Measuring Agricultural Sustainability
Dariush Hayati, Zahra Ranjbar, and Ezatollah Karami
Abstract Sustainability in agriculture is a complex concept and there is no
c ommon viewpoint among scholars about its dimensions. Nonetheless various
parameters for measuring agricultural sustainability have been proposed. This
manuscript reviews some aspects of agricultural sustainability measures by referring to measuring difficulties, components of sustainability measurement and their
interaction. Criteria to select sustainability indicators are discussed. Agricultural
sustainability scales at national level and farm level are reviewed. A large number
of indicators have been developed but they do not cover all dimensions and levels.
Therefore, indicators used for agricultural sustainability should be location specific.
They should be constructed within the context of the contemporary socioeconomic
and ecological situation. Some recommendations to select indicators in order to
better measure agricultural sustainability are presented.
Keywords Agricultural sustainability • Measuring sustainability • Sustainability
indicators • Sustainability components
1 Introduction
For any study on sustainable agriculture, the question arises as to how agricultural
sustainability can be measured. Some argue that the concept of sustainability is a
“social construct” (David 1989; Webster 1999) and is yet to be made operational
(Webster 1997). The precise measurement of sustainability is impossible as it is
site-specific and a dynamic concept (Ikerd 1993). To some extent, what is defined
D. Hayati (*), Z. Ranjbar and E. Karami
Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, College of Agriculture,
Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
[email protected]
E. Lichtfouse (ed.), Biodiversity, Biofuels, Agroforestry and Conservation Agriculture,
Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 5, DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-9513-8_2,
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010
D. Hayati et al.
as sustainable depends on the perspectives of the analysts (Webster 1999). Although
precise measurement of sustainable agriculture is not possible, “when specific
parameters or criteria are selected, it is possible to say whether certain trends are
steady, going up or going down” (Pretty 1995).
Practices that erode soil, remove the habitats of insect predators, and cut instead
of plant trees can be considered unsustainable compared to those that conserve
these resources. According to Altieri (1995), farmers can improve the biological
stability and resilience of the system by choosing more suitable crops, rotating
them, growing a mixture of crops, and irrigating, mulching and manuring land.
According to Lynam and Herdt (1989), sustainability can be measured by examining the changes in yields and total factor productivity. Beus and Dunlop (1994)
considered agricultural practices such as the use of pesticides and inorganic fertilizers, and maintenance of diversity as measures of sustainability. For sustainable
agriculture, a major requirement is sustainable management of land and water
Reviewing the aspects of agricultural sustainability measures, by referring to
measuring difficulties, components of sustainability measurement and criteria for
indicators selection were the main objectives of this manuscript. It should be
declared that the article has inevitably had to take a bias toward cropping because
of the huge amount of literature on sustainability indicators in various disciplines.
2 General Issues
Considerable efforts have been made to identify appropriate indicators for agricultural sustainability. In the realm of practice, the most influential model of environmental reporting is the causality chain of Pressure-State-Response (PSR). Although
its conceptual development can be traced back to the 1950s, the PSR model was
pioneered by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) (OECD 1991). The PSR model and variants have been extensively used to
organise a menu of indicators. Examples of applications include the State-ofEnvironment (SOE) reporting (Australia, Canada and New Zealand) and the set of
sustainability indicators proposed by the United Nations Commission on Sustainable
Development (CSD). The latter has been tested in selected developed and developing
countries. This sets a new precedent of cross-nation sustainability indicator comparability which has been followed recently by other international initiatives such as
the Environmental Sustainability Index and OECD Environmental Performance
Review. In effect, indicators become a policy instrument to exert peer pressure
among nations to perform better.
Recently, OECD has developed a common framework called “driving force state
response” (DSR) to help in developing indicators. Driving force indicators refer to
the factors that cause changes in farm management practices and inputs use. State
indicators show the effect of agriculture on the environment such as soil, water, air,
biodiversity, habitat and landscape. Response indicators refer to the actions that are
Measuring Agricultural Sustainability
taken in response to the changing state of environment. Using the DSR framework,
OECD (1997) identified 39 indicators of issues such as farm financial resources,
farm management, nutrient use, pesticide use, water use, soil quality, water quality,
land conservation, greenhouse gases, biodiversity, landscape, wildlife habitats, and
farm’s contextual information, including socioeconomic background, land-use, and
output. Similarly, the British Government suggested 34 indicators under 13 themes
such as nutrient losses to fresh water, soil P levels, nutrient management practices,
ammonia emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, pesticide use, water use, soil protection, and agricultural land resource, conservation value of agricultural land,
environmental management systems, rural economy and energy (MAFF cited in
Webster 1999).
Most of the indicators mentioned above are suitable to evaluate agricultural
sustainability at aggregate level. They cannot, however, be used to assess sustainability at the farm level, although individual farmers take the major decision in
land-use including mode of use and choice of technology (Webster 1999). Sands
and Podmore (2000) used environmentally sustainability index (ESI) as an indicator of assessing agricultural sustainability and applied it to farms in the United
States. ESI represents a group of 15 sustainability sub-indices including soil depth,
soil organic carbon, bulk density and depth of ground water. Tellarini and Caporali
(2000) used the monetary value and energy value to compare the sustainability of
two farms, high-inputs and low-inputs in Italy. Gowda and Jayaramaiah (1998)
used nine indicators, namely integrated nutrient management, land productivity,
integrated water management, integrated pest management, input self-sufficiency,
crop yield security, input productivity, information self-reliance and family food
sufficiency, to evaluate the sustainability of rice production in India. Reijntjes et al.
(1992) identified a set of criteria under ecological, economic and social aspects of
agricultural sustainability. Ecological criteria comprise the use of nutrients and
organic materials, water, energy, and environmental effects, while economic criteria
include farmers’ livelihood systems, competition, factor productivity, and relative
value of external inputs. Food security, building indigenous knowledge, and contribution to employment generation are social criteria (Rasul and Thapa 2003).
