Sensor Data Collection with Expected Reliability Guarantees
Qi Han, Iosif Lazaridis, Sharad Mehrotra, Nalini Venkatasubramanian
Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697
qhan,iosif,sharad,nalini ✁
Due to the fragility of small sensors, their finite energy
supply and the loss of packets in the wireless channel, reports from sensors may not reach the sink node. In this paper we consider the problem of sensor data collection in
the presence of faults in sensor networks. We develop a
data collection protocol, which provides expected reliability guarantees while minimizing resource consumption by
adaptively adjusting the number of retransmissions based
on current network fault conditions.
1. Introduction
With the advances in computational, communication,
and sensing capabilities, large scale sensor-based distributed environments are becoming a reality. Such distributed sensor environments allow us to continuously monitor and record the state of the physical world, which can be
used for a variety of purposes. Applications who are interested in sensor readings reside at powerful servers/sinks
outside of the sensor network. Sensors are expected to be
inexpensive and can be deployed in a large number to inhospitable environments, which implies that sensors are typically operating unattended. Therefore, sensor networks are
subject to high fault rate: connectivity between nodes can
be lost due to environmental noise and obstacles; nodes may
die due to power depletion, environmental changes or malicious destruction. As mentioned in [8], fault tolerance is
one of the metrics used to evaluate sensor applications in
addition to energy efficiency/system lifetime, latency, accuracy and scalability. As a motivating application, we consider event detection such as chemical leakage diagnosis. If
several (say 5) possible spots can cause leaking, we need to
identify the exact spot where the toxic gas originates from,
so a certain percentage (say ✂☎✄✝✆ ) of the reports from each
of the 5 sensors are needed; after the leaking spot is identified, only ✂☎✄✝✆ is needed from that particular sensor, to
make sure that the leaking is effectively controlled.
Increasingly, researchers are realizing that sensors are
more than passive beacons, but can perform useful work,
both to conserve their own resources and to meet application goals. The failure prone nature of sensor networks implies that in order to ensure reliability requirements from
certain applications, both the sink (where applications are
injected into the sensor network) and sensors need to put
more effort. This paper deals with how the sink and the
sensor collaborate to provide answers with additional reliability guarantees. The application must now specify its
reliability requirements, expressing the minimum tolerable
reliability degree. The system will then work towards producing such a guarantee: sometimes due to the occurrence
of many faults, it might be impossible to achieve this goal;
then the “best possible” answer will be given.
Problem Definition: We consider typical sensor applications involving the reliable detection and/or estimation of
event features based on reports from the sensor node observing the event. For example, in order to detect and fix
toxic chemical leaking, the sink must decide on the chemical density every ✞ time units. Here, ✞ represents the duration of a decision interval and is fixed by the application.
At the end of the decision interval, the sink makes an informed decision based on reports received from the sensor
node during that interval. Typically, in order to make a fair
decision, the sink needs to receive at least ✟✡✠ (desired reliability) of the data sent by the sensor, the ratio of the required number of received values to the number of transmitted values, required for reliable collection. We define
the observed reliability ☛ as the actual reliability measured
in ✞ time units, which measures the ratio of number of data
items the sink actually receives, to the number of data items
a sensor injects into the network. Our objective is to minimize the communication overhead involved in maintaining
that ☛✌☞✍✟✎✠ .
Equivalently, let ✏ be the number of items to be transmitted by the sensor, ✏ ✠ be the number of items expected
at the sink. Let ✑ be a plan of transmission, defined as
✑✓✒✕✔✗✖✙✘ ✚✜✛✢✖✙✘✣✤✛✦✥✧✥✦✥✦✛✢✖✙✘★✪✩ where ✖✙✘✫ is the number of times
that item ✬ is transmitted. Let the expected number of items
✏✭✮ ✘ reaching the sink at least once for plan ✑ is ✯✰✔✱✏✲✮ ✘ ✩ ,
The cost of plan ✑ , assuming that each message has a uniform cost, is:
Our objective is to minimize
✯✰✔✹✏ ✮ ✘ ✩✜☞✺✏ ✠ .
