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Porous silicon applications in solar cell technology
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1997 Phys. Scr. 1997 255
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Physica Scripta. Vol. T69, 255-258, 1997
Porous Silicon Applications in Solar Cell Technology
V. Pacebutas, K. Grigoras and A. Krotkus
Semiconductor Physics Institute, A. Gostauto 11,2600 Vilnius, Lithuania
Received May 15,1996; accepted June 18,1996
Much less attention was paid to other potential applications
of PS in the solar cell technology. Initial attempts to
Two different applications of PS layers in the solar cell technology were
demonstrated. In the h t case, microporous layers, which are formed on observe a photovoltaic effect at a PS/bulk silicon interface
silicon surface after relatively long anodical etching, roughen surface and have been very discouraging. Schottky-type structures made
enhance the optical con6nement in the wafer increasing quantum efficiency on the top of the porous layer had shown no photovoltage,
in the spectral region close to 1pm. Such a light-trappingeffect was verified which was rather artificially explained by a complex, graded
by spectral transmittivity and photoresponse measurements. In the second
case, thin nanoporous layers formed by a short anodical treatment on bandgap structure of the porous layer [SI. Further investialready manufactured solar cells were investigated. The increase of the gation of this effect has shown that it is originating from
short-circuit current and efficiency by nearly 30% has been observed. Such poor electrical transport properties of the topmost, nanoan improvement was explained by antireflective and surface passivating porous part of the PS layer [7].
actions of the porous silicon layer.
In this paper, we present the results of the investigation
on PS application in silicon photovoltaic cell technology. It
will be demonstrated that the porous layer formation can be
1. Introduction
beneficial in both the surface texturization and the antiPorous silicon (PS) layers obtained by anodical etching in a reflection coating. It will be demonstrated also that PS
hydrofluoric acid electrolyte are potentially interesting for could further enhance the cell performance due to its surface
photovoltaic applications from several points of view. It is a passivation during the anodical etching.
sponge-like material which could efficiently distort the
wavefront of the incoming radiation and cause the light 2. Porous layer formation
trapping in a cell due to the textured surface. Because of its
porous nature, the effective refractive index of PS is lower The PS layers were formed by using a standard anodical
than that of bulk silicon thus it can be used for anti- etching in a HF : C,H,OH or HF :H,O (1:1) electrolytes
reflection coating of silicon solar cells and for enhancing with a net from a platinum wire as a cathode. The layer
their external quantum efficiencies. In addition, recent structure was investigated by SEM and TEM, its effect on
results of the visible light emission from PS indicate that the photovoltaic performance was studied by spectral reflecthere is an apparent increase of the PS bandgap relative to tance and transmittance measurements and by measuring
the bandgap of the bulk silicon due to the quantum size I-I/ characteristics of the solar cells before and after anodeffect [l], which makes PS a good candidate for the top ization.
Generally, there are two types of a porous layer obtained
layer in a silicon-based tandem-cell configuration.
The majority of the research work which has been per- on the silicon wafer after its electrochemical etching in a
formed until recently was dedicated to the investigation of HF-based electrolyte. The top part of the new structure is
the second from the three mentioned above applications of made of h e , nanometer-size silicon particles surrounded by
PS in the photovoltaic solar cell technology - its use as an a matrix of silicon oxide and other products of the chemical
antireflection coating of a cell [2-51. Prasad et al. [2] had reaction. This nanoporous layer is penetrated by multiple
observed significant enhancements of both the short-circuit cavities with average diameters of a few tens of nanometers,
current (by 25%) and the open-circuit voltage after porous its electrical resistivity is high, and the absorption edge is
layer formation as early as in 1982. However, the PS forma- strongly blue-shifted as compared with the optical absorption process used in this investigation was purely chemical, tion in bulk silicon. Remaining part of the PS layer, which is
without any external electrical bias, which is rather slow lying beneath the surface nanoporous layer, becomes
and, therefore, hardly applicable to already manufactured sponge-like with characteristic dimensions of the voids and
cells with the top contact metallization. Electrochemical the silicon columns ranging (for silicon wafers of various
etching has been used for PS formation on the top surface conductivity type and doping level and for different duraof silicon solar cells in [3-51. The authors of those investiga- tions of the anodical treatment) from several hundreds of
tions had evidenced the antireflection action of the PS layer nanometers to several micrometers. Thicknesses of both the
and the increase of the solar cell quantum efficiency but, nanoporous and the microporous layers are also strongly
probably because of non-optimized cell structure, had failed dependent on the conditions and the duration of the anodto obtain an overall improvement in the solar cell per- ization. Short anodization (electrical charge passed through
the electrolyte smaller than 0.3 C/cm2) results only in a thin
(-100nm) nanoporous layer formation. After a much
longer anodical treatment with anodization charges exceeding 10C/cmZ, the nanoporous layer becomes 1-2 prn thick,
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Physic4 Scripta T69
V . Patebutas, K . Grigoras and A. Krotkus
it is accompanied by a formation of a microporous silicon
layer reaching as deeply as for several tens of micrometers
into the substrate.