Various parameters for measuring agricultural sustainability have been proposed by
scholars. Their emphasis and tendency has been classified in three groups of components (social, economic, and ecological) as part of a review of literature and the
result has been presented in Table 1.
Theoretical discussions are attending the challenges of disciplinary and methodological heterogeneity. The quest to define sustainability through biophysical
assessment has brought distributional issues to the fore, initiating preliminary interaction with the social sciences and humanities (see Hezri 2005; Miller 2005).
Another important theoretical output is the availability of various methodologies in
aggregating raw and incongruent sustainability variables through indices
The existing indicator systems in the realm of policy are becoming instrumental
in mainstreaming sustainable development as a policy goal. Following persistent
applications across time at various levels of government, the PSR model has pooled
D. Hayati et al.
Table 1 Classification of scholars’ emphasis and their tendency toward three components of
agricultural sustainability according to a review of literatures
Herzog and Gotsch (1998); Van Cauwenbergh
et al. (2007)
Herzog and Gotsch (1998)
Herzog and Gotsch (1998)
Herzog and Gotsch (1998); Rasul and Thapa
(2003); Van Cauwenbergh et al. (2007)
Ingels et al. (1997); Pannell and Glenn (2000);
Horrigan et al. (2002); Rasul and Thapa (2003)
Karami (1995); Ingels et al. (1997); RezaeiMoghaddam (1997); Norman et al. (1997);
Lyson (1998); Van Cauwenbergh et al. (2007)
Ingels et al. (1997); Van Cauwenbergh et al. (2007)
• The education level of
the household members
• Housing facilities
• Work study
• Nutritional/health status
of the family members
• Improved decision
• Improved the quality of
rural life
• Working and living
• Participation/social
• Social equity
Becker (1997); Ingels et al. (1997);
Van Cauwenbergh et al. (2007)
Becker (1997); Rigby et al. (2001); Rasul and
Thapa (2003); Rasul and Thapa (2004)
Hayati (1995); Nambiar et al. (2001); Rasul and
Thapa (2003)
Becker (1997); Herzog and Gotsch (1998)
Herzog and Gotsch (1998); Van Cauwenbergh
et al. (2007)
Herzog and Gotsch (1998); Pannell and Glenn
(2000); Nijkamp and Vreeker (2000);
Van Cauwenbergh et al. (2007)
Becker (1997); Herzog and Gotsch (1998);
Nijkamp and Vreeker (2000);
Van Cauwenbergh et al. (2007)
Karami (1995); Herzog and Gotsch (1998); Lyson
(1998); Smith and McDonald (1998); Comer
et al. (1999); Pannell and Glenn (2000); Rigby
et al. (2001); Koeijer et al. (2002); Rasul and
Thapa (2003); Van Passel et al. (2006); Gafsi
et al. (2006)
Herzog and Gotsch (1998)
Herzog and Gotsch (1998);
Rasul and Thapa (2003)
Smith and McDonald (1998);
Van Cauwenbergh et al. (2007)
Karami (1995); Nijkamp and Vreeker (2000);
Van Cauwenbergh et al. (2007)
Hayati (1995); Becker (1997); Ingels et al. (1997);
Bouma and Droogers (1998); Pannell and
Glenn (2000); Sands and Podmore (2000);
Bosshard (2000); Nambiar et al. (2001);
Horrigan et al. (2002); Rasul and Thapa
(2003); Van Cauwenbergh et al. (2007)
• Average of crop
• Expenses for input
• Monetary income from
outside the farm
• Monetary income from
the farm
• Economic efficiency
• Profitability
• The salaries paid to farm
• Employment
• Market availability
• Land ownership
• Soil management
Measuring Agricultural Sustainability
Table 1 (continued)
Hayati (1995); Ingels et al. (1997); Gafsi et al.
(2006); Van Cauwenbergh et al. (2007)
Hayati (1995); Rezaei-Moghaddam (1997); Ingels
et al. (1997); Norman et al. (1997); Pannell
and Glenn (2000); Rasul and Thapa (2004)
Saltiel et al. (1994); Hayati (1995); Norman et al.
(1997); Bosshard (2000)
Senanayake (1991); Saltiel et al. (1994);
Hayati (1995)
Ingels et al. (1997); Herzog and Gotsch (1998)
• Improve water resource
• Usage of pesticides,
herbicides and fungicides
Herzog and Gotsch (1998);
Rasul and Thapa (2003)
Senanayake (1991); Saltiel et al. (1994);
Ingels et al. (1997);Comer et al. (1999);
Praneetvatakul et al. (2001); Nambiar et al.
(2001); Horrigan et al. (2002); Rasul and
Thapa (2003)
Saltiel et al. (1994); Rasul and Thapa (2003)
Saltiel et al. (1994)
Saltiel et al. (1994); Hayati (1995); Comer et al.
(1999); Horrigan et al. (2002); Rasul and
Thapa (2003)
Nijkamp and Vreeker (2000); Rasul and
Thapa (2003); Rasul and Thapa (2004)
Smith and McDonald (1998); Van Cauwenbergh
et al. (2007)
Hayati (1995); Rezaei-Moghaddam (1997);Ingels
et al. (1997)
Hayati (1995); Ingels et al. (1997); Comer et al.