✫✸✷ ✚
✖ ✘✫ ✥
✔✴✑✌✩ while maintaining that
2. Data Collection Protocol with Expected Reliability Guarantees (PERG)
In this section, we present a Protocol with Expected Reliability Guarantees (PERG). In order to ensure the reliability requirement at the end of ✞ time units, we divide the
whole time period into rounds, where each round contains
the same number of data items sent by the sensor. Note
that we assume sensors might not report their values periodically, but triggered by events. This implies that the duration of each round may be different. This round-based protocol facilitates improving observed reliability from round
to round. Assuming that the observed reliability in round
✬ is ☛ ✫ , if fault rate is so high that ✟✻✠ is not achieved
(☛ ✫✽✼ ✟✎✠ ), we can raise reliability requirement for round
✬✿✾✺❀ - ✟ ✠ ✔✗✬❁✾✺❀❂✩ , aiming to compensate the loss in the previous round; On the other hand, if ☛ ✫❄❃ ✟ ✠ , we can lower
✟ ✠ ✔✹✬✝✾❅❀❆✩ so that communication overhead is saved. Let ✏ ✫
be the number of items generated in round ✬ , ✟ ✠ ✔✹✬❇✩ is the
desired reliability of round ✬ , ☛ ✫ is the observed reliability
of round ✬ , then
✏ ✫✙❈ ☛ ✫ ❉
✾ ✏ ❋✫ ❊ ✚ ❈ ✟❄✠●✔✹✬✙✾❍❀❆✩■☞❏✔✹✏ ✫ ✾❅✏ ✸✫ ❊ ✚ ✩ ❈ ✟❄✠❑✥
★◗P ❊ ★◗P❋❘❚❙❱❯❳❲ ❨❬❩❪❭❫★◗P❇❲ ✮ P
We get ✟✎✠❑✔✹✬▲✾▼❀❆✩✰☞❖◆
✥ If ✏ ✫ ✒❴✏ ✫✸❊ ✚ ,
then ❵❑✟✎✠✌❛❜☛ ✫❞❝ ✟✎✠❑✔✹✬❡✾❢❀❂✩ ❝ ❀ . For example, let us
assume that the desired reliability of an application is 0.8,
the sensor generates 100 data items in each round. If the
actual reliability of round ✬ is 0.7, then the desired reliability
for next round is 0.9.
The basic idea of PERG is to use re-transmission to
achieve user required reliability. At the end of each round,
the sensor sends the server the information about the number of data items sent in this round, and the number of messages sent in this round. Based on these information, the
server estimates current network situation, as well as the
actual reliability achieved in this round. The sensor derives
re-transmission times for data items generated in the next
round based on the feedback from the server. We now proceeds to discuss the details of the protocol.
2.1. Inferring Current Fault Severity
Since the sensor (not the sink) can keep track of the number of data items or messages sent, and only the sink (not
the sensor) is aware of the number of data items or messages received, it is necessary for the sink and the sensor
to exchange these information in order to infer current fault
severity. More specifically, We are interested in message
delivery rate ❣ ✮ and observed reliability ☛ . The information
is exchanged as follows.
❤ The information exchange is started by a FEEDBACKREQUEST-MSG sent from the sensor to the sink at the
end of a round. The sensor repeat sending this message until a FEEDBACK-RESPONSE-MSG is received
from the sink or until this message is repeated ✏✽✐ ✮ times.
The FEEDBACK-REQUEST-MSG includes the number of
items sent from the sensor ✏❦❥♠❧ , the number of messages
sent from the sensor ✏✌♥✤❧ . Note that ✏✌♥✤❧ can be different
from ✏❦❥♠❧ since one item may be sent multiple times.
