmacnoise St. Colman of Lindisfarne St. Columba St. Columban St. Fridolin of Säckingen St. Fursey St. Gall St. Kenneth St. Kevin St. Kilian 317 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • St. Malachy St. Oengus St. Patrick St. Oliver Plunket St. Kim Dae-gŏn St. Juan Diego St. Kateri Tekakwitha St. Olaf II Haraldsson St. Augustine St. Epiphanius of Constantia St. Hilarion St. Justin Martyr St. Sabas St. Theodosius of Palestine St. Martín de Porres St. Rose of Lima St. Jadwiga St. John Paul II St. Maksymilian Maria Kolbe St. Stanislaus of Kraków St. Anthony of Padua St. Elizabeth of Portugal St. Nuno Álvares Pereira St. Alexis St. Joseph of Volokolamsk St. Nikolay Kasatkin St. Alexander Nevsky St. Olga St. Seraphim of Sarov St. Sergius of Radonezh St. Nil Sorsky St. Stephen of Perm St. Tikhon 318 THE FIRST SUFI, OWAIS QARNI Owais Qarni was one of the most devout followers of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam. He has earned a special place of respect in history. Fariduddin Attar in his book ‘Tazkaratal Auliya’ written more than 800 years ago, devoted a whole chapter to this sufi saint.461 Sahih Muslim records a hadith quoting Umar ibn Al-Khattab, who said, he had heard Allah’s Messenger praising Owais bin Amir of Qarn (in Yemen). The Prophet said, “If he (Owais) would take an oath in the name of Allah, Allah would honor it. ” Owais Qarni was a young man when the Prophet migrated to Madina. He had keen desire to pay his respects to the Prophet. He could not meet the Prophet as he used to serve his sick mother. When he heard that a tooth of the Prophet was martyred during the Battle of Ohud (625 AD), Owais Qarni out of love for the Prophet, broke all his teeth. The Prophet once spoke about Owais Qarni before his companions. He disclosed that Owais had never met him in person but received spiritual benefit from the Prophet. On one occasion, Owais had come to Medina to meet him but the Prophet was not in the house. Owais then left, and went back to Qarn as his sick mother was all alone. The companions were surprised, as they had never met him. They asked whether they could meet Owais Qarni. The Prophet said, “Only Umar and Ali would be able to meet him.” When the Prophet was about to leave the world, he was asked who should inherit his Cloak. The Prophet remarked, “Owais Qarni.” He specifically instructed Umar and Ali to pass the Cloak to Owais Qarni, and ask him to pray for the forgiveness of the Muslim Ummah. 461 The book has been translated into Urdu by Maulana Akhtar Hijazi. It was published by Al-Faisal Printers, Lahore. 319 After the demise of the Prophet, Umar and Ali travelled all the way to Qarn. They found Owais praying under a tree. Ali introduced himself and Umar to him. Owais got up respectfully, and offered his greetings. Umar then presented the Cloak to Owais and requested that he pray for the Muslim Ummah as directed by the Prophet of Islam. Overwhelmed by the special honour, Owais Qarni rubbed the blessed Cloak on his face and eyes, and kissed it with intense love. Later, with tears in eyes, he placed the cloak over his head, and went to a nearby spot, where he bent down and prayed.462 He prayed and prayed; he cried and cried and then prayed. Some say, Owais Qarni died during the Battle of Siffin. Others opine, he passed away when he was with a Muslim army in what is today Azerbaijan. 462 The blessed Cloak, it is said, is preserved in Istanbul, Turkey. 