Watsonia. 9, 229-237 (1973).
Two hybrids in Equisetum new to the British flora
Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
Two hybrids in Equisetum subgenus Equisetum are reported as new to the British flora. These
are E. palustre L. x E. telmateia Ehrh. ( = E. x /ont-queri Rothm.) and E. arvense L. x
E. palustre L. (= E. x rothmaleri hybr. nov.).
Descriptions and diagnoses of these hybrids are given, and the significance of their occurrence
in Britain is discussed.
Within the British flora two hybrids in Equisetum subgenus Equisetum (the
deciduous horsetails) have previously been known. One of these, Equisetum
palustre L. x E. fluviatile L., has been recorded only from a single station in the
Outer Hebrides (Page 1963). The other, E. arvense L. x E. fluviatile L. (E. x
litorale Kiihlew.), has long been familiar to botanists and is widespread. This
paper reports the presence in Britain of two further interspecific hybrids in the
subgenus. These are Equisetum arvense L. x E. palustre L. (E. x rothmaleri
hybr. DOV.) and E. palustre L. x E. telmateia Ehrh. (E. x font-queri Rothm.).
E. x font-queri has been previously recorded from two stations in the
Mediterranean area, but earlier reports of hybrids between E. arvense and E.
palustre (as E. x torgesianum Rothm.) (Rothmaler 1944) are, I think, incorrect.
Good examples of both these hybrids have been found recently by the author on
the Isle of Skye (v.c. 104, North Ebudes). Although both represent significant
additions to the British flora, the find of E. x font-queri is in several ways of
special interest. Its shoots are large and exactly intermediate in morphology
between its two rather dissimilar parents (Fig. lA, D, E); it has colonised nearly
two square miles (c 5 km 2) of native moorland, possibly displacing one of its
parent species from most of this area; and it cones vigorously and produces
spores which may not be entirely abortive.
Descriptions and diagnoses of the new hybrids are detailed below, with notes
on their ecology and biology. For ease of comparison the descriptions follow
the format of Warburg (1962).
Equisetum x rothmaleri C. N. Page, hybr. novo (E. arvense L. x E. palustre L.).
Caules 25-50 cm alti, 2-3 mm diam., virides, alte 5-8 sulcati; vaginae (dentibus
exc1usis) 6-7 mm, virides; dentes tot quot sulci, subulati, nigrescentes, marginibus
FIGURE 1. Silhouettes of typical aerial shoots of Equisetum x rothmaleri and E. x [0111queri and their putative parents taken from material collected on Skye in early July.
A, E. palustre ; B, E. x rothmaleri (E. arvense x palustre) ; C, E. arvense; D, E. telmateia; E, E. [ol1t-queri (E. palustre x telmateia), two vegetative shoots and one fertile
angustis scariosis, l-costati; cavitas centralis t-t caulis diam. Ramuli patentes vel
suberecti, ± regularites verticillati, simplices, plerumque tetragoni ; internodium
infimum vaginam caulis proximam aequans vel duplo superans; vaginae pallidae, dentibus triangularibus-acuminatis patulis minute nigro. Strobilus 4- 9 mm
longus; sporae abortivae.
Stems 25-50 cm, erect, 2- 3 mm diameter, green; grooves 5-8, deep; sheaths
(excluding teeth) 6-7 mm, green; teeth as many as the grooves, subulate, blackish
with narrow scarious margins, I-ribbed; central hollow t - 1 diameter of stem.
Branches spreading to suberect, in ± regular whorls, simple, usually 4-angled;
the lowest internode 1- 2 times length of adjacent stem-sheath; sheaths pale,
teeth triangular-acuminate, somewhat spreading, with minute black tips. Cone
4-9 mm long; spores abortive.
Kilmaluag, near Rubha Hunish, Trotternish Peninsula, Isle of Skye,
Scotland, GR 18/427.742, July1971, C. N. Page no. C 7902 (E ; isotypi BM, K)
Shoots of this hybrid are clearly intermediate in general morphology between
those of the putative parents E . palustre and E. arvense. The three are compared
in Table 1. The hybrid resembles E. arvense in having the teeth of the sheaths on
the main shoot with only narrow scarious margins, the longest branches typically
near the middle of the shoot, the first internode of the branch about as long as or
longer than the adjacent stem-sheath, the branches with prominent acute ridges
separated by deep furrows (usually not more than four), and spreading teeth to
the branch-sheaths. It resembles E. palustre in typically having a rather long
branchless terminal portion to the stem, branches which are mostly ascending,
a gradually tapering outline to the upper part of the shoot, black-tipped teeth on
the branch-sheaths, and small vallecular canals and central cavity and a single
common endodermis in the stem. The combination of these characters distinguishes E. x rothmaleri from either parent. The appearance of the entire
colony is thus one of somewhat yellow-green shoots of E . palustre with a broader
outline and more conspicuously angled branches.
