Dealing with Disputes (1994)

1994, Batman Links. Newsletter of Brian Howe, MHR for Batman

AI-generated Abstract

This paper explores the processes and dynamics surrounding disputes within the Labor Party, particularly focusing on the Northcote Branch. It discusses historical reforms, the evolution of dispute management procedures since the 1970s, and personal accounts illustrating the complexities of internal party relations. The paper emphasizes the importance of logic and common sense in navigating conflicts and aims to provide clarity on how disputes can be effectively handled.

negativesbut insteadlook to the positives. We must not forget that the Labor Party was determined to restructure Local Governmentwhen we were in power. The opportunity was missed due to a variety of reasons but primarily because of the opposition orchestratedby Kennettand of coursethe Kennettcontrol of the upperhouse. We can argue with the process but not with the spirit of the reformswhich are necessary and desirable. argued that a Preston/Northcote merger was logical because of geographical boundaries (Meni and DarebinCreeks), patterns of growth (Preston grew from Northcote), population similarities, transportroutes(Eppingline, Bundooratram, St. Georges Rd, High St), interactionof communities (shopping, w o r k , r e c r e at i o n ) , a n d Councils which had fairly similarviews on a varietyof issues. that borders on the bizane, and eveninvolvethe greatest acts of disloyalty. Beforefederalinterventionin 1970disputeswere generally handled by a special DisputesCommitteeof the Victorian Central Executive. One of its most famous casesconcemeda Northcote Branch member in 1957. Northcotethen, as it is now, was part of the Batman involved an action by a man who 1954 allowed his I believe that our future is m e m b e r s h i p t o l a p s e , From Northcoie's brightand thatwe will havea r e j o i n i n g t h e N o r t h c o t e p e r s p e c t i v e , w e h a v e powerfulcouncil that will be Branch in late 1955 by achieved pretty much what ableto bringaboutchangein claiming that ill-healthhad we set out to achieve,with our region. In conjunction preventedhim from rejoining the exceptionof the loss of with Laborcouncilsin Yana, eadier that year. The man Fairfield/Alphington. Moreland, Essendon/Keilor,was almost certainly a and Footscray/Sunshine we supporter of what was to p a i n s We are at t o will represent over half a become the DLP, but had understandthe angst of the millionresidentsin the North- been a "fence-sitted'during PrestonCouncil,particularly West regionof Melbourne. the early part of 1955. This the independents who was a period when ALP appearto hold the reins of We will be so powerfulthat P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n s a n d power. Quite frankly the we will be able to fight the Councillorsin Victoria, as NorthcoteCouncil is sick of Kennett Government and well as almost all branch beingblamedfor the factthat ensurethat our regiongets a members, were required to Preston misunderstoodthe fair share of Govemment take sidesas the Party process,seemedunawareof resources. the desired outcomes,and then put in a submission *** split. He workedfor neither based on flawed reasoning. of the two rival Labor parties The fact that factional at the state electionsin April manoeuvring and tribal 1955. He certainlyrenewed loyaltiesappearedto play a his ALP membershiponly significant part in their B Y G R A Z I E L L AD ' A M I C O , b e c a u s e A n t i - C o m m u n i s t (Democratic) Labor Party approachis somethingthat I P R E S T O N B R A N C H find abhonent. We were candidates had been pleased that the Local A polls, and topic of considerable decimatedat the Government Board's report i n t e r e s l a m o n g p a r t y that future DemocraticLabor essentiallysummarisedthe membersis the queslionof Party candidaturecould only submissionthat we put to disputes.Disputesnormally mean certain defeat. The them. We believethat our a r i s e o v e r p e r s o n a l man had previously approach was based on d i f f e r e n c e s contested a Legislative between commonsenseand logic. Assembly seatfor the ALP in members, particularlyat the and arguedthat as a municipallevel,but they can 1943, Essentiallyour submission sometimes involve conduct former candidatehe should DEALIIVG WITH DISPUIES have been endorsedfor pre- fourteen, would probably admonition.An appeal can selectionfor the Legislative today be in contraventionof be made from a decisionof Assembly seat of Northcote equa!opportunity legislation, t h e T r i b u n a l t o S t a t e at the 1957 by-election if not ALP rules. Only Conference. causedby the death of party " i m m i g r a n t s , C o m m u n i s t s Leader John Cain Senior. a n d h o m o s e x u a l s r e a d Applicationsfor membership T h e V i c t o r i a n C e n t r a l books,"the Mayorsaid."And are not withinthe authorityof Executive,then responsible if they want lo read books Disputes.This aroserecently f o r p r e - s e l e c t i n g A L P there are plenty of Noddy when several Reservoir candidates, rejected this and Eiggles books in the B r a n c h m e m b e r s a s k e d a r g u m e n t a n d e n d o r s e d