320 MUSLIMS BELIEVED TO BE SUFI SAINTS (Incomplete list) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Owais Qarni Syed Abdul-Qadir Gilani Bahaud-Din Naqshband Baqi Billah Bayazid Bastami Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi Imam Ghazali Junayd Baghdadi Farid Din Attar Rabia Basri Bahauddin Zakariyya Nizamuddin Auliya Shah Rukn-e-Alam Moinuddin Chishti Faridud-Din Ganjshakar Bakhtiyar Kaki Data Ganj Bakhsh Jahaniyan Jahangasht Lal Shahbaz Qalander Khwaja Ghulam Farid Gul Baba Mian Mir Salim Chishti Malik Ibrahim Sunan Ampel Sunan Drajat Sunan Kalijaga Sunan Kudus Sunan Muria 321 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sunan Gunung Jati Shah Gardez Shah Jalal Shah Paran Shams Tabriz Sultan Bahoo Sakhi Sarwar Imam Bari Bu Ali Qalandar Amir Khusrow Shah Latif Bhitai Bibi Jamal Khatun Bulleh Shah Shah Waliullah Afaq Khoja Ma Laichi Sher Shah Miraan Hayat Mai Safoora Meher Ali Shah Qi Jingyi Khawja Abdullah Imam Shamil Daghestani Sheikh Usman Ibn Abdur Rahman Shah Hamadan Muhammad Raheem Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Habib Nuh Karim-ul Makhdum Baba Rexheb Beqiri Abu Husain Dundari Shirazi Husain bin Yazdinyar Abu Hasan Ahi Faraj Zanjani 322 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Muhammad Hoshnam Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Abd-Allah Baquwi Husain al-Gadairi Khoja Ahmad Yasavi Mursi Abul Abbas Khan Jahan Ali Abual-Hasan al-Shadhili Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-Jazuli Al-Hajj Malik Sy Shaykh al-Hajj Umar Soxna Adama Aise Al-Hajj Abdoulaye Muhammad al-Hafiz al-Misri al-Tijani Abu Abdullah Muhammad Abdul Rehman Bulbul Shah Abd Allah ibn Alawi al-Haddad Abu Bakr al-Aydaru Abou Yaacoub Ben Ali Assenhaji Qadi Iyad ibn Musa Belabbas Ahmed Sebti Imam al-Jazouli Sidi Abd El Aziz Sidi Abdullah Ghazouani Imam Abderahim Souhaili Syed Sirajuddin Muhammad Baba Shah Mosafar Baba Palang Posh Nakshbandi Saiad Masum Shah Wali Shah Latif Shah Latif Kadari Shah Unas Kadari Shah Burhan ud Din 323 THOSE MENTIONED AS OCCULTISTS IN HISTORY (Incomplete list) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Alexander of Abonoteichus Chu Fu Heraclitus Iamblichus Iannes Mambres Simon Magus Zhuge Liang Gilles de Rais John of Nottingham Ramon Llull Pietro d'Abano Cosimo Ruggeri John Dee Edward Kelley John Lambe Nostradamus Paracelsus Johannes Reuchlin Ursula Southeil Krishnananda Agamavagisha Soulmother of Küssnacht Robert Fludd Ulrica Arfvidsson Gustaf Björnram Alessandro Cagliostro Antoine Court de Gebelin Etteilla Marie Kingué Marie-Anne de La Ville Henrietta Lullier 324 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Franz Mesmer August Nordenskiold Francis Barrett Stanislas de Guaita Guido von List Arthur Machen Jacques Collin de Plancy Grigori Rasputin Carl Reichenbach Arthur Edward Waite Karl Maria Wiligut Margot Adler Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki Franz Bardon Brother XII Laurie Cabot D. J. Conway Marjorie Cameron Ramsey Dukes John Michael Greer Murry Hope Christopher Hyatt Bola Ige Jiddu Krishnamurti Siegfried Adolf Kummer Anton LaVey Sybil Leek Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels Friedrich Bernhard Marby Rosaleen Norton Olumba Olumba Tommaso Palamidessi Eckhart Tolle Mellie Uyldert Doreen Valiente 325 NEOPAGAN MOVEMENTS (Incomplete list) 463 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 463 Ancient Order of Druids Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Crowleyan Thelema Germanische Glaubens-Gemeinschaft Zadruga Godianism Artgemeinschaft Gardnerian Wicca LaVeyan Satanism Alexandrian Wicca Children of God Central Valley Wicca The Order of Nine Angles Algard Wicca Íslenska Ásatrúarfélagið Chthonioi Alexandrian Wicca Covenant of the Goddess Forn Sed Norge NXIVM Samfälligheten för Nordisk Sed Deutsche Heidnische Front ÁrnDraíocht Féin Congregation of Latvian Dievturi Ynglism The Satanic Temple Among others, derived from Encyclopedia Britannica,; CBS News (‘The most terrifying cults in history’ Elisha Fieldstadt, Jessica Learish 30 June 2021; and British Museum (Ancient Order of Druids) 326 SUPERNATURAL, OCCULT AND SPIRITUALITY ‘GLOSSARY OF TERMS’ Abbey of Thelema The House in Sicily, used as temple and spiritual centre, established by occultist Aleister Crowley in 