Warsaw 2015
DOI: 10.11649/cs.2015.013
1 Department
2 School
of Computational Intelligence, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland
of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Canada
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Stylistic registers influence word usage. Both traditional dictionaries and wordnets
assign lexical units to registers, and there is a wide range of solutions. A system
of register labels can be flat or hierarchical, with few labels or many, homogeneous
or decomposed into sets of elementary features. We review the register label systems in lexicography, and then discuss our model, designed for plWordNet, a large
wordnet for Polish. There follows a detailed comparative analysis of several register systems in Polish lexical resources. We also present the practical effect of the
adoption of our flat, small and homogeneous system: a relatively high consistency
of register assignment in plWordNet, as measured by inter-annotator agreement
on a manageable sample. Large-scale conclusions for the whole plWordNet remain
to be made once the annotation has been completed, but the experience half-way
through this labour-intensive exercise is very encouraging.
Keywords: wordnets; plWordNet; lexical register; large-scale wordnet expansion;
inter-annotator agreement
1. Introduction
As many other wordnets, plWordNet is a lexical-semantic network which describes
lexical meaning, represented by lexical units,1 in terms of such lexico-semantic relations as, e.g., hypernymy, hyponymy, meronymy, antonymy, cause and precedence.
A wordnet implements the relational paradigm of lexical semantics. LUs are the
nodes in a network, i.e., a graph, and the relations define the arcs between pairs of
LUs. The network structure is meant to be the principal means for the description
of the LUs. Every LU u is characterised by its links (direct) to other LUs which are
next linked to further LUs (thus indirectly linked to u), and so on. The wordnet,
therefore, describes u by a graph around it, part of the complete network, and this
graph imposes restriction on the meaning of u. For example:
1 The
term lexical unit will be abbreviated to LU throughout this paper.
Marek Maziarz, Maciej Piasecki, & Stan Szpakowicz
• fura 4 ‘≈ (informal ) a good car’ is a hyponym of samochód osobowy 1 ‘a car’
which is a hyponym of samochód 1 ‘a motor vehicle’;
• bagażnik 1 ‘a luggage compartment’ is a meronym of samochód 1;
• gablota 2 ‘≈ (informal ) an expensive large car’ is a hyponym of samochód
osobowy 1;
• and so on.
From the links for ‘≈ (informal ) a good car’ we can learn that it is a kind of car
(which is a kind of vehicle and so on) and it can have parts such as a luggage
compartment. We notice, however, that it is a partial description: it does not
provide, e.g., a detailed description of situations in which a car can be used, who
can drive it and so on. This is an intended effect, because a wordnet is a compromise
between the formalisation and the coverage of the description. The wordnet is
formalised enough for many applications in Natural Language Engineering, but
at the same time its limited formalisation allows for relatively fast work on its
construction. As a result, wordnets are among the largest lexical-semantic resources
ever built. Their large size and wide coverage are important for their applications.
A hyponym, e.g., ‘≈ (informal ) a good car’ is more specific than its hypernym
‘a car’, so the latter can be used in most contexts in which the former is used. The
semantic opposition expressed by hyponymy does not explain, however, why the
former can be used in all contexts, including formal documents, while the latter
is more typical of private conversations or informal texts. This difference can be
traced back to the different styles of writing, and cannot be described by the lexicosemantic relations. That is because a style is not a lexical meaning, and cannot be
an element of a wordnet, which is a lexical-semantic network. We need a different
way of introducing limited pragmatic information into the description provided by
plWordNet and any wordnet in general.
Our goal is to investigate the use of stylistic registers as a means for expressing
selected pragmatic constraints on the lexical meaning described in a wordnet. We
want to find the best way of introducing the registers into the wordnet structure,
given that they are not relational by nature. We also want to develop a system of
stylistic registers for Polish to assist the consistent construction of plWordNet and
its future applications.
2. Register label systems in lexicography
Register is usually defined as a language variation stemming from situational characteristic of a communication act. According to Biber (2006):
“[Register is] any language variety defined by its situational characteristics, including the speaker’s purpose, the relationship between speaker
and hearer, and the production circumstances”.