The monomorphic habit of E. palustre is inherited in the hybrid, whose conebearing shoots thus differ from the sterile shoots only in being slightly shorter
(25-35 cm) and in terminating in a small ovoid cone (4-9 mm long, 2-3 mm
broad) which is black in colour when mature in July. Only about 5 % of the
shoots found bore cones, and these shoots were widely scattered amongst the
vegetative ones. The cones were all small and the spores entirely mis-shapen,
colourless, lacking all but the most rudimentary elaters and obviously abortive.
E. x rothmaleri can be distinguished from E. x litorale (E. arvense x E.
fluviatile) by its smaller size, more ascending branches, darker ochreolae, and by
the transverse section of the stem, which shows a much smaller central cavity and
a single common endodermis. E. x rothmaleri is distinct from E. x Jont-queri
(E. palustre x E. telmateia) in its smaller size, green stem-internodes, stem and
branches with simple ridges and single ribs to the teeth. It is less easy to distinguish from E. fluviatile x E. palustre but it can be separated by its smaller
size, more abundant and more regular branching, more deeply furrowed
branches with more prominent ridges and a longer first internode, a single
common endodermis in the stem, and the lack of any orange-brown tinge to the
internodes or sheaths of the main stem (a characteristic of only E . jluviatile and
its hybrids).
(all data based on material from Skye)
E. telmateia
height (cm)
stem-width* (mm)
ivory white
stem-internode colour
proportion of upper unbranched part of
length of sheath of main stem (excluding
leaves) * (mm)
number of teeth of main stem-sheath (=
internodal ridges) *
usual number of branch ridges
shape of branch ridges
upper 1position of longest branches on main stem
ratio of length of first branch internode to
adjacent stem-sheath
single common
endodermal pattern of main stem
ratio of width of central hollow of stem to
stem diameter*
ratio of width of vallecular canals to stem
fertile shoot-type
* Measured
t of the way up the stem.
E. palustre
x E. telmateia
(E. x font-queri)
E. palustre
E. arvense
x E. palustre
(E. x rothmaleri)
E. arvense
mostly ivory white
12- 15
mostly 4
prominent, simple
moderate, shallowly
near middle
single common
low, rounded,
lower 1-
near middle
middleupper t
< 1-2
single common
single common
A single colony of this plant was found in July 1971 at Kilmaluag near Rubha
Hunish on the Trotternish Peninsula, Isle of Skye (v.c. 104) (GR 18/427.742). It
is locally abundant in roadside ditches which drain flat marshy ground. It occurs
for about 50yards (c 46m) along either side of a small road and it spreads for a
short distance into the adjacent marshy fields. In the ditches it is locally dominant but becomes less abundant in the fields where it occurs with Equisetum palustre, E. jluviatile, Filipendula ulmaria, Ranunculus jlammula, Potentilla palustris,
Caltha palustris and other marsh species.
Equisetul11 x Jont-queri Rothm. (E. palustre L. x E. telmateia Ehrh.) Fig. lE
Stems 30-65 cm, erect, 2·5-4·0 mm diameter, mostly ivory-white, smooth;
grooves 8-12, shallow; sheaths (excluding teeth) 12-15 mm, ± appressed,
greenish, sometimes blackish above; teeth as many as the grooves, blackish with
scarious margins, subulate, 2-ribbed; central hollow about t diameter of stem.
Branches spreading, usually in regular whorls, numerous, simple, 4-6-angled;
the lowest internode H the length of adjacent stem-sheath; sheaths pale, teeth
triangular-acuminate, brownish, appressed. Cone 8-42 mm long; spores at least
partially abortive.
c 1- mile north of Loch Leathan, 1 mile WSW of the Storr, Trotternish Peninsula, Isle of Skye, Scotland, GR 18/ 511.534, July 1971, C. N. Page no.