(1999); Horrigan et al. (2002);
Hayati (1995); Ingels et al. (1997); Rasul and
Thapa (2003); Gafsi et al. (2006);
Van Cauwenbergh et al. (2007)
Senanayake (1991); Pannell and Glenn (2000)
Senanayake (1991); ); Ingels et al. (1997);
Norman et al. (1997); Nambiar et al. (2001);
Van Cauwenbergh et al. (2007)
Ingels et al. (1997); Norman et al. (1997); Comer
et al. (1999); Horrigan et al. (2002); Rasul and
Thapa (2003)
Pannell and Glenn (2000); Sands and Podmore
(2000); Van Cauwenbergh et al. (2007)
Pannell and Glenn (2000)
Comer et al. (1999); Praneetvatakul et al. (2001);
Horrigan et al. (2002); Rasul and Thapa (2003)
• Usage of animal/organic
• Usage of green manures
• Physical inputs and
efficient use of input
• Physical yield
• Crop diversification
• Use of alternative crop
• Usage of fallow system
• Crop rotation
• Cropping pattern
• Trend of change in
climatic conditions
• Usage of chemical
• Conservational tillage
(no/minimum tillage)
• Control erosion
• Microbial biomass with
in the soil
• Energy
• Cover crop/Mulch
• Depth of groundwater
• Protein level of crops
• Integrated pest
D. Hayati et al.
an enormous amount of data previously inaccessible, a prelude for the much needed
long-term trend monitoring that is important for governments to prioritize actions.
The recent global interest in ecological monitoring not only contributes in improving
information accessibility, but in generating more data for environmental policymaking (Hezri and Dovers 2006).
3 Measuring Difficulties
The multifaceted nature of sustainable agriculture, with three interdependent and
interactive components (ecological, social, and economic) causes difficulty in
monitoring. Therefore, a number of indicators are currently emerging the measurement of the different components. Norman et al. (1997) noted, at least three major
challenges remain:
• The measures currently available generally fall short in terms of assessing the
interactions and interdependencies among the three components and the tradeoffs of pursuing one component at the expense of another.
• Many of the measures or indicators currently available are not particularly
useful to farmers or are too time-consuming to measure in their day-to-day
work, making it difficult for them and their families to monitor progress in
terms of agricultural sustainability. This is particularly regrettable because
many of the issues relating to sustainable agriculture are location or situation
• Most indicators show progress or no progress towards specific components of
sustainability, but they fall short in terms of helping to determine cause/effect
relationships to help assess current problems and provide ideas on what needs to
be done to ensure continued progress towards sustainability. An additional complication is that some strategies relating to sustainable agriculture require 5–10
years (e.g., a full crop rotation) of implementation before they result in visible
or measurable signs of payoff.
Although a large number of indicators have been developed, they do not cover all
dimensions and those levels noted in Table 2. Due to variation in biophysical and
socioeconomic conditions, indicators used in one country are not necessarily applicable to other countries (Rasul and Thapa 2003). Therefore, indicators should be
location specific, constructed within the context of contemporary socioeconomic
situation (Dumanski and Pieri 1996).
Moreover, sustainable agriculture is a dynamic rather than static concept. What
may contribute towards sustainability today may not work as the system changes,
thus requiring a high level of observation and skills that can adapt to change.
Consequently, sustainability is a direction/process and does not by itself result in a
final fixed product, making it even more difficult to monitor and/or measure
(Norman et al. 1997).
Measuring Agricultural Sustainability
Table 2 Basic dimensions and conforming levels to assess
agricultural sustainability
Ecological aspects
Economic aspects
Social aspects
von Wirén-Lehr 2001
4 Components of Sustainability Measurement
System theory has proven valid for sustainability assessment. First, it contributes to
clarifying the conditions of sustainability. By definition, system theory forces one to
define the boundaries of the system under consideration and the hierarchy of aggregation levels. In agricultural land use systems the most relevant subsystems (or levels)
are the cropping system (plot level); farming system (farm level); watershed/village
(local level); and landscape/district (regional level). Higher levels (national, supranational, and global) influence agriculture more indirectly by policy decisions or
large-scale environmental changes (e.g., acid rain or global warming).
By identifying the system hierarchy, externalities between levels and tradeoffs
among components can be traced and explicitly taken into consideration. For
example, in an agro-ecological system analyzed at the farm level, the effects of
national policies are externalities as long as they are outside the decision context of
the farmer (Olembo 1994). Typical tradeoff among components within a farming
system includes unproductive fallow lands in a rotation system for the sake of soil
recovery for future use. In resource economics the aspect of externalities has gained
great importance in that methodologies are being developed to convert such externalities into accountable quantities (Steger 1995), as well as the assignment of
“opportunity costs” to tradeoff effects.
Similarly, the “tragedy of the commons” i.e., individual use of common
resources can be analyzed adequately only by considering the higher system level
to find proper policies for sustainable use e.g., the case of overgrazing in pastoral
societies. Such conflicting interests among different groups – or hierarchical levels
of the system – is a typical problem in sustainability strategies. Problem analysis is
greatly facilitated by system theory to derive alternative scenarios of future development, depending on the policy chosen (Becker 1997).
Thus, agricultural sustainability not only is a difficult concept to define but also
is difficult to implement and monitor/measure. This complexity is demonstrated in
Table 3 which shows the expected interactions among the three components of
sustainability and the five levels of influence. Although sustainability tends to be
D. Hayati et al.
Table 3 Interacting components of sustainabilitya
Components of sustainability
The ‘primary’ cells represent where the component of sustainability is mainly
expressed, and the ‘secondary’ cells represent other factors that can influence
sustainability (Norman et al. 1997)
locational or site specific (at the field, farm, and community levels), as Norman
et al. (1997) noted, it is very much influenced by:
1. What happens at the higher levels? National policies have a great influence on ecological and economic sustainability at the field/farm levels. Other policies at that
level related to social/institutional issues also can have major effects on the viability/
welfare of communities and, hence, on quality of life. International markets and
influences (particularly in smaller countries) are increasingly affecting what happens
at the lower levels. Such influences tend to be relatively greater in countries that are
poor (low income) and/or where agricultural production is influenced heavily by the
export market. Thus, it is necessary to understand the interaction between these levels, because “each level finds its explanations of mechanism in the levels below, and
its significance in the levels above” (Bartholomew 1964; Hall and Day 1977).