Halliday (2002, p. 168) defines it thus:
“Register [is a] functional (diatopic) variation in language.”
This language variety includes many aspects of communication, among them formality (e.g., formal style), text type (e.g., literary, poetic), medium (e.g., spoken),
The System of Register Labels in plWordNet
technicality (e.g., terminology, jargon), frequency (e.g., rare), time (e.g., old-use,
archaic), attitude (e.g., vulgar, ironic), socio-cultural context (e.g., argot), normativity (e.g., non-standard ) or place (e.g., dialect, American English (Hausmann,
1989)). People can shift between these and many other registers. This style-shifting
is triggered by social pressure and requires a higher or lower “amount of attention
paid to speech”, with spoken colloquial style demanding the least (Milroy & Gordon, 2003). Incapability of such code-switching may be a sign of mental disorders,
such as autism (Lyons, 2013).
This extensive and multidimensional variability of language gathered under the
umbrella term of register (and others, like style (Eckert & Rickford, 2001)) may
evade precise definition. An example of such problems is the theoretical status of
dialect. Dialects are often allocated outside the register list, because of the assumption that one cannot switch from his dialect to the general language or to another
dialect in the same way as one jumps into one register from another (Biber & Conrad, 2009, pp. 11–13; Gregory, 1967; Halliday, 2002, pp. 168–169). This common
conviction appears to be debunked by research on code-switching, which proves
that a dialect could be switched in the same way as style (DeBose, 1992; Trudgill,
1999), and leads to a different register list (Svensén, 2009). Not only do lists of
registers vary from one publication to another, but also the boundaries between
register types are neither clear nor well established (Bowker, 2013, p. 48). Biber
and Conrad (2009, pp. 32–33) claim that the situation is somehow natural, since
registers are organised hierarchically and form a continuum; in fact the granularity
of register types depends on the researcher’s purpose, and on the scope of scientific
analysis (Biber & Conrad, 2009). Halliday (2002, p. 169) describes it thus:
“[Registers] are best thought of as spaces within which the speakers and
writers are moving; spaces that may be defined with varying depth of
focus (... the register of high school physics textbooks versus the register
of natural science), and whose boundaries are in any case permeable,
hence constantly changing and evolving.”
Multidimensional register systems are arranged into many scales with an unmarked/neutral central zone. For example, in Routledge Dictionary of Lexicography
we note the following scales (Hartmann & James, 2002, after Svensén, 2009):
• the emotiveness scale (“from ‘appreciative’ through neutral (the unmarked
zone) to ‘derogatory’ and ‘offensive’ ”):
• the formality scale (“from ‘elevated’ and ‘formal’ through neutral (the unmarked zone) to ‘informal’ and ‘intimate’ ”);
• the frequency of occurrence scale (“ranging from ‘very frequent’ to frequent
(the unmarked neutral zone) to ‘becoming rare’ and ‘very rare’ ”);
• the scale of indigenisation (“from ‘foreign’ and ‘borrowed’ through ‘assimilated’ to native (the unmarked neutral zone)”);
• the scale of textuality (“from ‘poetic’ to ‘conversational’, with the shared
neutral items remaining unmarked”);
• the diatopic scale / continuum (“from ‘local’ or ‘provincial’ dialects to ‘metropolitan’ and even ‘international’ varieties”, “[t]he neutral zone of the ‘home’
Marek Maziarz, Maciej Piasecki, & Stan Szpakowicz
variety (e.g., British English in a British dictionary or American English in
an American dictionary) may be left unmarked”);
• the diastratic scale (“from neutral (the unmarked zone) to ‘demotic’ or ‘slang’ ”);
• the dianormative scale (“from ‘correct’ (the unmarked neutral zone) to ‘substandard’ or ‘illiterate” ’).
The unmarked/neutral centre of all these scales is the general language (Atkins
& Rundell, 2008, p. 498). All other registers are described as marked.
