Proceedings of the 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference
A. Johnson and J. Miller, eds.
Cause-Effect Dynamics of Computer and Network Systems for QoS
Paper ID: 967
Nong Ye, Steve Yau, Dazhi Huang, Mustafa Baydogan, Billibaldo Martinez Aranda, and
Auttawut Roontiva
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 87287, USA
Patrick Hurley
Air Force Research Laboratory
Rome, NY 13441, USA
To provide Quality of Service (QoS) demanded by many online services (e.g., e-commerce), computer and network
systems need to have QoS monitoring and adaptation which must be based on cause-effect dynamics relations
among service activities, the state of system resources, and the QoS performance of service processes. This paper
presents our study on cause-effect dynamics models for one of computer and network services, the voice
communication service with the throughput of network data as the QoS feature of interest. Experiments are
conducted to obtain computer and network data under various service conditions that are set up using three service
parameters: the sampling rate, the number of clients and the buffer size. The experimental data is then analyzed. We
uncover four major types of cause-effect dynamics. We found a set of five system state variables concerning the
memory, CPU, process and IP resources that are significantly affected by the service parameters and are closely
linked to the network throughput performance of the voice communication service. New insights are also gained
about satisfying high QoS demands by properly increasing the size of the buffer which holds the network data
before the data transmission.
Quality of service (QoS), cause-effect relations, voice communication service, statistical analysis and modeling
1. Introduction
Quality of Service (QoS) has been essential for conventional, off-line services, and has become increasingly
important as many conventional services are moved online with computer and network systems providing services.
In [1] we present QoS requirements of various network applications for online services (e.g., web browsing, email,
file transfer, audio and video broadcasting, audio and video on demand, audio and video conferencing, voice over
IP, etc.) with QoS metrics on timeliness (e.g., response time, delay and jitter), precision (e.g., bandwidth and loss
rate) and accuracy of services (e.g., error rate).
When competing service requests with specific QoS requirements come to a computer network system providing
services, the system must determine if its limited system resources can accommodate the service requests and
provide the services at the required QoS level. The system also needs to determine what service configuration,
resource configuration and service-resource binding should be used to achieve the required QoS level [2, 3]. On a
computer and network system, competing service requests and resulting service activities change the state of limited
system resources which in turn affect QoS provided to users by the system [2, 4]. Such dynamic relations of service
activities, system state and QoS performance provide the basis for determining the satisfaction of QoS requirements
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Cause-Effect Dynamics of Computer and Network Systems for QoS
Arizona State University ,School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision
Systems Engineering,Tempe,AZ,87287
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To provide Quality of Service (QoS) demanded by many online services (e.g., e-commerce), computer and
network systems need to have QoS monitoring and adaptation which must be based on cause-effect
dynamics relations among service activities, the state of system resources, and the QoS performance of
service processes. This paper presents our study on cause-effect dynamics models for one of computer and
network services, the voice communication service with the throughput of network data as the QoS feature
of interest. Experiments are conducted to obtain computer and network data under various service
conditions that are set up using three service parameters: the sampling rate, the number of clients and the
buffer size. The experimental data is then analyzed. We uncover four major types of cause-effect dynamics.
We found a set of five system state variables concerning the memory, CPU, process and IP resources that
are significantly affected by the service parameters and are closely linked to the network throughput
performance of the voice communication service. New insights are also gained about satisfying high QoS
demands by properly increasing the size of the buffer which holds the network data before the data
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Ye, Yau, Huang, Baydogan, Roontiva, Aranda, and Hurley
and actions of QoS configuration and adaptation.
However, models of such activity-state-QoS relations are not readily available from the design of computer and
network systems which provides mostly algorithm-based operational models. Activity-state-performance dynamic
models from existing studies focus mostly on specific resources (e.g., router, CPU, memory, and hard disk)
individually and limited aspects of dynamic models. Few models of activity-state-QoS dynamics during realistic
operations of computer and network systems exist at a more comprehensive, system scale to account for a wide
range of hardware and software resources (including CPU, memory, physical disk, caches, buffers, network
interface, IP, TCP, UDP, terminal service, etc.), their interactions, their state changes with service activities, and
their effects on QoS performance. Service and system configuration for QoS satisfaction should not simply consider
the service effect on an individual resource or change the configuration of an individual resource because all system
resources interact with and place constraints on one another. The QoS performance depends on activity-state-QoS
dynamics at the system scale, i.e., effects of service activities on all system resources and QoS of all competing
service processes/threads.
