Learning Semantic Relations from Text

2011, Studies in Computational Intelligence

Learning Semantic Relations from Text Preslav Nakov1 , Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha2 , Vivi Nastase3 , Stan Szpakowicz4 1 Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU 2 Vocal IQ 3 Fondazione Bruno Kessler 4 University of Ottawa Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Outline 1 Introduction 2 Semantic Relations 3 Features 4 Supervised Methods 5 Unsupervised Methods 6 Embeddings 7 Wrap-up Learning Semantic Relations from Text 2 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Outline 1 Introduction 2 Semantic Relations 3 Features 4 Supervised Methods 5 Unsupervised Methods 6 Embeddings 7 Wrap-up Learning Semantic Relations from Text 3 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Motivation The connection is indispensable to the expression of thought. Without the connection, we would not be able to express any continuous thought, and we could only list a succession of images and ideas isolated from each other and without any link between them. [Tesnière, 1959] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 4 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings What Is It All About? Opportunity and Curiosity find similar rocks on Mars. Learning Semantic Relations from Text 5 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings What Is It All About? explorer_of Mars rover is_a is_a Opportunity and Curiosity find similar rocks on Mars. located_on Learning Semantic Relations from Text 5 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings What Is It All About? (1) Semantic relations matter a lot connect up entities in a text together with entities make up a good chunk of the meaning of that text are not terribly hard to recognize Learning Semantic Relations from Text 6 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings What Is It All About? (2) Semantic relations between nominals matter even more in practice are the target for knowledge acquisition are key to reaching the meaning of a text their recognition is fairly feasible Learning Semantic Relations from Text 6 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Historical Overview (1) Capturing and describing world knowledge Artistotle’s Organon includes a treatise on Categories objects in the natural world are put into categories called τ ὰ λεγóµενα (ta legomena, things which are said) organization based on the class inclusion relation then, for 20 centuries: other philosophers some botanists, zoologists in the 1970s: realization that a robust Artificial Intelligence (AI) system needs the same kind of knowledge capture and represent knowledge: machine-friendly intersection with language: inevitable Learning Semantic Relations from Text 7 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Historical Overview (2) Indian linguistic tradition Pān.ini’s As.t.ādhyāyı̄ rules describing the process of generating a Sanskrit sentence from a semantic representation semantics is conceptualized in terms of kārakas, semantic relations between events and participants, similar to semantic roles covers noun-noun compounds comprehensively from the perspective of word formation, but not semantics later, commentators such as Kātyāyana and Patañjali: compounding is only supported by the presence of a semantic relation between entities Learning Semantic Relations from Text 7 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Historical Overview (3) Ferdinand de Saussure Course in General Linguistics [de Saussure, 1959] taught 1906-1911; published in 1916 Learning Semantic Relations from Text 7 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Historical Overview (4) Ferdinand de Saussure Course in General Linguistics: two types of relations which “correspond to two different forms of mental activity, both indispensable to the workings of language” syntagmatic relations hold in context associative (paradigmatic) relations come from accumulated experience BUT no explicit list of relations was proposed Learning Semantic Relations from Text 7 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Historical Overview (5) Ferdinand de Saussure Syntagmatic relations hold between two or more terms in a sequence in praesentia, in a particular context: “words as used in discourse, strung together one after the other, enter into relations based on the linear character of languages – words must be arranged consecutively in a spoken sequence. Combinations based on sequentiality may be called syntagmas.” Learning Semantic Relations from Text 7 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Historical Overview (6) Ferdinand de Saussure Associative (paradigmatic) relations come from accumulated experience and hold in absentia: “Outside the context of discourse, words having something in common are associated together in the memory. [. . . ] All these words have something or other linking them. This kind of connection is not based on linear sequence. It is a connection in the brain. Such connections are part of that accumulated store which is the form the language takes in an individual’s brain.” Learning Semantic Relations from Text 7 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Historical Overview (7) Syntagmatic vs. paradigmatic relations [Harris, 1987]: frequently occurring instances of syntagmatic relations may become part of our memory, thus becoming paradigmatic [Gardin, 1965]: instances of paradigmatic relations are derived from accumulated syntagmatic data This reflects current thinking on relation extraction from open texts. Learning Semantic Relations from Text 7 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Historical Overview (8) Predicate logic [Frege, 1879] inherently relational formalism e.g., the sentence “Google buys YouTube.” is represented as buy(Google, YouTube) Learning Semantic Relations from Text 7 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Historical Overview (9) Neo-Davidsonian logic representation additional variables represent the event or relation it can thus be explicitly modified and subject to quantification ∃e InstanceOfBuying(e) ∧ agent(e, Google) ∧ patient(e, YouTube) or perhaps ∃e InstanceOf(e, Buying) ∧ agent(e, Google) ∧ patient(e, YouTube) existential graphs [Peirce, 1909] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 7 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Historical Overview (10) The dual nature of semantic relations in logic: predicates used in AI to support knowledge-based agents and inference in graphs: arcs connecting concepts used in NLP to represent factual knowledge thus, mostly binary relations in ontologies as the target in IE ... Learning Semantic Relations from Text 7 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Historical Overview (11) The rise of reasoning systems [McCarthy, 1958]: logic-based reasoning, no language early NLP systems with semantic knowledge [Winograd, 1972]: interactive English dialogue system [Charniak, 1972]: understanding children’s stories conceptual shift from the “shallow” architecture of primitive conversation systems such as ELIZA [Weizenbaum, 1966] large-scale hand-crafted ontologies Cyc OpenMind Common Sense MindPixel FreeBase – truly large-scale Learning Semantic Relations from Text 7 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Historical Overview (12) At the cross-roads between knowledge and language [Spärck-Jones, 1964]: lexical relations found in a dictionary can be learned automatically from text [Quillian, 1962]: semantic network a graph in which meaning is modelled by labelled associations between words vertices are concepts onto which words in a text are mapped connections – relations between such concepts WordNet [Fellbaum, 1998] 155,000 words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) a dozen semantic relations, e.g., synonymy, antonymy, hypernymy, meronymy Learning Semantic Relations from Text 7 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Historical Overview (13) Automating knowledge acquisition learning ontological relations is-a [Hearst, 1992] part-of [Berland & Charniak, 1999] bootstrapping [Patwardhan & Riloff, 2007; Ravichandran & Hovy, 2002] open relation extraction no pre-specified list/type of relations learn patterns about how relations are expressed, e.g., POS [Fader&al., 2011] paths in a syntactic tree [Ciaramita&al., 2005] sequences of high-frequency words [Davidov & Rappoport, 2008] hard to map to “canonical” relations Learning Semantic Relations from Text 7 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Why Should We Care about Semantic Relations? Relation learning/extraction can help building knowledge repositories text analysis NLP applications Information Extraction Information Retrieval Text Summarization Machine Translation Question Answering Paraphrasing Recognizing Textual Entailment Thesaurus Construction Semantic Network Construction Word-Sense Disambiguation Language Modelling Learning Semantic Relations from Text 8 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Example Application: Information Retrieval [Cafarella&al., 2006] list all X list all X list all X hull list all X list all X such that X causes cancer such that X is part of an automobile engine such that X is material for making a submarine’s such that X is a type of transportation such that X is produced from cork trees Learning Semantic Relations from Text 9 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Example Application: Statistical Machine Translation [Nakov, 2008] if the SMT system knows that oil price hikes is translated to Portuguese as aumento nos preços do petróleo note: this is hard to get word-for-word! if we further interpret/paraphrase oil price hikes as hikes in oil prices hikes in the prices of oil ... then we can use the same fluent Portuguese translation for the paraphrases Learning Semantic Relations from Text 10 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Outline 1 Introduction 2 Semantic Relations 3 Features 4 Supervised Methods 5 Unsupervised Methods 6 Embeddings 7 Wrap-up Learning Semantic Relations from Text 11 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Two Perspectives on Semantic Relations explorer_of Mars rover is_a is_a Opportunity and Curiosity find similar rocks on Mars. located_on Relations between concepts . . . arise from, and capture, knowledge about the world Relations between nominals . . . arise from, and capture, particular events/situations expressed in texts Learning Semantic Relations from Text 12 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Two Perspectives on Semantic Relations explorer_of Mars rover is_a is_a Opportunity and Curiosity find similar rocks on Mars. located_on Relations between concepts . . . arise from, and capture, knowledge about the world . . . can be found in texts! Relations between nominals . . . arise from, and capture, particular events/situations expressed in texts . . . can be found using information from