A Standard Model of Mind:
AAAI Technical Report FS-17-05
Anatomy of a Task: Towards a Tentative Taxonomy of the Mind
David Sekora,1 Samuel Barham,1 Justin Brody,2 Don Perlis1
Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland - College Park
Department of Computer Science, Goucher College
tem that could successfully navigate a scenario like the one
we here lay out; we don’t believe this to be a coincidence.
A standard model of mind will involve not only an architecture but also a set of capabilities. Ideally, the two should inform one another at a deep level, as an architecture is what
both enables and constrains capabilities. In that spirit, we consider in some detail a routine and (deceptively) simple robotic
task. From it, we build out a substantial list of capabilities that
appear essential for a general-purpose execution of the task.
We argue that this type of exercise is an indispensable step
toward the establishment of a baseline for the comparison of
cognitive architectures, and that the resulting taxonomy can
inform the synthesis of a standard model of the mind.
Robbie — A Day in the Life
This story is inspired by a similar story featured in (Perlis et
al. 2013), but here we flesh it out considerably.
We use a bracket notation to show where items from our
list of desiderata (presented in a later section) appear in the
story. For example, the marker [1a] would mean that the preceding sentence features perception of the outside world.
Robbie the robot is in trouble. She has been tasked with
retrieving a book for us from room 128, but everything
has gone wrong!
Already, we’re hinting at one of our major themes — in
the real world, things often go wrong, and an intelligent
agent will need to be able to cope. This functionality is commonly referred to as perturbation tolerance.
The idea that the cognitive sciences might have developed
sufficiently, at long last, to justifiably produce a unified theory of cognition — i.e., one that describes a “single set of
mechanisms for all of cognitive behavior” — is not new at
all; it can be traced back at least to (Newell 1990). The
notion, on the other hand, that there might be consensus
enough among cognitive scientists to begin to compile a
standard model of mind is far more surprising, and it is just
this potential for consensus that forms the basis for the forthcoming (Laird, Lebiere, and Rosenbloom 2017). We jump
into the discussion with our own ideas about what sorts of
abilities a standard model of mind must subsume in order to
be truly general and human-like, as well as how one might
use this as a framework to assess cognitive architectures.
We focus primarily on a story about a robot and a task she
has been given — a task that turns out to be more complicated than it at first appears. The story is annotated with the
capabilities an intelligent agent would need to accomplish
the feats therein. After the story, we collect these capabilities
into a unified list, which we believe can serve as the basis for
a general list of desiderata for intelligent agents (and hence
their cognitive architectures).
Finally, we briefly discuss how one might evaluate existing and future cognitive architectures in light of our list, using our own ALMA system as an example.
Currently, we are unaware of any system that possesses all
of these capabilities to any advanced degree, nor of any sys-
We made our request at 11:30AM, asking that Robbie bring us the book by noon. Robbie ran a simulation[3a] and determined that, given the distance she
had to cover to reach room 128 and the motions involved in picking up and carrying a book, this was well
within her capabilities[4e]. So, she planned out a sufficient route and set off[1e,3b]. Once her initial planning
for the current task was done, she allocated the necessary resources to navigate and watch for anomalies,
opting to use the rest of her processing power to continue working on a math problem we interrupted her in
the middle of solving[3h].
Here, we see that Robbie has some interesting cognitive
features. She can conduct physics simulations and make
multi-step plans. Implicitly, she must have been able to
break up a complex task into sub-parts (“retrieve the book”
becomes “go to the book,” “pick up the book,” and “return
here while still holding the book”). She has an understanding of her own capabilities and limitations. Subtly, she stops
at a “sufficient route” to complete the task within the time
limit, rather than continuing to search until she has found
the “optimal route” — this requires her to understand that
the actions of reasoning and planning themselves take time!
Finally, the last sentence makes it clear that Robbie is
more than just an object retrieval bot. As a persistent, gen-
c 2017
eral agent, she has more to do and think about than just an
immediate command.
mystery room is in fact room 128. As she approaches
the room once more, she reflects on how it might be that
she saw 123 instead of 128[3d]. She does some quick
simulations[3a] and realizes that, if you rub away the
left part of an 8, it looks like a 3. She makes note of this
fact for future room-identification scenarios[2g].
The trouble starts about halfway through the journey.