A specific register may be described with regard to some single feature (Biber,
1995, ch. 1.3.1), but real-world registers are fairly complex and must be decomposed
in order to find out the underlying simple linguistic features (Maybin & Swann,
2009, pp. 64–65). Biber’s model, based on statistical analysis, includes five features
(Biber & Conrad, 2009):
‘involved production’ ↔ ‘informational production’,
‘narrative discourse’ ↔ ‘non-narrative discourse’,
‘elaborated reference’ ↔ ‘situation-dependent reference’,
‘overt expression of argumentation’,
‘impersonal style’ ↔ ‘non-impersonal style’.
Buttler and Markowski (1998) proposed an interesting three-dimensional model
of lexical registers. Three scales were used: technicality (±t), formality (±f ), and
expressiveness/emotiveness (±e). Here is the structure of each of the six registers
(Buttler & Markowski, 1998, p. 109):
common [−t, −f , −e],
literary [−t, +f , −e],
colloquial [−t, −f , +e],
terminological [+t, +f , −e],
professional [+t, −f , −e],
argot [+t, −f , +e].
Note that it is impossible in this model to combine features [+f ] with [+e], so
six rather than eight (23 ) possibilities are realised.
Registers are “ways of saying different things” (Halliday, 2002, p. 169), and involve different vocabulary (Biber, 2006). To mark a register of a given word/sense,
dictionaries use register labels (Svensén, 2009). Register label systems mirror register models, so the difficulties with precise register definitions become a problem
for lexicography (Engelking, Markowski, & Weiss, 1989, p. 300).
Indeed, not only is there no consensus what register label system to adopt, but
also the very same registers are marked inconsistently (Svensén, 2009, p. 316):
“Different dictionaries may use different labels, and the categories represented by the labels may have different ranges in different dictionaries.
Moreover, there may be differences in labelling practice, so that, in one
dictionary, fewer or more lexical items are regarded as formal or informal, correct or incorrect, etc., than in another one (Haussman 1989:
The System of Register Labels in plWordNet
It is not difficult to find such discrepancies in dictionaries. Let us compare
the descriptions of three most frequent senses of the word clone in Cambridge
Dictionaries Online (CDO) (Heacock, 1995–2011) and in Oxford Dictionaries (OE)
(Simpson, 2013):2
1. General register ‘a plant or animal that has the same genes as the original
from which it was produced’ (CDO) / Biology ‘an organism or cell, or group
of organisms or cells, produced asexually from one ancestor or stock, to which
they are genetically identical’ (OE);
2. Informal ‘someone or something that is very similar to someone or something
else’ (CDO) / General register ‘A person or thing regarded as an exact
copy of another’ (OE);
3. Computing ‘a computer that operates in a very similar way to the one that
it was copied from’ (CDO) / General register ‘a computer designed to
simulate exactly the operation of another, typically more expensive, model’
Clearly, the same state of affairs is present in Polish lexicography (Kurkiewicz,
2007, pp. 29–30; Engelking et al., 1989). In Dubisz (2006), for example, the register
system includes over a hundred register labels organised hierarchically, while in
Kurkiewicz (2007) the list is shorter.
We prefer to keep the whole system simple. We agree with the editors of the
Great Polish Dictionary that “it is better to give less information but base it on
reasonably clear criteria” (Kurkiewicz, 2007, p. 30). The next section presents a
new system of register labels prepared for plWordNet, very small, well defined,
non-hierarchical and with single labels rather than label sequences.
3. A model of register labels in plWordNet
A higher number of stylistic registers allows for more fine-grained distinctions, but
it makes assigning LUs to registers more difficult. Inconsistencies between the
decisions of different linguists are likely. The similarities among registers are not
apparent in a flat structure. A hierarchy of registers could be introduced in order
to express generalisations over registers (e.g., specialist registers distinguished but
grouped together), but such a solution would only be feasible if there were more
registers. The question arises, then, whether a larger number of registers is really
needed for plWordNet (or any wordnet, for that matter).
