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1989, Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain
5 pages
1 file
Considerable research has been focused in identifying biochemical changes in biological tissues and fluids which may be specifically associated with the occurrence of headaches, in particular migraine (MI) and cluster headaches (CH). 1-4 Whereas most of this work has been directed to elucidate the possible role of vasoactive substances in the etiology of these conditions, 1-4 more recently some interest has shifted towards a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the abnormal modulation of the pain response observed in these patients. 5-23
Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Allergy Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2010
Primary headaches including the migraine, cluster, and tension headaches are common neurological disorders which cause pain and disability to the patients. The pathomechanism of migraine is not very well understood however, current clinical findings indicate a possible primary brain disorder due to activation of the brain and brainstem as triggers for migraine. The headache phase of migraine may be due to activation of the peripheral nerves including the trigeminal nerve and others innervating the cranial blood vessels and release of vasoactive substances including the calcitonin generelated peptides (CGRP), possibly leading to vasodilation and brainstem activation. Several of our studies in an experimental model of pain using electrical stimulation of the trigeminal ganglion in rats focused on various neuropeptides release from the peripheral and central trigeminal nerve terminals, however, clinically only the CGRP in migraine and CGRP and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in cluster headache were found in patient's blood. Although several drugs are used in the treatment of migraine, the non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and the triptan family of drugs are the first choice drugs recommended for the treatment of acute migraine headache. Although clinically very few studies detected other vasoactive/inflammatory molecules in the blood of migraine patients, sensitization of peripheral axons can involve many inflammatory mediators affecting the peripheral tissue substrates of pain. Moreover, central sensitization in the trigeminal nucleus can also contribute to additional pain responses. This article reviews neuropeptides and other molecules involved in primary headaches and major drugs proposed for their treatment in recent years.
Neurological Sciences, 2004
We briefly summarise biochemical anomalies of serotonin, norepinephrine, glutamic and aspartic acids, the main neurotransmitters of inhibitory and excitatory neuronal circuitries, found in primary headaches and their relationship with pathogenesis of migraine and cluster headache (CH). In addition, the high levels of circulating tyramine, octopamine and synephrine (elusive amines), recently reported in both migraine types and CH, are discussed in relation to the other "classic" amines findings. In particular it is suggested how abnormal levels of elusive amines may participate in the pathophysiology of migraine and CH acting through their specific trace amine receptors and α and β receptors. The possible hypothesis that emerges from the analysis of these biochemical findings is that an imbalance of systems, with opposite neurophysiological functions related to the pain and other yet unknown functions, may constitute the biochemical phenotype of migraine with and without aura, and CH.
Neuropeptides, 2015
Migraine is a common disabling neurovascular primary headache disorder. The pathomechanism is not clear, but extensive preclinical and clinical studies are ongoing. The structural basis of the leading hypothesis is the trigeminovascular system, which includes the trigeminal ganglion, the meningeal vasculature, and the distinct nuclei of the brainstem, the thalamus and the somatosensory cortex. This review covers the effects of sensory (calcitonin gene-related peptide, pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide and substance P), sympathetic (neuropeptide Y) and parasympathetic (vasoactive intestinal peptide) migraine-related neuropeptides and the functions of somatostatin, nociceptin and the orexins in the trigeminovascular system. These neuropeptides may take part in neurogenic inflammation (plasma protein extravasation and vasodilatation) of the intracranial vasculature and peripheral and central sensitization of the trigeminal system. The results of human clinical studies are discussed with regard to the alterations in these neuropeptides in the plasma, saliva and cerebrospinal fluid during or between migraine attacks, and the therapeutic possibilities involving migraine-related neuropeptides in the acute and prophylactic treatment of migraine headeache are surveyed.
Pragmatic and Observational Research, 2010
Current diagnostic criteria for headaches are based on the International Classification for Headache Disorders, second edition, which is largely built on data obtained from clinical examinations and patients' medical histories. Despite decades of vigorous basic and clinical research, we still lack reliable clinical laboratory diagnostic markers for headaches, which clearly obstructs the physician's ability to optimize and follow the patient's response to treatment protocols as well as holds back the discovery and implementation of new therapeutic modalities. In this paper, we review and discuss current efforts to identify and characterize biochemical and immunological changes in biological fluids and tissue that may be specifically associated with the etiology and/or pathophysiology of migraine and cluster headaches; we also discuss some of the recent genetic findings and ion channel modulation studies that may help to distinguish among various headache populations.