One of the hallways Robbie had planned to use was
closed for maintenance! Robbie realizes that she will
not be able to complete her original plan, and computes a new, slightly longer route using a different hallway[3b]. She determines that she will still be able to
finish in time, and so sets off again.
An intelligent agent needs to be able to identify new goals
and make plans on the fly. Time continues to be an important
consideration — as soon as a viable plan that doesn’t take
too much time is found, Robbie springs into action. Once
the plan is executed, simulation capabilities are once again
highlighted, along with some nominal curiosity and learning
Now Robbie has run into her first obstacle. She could
hardly be called an “intelligent agent” if she broke down or
quit when the first problem came up. She has the ability to
learn new information, incorporate it into her database, identify that this will prevent her from completing her current
plan, and make a new plan, all while keeping her original
goal in mind.
Robbie still isn’t 100% sure that the room is room 128,
but now she has much more evidence for it, and time is
of the essence[4a]. So, she pushes on the door — but it
won’t budge! She consults her knowledge base, but —
alas — to no avail: this door has a handle on it, and
Robbie hasn’t learned anything about handles yet[4e]!
Robbie finally reaches room 128 — or, to be precise, the
room marked on her internal map as room 128[5c]. The
problem? Before opening the door, she notices that the
room number says 123, not 128[1a,4d]! Here, a contradiction arises: the room in front of her appears to
be both room 123 and 128, but she knows that a room
in this building can only have one number. A lesser
agent might give up, but luckily Robbie has strategies
for dealing with apparent contradictions.
“General purpose cognitive agent” does not, of course,
mean “omniscient robot.” There will be many times when a
cognitive agent (no matter how general) simply does not understand its environment, or its interactions with it. In such
cases, the agent must have other methods of coping. Robbie
must be able to ask for advice and learn from it.
So Robbie does what anyone in over their head
should do — she asks for help[3c]! Robbie phones her
researcher and briefly explains the situation:
For an intelligent agent to deal with problems, the agent
must first be able to detect those problems. This particular
example requires some degree of visual processing, but any
such problem will at a minimum require the agent to have a
set of expectations, a means of checking those expectations
against reality, and strategies for resolving any conflicts.
ROBBIE: I am requesting assistance. I attempted to
open the door using my strategy of “push on the surface of the door,” but this did not work. I am sending
you a picture of the door[1b,1c].
RESEARCHER: Ah, yes. I see what’s happened — this
type of door has a handle, so you’re going to have to
use your arm to turn it before you can open the door.
Here, I’ll send you a video of a person opening a door.
Hold on just a second. When you get it, watch it and try
to learn from it[1d,2g].
Robbie reasons that either the room in front of her is
room 123, the room in front of her is room 128, or one
of her base beliefs about how room numbers work is
flawed[2h]. Robbie has a record of her past reasoning[2j], and so she knows that she has only limited evidence for the room being either 123 or 128. Therefore, she decides to trust her base beliefs for the moment, and directs her efforts towards obtaining more
evidence[3b] for the two more likely possibilities.
While it may be possible that communication skills are
not strictly necessary for an agent to qualify as “intelligent,”
the only intelligent agents we currently know about (humans) have sophisticated forms of communication, and the
two concepts certainly give the appearance of being inextricably linked. In any case, for an intelligent agent to be able
to competently interact with humans, it will need at least a
rudimentary understanding of language — both how to interpret it, and how to produce it.
The process by which Robbie learns how to open the door
may need to be a bit more involved than simply being told
or watching a video. That would be ideal, since humans are
able to do these types of advice-based and single-example
learning quite well, but the current trend in AI research is
more in the realm of training on hundreds or thousands of
examples (which is of course also very important — humans
also make good use of this type of learning). At any rate, we
aren’t particularly concerned with the specifics here — the
Here we see that Robbie is able to identify a plausible
set of beliefs that could be mistaken, and furthermore able
to leverage her memory to estimate how reliable each belief
is. Once she narrows it down to two suspicious beliefs, she
applies a common contradiction resolution strategy: gather
more data!
After some thought, Robbie finds a potentially relevant fact in her knowledge base: “Room numbers appear in sequence.”[2f]. This looks promising; there may
be an even better method for resolving this situation
buried deep in her knowledge base somewhere, but she
has a strict time constraint and so cannot afford to be
picky[4a]. She quickly makes and executes subplans
to read the room numbers of the adjacent rooms, and
finds that the rooms on either side are numbered 126
and 130. This evidence supports the hypothesis that the
the list items into rough categories, although the category
headings are meant more as guidelines than rigid laws.
important thing is that an intelligent agent must have some
mechanisms in place for learning new facts and skills.