❤ Upon hearing FEEDBACK-REQUEST-MSG, the sink
calculates ❣ ✮ and ☛ , using its knowledge of the number of
items received ✏ ❥ ✮ and the
★♣t q number of messages received
✏ ♥ ✮ : ❣ ✮ ✒ ★ ♦sr , ☛ ✫ ✒ ★▲t r , where ✏ ❥♠❧ ✒✉✏ . The sink
then sends out FEEDBACK-RESPONSE-MSG, which contains ❣ ✮ and ☛ , either ✏ ✐❆✈ times or until FEEDBACK-ACKMSG is received.
❤ Upon receiving FEEDBACK-RESPONSE-MSG, the sensor responds with a FEEDBACK-ACK-MSG.
Figure 1 describes the communication between the
server and the sensor. For example, if the sensor sent out
100 data items using 150 messages, and the server received
100 messages which contain 80 distinguished data items,
then the message delivery rate is ✚②①②✇ ✒④③❚⑤⑥✆ and the reliability achieved is ⑦☎✄✝✆ .
(number of data items sent, number of messages sent)
(message delivery rate, observed reliability)
Figure 1. Feedback Protocol
The number of re-transmissions for feedback acknowledgment ✏❦✐❂✈ is adjusted so that the probability of the sensor receiving the feedback is above a certain threshold.
Let ❣▲✐❂✈ be the probability of sensor receiving the feedback at least once after it is transmitted ✏ ✐❆✈ times, then
❣ ✐❂✈ ✒▼❀✜❛❉✔❱❀❡❛✲❣ ✮ ✩
. If we would like to have ❣ ✐❂✈ ❃✺⑩ ,
✚ ❭✙❻☎❯
then ✏✌✐❂✈✡☞❷❶ ❸❺❹ ◆ ✚ ❭❫❼ q ❯ . We can compute the number of re❹ ◆ feedback request ✏ ✐ ✮ in a similar way.
transmissions❶ ❸❺for
The newly computed/received ❣ ✮ and ☛ serves as an indicator of network fault severity for the next round, where
parameters such as ✏❦✐❂✈ , ✏❦✐ ✮ are computed. However, it
is still possible for those feedback messages to get lost, we
therefore enforce a timeout mechanism. In other words, if
no feedback message is received within certain time duration, we use the parameters of the previous round.
2.2. Re-Transmission Based Plan
The feedback message described above provides an indicator of current network fault rate. Let ❣ ✐ be the probability that a transmitted item will not reach the sink if it is sent
once, then ❣▲✐✲✒❽❀✎❛❉❣ ✮ . In the presence of failure in the
sensor network, data needs to be re-transmitted in order to
guarantee the expected reliability. Assuming that ❣❾✐ is approximately constant within a round, the expected number
of items ✏ ✮ ✘ reaching the sink
★ at least once for plan ✑ is:
✯✰✔✱✏ ✘✮ ✩❾✒
✔❱❀✤❛❿❣✻✐ ➀☎➁ ✩♠✥
✫❋✷ ✚
We aim to ✳ design an optimal transmission plan ✑ which
minimizes ✔✗✑✌✩ while maintaining that ✯✰✔✱✏➂✮ ✘ ✩✜☞✺✏ ✠ .
Assuming that we have a transmission plan, in which an
item is sent either ➃ times, or ➃❦✾④❀ times. Let ✏✽➄ be the
number of items that are sent out ➃ times, and ✏➅➄ ❊ ✚ be the
number of items that are sent out ➃✡✾➆❀ times, then
➄ ❊ ✚
✯✰✔✹✏ ✮ ✘ ✩❾✒❍✏❦➄ ❈ ✔❱❀✤❛➇❣ ✐ ✩s✾❜✔✹✏❴❛❞✏❦➄❑✩ ❈ ✔②❀➈❛❿❣ ✐
✩ (1)
We now need to determine the optimal ➃ , which should
meet the following statement: the expected number of items
received should be less than ✏ ✠ can be received if all ✏
items are transmitted ➃ times, and it should be at least ✏ ✠
if all ✏ items are transmitted ➃✌✾➉❀ times.
