In a marginal voice. From participatory to emancipatory research


Recent controversies about human rights and research ethics have put the issue of community and citizens' participation in research into the forefront. 1-2 As an illustration, amongst other qualms, researchers are concerned about the difficulty to recruit subjects for clinical trials, HIV vaccines being one of the representative areas of concern. 3 The recruitment process is heavily influenced by the degree of trust society has towards the scientific establishment, which has been severely challenged in current times. 4 Participatory research may be a way to recover social trust in the research process and the scientific enterprise by recognizing citizen's rights and worthiness, but other considerations are to be made referred to marginalized and oppressed people.

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Lancet 2005; 365:1119-1121. 4 For a comprehensive review of the trust conundrum see the book by Onora O’Neill: Autonomy and Trust in Bioethics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002. 5 Justo L, Erazun F, Villarreal J. La investigación participativa como derecho: ¿posibilidad o utopía? (Participatory Research as a Right: Possibility or Utopy?). Perspectivas Metodológicas 2004, Vol.4 No.4, 73-82. 6 Justo L. Participatory research: A way to reduce vulnerability. American Journal of Bioethics 2004; 4 (3): 18-19. 7 Duane N. Op. Cit. 8 Justo L, Erazun F. Consideraciones éticas acerca del tema de la salud: ¿consumidores o ciudadanos? (Ethical Considerations about the Health Issue: Consumers or Citizens?). In press. 9 Barnes C. ‘Emancipatory’ Disability Research: project or process? Centre for Disability Studies, Department of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds. Lecture, Glasgow, 2001. Access 1/15/2005. 10 Oliver M. 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Ownership, Control, Access, and Possession (OCAP) or Self-Determination Applied to Research: A Critical Analysis of Contemporary First Nations Research and Some Options for First Nations Communities. Quebec, 2003, First Nations Centre, National Aboriginal Health Organization. “There are significant pressures on researchers to complete their projects in a timely manner, publish extensively and for students to complete their theses and get their degrees before debt overwhelms them. These considerations are at cross-purposes with the requirements of ethical research”. 18 Bernstein R “La reestructuración de la teoría social y política”, Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Económica 1983. In English “The Restructuring of Social and Political Theory”, U. of Pennsylvania Press, 1978, pp. 1, 81, 150, 289-290. 19 Strasser C. La Razón Científica en Política y Sociología. 1977, Buenos Aires, Amorrortu, pp. 30-34. 20 Faulkner A. The ethics of survivor research. Guidelines for the ethical conduct of research carried out by mental health service users and survivors. Bristol, The Policy Press, 2004. 21 For confirmation “wonderfullynutty” says in a survivors mail-list “Yeah we are at about due a paradigm shift and boy are the conservative elements letting us know that we need to revolt because they aint gonna evolve from their profitable acquiescence”., access 5/14/04. 22 Oliver M. Op. cit. This perhaps is a reaction linked to some “overresearched” groups but, as research possible participants continue getting strenght by associating themselves, it may well extend. 23 Oliver M. Emancipatory Research: Realistic goal or impossible dream? in ‘Doing Disability Research’ 1997, Barnes C, Mercer G (eds), Leeds, The Disability Press, Ch.2, pp. 15-31. 24 See Australia: National Health & Medical Research Council. “Values and Ethics:Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research”. Canberra 2003. New Zealand Health Research Council of New Zealand “Ng Pou Rangahau Hauora Kia Whakapiki Ake Te Hauora M ori 2004 – 2008. The Health Research Strategy to Improve M ori Health and Well-being 2004 – 2008”. Auckland 2004. For Canada see (17).