children'ssection."I found Disputes to consider an Northcote Councillor Frank this talk personallyoffensive, applicationfor membership Wilkes. He not only refused and alwaysvotedagainstthe by a former ALP member to work for Frank Wilkes. Mayor in intemal party who opposed an endorsed Doug Allen,a late Reservoir electionsas a result.He was ALP candidateat an election. Branch member, overheard neveropposedfor electionto The matter was refened to t h e m a n u r g i n g v o t e r s the Council,and I will not t h e M e m b e r s h i p S u b outside the NorthcoteTown comment on what I would C o m m i t t e e of the polling Hall booth to accept have done if he was. In the Administrative Committee. how-to-vote cards from the 1960's politically inconect N o r c a n t h e D i s p u t e s DemocraticLaborParty,and languagesuch as this was T r i b u n a l c o n d u c t a n to rejectcardsfrom the ALP. rarely challenged by an i n v e s t i g a t i o n . R e c e n t l y " T h e y a r e C o m m ( u n i s t ) A n g l o m e m b e r s h i p . A n d Disputes was asked by tickets,"he said of the ALP personsunderfourteencould PrestonBranchto investigate cards. Doug Allen laid a not legally be members of certainmattersrelatingto the charge before the Disputes the party. Northcote Council. The Committee, and after a Tribunal referredthe matter h e a r i n g t h e m a n w a s The presentposition(post back to more appropriate expelledfrom the party. 1970) involves different authorities. the Rules p r o c e d u r e s f o r h a n d l i n g RevisionCommitteeand the Most of the disputesbefore d i s p u t e s . A n i n d e p e n d e n t N o r t h c o t e C o u n c i l A L P 1970, if not after, involved b o d y , r a t h e r t h a n a C a u c u s . localgovernment. In 1963six Committee of the Central Oakleigh Councillorswere Executive(the old name for T h e D i s p u t e s T r i b u n a l suspendedfrom the party in t h e Administrative consists of 15 members a dispute now all electedby State Conference involving Committee), hears interpretationof party rules such actions.A chargemust every two years.Three of its over state aid for church be laid beforethe Disputes cunent members live in schools. Tribunal,(commonlyknown Batman. These are Lyle Northcote Councillorswere involvedin as Disputes) and it must be a Allan, the currentPresident, a disputewith the party over chargeby one partymember LidiaArgondizzo,the current the introductionof a 3S-hour a g a i n s l a n o t h e r p a r t y Deputy President,and soon procedures to be ex-NorthcoteCouncillor week for Councilemployees, member.Detailed but the dispute was settled for the layingof chargescan PhillipBain afterhis sacking withouta hearing. be found in the Party rules. in a few weeks by Jeff To be proven an absolute Kennett.Anothermemberis Cases involvingintemperate majority of the Disputes former Preston Mayor Gary language were harder to Tribunalmust vote in favour Jungwirth,descendant of the r e s o l v e . T h e N o r t h c o t e before a charge can be d i s t i n g u i s h e d G e n e r a l Mayor who supporteda rule sustained. A penaltymay be Jungwirth,who servedin the which (incredibly) baned use imposedwhich can be any HungarianArmy in 1848. *** of the Northcote Library to o n e of expulsion, children under the aoe of suspension, reprimand or FAKffiffiruJUNE19 THE BATMANALP FEA lnviteyou to a fundraising E uropean C hristnas P ar7y Comein European National Dress or comeas yourfavourite European character. Friday22 Juty,19946.30pm Mayors Room Norfrcote Town Hall 189 High Sfeet Norhcote BYO drinks Supperprovided Tickets$15 (childrenunder 12 tree) CONTRTBIITIONS TCI BATI{AN LINKS SHOIJLD BB DTRECTED TO BRrAN HOI{E'S OFFICE, OR TO ANY UEUBER OT TTIB FE,A ,tvsrDE... Bian Howeon the Challengeof RegionalDevelopment- emphasis for the North TonvSheehanlooksat Victoia's economicrealities- whereare the miracles?? MichaelRizzoon eouncil - a Nofthcate amalgamafions perspective. DealinoWth Disoutes Jack Hamiltonhonoursthe late NormanAndrewsand we pay tibute to Ted Tenner. ln our Batmancommunityservrbes secfionwe look at the Merri HousinoService. We commenton the first "ALP NorthernWomen& Fiends" function. ln our first Labor PeopleProfile: lvo Whittle BATMAN ALP BRANCHES 1 994 BATMANNORTH (Greek) President- SpiroPolitis480 4261 - MichalisMichael489 5794 Secretary COBURGEAST - ChrisShields354 1193 President Secretary- JamesMcGarvey478 4931 CR OX T ON ( l ta l i a n ) - AlfonsoLicastro480 6061 President - LidiaArgondizzo 3479533 Secretary H I G HS T ( L e b a n e se ) - NazinEl-Asmar 489 0348 President '1109 481 Asmar Secretary Daher N OR T H C OT E - VincentHumphries 486 1975 President - BeatriceMagalotti 499 3592 Secretary N OR T H C OT E EAST (Greek) President- BasilieCacalis489 5642 - AndyMylonas489 6845 Secretary PR E S T ON - Christine Kelly478 1663 President - JudithNewman4703175 Secretary PRESTON WEST (Kurdish) President- AzadKhalil4787286 - HaydarDemirci4780768 Secretary RESERVOIR EAST - WarrenButler478 1986 President - Rosaleen Brophy478 1986 Secretary THORNBURY WEST - PhillipBain4814893 President Secretary- PatriciaMatthews486 1873 WESTGARTH (Greek) - StevenTsitas489 6823 President Secretary- MaryRetiniotis478 8753