Due to the lack of models for activity-state-QoS dynamics at a more comprehensive, system scale, existing studies
on QoS configuration and adaptation often bypass the issue of establishing models of activity-state-QoS dynamic
relations. Those studies focus only on the evaluation of QoS according to user-defined weights of QoS attributes
without getting into models of realistic activity-state-QoS dynamics. Hence, those studies do not account for how
the performance level of various QoS attributes change dynamically with competing, dynamic service demands and
the varying state, constraints and interactions of limited system resources.
The lack of models for realistic activity-state-QoS dynamic relations at the system scale produces a significant gap
in bringing existing work on QoS configuration and adaptation to real-world applications. Our studies aim at
establishing models of activity-state-QoS dynamics models at the system scale to fill in this gap. Using an empirical
approach, we collect system dynamics data of service activities, resource state and QoS performance with services
running on a real computer and network system under various service conditions and use experimental data to
characterize and build activity-state-QoS models. Our empirical studies involve various service types, e.g., voice
communication and motion detection, since activity-state-QoS dynamics may vary with different computer and
network services. In this paper, we present our methodology of data collection, data analysis and data modeling, and
illustrate our methodology using the voice communication service as a case study.
In Section 2, we describe the method and facility of data collection which are illustrated through the description of
the experiment to collect system dynamics data under various service conditions and system configurations for a
voice communication service. In Section 3, we present the methodology to analyze the experimental data, uncover
activity-state-QoS relationships, and build activity-state-QoS models. In section 4, we discuss the analytical and
modeling results. Section 5 concludes the paper.
2. Methodology of Data Collection and Experiment for Voice Communication Service
Our empirical studies focus on computers with an Windows operating system because they are widely used.
Windows operating systems provide Windows performance objects [5] which cover various aspects of process
activities, resource state and service performance for many objects of resources and processes. Some examples of
performance objects are Physical Disk, Memory, System, Process, Processor, IP, UDP, and TCP. Each object has a
number of counters which reflect various aspects of activity, state and performance of the object. For example, the
Memory object has a counter, Available Bytes, shows one aspect of the memory state. The IP object has a counter,
Fragmented Datagrams/sec, which reflects the data transmission performance at the IP level.
System dynamics data of service activities, resource state and QoS performance must be collected under various
levels of service activities and system configurations to reveal varying activity-state-QoS dynamics. Our experiment
for the voice communication service involves two parameters of service activities, the sampling rate of recording
voice data and the number of clients sending service requests, and one parameter of system configurations, the size
of the buffer on a voice communication server for storing the voice data before transmitting the data to a client over
the network. In the experiment, the voice communication service is set up in an online radio broadcasting context in
which multiple clients simultaneously request and receive the voice communication service from a server which
sends out real-time voice data streams of various quality levels controlled by the data sampling rate. Multiple clients
run on their own computers with only one client on one computer. The computer network system for the experiment
Ye, Yau, Huang, Baydogan, Roontiva, Aranda, and Hurley
stands alone without connections with any other computer and network system to avoid interferences.
The voice communication service is a communication-intensive application. The QoS attribute for the voice
communication service concerns mainly the throughput of voice data transmission. Hence, we want to select
parameters of service activities and system configurations that are expected to affect the QoS performance of the
voice data communication service concerning the throughput of voice data transmission from the server to the
clients. Two parameters of service activities are selected for the experiment: 1) the sampling rate (Sa) which is used
to record the voice data stream and thus determine the quality of voice data, and 2) the number of clients (C). The
parameter of system configuration, the size of the buffer (B) on the server for storing the voice data before
transmitting the data to a client over the network, is selected because the buffer size directly affects the throughput
of voice data transmission. As shown in Table 1, each parameter has five levels in the experiment such that we
collect data with sufficient granularity for data analysis to obtain ASQ relationships and models. Hence, we have
125 (5 x 5 x 5) experimental conditions. The five levels of the sampling rate are denoted by Sa1, Sa2, Sa3, Sa4, and
Sa5. The five levels of the number of clients are denoted by C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5. The five levels of the buffer
size are denoted by B1, B2, B3, B4, and B5.
Table 1: Service and system parameters and their levels in the experiment
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Sampling rate (Sa)
44,100 Hz
88,200 Hz
132,300 Hz
176,400 Hz
Number of clients (C)
Buffer size (B)
16 Kbytes
24 Kbytes
32 Kbytes
40 Kbytes
Level 5
220,500 Hz
48 Kbytes
ASQ models represent cause-effect relations among service activities (A), state of resources (S), and QoS
performance (Q) of service processes. The two parameters of the sampling rate and the number of clients directly
drive service activities and are considered as an A variable in the ASQ models. The parameter of the buffer size
affects the state of the buffer. With complex interactions of the buffer with other system resources during the process
of the voice communication service, the parameter of the buffer size is also expected to affect the state of other
system resources. Hence, the parameter of the buffer size is also considered as an A variable that is expected to
affect the state of system resources and thus QoS performance. System dynamics data of resource state and QoS
performance of the voice communication service for S and Q variables in ASQ models are collected using eight
Windows performance objects, including Physical Disk, Memory, System, Process, IP, UDP, TCP, and Server.