We aim to maintain the high consistency in applying register labels to LUs, so
we have decided to build our system only on 11 registers. In order to facilitate
the process, the register labels have been arranged into a decision tree presented
in Figure 1. A plWordNet editor, in a series of substitution tests, assesses the
acceptability of the instances of test expressions. The tree guides her to the final
choice of a lexical register label. We will show in section 4 how this ascetic system
of registers allows the editors to work with a fair degree of consistency.
2 Curiously, the dictionaries disagree on the register labels for all three senses, despite the
proximity of Cambridge and Oxford. . .
Marek Maziarz, Maciej Piasecki, & Stan Szpakowicz
used mainly
by scientists?
from a slang or argot?
used only in
used only in communication with
state institutions?
suitable for official situations?
emotionally marked?
vulgar coarse colloquial
unsuitable for
common situations
Figure 1: The decision tree for register assignment. The tests for three emotive
labels have been conflated.
The System of Register Labels in plWordNet
Registers can be represented — at least for the purpose of analysis — as bundles
of primitive semantic features. We consider technicality (±t), formality (±f ), three
levels of expressiveness/emotiveness (according to Engelking et al. (1989): + + +e,
+ + e, +e, −e), the status of LU users’ community (is it open or closed, like in
subcultures, ±s), an exclusively literary character of a LU (±l), the possibility of
using a LU in everyday situation (±u), and a bureaucratic character of a LU (±b).
The system we have designed includes the following registers:
• non-standard — we use this register label to mark incorrect but very frequent LUs;
• obsolete — this label marks LUs which are outdated, typically used only
by the elderly or (rarely) middle-aged people, as well as in old literature;
• regional — LUs from a dialect, well known to (but not used by) almost all
• terminological [+t] — LUs used by specialists, scientists, engineers, and
generally professionals;
• argot/slang [−t, +s] — LUs used by a particular closed social group or a
small community;
• literary [−t, −s,+l], [−t, −s,−l, +f , −b, −u] — this label marks high-style
vocabulary, especially LUs used only in literature or in speeches;
• official [−t, −s, −l, +f , +b] — LUs used on official and formal occasions,
mainly in the communication between citizens and representatives of state
• vulgar [−t, −s, −l, −f , + + +e] — crude vocabulary, LUs with very restricted acceptable usage;
• coarse [−t, −s, −l, −f , + + e] — LUs which might be used in a familiar
context, but normally not acceptable in other situations;
• colloquial [−t, −s, −l, −f , +e] — vocabulary used informally, in a free
style, but with low acceptability in official situations;
• general [−t, −s,−l, +f , −b, +u], [−t, −s, −l, −f , −e] — LUs which could
be used virtually in every situation (are common within all styles).
Registers in plWordNet have an important role in shaping the structure of the
graph of lexico-semantic relations. In the case of LUs in different registers, we
must consider the compatibility of their registers before linking them by a relation,
e.g., hyponymy/hypernymy, and thus deciding how they are to be grouped into one
We follow three rules when we link LUs by hyponymy/hypernymy:
1. LU u1 in the register obsolete, regional, argot or non-standard may
be a hypernym of LU u2 if and only if u2 is in exactly the same register.4
2. LU u1 in the register vulgar or coarse may be a hypernym of LU u2 if and
only if u2 is either in vulgar or in coarse.5
3 Such
language develops around any bureaucracy.
of these registers shows affinity only for itself.
5 There is affinity between vulgar and coarse.
4 Each
Marek Maziarz, Maciej Piasecki, & Stan Szpakowicz
3. The remaining registers may be linked by hyponymy without restrictions.
Synonymy in plWordNet is captured as bidirectional hyponymy (Maziarz, Piasecki, & Szpakowicz, 2013), so very similar rules apply to synomy as well; Table 1
shows the exceptions.
Table 1: Registers allowed in the same synset (+), and those not allowed (−).
coll. gen. lit. off. term.
