Espinoza, A., McMahan, S., Naffzinger, T., & Wiersma, L. / Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2012, Volume 10, Special
Issue: Obesity Prevention and Intervention, 13-19
Creating Playgrounds, Where Playgrounds Do Not Exist:
A Community Based Approach
Alejandro Espinoza1, Shari McMahan2, Todd Naffzinger2, and Lenny Wiersma2
Latino Health Access, Santa Ana
California State University, Fullerton
Recent emphasis has been placed on the effect the built environment has on physical activity levels of
children. Children living in poorly planned or urban neighborhoods (areas with limited room or green
space for play, lack of sidewalks and streets that do not connect) have less access to physical activity
opportunities. The purpose of this article is to describe a shared venture between a public university, nonprofit organization and faith based organization to increase physical activity among children living in a
city with limited open space. A mobile physical activity unit (MPAU), which consisted of a renovated
passenger bus with playground equipment, was developed and utilized with the intent of providing safe,
age-appropriate and supervised activities and games in a parking lot. Hence, children living nearby had
access to a “playground” that was non-existent in their neighborhood. The MPAU was made available to
children twice per week for 12 weeks. Attendance rates were high, and parents reported positive
feedback. The findings suggest that in the absence of joint-use agreements for access to playgrounds after
school hours, innovations such as the MPAU may be effective alternatives to increase children’s physical
activity levels.
© 2012 Californian Journal of Health Promotion. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Physical activity, Santa Ana, joint-use agreements, built environment
physical activities (Trust for Public Land, 2008).
Local organizations such as Latino Health
Access and local residents have been trying to
raise awareness about the lack of parks or open
spaces in this area. Latino Health Access is a
nonprofit organization located in Santa Ana,
California, that serves the public health needs of
of uninsured and under-served families in the
local community.
In many cities across the United States every
day, children can be heard laughing, playing and
having a good time with friends and family in
parks or open spaces, participating in numerous
physical activities. Generally speaking, parks
and open spaces provide children an avenue for
creating social connections, the opportunity to
interact with nature, and the opportunity to be
physically active (Henderson & Bialeschki,
2005). Neighborhoods with better access to
parks or open spaces can increase children’s
motivation to be physically active outside and
reduce sedentary behaviors. Unfortunately,
children living in the 92701 zip code of Santa
Ana, California do not have the same
opportunities that other children living in
planned communities have to play or engage in
Local Childhood Obesity Rates
In Orange County, California, Hispanic/Latino
children ages 0 to 4 years and 5 to 11 years,
have the highest rates of overweight, at 13.9
percent and 22.9 percent respectively (Nguyen,
2009). The City of Santa Ana has a childhood
obesity rate of 34.8%, which is the second to
only one other city in the state of California
(Trust for Public Land, 2008).
Espinoza, A., McMahan, S., Naffzinger, T., & Wiersma, L. / Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2012, Volume 10, Special
Issue: Obesity Prevention and Intervention, 13-19
The inspiration for the MPAU came from an
observation made at another physical activity
project. The children of that program, while
waiting for their parents, ran as fast they could
to the passing ice cream truck. The idea of a
mobile unit, which brought the same joy and
happiness to the children, was born. However
this mobile unit would bring fun games to their
neighborhoods, rather than ice cream, candy,
chips and sugary drinks.
Santa Ana and The Lack of Parks
The 92701 zip code of Santa Ana is home to
over 61,000 residents , 92 percent of whom are
Latino. There is not a single park or safe open
space available for physical activity in this zip
code (Flores, 2008). A study conducted by The
Trust for Public Land demonstrated that the
entire City of Santa Ana has a mere 0.5 acres of
open space per 1,000 people. On the other hand,
other cities in California provide an average of
7.9 acres of open space per 1,000 residents
(Garcia, Bracho, Cantero, & Glenn, 2009; Trust
for Public Land, 2008). The National Parks and
Recreation recommends a ratio of 10 acres of
open space per 1,000 people (HEAC, 2010).
Several studies (Babey et al., 2008; Black &
Macinko, 2007; Gomez et al., 2004; Weir,
Etelson & Brand, 2006; Roemmich et al., 2006;
Veitch, Salmon & Ball, 2007) have established
that some of the barriers children face to become
physically active are the urbanization of their
neighborhoods, lack of access to parks or open
spaces, lack of sidewalks to ride bicycles, high
population density, high traffic around parks or
open spaces, gang activity, lack of awareness of
available parks or open spaces, lack of
transportation to and from parks or open spaces,
costs of joining organized sports and concerns
by the parents about the safety of their children
while playing outside. Since there were no parks
in the 92701 zip code it was important to use
available space not tied to schools where
organized activities occurred.
The MPAU went from an idea to a reality, when
LHA conducted a park deficit analysis with The
Trust for Public Land. The results demonstrated
the need for parks or open spaces in the 92701
zip code of Santa Ana, California. LHA was in
the process of building the park in that same area
code. However with the opening of that park
being several years away, the children needed a
safe place immediately, where they could be
physically active.