knowledge bases Learning Semantic Relations from Text 12 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings [Casagrande & Hale, 1967] Asked speakers of an exotic language to give definitions for a given list of words, then extracted 13 relations from these definitions. Relation attributive function operational exemplification synonymy provenience circularity contingency spatial comparison class inclusion antonymy grading Example toad - small ear - hearing shirt - wear circular - wheel thousand - ten hundred milk - cow X is defined as X lightning - rain tongue - mouth wolf - coyote bee - insect low - high Monday - Sunday Learning Semantic Relations from Text 13 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings [Chaffin & Hermann, 1984] Asked humans to group instances of 31 semantic relations. Found five coarser classes. Relation Example constrasts similars class inclusion night - day car - auto vehicle - car part-whole case relations airplane - wing – agent, instrument Learning Semantic Relations from Text 13 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Semantic Relations in Noun Compounds (1) Noun compounds (NCs) Definition: sequences of two or more nouns that function as a single noun, e.g., silkworm olive oil healthcare reform plastic water bottle colon cancer tumor suppressor protein Learning Semantic Relations from Text 14 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Semantic Relations in Noun Compounds (2) Properties of noun compounds Encode implicit relations: hard to interpret taxi driver is ‘a driver who drives a taxi’ embassy driver is ‘a driver who is employed by/drives for an embassy’ embassy building is ‘a building which houses, or belongs to, an embassy’ Abundant: cannot be ignored cover 4% of the tokens in the Reuters corpus Highly productive: cannot be listed in a dictionary 60% of the NCs in BNC occur just once Learning Semantic Relations from Text 14 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Semantic Relations in Noun Compounds (3) Noun compounds as a microcosm: representation issues reflect those for general semantic relations voluminous literature on their semantics two complementary perspectives linguistic: find the most comprehensive explanatory representation NLP: select the most useful representation for a particular application computationally tractable giving informative output to downstream systems Learning Semantic Relations from Text 14 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Semantic Relations in Noun Compounds (4) Do the relations in noun compounds come from a small closed inventory? In other words, is there a (reasonably) small set of relations which could cover completely what occurs in texts in the vicinity of (simple) noun phrases? affirmative: most linguists early descriptive work [Grimm, 1826; Jespersen, 1942; Noreen, 1904] generative linguistics [Levi, 1978; Li, 1971; Warren, 1978] negative: some linguists e.g., [Downing, 1977] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 14 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings [Warren, 1978] (1) Relations arising from a comprehensive study of the Brown corpus: a four-level hierarchy of relations six major semantic relations Relation Example Possession Location Purpose Activity-Actor Resemblance family estate water polo water bucket crime syndicate cherry bomb Constitute clay bird Learning Semantic Relations from Text 15 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings [Warren, 1978] (2) A four-level hierarchy of relations L1: Constitute L2: L2: L2: Source-Result Result-Source Copula L3: Adjective-Like_Modifier L3: Subsumptive L3: Attributive L4: Animate_Head (e.g., girl friend) L4: Inanimate_Head (e.g., house boat) Learning Semantic Relations from Text 15 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings [Levi, 1978] (1) Relations (Recoverable Deletable Predicates) which underlie all compositional non-nominalized compounds in English RDP CAUSE1 CAUSE2 HAVE1 HAVE2 MAKE1 MAKE2 USE BE IN FOR FROM ABOUT Example tear gas drug deaths apple cake lemon peel silkworm snowball steam iron soldier ant field mouse horse doctor olive oil price war Role object subject object subject object subject object object object object object object Traditional name causative causative possessive/dative possessive/dative productive/composit. productive/composit. instrumental essive/appositional locative purposive/benefactive source/ablative topic Learning Semantic Relations from Text 15 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up [Levi, 1978] (2) Nominalizations Act Product Agent Patient Subjective parental refusal clerical errors — student inventions Objective dream analysis musical critique city planner — Multi-modifier city land acquisition student course ratings — — Problem: spurious ambiguity horse doctor is for (RDP) horse healer is agent (nominalization) Learning Semantic Relations from Text 15 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings [Vanderwende, 1994] Relation Subject Object Locative Time Possessive Whole-Part Part-Whole Equative Instrument Purpose Material Causes Caused-by Question Who/what? Whom/what? Where? When? Whose? What is it part of? What are its parts? What kind of? How? What for? Made of what? What does it cause? What causes it? Example press report accident report field mouse night attack family estate duck foot daisy chain flounder fish paraffin cooker bird sanctuary alligator shoe disease germ drug death Learning Semantic Relations from Text 15 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Desiderata for Building a Relation Inventory 1 2 3 4 5 6 the inventory should have good coverage relations should be disjoint, and should each describe a coherent concept the class distribution should not be overly skewed or sparse the concepts underlying the relations should generalize to other linguistic phenomena the guidelines should make the annotation process as simple as possible the categories should provide useful semantic information (adapted from [Ó Séaghdha, 2007]) Learning Semantic Relations from Text 15 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings [Ó Séaghdha, 2007] BE (identity, substance-form, similarity) HAVE (possession, condition-experiencer, property-object, part-whole, group-member) IN (spatially located object, spatially located event, temporarily located object, temporarily located event) ACTOR (participant-event, participant-participant) INST (participant-event, participant-participant) ABOUT (topic-object, topic-collection, focus-mental activity, commodity-charge) e.g., tax law is topic-object, crime investigation is focus-mental activity, and they both are also ABOUT. Learning Semantic Relations from Text 15 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings [Barker & Szpakowicz, 1998] An inventory of 20 semantic relations. Relation Agent Beneficiary Cause Container Content Destination Equative Instrument Located Location Material Object Example student protest student price exam anxiety printer tray paper tray game bus player coach laser printer home town lab printer water vapor horse doctor Relation Possessor Product Property Purpose Result Source Time Topic Example company car automobile factory blue car concert hall cold virus north wind morning class safety standard Learning Semantic Relations from Text 15 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings [Nastase & Szpakowicz, 2003] A two-level hierarchy of 31 semantic relations Causal (4 relations) cause: flu virus, effect: exam anxiety, . . . Participant (12 relations) Agent: student protest, Instrument: laser printer, . . . Quality (8 relations) Manner: stylish writing, Measure: expensive book, . . . Spatial (4 relations) Direction: outgoing mail, Location: home town, . . . Temporal (3 relations) Frequency: daily experience, Time_at: morning exercise, . . . Learning Semantic Relations from Text 15 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up [Girju, 2005] A list of 21 noun compound semantic relations: a subset of the 35 general semantic relations of [Moldovan&al.,2004]. Relation Possession Attribute-Holder Agent Temporal Depiction-Depicted Part-Whole Is-a Cause Make/Produce Instrument Location/Space Purpose Source Topic Example family estate quality sound crew investigation night flight image team girl mouth Dallas city malaria mosquito shoe factory pump drainage Texas university migraine drug olive oil art museum Relation Manner Means Experiencer Recipient Measure Theme Result Example style performance bus service disease victim worker fatalities session day car salesman combustion gas Learning Semantic Relations from Text 15 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up [Tratz & Hovy, 2010] [Tratz&Hovy, 2010] new inventory 43 relations in 10 categories developed through an iterative crowd-sourcing maximize agreement between annotators Analysis: all previous inventories have commonalities e.g., have categories for locative, possessive, purpose, etc. cover essentially the same semantic space BUT differ in the exact way of partitioning that space Learning Semantic Relations from Text 15 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings [Rosario, 2001]: Biomedical Relations (1) 18 biomedical noun compound relations (initially 38). Relation Subtype Activity/Physical_process Produce_genetically Cause Characteristic Defect Person_Afflicted Attribute_of_Clinical_Study Procedure Frequency/time_of Measure_of Instrument ... Example headaches migraine virus reproduction polyomavirus genome heat shock drug toxicity hormone deficiency AIDS patient headache parameter genotype diagnosis influenza season relief rate laser irradiation ... Learning Semantic Relations from Text 15 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings [Rosario, 2001]: Biomedical Relations (2) 18 biomedical noun compound relations (initially 38). Relation ... Object Purpose Topic Location Material Defect_in_location Example ... bowel transplantation headache drugs headache questionnaire brain artery aloe gel lung abscess Learning Semantic Relations from Text 15 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up The Opposite View: No Small Set of Semantic Relations Much opposition to the previous work [Zimmer, 1971]: so much variety of relations that it is simpler to categorize the semantic relations that CANNOT be encoded in compounds [Downing, 1977] plate length (“what your hair is when it drags in your food”) “The existence of numerous novel compounds like these guarantees the futility of any attempt to enumerate an absolute and finite class of compounding relationships.” Learning Semantic Relations from Text 16 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Noun Compounds: Using Lexical Paraphrases (1) Lexical items instead of abstract relations The hidden relation in a noun compound can be made explicit in a paraphrase. e.g., weather report abstract topic lexical report about the weather report forecasting the weather Learning Semantic Relations from