4. Inter-annotator agreement and statistics
At the end of 2013, we constructed the first set of ten register labels. The set was
tested and proven useful (Maziarz, Piasecki, Rudnicka, & Szpakowicz, 2014). We
then added the 11th register, non-standard, for the LUs very frequent in Polish
but assumed to be incorrect in normative dictionaries. We also conducted a survey.
Two of the plWordNet editors applied registers from our set to a random sample of
385 noun LUs taken from plWordNet. The editors were professional linguists, but
they had not been trained in register label recognition; they took their guidelines
from the decision tree. The distribution of their choices is presented in Table 2; it
also shows the statistics of register usage in the newest version of plWordNet (the
column ‘plWN 2015’).
The inter-annotator agreement was determinied by the Cohen’s kappa coefficient: the overall agreement was κ = 0.647 with the confidence interval 0.586-0.722.6
According to Landis and Koch (1977, p. 165), the confidence interval covers four
values of agreement strength: fair – moderate – substantial – almost perfect. We
also give kappa values for individual register labels.
A generous rule of thumb in computational linguistics says that only κ ≥ 0.8
guarantees reliable results, and κ in 0.67–0.8 is tolerable.7 Our result was at the
border of the tolerable interval of lower κ (in the terms of confidence intervals).
As one can notice, the agreement values between the two annotators were quite
good for very frequent registers (terminology: κ = 0.78, general register:
6 The confidence interval was calculated by a simple percentile bootstrap method (DiCiccio
& Efron, 1996; DiCiccio & Romano, 1988) suitable for Cohen’s κ (Artstein & Poesio, 2008),
n = 10000 resamplings, α = 0.05.
7 Reidsma and Carletta (2007) show that this rule of thumb does not always work. Sometimes
lower κ makes the results reliable, sometimes even κ ≥ 0.8 does not suffice. That is why in Maziarz
et al. (2014) applied to the data a non-parametric test for independence. It proved that neither
linguist had a bias. In this paper we also give κ for every category, as suggested in Reidsma and
Carletta (2007), so as to inspect the behaviour of agreement across the registers.
The System of Register Labels in plWordNet
Table 2: Inter-rater agreement of two annotators assigning register labels to nouns
from plWordNet in 2013, and the frequencies of choices of linguists F #1 and F #2.
The label non-standard was added in 2014. The column ‘plWN 2015’ contains
data from the beginning of 2015.
marking label
Cohen’s κ F #1
F #2
plWN 2015
42% 146
52 164
28% 113
26 242
2 875
3 372
2 095
385 100%
89 040
385 100%
κ = 0.60), and literary: κ = 0.62, but lower for less frequent ones (colloquial:
κ = 0.52, and obsolete: κ = 0.56).8
The confidence intervals would be narrower if we reduced the number of registers
from 11 to 6, having gathered compatible registers into broader bins — see Table 3
and Maziarz et al. (2014). By compatible we mean registers with similar definitions
(Section 3) and close in the decision tree (Figure 1). After this reduction, the overall
κ = 0.72 with a good confidence interval of κ ∈ (0.657, 0.785). Now all the most
frequent registers have sufficiently good kappa values (terminology ∼ argot ∼
official: κ = 0.77, general ∼ literary ∼ colloquial: κ = 0.71).9
With this register labelling system, we began to annotate plWordNet systematically (the column ‘plWN 2015’ in Table 2). At the time of this writing, 55% of
all noun LUs have been assigned registers. We were adding to plWordNet terminological multi-word LUs (mainly from the humanities, social sciences and biology),
so the terminology register is overrepresented in the column ‘plWN 2015’. Even
such an unbalanced but very large sample, however, re-enacts the lead pattern visible in the smaller random sample (‘F #1’ and ‘F #2’): terminology is the most
frequent register, followed by the general, literary, colloquial and obso8 Other registers were too rare to give meaningful values of κ (the confidence intervals were
very broad), but we proved statistically that κ > 0 for all registers except official.
9 This result shows that disagreements are located in the close neighbourhood in our decision
tree (since registers were combined according to their proximity in the tree).