C7880 (BM, E, K)
Shoots of this hybrid are strikingly intermediate in size and morphology
between those of E. palustre and E. telmateia (Table 1). They resemble E.
telmateia in their large size, thick stems, stem internodes which are mostly ivorywhite, biangulate branch ridges, stem- and branch-sheaths with 2-ribbed teeth,
and relatively long somewhat flexuous teeth on the main stem-sheaths. They can
be clearly linked with E. palustre, however, by their comparatively slender overall
outline, long terminal branchless portion, spreading to subascending branches
which are more robust than those of E . telmateia, stems with relatively small
vallecular canals and central cavity, and stomata on the stem internodes (absent
in E. telmateia). Indeed, the overall appearance of stands of the hybrid is one of
overgrown shoots of E. palustre with the conspicuous ivory-white internodes and
long teeth on the sheaths of the main stem as in E. telmateia. Although the
monomorphic habit of E. palustre is inherited in the hybrid, a few cone-bearing
shoots of E . x Jont-queri were found in which whorled branches were absent from
the vegetative nodes. However, these shoots were tall (25-50 cm) with long
vegetative intern odes and resembled the occasional unbranched shoots also to
be found from time to time in local E. palustre colonies; they are very different
therefore from the thick, short, spring cone-shoots characteristic of E. telmateia.
Most cone-bearing shoots of E. x Jont-queri, then, closely resemble the vegetative
ones with profuse whorls of green branches. Nearly half of all the shoots seen in
July 1971 bore cones. These mature in July and are ovoid in shape, slimmer than
those of E . telmateia (8- 42 x 3-9 mm) and pale green in colour with chestnut-
brown tips. They are thus intermediate between the relatively small, markedly
cylindrical and usually blackish cones of E. palustre and the large, broad, ovoidellipsoid cones of E. telmateta, which are whitish or pale green with small brown
tips. In the field, cones of the hybrid appear well-filled and seem to open and
dehisce normally. Examination of the fresh spores showed that a proportion
(varying from 5 % to 50 % in different sporangia and different cones) were
relatively well-formed, green in colour, and possessed well-developed elaters. The
remainder of the spores were small, mis-shapen, lacked good elaters, and were
obviously abortive as in other hybrids.
Equisetum x font-queri can be readily distinguished from the other known
E. palustre hybrids (E. x rothmaleri and E. jluviatile x E. palustre) as well as
from E. x lttorale (E. arvense x E. jluvtatile) by its more robust shoots with
ivory-white internodes, typically more abundant branches, and 2-ribbed teeth
to the stem- and branch-sheaths.
It was found in July 1971 locally abundant and sometimes dominant over a
cjistance of about two miles (c 3·5 km) by the road along the east side of the
StOff on the Trotternish peninsula, Isle of Skye (v.c. 104) (GR 18/ 511.532516.614). It was present on both sides of the road and up to half a mile (c 0·8 km)
from it, the altitude varying from 150-525 ft (45-160 m). It extended from just
north of Loch Leathan in the south to about half a mile north of Rigg Burn.
Between these two points the hybrid forms a nearly continuous stand, becoming
particularly abundant in most damp depressions, irrigated slopes, flushes,
seepage lines, screebanks, drainage channels, ditches and streambanks; it is
also vigorously colonising roadside verges and rubble along most of the twomile stretch of road. The plant was not found in the immediate vicinity of the
Storr itself (J. C. Gardiner pers. comm.).
It has been shown in Table I that the two hybrids are almost exactly intermediate
between two pairs of British species in a large number of distinct morphological
characters; the parentage of each can therefore be deduced with reasonable
certainty. The only morphological trait not found to be intermediate in the
hybrids is the inheritance (from E. palustre in each case) of monomorphic aerial
shoots. It is worth noting that in E. x litorale the monomorphic condition of one
parent (E. fluvtatile) is similarly dominant over the dimorphic condition of the
other (E. arvense).
All three putative parent species of the two hybrids are present on Skye, and
at least one of these (E. palustre-the parent common to each of the hybrids) is
locally extremely abundant. It colonises a wide range of wet boggy and marshy
habitats, flushes, ditches, and even roadside banks and verges, and in most
places cones vigorously. Both the other two parent species occur near the
hybrids. The withered remains of the ephemeral spring fertile shoots of E.
telmateia were found and it is probable that E. arvense is also fertile in this
The hybrids occupy habitats intermediate between those of the putative
parents; in the case of E. x Jont-queri the hybrid also occupies virtually the
whole range of habitats of both.