3. Surface texturization
Two different anodization regimes described above are
employed in two different photovoltaic PS applications.
Rough, sponge-like topology of the microporous layer
obtained after a long anodical etching can be used for the
solar cell surface texturization if the inhomogenities in that
layer have dimensions comparable to the light wavelength.
We had demonstrated that such a PS layer topology is most
easily obtained on n-type silicon wafers.
The effect of surface texturization by anodical etching has
been monitored by measuring the changes in spectral transmittance and spectral photosensitivity of the wafers induced
by PS layer formation. In the first of these experiments,
spectral dependencies of the ratio T between the transmittances of a wafer covered with a PS layer and of a polished
silicon wafer of exactly the same thickness were measured.
Standard monochromator-photomultiplier arrangement
with an integrating sphere collecting all radiation transmitted through the samples was used. Figure 1 presents the
results of such measurements performed on n-type Si wafers
with one of their surfaces anodically etched for different
times. A significant reduction in T is observable over a wide
A Y Pm
spectral region even for the wafer which was electrochemi- Fig.2. Photoconductivity measurements of the silicon-electrolytejunction:
cally treated for shortest time duration. This reduction is (a) experimental set-up; (b) photoresponse spectra - dots correspond to
caused by the isotropic distribution of the photons inside a experimental results, fullline - theoretical calculation.
wafer with a rough texturized surface. It has been shown in
[SI that in such a wafer, due to enhancement in a total
internal reflection, many of the photons become trapped, with the microporous layer, the other half remaining polished. Photoresponse spectra were measured for the radiincreasing odds to be absorbed.
It is evident that the effect of the light-trapping should be ation entering the sample in the vicinity of the PS layer and
more pronounced in the lower absorption region where only far away from that region. Results of both measurements
a small part of the incoming radiation is absorbed during a are shown in Fig. 2(b). The spectra coincide at short wave~
single pass through the wafer. Therefore, the surface tex- length region, but at the wavelengths around 1 . 1 the
turization should result in an increased photosensitivity in photoresponsitivity is substantially higher in the region with
the bandedge spectral region. Figure 2(a) illustrates the a texturized back surface. A simple calculation according to
scheme of our spectral photoconductivity experiment. The [8] of the difference between a fraction of the incident light
sample was placed into a bath filled with H,O-KCl electro- absorbed from a "trapped" ray and such a fraction absorbed
lyte which provided a large-area, Schottky-like junction during a single pass of the ray across the wafer [full line on
with the silicon wafer. The sample was illuminated through Fig. 2(b)] shows that it has a maximum in the spectral range
its polished front face. A half of the rear face was covered where the observed photosensitivity enhancement is the
Similar set of experiments has been performed also on
p-type silicon wafers, however in this case the effect of the
2.5 min
PS layer on the transmittance and the photoresponsitivity
10.0 min
was much smaller due to too fine dimensions of the cavities
in the microporous layer.
4. Antireflection coatings
In the second investigation we had studied the effects of a
thin nanoporous layer on the performance of photovoltaic
1 20
A* pm
Fig. 1 . Spectral dependencies of the relative transmittivity of silicon wafers
covered with PS-layer for different anodical etching durations.
