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Neurotoxicology is the science that deals with the adverse effects of naturally occurring and synthetic chemical agents on the structure or function of the nervous system. Many industrial and recreational solvents can cause neurotoxicity. Pharmaceutical neurotoxicity is very common and may be iatrogenic or self-initiated. Vinca alkaloids and taxols are at high risk for neurotoxicity. : International validations authorities such as OECD, EURL, ECVAM, and ICCVAM have not reviewed or validated any non-animal method or alternative testing strategy for assessing neurotoxicity. Thus, regulatory authorities have not accepted any non-animal method or alternative testing strategy for neurotoxicity testing.Most morphological changes such as neuropathy (a loss ofneurons), axonopathy (a degeneration of the neuronal axon),myelinopathy (a loss of the glial cells surrounding the axon),or other gliopathies, would be considered adverse, even if structural and/or functional changes were mild or transitory. Neurotoxicity canalso occur as a result of indirect effects, such as damage to hepatic or cardiovascular structures, or because of interference with the endocrine systems. Some chemicals may have multiple modes of action and may affect the nervous system both directly and indirectly. Forexample,some halogenated compounds may interact directly with brain cells, and also affect the development of the nervous system by altering thyroid hormone homeostasis. Encephalopathy, movement disorders, visual system impairment, psychiatric and behavioural disorders are some of the common complications associated with neurotoxic agents
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 2004
search of internet sites offering detoxification programmes for the elimination of toxins from the body and the regeneration or rejuvenation of the immune system, the nervous system as well as blood, liver, and kidney, reveals three features of current popular thinking on toxins: a terrible ignorance of basic science, a poor understanding of the organisation and function of the human body, and an irrational fear of the ''chemicals'' that prevent us from living to our full potential. Whatever our private thoughts on the expression and exploitation of these fears, we tend to forget that the most complete text on experimental and clinical neurotoxicology lists more than 350 compounds (synthetic and naturally occurring) known to cause functional or structural damage to the nervous system. 1 We should also note that a recent survey of the body load of a number of toxic chemicals in human subjects revealed widespread accumulation of a number of known toxins of considerable clinical interest, including organochlorines, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethylene (DDE), 2 and the continuing concern of many people over the perceived neurological damage caused, for example, by participation in military operations in the Gulf. Many of the subjects who consider themselves neurologically damaged by exposure to ''toxins'', ''chemicals'', or other environmental agents will seek confirmation and reassurance that their concerns are valid, that they have a definable illness, and that their condition will be treated. Considerable numbers are referred to a neurologist or psychiatrist for help. In this article we define a neurotoxin and the science of neurotoxicology, discuss some of the factors involved in the development of the signs and symptoms of neurotoxic damage, and offer advice on the examination of the patient, the diagnosis, and the construction of a management programme (see also Blain and Harris 3). WHAT IS MEANT BY NEUROTOXICOLOGY AND NEUROTOXIN? c Neurotoxicology is defined as the science that deals with the adverse effects of naturally occurring and synthetic chemical agents on the structure or function of the nervous system. In this context a neurotoxin is a naturally occurring or synthetic chemical agent that can cause a functional or structural change in the nervous system.
Neurotoxicity refers to the direct or indirect effect of chemicals that disrupt the nervous system of humans or animals. Numerous chemicals can produce neurotoxic diseases in humans, and many more are used as experimental tools to disturb or damage the nervous system of animals. Some act directly on neural cells, others interfere with metabolic processes on which the nervous system is especially dependent. Some disrupt neural function, others induce maldevelopment or damage to the adult nervous system. Perturbations may appear and disappear rapidly, evolve slowly over days or weeks and regress over months or years, or cause permanent deficits. Neurotoxicity is usually self-limiting after exposure ceases and rarely progressive in the absence of continued exposure, although there may be a significant delay between exposure and manifestation of neurotoxic effects
Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 1985
Toxicologic pathology
Exposure of human populations to a wide variety of chemicals has generated concern about the potential neurotoxicity of new and existing chemicals. Experimental studies conducted in laboratory animals remain critical to the study of neurotoxicity. An integrative approach using pharmacokinetic, neuropathological, neurochemical, electrophysiological, and behavioral methods is needed to determine whether a chemical is neurotoxic. There are a number of factors that can affect the outcome of a neurotoxicity study, including the choice of animal species, dose and dosage regimen, route of administration, and the intrinsic sensitivity of the nervous system to the test chemical. The neurotoxicity of a chemical can vary at different stages of brain development and maturity. Evidence of neurotoxicity may be highly subjective and species specific and can be complicated by the presence of systemic disease. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of these and other factors involved in the as...