Putative hybrids between E. aruense and E. palustre have been reported by
Rothmaler (1944) under the name E . x torgesianum from about five localities
in north-central Europe, although these stations are poorly documented. I am
not aware of any further published records and I have found no material of this
hybrid in herbaria. I have examined the material from the north-central
European localities (six sheets from five stations) at Jena (JE) attributed by
Rothmaler to hybrids between E. arvense and E. palustre. Specimens from four
of these localities, including the holotype of E. x torgesianum, appear to be
robust plants of E. palustre with a superficial resemblance to E. aruense. I can,
however, find no good characters to link any of the specimens firmly with E.
arvense (or any other species). I am not convinced, therefore, that they are hybrids
and in my opinion they all belong to E. palustre. The specimen from the fifth
locality is equally clearly E. arvense. My material from Skye is easily distinguished
from all of these plants. The name E. x torgesianum cannot, therefore, be used
for the Skye hybrid, which has accordingly been described above (p. 229) as E.
x rothmaleri. The Skye locality is thus the only one known for this hybrid. *
Putative hybrids between E. palustre and E. telmateia have been recorded
previously from two Mediterranean stations. The type locality of Equisetum
x Jont-queri is given by Rothmaler (1944) as 'Hispania, Gerona, Martorella de
la Selva ... Solum in loco classico observatum, sed frequens' , where the plant
occurred in damp alder woodland. I have examined Rothmaler's material (8
sheets bearing 45 shoots) at JE collected at various times from the Gerona
locality, including the holotype of E. x Jont-queri collected on 29th April 1934
by Font Quer. In size and morphology all Rothmaler's specimens are distinctly
intermediate between E. palustre and E. telmateia, and are, without doubt, the
hybrid between them. My Skye material of E. palustre x E. telmateia corresponds
extremely closely with these Spanish specimens, and there is little doubt that they
are the same hybrid.
The second and , as far as I am aware, only other known station for this
hybrid was detected by Hauke (1966) in herbarium material at Stockholm
(S-PA) from 'Entre le pont du Var et la mer (AI pes maritimes), collected by
Emile Burnat, 20th May 1872. The locality is near Nice, southern France. I have
examined this material and agree with Hauke's determination. These specimens
are somewhat smaller than my Skye plants (averaging about 30-45 cm) but
otherwise they compare very closely with them, and small specimens of the Skye
plants can be distinguished from them only with difficulty. The habitat is given
as alluvial riverside sand several feet above the river water; about half the shoots
seen bear cones. Further sheets from this same locality are at Kew (K), and most
of these are also fertile . Judging by the size of these collections (4 sheets containing 17 specimens at S-PA, 4 sheets with 22 specimens at K) the hybrid must also
have once been reasonably abundant in the Nice locality, and further search for
this plant both at Gerona and Nice is greatly to be desired.
A retrospective search for other herbarium material also revealed a specimen
which is clearly this taxon in London (BM) collected from Rigg Burn, Skye, by
• This updates and re-inforces information already published (Page 1972, p. 366).
c. N. PAGE
Patricia A. Si ms, on 19th August, 1960. This record pre-dates my own find of
this plant on Skye in the same locality and provides evidence that E. x font-queri
has been in this area for over 10 years. These specimens were also bearing cones.
The very large size of the area occupied by E. x font-queri on Skye cannot fail
to impress even a casual observer. Further, over the whole of this area, with
the exception of the immediate vicinity of the road, E. x font-queri appears to
have invaded previously closed habitats. Many of the habitats it occupies are
elsewhere colonised vigorously by Equisetum palustre, but in the area of the
hybrid this species is almost absent, giving the impression that E. x font-queri
has largely ousted and replaced this parent.
The abundance of fertile shoots and the large size of the cones of E. x fontqueri are also exceptional features for a hybrid horsetail. The presence of a
proportion of spores in these cones which appear to be not entirely abortive is
possibly unique, although it is not known whether any of these spores are viable.
These features all contrast markedly with the colony of E. x rothmaleri
described here as well as with the only known colony of E.jluviatile x E. palustre,
which is in the Outer Hebrides. The colonies of each of these two hybrids are
small and appear to be hardly, if at all, more vigorous than their parent species.
