Shock-driven mixing: Experimental design and initial conditions


A new Vertical Shock Tube (VST) has been designed to study shock-induced mixing due to the Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability (RMI) developing on a 3-D multi-mode interface between two gases. These studies characterize how interface contours, gas density difference, and Mach No. affect the ensuing mixing by using simultaneous measurements of velocity/density fields. The VST allows for the formation of a single stably-stratified interface, removing complexities of the dual interface used in prior RMI work. The VST also features a new diaphragmless driver, making feasible larger ensembles of data by reducing intra-shot time, and a larger viewing window allowing new observations of late-time mixing. The initial condition (IC) is formed by a co-flow system, chosen to minimize diffusion at the gas interface. To ensure statistically stationary ICs, a contoured nozzle has been manufactured to form repeatable co-flowing jets that are manipulated by a flapping splitter plate to generate perturbations that span the VST. This talk focuses on the design of the IC flow system and shows initial results characterizing the interface.

Shock-driven mixing: Experimental design and initial conditions Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1426, 1647 (2012); Published Online: 29 March 2012 Gavin Friedman, Katherine Prestridge, Ricardo Mejia-Alvarez, and Megan Leftwich ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN Experimental study of initial condition dependence on Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in the presence of reshock Physics of Fluids 24, 034103 (2012); Vortex deposition in shock-accelerated gas with particle/droplet seeding AIP Conference Proceedings 1426, 1651 (2012); Experimental validation of a Richtmyer–Meshkov scaling law over large density ratio and shock strength ranges Physics of Fluids 21, 126102 (2009); AIP Conference Proceedings 1426, 1647 (2012); © 2012 American Institute of Physics. 1426, 1647 SHOCK-DRIVEN MIXING: EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND INITIAL CONDITIONS Gavin Friedman∗ , Kathy Prestridge∗ , Ricardo Mejia-Alvarez∗ and Megan Leftwich∗ ∗ P-23, MS-H803, LANL, Los Alamos, NM 87545 Abstract. A new Vertical Shock Tube (VST) has been designed to study shock-induced mixing due to the Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability (RMI) developing on a 3-D multi-mode interface between two gases. These studies characterize how interface contours, gas density difference, and Mach No. affect the ensuing mixing by using simultaneous measurements of velocity/density fields. The VST allows for the formation of a single stably-stratified interface, removing complexities of the dual interface used in prior RMI work. The VST also features a new diaphragmless driver, making feasible larger ensembles of data by reducing intra-shot time, and a larger viewing window allowing new observations of late-time mixing. The initial condition (IC) is formed by a co-flow system, chosen to minimize diffusion at the gas interface. To ensure statistically stationary ICs, a contoured nozzle has been manufactured to form repeatable co-flowing jets that are manipulated by a flapping splitter plate to generate perturbations that span the VST. This talk focuses on the design of the IC flow system and shows initial results characterizing the interface. Keywords: Shock Waves, Interfacial Instabilities, Turbulence. PACS: 47.20.Ma, 47.40.Nm, 47.85.Dhm, 47.27.Cn. INTRODUCTION PAST EXPERIMENTAL WORK Shock waves in variable density applications greatly affect the resultant physics by inducing strong mixing forces at density inhomogenities, such as an interface between two fluids. At these inhomogenities, any local misalignment between the shock wave’s pressure gradient and density gradients leads to vorticity generation through baroclinic production. For the case of a fluid interface hit by a shock wave, this is classically described by the Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability (RMI), wherein any initial interface perturbation grows dramatically due to the vorticity deposited by the shock. In Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) applications. RMI and RMI-type instability growth occurs at the different interfaces seen by the ablation front within the target, any target imperfection acting as the initial perturbation seed for the growth of strong mixing and redistribution, resulting in lower energy yields [1]. To gain insight into the nature of this mixing, Horizontal Shock Tube (HST) experiments have been conducted at Los Alamos National Laboratory on an interface formed between heavy and light gases. The interface is formed by flowing a series of gravity-fed vertical jets of heavy gas across the shock tube, establishing a ’gas curtain’ interface between the jets of heavy gas and the quiescent air in the shock tube. The RMI mixing behvaior on this curtain has been explored by varying the initial interface wavelengths[2] and by varying the shock strength [3] To study these variations, simultaneous high resolution images of the density and velocity fields are captured at different post-shock times, using Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) respectively. PLIF is achieved by measuring the intensity of UV-excited fluorescence of acetone molecules seeded in the heavy gas, whereas PIV is achieved by assessing the average Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2011 AIP Conf. Proc. 1426, 1647-1650 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.3686602 2012 American Institute of Physics 978-0-7354-1006-0/$0.00 1647 displacement of a group of fog particles from one image to another. Figure 1 shows for a given postshock time a typical PLIF image, a single PIV image, and the resultant vector field of an analyzed pair of PIV images. Using these diagnostics simultaneously enables quantitative analysis of the mixing by empirically evaluating each and every term needed for compressible mixing statistics. FIGURE 1. (Middle) Simultaneous PLIF (top) and