Nephrol Dial Transplant (2007) 22: 2525–2530
Advance Access publication 25 May 2007
Original Article
No clear evidence of ACEi efficacy on the progression of chronic
kidney disease in children with hypodysplastic nephropathy—report
from the ItalKid Project database
Unit of Pediatric Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation, Department of Pediatrics, Milan, 2Division of Pediatric
Surgery, IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo, Pavia, 3Division of Nephrology, Ospedale Civile ‘S. Spirito’, Pescara, 4Department
of Pediatrics, Parma, 5Unit of Pediatric Nephrology, Department of Pediatrics, Children Hospital ‘G.Salesi’ Ancona,
Unit of Pediatric Nephrology, Policlinico ‘G. Martino’, Messina, 7Department of Pediatrics, Second University, Naples,
Unit of Pediatric Nephrology, ‘Di Cristina’ Children Hospital, Palermo, 9Department of Nephrology, ‘Annunziata’
Hospital, Cosenza, 10Department of Pediatrics, ‘Meyer’ Children Hospital, Firenze, 11Department of Pediatrics, Padova
and 12Unit of Pediatric Nephrology, Department of Pediatrics, Children Hospital ‘G.Salesi’,Ancona, Italy
Background. Chronic kidney diseases (CKD) tend to
progress to end-stage renal failure (ESRF). As it has
been demonstrated that angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) have a renoprotective effect
in adults with proteinuric disease and may be effective
in reducing hyperfiltration and proteinuria, they are
also frequently used as anti-progression agents in
paediatric patients with CKD despite the lack of data
confirming their role in the nephropathies peculiar to
children. The aim of this study was to investigate
whether patients with hypodysplastic CKD (the most
common cause of ESRF in children) treated with ACEi
show a significantly slower decline in creatinine
clearance (Ccr).
Methods. The analysis was based on the information
available in the database of the ItalKid Project, a
nationwide, population-based registry of chronic renal
insufficiency (CRI) in children in Italy. Of the 822
patients with CRI due to hypodysplasia, we selected
those who had been continuously treated with ACEi;
the control patients were identified from the same
diagnostic group and matched for gender, age and
baseline Ccr.
Results. Progression was analysed as the slope of Ccr
in a total of 164 patients: 41 cases and 123 matched
Correspondence and offprint requests to: Gianluigi Ardissino,
Unit of Pediatric Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation,
Department of Pediatrics, Via Commenda 9, I-20122 Milano, Italy.
[email protected]
controls. There were no significant between-group
differences in blood pressure, duration of follow-up
or pre-study slope of Ccr (0.31 2.26 vs
0.33 3.58 ml/min/1.73m2/year; P ¼ NS). After an
average of 4.9 2.3 years, the mean slope of Ccr was
40% lower in the ACEi-treated cases in comparison to
controls (1.08 2.08 vs 1.80 4.42 ml/min/1.73 m2/
year), however, this difference was not statistically
significant (P ¼ 0.31).
Conclusions. We conclude that ACEi treatment does
not significantly modify the naturally progressive
course of hypodysplastic nephropathy in children and
further studies are necessary before such treatment is
routinely proposed for anti-progression purposes in
children with CKD.
Keywords: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors;
chronic kidney diseases; paediatric nephrology;
A number of experimental studies have demonstrated
that angiotensin-converting inhibitors (ACEi) delay
the progression of renal disease in patients with chronic
renal insufficiency (CRI), but this renoprotective
effect was found in adult patients with mainly diabetic
[1] and non-diabetic [2–7] glomerular nephropathies.
It is not clear whether and to what extent it is
mediated by the anti-proteinuric or anti-hypertensive
ß The Author [2007]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please email:
[email protected]
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Gianluigi Ardissino1, Sara Viganò1, Sara Testa1, Valeria Daccò1, Fabio Paglialonga1,
Antonio Leoni1, Mirco Belingheri1, Luigi Avolio2, Antonio Ciofani3, Aldo Claris-Appiani1,
Daniele Cusi1, Alberto Edefonti1, Anita Ammenti4, Milva Cecconi5, Carmelo Fede6, Luciana Ghio1,
Angela La Manna7, Silvio Maringhini8, Teresa Papalia9, Ivana Pela10, Lorena Pisanello11 and
Ilse Maria Ratsch12 on behalf of the ItalKid Project
Patients and methods
The data used in the present study come from the Italian
Pediatric Registry of CRI (ItalKid Project), which includes
all patients diagnosed as having a creatinine clearance (Ccr)
of <90 ml/min/1.73 m2 (calculated according to Schwartz’s
formula [10]) before the age of 20 years. The general
methodology of the ItalKid Project (its organizational
structure, reporting procedures and data quality control)
has been described in detail elsewhere [8].