Indeed, the only hybrids in Equisetum subgenus Equisetum seen by the author
which approach the vigour of E. x font-queri are certain colonies of E. x
litorale in other parts of the British Isles. Cases where E. x litorale has invaded
closed communities must also be rare. The weakness of the colonies of E. x
rothmaleri and E.jluviatile x E. palustre when compared with the relative vigour
of those of E. x litorale and E. x font-queri is especially significant in the light of
the inter-relationships of the parent-species that have been suggested on micromorphological grounds (Page 1972). These data indicate that E. palustre and E.
telmateia are closely related, similarly E . arvense and E. jluviatile. It appears,
therefore, that the most vigorous and successful hybrids in the subgenus
Equisetum are those between the most closely related (yet ecologically diverse)
pairs of species, whilst hybrids between more distantly related species (which
may be ecologically more similar) are scarcely, if at all, more vigorous than their
During this survey several stations for E. x litorale were also detected on Skye,
making a total of four interspecific hybrids in Equisetum subgenus Equisetum in
the Hebrides. This high local concentration of hybrids in this subgenus contrasts
with the certain occurrence elsewhere in the British Isles of only E. x litorale.
Despite the extensive total ranges of the E. telmateia complex (temperate
western Eurasia and western North America) and of E. arvense and E. palustre
(chiefly North Temperate regions of both the Old and New Worlds), the
recorded interspecific hybrids among this trio are all from western Europe.
Furthermore, the number of known stations for these hybrids is surprisingly
small when compared with the relatively large number for the hybrid between
E. arvense and E. jluviatile-90 stations for E. x litorale are known in Fennoscandia (Borg 1967) and nearly 100 in the British Isles.
The isolation of the Skye colony of E. x font-queri from its two Mediterranean
stations suggests that, as with E. x rothmaleri and E. jluviatile x E. palustre,
this hybrid has arisen independently in the Hebridean area, and implies that the
local environment must be particularly favourable for hybridisation. Conditions
that are conducive to hybridisation in Equisetum are as yet poorly understood
and clearly deserve further study. Reports of Equisetum prothalli in the wild are
extremely few, and are only from habitats which are damp, recently-exposed and
free, at least initially; from much competition (Matzke 1941, Feigley 1949, Hauke
1967, Page 1967). The occurrence of all three Hebridean E. palustre hybrids near
to or in roadside ditches suggests an association between the digging or clearing
of the ditch by man and the formation of the hybrid. Any damp mud surface
exposed at an appropriate season would probably form an ideal substrate for
rapid prothallial growth. Manton (1950 p. 223), commenting upon the number
of interspecific hybrids in Equisetum known at that time from Ireland, states that
the mild, oceanic Irish climate seems likely to favour their production. This view
is strengthened by the subsequent discovery of Equisetumfluviatile x E. palustre
in the Outer Hebrides and the presence of these two new hybrids on Skye-both
in areas where the rainfall is high and spread liberally throughout the year.
It is a pleasure to record my thanks to Messrs J. W. Dyce, J. C. Gardiner and
A. C. Jermy for useful discussion in the field, to Mr B. L. Burtt, Mr D. M.
Henderson and Dr T. G. Walker for helpful comments on the manuscript, and
to Mr Burtt for preparing the Latin description.
BORG, P. (1967). Studies on Equisetum hybrids in Fennoscandia. Ann. Bot. Fenn., 4: 35-50.
FEIGLEY, M. (1949). An occurrence of gametophytes of Equisetum in Cheboygan County,
Michigan. Am. Fern. J., 39: 106-109.
HAUKE, R . L. (1966). A systematic study of Equisetum arvense. Nova Hedwigia, 13: 81 - 109.
HAUKE, R . L. (1967). Sexuality in a wild population of Equisetum arvense gametophytes. Am.
Fern . J. , 57 : 59-66.
MANTON, I. (1950). Problems 0/ Cytology and Evolution ill the Pteridophyta. Cambridge.
MATZKE, E. B. (1941). Gametophytes of Equisetum arvense L. Torreya, 41: 181-187.
PAGE, C. N. (1963). A hybrid horsetail from the Hebrides. Br. Fern Gaz., 9: 117-119.
PAGE, C. N . (1967). Sporelings of Equisetum arvense in the wild. Br. Fern Gaz. , 9 : 335-338.
PAGE, C. N . (1972). An assessment of inter-specific relationships in Equisetum subgenus
Equisetum. New Phytol., 71 : 355-369.
ROTHMALER, W. (1944). Pteridophyten-Studien 1. Reprium novo Spec. Regni veg., 54: 55- 82.
WARBURG, E. F. (1962). Equisetum, in CLAPHAM, A. R., TUTIN, T. G . & WARBURG, E. F
Flora o/the British Isles, 2nd ed., pp. 6-11. Cambridge.
(Accepted June 1972)