Study Design
T The project was conducted in collaboration
with Latino Health Access (LHA), California
State University, Fullerton (CSUF) and
St.Joseph’s Catholic School, where the study
was hosted twice a week for a total of 12 weeks.
Baseline data was collected on families as well
as feedback from parents before, during and
after the intervention period.
A total of 24 children and their families
participated in the study. The selection of the
participants was done by a non-random area
sampling of families with children ages 6-14
years old living in the 92701 zip code of Santa.
Mobile Units and Utilization of Services
Several studies utilizing mobile units for health
examinations have demonstrated higher levels of
screening among community residents, by
reducing the barriers to health care access. These
types of services includes: audiograms,
mammograms, and vision screenings. These
services are tailored for people that are
underserved and cannot make traditional based
health appointments. A profit company called
“Fun Bus” throws parties that involve children
using mats, hoola-hoops and other exercise
based equipment (O’Connell, 2009). Using this
concept, we brought a bus filled with
playground equipment and physical activity
specialists to a location not normally used as a
Both quantitative and qualitative measures were
selected to gain a better understanding of the
barriers, aesthetics, proximity and availability of
parks, open spaces or green belts in the 92701
zip code of Santa Ana and the time it takes to
walk to the nearest physical activity amenity.
The questionnaire utilized was translated in
Spanish by personnel at LHA, to ensure it was
culturally sensitive and appropriate. Daily
Espinoza, A., McMahan, S., Naffzinger, T., & Wiersma, L. / Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2012, Volume 10, Special
Issue: Obesity Prevention and Intervention, 13-19
Children remained in their age group for the
entire 12 weeks.
attendance logs were collected to document
children’s utilization of the MPAU. Throughout
the 12 week program, brief informal interviews
were conducted with the parents and children to
hear feedback about the project and its impact.
At each MPAU session, the families and
children signed the daily attendance logs and
then the research team and volunteers gave the
children instructions and demonstrated the
games and activities for the day. Once the
children understood the rules of the game or
activity, a colored jersey was given to them to
help the research team and volunteers identify
the different age groups. The colored jerseys
were also useful for games and activities, where
both age groups participated together and teams
had to be selected.
An abandoned passenger bus was donated to
LHA to serve as the MPAU. This bus was in
poor condition- the windows were broken, it had
graffiti and was in need of major body work and
mechanical maintenance. With the hard work of
volunteers and grant funds from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the van
was renovated and filled with playground
A total of 3 different games and/or activities
were selected and supervised by the research
team and volunteers. In addition to the 3 games
and/or activities, a total of 30 minutes were
dedicated to “free play”, where the children
were able to create and play games on their own,
utilizing the playground equipment that was
housed within the MPAU.
After a 2 week community-based outreach effort
through the use of Latino Health Access
promotoras, and other diabetes prevention
classes within the target area, a total of 24
families were recruited. The participating
families scheduled a home appointment, where a
simple Spanish questionnaire was administered
by the project staff and an overview of the
project was provided in Spanish.
Table 1
Demographic characteristics of the
participating families and children
(n= 24)
Gender (Children)
11 53
13 47
Age (Children)
6 years-10 years
14 58
11 years-14 years 10 42
20 84
Income (Yearly)
Less than $10,000 8
11 46
$30,000 or more
Type of Residence
21 88
Note: Gender and age is of participating
children in the study, not the parents.
In preparation for the first physical activity day,
the project staff and volunteers met to select and
design physical activity games, utilizing proven
physical activity curriculums like SPARK and
CATCH (Levin & Martin, 2002; McKenzie,
Nader, Strikmiller, Yang, & Stone, 1996). The
games and activities selected ensured that all
activities were fun, age-appropriate, noncompetitive, safe, and that all children actively
The MPAU was driven to St.Joseph’s school
every Tuesday evening from 4pm to 6pm and
Saturday mornings from 10am to 12pm, for a
total of 12 weeks. An orientation was provided
so parents knew what was expected of them
(questionnaire completion, feedback) and their
children (playing in teams, manners) during the
study. Once the orientation was completed, the
children were assigned into one of two age
groups: 6-10 years old and 11-14 years old.
Espinoza, A., McMahan, S., Naffzinger, T., & Wiersma, L. / Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2012, Volume 10, Special
Issue: Obesity Prevention and Intervention, 13-19
Table 2
Time taken to walk to available physical activity resources/areas (n=24)
Indoor recreation or exercise facility
Beach, lake, river or creek
Bike, hiking or walking trails
Basketball court
Other playing fields or courts
Boys And Girls Club
Swimming pool
Walking or running track
School or recreation facilities open to the public
Small Park
Large Park
Public playground with equipment
Public or open spaces
Note: Walking time is an approximate estimate, time may vary.