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics
Chronic use of opioids can produce opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH), and when used to treat migraine, these drugs can result in increased pain and headache chronicity. We hypothesized that overlapping mechanisms between OIH and chronic migraine occur through neuropeptide dysregulation. Using label-free, non-biased liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to identify and measure changes in more than 1500 neuropeptides under these two conditions, we observed only 16 neuropeptides that were altered between the two conditions. The known pro-migraine molecule, calcitonin-gene related peptide, was among seven peptides associated with chronic migraine, with several pain-processing neuropeptides among the nine other peptides affected in OIH. Furthermore, composite peptide complements Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP), Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and Secretogranin (SCG) showed significant changes in both chronic migraine and OIH. In a follow-up pharmacological study, we confirmed the role of PACAP in models of these two disorders, validating the effectiveness of our peptidomic approach, and identifying PACAP as a mechanistic link between chronic migraine and OIH. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD013362
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, 2016
Context: Migraine and cluster headache are undoubtedly painful conditions. The respective pathogenesis of these two conditions is incompletely understood. In both cases, the treatments used have largely been empirical and have relied to a much lesser extent on our understanding of the mechanisms causing pain. We hereby review the pain mechanisms in migraine and cluster headache, two of the commonest primary headache disorders. Evidence Acquisition: A review of the English literature was conducted by searching PubMed for studies on pain mechanism in migraine and cluster headache. We entered [migraine] and [pain mechanism] in Pubmed and 488 articles were obtained. Articles were then included according to their relevance to the topic. Similarly, [cluster headache] and [pain mechanism] revealed 79 search results. Results: There is evidence that the trigeminovascular system and neurogenic inflammation play important roles, together with certain areas of the brain, leading to these conditions being termed 'neurovascular headaches'. Functional imaging findings suggest a possible role of the dorsolateral pons in generating migraine attacks while the role of the hypothalamus in cluster headache is more firmly established. Conclusions: Migraine and cluster headache have complex pathophysiologies. The exact mechanism causing pain in both conditions is incompletely understood and more research needs to be undertaken in this area.
Annals of Neurology, 1990
References 1. Bosley TM, Rosenquist AC, Kushner M, et al. Ischemic lesions of the occipital cortex and optic radiations: positron emission tomography. Neurology 1985;35:470-484 2. Kiyosawa M, Mizuno K, Hatazawa J, et al. Metabolic imaging in hemianopsia using positron emission tomography with 18Fdeoxyfluoro-glucose. Am J Ophthalmol 1986;101:310-319 3. Reivich M, Kuhl D, Wolf A, et al. The 18-F-fluorodeoxyglucose method for the measurement of local cerebral glucose utilization in man. Circ Res 1978;44:127-137 4. Sokoloff L, Reivich M, Kennedy C, et al. The "CO-deoxyglucose method for the measurement of local cerebral glucose utilization: theory, procedure and normal values in the conscious and anesthetized albino rat. J Neurochem 1977;28:897-916 5. Reivich M, Alavi A, Wolf A, et al. Glucose metabolic rate kinetic model parameter determination in humans: the lumped constant and rate constants for [ 18F)fluorodeoxyglucose and El 1C)deoxyglucose. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1985;5:179-192 6. Ter-pogossian MM, Mullan NA, Hud JT. Design considerations for a positron emission tomograph (PETT V) for imaging of the brain. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1978;2:539-544 7. Kushner MJ, Alavi A, Reivich M, et al. Contralateral cerebellar hypometabolism following cerebral insult. Ann Neurol 1984; 15:425-434 8. Jones SJ, Robinson GD, McIntyre E. Tandem Van de Graaff 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. accelerator production of positron labeled radiopharmaceuticals for routine clinical use. Int J Appl Radiat Isot 1984;35:721-729 Kushner MJ, Rosenquist A, Alavi A, et al. Cerebral metabolism and patterned visual stimulation: a positron emission tomographic study of the human visual cortex. Neurology 1988; Hawkins RA, Phelps ME, Huang SC, Kuhl DE. Effect of ischemia on quantification of local cerebral glucose metabolic rate in man. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1981;1:37-51 Feeney DM, Baron JC. Diaschisis. Stroke 1986;17:817-830 Shishido F, Uemura K, Inugami A, et al. Remote effects in MCA territory ischemic infarction: a study of regional cerebral blood flow and oxygen metabolism using positron computed tomography and 1 5 0 labelled gases. Radiat Med 1987;5:36-41 Segraves M, Rosenquist AC. The distribution of the cells of origin of callosal projections in cat visual cortex. J Neurosci Heilman KM, Valenstein E, Watson RT. Neglect. In: Asbury AK, McKhann GM, McDonald WL, eds. Diseaes of the nervous system. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 19862356-866 Kiyosawa M, Bosley TM, Kushner M, et al. Positron emission tomography study of the effect of eye closure and optic nerve damage on human cerebral glucose metabolism. Am J Ophthalmol 1989; 108: 147-1 52 Kiyosawa M, Bosley TM, Alavi A, et al. Positron emission tomography in a patient with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Neurology