2. Interactions among the sustainability components. In the focus group discussions
with Kansas farmers, some of them indicated that those who were in conventional
agriculture were often on an economic treadmill e.g., having to raise enough money
to service debts and hence had little time to consider ecological sustainability
issues. They also had to make compromises concerning quality of life because of
having to work very long hours. In fact, the prevailing attitude among the farmers
was that all three components of sustainability (environmental, economic, and
social) had to be pursued at the same time, if progress was to be achieved (Norman
et al. 1997). A more extreme example of the potentially negative interactions
among the components of sustainability occurs in many low income countries,
where a close link has been established between poverty and ecological degradation. In parts of West Africa, for example, population pressures and low incomes
are forcing farmers to cultivate land that is not suitable for agriculture. They are
aware of the problems of doing this, but the short-run economic needs of survival
are forcing them to sacrifice long-run ecological sustainability (Ibid). In such a
situation, ensuring ecological sustainability without solving the problems of poverty and population pressure on the land is impossible (World Bank 1992).
According to three components of sustainability, Zhen and Routray (2003), proposed
operational indicators for measuring agricultural sustainability. These indicators are
summarized in Fig. 1:
Measuring Agricultural Sustainability
Crop productivity
Net farm income
Benefit-cost ratio of production
Per capita food grain production
Food self sufficiency
Equality in income and food distribution
Access to resources and support services
Farmers, knowledge and awareness of resource
Amount of fertilizers / pesticides used per unit of
cropped land
Amount of irrigation water used per unit of
cropped land
Soil nutrient content
Depth of groundwater table
Quality of groundwater for irrigation
Water use efficiency
Nitrate content of groundwater and crops
Fig. 1 Proposed agricultural indicators for measuring sustainability (Zhen and Routray 2003)
5 Criteria for Indicators Selection
Considering sustainable agriculture in the global context, preliminary indicators
were developed for assessing agricultural sustainability. The preliminary indicators
meet the following suitability criteria (Nambiar et al. 2001):
Social and policy relevance (economic viability, social structure, etc.)
Analytical soundness and measurability
Suitable for different scales (e.g. farm, district, country, etc.)
Encompass ecosystem processes and relate to process oriented modeling
Sensitive to variations in management and climate
Accessible to many users (e.g. acceptability)
Table 4, developed by Becker (1997), presents criteria for the selection and evaluation of sustainability indicators. The first demand on sustainability indicators is
their scientific validity (BML 1995). Bernstein (1992) demanded that “the ideal
trend indicator should be both ecologically realistic and meaningful and managerially useful.” These two key properties should be complemented by the requirement
that appropriate indicators be based on the sustainability paradigm (cf. RSU 1994).
This last property explicitly introduces the normative element, guiding selection of
the indicator according to the value system of the respective author, institution, or
society (Becker 1997).
D. Hayati et al.
Table 4 Criteria for the selection and evaluation of sustainability indicators (Becker 1997)
Scientific quality
Ecosystem relevance
Data management
• Indicator really measures
what it is supposed to
• Indicator measures
significant aspect
• Problem specific
• Distinguishes between
causes and effects
• Can be reproduced and
repeated over time
• Uncorrelated,
• Unambiguous
• Changes as the system
moves away from
• Distinguishes agroecosystems moving
toward sustainability
• Identifies key factors
leading to sustainability
• Warning of irreversible
degradation processes
• Proactive in forecasting
future trends
• Covers full cycle of the
system through time
• Corresponds to
aggregation level
• Highlights links to
other system levels
• Permits tradeoff
detection and
assessment between
system components
and levels
• Can be related to other
• Easy to measure
• Easy to
• Easy to interpret
• Cost effective
• Data available
• Comparable
across locus
and over time
• Representative
• Transparent
• Geographically
• Relevant to users
• User friendly
• Widely accepted
• What is to be
• Resource and
• Carrying
• Health
• Target values
• Time horizon
• Social
• Equity
• Participatory
• Adequate
rating of
Fig. 2 Steps in a sustainability assessment procedure (Nijkamp and Vreeker 2000)
In the regional sustainability assessment Nijkamp and Vreeker (2000) presented
the following steps (Fig. 2). Clearly, various feedback mechanisms and/or iterative
steps may also be envisaged and included in this stepwise approach. It goes without
saying that the above simplified and schematic general framework for a regional
Measuring Agricultural Sustainability
sustainability assessment study is fraught with various difficulties of both a
theoretical/methodological and empirical/policy nature (Bithas et al. 1997).
6 Indicators of Agricultural Sustainability
Two basic approaches to sustainability assessment have been developed: First, the
exact measurement of single factors and their combination into meaningful parameters. Second, indicators as an expression of complex situations, where an indicator
is “a variable that compresses information concerning a relatively complex process,
trend or state into a more readily understandable form” (Harrington et al. 1993).
The term sustainability indicator will be used here as a generic expression for
quantitative or qualitative sustainability variables. According to WCED (1987) and
Conway’s (1983) definitions, which focuses on productivity trends, both quantitative
and qualitative variables concentrate on the dynamic aspect of sustainability over
time. Indicators to capture this aspect belong to the group of trend indicators, while
state indicators reflect the condition of the respective ecosystem (Bernstein 1992).
In developing environmental indicators for national and international policies it has
become common practice to distinguish pressure, state, and response indicators
(OECD 1991; Adriaanse 1993; Hammond et al. 1995; Pieri et al. 1995; Winograd
1995). An overview on current sustainability indicators is presented in Table 5.
Extensive set of indicators including biophysical, chemical, economic and social
can be used to determine sustainability in a broader sense (Nambiar et al. 2001).