20 minutes
or more
Table 3
Barriers to physical activity at the nearest park/open space (n= 24)
Lack of sidewalks or bike lanes
Poor lighting
Too much traffic
Dangerous crossings
10 (41%)
No other children around
Unsafe and too much crime
Park is too far
Not enough space
No activities at park
No playground equipment
No adult supervision
Difficulty getting to the park
10 (41%)
15 (63%)
12 (50%)
10 (41%)
11 (46%)
12 (50%)
12 (50%)
15 (63%)
14 (58%)
15 (63%)
12 (50%)
Latino/Hispanic decent, at 84% (n=20), and
lived in an apartment (n=21, 88%). Only three
families (12.5%) had an annual income of
Participant characteristics highlighting the
children’s gender, race/ethnicity, type of
residence and family income are demonstrated
on Table 1. Slightly over half of the children
were male (n= 13, 53%), and between the ages
of 6 and 10 years (n=14, 58%) . The majority of
Proximity of Physical Activity Amenities
The results of the pre-test questionnaire
identified proximity of physical activity
amenities as one of the barriers faced by families
living within the 92701 zip code of Santa Ana.
Espinoza, A., McMahan, S., Naffzinger, T., & Wiersma, L. / Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2012, Volume 10, Special
Issue: Obesity Prevention and Intervention, 13-19
One parent in particular said that she no longer
worried about her child when they came to
participate in the MPAU. Her worry came from
an incident where here child was hit by a passing
car in front of her home where her child would
normally play. Other parents also expressed their
feelings about the healthy and safe environment
provided by the MPAU project and how the
university volunteers, who assisted in the
development and implementation of the physical
activities, served as great role models to their
children. One unexpected outcome of the MPAU
came from the parents who approached one of
the project staff members and expressed her
interest in developing exercise classes for the
parents as well. This comment demonstrated the
capacity and power of involving the family as a
unit while promoting physical activity. The
children participating in the MPAU also had
very positive and encouraging comments about
their desire to play and be physically active.
Many of the children wanted the project to be
held seven days a week instead of two and some
of the parents also expressed this feeling.
Table 2 presents the walking time taken for
participating families to walk from their home to
the nearest open spaces. Over 70% of the
participants stated that it took longer than 20
minutes to get to an indoor recreation or exercise
facility, beach, lake, river or creek, biking/hiking
or walking trails, and other fields and courts.
Barriers to Physical Activity at the Nearest
Park/Open Space
Families who indicated that they walked to the
nearest park and/ or open space were also asked
about the barriers they encountered along the
way. Those barriers are shown on Table 3. The
main barrier noted was lack of sidewalks or bike
lanes, followed by not enough space, and no
playground equipment. Additional concerns that
were raised among half the participants included
too much crime, no adult supervision, poor
lighting, and too far.
Attendance of Children in the MPAU
The MPAU was designed to “bring the
playground’” to the participating families living
in the 92701 zip code of Santa Ana and allow
the children and opportunity to play in safe and
supervised environment. \ Very few children
missed a session. During weeks 1,4,10 and 12,
100% (n=24) of the children participated. Week
11 was the lowest attended, with a total of 25%
(n=6) absent. The majority (n= 15, 62%) did not
miss a session at all. Drinks and fruit (orange
slices) were provided during the weekly
activities. No other incentives were provided for
completion of all the activities.
Some of the learned experiences from the
project was the importance of academic
institutions like California State University,
Fullerton, community based organizations like
Latino Health Access and faith based
organizations like St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
need to collaborate together to help underserved
communities. Future collaborations with the
local school district to have joint-use agreements
to open after school to implement programs like
MPAU, will have a great impact in the lives of
the children that live within urbanized areas like
the 92701 zip code in Santa Ana.
The program involved mainly Latino children
(84%) of both genders, both age groups, of low
income and mainly lived in an apartment
dwelling. Many commented on the need for such
a program in a safe setting. Comments from
several parents during the informal interviews
were very moving and clearly demonstrated the
need for this kind of projects in areas where
there are very limited open spaces and/or parks.
The success of the MPAU project can be
attributed to many factors, but one of the most
important factors was the community partnered
with local organizations ,and were willing to
participate in order to change their community
into one that thrives and is healthy and safe for
everyone living within it. The environment a
child lives in should never be a cause for a
greater risk of disease or mortality.
Espinoza, A., McMahan, S., Naffzinger, T., & Wiersma, L. / Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2012, Volume 10, Special
Issue: Obesity Prevention and Intervention, 13-19
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Author Information
*Alejandro Espinoza, MPH
Latino Health Access
Po Box 4284, Santa Ana, CA 92701
Tel: (714) 542-4853
[email protected]
Shari McMahan, PhD
California State University, Fullerton
College of Health and Human Development
Todd Naffzinger, MPH
California State University, Fullerton
Department of Health Science
Espinoza, A., McMahan, S., Naffzinger, T., & Wiersma, L. / Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2012, Volume 10, Special
Issue: Obesity Prevention and Intervention, 13-19
Lenny Wiersma, PhD
California State University, Fullerton
Department of Health Science
* corresponding author