Physica Scripta T69
cells made from multicrystalline silicon. The cells had a
0.4 pm deep n+-p junction, randomly textured surfaces, and
screen-printed silver contacts on the front side. Anodical
etching conditions were optimised on (1 x 1)cm2 area cells,
then the optimum conditions were applied to larger ( 5 x 5 )
and (10 x 10)cm2area cells.
Porous Silicon Applications in Solar Cell Technology
Fig. 5. The mapping of the relative increase in photocurrent after anodical
treatment of the solar cell performed with a focused He-Ne laser beam.
at electrical charges of 0.05-0.09 C/cm2. The effect of the
PS layer on the performance of large area solar cells was
even more pronounced. Average increase of the energy conversion efficiency after PS layer manufacturing, which was
evidenced for 10 (5 x 5)cm2 area cells was 30%.
Fig. 3. Relative changes of four main solar cell parameters as functions of
the electrical charge transmitted during the anodization.
Changes in four different (1 x 1)cm2 area solar cell
parameters studied as functions of the electrical charge
forced through the electrolyte during anodization are shown
in Fig. 3. These parameters were determined from I-V measurements under 100mW/cm2 AM1.5 illumination. The
effect of the anodization is most significant in the case of the
short-circuit current which increased by more than 20%.
Less distinct are the influences of the anodical etching on
the fill-factor and the open-circuit voltage. The photovoltaic
energy conversion efficiency affected by all three above mentioned parameters was found to increase by more than 20%
Fig. 4.
TEM micrograph of nanoporous silicon layer.
Fig. 6. Oscilloscope traces of photocurrent relaxation. Excitation wavelengths (a) 1.06 pm and @) 0.53 p.(1- before, 2 - after etching).
Physica Scripta T69
V . Patebutas, K. Grigoras and A. Krotkus
In separate experiments the thickness and the refractive
index of the PS layer have been determined. The values of
these parameters for the coatings were found to be 80100nm and 1.8-2.2, respectively. As it can be seen from
TEM micrograph presented on Fig. 4,the PS layer has optically smooth surfaces and its porous structure has very fine
dimensions. Spectral reflectance measurements had evidenced the antireflective action of the PS layers. However,
the antireflective action alone cannot explain the observed
large improvement of the cell parameters, Spectral photoresponse, which was measured on selected spots of a
(1 x 1)cm2 cell before and after anodization, in some cases
increased by more than two times. Figure 5 shows the
results of the photoresponse mapping of a (1 x 1)cm2 area
cell performed with a focused He-Ne laser beam
(wavelength of 630 nm). Relative changes on photoresponse
induced by the anodization are different in various parts of
the cell, which can be attributed to different levels of surface
texturization and surface passivation on separate blocks of
the multicrystalline material. A possible explanation of these
observations can be the reduction of the surface recombination rate by hydrogen coverage of the PS surface and the
diffusion and capture of H at the grain boundaries.
The role of the surface passivation by PS is further evidenced by the transient photoconductivity measurements on
the samples cut from the multicrystalline solar cells. Figure
6 shows the photocurrent decay traces measured before and
after PS application. The samples were excited by the first
(1.06 pm) and the second (0.53 pm) harmonics of a modelocked neodymium laser with a pulse duration of 3 ps. Transient photocurrent pulses are practically not affected by the
anodization in the case of the infrared excitation with a
large absorption length in silicon, but show a signscant
Physica Scripta T69
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increase of a characteristic decay time after anodization
when the sample is excited by a green radiation which is
absorbed mainly at the surface region.
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, we had demonstrated two different applications of PS layers in the solar cell technology. Microporous
layers, which are formed on silicon surfaces after relatively
long anodical etching, cause surface roughening enhancing
the optical confinement in the cells and increasing quantum
efficiency in the region of the silicon bandedge absorption.
Thin nanoporous layers formed on already manufactured
solar cells after a short anodical treatment provide antireflective coatings and additionally passivate the surfaces of
the cells.
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