AFRREV STECH, Vol. 1 (3) August-December, 2012
An International Journal of Science and Technology
Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
Vol.1 (3) August-December, 2012:92-99
ISSN 2225-8612 (Print)
ISSN 2227-5444 (Online)
Genetic Engineering and the Quest for a Perfect Society
Kanu, Ikechukwu Anthony, OSA
Department of Philosophy,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Mobile: +2348036345466
[email protected]
Virtually, every field of human endeavor is encapsulated in the trend of
scientific progress. The indices of the present progress in science are such
that we can begin to talk of science as being at its crescendo. However, with
these advancements and conquests, questions arises as to if humanity is
really happy? Nowadays, this idea of continuous progress is seriously
challenged. There has been a basic tension between the awareness of the
‘limit of growth’ and the idea of ‘continuous progress’. It is within this
context that this piece attempts to make unique enquiries. It first understands
what genetic engineering is all about. Having understood its content and
objective, it raises questions about its moral sense, however, with particular
reference to human cloning.
Key words: Genetic Engineering, science, human cloning, perfect society.
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AFRREV STECH, Vol. 1 (3) August-December, 2012
The human search for knowledge rarely alters its direction and mood with
radical suddenness; however, there are times when its concerns and emphasis
clearly separate it from its immediate past. Such was the case with the dawn
of modernism, animated by the Cartesian anthropological philosophy, which
threw overboard the theocentricism of the „Medieval World‟. Since then, a
kind of infatuation over practical knowledge such as Marxism, pragmatism,
Utilitarianism has dominated the landscape of the human search for
knowledge, giving impetus to science and technology, the conquest of nature
(Kanu, 2004).
Obviously, scientific technology has recorded thrilling and appalling
prodigies and significant advancements in the history of humanity. Virtually,
every field of human endeavor is encapsulated in this trend of scientific
progress. So that we can begin to talk of science as being at its crescendo; in
fact, with science, we are already knocking at the door of physical
immortality (Kanu, 2004). However, with these advancement and conquest is
humanity really happy? Nowadays, this idea of continuous progress is
seriously challenged. There has been a basic tension between the awareness
of the „limit of growth‟ and the idea of „continuous progress‟ in science and
technology (Okoro, 2003). It is within this aperture that this piece raises
questions about the moral sense of genetic engineering with particular
reference to human cloning.
Science and the quest for a perfect society
As far back as the ancient era of human history when science was still at her
rudimentary stage, she has been obsessed with the idea of creating a perfect
world, a world where people would be free from pain, sickness and
disabilities, feeblemindedness, epilepsy, criminality, insanity, alcoholism,
pauperism, strife and death. This comes to the fore in Plato‟s writing almost
2,300 years ago, he advised that the best of either sex should be united with
the best as often as possible, and the inferior with the inferior as seldom as
possible. However, in modern time this endeavor to improve the human
species has begun in earnest, and this discipline was called eugenics (Awake,
The concept eugenics is from the Greek word ευγενεια, which means
„nobility of birth‟ or „high descent‟; the word was coined in 1883 by Francis
Galton, a British scientist and a cousin of Charles Darwin. Francis was aware
of the scientific progress that has allowed for various flowers and animals to
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Genetic STECH,
for a Perfect Society
acquire certain desirable qualities through selective breeding, and so he
thought that the quality of humanity may be improved through similar
methods. He reasoned that if a fraction of the cost and effort devoted to the
breeding of horses and cattle were spent on the improvement of the human
race, the result would be a galaxy of genius. Following the trends already set
by Darwin, he believed that it was time for humans to take control of their
own evolution. In fairs and expositions in both Britain and America, the laws
of genetic inheritance were depicted, often on a vertical board displaying an
array of stuffed guinea pigs arranged to show the inheritance of colour to the
next generation, in juxtaposition to human diseases and disabilities also
inherited from generation to generation.
This ideology in circulation led to so much carnage in Europe and America.