1920. The building categorized as an ‘antimonastery’, was used for his adherents to spend time not in accordance with religious statutes, but according to their wishes and desires. Crowley had plans to make the building into ‘a global center’ of the study of magic and occult. Abraxas An occultic title or name, found on amulets called “Abraxas Stones.” Understood as the name of a god, deity or demon, the origin of the word is not clear. Agastya A sage in Hindu religion. Alchemy In many ways a precursor to modern chemistry, alchemy was generally considered to be the science of turning one thing into another through physical and chemical processes. For instance, the objective to transform lead into gold, was a priority in the medieval times. Amulet An object that is said to protect a person from ailments and difficulties. Amulet can be a coin, gem or a statue. Amulets have an association with magic and religion. Ariosophy It is an esoteric ideological system said to have linkages with ‘the wisdom of the Aryans.’ As a belief system, it was initiated in Austria in 327 late 19th century. The Nazis are said to have carried out detailed study of this discipline. Ashram A Hindu monastery. Aura Energy field which covers the body of a human, animal or even an object. Psychics claim to have the ability to visualize the size, color and the type of field and its impact on the surroundings. Badrooh Evil spirit. The term is used as opposed to Ruh which is the soul of a living thing. Bhajan Devotional song in Hindu religion. Bhoondenr Name used for an evil witch - like supernatural creature, in parts of the subcontinent. Bibliomancy This discipline is relates to the use of books for the purpose of divine study and prediction. The methodology of employing supernatural books for utilising the removal of negative bodies from a man or a woman, has been in use since long. Cabala Cabala can be categorized as ‘Jewish mysticism.’ It is a discipline considered esoteric in nature. Its origins purported to be thousands of years old, have mainly been transmitted through oral traditions from generation to generation. 328 Chakra Human body focal points in Hinduism. Charu A man of spirituality in Hinduism. Chillaa Sufi practice of remembering God in seclusion, at an isolated place ‘over a longer period of time.’ Clairvoyance Clairvoyance is the capability to seek information through extra-sensory perception. Any person who has this ability is named a clairvoyant. Cult Cult comprises a small or a large group of people, with the same uncommon philosophy, who have a particular belief system outside a mainstream religion or society. The term has gained common usage in the recent period. Dainr The name used for a witch in the subcontinent. Darvesh A simple holy man. Daven Daven is a Yiddish word meaning “to pray”. Davening commonly refers to the traditional Jewish prayer mode in a soft voice, often swaying back and forth. Demiurge A power from cosmologies, sometimes positive and sometimes malevolent. Depending on the school of thought, its role and characterization can vary from region to region and person to person. 329 Esotericism Esoteric is the supernatural, the unknown, generally discussed along with the term mysticism. It can cover positive and the negative fields of knowledge. Exorcism It is a religious or spiritual practice of evicting negative entities from a person, body or an area, which is believed to be possessed. Farishta Angel, a creation of God. This concept has been existing in Abrahamic faiths. Farishta-sift Angel - like person. Gematria In Gematria one can assign a numerical value to a name, word or phrase, in accordance with a particular formula. It has been widely used in Jewish history and culture. Ghost Ghost is said to be ‘the soul or spirit’ that can appear to a human and an animal. The descriptions of ghosts vary in cultures and regions worldwide. Grimoire A book of ‘spells and rituals.’ Generally considered to apply only to “dark” fields of magic and negative energy. Hermeneutics The process of interpreting a text, usually refers to biblical interpretation. It is also applied to philosophy. Certain schools of the Jewish Kabbalah apply their ideas hermeneutically. 330 Hermeticism Hermeticism is generally focused on the idea of religion involving a singular force that impacts life and all that is created. It is also relevant to the practice of solitude to focus on the singularity of a spiritual objective. Iblees The name used for the Devil in Islam. Jaadu The name for magic used in the subcontinent where a magician is called jaadugar. Jappaa Repetition of the name of God in Vedic terminology. Kali Yuga There are four yugas (Ages) in Hindu spirituality. This is the last one. Khabees Roohain Evil spirits, or evil souls, a term used among the Muslims in South Asia. Kia magic Is a specific mystical concept said to be akin to the universal consciousness. Kia magic has been followed, nurtured and expanded by occultists many in the Far East and in the European continent. Lithomancy Foretelling future with help of gems and stones in the context of the ‘light reflection’ formula. The practice is known to many in the UK. The earliest account of lithomancy is said to be associated with a physician, named ‘Eusebius’, who used a stone called ‘Baetulum’, to indulge in the occult. 331 Malang A rather abnormal person who spends much time at the shrines of sufi saints. The term is in use in South Asia. Mantra A mystical phrase in Buddhism and Hinduism normally said in repetition for impact in respect of health and well-being or for an evil objective. Mazaar Shrine of a sufi saint in Islam. Majzoob An abnormal spiritual man who has lost his senses. The term is frequently used especially in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh. Metaphysics The philosophy on the nature of things we cannot see, experience or prove including the exactitudes of reality and existence. For instance, ‘how and why, anything exists in the first place.’ Mysticism A religious practice where the goal is a direct interaction with God, a god, or gods. Mysticism is often associated with Abrahamic Faiths (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), but is not just specific to these religions. Necromancy The attempt to connect with the spirit of a deceased. The practice is also known as ‘Séance.’ Terms associated with necromancy include ‘apparition, phantom, poltergeist, spectre, spirit and ghoul.’ 332 Occult In modern popular usage, the term occult generally applies to disciplines such as satanism, dark magic and witchcraft. In academic sense, it has been applied to astrology and alchemy. Ontology Ontology looks at ‘a thing’ and attempts to answer question, such as “why”, “how”, and “what”, in a philosophical way. People try to answer these questions through theological models. Pauhancha-hua A person who has reached higher levels of spirituality. The term has been in use in the subcontinent. Rooh The soul of a living person in comparison with the physical body. Roohaniat Islamic spirituality. Rhabdomancy This is a divination technique which involves the use of a wand, stick and even an arrow to predict. Rhabdomancy has also been used in reference to some verses of the Bible. Semiotics Semiotics is the study of ‘signs and symbols.’ How we derive meaning from them, their function in language and communication, and how they relate to the other signs and symbols. Shaitan The name used for the devil. Shaitani Taqatain Satanic forces; forces of the dark. 333 Sigil A specially designed picture that represents a definitive purpose and is said to have supernatural powers. Stichomancy It is the divine interpretation of lines/verses in some specific books, related to supernaturalism. Prophesies and predictions involved in this study are also related to Bibliomancy. Taaweez An amulet is called taaweez in parts of the Muslim world. Takiyaa The term is used in respect of a sufi practice of ‘isolated remembrance of God, in seclusion.’ Theology A study of a religion, which is generally referred to as ‘Religious Studies.’ It focuses on history, culture and impact of an ideology, categorized as ‘a religion.’ Theurgy Working with spirits and or gods in a ritual fashion to elicit spiritual or material effects. Theurgy is often accomplished through ritual sacrifice, sacred words, phrases or chants. These rituals can be simple or complicated, and take anywhere from ‘a few seconds to several months or years, in extreme cases’, to reach the stage of fructification. Ukehi Ukehi is a practice associated with Japanese Shinto divination. It is said, it can predict the outcome of an event; animate living beings; manipulate weather conditions; and even damage the enemy. 334 Urs Annual gathering of sufi saints at one place. The term is used in the Muslim world. Vampire In European folklore, vampires are said to be ‘undead creatures’ who visit loved ones to cause mischief or death. In modern times, vampire is generally considered to be a fictitious entity. Wali Ullah Term used for a Muslim saint in the Islamic world. White Magic The use of magic for selfless purposes. Practitioners of white magic have been categorized as people of knowledge and wisdom. Wicca A relatively modern discipline based on witchcraft, which is rooted in paganism. It tends to uphold ‘female empowerment.’ Chants, spells and esoteric rituals, are important in Wicca beliefs, which are said to create energy that impacts mind and the soul. 335 BIBLIOGRAPHY • Abram, Simon: ‘The Tanakh - Jewish Bible’ (English Edition), Crossway Books. 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(2018) • ‘Zen Texts (Bdk English Tripitaka Translation Series)’, Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research. (2006) 346 Mian Ghaunse Bakhsh Sahib Qureshi al-Hashmi, Raees - e - Azam Thatta Qureshi, Muzaffargarh. The great-grandfather of the author. 347 Mian Khuda Bakhsh Sahib Qureshi, grandfather of the author. 348 Author's parents: mother, Kubra Fatima, was hafiz of the Quran; father, Mian Muzaffar Mehdi Hashmi, was author of books on the ideology of Pakistan who also served as Member of the National Assembly of Pakistan. He studied in Government College Lahore and SOAS London. 349 Ancestral residence of the author in Thatta Qureshi, Muzaffargarh. The place is known as ‘Lammi Jaa.’ 350 Winter view of Lawrence College, Ghora Gali, Murree, one of the earliest public schools in the subcontinent. The author studied in this boarding school for twelve years. 351 Afrasiab Mehdi Hashmi Qureshi joined the Foreign Service of Pakistan in 1984. He worked in the US, UN and Asia-Pacific Divisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Islamabad; and as Staff Officer to the Secretary General, Foreign Affairs. He was posted in the Pakistani Missions in Washington DC, New Delhi and Beijing. He was serving as Pakistan’s Alternate Permanent Representative to the IAEA in Vienna, when India conducted the nuclear tests in May 1998, forcing Pakistan to respond. Afrasiab was posted to New Delhi the second time where he worked as Pakistan’s Deputy High Commissioner to India from 2006 to 2009. Subsequently, he was appointed Director General (South Asia) at the Foreign Office in Islamabad. Earlier, he worked as Desk Officer for the United States from 1986 to 1987; and later in 2002, as Director (Americas) in the Foreign Office. 