These objects are selected because they are expected to be involved in the voice communication service.
The experimental run under each of the 125 experimental conditions includes one minute of the voice
communication service for a given level of the three service parameters. Sixty data observations under each
experimental condition are collected with the sampling rate of 1 observation per second. The data is recorded in log
files. Experimental data is collected on the server since the server data reflects the effect of multiple clients
requesting the service. The analysis of the data is performed on the server data to obtain ASQ relations and models.
3. Methodology of Data Analysis and Modeling
The data from the experiment with the full set of 125 service conditions is used to uncover the relations of the
service activity parameters with the resource state variables and QoS performance variables collected from the
Windows performance object utility. The following statistical data analyses are carried out.
1) A-SQ relation discovery and categorization. For each state or QoS variable, the Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) in Statistica7 is performed with the three activity parameters of the sampling rate, the number of
clients, and the buffer size (A’s) as the independent variables and each state or QoS variable (S or Q) as the
dependent variable to determine the main and interaction effects of A’s on the S or Q variable. Each
independent variable has five levels. ANOVA determines if the main and interaction effects of the three
independent variables on the dependent variable are statistically significant. If a main or interaction effect is
statistically significant based on the ANOVA results, the Tukey’s honest significant difference (HSD) test in
Statistica7 is performed to determine how different levels of one or more activity parameters affect the state or
QoS variable. The qualitative A-S or A-Q relation of the activity parameters (A) with a state variable (S) or an
QoS variable (Q) is revealed from the Tukey’s HSD test results and is further categorized into a certain type of
A-SQ relations.
2) Development of the ASQ relation map. ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test results reveal the A-SQ relations.
Ye, Yau, Huang, Baydogan, Roontiva, Aranda, and Hurley
Among the S variables that appear in the A-SQ relations, we determine which of the S variables have direct
cause-effect relations with a given Q variable through an inference based on the design and operations of
computers and networks. The A-S relations and the S-Q relations are then captured in an ASQ relation map by
representing an A, S, or Q variable as a node and a relation as a directed link between nodes.
3) ASQ modeling. For each S or Q variable in the ASQ relation map, the qualitative A-S or S-Q relation
represented in the map is refined into a quantitative prediction model of the S variable from one or more A
variables or the Q variable from the related S variables. The Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS)
technique for nonlinear regression models [6] using the earth package in the R software ( is used to build a regression model for an A-S or S-Q relationship.
4. Results and Discussions
ANOVA for each of the state and QoS variables reveals 28 state and QoS variables which have at least one
significant main or interaction effect (with the p-value less than 0.05) of the three activity parameters. For each
significant main or interaction effect on each state or QoS variable, the Tukey’s HSD test is performed to determine
how different levels of one or more activity parameters affect the state or QoS variable. Using the Tukey’s test
results, the 28 state and QoS variables, which have at least one significant main or interaction effect based on the
ANOVA results, are grouped into the following five categories of the A-SQ relations. Table 2 lists the variables in
each category of the A-SQ relations. The variables in category 5 are likely affected by not only the voice
communication service but also system routine activities which together produce the inconsistent change pattern of
these variables with the service parameters of the voice communication service along with sophisticated interactions.
Hence, the variables in category 5 should not be considered as accurate measures of system state and QoS
performance that are directly or solely linked to the voice communication service. In summary, the 21 state and QoS
variables in Categories 1-4 are directly related to the voice communication service, and show four major categories
of the A-SQ relations.
Table 2: Five categories of A-SQ relations and the state and QoS variables in each category
State and QoS Variables
1. Increase with Sa and C and B
% Committed Bytes In
Committed Bytes_Memory
2. Increase with Sa and C, decrease
% Privileged Time_Process
% Processor Time_Process
with B
% User Time_Process
Context Switches/sec_System
Datagrams Sent/sec_UDP
Datagrams Sent/sec_IP
File Control
File Control Bytes/sec_System
Fragmented Datagrams/sec_IP
Fragments Created/sec_IP
IO Other Operations/sec_Process
IO Other Bytes/sec_Process
3. Increase with C, stable with Sa
Thread Count_Process
Page Faults/sec_Memory
except at one end, inverse-U change
with B
4. Decrease with Sa, C and B
Available Bytes_Memory
Available KBytes_Memory
Available MBytes_Memory
5. Inconsistent change with Sa, C
% Registry Quota In Use_System
Avg. Disk sec/Transfer_Physical
and B and sometimes strong
interaction of Sa, C and B
Datagrams Received
Processor Queue Length_System
Datagrams Received/sec_IP
Datagrams Received/sec_UDP
Page Faults/sec_Process
Among the 21 state and QoS variables, some variables present similar information. While summarizing the ASQ
relations into an ASQ relation map with each node representing a variable and a link representing a direct
relationship between two variables, we can keep only one variable among a group of variables that present similar
information. The following five state variables:
Ye, Yau, Huang, Baydogan, Roontiva, Aranda, and Hurley
• Committed Bytes_Memory
• % Processor Time_Process
• IO Other Operations/sec_Process
• Thread Count_Process
• Page Faults/sec_Memory,
and the following QoS variable:
• Fragments Created/sec_IP
are kept in the ASQ relation map (shown in Figure 1) and used for ASQ modeling.
