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2007, Geophysical Research Letters
5 pages
1 file
Volcanoes generate a variety of pre-eruptive lowfrequency seismic signals. Hybrid earthquakes comprise a class of these signals having high-frequency onsets followed by low-frequency ringing. They are used empirically to predict eruptions, but their ambiguous physical origin limits their diagnostic use. The short-duration, near-field hybrid seismograms associated with the 2004 Mount St. Helens eruption indicate that much of the prolonged signal is due to path rather than resonating fluids. We show using seismic source spectra that the hybrids have a corner frequency/ seismic moment relationship that scales consistently with brittle-failure. The unusually low frequency of these earthquakes can result from low rupture velocities combined with strong path effects due to their shallow sources. This new application of near-field instrumentation provides the first seismological evidence for brittle-failure as a major process in dome building, and suggests that hybrids should not be used as direct indicators of fluids.
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2010
Areas of active volcanism contain elaborate velocity structures that complicate interpretations of earthquake source mechanisms. We examine the spectral characteristics of 805 earthquakes that immediately followed a large volume basaltic dike intrusion and associated silicic flank eruption of Dabbahu volcano in the Afar Depression as recorded on near-source seismometers. We use these results to quantify the contribution of scattering and attenuation to the observed spectra of low-frequency hybrid and volcano-tectonic earthquake clusters from beneath Dabbahu volcano and around the dike zone. We find strong variations in the signal amplitude and frequency content of earthquakes recorded at stations separated by as little as 2 km, caused by preferential attenuation of high frequencies depending on the vantage point. These observations imply that there are large impedance contrasts near the cooling, solidifying, and recently intruded dike. We estimate the intrinsic absorption attenuation coefficient, Q I , and inverse scattering length, g 0 , averaged over a 300-sq-km area beneath Dabbahu. Our results are consistent with the highest attenuation coefficients from studies of volcanic provinces in Italy (Q 1 I ≈ 0:02, g 0 ≈ 0:1 km 1 for a signal at 2 Hz). The magnitude of these two parameters indicates there are large impedance contrasts present in the area due to the recent intrusion of magma and associated fracturing.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2008
The current eruption at Mount St. Helens is characterized by dome building and shallow, 17 repetitive, long-period (LP) earthquakes. Waveform cross-correlation reveals remarkable similarity for a 18 majority of the earthquakes over periods of several weeks. Stacked spectra of these events display 19 multiple peaks between 0.5 and 2 Hz that are common to most stations. Lower-amplitude very-long-20 period (VLP) events commonly accompany the LP events. We model the source mechanisms of LP and 21 VLP events in the 0.5 -4 s and 8 -40 s bands, respectively, using data recorded in July 2005 with a 19-22 station temporary broadband network. The source mechanism of the LP events includes: 1) a volumetric 23 component modeled as resonance of a gently NNW-dipping, steam-filled crack located directly beneath 24 the actively-extruding part of the new dome and within 100 m of the crater floor and 2) a vertical single 25 force attributed to movement of the overlying dome. The VLP source, which also includes volumetric and 26 single-force components, is 250 m deeper and NNW of the LP source, at the SW edge of the 1980s lava 27 dome. The volumetric component points to the compression and expansion of a shallow, magma-filled 28 sill, which is subparallel to the hydrothermal crack imaged at the LP source, coupled with a smaller 29 component of expansion and compression of a dike. The single-force components are due to mass 30 advection in the magma conduit. The location, geometry and timing of the sources suggest the VLP and 31 LP events are caused by perturbations of a common crack system. 32 33 the shear and single-force components would depend on the coupling between the conduit and the 64 magma. While the onsets of the earthquakes are typically emergent, where they are distinguishable, we 65 observe dilatational first motions on all the broadband stations. Likewise, the short-period network data 66 4 typically show no clear compressional first motions [see also . This is inconsistent 67 with a double-couple mechanism, which will produce a mix of compressional and dilatational first 68 motions. If a near-vertical single force dominates the proposed stick-slip mechanism, however, the 69 dilatational first motions could result from the downward reaction force on the Earth due to vertical 70 acceleration of the spine. 71
Geology, 2007
A variety of seismic signals representing different physical mechanisms precedes volcanic eruptions. The most meaningful signals are high-and low-frequency earthquakes and volcanic tremor that have tentatively been related to fracturing and magma transport in the volcanic edifi ce. We provide experimental support for this association by reproducing magma migration while recording seismic signals. Opening fractures emit high-frequency acoustic events, while the switch to low frequency and harmonic tremor accompanies the fl ow of the melt in the fractures. Discerning between these seismic signals in nature can signifi cantly refi ne volcanic hazard evaluation.
Nature Geoscience, 2013
Geophysical Journal International, 2006
We estimate the source parameters for a selection of microearthquakes that occurred at Mount St Helens in the period 1995-1998. Excluding the activity of 2004 September, this time period includes the most intense episode of earthquake activity since the last dome-building eruption in 1986 October. 200 seismograms were processed to obtain seismic moments, source radii, stress drops and average fault slip. The source parameters were determined from the spectral analysis of P waves, after correction for attenuation and site effects. In particular, P-wave quality (Q p ) and site (S) factors have been previously calculated in the frequency ranges 2-7 Hz and 18-30 Hz. Because it was impossible to perform corrections for Q p and S over the whole spectrum we applied a new approach, based on the notion of 'holed spectrum', to estimate spectral parameters. The term 'holed spectrum' indicates a spectrum lacking corrected spectral amplitude values at certain frequencies. We carried out a statistical study to verify that dealing with the 'holed spectrum' does not lead to significant differences in the estimates of spectral parameters. We also investigated the dependence of spectral parameters (low-frequency level, corner frequency and high-frequency decay) on the bandwidth of spectral hole, and defined the threshold values for three different spectral models. Displacement 'holed spectra', corrected by attenuation and site response, are then used to determine spectral parameters in order to calculate seismic source parameters. Seismic moments range from 10 17 to 10 19 dyne-cm, source dimensions from 100 to 350 m, and average fault slip from 0.003 to 0.1 cm. Self-similarity seems to break down in that stress drops are very low (0.1-1 bars). We postulate that seismicity is associated with a brittle shear failure mechanism occurring in a highly heterogeneous material under a relatively low stress regime.