Text 17 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Noun Compounds: Using Lexical Paraphrases (2) Using prepositions: the idea [Lauer, 1995] used just eight prepositions of, for, in, at, on, from, with, about olive oil is “oil from olives” night flight is “flight at night” odor spray is “spray for odors” easy to extract from text or the Web [Lapata & Keller, 2004] [Srikumar&Roth, 2013] 32 relations / 34 prepositions good at boxing → activity opened by Annie → agent travel by road → journey ... Learning Semantic Relations from Text 17 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Noun Compounds: Using Lexical Paraphrases (3) Using prepositions: the issues prepositions are polysemous, e.g., different of school of music theory of computation bell of (the) church unnecessary distinctions, e.g., in vs. on vs. at prayer in (the) morning prayer at night prayer on (a) feast day some compounds cannot be paraphrased with prepositions woman driver strange paraphrases honey bee – is it “bee for honey”? Learning Semantic Relations from Text 17 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Noun Compounds: Using Lexical Paraphrases (4) Using paraphrasing verbs [Nakov, 2008]: a relation is represented as a distribution over verbs and prepositions which occur in texts e.g., olive oil is “oil that is extracted from olives” or “oil that is squeezed from olives” rich representation, close to what Downing [1977] demanded allows comparisons, e.g., olive oil vs. sea salt similar: both match the paraphrase “N1 is extracted from N2” different: salt is not squeezed from the sea Learning Semantic Relations from Text 17 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Noun Compounds: Using Lexical Paraphrases (5) Abstract Relations vs. Prepositions vs. Verbs Abstract relations [Nastase & Szpakowicz, 2003; Kim & Baldwin, 2005; Girju, 2007; Ó Séaghdha & Copestake, 2007] malaria mosquito: Cause olive oil: Source Prepositions [Lauer, 1995] malaria mosquito: with olive oil: from Verbs [Finin, 1980; Vanderwende, 1994; Kim & Baldwin 2006; Butnariu & Veale 2008; Nakov & Hearst 2008] malaria mosquito: carries, spreads, causes, transmits, brings, has olive oil: comes from, is made from, is derived from Learning Semantic Relations from Text 17 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Noun Compounds: Using Lexical Paraphrases (6) Note 1 on paraphrasing verbs Can paraphrase a noun compound chocolate bar: be made of, contain, be composed of, taste like Can also express an abstract relation MAKE2 : be made of, be composed of, consist of, be manufactured from ... but can also be NC-specific orange juice: be squeezed from bacon pizza: be topped with chocolate bar: taste like Learning Semantic Relations from Text 17 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Noun Compounds: Using Lexical Paraphrases (7) Note 2 on paraphrasing verbs Single verb malaria mosquito: cause olive oil: be extracted from Multiple verbs malaria mosquito: cause, carry, spread, transmit, bring, ... olive oil: be extracted from, come from, be made from, ... Distribution over verbs (SemEval-2010 Task 9) malaria mosquito: carry (23), spread (16), cause (12), transmit (9), bring (7), be infected with (3), infect with (3), give (2), ... olive oil: come from (33), be made from (27), be derived from (10), be made of (7), be pressed from (6), be extracted from (5), ... Learning Semantic Relations from Text 17 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Noun Compounds: Using Lexical Paraphrases (8) Free paraphrases at SemEval-2013 Task 4 [Hendrickx & al., 2013] e.g., for onion tears tears from onions tears due to cutting onion tears induced when cutting onions tears that onions induce tears that come from chopping onions tears that sometimes flow when onions are chopped tears that raw onions give you ... Learning Semantic Relations from Text 17 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Relations between Concepts: Semantic Relations in Ontologies The easy ones: is-a part-of The backbone of any ontology. Learning Semantic Relations from Text 18 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Relations between Concepts: Semantic Relations in Ontologies The easy ones? is-a – class inclusion TOBLERONE is-a CHOCOLATE – class membership CHOCOLATE is-a FOOD and also [Wierzbicka, 1984] – taxonomic (is-a-kind-of) ADORNMENT is-a DECORATION – functional (is-used-as-a-kind-of) ... CHICKEN is-a BIRD part-of Learning Semantic Relations from Text 18 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Relations between Concepts: Semantic Relations in Ontologies The easy ones? is-a part-of [Winston & al., 1987] Relation component-integral object member-collection portion-mass stuff-object feature-activity place-area Example pedal - bike ship - fleet slice - pie steel - car paying - shopping Everglades - Florida Learning Semantic Relations from Text 18 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Relations between Concepts: Semantic Relations in Ontologies The easy ones? is-a part-of [Winston & al., 1987] motivation: lack of transitivity 1 2 3 Simpson’s arm is part of Simpson(’s body). Simpson is part of the Philosophy Department. *Simpson’s arm is part of the Philosophy Department. component-object is incompatible with member-collection Learning Semantic Relations from Text 18 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Relations in WordNet Relation Synonym Antonym Hypernym Hyponym Member-of holonym Has-member meronym Part-of holonym Has-part meronym Substance-of holonym Has-substance meronym Domain - TOPIC Domain - USAGE Domain member - TOPIC Attribute Derived form Derived form Example day (Sense 2) / time day (Sense 4) / night berry (Sense 2) / fruit fruit (Sense 1) / berry Germany / NATO Germany / Sorbian Germany / Europe Germany / Mannheim wood (Sense 1) / lumber lumber (Sense 1) / wood line (Sense 7) / military line (Sense 21) / channel ship / porthole speed (Sense 2) / fast speed (Sense 2) / quick speed (Sense 2) / accelerate Learning Semantic Relations from Text 19 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Conclusions No consensus on a comprehensive list of relations fit for all purposes and all domains. Some shared properties of relations, and of relation schemata. Learning Semantic Relations from Text 20 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Properties of Relations (1) Useful distinctions Ontological vs. Idiosyncratic Binary vs. n-ary Targeted vs. Emergent First-order vs. Higher-order General vs. Domain-specific Learning Semantic Relations from Text 21 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Properties of Relations (2) Ontological vs. Idiosyncratic Ontological come up practically the same in numerous contexts e.g., is-a(apple, fruit) can be extracted with both supervised and unsupervised methods Idiosyncratic highly sensitive to the context e.g., Content-Container(apple, basket) best extracted with supervised methods Note: Parallel to paradigmatic vs. syntagmatic relations in the Course in General Linguistics [de Saussure, 1959]. Learning Semantic Relations from Text 21 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Properties of Relations (3) Binary vs. n-ary Binary most relations our focus here n-ary good for verbs that can take multiple arguments, e.g., sell can be represented as frames e.g., a selling event can invoke a frame covering relations between a buyer, a seller, an object_bought and price_paid Learning Semantic Relations from Text 21 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Properties of Relations (4) Targeted vs. Emergent Targeted coming from a fixed inventory e.g., {Cause, Source, Target, Time, Location} Emergent not fixed in advance can be extracted using patterns over parts-of-speech e.g., (V | V (N | Adj | Adv | Pron | Det)* PP) can extract invented, is located in or made a deal with could also use clustering to group similar relations but then naming the clusters is hard Learning Semantic Relations from Text 21 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Properties of Relations (5) First-order vs. Higher-order First-order e.g., is-a(apple, fruit) most relations Higher-order e.g., believes(John, is-a(apple, fruit)) can be expressed as conceptual graphs [Sowa, 1984] important in semantic parsing [Liang & al., 2011; Lu & al., 2008] also in biomedical event extraction [Kim & al., 2009] e.g., “In this study we hypothesized that the phosphorylation of TRAF2 inhibits binding to the CD40 cytoplasmic domain.” E1: phosphorylation(Theme:TRAF2), E2: binding(Theme1:TRAF2, Theme2:CD40, Site:cytoplasmic domain), E3: negative_regulation(Theme:E2, Cause:E1). Learning Semantic Relations from Text 21 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Properties of Relations (6) General vs. Domain-specific General likely to be useful in processing all kinds of text or in representing knowledge in any domain e.g., location, possession, causation, is-a, or part-of Domain-specific only relevant to a specific text genre or to a narrow domain e.g., inhibits, activates, phosphorylates for gene/protein events Learning Semantic Relations from Text 21 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Properties of Relation Schemata (1) Useful distinctions Coarse-grained vs. Fine-grained Flat vs. Hierarchical Closed vs. Open Learning Semantic Relations from Text 22 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Properties of Relation Schemata (2) Coarse-grained vs. Fine-grained Coarse-grained e.g., 5 relations Fine-grained e.g., 30 relations Infinite, in the extreme every interaction between entities is a distinct relation with unique properties not very practical as there is no generalization however, a distribution over paraphrases is useful Learning Semantic Relations from Text 22 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Properties of Relation Schemata (3) Flat vs. Hierarchical Flat most inventories Hierarchical e.g., Nastase & Szpakowicz’s [2003] schema has 5 top-level and 30 second-level relations e.g., Warren’s [1978] schema has four levels: e.g., Possessor-Legal Belonging is a subrelation of Possessor-Belonging, which is a subrelation of Whole-Part under the top-level relation Possession Learning Semantic Relations from Text 22 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Properties of Relation Schemata (4) Closed vs. Open Closed most inventories Open used for the Web Reflects the distinction between targeted and emergent relations. Learning Semantic Relations from Text 22 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up The Focus of this Tutorial Our focus relations between entities mentioned in the same sentence expressed linguistically as nominals Terminology Relation type e.g., hyponymy, meronymy, container, product, location Relation instance e.g., “chocolate contains caffeine” Learning Semantic Relations from Text 23 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Nominal (1) The standard definition a phrase that behaves syntactically like a noun or a noun