Figure 1: The ASQ relation map
For each state variable in the ASQ relation map, we use the MARS technique to build a regression model to
represent the quantitative A-S relation of the three service parameters with the state variable. For the QoS variable,
we build a regression model to represent the quantitative S-Q relation of the five state variables with the QoS
variable. We denote the A variables, the sampling rate, the number of clients and the buffer size, by XS, XC, and XB,
respectively. The state variables, Commited Bytes_Memory, % Processor Time_process, IO Other
operations/sec_Process, Thread Count_Process, and Page Faults/sec_Memory, are represented by SCB, SPT, SIO, STC,
and SPF, respectively. The QoS variable, Fragments Created/sec_IP, is denoted by QFC. Table 3 summarizes the
results of the MARS regression models for AS and SQ relationships. The R-square values in Table 3 show that the
AS and SQ models fit the data well. The MARS model for Committed Bytes_Memory is shown below as an example
of AS models.
SCB = 498357996.5 + 240.35* max ( 0, X S − 132300 ) − 282.33* max ( 0,132300 − X S )
+14828753.24* max ( 0, X C − 2 ) − 14541707.34* max(0, 2 − X C ) − 86* max ( 0, 40960 − X B )
+101.32* max ( 0,132300 − X S ) * max ( 0, X C − 4 ) − 15.48* max ( 0,132300 − X S ) * max ( 0, 4 − X C )
+ 0.0055* max ( 0,88200 − X S ) * max ( 0, 40960 − X B ) + 71.06* max ( 0, 2 − X C ) * max ( 0, 40960 − X B )
+ 0.0033* max ( 0,88200 − X S ) * max ( 0, X C − 2 ) * max ( 0, 40960 − X B )
+ 0.0098* max ( 0,132300 − X S ) * max ( 0, X C − 4 ) * max ( 0, X B − 24576 )
+ 0.0153* max ( 0,132300 − X S ) * max ( 0, X C − 4 ) * max ( 0, 24576 − X B )
+ 0.01* max ( 0,132300 − X S ) * max ( 0, X C − 4 ) * max ( 0, X B − 32768 )
+ 0.0007 * max ( 0,132300 − X S ) * max ( 0, 4 − X C ) * max ( 0, 40960 − X B )
Table 3: A summary of MARS regression models for AS and SQ relations
S or Q Variable
Number of S or Q
Variables in the
Committed Bytes_Memory
% Processor Time_Process
IO Other Operations/sec_Process
Thread Count_Process
Page Faults/sec_Memory
Fragments Created/sec_IP
Ye, Yau, Huang, Baydogan, Roontiva, Aranda, and Hurley
5. Conclusions
This paper presents our methodologies of data collection, data analysis and data modeling to establish activity-stateQoS models for enabling QoS configuration and adaptation. We illustrate the methodology using the voice
communication service as a case study. In this case study, We uncover a number of state and QoS performance
variables that are significantly affected by the three service activity parameters of the sampling rate, the number of
clients and the buffer size, including Committed Bytes_Memory, % Processor Time_Process, IO Other
Operations/sec_Process, Thread Count_Process, Page Faults/sec_Memory, Fragments Created/sec_IP, and others.
We also reveal four major categories of the ASQ relations. The ASQ relations and the regression models defining
the quantitative ASQ relationships will be useful in predicting the change of QoS performance when initially
configuring and later adapting the service activity parameters, the resource capacity and the service-resource binding
to meet the QoS requirements. Although this case study is based on a communication-intensive voice
communication service, the experimental and analytical methodologies are applicable to investigating and
developing dynamics models of service activity, system state and QoS cause-effect dynamics for other computer and
network services.
This work is sponsored in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant number CCF-0725340 and in
part by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) under award number FA8750-08-2-0155. The U.S. government
is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright
annotation thereon. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be
interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either express or implied, of, NSF,
AFRL, or the U.S. Government. We would like to thank Professor Hessam Sarjoughian for his constructive
comments throughput this research.
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