As of 1 January 2003, a total of 1352 children had been
registered. This study considered 162 patients with CRI due
to hypodysplastic nephropathy with or without urological
abnormalities (out of a total of 822) who started ACEi
treatment during the follow-up (FU) period. After excluding
the patients with an age of <2 years (n ¼ 4), a baseline Ccr of
<15 ml/min/1.73 m2 (n ¼ 10) and an FU duration on ACEi of
<2 years with less than three data points (n ¼ 65), as well as
those for whom critical data were incomplete (n ¼ 42), the
analysed sample consisted of 41 subjects (33 males). Three
patients who had never received ACEi, matched by
diagnosis, gender, age and baseline Ccr, were selected as
controls for each of the 41 cases (n ¼ 123; 99 males). The
primary renal diseases responsible for CRI in the population
as a whole were hypodysplasia with associated urological
abnormalities (n ¼ 141) [vescicouretheral reflux (n ¼ 89;
24 cases and 65 controls), posterior urethral valves (n ¼ 35;
7 case and 28 controls), other urinary abnormalities
(n ¼ 17; 4 cases and 13 controls)] and isolated hypodysplasia
(n ¼ 23; 6 cases and 17 controls).
The demographic, clinical and biochemical parameters
considered for the analysis were age, systolic and diastolic
arterial blood pressure (BP) and Ccr. BP was analysed for the
30 cases and 74 controls for whom data were available as the
gender- and age-specific standard deviation score (SDS)
using the reference values of the 1987 Task Force on BP
Control in Children [11].
The primary outcome measure was the rate of progression
of CRI, which was calculated as the slope of Ccr over time
excluding the year in which ACEi treatment was started.
To exclude the possibility of a selection bias among the
ACEi-treated patients (i.e. the patients showing faster
progression may have been more likely to be prescribed
ACEi), the pre-study slope of Ccr was calculated in the 24
cases and 66 controls for whom at least three pre-study Ccr
determinations were available. The severity of CRI was
classified as mild (60–89 ml/min/1.73m2), moderate (30–
59 ml/min/1.73m2) or severe (15–30 ml/min/1.73m2) on the
basis of the NKF definition [12]. Fast progressors were
defined as the patients with a Ccr slope of less than 3 ml/
min/1.73 m2/year; slow progressors as those with a Ccr slope
of between 3 and 0 ml/min/1.73 m2/year; and non-progressors as those who showed no loss or a gain in Ccr during the
FU [13].
Statistical analysis
Unless otherwise specified, the data are expressed as mean
values SD. The contingency table was analysed using the 2
test. The between-group differences were assessed by means
of the Student’s t-test for unpaired data. The within-group
comparisons of baseline data with the data after 1 year and
during FU were made using the Student’s t-test for paired
data or ANOVA as applicable. The BP indicated as FU BP is
the mean of the values recorded during the observation
period, with the exclusion of the first two measurements
(baseline and 1 year). The Ccr slope of each patient was
calculated using all of the available Ccr determinations for
the corresponding period. The FU considered for the analysis
of progression in the cases and controls excluded the first
year of observation (during which ACEi treatment was
started in the cases). A P-value of <0.05 was considered
statistically significant.
The baseline clinical and laboratory parameters of the
study population are shown in (Table 1). There were
no differences between the cases and controls in terms
of the length of FU, age, Ccr or arterial BP, nor in
terms of gender or primary nephropathy distributions.
In particular, 7.3% of the cases and 11.4% of the
controls were hypertensive (systolic and/or diastolic
BP >95th centile for gender and age). Thirteen patients
(3 cases and 10 controls) were treated with an
anti-hypertensive drug other than an ACEi (a calcium
or b- blocker) during the study period.
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(systemic or intraglomerular) properties of ACEi, or by
an intrinsic (anti-fibrogenic) effect, or by all three
The accumulating evidence of the beneficial effect
of ACEi in adults has generated considerable expectations concerning the possibility of delaying the
progression of CRI in children and this has been
followed by their generalized paediatric use. However,
the diseases responsible for chronic kidney diseases
(CKD) in children are very different from those found
in adults: in particular, glomerular diseases are
uncommon causes of CKD (6%), whereas primarily
non-proteinuric diseases such as hypodysplasia, with
or without urological abnormalities account for as
many as 57% of cases [8]. On the basis of these
epidemiological premises, the efficacy of ACEi on the
progression of CRI in children is questionable. On the
other hand, as these diseases are typically associated
with a congenital reduction in nephron mass with
consequent hyperfiltration, there is certainly a potentially strong rationale for the use of ACEi [9].