Marek Maziarz, Maciej Piasecki, & Stan Szpakowicz
Table 3: Inter-rater agreement of two annotators assigning register labels to nouns
from plWordNet in 2013, and the frequencies of choices of linguists F #1 and F #2.
The expanded five-label system equates compatible labels, as described in Maziarz
et al. (2014). The label non-standard was added in 2014. The column ‘plWN
2015’ contains data from the beginning of 2015.
marking label
Cohen’s κ F #1
% F #2
plWN 2015
44% 152
53 178
49% 220
32 489
2 095
vulgar ∼ coarse
385 100% 385 100%
89 040
terminology ∼ argot
∼ official
general ∼ literary
∼ colloquial
lete. Other registers are very rare, summing at most to 2.6% in ‘plWN 2015’ and
‘F #2’ samples and up to 5.5% in ‘F #1’.
This high frequency of the terminology register is probably a common feature of
large dictionaries. In the third volume of Doroszewski (1958–1962, letters H –K ),
terminology is the most frequent of all registers (Buttler & Markowski, 1998, pp.
110, 121):10
“First of all, scanty number of lexemes of all three types [i.e., general
register – literary – colloquial] is striking as compared to the overall
number of dictionary entries. It is settled by the huge amount of terminological and crypto-terminological units in lexical content of the
From Buttler & Markowski’s analysis of Doroszewski (1958–1962) we know that
in vocabulary housed in this dictionary the second rank goes to the obsolete register
(2460 occurrences, or 16%, in the 3rd volume). This is so, because Doroszewski’s
dictionary contains many words from the 19th century and the second half of the
18th century (Piotrowski, 2001, p. 86). (In comparison with this number, it is clear
that plWordNet is a par excellence contemporary Polish dictionary with its 2% of
old-use vocabulary.) Then the most frequent are general register (called common
by Buttler & Markowski, only 546 occurrences, 371 nominal senses among them),
colloquial (216 occurrences, 160 nominal senses) and literary (112, including 58
nominal senses). The proportions of the three lexical layers are shown in Figure 2.
10 Note that Buttler & Markowski used to apply their own labels to many words from
Doroszewski, according to their register model.
The System of Register Labels in plWordNet
general (common) register
Buttler & Markowski
Figure 2: Relative frequencies of three register labels — general, colloquial and
literary — in plWordNet, and in Doroszewski (1958–1962) as analysed by Buttler
and Markowski (1998).
Both from Buttler & Markowski and from plWordNet we get the same pattern: the
most frequent of the three is the general register, followed by the colloquial and the
In Dubisz (2006), the terminology register is also the most common (Table 4,
50%), while the obsolete register is far less frequent (only 3%), as in plWordNet.11
As we can see from Table 4, the literary, colloquial and general registers are the
most frequent ones after terminology.
Putting aside the statistics of terminology and old-use vocabulary, we may focus
on three registers which play an important role in the lexical system, i.e., the general
(or common) register, the literary register and the colloquial register (Buttler &
Markowski, 1998). The distribution of the registers is different in plWordNet and
in Buttler & Markowski’s model, and that is due to the difference in definitions
(Figure 3).
Buttler and Markowski (1998) define the general register with the triple [−t, −f ,
−e] (Section 2), while in our decision tree (Section 3) the register gets the following
feature configurations: [−t, −s, −l, +f , −b, +u], [−t, −s, −l, −f , −e]. Because
of the semantic feature +f in the former set, the general register of plWordNet
has a broader meaning than the common register of Buttler & Markowski. The
authors estimate the total population of the common vocabulary at around 5000
11 The statistics were taken randomly from the dictionary. In the sample of 122 nouns (192
senses) we found 74 unique labels, including 26 complex labels (25 twofold and 1 threefold). Of
those 74 labels, 51 represent terminological subregisters, 7 — colloquial, 6 — argot, 4 — literary,
2 — the general register, 2 — the regional register, and 1 each — coarse and official. We have
transformed the data into a simpler set, taking into account only the superordinate registers.