scikit-learn is an increasingly popular machine learning library. Written in Python, it is designed to be simple and efficient, accessible to non-experts, and reusable in various contexts. In this paper, we present and discuss our design choices for the application programming interface (API) of the project. In particular, we describe the simple and elegant interface shared by all learning and processing units in the library and then discuss its advantages in terms of composition and reusability. The paper also comments on implementation details specific to the Python ecosystem and analyzes obstacles faced by users and developers of the library.
An investigation into the developments in cannon production and metallurgical knowledge in the half-century leading up to the U.S. Civil War. “Heavy Artillery Transformed,” in _Astride Two Worlds: Technology in the American Civil War_, ed. Barton C. Hacker (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2016), pp. 55-85.
Il Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica a 20 anni dalla sua pubblicazione, 2013
The history of catechesis of the twentieth century can be summarized as the abandonment of the centrality of the catechism, or of the catechism drawn up in the predominantly doctrinal mode, to the advantage of a more dialogic and contextual communicative practice. This century, however, also bears witness to recurring invitations to return to catechism in general and to a universal catechism in particular. That is, to remain in the missionary device of the Council of Trent. The two approaches can be found both in the magisterium, both in theological reflection and in catechetical practice.******************************************************************************************* L'histoire de la catéchèse du XXe siècle peut se résumer à l'abandon de la centralité du catéchisme, ou du catéchisme rédigé sur le mode à prédominance doctrinale, au profit d'une pratique communicative plus dialogique et contextuelle. Mais ce siècle témoigne aussi d'invitations récurrentes à revenir au catéchisme en général et à un catéchisme universel en particulier. C'est-à-dire rester dans le dispositif missionnaire du Concile de Trente. Les deux approches se retrouvent tant dans le magistère, tant dans la réflexion théologique que dans la pratique catéchétique. ************************************************************************************************** La historia de la catequesis del siglo XX se puede resumir como el abandono de la centralidad del catecismo, o del catecismo elaborado en el modo predominantemente doctrinal, en favor de una práctica comunicativa más dialógica y contextual. Este siglo, sin embargo, también es testigo de invitaciones recurrentes a volver al catecismo en general ya un catecismo universal en particular. Es decir, permanecer en el dispositivo misionero del Concilio de Trento. Los dos enfoques se pueden encontrar tanto en el magisterio, tanto en la reflexión teológica como en la práctica catequética. ********************************************************************************************************La storia della catechesi del XX secolo si può riassumere come abbandono della centralità del catechismo, o del catechismo redatto nella modalità prevalentemente dottrinale, a vantaggio di una pratica comunicativa più dialogica e contestuale. Questa progressiva riforma venne giustificata da più parti con motivazioni missionarie e definita appunto “rinnovamento missionario” della catechesi1. Questo secolo, tuttavia, testimonia anche ricorrenti inviti a ritornare al catechismo in generale e ad un catechismo universale in particolare2. A permanere cioè nel dispositivo missionario del concilio di Trento. Le due impostazioni sono riscontrabili sia nel magistero, sia nella riflessione teologica che nella pratica catechistica. Quali sono le motivazioni che sostengono queste posizioni? In modo particolare perché i documenti sulla “Nuova Evangelizzazione” (= NE) sembrano fare nuovamente la scelta di una comunicazione della fede centrata, e non solo riferita, al catechismo? Il presente contributo indaga le ragioni delle differenti posizioni al fine di comprendere quale possa essere l’orizzonte più adatto al futuro della predicazione e formazione cristiana. Alla conclusione si comprenderà che la NE ha bisogno di una integrazione tra le due posizioni. Una integrazione – tuttavia – che non può essere intesa come equilibrio tra modelli e neppure come tatticismo ecclesiale. Si tratta infatti di far dialogare in profondità le motivazioni e le aspirazioni al fine di individuare le reciproche convergenze. In modo particolare, se la NE ha bisogno di un quadro interpretativo entro cui collocare le diverse modalità della trasmissione del messaggio cristiano, questo non è più opportuno cercarlo nel dispositivo o racconto che ha generato il catechismo tridentino, ma deve avere il coraggio di una nuova e condivisa narrazione ecclesiale della esperienza fondativa di Gesù. Si tratta di un nuovo rapporto tra fonte biblica e tradizione nella prospettiva di una reciproca rigenerazione ermeneutica. Meddi L., Catechismo della Chiesa cattolica e comunicazione della fede. Linguaggio e linguaggi per la Nuova Evangelizzazione, in Istituto Superiore di Catechesi e Spiritualità Missionaria Pontificia Università Urbaniana-F. Placida, Il Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica a 20 anni dalla sua pubblicazione. A servizio della catechesi missionaria nel contesto culturale attuale, Elledici, Torino 2013, 54-84
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