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Case Report
Hyper Vitaminosis D: Are we Overprescribing Vitamin D?
Hemachandar R, Lokesh Shanmugam1, Balakrishna Malepati1, Suresh
Departments of Nephrology, and 1General Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry, India
A bstract
Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin is now considered to be a hormone due to its important role in many physiological functions.
Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with many disorders ranging from bone diseases, cardiovascular diseases to cancer.
Hence, there is a recent surge in the empirical prescription of vitamin D for various disorders without documentation of vitamin
D deficiency and monitoring the treatment. We report a case of iatrogenic hypercalcemia and acute kidney injury due to vitamin D
toxicity after empirical and overzealous use of vitamin D and calcium supplements. We present this case to remind clinicians the
importance of monitoring the patients treated with mega doses of vitamin D.
Keywords: Acute kidney injury, cholecalciferol, hyper vitaminosis D, iatrogenic hypercalcemia
18 mm/1 h, urine analysis showed no proteinuria and no
deposits, urea 120 mg/dL, creatinine 2.2 mg/dL, Na 130 mEq/L,
potassium 3.6 mEq/L, calcium 13.7 mg/dL, phosphorus
3.0 mg/dL, serum bilirubin 0.9 mg/dL, albumin 3.2 g/dL,
total protein 5.6 g/dL, alanine transaminase 38 IU/L, aspartate
transaminase 42 IU/L, and alkaline phosphatase 155 IU/L.
X‑ray of spine showed lumbar spondylolisthesis of L5 over S1
and diffuse rarefaction of bone [Figure 1]. Magnetic resonance
imaging of lumbosacral spine showed lumbar spondylolisthesis
of L5 over S1 [Figure 2]. Bone mineral density by Dual‑energy
X‑ray absorptiometry scan was suggestive of osteoporosis with
a T score of −2.9 and Z score of −2.4.
Activated vitamin D (1,25 OH vitamin D) plays a crucial role
in a plethora of physiological functions. Vitamin D deficiency
is associated with various illnesses other than disorders of
calcium metabolism, including infectious diseases, autoimmune
diseases, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and some
cancers.[1] Hence, vitamin D is now a frequently prescribed drug
for various disorders. Unfortunately, there is lack of awareness
of the various preparations and dosages of this hormone. This
occasionally leads to avoidable errors in prescription, leading to
unwanted side effects.
Case Report
The patient was managed by continuous saline infusion,
diuretics, and bisphosphonates. Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
was 13.54 pg/mL and vitamin D 25(OH) was >150 ng/mL.
Retrospectively, while reviewing her previous medical prescriptions,
it was found that she had received multiple prescriptions of
oral calcium carbonate, oral cholecalciferol, and oral calcitriol
over the last 2 years. Two months earlier, she had also received
intramuscular injections of cholecalciferol 600,000 IU daily for
20 consecutive days. Serum and urine protein electrophoresis
was negative for M protein. Malignancy screen was negative.
A 46‑year‑old female patient was referred to the Department of
Nephrology for evaluation of renal failure. She gave a history of low
backache for the past 2 years. Since then, she has been on several
medications. She denied history of reduced urine output or pedal
edema. Her blood pressure was 110/80 mm of Hg. Neurological
examination was significant for tenderness and bony step at the
level of L5. Her motor and sensory examination was normal.
The laboratory investigations revealed the following results:
Hemoglobin 9.4 g/dL, erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Patient was advised surgery for spondylolisthesis for which
the relatives refused to. She was discharged after 2 weeks
with serum calcium and creatinine of 12.1 mg/dL and
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Address for correspondence: Dr. Hemachandar R,
Department of Nephrology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical
College and Research Institute, Pondy ‑Cuddalore Main Road,
Pillaiyarkuppam, Puducherry ‑ 607 402, India.
[email protected]
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
October 2014 : Volume 3 : Issue 4
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Hemachandar, et al.: Vitamin D toxicity
Figure 1: X-ray lumbosacral spine spine lateral view showing
spondylolisthesis of L5 over S1
Figure 2: Magnetic resonance imaging spine showing spondylolisthesis
of L5 over S1
1.6 mg/dL, respectively. During her last follow‑up, her calcium
was 10.9 mg/dL and creatinine was 1.1 mg/dL. She was started
on oral bisphosphonates for osteoporosis.
toxic in huge doses and reports of vitamin D toxicity exist in
literature.[5] Vitamin D intoxication usually occurs at levels of 25(OH)
vitamin D > 150 ng/mL.[6] The clinical manifestations are kidney
disorders (65.0%), renal insufficiency (51.0%), gastrointestinal tract
disorders (23.0%), and arterial hypertension (52.0%).[7]
Vitamin D has achieved increasing prominence over the past
few decades in the research publications. 1,25(OH) 2D3 is now
considered to be a steroid hormone and functions the same
way as other steroid hormones by interacting with its vitamin D
receptor (VDR). Over the past several decades, various research
has shown that the VDR is widely distributed among various
body tissues than previously thought (intestine, bone, kidney, and
parathyroid).[2] The pluripotent steroid hormone 1,25(OH) 2D3
initiates the physiologic responses of at least 36 cell types that
possess the VDR. In addition to the production of circulating
1,25(OH) 2D3 in the kidneys, researchers have found a paracrine
production of this steroid hormone in at least 10 extra renal
The management of these patients includes withdrawal
of the offending agent/s, intravenous volume expansion,
furosemide, bisphosphonates and hydrocortisone in selected
cases. Complete recovery of renal function can occur if the
diagnosis is made early in the course of the disease.
In our patient, hypercalcemia was parathyroid independent, as
the serum levels of PTH was low normal. The malignancy as
the cause of hypercalcemia was ruled out by absence of clinical
and laboratory evidence of malignancy.
The toxic potential of mega doses of vitamin D therapy is still
not generally appreciated among health care providers. This
case report highlights that large doses of vitamin D prescribed
without adequate supervision can be potentially toxic despite its
wide margin of safety. This case questions the rationale behind
empirical treatment with vitamin D and calcium supplements.
Vitamins are generally considered to be beneficial and not
harmful. Nevertheless to say anything that is overdone becomes
Vitamin D has been found to have important role the adaptive
immune system, the innate immune system, insulin secretion
by the pancreatic β cell, myocardial functioning, blood pressure
regulation, and brain and fetal development.[2] Vitamin D
depletion has been associated with increased risk of osteoporosis,
hip fracture in the elderly, hypertension, cardiovascular disease,
and some types of malignancies.[1] Vitamin D deficiency prevails
in epidemic proportions even in a tropical country like India,
with a prevalence of 70%–100% in the general population.[3]
Therefore, it is not surprising that vitamin D supplements are
being prescribed for various diseases. Many patients are given
vitamin D supplements empirically in doses much beyond
the recommended doses, without the laboratory evidence of
vitamin D deficiency and without monitoring.
In patients taking vitamin D preparations monitoring should
be done by periodic estimation of 24‑h urinary calcium
excretion, which should not exceed 250 mg.[4] Vitamin D is
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
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October 2014 : Volume 3 : Issue 4
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Hemachandar, et al.: Vitamin D toxicity
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View publication stats
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How to cite this article: Hemachandar R, Shanmugam L, Malepati B,
Venugopal S. Hyper vitaminosis D: are we overprescribing vitamin D?.
J Fam Med Primary Care 2014;3:464-6.
Pandita KK, Razdan S, Kudyar RP, Beigh A, Kuchay S,
Banday T. “Excess gooD can be Dangerous”. A case
series of iatrogenic symptomatic hypercalcemia due
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Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.
October 2014 : Volume 3 : Issue 4