phrase [Quirk & al., 1985] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 24 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Nominal (2) Our narrower definition a common noun (chocolate, food) a proper noun (Godiva, Belgium) a multi-word proper name (United Nations) a deverbal noun (cultivation, roasting) a deadjectival noun ([the] rich) a base noun phrase built of a head noun with optional premodifiers (processed food, delicious milk chocolate) (recursively) a sequence of nominals (cacao tree, cacao tree growing conditions) Learning Semantic Relations from Text 24 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Some Clues for Extracting Semantic Relations (1) Explicit clue A phrase linking the entity mentions in a sentence e.g., “Chocolate is a raw or processed food produced from the seed of the tropical Theobroma cacao tree.” issue 1: ambiguity in may indicate a temporal relation (chocolate in the 20th century) but also a spatial relation (chocolate in Belgium) issue 2: over-specification the relation between chocolate and cultures in “Chocolate was prized as a health food and a divine gift by the Mayan and Aztec cultures.” Learning Semantic Relations from Text 25 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Some Clues for Extracting Semantic Relations (2) Implicit clue The relation can be implicit e.g., in noun compounds clues come from knowledge about the entities e.g., cacao tree: CACAO are SEEDS produced by a TREE Learning Semantic Relations from Text 25 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Some Clues for Extracting Semantic Relations (3) Implicit clue When an entity is an occurrence (event, activity, state) expressed by a deverbal noun such as cultivation The relation mirrors that between the underlying verb and its arguments e.g., in “the ancient Mayans cultivated chocolate”, chocolate is the theme thus, a theme relation in chocolate cultivation We do not treat nominalizations separately: typically, they can be also analyzed as normal nominals but they are treated differently in some linguistic theories [Levi, 1978] in some computational linguistics work [Lapata, 2002] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 25 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Our Assumptions Entities are given no entity identification no entity disambiguation Entities in the same sentence, no coreference, no ellipsis Not of direct interest: existing ontologies, knowledge bases and other repositories though useful as seed examples or training data Learning Semantic Relations from Text 26 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Outline 1 Introduction 2 Semantic Relations 3 Features 4 Supervised Methods 5 Unsupervised Methods 6 Embeddings 7 Wrap-up Learning Semantic Relations from Text 27 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Learning Relations Methods of Learning Semantic Relations Supervised PROs: perform better CONs: require labeled data and feature representation Unsupervised PROs: scalable, suitable for open information extraction CONs: perform worse Learning Semantic Relations from Text 28 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Learning Relations: Features Purpose: map a pair of terms to a vector Entity features and relational features [Turney, 2006] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 29 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Features Entity features . . . capture some representation of the meaning of an entity – the arguments of a relation Relational features . . . directly characterize the relation – the interaction between its arguments Learning Semantic Relations from Text 30 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Entity Features (1) Basic entity features The string value of the argument (possibly lemmatized or stemmed) Examples: string value individual words/stems/lemmata PROs: often informative enough for good relation assignment CONs: too sparse Learning Semantic Relations from Text 31 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Entity Features (2) Background entity features Syntactic information, e.g., grammatical role Semantic information, e.g., semantic class Can use task-specific inventories, e.g., ACE entity types WordNet features PROs: solve the data sparseness problem CONs: manual resources required Learning Semantic Relations from Text 31 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Entity Features (3) Background entity features clusters as semantic class information Brown clusters [Brown&al., 1992] Clustering By Committee [Pantel & Lin, 2002] Latent Dirichlet Allocation [Blei&al., 2003] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 31 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Entity Features (4) Background entity features Direct representation of co-occurrences in feature space coordination (and/or) [Ó Séaghdha & Copestake, 2008], e.g., dog and cat distributional representation relational-semantic representation Word embeddings [Nguyen & Grishman, 2014; Hashimoto&al., 2015] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 31 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Entity Features (5) Background entity features Distributional representation Learning Semantic Relations from Text 31 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Entity Features (6) Background entity features Distributional representation for the noun paper what a paper can do: propose, say what one can do with a paper: read, publish typical adjectival modifiers: white, recycled noun modifiers: toilet, consultation nouns connected via prepositions: on environment, for meeting, with a title PROs: captures word meaning by aggregating all interactions (found in a large collection of texts) CONs: lumps together different senses ink refers to the medium for writing propose refers to writing/publication/document Learning Semantic Relations from Text 31 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Entity Features (7) Background entity features Relational-semantic representation: it uses related concepts from a semantic network or a formal ontology PROs: based on word senses, not on words CONs: word-sense disambiguation required Learning Semantic Relations from Text 31 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Entity Features (8) Background entity features Determining the semantic class of relation arguments Clustering The descent of hierarchy Iterative semantic specialization Semantic scattering Learning Semantic Relations from Text 31 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Entity Features (9) Background entity features The descent of hierarchy [Rosario & Hearst, 2002]: the same relation is assumed for all compounds from the same hierarchies e.g., the first noun denotes a Body Region, the second noun denotes a Cardiovascular System: limb vein, scalp arteries, finger capillary, forearm microcirculation generalization at levels 1-3 in the MeSH hierarchy generalization done manually 90% accuracy Learning Semantic Relations from Text 31 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Entity Features (10) Background entity features Iterative Semantic Specialization [Girju & al., 2003] fully automated applied to Part-Whole given positive and negative examples 1 2 3 generalize up in WordNet from each example specialize so that there are no ambiguities produce rules Semantic Scattering [Moldovan & al., 2004] learns a boundary (a cut) Learning Semantic Relations from Text 31 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Relational Features (1) Relational features characterize the relation directly (as opposed to characterizing each argument in isolation) Learning Semantic Relations from Text 32 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Relational Features (2) Basic relational features model the context words between the two arguments words from a fixed window on either side of the arguments a dependency path linking the arguments an entire dependency graph the smallest dominant subtree Learning Semantic Relations from Text 32 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Relational Features (3) Basic relational features: examples Learning Semantic Relations from Text 32 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Relational Features (4) Background relational features encode knowledge about how entities typically interact in texts beyond the immediate context, e.g., paraphrases which characterize a relation patterns with placeholders clustering to find similar contexts Learning Semantic Relations from Text 32 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Relational Features (5) Background relational features characterizing noun compounds using paraphrases Nakov & Hearst [2007] extract from the Web verbs, prepositions and coordinators connecting the arguments “X “Y “X “Y that * Y” that * X” * Y” * X” Butnariu & Veale [2008] use the Google Web 1T n-grams Learning Semantic Relations from Text 32 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Relational Features (6) Background relational features : example for committee member [Nakov & Hearst, 2007] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 32 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Relational Features (7) Background relational features using features with placeholders: Turney [2006] mines from the Web patterns like “Y * causes X” for Cause (e.g., cold virus) “Y in * early X” for Temporal (e.g., morning frost). Learning Semantic Relations from Text 32 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Relational Features (8) Background relational features can be distributional Turney & Littman [2005] characterize the relation between two words as a vector with coordinates corresponding to the Web frequencies of 128 fixed phrases like “X for Y” and “Y for X” (for is one of a fixed set of 64 joining terms: such as, not the, is *, etc. etc. ) can be used directly, or in singular value decomposition [Turney, 2006] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 32 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Outline 1 Introduction 2 Semantic Relations 3 Features 4 Supervised Methods 5 Unsupervised Methods 6 Embeddings 7 Wrap-up Learning Semantic Relations from Text 33 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Supervised Methods Supervised relation extraction: setup Task: given a piece of text, find instances of semantic relations Subtasks argument identification (often ignored) relation classification (core subtask) Needed an inventory of possible semantic relations annotated positive/negative examples: for training, tuning and evaluation Learning Semantic Relations from Text 34 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Data Annotated data for learning semantic relations small-scale / large-scale general-purpose / domain-specific arguments marked / not marked additional information about the arguments (e.g., senses) / no additional information Learning Semantic Relations from Text 35 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Data: MUC and ACE Relation Type Physical Subtypes Located Near Part-Whole Geographical Subsidiary Personal-Social Business Family Lasting-Personal OrganizationEmployment Affiliation Ownership Founder Student-Alum Sports-Affiliation Investor-Shareholder Membership Agent-Artifact User-Owner-Inventor-Manufacturer General Affiliation Citizen-Resident-Religion-Ethnicity Organization-Location-Origin Learning Semantic Relations from Text 36 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Data: MUC and ACE Relation Type Physical Subtypes The arguments of relations are tagged for type! Located Near Employment(Person, Organization): Part-Whole Geographical <PER>He</PER> had previously worked at <ORG>NBC Entertainment</ORG>. Subsidiary Personal-Social Business Near(Person, Facility): Family <PER>Muslim youths</PER> recently staged a half dozen rallies in front of <FAC>the embassy</FAC>. Lasting-Personal OrganizationEmployment Citizen-Resident-Religion-Ethnicity(Person, Geo-political Affiliation Ownership entity): Some <GPE>Missouri</GPE> <PER>voters</PER>. . . Founder Student-Alum Sports-Affiliation Investor-Shareholder Membership Agent-Artifact User-Owner-Inventor-Manufacturer General Affiliation Citizen-Resident-Religion-Ethnicity Organization-Location-Origin Learning Semantic Relations from Text 36 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Data: SemEval a small number of relations annotated entities additional entity information (WordNet senses) sentential context + mining patterns Learning Semantic Relations from Text 37 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings SemEval-2007 Task 4 (1) Semantic relations between nominals: inventory Learning Semantic Relations from Text 38 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings SemEval-2007 Task 4 (2) Semantic relations between nominals: examples Learning Semantic Relations from Text 38 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up SemEval-2010 Task 8 (1) Multi-way semantic relations between nominals: inventory Learning Semantic Relations from Text 39 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up SemEval-2010 Task 8 (2) Multi-way semantic relations between nominals: examples Learning Semantic Relations from Text 39 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Algorithms for Relation Learning (1) Pretty much any machine learning algorithm can work, but some are better for relation learning. Classification with kernels is appropriate because relational features (in particular) may have complex structures. Neural networks are appropriate for capturing complex interactions and compositionality Sequential labelling methods are appropriate because the arguments of a relation have variable span. Learning Semantic Relations from Text 40 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Algorithms for Relation Learning (2) Classification with kernels: overview idea: the similarity of two instances can be computed in a high-dimensional feature space without the need to enumerate the dimensions of that space (e.g., using dynamic programming) convolution kernels: easy to combine features, e.g., entity and relational kernelizable classifiers: SVM, logistic regression, kNN, Naïve Bayes Learning Semantic Relations from Text 40 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Algorithms for Relation Learning (3) Kernels for linguistic structures string sequencies [Cancedda & al., 2003] dependency paths [Bunescu & Mooney, 2005] shallow parse trees [Zelenko & al., 2003] constituent parse trees [Collins & Duffy, 2001] dependency parse trees [Moschitti, 2006] feature-enriched/semantic tree kernel [Plank & Moschitti, 2013; Sun & Han, 2014] directed acyclic graphs [Suzuki & al., 2003] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 40 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Algorithms for Relation Learning (4) Tree kernels Similarity between two trees is the (normalized) sum of similarities between their subtrees Similarity between subtrees based on similarities between roots and children (leaf nodes or subtrees) Similarity between leaf (word) nodes can be 0/1 or based on semantic similarity using e.g., clusters or word embeddings [Plank & Moschitti, 2013; Nguyen & al., 2015] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 40 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Algorithms for Relation Learning (5) Sequential labelling methods HMMs / MEMMs / CRFs [Bikel & al., 1999; Lafferty & al., 2001; McCallum & Li, 2003] useful for argument identification e.g., born-in holds between Person and Location relation extraction argument order matters for some relations Learning Semantic Relations from Text 40 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Algorithms for Relation Learning (6) Sequential labelling: argument identification words: individual words, previous/following two words, word substrings (prefixes, suffixes of various lengths), capitalization, digit patterns, manual lexicons (e.g., of days, months, honorifics, stopwords, lists of known countries, cities, companies, and so on) labels: individual labels, previous/following two labels combinations of words and labels Learning Semantic Relations from Text 40 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Algorithms for Relation Learning (7) Sequential labelling: relation extraction when one argument is known: the task becomes argument identification e.g., this GeneRIF is about COX-2 COX-2 expression is significantly more common in endometrial adenocarcinoma and ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma, but not in cervical squamous carcinoma, compared with normal tissue. some relations come in order e.g., Party, Job and Father below Learning Semantic Relations from Text 40 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Algorithms for Relation Learning (8) Sequential labelling: relation extraction HMMs, CRFs [Culotta & al., 2006; Bundschus & al., 2008] Dynamic graphical model [Rosario & Hearst, 2004] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 40 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Algorithms for Relation Learning (9) Neural networks for representing contexts Recursive networks create a bottom-up representation for a tree context by recursively combining representations of siblings [Socher & al., 2012] Convolutional networks create a representation by sliding a window over the context and pooling the representations at each step [Zeng & al., 2014] Recurrent networks create a representation for a sequence context by processing each item in the sequence and updating the representation at each step [Li & al., 2015] Context representation can be augmented with traditional entity features. Learning Semantic Relations from Text 40 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Algorithms for Relation Learning (10) Recursive neural networks [Socher & al., 2012] P REDICTION oooooo oooooo smoking Word vectors (can be pretrained) Compositional vectors (RNN): vparent = f (Wl vl + Wr vr + b) oooooo oooooo oooooo causes cancer Compositional vectors and matrices (MV-RNN): vparent = f (WVl Mr vl + WVr Ml vr + b) Mparent = WMl Ml + WMr Mr Learning Semantic Relations from Text 40 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Algorithms for Relation Learning (11) oooo oooo oooo oooo Word vectors (can be pretrained) oooo oooo oooooo Convolutional neural networks [Zeng & al., 2014, Liu & al., 2015, dos Santos & al., 2015] semantics doesn’t cause Position vectors Window vector (length = 3) at word t: Plength vt,win = i wi,word vt,i,word + wi,position vt,i,position + b Sentence vector (max pooling): vsen [i] = max0≤t<|T | vt,win [i] cancer Learning Semantic Relations from Text 40 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Beyond Binary Relations (1) Non-binary relations Some relations are not binary Purchase (Purchaser, Purchased_Entity, Price, Seller) Previous methods generally apply but there are some issues Features: not easy to use the words between entity mentions, or the dependency path between mentions, or the least common subtree Partial mentions Sparks Ltd. bought 500 tons of steel from Steel Ltd. Steel Ltd. bought 200 tons of coal. Learning Semantic Relations from Text 41 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Beyond Binary Relations (2) Non-binary relations Coping with partial mentions treat partial mentions as negatives ignore partial mentions train a separate model for each combination of arguments McDonald & al. (2005) 1 2 predict whether two entities are related to each other use strong argument typing and graph-based global optimization to compose n-ary predictions many solutions for Semantic Role Labeling [Palmer & al., 2010] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 41 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Supervised Methods: Practical Considerations (1) Some very general advice Favour high-performing algorithms such as SVM, logistic regression or CRF (CRF only if it makes sense as a sequence-labelling problem) entity and relational features are almost always useful the value of background features varies across tasks e.g., for noun compounds, background knowledge is key, while context is not very useful Learning Semantic Relations from Text 42 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Supervised Methods: Practical Considerations (2) Performance depends on a number of factors the number and nature of the relations used the distribution of those relations in data the source of data for training and testing the annotation procedure for data the amount of training data available ... Conservative conclusion: state-of-the-art systems perform well above random or majority-class baseline. Learning Semantic Relations from Text 42 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Supervised Methods: Practical Considerations (3) Performance at SemEval SemEval-2007 Task 4 winning system: F=72.4%, Acc=76.3%, using resources such as WordNet [Beamer & al., 2007] later: similar performance, using corpus data only [Davidov & Rappoport, 2008; Ó Séaghdha & Copestake, 2008; Nakov & Kozareva, 2011] SemEval-2010 Task 8 winning system: F=82.2%, Acc=77.9%, using many manual resources [Rink & Harabagiu, 2010] later: improvement F=84.1%, neural network with corpus data only [dos Santos & al., 2015] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 42 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Supervised Methods: Practical Considerations (4) Performance at ACE Different task full documents rather than single sentences relations between specific classes of named entities F-score low-to-mid 70s [Jiang & Zhai, 2007; Zhou & al., 2007, 2009] Granularity matters moving from <10 ACE relation types to >20 relation subtypes (on the same data!) decreases F1 by about 20% Learning Semantic Relations from Text 42 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Outline 1 Introduction 2 Semantic Relations 3 Features 4 Supervised Methods 5 Unsupervised Methods 6 Embeddings 7 