Robbie successfully opens the door, and files this newfound skill away for future use[2g]. She scans the interior, and finds to her dismay (or whatever it is that
robots feel when their expectations aren’t met) that it’s
a mess! The floor is strewn with hundreds of books; perhaps there was an earthquake, or maybe it was just
those crazy graduate students again. She does some
quick math to figure out how long it will take her to
sort through the mess to find the requested book[3a],
and determines it to be highly unlikely that she should
find it in time[4a]. Robbie realizes things are not going well, and so phones her researcher once more for
advice[3c,4f]. This time, he agrees that it’s likely impossible for her to get the book in time, and tells her
to call the whole thing off. Robbie obliges, and heads
back to the lab.
So, without further ado, we believe it safe to say that an
intelligent agent should be able to:
1. Interaction:
Perceive the outside world;
Bring attention to spatial entities (e.g. pointing);
Generate simple language;
Understand simple language;
Move self and other objects;
2. Knowledge and Learning
(a) Identify objects;
(b) Keep track of real-valued quantities (such as counts);
(c) Learn new objects and how they behave (individuals
and classes);
(d) Deliberately affect its perceptions (e.g. move to get a
better viewing angle);
(e) Track own actions and processing in real time (e.g.
efference copy, as in (Brody, Perlis, and Shamwell
(f) Maintain a knowledge base (KB);
(g) Update the KB with new information (“learning”);
(h) Make inferences based on the KB;
(i) Maintain information about others’ knowledge;
(j) Keep a detailed history of own activity and perception;
A perhaps underrated strategy for dealing with problems
is to know when to give up. This will involve at least two
abilities. The first is the ability to dynamically prioritize live
tasks on the basis of a cost-benefit analysis; the second, implied by the first, is the ability to predict one’s probability of
success (or lack thereof) in a given task-instance.
Back in the lab, Robbie doesn’t just shut off, even
though she no longer has a task. Instead, she returns
to working on that math problem[3h].
A persistent agent must be, well, persistent.
This is for the AI researcher likely a satisfying ending to
the story. However, consider briefly an alternative ending,
which illustrates yet another important cognitive ability —
namely, the ability to imagine novel goals, or to infer goals
that other agents are likely to possess; and, in response, to
invent, prioritize, and initiate novel tasks. Watch:
3. Goals, Planning, and Acting
(a) Simulate behavior in imagination (for use in vision/planning);
(b) Make and execute plans to achieve goals, including
backup plans where appropriate;
(c) Ask for help effectively (knowing whom and how to
(d) Identify new goals, including ones for future or longterm benefit;
(e) Identify needs of others;
(f) Be helpful (as appropriate);
(g) Keep track of priorities and rearrange them as necessary;
(h) Seek knowledge as a general goal, when consistent
with other goals;
(i) Identify overly complex plans, and have strategies for
dealing with them (prune, get help, give up);
[...] Robbie obliges, and starts to head back to the lab.
However, as she approaches the door, a subprocess realizes that it would be helpful in the future for the room
to be in order, should she or someone else be tasked
with finding a book again[3d,3f]. She infers that this
goal also seems desirable to her researcher[3e], and
so assigns herself the task of organizing the books in
the room, marking it as the active goal but noting that
it can be interrupted if she is requested elsewhere. The
only other source of intrigue at the moment is that math
problem from before, but it has relatively lower priority[3g]. So, she gets to work cleaning the room with all
the alacrity characteristic of her programming.
Intelligent agents need to be able to plan for long-term
benefit. Plus, a robot might as well make itself useful!