Although ACEi are frequently used as anti-hypertensive and anti-proteinuric agents in children too, no
single study has assessed their effect on the progressive
decline of glomerular filtration rate in this age group,
probably because of the low prevalence of the disease
and the consequently small series of patients available
even in specialized centres.
The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy
of ACEi as anti-progression agents in children with
CKD associated with primarily non-proteinuric
diseases using the information available in the large
database of a nationwide registry of childhood CRI
(the ItalKid Project).
G. Ardissino et al.
ACEi and the progression of CKD in children
The pre-study Ccr calculated over a mean FU of
4.6 2.4 years (average of 4.9 data points per patient)
was not significantly different between the cases
and controls: 0.31 2.26 vs 0.33 3.58 ml/min/
1.73 m2/year.
One year after baseline, the decline in Ccr was
significant in the ACEi-treated group (from 50.9 16.0
to 47.9 17.9 ml/min/1.73 m2; P < 0.005), but not in
the control group (from 51.2 16.5 to 49.9 18.3 ml/
min/1.73 m2; P ¼ NS). The ACEi-treated group but not
the controls showed a significant decrease in systolic
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of patients treated with ACEi and
9.0 4.1
5.1 1.8
0.64 1.02
0.52 0.89
50.9 16.0
0.31 2.26
9.0 3.9
4.9 2.5
0.49 0.96
0.44 1.11
51.2 16.5
0.33 3.58
The reported mean values are not based on the whole population
because of missing data (30 cases and 74 controls) (see ‘Patients and
methods’ section).
ACEi, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; SBP and DBP,
systolic and diastolic blood pressure; SDS, standard deviation score;
Ccr, creatinine clearance.
The results of our study suggest that ACEi treatment
does not significantly delay the progressive decline in
renal function of paediatric patients with hypodysplastic nephropathy, the most common cause of CRI in
Fig. 1. Systolic (A) and diastolic (B) blood pressure (as SDS) at baseline, after one year and during follow-up in ACEi and controls (data
available for 30 cases and 60 controls).
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Gender (M/F)
Age (years)
Follow-up (years)
Ccr (ml/min/1.73 m2)
Pre-study Ccr slope
(ml/min/1.73 m2/year)a
arterial BP after 1 year and during FU (Figure 1A),
and in diastolic BP only during FU (Figure 1B).
At the end of the FU period (with an average of 5.1
data points per patient), there was no significant
difference in the Ccr slope (excluding the first year)
between the cases and controls: 1.08 2.08 vs
1.80 4.42 ml/min/1.73 m2/year (Figures 2 and 3).
The same was true when the analysis was restricted
to the 22 cases with more than 5 years FU
and their matched controls (n ¼ 66): 1.20 1.37 vs
2.10 4.66 ml/min/1.73 m2/year.
Analysis of the contingency table by treatment type
(ACEi and controls) and disease progression (fast
progressors, slow progressors and non-progressors as
defined in Methods section) did not reveal any
significant distribution in favour of ACEi efficacy
(Table 2). Furthermore, when the cases and controls
were divided into three groups on the basis of the
initial severity of renal impairment (Table 3) the
corresponding Ccr slope was never significantly
different between the cases and controls although it
was systematically steeper in the latter.
G. Ardissino et al.
Table 3. Slope of Ccr over time by initial level of Ccr in patients
treated with ACEi and controls
Mild (n ¼ 63)
Moderate (n ¼ 81)
Severe (n ¼ 20)
0.18 1.93
1.64 2.10
1.70 1.79
0.38 4.77
2.76 4.29
2.30 2.17
CRI classification [12]:
Mild: 60–89 ml/min/1.73 m2.
Moderate: 30–59 ml/min/1.73 m2.
Severe: 29 ml/min/1.73 m2.
Fig. 3. Comparison of the slope of creatinine clearance between
patients treated with ACEi and controls.