Tens of thousands of humans were tagged „undesirables‟, more terrible was
the fact that those who defined the „undesirables‟ were those making the
decision to force sterilization. In USA for example, legislation was proposed
calling for sterilization of those convicted of murder, rape, and highway
robbery, chicken stealing, bombing, or theft of automobiles. In a misguided
effort to achieve a master race in one generation, Nazi Germany went a step
further. After the forced sterilization of 225,000 people, millions of others,
Jews, Romanies (Gypsies), the disabled, and other undesirables were
exterminated under the guise of eugenics; and because of this barbarism,
eugenics took up a negative connation and many hoped that this field of
study had been laid to rest, buried with the millions who died in its name.
In the 1970‟s however, reports circulated of scientific advances in the
fledgling of molecular biology. Some feared that this advances may fuel a
return to the ideas that had seduced Europe and North America earlier in the
century. Today people talk about improving health and quality of life. The
old eugenics was rooted in politics and fuelled by bigotry and hatred. The
new advances in genetic research are fuelled by commercial interest and
consumer desires for better health. But while there are major differences, the
goal of shaping people to our own genetic prejudices may sound much like
the old eugenic (Awake, 2000).
Genetic engineering
Genetic engineering emerged in 1973 when the technique of gene splicing
was invented. It involves the arrangement or substitution of genes on the
molecular level within the chromosomes. A gene is cut into sections, and
fragments from other genes are inserted between separate parts and reunited
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AFRREV STECH, Vol. 1 (3) August-December, 2012
into a recombined gene. This technique in the view of science expands
mankind‟s dominion over nature (Peschke, 2004). Because of the perilous
possibilities owing to the former development of eugenics, in the Asilomar
conference, held in Monterey, USA, in 1975, the conference voted to allow
the National Institute of Health to publish guidelines for future research on
gene splicing. This resulted in the 1974 publication of the NIH Guidelines for
research on Recombinant DNA Molecules. As more experience was gained
and the potential hazards clearly evaluated, the guidelines have been
progressively relaxed but not discarded.
Genetic engineering and infrahuman life
The purpose of genetic engineering on the infrahuman level is the
construction of organisms with desired traits. It tends towards the
improvement of the animal species, for example, the breeding of cattle to
yield more milk. It intends to replace all our current crops with genetically
engineered varieties of species. The revolutionaries of this school comprising
of transnational agro-chemical corporations promise an improved form of
agriculture, which will be destructive and intolerant of those forces that
militate against the success of our food crops, such as diseases, viruses and
insects. It is designed to alter and improve seeds and plants so that they can
resist nature‟s onslaught. As a result, they have put corn genes into rice, trout
genes into crayfish and chickens into potatoes. Even human genes have been
spliced into pigs to produce leaner pork (Rose, 1997). These attempts have
met with unpredictable results. For instance, pest control was formerly
carried out by spraying pesticides, but because of the natural evolutionary
response to develop resistance to it in other to survive, genetic engineering
has come up with new designer plants, which are pest resistant. These are so
because of the spliced, altered poisoned genes from scorpions, spiders and
bacteria inserted into them. Whenever the offending caterpillar or insect takes
a bite of the leave or flower, they get a mouth full of toxic poison from within
the plant itself (Ocherike, 2001).
Monsota, creator of the „terminator seed‟ genetically altered so as to
germinate once, has also initiated genetically engineered crops, particularly
Soya Bean called Roundup Ready Soya bean (RRS), it is so called because of
its resistance to roundup, a weed killer that is toxic to most plants. When it is
spread, the RSS remain while every other weed, flower and even insects and
birds that depend on them are wiped away (Ellen, 1998). These
notwithstanding, many genetic engineering companies are profit oriented and
forget the side-effects of their genetically manufactured crops on their
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Kanu: Genetic Engineering & the Quest for a Perfect Society
AFRREV STECH, Vol. 1 (3) August-December, 2012
consumers. Many scholars are of the opinion that industrial agriculture with
its affiliation to genetic engineering is moving in a dangerous direction,
adapting plants to chemical poisons: the long term effect for entire population
eating food containing chemical toxin unknown. Environmental concerns
have also been voiced, there are fears with wild plants; and that resistance to
herbicides could be transferred to weeds, creating super weeds (Rose, 1997).