Wrap-up Learning Semantic Relations from Text 43 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Mining Very Large Corpora (1) Very large corpora examples GigaWord (news texts) PubMed (scientific articles) World-Wide Web contain massive amounts of data cannot all be encoded to train a supervised model Learning Semantic Relations from Text 44 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Mining Very Large Corpora (2) Very large corpora suitable for unsupervised relation mining useful in extracting relational knowledge Taxonomic e.g., What kinds of animals exist? Ontological e.g., Which cities are located in the United Kingdom? Event e.g., Which companies have bought which other companies? needed because manual knowledge bases are inherently incomplete, e.g., Cyc and Freebase Learning Semantic Relations from Text 44 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Mining Very Large Corpora (3) Example Swanson [1987] discovered a connection between migraines and magnesium Swanson linking publication 1: illness A is caused by chemical B publication 2: drug C reduces chemical B in the body linking: connection between illness A and drug C Learning Semantic Relations from Text 44 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Mining Very Large Corpora (4) Challenges a lot of irrelevant information high precision is key a supervised model might not be feasible new relations, not seen in training deep features too expensive Learning Semantic Relations from Text 44 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Mining Very Large Corpora (5) Historically important: Crafted patterns very high precision low recall not a problem because of the scale of corpora low coverage cover only a small number of relations Learning Semantic Relations from Text 44 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Mining Very Large Corpora (6) Brief history pioneered by Hearst (1992) initially, taxonomic relations – the backbone of any taxonomy or ontology is-a: hyponymy/hypernymy part-of: meronymy/holonymy gradually expanded more relations larger scale of corpora – Web-scale now within reach the Never-Ending Language Learner project the Machine Reading project Learning Semantic Relations from Text 44 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Early Work: Mining Dictionaries (1) Extracting taxonomic relations from dictionaries popular in 1980s [Ahlswede & Evens, 1988; Alshawi, 1987; Amsler, 1981; Chodorow & al., 1985; Ide & al., 1992; Klavans & al., 1992] focus on is-a hypenymy/hyponymy subclass/superclass used dictionaries such as Merriam-Webster pattern-based Learning Semantic Relations from Text 45 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Early Work: Mining Dictionaries (2) Merriam-Webster: GROUP and related concepts [Amsler, 1981] GROUP 1.0A – a number of individuals related by a common factor (as physical association, community of interests, or blood) CLASS 1.1A – a group of the same general status or nature TYPE 1.4A – a class, kind, or group set apart by common characteristics KIND 1.2A – a group united by common traits or interests KIND 1.2B – CATEGORY CATEGORY .0A – a division used in classification CATEGORY .0B – CLASS, GROUP, KIND DIVISION .2A – one of the parts, sections, or groupings into which a whole is divided *GROUPING <== W7 – a set of objects combined in a group SET 3.5A – a group of persons or things of the same kind or having a common characteristic usu. classed together SORT 1.1A – a group of persons or things that have similar characteristics SORT 1.1B - CLASS SPECIES .IA – SORT, KIND SPECIES .IB – a taxonomic group comprising closely related organisms potentially able to breed with one another Learning Semantic Relations from Text 45 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Early Work: Mining Dictionaries (3) Merriam-Webster: GROUP and related concepts [Amsler, 1981] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 45 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Early Work: Mining Dictionaries (4) Mining dictionaries: summary PROs short, focused definitions standard language limited vocabulary CONs circularity hard to identify the key terms group of persons number of individuals limited coverage Learning Semantic Relations from Text 45 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Mining Relations with Patterns (1) Relation mining patterns when matched against a text fragment, identify relation instances can involve lexical items wildcards parts of speech syntactic relations flexible rules, e.g., as in regular expressions ... Learning Semantic Relations from Text 46 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Mining Relations with Patterns (2) Hearst’s (1992) lexico-syntactic patterns NP such as {NP,}∗ {(or|and)} NP “. . . bow lute, such as Bambara ndang . . . ” → (bow lute, Bambara ndang) such NP as {NP,}∗ {(or|and)} NP “. . . works by such authors as Herrick, Goldsmith, and Shakespeare” → (authors, Herrick); (authors, Goldsmith); (authors, NP {, NP}∗ {,} (or|and) other NP “. . . temples, treasuries, and other important civic buildings . . . ” → (important civic buildings, temples); (important Shakespeare) civic buildings, treasuries) NP{,} (including|especially) {NP,}∗ (or|and) NP “. . . most European countries, especially France, England and Spain . . . ” → (European countries, France); (European countries, England); (European countries, Spain) Learning Semantic Relations from Text 46 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Mining Relations with Patterns (3) Hearst’s (1992) lexico-syntactic patterns designed for very high precision, but low recall only cover is-a later, extended to other relations, e.g., part-of [Berland & Charniak, 1999] protein-protein interactions [Blaschke & al., 1999; Pustejovsky & al., 2002] N1 inhibits N2 N2 is inhibited by N1 inhibition of N2 by N1 unclear if such patterns can be designed for all relations Learning Semantic Relations from Text 46 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Mining Relations with Patterns (4) Hearst’s (1992) lexico-syntactic patterns ran on Grolier’s American Academic Encyclopedia small by today’s standards still, large enough: 8.6 million tokens very low recall extracted just 152 examples (but with very high precision) increase recall bootstrapping Learning Semantic Relations from Text 46 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Bootstrapping (1) Learning Semantic Relations from Text 47 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Bootstrapping (2) Learning Semantic Relations from Text 47 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Bootstrapping (3) Bootstrapping Initialization few seed examples e.g., for is-a cat-animal car-vehicle banana-fruit Expansion new patterns new instances Several iterations Main difficulty semantic drift Learning Semantic Relations from Text 47 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Bootstrapping (4) Bootstrapping Context-dependency not good for context-dependent relations in one newspaper: “Lokomotiv defeated Porto.” in a few months: “Porto defeated Lokomotiv Moscow.” Specificity good for specific relations such as birthdate cannot distinguish between fine-grained relations e.g., different kinds of Part-Whole – maybe Component-Integral_Object, Member-Collection, Portion-Mass, Stuff-Object, Feature-Activity and Place-Area – would share the same patterns Learning Semantic Relations from Text 47 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Tackling Semantic Drift (1) Example of semantic drift Seeds London Paris New York Added examples Patterns → mayor of X lives in X ... → California Europe ... Learning Semantic Relations from Text 48 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Tackling Semantic Drift (2) Example: Euler diagram for four people-relations [Krause&al.,2012] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 48 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Tackling Semantic Drift (3) Some strategies Limit the number of iterations Select a small number of patterns/examples per iteration Use semantic types, e.g., the SNOWBALL system hOrganizationi’s headquarters in hLocationi hLocationi-based hOrganizationi hOrganizationi, hLocationi Learning Semantic Relations from Text 48 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Tackling Semantic Drift (4) More strategies scoring patterns/instances specificity: prefer patterns that match less contexts confidence: prefer patterns with higher precision reliability: based on PMI argument type checking coupled training Learning Semantic Relations from Text 48 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Tackling Semantic Drift (5) Coupled training [Carlson & al., 2010] Used in the Never-Ending Language Learner Learning Semantic Relations from Text 48 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Distant Supervision (1) Distant supervision Issue with bootstrapping: starts with a small number of seeds Distant supervision uses a huge number [Craven & Kumlien, 1999] 1 2 3 Get huge seed sets, e.g., from WordNet, Cyc, Wikipedia infoboxes, Freebase Find contexts where they occur Use these contexts to train a classifier Learning Semantic Relations from Text 49 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Distant Supervision (2) Example: experiments of Mintz & al. [2009] 102 relations from Freebase, 17,000 seed instances mapped them to Wikipedia article texts extracted 1.8 million instances connecting 940,000 entities Assumption: all co-occurrences of a pair of entities express the same relation Riedel & al. [2010] assume that at least one context expresses the target relation (rather than all) Ling & al. [2013] assume that a certain percentage (which can vary by relation) of the contexts are true positives Learning Semantic Relations from Text 49 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Distant Supervision (3) training sentences 1 positive: with the relation 2 negative: without the relation train a two-stage classifier: 1 identify the sentences with a relation instance 2 extract relations from these sentences Learning Semantic Relations from Text 49 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Distant Supervision (4) False negatives Knowledge bases used to provide distant supervision are incomplete 1 2 avoid false negatives [Min&al. 2013] fill in gaps [Xu&al. 2013] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 49 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Distant Supervision (5) Distant and partial supervision Choose representative and useful training examples to maximize performance 1 2 3 active learning [Angeli&al. 2014] infusion of labeled data [Pershina&al. 2014] semantic consistency [Han & Sun, 2014] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 49 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Unsupervised Relation Extraction Other issues with bootstrapping uses multiple passes over a corpus often undesirable/unfeasible, e.g., on the Web if we want to extract all relations no seeds