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Academia Letters, 2022
Like the great ancient mathematician Pythagoras, Nikos is a son of the Greek island of Samos in the blue eastern Aegean Sea, where he was born in 1944. In 1972, he migrated to Melbourne, Australia, but returned to Greece in the early 1990s, now residing in Athens and Samos. His early paintings express the isolation and solitude of a diaspora Greek feeling as estranged from the homeland as from the new environment. After his return to Greece, Nikos developed his new work, based on the appreciation for the Byzantine heritage and characteristic Byzantine light prevalent in the Greek landscape. Nikos's art is freely expressive, the more so as he is a genuine freethinker. For his work he has received international recognition through numerous exhibitions in the United States,
This report contains information that may constitute "forward-looking statements." Generally, the words "believe," "expect," "intend," "estimate," "anticipate," "project," "will" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements, which generally are not historical in nature. However, the absence of these words or similar expressions does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. All statements that address operating performance, events or developments that we expect or anticipate will occur in the future -including statements relating to volume growth, share of sales and earnings per share growth, and statements expressing general views about future operating results -are forward-looking statements. Management believes that these forward-looking statements are reasonable as and when made. However, caution should be taken not to place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements because such statements speak only as of the date when made. Our Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. In addition, forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from our Company's historical experience and our present expectations or projections. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, those described in Part I, "Item 1A. Risk Factors" and elsewhere in this report and those described from time to time in our future reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Nova Economia, 2013
o propósito deste texto é chamar a atenção para o que há de novo no meio rural brasileiro. Procuramos mostrar algumas dessas dimensões para o Brasil a partir dos dados das PNADs para 1981 e 1990. ConcluÚllos que já não se pode caracterizar o meio rural brasileiro somente como agrário. E mais: o comportamento do emprego rural, principalmente dos movimentos da população residente nas zonas rurais, não pode mais ser explicado apenas a partir do calendário agrícola e da expansão/retração das áreas e/ou produção agropecuárias. Há um conjunto de atividades não-agrícolas-tais como a prestação de serviços (pessoais, de lazer ou auxiliares das atividades econômicas), o comércio e a indústria-que responde cada vez mais pela nova dinâmica populacional do meio rural brasileiro.
Resumen A partir de un esbozo sobre el sistema de conocimientos, codificado en un lenguaje especial (ketioka), se analizan los diferentes campos acción chamánica movilizados por los sabedores makuna para diagnosticar las causas de las enfermedades. Cada uno de esos campos es un registro semiótico compuesto por una serie de relaciones que crean imágenes y sensaciones en la mente del chamán, y que pueden ser traducidas para otros registros. Los campos de acción chamánica muestran diversos entendimientos sobre lo que son animales y plantas, tratándolos no propiamente como especies y sí como seres plurales o múltiples. Esto nos invita a reflexionar sobre la idea de especie así como sobre los alcances del animismo y el perspectivismo.
Prórroga. El Comité Organizador del II Congreso Internacional de Historial Global del Maoísmo en América Latina y el Caribe, ha resuelto ampliar unos días el envío de propuestas de ponencias. Nueva fecha: 4 de marzo de 2024. Más información en el documento adjunto.
Journal of Service Research, 2024
This study introduces affect-as-information theory to the service encounter context and advances that customer and employee affective displays during a service encounter together estimate post-encounter customer satisfaction (CSAT). A large-scale dataset of 23,645 real-life text-based (i.e., chat) service encounters with a total of 301,280 genuine messages written by customers and employees was used to test our hypotheses. Automatic sentiment analysis was deployed to assess the affective displays of customers and employees in every individual text message as a service encounter unfolded. Our findings confirm that in addition to customers’ overall (mean) affective display, peak (i.e., highest positive or least negative) and end (final) affective displays explain additional variance in satisfaction. Further, as customer displays may not fully capture their satisfaction process and employees understand the service quality they deliver, we propose and confirm that service employee displayed affect explains further variance in CSAT. Our analyses also find that the predictive power of affective displays is more pronounced in service failure than non-failure encounters. Together, these findings show that automatic monitoring beyond operational variables and customer overall affect (i.e., adding customer peak and end, and employee affective displays) can expedite the evaluation of CSAT immediately upon completion of a service encounter.
Milyonlarca yılda insan çok sayıda iklim değişikliğine tanıklık etti, bunlara farklı tepkiler verdi ve bunun sonucunda hayatta kaldı, göç etti, yeni teknolojiler icat etti veya soyu tükendi. Diğer yandan, her canlı gibi, insan da ekolojik ortamıyla bir arada oluşunu gerçekleştirmekte. İnsanın ekosistemin bir üyesi olarak geliştirdiği ilişkinin niteliği çağlar boyunca durmadan değişmiş ve dönüşmüştür. Tıpkı Herakleitos’un ünlü sözü gibi, insan hiçbir zaman ve hiçbir yerde aynı nehirde yıkanmamıştır. Bu yüzden aynı ekolojik ortamı paylaşsalar bile, farklı toplumlar biricik kültürel karakterleri dolayımıyla doğal ortamlarıyla bağlarını düzenlemiştir. Yani tarih bize insan-kültür-ekoloji ilişkisinin yüzbinlerce biricik olasılığını sunmakta. Bu kültürel çeşitlilik ise insanın kapasitelerini ve potansiyelini, aynı zamanda farklı “ol”ma biçimlerini göstererek bugüne ve geleceğe kılavuzluk etmektedir. İşte arkeoloji bu altın anahtarı elinde tutan tek bilim dalıdır.
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Rafael Sánchez .HN tr tr IY/ ft\ n ART DE MOVIMIENTO ü Cp¡srno [J¡qrvpnsrraRro DE Esruolos CrNwrnrocnÁrrcos Cada film es pan mí una espec¡e de danza. Porque lo más impodanF-en el c¡ne es el movim¡ento' No ímporta qué cos¿ esté usted mov¡endo, sean personas, objetos o d¡buios, n¡ de qué maneft sea entregada. Es una foma de danza Así veo Yo el c¡ne-NORMAN MCLAREN* *qEveryfi|mfofmeis¿kindofad¿nceEecausethemostimportantth¡nglnfitmi'motion,movernent' No rnatter wÁat it is you áre moving; whether its people, or obje<ts, or drawings, and whát way it's done lt's áformofd¿nce.That'smywayofthinkingaboutfi|ms,-De|abáñda5onoráde|f¡|nTheEyeHeasendtheEar Sees, entrevista document¿l ¿ Noman McLaren, dingido por Galv¡n Millar de la sBc de Londres, 1s70' CONTENIDO PRÓtOGO PRÓLoGo A LA TERGERA EDICIóN I PARTE: EL FENóMENO ARTÍSTICO Introducción r Las facultades creativas 2. Los principios fundamentales de la forma artística . II PARTE: EL MOVIMIENTO EN EL MONTAJE Introducción r. Punto de part¡da: el movimiento 2. Lógica real y lóg¡ca cinematográf¡ca Materia Pr¡mera: Composic¡ón del cuadro r. El rectángulo académico z. Origen de las leyes composic¡onales 3. Los princip¡os estéticos de la composición 17 19 23 43 45 45 65 rlr'aJ¡s uñc archite<¡urE.Ed. Crei, P¿ds.
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A Compherensive Review of the Anti-Obesity Properties of Medicinal Plants, 2024
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Annals of Agricultural & Crop Sciences