Table 2. Distribution of patients treated with ACEi and controls by
progression rate during follow-up
Fast progressors (%)
Slow progressors (%)
Non-progressors (%)
2 ¼ 0.581
P ¼ 0.75
Progression classes based on Ccr slopes over time:
Fast progressors: < 3 ml/min/1.73 m2/year,
Slow progressors: between –3 and –0.01 ml/min/1.73 m2/year
Non-progressors: 0.0 ml/min/1.73 m2/year.
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Fig. 2. Creatinine clearance prior to and after study beginning
(time 0) in individual patients treated with ACEi and control.
children [8]. Our analysis has a number of important
limitations, but it may be useful because of the absence
of results from clinical trials regarding the effect of
ACEi treatment on glomerular filtration rate in
children with CKD (while waiting for the results of
the ongoing ESCAPE trial).
Experimental data have demonstrated the efficacy of
ACEi in reducing the progressive loss of renal function,
but clinical trials supporting this finding are still
limited to adult nephropathies [1–7] and it is well
known that adult CKDs have very different etiologies,
clinical courses and outcomes than those peculiar to
children. The studies of the effects of ACEi in
adults have mainly concentrated on glomerular and
highly proteinuric, acquired nephropathies, whereas
childhood CKDs are commonly due to congenital
nephropathies [8], more often show tubulo-interstitial
involvement (hypodysplasia with or without urological
malformations account for almost 2/3 of cases) and are
frequently characterized by little or no proteinuria [14].
As ACEi tend to be more effective in highly proteinuric
adult patients [15], it is perhaps not surprising that
ACEi-treated children with low proteinuric CKD do
not show a significant improvement in terms of disease
It is also important to underline that hypertension is
an important and common feature of adult CKD and,
together with proteinuria, has been identified as a
major contributor to progressive kidney damage [16].
In children, hypodysplastic nephropathies are often
associated with salt-losing syndrome and normal or
even low BP [17] and, when present, hypertension
only develops during the most advanced stages of CRI.
The overall prevalence of hypertension in our study
population was as low as 10% (perhaps partially
because of the exclusion of patients with Ccr of
<15 ml/min).
These differences between adult and paediatric
CKDs (primary causes, proteinuria levels and the
prevalence of hypertension) may explain why we found
ACEi to be ineffective in children.
While reporting the results, we feel it is important to
discuss the many limitations of our study. First of all,
as the study was not prospective and randomized, it
could be suspected that the patients receiving ACEi
were prescribed them precisely because their disease
was more rapidly progressive (selection bias); however,
ACEi and the progression of CKD in children
normally responsible for a faster decline in renal
function [8].
In conclusion, the intervention with ACEi failed to
provide the expected effect since the mean Ccr at
baseline was 50.9 16.0 and 51.2 16.5 ml/min/
1.73 m2, respectively in treated and untreated patients
and became 43.7 21.2 and 44.8 23.3 ml/min/1.73 m2
at the end of the observation period; although
the difference in mean slope of Ccr over time
(1.08 vs 1.80 ml/min/1.73 m2/year) seemed clinically
promising, this was not statistically significant.
Interestingly, the accumulating evidence of the
beneficial effect of ACEi in adult patients with CKD
has led paediatric nephrologists to make generalized
use of them in children; however, we could not
identify any clear evidence of short-term ACEi
efficacy in reducing the progressive decline in the
renal function of children with hypodisplastic
CKD. This suggests that using ACEi for antiprogression purposes in such patients should be still
considered an experimental treatment and, as such, its
prescription should continue to be subject to essential
safety and efficacy surveillance. The scientific
paediatric nephrology community should continue to
encourage, promote and support well-designed and
prospective studies of this important aspect of CKD in
Acknowledgements. The ItalKid Project is supported by a research
grant from the ‘Associazione per il Bambino Nefropatico’. We are
very thankful to Dr Giuseppe Remuzzi, Dr Piero Ruggenenti and Dr
Maria Rosa Caruso of the Department of Nephrology, Ospedali
Riuniti, Bergamo for their important and critical revision of the
manuscript. This article was written on behalf of all of the members
of the ItalKid Project, whose contribution was essential.