for all of them Possible solution unsupervised relation extraction no pre-specified list of relations, seeds or patterns Learning Semantic Relations from Text 50 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Extracting is-a Relations (1) Pantel & Ravichandran [2004] cluster nouns using cooccurrence as in [Pantel & Lin, 2002] Apple, Google, IBM, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, ... extract hypernyms using patterns Apposition (N:appo:N), e.g., . . . Oracle, a company known for its progressive employment policies . . . Nominal subject (-N:subj:N), e.g., . . . Apple was a hot young company, with Steve Jobs in charge . . . Such as (-N:such as:N), e.g., . . . companies such as IBM must be weary . . . Like (-N:like:N), e.g., . . . companies like Sun Microsystems do not shy away from such challenges . . . is-a between the hypernym and each noun in the cluster Learning Semantic Relations from Text 51 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Extracting is-a Relations (2) [Kozareva & al., 2008] uses a doubly-anchored pattern (DAP) “sem-class such as term1 and *” similar to the Hearst pattern NP0 such as {NP1 , NP2 , . . ., (and | or)} NPn but different exactly two arguments after such as and is obligatory prevents sense mixing cats–jaguar –puma predators–jaguar –leopard cars–jaguar –ferrari Learning Semantic Relations from Text 51 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Extracting is-a Relations (3) [Kozareva & Hovy, 2010]: DAPs can yield a taxonomy Learning Semantic Relations from Text 51 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Extracting is-a Relations (4) [Kozareva & Hovy, 2010]: DAPs can yield a taxonomy Learning Semantic Relations from Text 51 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Emergent Relations (1) Emergent relations in open relation extraction no fixed set of relations need to identify novel relations use verbs, prepositions different verbs, same relation: shot against the flu, shot to prevent the flu verb, but no relation: “It rains.” or “I do.” no verb, but relation: flu shot use clustering string similarity distributional similarity Learning Semantic Relations from Text 52 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Emergent Relations (2) Clustering with distributional similarity using paraphrases from dependency parses [Lin & Pantel, 2001; Pasca, 2007] e.g., DIRT for X solves Y Y is solved by X, X resolves Y, X finds a solution to Y, X tries to solve Y, X deals with Y, Y is resolved by X, X addresses Y, X seeks a solution to Y, X does something about Y, X solution to Y, Y is resolved in X, Y is solved through X, X rectifies Y, X copes with Y, X overcomes Y, X eases Y, X tackles Y, X alleviates Y, X corrects Y, X is a solution to Y, X makes worse Y, X irons out Y extracted shared property model [Yates & Etzioni, 2007] e.g., if (lacks, Mars, ozone layer) and (lacks, Red Planet, ozone layer), then Mars and Red Planet share the property (lacks, *, ozone layer) Learning Semantic Relations from Text 52 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Emergent Relations (3) [Davidov & Rappoport, 2008] Prefix CW1 Infix CW2 Postfix label (pets, dogs) (phone, charger) patterns { such X as Y, X such as Y, Y and other X } { buy Y accessory for X!, shipping Y for X, Y is available for X, Y are available for X, Y are available for X systems, Y for X } These (CW1 , CW2 ) clusters are efficient as background features for supervised models. Learning Semantic Relations from Text 52 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Self-Supervised Relation Extraction (1) Self-supervision algorithm 1 2 3 parse a small corpus extract and annotate relation instances: e.g., based on heuristics and the connecting path between entity mentions train relation extractors on these instances not guided by or assigned to any particular relation type features: shallow lexical and POS, dependency path applicable on the Web used in the Machine Reading project at U Washington Learning Semantic Relations from Text 53 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Self-Supervised Relation Extraction (2) Self-supervision Issues with the extracted relations not coherent e.g., The Mark 14 was central to the torpedo scandal of the fleet. → was central torpedo uninformative e.g., . . . is the author of . . . → is too specific e.g., is offering only modest greenhouse gas reductions targets at Learning Semantic Relations from Text 53 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Self-Supervised Relation Extraction (3) Self-supervision Improving the relation quality constraints: syntactic, positional and frequency [Fader & al., 2011] focus on functional relations, e.g., birthplace [Lin & al., 2010] use redundancy: the “KnowItAll hypothesis” [Downey & al., 2005, 2010] – extractions from more distinct sentences in a corpus are more likely to be correct high frequency is not enough though: "Elvis killed JFK" yields 1,360 hits (on September 17, 2015) still, "Oswald killed JFK" had 7,310 hits Learning Semantic Relations from Text 53 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Web-Scale Relation Extraction (1) Two major large-scale knowledge acquisition projects that harvest the Web continuously Never-Ending Language Learner (NELL) at Carnegie-Mellon University Machine Reading at the University of Washington open-information-extraction Learning Semantic Relations from Text 54 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Web-Scale Relation Extraction (2) Never-Ending Language Learner [Mohamed & al., 2011] starting with a seed ontology 600 categories and relations each with 20 seed examples learns new concepts new concept instances new instances of the existing relations novel relations approach: bootstrapping, coupled learning, manual intervention, clustering learned (as of September 17, 2015) 50 million confidence-scored relations (beliefs) 2,575,848 with high confidence scores Learning Semantic Relations from Text 54 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Web-Scale Relation Extraction (3) Machine Reading at U Washington KnowItAll [Etzioni & al., 2005] – bootstrapping using Hearst patterns TextRunner [Banko & al., 2007] – self-supervised, specific relation models from a small corpus, applied to a large corpus Kylin [Wu & Weld, 2007] and WPE [Hoffmann & al., 2010] bootstrapping starting with Wikipedia infoboxes and associated articles WOE [Wu & Weld, 2010] extends Kylin to open information extraction, using part-of-speech or dependency patterns ReVerb [Fader & al., 2011] – lexical and syntactic constraints on potential relation expressions OLLIE [Mausam & al., 2012] – extends WOE with better patterns and dependencies (e.g., some relations are true for some period of time, or are contingent upon external conditions) Learning Semantic Relations from Text 54 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Other Large-Scale Knowledge Acquisition Projects (1) YAGO-NAGA [Hoffart&al., 2015] harvest, search, and rank knowledge from the Web large-scale, highly accurate, machine-processible integration with Wikipedia and WordNet started in 2016, several subprojects Learning Semantic Relations from Text 55 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Other Large-Scale Knowledge Acquisition Projects (2) BabelNet [Navigli&Ponzetto, 2012] multilingual semantic network integrates several knowledge sources no additional Web mining (just integration) Learning Semantic Relations from Text 55 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Unsupervised Methods: Summary Unsupervised relation extraction good for large text collections or the Web context-independent relations methods bootstrapping (but semantic drift) coupled learning distant supervision semi-supervision self-supervision applications continuous open information extraction NELL Machine Reading Learning Semantic Relations from Text 56 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Outline 1 Introduction 2 Semantic Relations 3 Features 4 Supervised Methods 5 Unsupervised Methods 6 Embeddings 7 Wrap-up Learning Semantic Relations from Text 57 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Word Embeddings (1) Word Embedding What is it? mapping words to vectors of real numbers in a low dimensional space How is it done? neural networks (e.g., CBOW, skip-gram) [Mikolov&al.2013a] dimensionality reduction (e.g., LSA, LDA, PCA) explicit representation (words in the context) Why should we care? useful for a number of NLP tasks . . . including semantic relations Learning Semantic Relations from Text 58 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Word Embeddings (2) Word Embeddings from a Neural LM [Bengio &al.2003] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 58 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Word Embeddings (3) Continuous Bag of Words (“predict word”) [Mikolov &al.2013a] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 58 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Word Embeddings (4) Skip-gram (“predict context”) [Mikolov &al.2013a] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 58 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Word Embeddings (5) Skip-gram: projection with PCA Learning Semantic Relations from Text 58 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Word Embeddings (6) Skip-gram: properties [Mikolov&al.2013a] Word embeddings have linear structure that enables analogies with vector arithmetics Due to training objective: input and output (before softmax) are in a linear relationship Learning Semantic Relations from Text 58 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Word Embeddings (7) Skip-gram: vector arithmetics inspired by analogy problems Learning Semantic Relations from Text 58 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Word Embeddings (8) Recurrent Neural Network Language Model (RNNLM) [Mikolov&al.2013b] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 58 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Word Embeddings (9) RNNLM: beyond semantic relations [Mikolov&al.2013b] gender, number, etc. Learning Semantic Relations from Text 58 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Syntactic Word Embeddings (1) Dependency-based embeddings [Levy&Goldberg,2014a] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 59 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Syntactic Word Embeddings (2) Dependency- vs. word-based embeddings [Levy&Goldberg,2014a] Words: topical Dependencies: functional also true for explicit representations [Lin,1998; Padó&Lapata,2007] Example: Turing Words: nondeterministic, non-deterministic, computability, deterministic, finite-state Dependencies: Pauling, Hotelling, Heting, Lessing, Hamming Learning Semantic Relations from Text 59 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Word Embeddings: Should We Care? Embeddings vs. Explicit Representations embeddings are better across many tasks [Baroni&al., 2014] semantic relatedness synonym detection concept