Genetic engineering and human life
Science tells us that the human person is made up of about 100 trillion cells.
Most cells have a nucleus. Inside each nucleus are 46 packets called
chromosomes. Each chromosome contains a single, tightly coiled, threadlike
molecule called DNA. It is estimated that within the DNA there are up to
100,000 genes, positioned something like worms and cites along a major
highway. Our genes largely determine every characteristic in our body- our
development in the womb, our gender and physical characteristics, and our
growth to adulthood. Scientists also believe that our DNA include a „clock‟
that determine how long we will live (Awake, 2000).
With the above knowledge of the human genetic system, science has been
able to record thrilling advances: infant mortality is reduced ever more and
children with genetic defects survive ever more readily, genetic medicine is
rapidly gaining in importance. Through gene therapy, hereditary defects in
certain cells of the body are eliminated. For instance if in sickness of the
formation of blood, defect cells would be taken from the marrow, treated
genetically and then re-implanted in the body combined with a procedure
favoring their auto-replication. Cellular gene therapy would also be the
correction of abnormalities in the cell structure of the developing embryo
(Peschke, 2004). These notwithstanding, the problem here is „who decides
which „improvements‟ of the human person are desirable?‟
As bioethics become more effective, doctors expect to have far greater
powers to detect and correct genetic defects that either cause or predispose
humans to various diseases. In addition, scientists hope that eventually, they
will be able to transfer artificial chromosomes into a human embryo to offer
protection against such diseases as Parkinson, AIDS, diabetes, and prostrate
and breast cancer. A child will thus be born with a strengthened immune
system. There is also the plan to manipulate genes so as to boost intelligence
or improve memory.
In this regard, Matt Ridley argued that contrary to our common sense view,
genetic research has now proved that how we are brought up and the nature
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of our family background have little effect on the sort of people we become.
All the important aspect of our personality are somehow preordained by our
genes (Rose, 1998). As such, people are gay because they have gay genes;
people are violent because they have violent or criminal genes; people are
drunk because they have genes of alcoholism. As a result of this genetic
understanding, human behaviours have been simplified and shoehorned into
genetic models, violent offenders have had the temerity to blame their genes
and not themselves for offenses committed. For example, once in a US court
case, the lawyer of Stephen Mobley, sentence to death for violent murder of
Pizza Palour Manager, sought permission to mount a genetic defense, „It was
not me, it was my genes‟ (Rose, 1998). Such ideas are mere simplifications
with its cheaply seductive dichotomies of nature, gene and environment
deeply fallacious. This is because the phenomena of life are always and
simultaneously biological and social. And any adequate explanation must
involve both.
Human cloning
Cloning is a form of asexual reproduction used for animals. In one form of
the reproduction, it is brought about by the division of an embryo in its early
stage by two or more embryos, in the other by the exchange of cell nucleus of
an ovum through the nucleus of the cell of an adult animal. The thus treated
embryo or ova are transferred to the uterus of a female animal and there
stimulated to grow (Peschke, 2004).
In 1997 a sheep called Dolly made headlines around the world. What makes
Dolly special was that she was the first mammal successfully cloned from an
adult cell, taken from a ewe‟s mammary gland. Thus Dolly became a
younger twin to the sheep from which the cell was taken. Before cloning
dolly, scientists have for decades cloned animals from embryonic cells. With
this new development, the question was now extended to human beings „Will
there ever be another you?‟ „Can we clone humans?‟ Applying this to human
beings would imply producing simultaneously a number of individuals that
are the same person, meaning that the dead could even be replaced repeatedly
with totally the same figure (Ocherike, 2001).