Environmental Health Perspectives, 1998
Risk assessment is a process often divided into the following steps: a) hazard identification, b) dose-response assessment, c) exposure assessment, and d) risk characterization. Regulatory toxicity studies usually are aimed at providing data for the first two steps. Human case reports, environmental research, and in vitro studies may also be used to identify or to further characterize a toxic hazard. In this report the strengths and limitations of in vitro techniques are discussed in light of their usefulness to identify neurotoxic hazards, as well as for the subsequent dose-response assessment. Because of the complexity of the nervous system, multiple functions of individual cells, and our limited knowledge of biochemical processes involved in neurotoxicity, it is not known how well any in vitro system would recapitulate the in vivo system. Thus, it would be difficult to design an in vitro test battery to replace in vivo test systems. In vitro systems are well suited to the study of biological processes in a more isolated context and have been most successfully used to elucidate mechanisms of toxicity, identify target cells of neurotoxicity, and delineate the development and intricate cellular changes induced by neurotoxicants. Both biochemical and morphological end points can be used, but many of the end points used can be altered by pharmacological actions as well as toxicity. Therefore, for many of these end points it is difficult or impossible to set a criterion that allows one to differentiate between a pharmacological and a neurotoxic effect. For the process of risk assessment such a discrimination is central. Therefore, end points used to determine potential neurotoxicity of a compound have to be carefully selected and evaluated with respect to their potential to discriminate between an adverse neurotoxic effect and a pharmacologic effect. It is obvious that for in vitro neurotoxicity studies the primary end points that can be used are those affected through specific mechanisms of neurotoxicity. For example, in vitro systems may be useful for certain structurally defined compounds and mechanisms of toxicity, such as organophosphorus compounds and delayed neuropathy, for which target cells and the biochemical processes involved in the neurotoxicity are well known. For other compounds and the different types of neurotoxicity, a mechanism of toxicity needs to be identified first. Once identified, by either in vivo or in vitro methods, a system can be developed to detect and to evaluate predictive ability for the type of in vivo neurotoxicity produced. Therefore, in vitro tests have their greatest potential in providing information on basic mechanistic processes in order to refine specific experimental questions to be addressed in the whole animal.
Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 2015
The Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) framework provides a template that facilitates understanding of complex biological systems and the pathways of toxicity that result in adverse outcomes (AOs). The AOP starts with an molecular initiating event (MIE) in which a chemical interacts with a biological target(s), followed by a sequential series of KEs, which are cellular, anatomical, and/or functional changes in biological processes, that ultimately result in an AO manifest in individual organisms and populations. It has been developed as a tool for a knowledge-based safety assessment that relies on understanding mechanisms of toxicity, rather than simply observing its adverse outcome. A large number of cellular and molecular processes are known to be crucial to proper development and function of the central (CNS) and peripheral nervous systems (PNS). However, there are relatively few examples of welldocumented pathways that include causally linked MIEs and KEs that result in adverse outcomes in the CNS or PNS. As a fi rst step in applying the AOP framework to adverse health outcomes associated with exposure to exogenous neurotoxic substances, the EU Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing (EURL ECVAM) organized a workshop (March 2013, Ispra, Italy) to identify potential AOPs relevant to neurotoxic and developmental neurotoxic outcomes. Although the AOPs outlined during the workshop are not fully described, they could serve as a basis for further, more detailed AOP development and evaluation that could be useful to support human health risk assessment in a variety of ways.