These indicators are:
Table 5 Indicators and parameters for sustainability assessment (Becker 1997)
Environment indicators
Economic indicators
• Yield trends
• Modified gross national product
• Coefficients for limited resources
• Discount rates
– Depletion rates
– Depletion costs
– Pollution rates
– Pollution costs
• Material and energy flows and balances
• Total factor productivity
• Soil health
• Total social factor productivity
• Modeling
– Willingness to pay
– Empirical
– Contingent valuation method
– Deterministic-analytical
• Hedonic price method
– Deterministic-numerical
• Travel cost approach
• Bio-indicators
Social indicators
Composite indicators
• Unranked lists of indicators
• Equity coefficients
• Scoring systems
• Disposable family income
• Integrated system properties
• Social costs
• Quantifiable parameters
• Participation
• Tenure rights
D. Hayati et al.
6.1 Crop Yield
Long-term crop yield trends to provide information on the biological productive
capacity of agricultural land and the ability of agriculture to sustain resource production capacity and manage production risks.
6.2 Agricultural Nutrient Balance
Excessive fertilizer use can contribute to problems of eutrophication, acidification,
climate change and the toxic contamination of soil, water and air. Lack of fertilizer
application may cause the degradation of soil fertility. The parameters of agriculture nutrient balance are gross nutrient balance (B) and input: output ratio (I/O).
Gross nutrient balances of the total quantity of N, P and K, respectively, applied to
agricultural land through chemical fertilizers and livestock manure, input in irrigation, rain and biological fixation minus the amount of N, P and K absorbed by
agricultural plants, run-off, leaching and volatilization.
6.3 Soil Quality
Soil quality indicators include physical properties, e.g. soil texture, soil depth, bulk
density, water holding capacity, water retention characteristics, water content, etc.,
chemical properties, e.g. total organic C and N, organic matter, pH, electrical conductivity, mineral N, extracted P, available K, etc., and biological properties, e.g.
microbial biomass C and N, potentially mineralisable N, soil respiration, biomass
C/total organic C ratio, respiration: biomass ratio, etc.
6.4 Agricultural Management Practices
Management and the type of fertilizers and irrigation systems will affect the efficiency of fertilizer, pesticide and water use. Agricultural management indicators
here include efficiencies of fertilizer, pesticide, and irrigated water uses.
6.5 Agri-Environmental Quality
These agri-environmental indicators provide information on environmental
impacts from the production process. Degrees of soil degradation and water
Measuring Agricultural Sustainability
pollution are included. The degree of soil degradation is measured by the effects
of water and wind erosion, Stalinization, acidification, toxic contaminants, compaction, water logging and declining levels of soil organic matter. The quality of
surface, ground and marine water is measured by concentrations in weight per liter
of water of nitrogen, phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, toxic pesticide residues,
ammonium and soil sediment.
6.6 Agricultural Biodiversity
Biodiversity of plants and livestock used for agricultural production is important to
conserve the agro-ecosystem balance. However, the dependence on a limited number
of varieties and breeds for agricultural production may increase their susceptibility
to pests and diseases. Biodiversity measurement is reflected by the total number of
varieties/breeds used for the production of major crops/livestock, and the number
of animals and microorganisms in the production.
6.7 Economic and Social
Aspects and sustainable agriculture sustainability of agroecosystems is reflected
not only in environmental factors but also in economic soundness and social considerations. These aspects are included as real net output (real value of agricultural
production minus the real cost), and the change in the level of managerial skills of
farmers and land managers in income and farming practice.
6.8 Agricultural Net Energy Balance
Agriculture not only uses energy such as sunlight and fossil fuels, but also is a
source of energy supply through biomass production.
Principles and criteria derived from the function of the agro-ecosystem have
been presented in Table 6. With respect to the “environmental pillar”, its function is connected with the management and conservation of natural resources
and fluxes within and between these resources. Natural resources provided by
ecosystems are water, air, soil, energy and biodiversity (habitat and biotic
Regarding the “economic pillar”, its function in the agro-ecosystem is to
provide prosperity to the farming community. In addition, each agro-ecosystem
has several social functions, both at the level of farming community and at the
level of society. The definition of these functions is based on present-day societal values and concerns. Farming activities should be carried out with respect
of the quality of life of the farmer and his family. The agro-ecosystem needs to
D. Hayati et al.
Table 6 List of principles and criteria derived from the functions of the agro-ecosystem
Environmental pillar
Air quality is maintained or enhanced.
Supply (flow) of quality air function
Wind speed is adequately buffered.
Air flow buffering function
Soil loss is minimized.
Supply (stock) of soil function
Soil chemical quality is maintained or increased. Supply (stock) of quality soil function
Soil physical quality is maintained or increased.
Soil mass flux (mudflows, landslides) are
Soil flow buffering function
adequately buffered.
Adequate amount of surface water is supplied.
Supply (flow) of water function
Adequate amount of soil moisture is supplied.
Adequate amount of groundwater is supplied.
Surface water of adequate quality is supplied.
Supply (flow) of quality water function
Soil water of adequate quality is supplied.
Groundwater of adequate quality is supplied.
Flooding and runoff regulation of the agroWater flow buffering function
ecosystem is maintained or enhanced.
Adequate amount of energy is supplied.
Supply (flow) of energy function
Energy flow is adequately buffered.
Energy flow buffering function
Planned biodiversity is maintained or increased. Supply (stock) of biotic resources function
Functional part of spontaneous biodiversity is
maintained or increased.
Heritage part of spontaneous biodiversity is
maintained or increased.
Diversity of habitats is maintained or increased
Supply (stock) of habitat function
Functional quality of habitats is maintained or
Supply (stock) of quality habitat function
Flow of biotic resources is adequately buffered.
Biotic resource flow buffering function
Economic pillar
Economic function
Farm income is ensured.
Dependency on direct and indirect subsidies is
Dependency on external finance is optimal.
Agricultural activities are economically efficient.
Agricultural activities are technically efficient.
Market activities are optimal.
Farmer’s professional training is optimal.
Inter-generational continuation of farming activity
is ensured.
Land tenure arrangements are optimal.
Adaptability of the farm is sufficient.
Measuring Agricultural Sustainability
Table 6 (continued)
Production capacity is compatible with society’s
demand for food.
Quality of food and raw materials is increased.
Diversity of food and raw materials is increased.