4. Real-World Considerations
(a) Control activities (including inference) to respect realtime constraints;
(b) Forget and relearn when necessary;
(c) Possess and apply contextual awareness;
(d) Detect anomalies in the world and in reasoning, and
have strategies for dealing with them;
(e) Know its own capabilities and shortcomings;
List of Desiderata for Intelligent Agents
We now present a list of capabilities, primarily derived from
the story, which a general-purpose intelligent agent might
reasonably be expected to possess. We do not claim this to
be a complete list, only that a “smart” robot would likely
need most of these. For convenience, we have grouped
(f) “Take stock”: how are things going overall in the
short/medium/long term?;
5. Special Category Distinctions
(a) Distinguish self from other;
(b) Distinguish parts from wholes;
(c) Distinguish appearance and thought from reality.
formalism. Active logic is a form of first-order logic derived
from step-logic (Elgot-Drapkin, Miller, and Perlis 1991),
which is built to accomodate reasoning situated in time.
1. Interaction ALMA is a reasoning system, not a full embodied agent, so many of the items in this section don’t really apply. However, systems have been built (e.g. (Josyula,
Anderson, and Perlis 2004)), and are being built in our current work, that incorporate ALMA as a core component
which are capable of all of these.
If you read the story carefully, you may notice that not all
of these capabilities are directly referenced. For the most
part, these are additional capabilities such as [4c] “Possess
and apply contextual awareness” which underly much of
the thought and action taking place throughout, even though
they aren’t the central focus of any single paragraph.
2. Knowledge and Learning Being a reasoning system,
these items are the bread and butter of ALMA. [2f - 2h]
are central components of almost any reasoning system, and
[2e] and [2j] are central features that distinguish ALMA
from other systems. [2a], [2c], and [2i] are again more in
the domain of a larger, integrated system. [2b] is a current
research focus for the core of ALMA, and [2d] is an important piece of a demo currently under construction in which
ALMA is being used as the control center for a robot.
Notable Omissions
It may seem that some obvious things are missing from this
list. Take, for example, “communication between submodules.” Minds are complex systems with lots of specialized
parts, and to navigate the world successfully an agent will
almost certainly need to be able to use several of them together at once.
However, this is the advantage of our approach. Perhaps
submodules need to be able to communicate, or maybe specialized submodules aren’t even required at all — it makes
no difference here! These are architectural considerations,
whereas we (at least in this paper) are concerned purely
with capabilities.
3. Goals, Planning, and Acting ALMA has very rudimentary planning facilities like [3b], specifically for executing tasks at future times, and [3a] and [3g] are active research topics. There is still much to be desired on the items
in this section, although again this is mitigated by the fact
that it is meant to be combined with other systems (which
would handle planning and execution).
4. Real-World Considerations [4a] is the defining feature of ALMA. [4b] and [4d] have been written about extensively in papers relating to active logic (Miller and Perlis
1993), and this work has been partially implemented. There
has been some work on [4e] (Nirkhe et al. 1997), but it has
not been implemented. Not much has been done about [4f].
Of course, we still have likely omitted something that
should be on the list. Again, this list is not meant to be complete or final — to the contrary, we encourage discussion and
iteration on both the content and structure of the list. In our
view, the development of such a list as this represents a significant step on the path to a standard model of mind, and
can inform future work on intelligent agents and cognitive
5. Special Category Distinctions [5a] is arguably covered — an instance of ALMA is aware of its own existence
as an entity, although this hasn’t been used for very much.
Much has been written about how to handle [5c] in papers
such as (Miller and Perlis 1993), although implementation
has lagged behind here.
Existing Systems and Architectures
Of course, there are many systems and architectures that
have been thought up and implemented prior to the creation
of this list of desiderata. Originally, we had intended to evaluate a number established and/or recent systems, architectures, and models (such as SOAR (Laird 2012), ACT-R (Anderson et al. 2004), MIDCA (Cox 2013), DIARC (Schermerhorn et al. 2006), and HoA (Chaouche et al. 2014)) with
respect to our list. However, realistic cognitive architectures
like the ones we mentioned are tremendously complex, so a
“complete” analysis of each one would draw too much focus
from the rest of the paper, and anything less would be doing
the creators of these systems a disservice. Instead, we invite
these groups to examine their own work in the context of our
list. To demonstrate how this might be done, we will take a
look at our own ALMA (Purang 2001) system.
Verdict Many of the items on our list of desiderata are
represented or at least considered; this is perhaps to be expected, as the system and its underlying logic have been
worked on by some of the very same minds as this paper.
Other Lists
Various other lists exist which can, at first blush, seem very
similar to ours. Here, we’ll pick out a couple of representatives to demonstrate how our list distinguishes itself.
