Uniqueness Violations

2023, Logic & Artificial Intelligence

This article presents a development of the authors investigation in self-reference procedures, considered from the point of view of the logical inquiry regarding the mathematical definitions and the rules for applying substitutions. As already showed this offers an explicative guide about how to show that Russell's antinomy does not really affect Frege's system, and, similarly, that the so-called Cantor theorem, affirming the nondenumerability of the set of all the subsets of the set of natural numbers, is not actually acceptable in a axiomatic framework of first order set theory. We briefly resume both the demonstrations, displaying that they point out to the same sort of uniqueness violation, namely the neglect of a restriction that derives from the Criterion of Non-creativity. This article applies then the same explicative analysis to the so-called "Diagonalization Lemma", core of the whole Gödel's 1931 incompleteness argument, drawing accordingly for the first time clear evidence and explanation why it results to be a uniqueness violation in Peano Arithmetic.

Proceedings of Symposium on Logic and Artificial Intelligence SLAI2022, January 12-16, 2022, Louisiana, USA Uniqueness Violations Paola Cattabriga Abstract This article presents a development of the authors investigation in self-reference procedures, considered from the point of view of the logical inquiry regarding the mathematical definitions and the rules for applying substitutions. As already showed this offers an explicative guide about how to show that Russell’s antinomy does not really affect Frege’s system, and, similarly, that the so-called Cantor theorem, affirming the nondenumerability of the set of all the subsets of the set of natural numbers, is not actually acceptable in a axiomatic framework of first order set theory. We briefly resume both the demonstrations, displaying that they point out to the same sort of uniqueness violation, namely the neglect of a restriction that derives from the Criterion of Non-creativity. This article applies then the same explicative analysis to the so-called “Diagonalization Lemma”, core of the whole Gödel’s 1931 incompleteness argument, drawing accordingly for the first time clear evidence and explanation why it results to be a uniqueness violation in Peano Arithmetic. Keywords: logic in informatics, theoretical aspects of automated reasoning, diagonalization, self-reference procedures, theory of definition. c 2022 by Paola Cattabriga 1