Members of the ItalKid Project
G. Aceto (Bari), M. Adorati (S. Daniele del Friuli), G. Airoldi
(Borgomanero), G. Amici (Ancona), A. Ammenti (Parma),
B. Andretta (Padova), G. Ardissino (Milano), F. Ardito (Bologna),
B. Assael (Verona), L. Avolio (Pavia), S. Bassi (Montichiari),
F. Battaglino (Vicenza), R. Bellantuono (Bari), A. Bettinelli
(Merate), C. Bigi (Lecco), S. Binda (Varese), C. Bini (Como)
D. Bissi (Gallarate), R. Boero (Torino), R. Bonaudo (Torino),
A. Bordugo (Pordenone), M. Borzani (Milano), M. Bosio (Milano),
A. Bottelli (Varese), G. Bovio (Pavia), A. Bracone (Bra), P. Caione
(Roma), G. Capasso (Napoli), M. Capizzi (Milano), C. Carasi
(Padova), D. Caringella (Bari), I. Carnera (Siracusa), M. Caruso
(Bergamo), D. Cattarelli (Brescia), V. Cecchetti (Milano),
M. Cecconi (Ancona), V. Cecinati (Bari), A. Ciofani (Pescara),
A. Claris-Appiani (Milano), D. Clerici (Milano), M. Colnaghi
(Milano), F. Corona (Milano), A. Corsini (Bentivoglio),
R. Costanzo (Ragusa), P. Cussino (Savigliano), M. D’Agostino
(Bergamo), V. Daccò (Milano), G. Daidone (Siracusa),
R. Dall’Amico (Thiene), L. Dardanelli (Cuneo), R. De Castro
(Bologna), V. De Cristofaro (Sondrio), M. De Gennaro (Roma),
S. De Pascale (Bergamo), N. De Santo (Napoli), D. Delfino
(R. Calabria), C.A. Dell’Agnola (Milano), L. Dertenois (Genova),
A. Dessanti (Sassari), A. Di Benedetto (Catania), A. Di Leone
(Cosenza), F. Di Lorenzo (Bologna), P. Di Turi (Bologna),
A. Edefonti (Milano), W. Erckert (Silandro), A. Fabris (Verona),
V. Fanos (Cagliari), C. Fede (Messina), A. Fella (Napoli),
R. Ferraro (Scorrano), M.T. Ferrazzano (Anzio), R. Ferré
(Breno), A. Ferretti (Napoli), B. Fogazzi (Brescia), P. Formentin
(Cittadella), C. Fortini (Ferrara), E. Fossali (Milano), G. Fossati
Bellani (Milano), M. Gaido (Torino), R. Galato (Milano),
G. Gargano (Modena), V. Georgacopulo (Ferrara), L. Ghio
(Milano), R. Giachino (Ivrea), M. Giani (Milano), M. Giannatasio
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given the identical pre-study Ccr slopes in the cases and
controls (Table 1), this concern does not seem relevant.
Secondly, our database lacks details concerning
drug types and dosages and the patients’ treatment
compliance cannot be investigated. However, the
significant decrease in Ccr during the first year of FU
(functional effect of ACEi) and the decrease in both
systolic and diastolic BP (Figure 1) not observed in the
controls, provides indirect evidence that the cases were
actually receiving effective ACEi treatment.
A third weak point of the present analysis is related
to the fact that the ItalKid Project only records data on
an annual basis, and so the calculation of the slope
of Ccr relies on limited observations. However, in our
opinion, the average 5-year FU was sufficiently long to
ensure the reliability of the results, which is further
supported by the fact that the same finding of no
significant ACEi efficacy was confirmed when the
analysis was restricted to the patients with an FU of
more than 5 years. Just in order to count upon a fairly
long mean observation period, a high number of
patients had to be excluded (65 out of 162) because of a
too short period in ACEi. A significant increase in the
prescription of ACEi by Italian paediatric nephrologists had taken place in the year 2000 [18] and by the
time of the present analysis a substantial number of
patients had just started the treatment.
Another major limitation is the lack of information
concerning proteinuria, which was not systematically
reported to the ItalKid database. As a consequence, it
was not feasible to test the possibility that the patients
with higher proteinuria levels may have benefited
from ACEi treatment. It is well known that ACEi
reduce urinary protein excretion in children with
hypodysplastic nephropathy [19–20] but, although
often done in the case of adult nephropathies [21],
the use of proteinuria as a surrogate marker of
disease progression may be misleading because the
ultimate target of anti-progression treatment
should be to stabilize the glomerular filtration rate
rather than merely reduce urinary protein
excretion. Particularly in the case of CKDs characterized by low proteinuria levels, the loss of
urinary proteins may be an effect rather than the
cause of disease progression, and any intervention
on the effect may well not lead to any benefit on the
The negative findings of the present study can be
theoretically explained by the poor sensitivity of the
methodology used, which may have been incapable of
detecting a marginal efficacy of ACEi. Our study
population clearly showed a slow progression rate (a
mean loss of Ccr of <2 ml/min/1.73 m2/year) and this
may make detecting efficacy more difficult than in the
case of a faster decline in renal function. It seems
important to underline that the slope of Ccr over time
during the pre-study period becomes substantially
steeper during the study period (as much as 6 times
steeper) because in the meantime several patients have
entered pubertal age (mean age at study end 11.4
years); it has been previously observed that puberty is
Conflict of interest statement. None declared.