Adequate amount of agricultural land is
Environmental pillar
Social pillar
Food security and safety
Production function
Quality of life
Labour conditions are optimal.
Physical well-being of the farming
Health of the farming community is acceptable.
community function
Labour conditions are optimal.
Psychological well-being of the farming
Health of the farming community is acceptable.
Internal family situation, including equality in the Community function
relation is acceptable.
Family access to and use of social infrastructures
and services is acceptable.
Family access to and participation in local
activities is acceptable.
Family integration in the local and agricultural
society is acceptable.
Farmer’s feeling of independence is satisfactory.
Social acceptability
Well-being of the society function
Amenities are maintained or increased.
Pollution levels are reduced.
Production methods are acceptable.
Quality and taste of food is increased.
Equity is maintained or increased.
Stakeholder involvement is maintained or
Cultural acceptability
Educational and scientific value features are
Information function
maintained or increased.
Cultural, spiritual and aesthetic heritage value
features are maintained or increased.
Van Cauwenbergh et al. 2007
be organized in such a way that social conditions are optimal for the people who
work on farms. This refers to the physical well-being (labour conditions and
health) and the psychological well-being (education, gender equality, access to
infrastructure and activities, integration and participation in society both professionally and socially, feeling of independence) of the farm family and its
D. Hayati et al.
7 Agricultural Sustainability Scales at National Level
Assessing and implementing sustainability in agriculture can be undertaken by
using goal-oriented strategy approaches according to von Wirén-Lehr (2001).
These approaches outlined in Fig. 3 include four fundamental steps, which are:
7.1 Goal Definition
Since goal definition represents the basis of strategies, it determines all subsequent steps as well as the whole methodological framework. Corresponding to
Fig. 3 Basic features of four-step strategies to assess and implement sustainability in agriculture.
Frames present required data influx (left frames) and expected outcome (right frames) of feature
derivation (von Wirén-Lehr 2001)
Measuring Agricultural Sustainability
the general multidimensional sustainability paradigm, definitions of sustainable
agriculture have to include ecological, economic and social aspects with respect
to their diverse spatial and temporal scales (Allen et al. 1991; Herdt and Steiner
1995; Christen 1996). Even though this holistic approach integrates all principles
of the theoretical term, its applicability is considerably reduced by the high
complexity. Hence, a first step must be to condense the holistic sustainability
perception, to restrain definitions on single selected principles and to define
aims and systems of concern.
Depending on the priorities of participants and target groups, goal definitions may
concentrate on one single (one-dimensional goal definition) or various selected dimensions (multidimensional goal definition). In the agricultural sector, the normative focus
of sustainability perception is predominantly based on ecological and/or economic
aspects (Crews et al. 1991; Dunlap et al. 1992; Neher 1992; Farshad and Zinck 1993).
However, to ensure successful implementation of sustainable systems, management
advice has to be strongly adapted to the requirements and abilities not only of target
groups but of all groups concerned, for example, also political stakeholders or customers.
They should be included in the conceptual work from the beginning. Consequently,
concepts to assess and implement sustainability in agriculture have to enhance cooperation not only between different scientific sections but also between divergent
socio-professional groups (Giampietro and Bukkens 1992; Flora 1995). Essential for
this interdisciplinary work is a separate survey of normative options, e.g. setting of
goals and objective parameters (e.g. agro-technical options) permitting every participant or user to verify the fundamental conditions of the work.
7.2 Indicators
All goal-oriented concepts deduce single indicators or indicator sets to
‘translate’ the defined principles. Indicators represent a powerful tool both to
reduce the complexity of system description and to integrate complex system
information (Giampietro 1997). Hence, indicators have to be deduced for
different systems such as agricultural production systems or other e cosystems,
e.g. forests or lakes and at diverse spatio-temporal scales. If the agricultural
production system is considered as one compartment of a whole cultured
landscape, indicator sets have to provide information not only on imbalances,
e.g. releases and deficits of the agricultural production system itself, but also
on the external deposition and off-site effects of emissions resulting from agricultural production, e.g. toxic effects in natural aquatic ecosystems due to pesticide residues. Two types of indicators can be distinguished according to their
focus of characterization such as:
• Specific indicators, characterising single parts of the system of concern (Nieberg
and Isermeyer 1994; Bockstaller et al. 1997)
• Systemic indicators, describing key functions and processes of systems as a
whole (Beese 1996; Müller 1998; Xu et al. 1999)
D. Hayati et al.
7.3 Evaluation Strategies
Evaluation strategies enable the determination of the sustainability of systems
under investigation. They are based on the previously characterised sustainability
perception, goal definitions and selected indicators or indicator sets. The evaluation
process represents one of the most delicate parts of the concept. First, evaluation
ultimately depends on normative options concerning setting of goals, selection of
systems of concern and deduction of threshold values or ranges of tolerance
(Finnveden 1997). Second, the evaluation of systems based on sets of single indicators ultimately remains inadequate since systemic sustainability represents ‘more
than the sum of the parts’.
Two strategies of sustainability evaluation may be distinguished – absolute and
relative strategies.
–– Absolute evaluation procedures exclusively investigate indicators and corresponding data derived from one single system. Hence, validation is based on a
comparison with previously defined margins of tolerance or distinct threshold
values for each selected indicator (Mitchell and McDonald 1995). These limits
are determined either by estimation, e.g. resulting from expert interviews or
referring to socio-political postulates for the reduction of emissions or by
scientific deduction, e.g. elaboration of critical loads/levels based on eco-toxicological experiments. Therefore, absolute evaluation assesses distinct datasets
e.g. the phosphorus content of the soil compared to the maximum tolerable
content. This transparent presentation of results permits end-users to verify the
assessment and – if necessary – to adapt the presented data to alternative threshold
–– Relative evaluation procedures are established on a comparison of different
systems among themselves or with selected reference systems. Due to this
comparative assessment of systems, there is no need to define distinct margins
of tolerance or threshold values. Frequently the results of a relative evaluation
are presented as normative point scores.