PIV Image NEW VERTICAL SHOCK TUBE FACILITY FIGURE 3. terfaces Gas Curtain creates two RMI-unstable In- ities to capture RMI behavior for 3D Initial Conditions using high resolution simultaneous PIV-PLIF. The Vertical Shock Tube can be seen in Fig. 2, surrounded by its extruded aluminium supports. The Vertical Shock Tube stands at 24 feet tall. The shock is formed at the top and travels down to the bottom where the light-heavy interface will be formed. The new VST boasts other experimental advantages over the previous HST. It has a larger crosssection (6"×6" vs. 3"×3") allowing for more modal content present per initial condition. Additionally, the shock tube is built to withstand pressures created by shock waves up to Mach 5. One of the primary advantages of going vertical is that a single interface can be readily formed since gravity naturally and stably stratifies the heavy fluid below the light. The horizontal ’gas curtain’ interface has dual interfaces complicating the physics (Fig. 3). For the vertical tube, an initial static interface can be formed by filling the bottom up until the desired interface height. Then perturbations are imposed onto this interface to create the final interface shape. A number of different methods in the past have been used for this final step for vertical tubes, ranging from shaking the tube [4] to creating standing waves with pistons [5]. A new method is chosen for the LANL VST using a horizontal coflow-flapper plate combination described in the next section. DYNAMIC INITIAL CONDITION FORMATION FIGURE 2. Vertical Shock Tube. A new Vertical Shock Tube (VST) has been designed with improved interface control and capabil- 1648 The use of static interface formation methods limit the scope of a characterization study. Current HST experiments use the static perturbation created by the inbuilt physical spacing of holes on the initial condition nozzle to create the amplitude and wavelengths of perturbations in the gas curtain. This one nozzle-one IC experimental setup limits characteri- repeatable flow controllers upstream. The exhaust is fitted with an adjustable fan, to match the rate of inflow and outflow in the test section. The coflow is then manipulated by a splitter plate connected to a stepper motor by a shaft to create direct transmission of the motor’s rotational motion (Fig. 4). The rotation creates modes in the streamwise direction. The splitter plate is shaped along its spanwise length with a sinusoidal trailing edge, to create modes in the spanwise direction. FIGURE 4. Splitter plate, situated at the initial condition nozzle’s exit, with spanwise modes built-in DIFFUSION zation studies to these discrete possibilities and does not allow for the continuous probing desired for a full characterization study. The VST is designed to have dynamic interface formation capabilities by controlling the variable pitch of a splitter plate separating a coflow of heavy and light gas jets. By controlling the frequency and amplitude of the splitter plate’s pitching motion, the interface’s spatial frequency and amplitude can be respectively controlled. The interface wavelength v scales like λ ∼ f f low . f lapper FIGURE 5. Side View of the Initial Condition Nozzle A repeatable flow system has been designed to minimize the flow uncertainty. A coflow of light and heavy gas rectangular jets, are flown in parallel across the shock tube once the heavy gas has filled the bottom of the tube up to the splitter plate height. The coflow is formed upstream of the splitter plate by aerodynamically-contoured divergingconverging nozzles, one for each gas, adapted from prior art wind tunnel designs [6, 7] (Fig. 5). Honeycomb and screens are placed after the diverging section to straighten and stabilize the flow. The converging section then has an area ratio of 9:1, which acts to damp out flow fluctuations, and creates a strong positive pressure gradient to prevent separation from occurring downstream. The nozzles are fed by highly 1649 Diffusion in RMI mixing strongly affects smaller wavelengths, damping them out. Duff et al. (1962) looked at the time evolution of a sinusoidal interface with diffusion [8]. This showed that the interface amplitude decayed, with shorter wavelengths decaying exponentially quicker. Brouilette & Sturtevant (1991) accounted for diffusion effects in RMI mixing semi-analytically with an ansatz form of the classic RMI mix width growth rate, containing an additional growth rate reduction factor [9]. The growth rate reduction factor was derived to and was shown experimentally to have a λδ scaling, again indicating that damping highly affects small wavelengths. √ Roughly speaking, the diffusion length scale (δ ∼ Dt) will define the smallest resolvable wavelength, D being the binary diffusion coefficient for the chosen gas combination. To resolve small wavelengths, small diffusion lengths and therefore small interface contact times are desired. Using a coflow system, the interface contact time can be controlled by changing the flow velocity. The contact time can be approximated as t ≃ VWtube and f low thus the diffusion  length scale for a coflow is approxtube imately. δ ≃ D∗W V f low . The diffusion length is plotted versus flow velocity for two different gas combinations in Fig. 6. Dotted lines show different integral wavelengths for the Vertical Shock Tube’s ∼ 15cm width. For an SF6-Air co-flow interface, to resolve 10 wavelengths across the test section, approximately 7 cm/s flow is required, and to resolve 20 wavelengths, a four-fold increase to 28 cm/s flow is required. FIGURE 6. FIGURE 7. Diffusion length decreases with increasing velocity for a coflow initial condition Static Interface viewed from the side. INITIAL RESULTS A static interface is shown in Fig. 7. Here SF6, seeded with fog particles is flown in parallel with Air from left to right, the exits of the converging section of the nozzles can be seen to the left and the entrance to the exhaust duct to the right. The two flow speeds are matched with an average velocity of 10 cm/s. REFERENCES 1. 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