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Received for publication: 23.8.06
Accepted in revised form: 28.3.07
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(Putigliano), S. Gianni (Siracusa), B. Gianoglio (Torino),
M. Giordano (Bari), V. Goj (Milano), F. Grancini (Milano), G.
Grott (Chieri), S. Guez (Milano), R. Gusmano (Genova), A. Iovino
(Napoli), C. Isimbaldi (Lecco), A. La Manna (Napoli), G. Lama
(Napoli), R. Landoni (Cinisello B.), A. Lavacchini (Rimini),
A. Liardo (Caltagirone), M. Lima (Malpigli), P. Lippi (Treviglio),
S. Li Volti (Catania), V. Lotti (Cesena), R. Lubrano (Roma),
I. Luongo (Napoli), S. Maffei (Perugina), P. Maiorca (Brescia),
E. Mancini (Bologna), N. Manganaro (Messina), C. Manno (Bari),
M. Marangella (Torino), C. Marchesoni (Trento), K. Marenzi
(Segrate), S. Maringhini (Palermo), G. Marra (Milano), E. Marras
(Torino), A. Martina (Padova), V. Mei (Bologna), F. Menni
(Milano), N. Miglietti (Brescia), R. Mignani (Rimini), P. Minelli
(Bologna), R. Moioli (Milano), P. Molinari (Bologna), G. Montini
(Padova), M. Montis (Cagliari), F. Mosca (Milano), G. Mosiello
(Roma), L. Murer (Padova), G. Nebbia (Milano), M. Neunhauserer
(Brunico), P. Nitsch (Parma), M. Noto (Palermo), C. Oppezzo
(Milano), F. Paolillo (Lodi), T. Papalia (Cosenza), R. Parini
(Milano), L. Parola (Magenta), F. Passione (Foggia), G. Paterlini
(Monza), L. Pavanello (Castelfranco V.), C. Pecoraro (Napoli),
M. Pedron (Bolzano), I. Pela (Firenze), A. Pellegatta (Busto Arsizio),
P. Pelliccia (Chieti), M. Pennesi (Trieste), C. Pennetta (Manduria),
R. Penza (Bari), L. Peratoner (Pordenone), F. Perfumo (Genova),
G. Perino (Torino), C. Pesce (Vicenza), L. Pisanello (Padova),
M. Pitter (Mirano), L. Pontesilli (Roma), M. Porcellini (Torino),
M. Postorino (Reggio Cal.), A. Pota (Napoli), M. Pozzi (Lecco),
R. Prandini (Bologna), F. Puteo (Bari), I. Ratsch (Ancona),
E. Ravaioli (Rimini), G. Remuzzi (Bergamo), G. Riccipetitoni
(Cosenza), G. Ripanti (Pesaro), N. Roberto (Milano), A. Rosini
(Ancona), M. Rossi Doria (Bologna), S. Rota (Bergamo), M. Ruzza
(Milano), D. Scorrano (Belluno), A. Selicorni (Milano), G. Selvaggio
(Milano), F. Sereni (Milano), O. Sernia (Savigliano), A. Sessa
(Vimercate), C. Setzu (Cagliari), L. Stallone (S.Giovanni Rotondo),
M. Tagliaferri (Treviglio), L. Tampieri (Lugo), A. Testagrossa
(Messina), A. Turrisi (Trapani), G. Vallini (Cinisello Balsamo),
E. Verrina (Genova), G. Verzetti (Novara), S. Viola (Pavia),
G. Visconti (Palermo), A. Voghenzi (Ferrara) and G. Zacchello
Scientific Committee: Gianluigi Ardissino, Luigi Avolio, Antonio
Ciofani, Aldo Claris-Appiani, Giovanni Montini, Carmine Pecoraro,
Emanuela Taioli and Enrico Verrina.
Executive Board: Gianluigi Ardissino, Mirco Belingheri, Valeria
Daccò, Antonio Leoni, Silvana Loi, Fabio Paglialonga, Sara Testa
and Sara Viganò.
G. Ardissino et al.