7.4 Management Advice for Practical Application
The development of management advice for practical application represents the last
step for adapting the theoretical outcome of sustainability assessments into implementation of agricultural practice. These recommendations support end-users either
in planning new, sustainable production systems or to improve the sustainability of
existing systems. The elaboration of management advice considerably varies with
respect to the needs and knowledge of the target group, e.g. farmers, political
stakeholders or landscape planners.
Measuring Agricultural Sustainability
Table 7 Applied indicators in the agricultural policy scenario analysis (Lehtonen et al. 2005)
Applied indicator
Measured quality Indicator reflecting
Strategic goal of indicator
To conclude the relative
Animal units
The scales and
Total number of
economic viability
long-term economic
animal units up
of animal production
viability of
to 2020
in different policy
aggregate animal
To conclude the relative
Number of bovine Animal units
The scales and
economic viability of dairy
animal units
long-term economic
and beef production in
viability of dairy and
different policy scenarios
beef production
To conclude the relative
Number of pig
Animal units
The scales and
economic viability of pig
animal units
long-term economic
production in different
viability of pig
policy scenarios
To conclude the relative
Number of poultry Animal units
The scales and
economic viability of
animal units
long-term economic
poultry production in
viability of poultry
different policy scenarios
Changes in incentives
Incentives for
Total cultivated
for active crop
active crop
area (excluding
set-aside) up to
Changes in incentives in
Set-aside area
Incentives for fulfilling
fulfilling cross compliance
cross compliance
criteria and minimizing
criteria and
costs in different policy
minimizing costs
Changes in the share of
Unused area
Share of abandoned
abandoned land due to
agricultural land
unprofitable production in
due to unprofitable
different policy scenarios
Grass area
The scales of gross feed Changes in scales and
incentive for gross feed
production; incentive
production in different
for gross feed use
policy scenarios
and bovine animal
Changes in scales and
Grain area
The scales and
incentive for grain
incentive for grain
production in different
policy scenarios
Nitrogen balance on Kilogram per
Changes in nitrogen leaching
Nitrogen leaching
cultivated areaa
potential in different policy
potential from
cultivated land
Changes in phosphorous
Kilogram per
Phosphorous leaching
balance on
leaching potential in
potential from
cultivated areaa
different policy scenarios
cultivated land
Changes in the level of
Money unit
The level of economic
economic activities in
activities in
different policy scenarios
Table 7 (continued)
Applied indicator
Measured quality
D. Hayati et al.
Indicator reflecting
Strategic goal of indicator
Changes in profitability of
agricultural production
in different policy
Labour hours in
Million hours
Social sustainability of Changes in the number of
people employed in
farmers, the
agriculture in different
working conditions
policy scenarios
of agricultural labour
Economic and social
Changes in the economic
Agricultural income Money per hour
welfare of farmers
and social viability of
per hour of
agriculture in different
policy scenarios
The soil surface nitrogen and phosphorus balances are calculated as the difference between the
total quantity of nitrogen or phosphorus inputs entering the soil and the quantity of nitrogen or
phosphorus outputs leaving the soil annually, based on the nitrogen or phosphorus cycle
The Profitability coefficient is a ratio obtained when the agricultural surplus is divided by the
sum of the entrepreneur family’s salary requirement and the interest requirement on capital
Profitability of
Further management advice is provided by lists of critical points indicating parts
of systems which diverge from the desired state and consequently should be improved.
However, lists of critical points which result from a separate evaluation of selected
indicators represent case- and site-specific information with limited transferability to
different agricultural systems. Since they do not provide any information on how to
improve the indicated ‘hot spots’, their direct applicability in agricultural practice is
considerably restricted. It obligates end-users, e.g. farmers and agronomists to interpret and weigh by themselves the presented set of results to develop a corresponding
improvement strategy. ‘One-solution strategies’ resulting from lists of critical points
(like strategies exclusively improving nutrient balances) are considered inappropriate
to reflect the systemic aspect of sustainability. To enhance successful implementation,
case- and site-specific advice should be provided indicating alternative management
strategies to optimise the system under investigation.
The most elaborate assistance to the target group is supplied by the formulation of
entire improved management strategies. Since the management of agricultural systems
is strongly dependent on variable natural conditions, e.g. soil or climate but also on
socio-political constraints, e.g. subventions of certain crops or statutory limitations of
factor input, final design of these management strategies has to be performed in a caseand site-specific manner in co-operation with end-users (von Wirén-Lehr 2001).
A set of applied indicators for sustainability in different agricultural policy scenarios at the national level is presented by Lehtonen et al. (2005). Their purpose is
to provide material for an interactive policy dialogue rather than assemble a comprehensive and conclusive assessment of sustainability of various agricultural policy
alternatives (Table 7). They also present what kind of agricultural development
each indicator is reflecting and the strategic goal of each specific indicator. It is
Measuring Agricultural Sustainability
important to realize that not only the numerical values of the calculated indicators
but also their relative changes over time are important when evaluating the sustainability of alternative agricultural policies.
8 Agricultural Sustainability Scales at Farm Level
The indicators discussed here draw on Taylor et al. (1993). In their paper the index is
constructed for a sample of 85 agricultural producers in Malaysia with points scored
under the headings of (i) insect control, (ii) disease control, (iii) weed control, (iv) soil
fertility maintenance and (v) soil erosion control. Gomez et al. (1996) also construct a
farm level index of sustainability where six aspects of sustainability are monitored: (i)
yield, (ii) profit, (iii) frequency of crop failure, (iv) soil depth, (v) organic C and (vi)
permanent ground cover. The following indicators were then constructed for a sample
of ten farms from the Guba region of the Philippines (Rigby and Caceres 2001):
–– Improved farm-level social and economic sustainability
• Enhances farmers’ quality of life (US Farm Bill 1990)
• Increases farmers’ self-reliance (Pretty 1995)
• Sustains the viability/profitability of the farm (Pretty 1995; US Farm Bill
1990; Ikerd 1993)
–– Improved wider social and economic sustainability
• Improves equity (Pretty 1995), ‘socially supportive’ (Ikerd 1993)
• Meets society’s needs for food and fiber (US Farm Bill 1990)
–– Increased yields and reduced losses while
• Minimising off-farm inputs (Hodge 1993; Pretty 1995; US Farm Bill 1990)
• Minimising inputs from non-renewable sources (Hodge 1993; Ikerd 1993;
Pretty 1995; US Farm Bill 1990)
• Maximising use of (knowledge of) natural biological processes (Pretty 1995;
US Farm Bill 1990)
• Promoting local biodiversity/‘environmental quality’ (Hodge 1993; Pretty
1995; US Farm Bill 1990).