Evaluation and conclusion
From the perspective of Christian anthropology, God created the human
person in the image and likeness of Himself (Gen 1:27). This implies that
God created human beings with something of himself and endowed them
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Quest for a Perfect 2012
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with supernatural gifts. Human cloning is a complete reversal of the divine
plan. In human cloning, the human person is rather created in the image and
like of a fellow human person. And though most scientists who indulge in
genetic engineering hold onto the scriptural injunction: “Be fruitful and
multiply, fill the earth and subdue it”, the scientist must listen to the
theologian for biblical interpretation: the first part, „Be fruitful and multiply,
fill the earth‟, is restricted to the natural process, and not through an artificial
fabrication of fellow humans in the laboratory. And the second part: “Subdue
the earth” is not a license to manipulate nature.
The advancement in genetic engineering now helps doctors screen through
therapy to check the sex of babies; they also screen for conditions and
disorders that they cannot treat, and so abortion is often presented as a
treatment. In the contention of Russell (1995), “We have been happy to
devote a life time to the service of science, for we think that science is a way
to fuller life for mankind. But we are alarmed when realizing that it is this
very science which now provides man with the means of self-destruction”
(p.18). Any attempt aimed at sex selection is all in conflict with the personal
dignity of the individual, even in the earliest stages of development.
While cloning tends towards the „molding‟ of genetically identical twin of
the person from whom it was cloned, it is worthwhile to know that diversity,
spontaneity, contingency and uniqueness belong to the nature of burgeoning
life. Repetition of what already is does not enhance the future. Nothing now
comes into being. Rather the old is pinned down (Peschke, 2004).
One of the greatest ethical arguments against cloning comes from practical
experience. The experiments with animals reveal frequent abnormalities:
excessive birth weight, malformed hearts, livers and other organs. Birth
defects occur at the alarming rate of 20 to 30 percent, compared with 1 or 2
percent for natural births. For animal cloners, these are issues of cost and
quality control. For humans they are grave moral concern. One may kill an
abnormal calf, not however an abnormal human being. This, most strongly
underscores the moral inadmissibility of the cloning of humans (Guterl and
Karen, 2003).
It is becoming more obvious that the driving impulse of course, is financial –
to make money from the technology of the future. Many bioethicists fear that
this could lead to “consumer eugenics” in which parents would be pressured
to select “genetically approved” children. It is easy to imagine how
advertising could play a major role in such a trend (Awake, 2000).
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AFRREV STECH, Vol. 1 (3) August-December, 2012
Cloning, for many scientists, is a divinely approved project because God
gives souls to cloned babies. His argument is as good as going back to the
archaic argument that God approves of rape by causing a child to result from
it. Cloners, if given the chance would turn the human person into objects of
experimentation and dissection, and eventually babies will be produced in
good numbers just as industrial manufacturers produce goods to be sold.
Soon human babies will be tagged with prices following their appearances.
Human cloning deals with us, our lives, our understanding of our lives as
humans and with the fate of humanity in the future (Iroegbu, 1994). While
this piece is a contribution to the already ongoing discourse on genetic
engineering, it further suggests that it is an area that requires more study,
analysis and evaluation for the benefit of the future of the human race.
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Pescke, K. (2004). Christian ethics: Moral theology in the light of Vatican II.
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Paul, R. (1995). Beware of Blue Bananas. The Word Magazine, 46. 5.
Augustine, O. (2001). Genetic Engineering: A Beautiful Step to an Ugly
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Ellen, T. (1998). Frankenstein in the Fields. The Tablet, July. 966
Rose, S. (1998). Blame it on your Genes. The word Magazine. September,
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Russel, B. (1961). Has man any future? London: George Allen and Unwin.
Guterl, L. and Karen, L. M. (2003). Attack of the Clones. Newsweek, 13.
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Iroegbu, P. (1994). Ewisdomization and African philosophy. Benin:
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