Brain, 2014
Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide-38 (PACAP38) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide are structurally and functionally closely related but show differences in migraine-inducing properties. Mechanisms responsible for the difference in migraine induction are unknown. Here, for the first time, we present a head-to-head comparison study of the immediate and long-lasting observations of the migraine-inducing, arterial, physiological and biochemical responses comparing PACAP38 and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. In a double-blind crossover study 24 female migraine patients without aura were randomly allocated to intravenous infusion of PACAP38 (10 pmol/kg/min) or vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (8 pmol/kg/min) over 20 min. We recorded incidence of migraine during and after infusion (0-24 h). Magnetic resonance angiography of selected extra-and intracranial arteries, blood samples (plasma PACAP38 and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and serum tryptase), and vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory frequency, and end-tidal pressure of CO 2) was recorded before and up to 5 h after infusion. Twenty-two patients [mean age 24 years (range 19-36)] completed the study on both days. Sixteen patients (73%) reported migraine-like attacks after PACAP38 and four after vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (18%) infusion (P = 0.002). Three of four patients, who reported migraine-like attacks after vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, also reported attacks after PACAP38. Both peptides induced marked dilatation of the extracranial (P 5 0.05), but not intracranial arteries (P 4 0.05). PACAP38-induced vasodilatation was longer lasting (42 h), whereas vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-induced dilatation was normalized after 2 h. We recorded elevated plasma PACAP38 at 1 h after the start of PACAP38 infusion only in those patients
ScienceDirectAvailable online at www.sciencedirect.comProcedia Manufacturing 44 (2020) 92–99, 2020
Fujian Tulou is a significant part of the international built heritage. Renovation and strengthening of existing Haka Tulou's earth constructions can ensure a better quality of life for their residents, as well as contribute to a long-lasting prominence of China's heritage. Previous studies of Fujian Tulou mainly cover habitation patterns, construction features and architectural details. In this research a layout has been summarized of causes of deterioration, pathology of structure, focused on the buildings' conservation value and restoration, in terms of history, culture and construction technologies. Out of Fujian's more than 3,000 Tulou, only a few dozen have been awarded the status of World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Along with that status, the 46 buildings chosen for the award. The buildings which belong to UNESCO's heritage are on list of possible restoration while the rest remain in disintegration and the villages are getting vacant through years. The answer for the restoration could be found through participation and team work of experts and habitants. A Tulou is usually inhabited by one family clan for several generations, and the enclosed structure allows to the members of the community to work together and participate in a common goal.Therefore, it is necessary to find new intervention techniques for these earthen buildings, or to adapt those already existing-and proved-to the specific characteristics of the material. This is the context in which the present research aims at contributing to the development of grouting and stitching the cracks by means of earthen mortar in rammed earth walls, as collective restoration techniques. Abstract Fujian Tulou is a significant part of the international built heritage. Renovation and strengthening of existing Haka Tulou's earth constructions can ensure a better quality of life for their residents, as well as contribute to a long-lasting prominence of China's heritage. Previous studies of Fujian Tulou mainly cover habitation patterns, construction features and architectural details. In this research a layout has been summarized of causes of deterioration, pathology of structure, focused on the buildings' conservation value and restoration, in terms of history, culture and construction technologies. Out of Fujian's more than 3,000 Tulou, only a few dozen have been awarded the status of World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Along with that status, the 46 buildings chosen for the award. The buildings which belong to UNESCO's heritage are on list of possible restoration while the rest remain in disintegration and the villages are getting vacant through years. The answer for the restoration could be found through participation and team work of experts and habitants. A Tulou is usually inhabited by one family clan for several generations, and the enclosed structure allows to the members of the community to work together and participate in a common goal.Therefore, it is necessary to find new intervention techniques for these earthen buildings, or to adapt those already existing-and proved-to the specific characteristics of the material. This is the context in which the present research aims at contributing to the development of grouting and stitching the cracks by means of earthen mortar in rammed earth walls, as collective restoration techniques.
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