categorization selectional preferences analogy BUT explicit representation can be as good on analogies, with a better objective [Levy&Goldberg,2014b] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 60 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Embeddings for Relation Extraction (1) Recursive Neural Networks (RNN) [Socher&al., 2012] P REDICTION oooooo oooooo smoking Word vectors (can be pretrained) Compositional vectors (RNN): vparent = f (Wl vl + Wr vr + b) oooooo oooooo oooooo causes cancer Compositional vectors and matrices (MV-RNN): vparent = f (WVl Mr vl + WVr Ml vr + b) Mparent = WMl Ml + WMr Mr Learning Semantic Relations from Text 61 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Embeddings for Relation Extraction (2) MV-RNN: Matrix-Vector RNN [Socher&al., 2012] vectors: for compositionality matrices: for operator semantics Learning Semantic Relations from Text 61 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Embeddings for Relation Extraction (3) MV-RNN for Relation Classification [Socher&al., 2012] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 61 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Embeddings for Relation Extraction (4) CNN: Convolutional Deep Neural Network [Zeng&al., 2014] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 61 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Embeddings for Relation Extraction (5) CNN (sentence level features) [Zeng&al., 2014] WF: word vectors; PF: position vectors (distance to e1 , e2 ) Learning Semantic Relations from Text 61 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Embeddings for Relation Extraction (6) FCM: Factor-based Compositional Embed. Model [Yu&al., 2014] Extension of the model coming at EMNLP’2015 [Gormley&al., 2015] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 61 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Embeddings for Relation Extraction (7) FCM (continued) [Yu&al., 2014] extension of the model at EMNLP’2015! [Gormley&al., 2015] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 61 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Embeddings for Relation Extraction (8) CR-CNN: Classification by Ranking CNN [dos Santos&al., 2015] pairwise ranking loss word, class, position, sentence embeddings Learning Semantic Relations from Text 61 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Embeddings for Relation Extraction (9) SDP-LSTM: Shortest dependency path LSTM [Yan Xu&al., 2015] to be presented at EMNLP’2015! Learning Semantic Relations from Text 61 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Embeddings for Relation Extraction (10) depLCNN: Dependency CNN (w/ neg. sampling) [Kun Xu&al., 2015] to be presented at EMNLP’2015! Learning Semantic Relations from Text 61 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Embeddings for Relation Extraction (11) Comparison on SemEval-2010 Task 8 [Kun Xu&al., 2015] Learning Semantic Relations from Text 61 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Outline 1 Introduction 2 Semantic Relations 3 Features 4 Supervised Methods 5 Unsupervised Methods 6 Embeddings 7 Wrap-up Learning Semantic Relations from Text 62 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Lessons Learned Semantic relations are an open class just like concepts, they can be organized hierarchically some are ontological, some idiosyncratic the way we work with them depends on the application the method Learning Semantic Relations from Text 63 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Lessons Learned Learning to identify or discover relations investigate many detailed features in a (small) fully-supervised setting, and try to port them into an open relation extraction setting set an inventory of targeted relations, or allow them to emerge from the analyzed data use (more or less) annotated data to bootstrap the learning process exploit resources created for different purposes for our own ends (Wikipedia!) Learning Semantic Relations from Text 63 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Extracting Relational Knowledge from Text The bigger picture: NLP finds knowledge in a lot of text and then gets the deeper meaning of a little text Manual construction of knowledge bases PROs: accurate (insofar as people who do it do not make mistakes) CONs: costly, inherently limited in scope Automated knowledge acquisition PROs: scalable, e.g., to the Web CONs: inaccurate, e.g., due to semantic drift or inaccuracies in the analyzed text Learning relations PROs: reasonably accurate CONs: needs relation inventory and annotated training data, does not scale to large corpora Learning Semantic Relations from Text 64 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings The Future Hot research topics and future directions embeddings, deep learning Web-scale relation mining continuous, never-ending learning distant supervision use of large knowledge sources such as Wikipedia, DBpedia semi-supervised methods combining symbolic and statistical methods e.g., ontology acquisition using statistics Learning Semantic Relations from Text 65 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Relevant Literature is Huge! (1) Relevant papers at EMNLP’2015 [Li&al., 2015] compare recursive (based on syntactic trees) vs. recurrent (inspired by LMs) neural networks on four tasks, including semantic relation extraction [Kun Xu&al., 2015] learn robust relation representations from shortest dependency paths through a convolution neural network using simple negative sampling [Yan Xu&al., 2015] use long short term memory networks along shortest dependency paths for relation classification [Gormley&al., 2015] propose a compositional embedding model for relation extraction that combines (unlexicalized) hand-crafted features with learned word embeddings Learning Semantic Relations from Text 66 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Relevant Literature is Huge! (2) Relevant papers at EMNLP’2015 [Zeng&al., 2015] propose piecewise convolutional neural networks for relation extraction using distant supervision [Batista&al., 2015] use word embeddings and bootstrapping for relation extraction [Li&Jurafsky, 2015] propose a multi-sense embedding model based on Chinese Restaurant Processes,applied to a number of tasks including semantic relation identification [D’Souza&Ng, 2015] use expanding parse trees with sieves for spatial relation extraction Learning Semantic Relations from Text 66 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Relevant Literature is Huge! (3) Relevant papers at EMNLP’2015 [Grycner&al., 2015] mine relational phrases and their hypernyms [Kloetzer&al., 2015] acquire entailment pairs of binary relations on a large-scale [Gupta&al., 2015] use distributional vectors for fine-grained semantic attribute extraction [Su&al., 2015] use bilingual correspondence recursive autoencoder to model bilingual phrases in translation [Qiu&al., 2015] compare syntactic and n-gram based word embeddings for Chinese analogy detection and mining Learning Semantic Relations from Text 66 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Relevant Literature is Huge! (4) Relevant papers at EMNLP’2015 [Luo&al, 2015] infer binary relation schemas for open information extraction [Petroni&al., 2015] propose context-aware open relation extraction with factorization machines [Augenstein&al., 2015] extract relations between non-standard entities using distant supervision and imitation learning [Tuan&al., 2015] use trustiness and collective synonym/contrastive evidence into taxonomy construction Learning Semantic Relations from Text 66 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Relevant Literature is Huge! (5) Relevant papers at EMNLP’2015 [Bovi&al., 2015] perform knowledge base relation unification via sense embeddings and disambiguation [Garcia-Duran&al.,2015] perform link prediction in knowledge bases by composing relationships with translations in the embedding space [Zhong&al., 2015] perform link predictions in KBs and relational fact extraction by aligning knowledge and text embeddings by entity descriptions [Gardner&Mitchell, 2015] extract relations using subgraph feature selection for knowledge base completion Learning Semantic Relations from Text 66 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Relevant Literature is Huge! (6) Relevant papers at EMNLP’2015 [Toutanova&al., 2015] learn joint embeddings of text and knowledge bases for knowledge base completion [Luo&al., 2015] present context-dependent knowledge graph embedding for link prediction and triple classification [Kotnis&al., 2015] extend knowledge bases with missing relations, using bridging entities [Lin&al., 2015] embed entities and relations using a path-based representation for knowledge base completion and relation extraction Learning Semantic Relations from Text 66 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Relevant Literature is Huge! (7) Relevant papers at EMNLP’2015 [Mitra&Baral, 2015] extract relations to automatically solve logic grid puzzles [Seo&al., 2015] extract relations from text and visual diagrams to solve geometry problems [Li&Clark, 2015] use semantic relations for background knowledge construction for answering elementary science questions Learning Semantic Relations from Text 66 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Relevant Literature is Huge! (8) Relevant papers at EMNLP’2015 28 out of the 312 papers at EMNLP’2015, or 9%, are about relation extraction topics: embeddings, various neural network types and architectures applications: knowledge base and taxonomy enrichment, question answering, problem solving (e.g., math), machine translation We probably miss some relevant EMNLP’2015 papers... ... and there is much more recent work beyong EMNLP’2015 Learning Semantic Relations from Text 66 / 97 Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Read the Book! doi:10.2200/S00489ED1V01Y201303HLT019 Learning Semantic Relations from Text 67 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings —————————————————————————- Learning Semantic Relations from Text 68 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Thank you! Questions? Learning Semantic Relations from Text 68 / 97 Wrap-up Introduction Semantic Relations Features Supervised Methods Unsupervised Methods Embeddings Wrap-up Bibliography I Thomas Ahlswede and Martha Evens. Parsing vs. text processing in the analysis of dictionary definitions. In Proc. 26th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Buffalo, NY, USA, pages 217–224, 1988. Hiyan Alshawi. Processing dictionary definitions with phrasal pattern hierarchies. Americal Journal of Computational Linguistics, 13(3):195–202, 1987. Robert Amsler. A taxonomy for English nouns and verbs. In Proc. 19th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, pages 133–138, 1981. Gabor Angeli, Julie Tibshirani, Jean Wu, and Christopher D. Manning. Combining distant and partial supervision for relation extraction. 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