Marek Maziarz, Maciej Piasecki, & Stan Szpakowicz
Table 4: Register frequencies in a small sample of 122 nouns from Dubisz (2006),
192 senses in total.
Register label Frequency
LUs (ca. 500 LUs × 11 volumes) (Buttler & Markowski, 1998, p. 110). This is
much less than in plWordNet: 26 000 in 55% of plWordNet’s vocabulary.
The colloquial registers also differ in Doroszewski (1958–1962) and plWordNet.
According to Buttler and Markowski (1998) the colloquial register receives the
feature set [−t, −f , +e]. In plWordNet, the colloquial register is simply one of
the three registers marked with emotiveness (together with vulgar and coarse).
Since we single out three levels on the emotiveness scale [+++e], [++e], [+e], in this
case the Buttler and Markowski register has a broader meaning than plWordNet’s
colloquial. The literary registers are defined following Buttler and Markowski:
[−t, +f , −e], plWordNet: [−t, −s, +l], [−t, −s,−l, +f , −b, −u].
The definitions of the literary registers are also different (Figure 2), mainly
because Buttler & Markowski’s model disallows features [+e], [+ + e], [+ + e]
together with [+f ].
5. Concluding remarks
We have proposed an innovative system of stylistic registers for plWordNet, a large
Polish wordnet. The system has only 11 registers, is non-hierarchical and always
assigns one label to a LU. We have designed a procedure which helps plWordNet
editors assign a register label to a given LU. The procedure is summarised in a
decision tree accompanied by substitution tests. The editors consult the complete
guidelines online.12
The register labels significantly affect the structure of plWordNet, because hyponymy/hypernymy and synonymy only link LUs whose registers show affinity for
each other.
The System of Register Labels in plWordNet
Buttler & Markowski (1998)
1 – literary
3 – general (common)
2 – null
4b colloquial
1 – general & literary
3 – general
2 – general & literary
4a – colloquial
4b – coarse
4c – vulgar
Figure 3: Differences in the definitions of the general register and the colloquial
and literary registers between Buttler and Markowski (1998) and plWordNet with
regard to the register scales of formality {−f , +f } and emotiveness {−e, +e, ++ e,
+++e}. The plWordNet general register has a broader extension than the common
register in Buttler & Markowski’s model, while their colloquial register is a superordinate term for colloquial — coarse — vulgar in plWordNet. Field 2 is a forbidden
area in their model: that is why the literary registers have different definitions.
All definitions from plWordNet were “translated” into the semantic description language of Buttler & Markowski; we had to project our multidimensional definitions
onto a two-dimensional description in terms of formality and emotiveness.
We have examined the consistency of the procedure and found it reasonable.
We measure it as inter-annotator agreement, obtaining sufficiently high values of
Cohen’s kappa. Bundling three groups of compatible labels gives a system with
only six categories, and the kappa values for that system are even higher.
Finally, we have compared the statistics: plWordNet half-way through a complete annotation; the Universal Dictionary of Polish; and Buttler & Markowski’s
model. The distribution of labels is fairly similar, but details differ due to the
differences in the underlying register systems.
Marek Maziarz, Maciej Piasecki, & Stan Szpakowicz
Artstein, R. & Poesio, M. (2008). Inter-coder agreement for computational linguistics. Computational Linguistics, 34 (4), 555–596.
Atkins, B. T. S. & Rundell, M. (2008). The Oxford guide to practical lexicography. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
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This work was supported by a grant from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher
Education, a program in support of scientific units involved in the development of
a European research infrastructure for the humanities and social sciences in the
scope of the consortia CLARIN ERIC and ESS-ERIC, 2015–2016.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
The authors’ contribution was as follows: concept of the study: Marek Maziarz, Maciej Piasecki,
Stan Szpakowicz; data analyses: Marek Maziarz, Maciej Piasecki, Stan Szpakowicz; the writing:
Marek Maziarz, Maciej Piasecki, Stan Szpakowicz.
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© The Authors 2015
Publisher: Institute of Slavic Studies, PAS, University of Silesia & The Slavic Foundation