Toxicological Sciences, 1986
Bahrain Medical Bulletin, 2015
Industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), making use of the amassed income from oil production, is showing phenomenal development and diversification in industrial products that have no match in the region. Chemical use in industry is on the rise worldwide and KSA is the main user and producer of chemicals (organic and inorganic compounds) in the Gulf region. A good number of chemicals, which may be the form of gas, liquid, or solid state, are neurotoxic causing poisoning, birth defects, severe illness, or even death. Toxicity sometimes arises from the metabolite and not from the parent chemical. In this review, we have briefly discussed the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, management, and prevention of toxicity of various groups of neurotoxic chemicals which are most likely found in Saudi industry. The clinical features of neurotoxicity depend on several factors, such as the physical characteristics of the chemical, the route of entry, the dose and susceptibility of the exposed individual. Investigations depend on the type of the toxic agent. These range from measuring the toxic chemical or its metabolites in biological samples, electro-physiological and laboratory investigations or nerve biopsy. Management depends on the poisoning agent and the presenting symptoms and signs. Intensive care might be required for acutely intoxicated patients. Preventing occupational diseases, in general, requires joint efforts between governments, industry and employees. Elimination is the key to prevention with the use of personal protective clothing as the last resort.
Neurologic Clinics, 2005
The field of neurotoxicology has grown immensely in the last 2 decades. One indication of this expansion is the ever-growing list of societies related to neurotoxicology or a neurotoxicologic field (eg, the International Neurotoxicology Association and the Society of Toxicology, with the latter having subsections for those individuals with interest in neurotoxicology or a related field). Increased interest is due in part to the growth of pharmaceuticals with central nervous system (CNS) activity. The list of agents that have the potential to cause neurotoxic insult is continually growing. Not only are prescription/illicit pharmaceuticals of concern but the increasing number of agents that can be found in the environment (heavy metals, pesticides, ionizing radiation, and so forth) and in the workplace (industrial pollution, combustion by-products, and so forth) also suggests that the broad area of neurotoxicology will only continue to grow. Recently, there has been heightened interest in the actions of toxins from bacterial or viral sources in the CNS. In late-stage AIDS, one clinical manifestation is AIDS-related dementia. At least in part, this clinical manifestation may be due to the toxic effects of two HIV-associated proteins. Thus, microbial toxins are another source of potential neurotoxic insult. In addition to the aforementioned areas, the field of alternative medicine, which includes herbal and other ''natural'' products, has greatly contributed to the need for further neurotoxicologic studies. In most cases, alternative remedies are relatively benign, but through interactions with other exogenous agents or through their own bioaccumulation, CNS toxicity can be observed. The newest area of neurotoxicologic focus has been on the effects of biological weapons or weapons of mass destruction. As the specter of terrorism shadows everyday life, the need to understand the mechanism or mechanisms of action for
Environmental Health Perspectives, 1996
The ability to identify potential neurotoxicants depends upon the characteristics of our test instruments. The neurotoxic properties of lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, and organic solvents would all have been detected at some dose level by tests in current use, provided that the doses were high enough and administered at an appropriate time such as during gestation. The adequacy of animal studies, particularly rodent studies, to predict intake levels at which human health can be protected is disappointing, however. It is unlikely that the use of advanced behavioral methodology would alleviate the apparent lack of sensitivity of the rodent model for many agents.
Norba. Revista de Arte, 2023
Linguae Rivista Di Lingue E Culture Moderne, 2012
Language and Psychoanalysis, 2018
The International Journal of Practical and Pedagogical Issues in English Education, 2024
RCMajumdar Memorial lecture, 2022
American Anthropologist, 2023
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Les conversions à l'islam en Asie mineure, dans les Balkans et dans le monde musulman in Philippe Gelez & Gilles Grivaud, 2016
Diagnostics, 2020
II Simpósio Nacional de Epistemologia Qualitativa e Subjetividade, 2019
The American Journal of Pathology, 2000
Tourism and hospitality management
Acta Botanica Brasilica, 2005
Revista Contexto & Educação, 2022