Senanayake (1991) proposed that agricultural systems have varying degrees of
sustainability according to the level of external inputs required to maintain the
system that the state of the biotic community within a system operates. His index
was in the shape of an equation:
S = f (E i , E r , Pe ,Se , R s , R b )
S = Index of ecological sustainability
Ei= External input
Er = Energy ratio
Pe = Power equivalent
D. Hayati et al.
Se = Efficiency of solar flux use
Rs = Residence time of soil
Rb = Residence time of biotic
Each parameter has its own possible states ranging from two to three. For
instance, the three possible states of Ei are listed as 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0. Ei is seen to be
more sustainable at lower values.
The terms Rs and Rb are such that only two possible states exist, namely zero and
one. In the zero state the farming category is unsustainable no matter what its other
measures are. In the value state, the farming type is sustainable, but the degree
of sustainability depends on the values of other parameters. In terms of agricultural
S = R s × R b / R s × R b f (v e )− f (vd )
ve = f (Se, Pr)
Vd = f (Ei, Er, Pe)
Thus, any farming system type that contributes to physical erosion or a high rate
of soil biomass loss will yield a value of zero and can be termed non sustainable.
A farming type that conserves these basic resources will demonstrate a positive
value, and therefore be termed potentially sustainable.
Hayati and Karami (1996) suggested an operational index to measuring agricultural sustainability trend in farm level. The parameters measured in that
method are those factors that intervene in the crop production process and could
have positive effect in the process. The measurement is summarized in below
S = f ∑ Xi,
i =1
j =1
∑ Yj
S = Trend of sustainability
X1 = Average of crop production per hectare
X2 = Execution of crop rotation
X3 = Usage of organic manures
X4 = Usage of green manures
X5 = Usage of crop stubble
X6 = Usage of conservational plough
X7 = Trend of change in water resources (at the farm)
X8 = Trend of change in soil resources (at the farm)
Y1 = Amount of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides consumption in the farm
in one cultivational season
Y2 = Amount of nitrate fertilizer consumption per 1 t of crop production
Y3 = Amount of phosphate fertilizer consumption per 1 t of crop production
Measuring Agricultural Sustainability
In fact, parameters of X1 till X8 could lead to more sustainability if they increase
and parameters of Y1 till Y3 could lead to unsustainability if they increase. Thus the
below equation is established:
i =1
j =1
S = ∑ Xi − ∑ Yj
In order to measure agricultural sustainability at the farm level, Saltiel et al.
(1994) presented an index which is constituted of seven components. They are:
cultivation of sustainable crops, conservational cultivation, crop rotation, diminishing
of pesticides and herbicides usage, soil mulching, and use of organic fertilizers.
9 Conclusion
The main difficulty in measuring and monitoring agricultural sustainability is that
it is a dynamic rather than static concept and needs high level of observation and
skills that can adapt to change. Whereas most agricultural scholars believe that
measuring sustainability at the farm level is the most precise method, policies at the
higher levels (such as national) are increasingly affecting at the lower levels (such
as farm). It is necessary to understand the interaction between all levels because
each level finds its explanation of mechanism in the level below, and its significance in the levels above.
Moreover, the level of analysis chosen can be a significant influence on the
diagnosis of sustainability. At the field level, particular soil management, grazing
and cropping practices will be the most important determinants of sustainability. At
the farm level, sustainable resource use practices need to support a sustainable farm
business and family household. At the national level, there may be broader pressures on the use of agricultural land from non-farming sectors, and at the global
level, climatic stability, international terms of trade and distribution of resources
also become important determinants.
Although sustainability is a global concept and a farm is only a small subsystem
that interacts in various ways with surrounding systems, indicators are needed to
know whether a farm system is moving towards or away from sustainability.
Indicators can also be used to educate farmers and other stakeholders about sustainable production. Furthermore, indicators provide farmers with a tool to measure
their achievements toward sustainability. Further, indicators allow for comparisons
between farms’ performance in the economic, social and environmental aspects of
their production. Indicators also inform policy makers about the current state and
trends in farm performance or sector performance. Sustainability performance
measures can be used as input for policy tools and stimulate better integration of
decision-making. Finally, sustainability indices can encourage public participation
in sustainability discussions.
D. Hayati et al.
While no measure of sustainability can be perfect, the sustainable value is a
u seful measure and describes the current sustainability performance. On the other
hand, the ‘sustainable efficiency’ indicator can be used to compare and rank farms.
Besides, in view of the fact that biophysical and socioeconomic conditions of countries are different to each other, those indicators which are developed and used in
one country may not applicable to other countries.
Some recommendations to selecting indicators in order to more appropriate
measuring of agricultural sustainability are:
–– Necessity to adoption of a systemic approach
–– Establishment and gathering appropriate data base and other necessary information in shape of time series in developing countries
–– More emphasis on determining of sustainability trend instead of precision determining amount of sustainability, especially with respect to lack of accessing
such data in developing countries
–– Launch of professional institutes to monitoring and measuring sustainability of
agricultural and industrial systems
–– Develop those indicators which be feasible to implementing, meanwhile responsive and sensitive toward any stresses and manipulation on system
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