In other words,
➄ ❊ ✚
✏ ❈ ✔②❀✵❛➂❣ ✐ ✩ ✼ ✏ ✠ ❝ ✏ ❈ ✔❱❀■❛➂❣ ✐
✩ . From this, we get
★ ❩
★ ❩
✔②❀➈❛ ★ ✩
✔❱❀✤❛ ★ ✩
❣ ✐
❣ ✐
✔②❀✤❛ ★ ✩
i.e., ➃✽✒➏➎
We also need to derive the ✽
✏ ➄ . From Equation( 1) and
✯✰✔✹✏✭✮ ✘ ✩✜☞✺✏❦✠ , we get
➄ ❊ ✚
✏❦✠✵❛❿✏ ❈ ✔②❀✤❛❞❣ ✐
✏ ➄ ❝
➄ ❊ ✚
❣ ✐
❛ ❣ ✐
➄ ❊ ✚
✏✌✠✜❛❿✏ ❈ ✔❱❀✤❛❿❣ ✐
➄ ❊ ✚
❣ ✐
❛❿❣ ✐
We have proved, via the following lemma, that this transmission plan is the optimal one.
✩ ☞④✏ ✠ , the cost
Lemma: For a plan ✑ with ✯✰✔✹✏➂✮ ✘ ✻
is minimized only if
✬❪✛↔➣➅↕✲➙❚❀☎✛❺❵➛✛✦✥✧✥✦✥♠✛✢✏➇➜✎➝❁➞ ✖ ✘✫ ❛❞✖ ➟✘ ➞ ❝ ❀
Proof: Interested readers may refer to [3].
Given that we have decided that for all the ✏ items in
one round, we transmit part of them ➃ times and the remaining part ➃❾✾➠❀ times, we now need to decide how to send out
these messages. For example, the sensor generates data item
A, B, C and D. One option is to send them interspersedly,
that is ABCDABCD.... However, this would require that
the sensor store all of generated items until the transmission time; in addition, the application needs to wait until at
least one round period in order to receive the first item generated at the beginning of the round. Due to the memory
limitations of sensor nodes and the possible timeliness requirements of the applications, we choose to send the items
consecutively immediately after it is generated. This strategy brings another benefits that the sensor can switch off its
radio after re-transmitting as many times as computed.
3. Performance Evaluation
The objective of the performance study is to validate our
proposed protocol PERG, and evaluate its performance under different system conditions. We compare PERG against
a simplistic policy LAZY, which ignores failures and the
sensor sends out each of its values only once. The performance of LAZY is purely dependent on the status of the
sensor network, and provides a baseline of our performance
comparison. Two performance metrics are used to compare
policies: (i) observed reliability and (ii) the normalized cost,
defined as the total number of messages exchanged divided
by the total number of data items the sensor generates.
We simulated the protocols LAZY and PERG on GlomoSim [12], a scalable discrete-event simulator for wireless networks which provides detailed radio and MAC layers. We chose communication parameters using the Berkeley mote specification [6], where CSMA is used as MAC
layer protocol.
Experimental Results: We evaluate the system’s behavior by varying application desired reliability and sensor
network fault rate. All the results are averaged over multiple(10) runs.
Figure 2 demonstrates the impact of reliability adjustment in PERG for the first 10 rounds with application desired reliability( ✟✎✠ ) 0.9 and network fault rate 20%. Since
protocol LAZY is not adaptive to either network conditions
or application requirement, both the observed reliability and
the cost remains the same in each round. However, in
PERG, the desired reliability varies over the round with the
ultimate goal of achieving the application desired reliability. For example, in the first round, without the knowledge
of the network conditions, PERG exhibits the same performance as LAZY; however, in the second round, PERG
raises its desired reliability to 0.99 in order to compensate
the loss in the first round. Subsequently, PERG lowers its
Impact of Reliability Adjustment
normalized cost
Impact of Reliability Adjustment
application desired
round index
round index
Figure 2. Impact of Reliability adjustment
desired reliability if more data items are received during
previous rounds.