Constraints on Mind
In 1980, Allen Newell briefly presented a set of 13 constraints on the human mind (Newell 1980), a set which
was later expanded upon by Anderson and Lebiere (Anderson and Lebiere 2003). Our list mostly subsumes this
one, barring the last few items (on the 2003 formulation):
“acquire capabilities through development”, “arise through
Case Study: ALMA
ALMA (short for Active Logic MAchine) is a generalpurpose reasoner which implements the titular active logic
evolution”, and “be realizable within the brain”. This is
because that list is about constraints on the human mind,
whereas we are looking at the more general class of intelligent minds, and so are not concerned with how the mind
arises or whether it matches up with a particular physical
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-04), 1014–
Laird, J. E.; Lebiere, C.; and Rosenbloom, P. S. 2017. A
standard model of the mind: Toward a common computational framework across artificial intelligence, cognitive science, neuroscience, and robotics. AI Magazine.
Laird, J. E. 2012. The Soar Cognitive Architecture. The
MIT Press.
Miller, M., and Perlis, D. 1993. A view of one’s past and
other aspects of reasoned change in belief. (dissertation).
Newell, A. 1980. Physical symbol systems. Cognitive science 4(2):135–183.
Newell, A. 1990. Unified Theories of Cognition. Cambridge, Massachussetts: Harvard University Press.
Nirkhe, M.; Kraus, S.; Miller, M.; and Perlis, D. 1997. How
to (plan to) meet a deadline between now and then. Journal
of Logic and Computation 7:109–109.
Perlis, D.; Cox, M. T.; Maynord, M.; McNany, E.; Paisner,
M.; Shivashankar, V.; Hand, E.; Shamwell, J.; Oates, T.; Du,
T.; Josyula, D.; and Caro, M. 2013. A broad vision for
intelligent behavior: Perpetual real-world cognitive agents.
2013 Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems:
Workshop on Metacognition in Situated Agents.
Purang, K. 2001. Alma/carne: Implementation of a timesituated meta-reasoner. In Proceedings of the International
Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 103–110.
Schermerhorn, P.; Kramer, J.; Middendorff, C.; and Scheutz,
M. 2006. Diarc: A testbed for natural human-robot interaction. AAAI.
Orthogonal to papers such as (Laird, Lebiere, and Rosenbloom 2017), which center more on the cognitive system
architecture (the “how”), we focus on the possible types of
thought (the “what”). We intend this list to serve as a complement to the more technically-minded papers in this collection, as well as to future papers — in order to design an
architecture, you first have to have some idea of what you
want that architecture to be able to do.
We began by working through a scenario of our design and
considering what cognitive capabilities would be necessary
to successfully negotiate it. We then collated these capabilities, and extended and generalized the resulting list into its
current form. This list is not meant to be a final, definitive
list of all the capabilities an agent must have to be considered intelligent in a general sense. However, it can serve as
the prototype for such a list; as such, we welcome discussion
and modification.
If the research community is able to reach a consensus
about what the contents of this list should be, then in turn it
can serve as a foundation for a standard model of the mind.
Anderson, J. R., and Lebiere, C. 2003. The newell test
for a theory of cognition. Behavioral and brain Sciences
Anderson, J. R.; Bothell, D.; Byrne, M. D.; Douglas, S.;
Lebiere, C.; and Qin, Y. 2004. An integrated theory of the
mind. Psychological Review III(4):1036–1060.
Brody, J.; Perlis, D.; and Shamwell, J. 2015. Who’s talking
- efference copy and a robot’s sense of agency. AAAI 2015
Fall Symposium.
Chaouche, A.-C.; Seghrouchni, A. E. F.; Illi, J.-M.; and
Sadouni, D. E. 2014. A higher-order agent model,
with contextual planning management for ambient systems.
LNCS Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XVI:146169.
Cox, M. T. 2013. Midca: A metacognitive, integrated dualcycle architecture for self-regulated autonomy. UMIACS
Technical Report No. UMIACS-TR-2013-03.
Elgot-Drapkin, J.; Miller, M.; and Perlis, D. 1991. Memory,
reason, and time: the step-logic approach. In Cummins, and
Pollock., eds., Philosophy and AI: Essays at the Interface.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Josyula, D. P.; Anderson, M. L.; and Perlis, D. 2004.
Domain-independent reason-enhanced controller for taskoriented systems - director. In Proceedings of the National