350 In 2011, Afrasiab was appointed Pakistan’s High Commissioner to Bangladesh, with concurrent accreditation to Bhutan. In 2014, he took charge as Additional Foreign Secretary in the Foreign Office. In 2016, he proceeded to New Zealand as High Commissioner with concurrent accreditation to Samoa, Tonga and Kiribati. Ambassador Afrasiab was promoted to ‘Grade - 22’ in 2017, the senior most grade, in the civil services of Pakistan. Afrasiab was born in Muzaffargarh, Pakistan. He studied in Lawrence College, Murree; and Government College, Lahore. He has also served as Member, Board of Governors of The Lawrence College. He is the son of Mian Muzaffar Mehdi Hashmi, author and a columnist, who served as Member, National Assembly of Pakistan (MNA) from 1965 to 1969. Afrasiab is the grandson of Mian Khuda Baksh sahib Qureshi of Thatta Qureshi, Muzaffargarh. Ambassador Afrasiab has written a number of books. His articles have been appearing in newspapers and journals. Books authored by Afrasiab 1. The Greatest Man in History is Muhammad (Peace be upon him) (A Jellyman New Zealand Paperback Publication; First edition published in Wellington in January 2017. Fourth edition published in Islamabad in June 2020; ISBN 978 - 969 - 9837 - 04 - 3). (E-book ISBN: 978 - 969 - 9837 - 12 - 8) 2. 1971: Fact and Fiction (Fifth edition published by the Center for Global and Strategic Studies, Islamabad, in March 2021; ISBN 978 - 969 – 9837- 06-7). (E-book ISBN: 978 – 969 – 9837 - 13 - 5) 351 3. Encyclopaedia of Dates, Quotes, Documents, on Pakistan, India, China & the United States; and their Relations [7000 BC to 2013 AD] (in Two Volumes) (First edition published in Dhaka by Bangladesh Defense Journal Publishing in 2013; ISBN 978 - 969 - 9837 - 00 - 5). (Second edition published by the Army Institute of Military History, Rawalpindi, in August 2021; ISBN 978-969-9837-08-1). (E - book ISBN: 978 - 969 – 9837 - 11 – 1) 4. US Relations with South Asia (Second Edition, The WordMate Islamabad, July 2002). 5. 1971: Saqoot - e - Dhaka (Urdu) (Kh. Publishers, Islamabad, 2018). (ISBN 978 - 969 – 9837 - 05 - 0) 6. Ancient and Contemporary Pakistan (The Makhdooms Lahore, December 2015). (ISBN 978 - 969 - 9837 - 02 - 9) 7. What could happen in the world, tomorrow! End Times: Messiah, Jesus & the Mahdi and Armilus, Antichrist & the Dajjal (Panoramic Sequel) (E – book published in Islamabad in January 2022). (ISBN 978 - 969 - 9837 - 14 – 2) 8. Scholar Diplomats [Books authored by Pakistani Diplomats 1947 – 2021] (Being published in the near future in Islamabad). 352 Articles contributed by Afrasiab 1. My Prophet, My Guide, My Leader (Ravian, annual magazine of Government College Lahore, 1983). 2. The RSS: Hindu Nazis of India (Global Village Space, November 2019). 3. General Fahreddin Pasha, the Last Ottoman Governor of Medina (The Nation, 8 December 2020). 4. What happened to those who betrayed Pakistan in 1971! (Global Village Space, December 2019). 5. 1971: Makafaat - e – Amal (Urdu) ( 6. The Greatest Man in History is Muhammad [Peace be upon him] (HILAL English, article/detail/Mzkx). 7. Pakistan and Bangladesh: Two brotherly countries, part of one large Muslim Nation (Hilal English, December 2019). 8. Will Apology to Bangladesh help? (MATRIX, April 29, 2021). 9. RSS (Rashtarya Swayamsevakh Sangh): The Largest Terrorist Organisation in the world (Hilal English, September 2019). 10. Narendra Modi Mindset (SASSI [South Asian Strategic Stability Institute University] Security Review, 18 December 2020). 353 11. Destruction of Libraries and Houses of Knowledge in History (The Nation, 3 December 2020). 12. Romanian Diplomat who wrote the biography of the Prophet of Islam (The Nation, 20 May 2021). 13. Pakistan should not Apologise to Bangladesh on 1971 [Islamabad considers the issue settled and fully resolved, with the conclusion of the Bangladesh - India - Pakistan Agreement of 9 April 1974] (Writeup available in electronic version). Ambassador Afrasiab has also written on other subjects, including: US Congress, American Foreign Service and Face Reading. 354