Figure 3 depicts the protocol performance as network
fault rate varies. We observe that with the increase of
fault rate, the observed reliability provided by LAZY decreases dramatically, while the observed reliability provided
by PERG drops only slightly. Without surprise, this performance comes at the price of sending more messages, i.e.,
re-transmitting part of the data items. In order to achieve
the desired reliability, the cost increases as the network fault
gets more severe.
Figure 4 shows the impact of application requirements.
The observed reliability of PERG is very close to the desired
reliability of applications; while LAZY only provides the
same reliability regardless of application requirements.
In summary, PERG provides the expected reliability
guarantees via re-transmitting sensor data, which involves
higher communication overhead. In contrast, even though
LAZY incurs minimal overhead, it is unable to react to different reliability requirements from applications or sensor
network fault conditions.
limited effects. A robust technique for computing duplicate
sensitive aggregates was proposed by combining multi-path
routing and duplicate insensitive sketches. In contrast, our
work in this paper deals with event detection applications
where reliability is imposed on a series of sensor data generated over time, and we also provide quality guarantees
taking into consideration the lossy/faulty nature of the sensor network.
4. Related Work and Concluding Remarks
Providing reliable data delivery has also been addressed
by routing protocols. Braided Diffusion [2] maintains multiple “braided” paths as backup. When a node on the primary path fails, data can go on an alternate path. GRAB
(Gradient Broadcast) [11] ensures a robust data delivery
through controlled mesh forwarding. It controls the “width”
of the forwarding mesh, thus the degree of redundancy in
forwarding data. We argue that reliable routing does not
differentiate data and enforce reliable delivery of each piece
of data, which is neither efficient nor necessary. In addition,
interesting studies have been conducted in terms of the impact of link quality estimation and neighborhood table management on reliable routing in sensor networks [10].
Despite a considerable amount of research on sensor networking and databases, the problems of reliable delivery of
sensor data in the presence of faults and losses have not
been studied until recently. The work most relevant to ours
is TAG [4] and SKETCH [1], which attempt to provide robust aggregation of data in sensor networks. In TAG, a routing tree is formed during query dissemination phase. Later,
a sensor node selects a new parent if (1) the quality of the
link with his parent is significantly worse than that of another potential parent, or (2) it has not heard from its parent
for some fixed period of time. SKETCH uses a DAG instead
of a tree for data delivery. Given that most nodes have multiple parents in a DAG, an individual link or node failure has
Congestion is one of factors causing faults in sensor networks. ESRT (Event-to-Sink Reliable Transport) [7] aims
to provide congestion control in sensor networks by adjusting sensor reporting frequency based on current network
congestion and application specific reliability requirements.
Orthogonal to this upstream (data delivery from sensors
to server) reliability, there is also research ensuring downstream reliability. PSFQ (Pump Slowly, Fetch Quickly) [9]
is a hop-by-hop error recovery scheme. Driven by the purpose of controlling, managing or re-tasking sensors, PSFQ
aims to provide in-sequence data delivery from the sink to
the sensors. Along the same line, GARUDA [5] also provides sink-to-sensors reliability.
Concluding Remarks: In this paper we considered the
problem of supporting event detection applications in sen-
Impact of Fault Rate
Impact of Fault Rate
normalized cost
observed reliability
fault rate
fault rate
Figure 3. Impact of Fault Rate
Impact of Desired Reliability
Impact of Desired Reliability
normalized cost
observed reliability
desired reliability
desired reliability
Figure 4. Impact of Desired Reliability
sor networks when faults are likely to occur. We developed
a protocol for trying to achieve expected reliability guarantees efficiently, evaluated the proposed protocol PERG in
the presence of varying fault rates and under different application reliability requirements.
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