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1988, Software: Practice and Experience
7 pages
1 file
Approximate string matching is an important operation in information systems because an input string is often an inexact match to the strings already stored. Commonly known accurate methods are computationally expensive as they compare the input string to every entry in the stored dictionary. This paper describes a two-stage process. The first uses a very compact ngram table to preselect sets of roughly similar strings. The second stage compares these with the input string using an accurate method to give an accurately matched set of strings. A new similarity measure based on the Levenshtein metric is defined for this comparison. The resulting method is both computationally fast and storage-efficient.
— In computer science, approximate string matching is the technique of finding strings that match a pattern approximately (rather than exactly). Most often when we need to match a pattern exact matching is not possible, due to insufficient data, broken data, or other such reasons. So we try to find a close match instead of an exact match. And for this we need to find the distance between two strings. We have different approaches for the same such as edit distance in the form of Hamming distance, Levenshstien distance, Dameru-Levenshstein distance, Jaro-Winkler distance and Longest Common Subsequence (LCS). Different algorithms have been made for these different approaches, and we will try to analyze some of these algorithms.
Software: Practice and Experience, 1996
Experimental comparison of the running time of approximate string matching algorithms for the differences problem is presented. Given a pattern string, a text string, and integer , the task is to find all approximate occurrences of the pattern in the text with at most differences (insertions, deletions, changes). We consider seven algorithms based on different approaches including dynamic programming, Boyer-Moore string matching, suffix automata, and the distribution of characters. It turns out that none of the algorithms is the best for all values of the problem parameters, and the speed differences between the methods can be considerable.
Given a text string, a pattern string, and an integer k, a new algorithm for finding all occurrences of the pattern string in the text string with at most k differences is presented. Both its theoretical and practical variants improve the known algorithms .
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004
Querying and integrating sources of structured data from the Web in most cases requires similarity-based concepts to deal with data level conflicts. This is due to the often erroneous and imprecise nature of the data and diverging conventions for their representation. On the other hand, Web databases offer only limited interfaces and almost no support for similarity queries. The approach presented in this paper maps string similarity predicates to standard predicates like substring and keyword search as offered by many of the mentioned systems. To minimize the local processing costs and the required network traffic, the mapping uses materialized information on the selectivity of string samples such as ¤-samples, substrings, and keywords. Based on the predicate mapping similarity selections and joins are described and the quality and required effort of the operations is evaluated experimentally.
Theoretical Computer Science, 2006
We present a radically new indexing approach for approximate string matching. The scheme uses the metric properties of the edit distance and can be applied to any other metric between strings. We build a metric space where the sites are the nodes of the suffix tree of the text, and the approximate query is seen as a proximity query on that metric space. This permits us finding the occ occurrences of a pattern of length m, permitting up to r differences, in a text of length n over an alphabet of size σ, in average time O(m 1+ǫ + occ) for any ǫ > 0, if r = o(m/ log σ m) and m > 1+ǫ ǫ log σ n. The index works well up to r < (3− √ 2)m/ log σ m, where it achieves its maximum average search complexity O(m 1+ √ 2+ǫ + occ). The construction time of the index is O(m 1+ √ 2+ǫ n log n) and its space is O(m 1+ √ 2+ǫ n). This is the first index achieving average search time polynomial in m and independent of n, for r = O(m/ log σ m). Previous methods achieve this complexity only for r = O(m/ log σ n). We also present a simpler scheme needing O(n) space.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 1996
Algorithmica, 1999
We present a new algorithm for on-line approximate string matching. The algorithm is based on the simulation of a nondeterministic finite automaton built from the pattern and using the text as input. This simulation uses bit operations on a RAM machine with word length w = (log n) bits, where n is the text size. This is essentially similar to the model used in Wu and Manber's work, although we improve the search time by packing the automaton states differently. The running time achieved is O(n) for small patterns (i.e., whenever mk = O(log n)), where m is the pattern length and k < m is the number of allowed errors. This is in contrast with the result of Wu and Manber, which is O(kn) for m = O(log n). Longer patterns can be processed by partitioning the automaton into many machine words, at O(mk/w n) search cost. We allow generalizations in the pattern, such as classes of characters, gaps, and others, at essentially the same search cost.
Information Processing Letters, 1999
We improve the fastest known algorithm for approximate string matching, which can be used only for low error levels. By using a new method to verify potential matches and a new optimization technique for biased texts (such as English), the algorithm also becomes the fastest one for medium error levels. This includes most of the interesting cases in this area.
Information Processing Letters, 1996
We present new algorithms for approximate string matching based in simple, but efficient, ideas. First, we present an algorithm for string matching with mismatches based in arithmetical operations that runs in linear worst case time for most practical cases. This is a new approach to string searching. Second, we present an algorithm for string matching with errors based on partitioning the pattern that requires linear expected time for typical inputs.
Algumas das melhores definições e reflexões de todos os tempos sobre o Amor, a Esperança e a Fé Amor (ou caridade), Esperança e Fé: As três principais virtudes cristãs, conforme arroladas pelo apóstolo Paulo no décimo terceiro capítulo da Primeira Carta aos Coríntios, um dos ou talvez mesmo o mais belo capítulo de todo o Novo Testamento. Os católicos chamam-nas de virtudes teologais, que seriam infundidas por Deus no homem, e cuja ação é complementada pelas virtudes cardinais (prudência, justiça, fortaleza e temperança). Nesta breve seleta, reunimos nada menos que mil (e cem) citações. São textos notadamente de autores cristãos (reformados, católicos e de outras vertentes), mas não somente; autores de outras confissões religiosas aqui comparecem, e mesmo agnósticos e livres pensadores os mais diversos, contribuindo para o entendimento e a reflexão plurais sobre tais temas de infindável profundidade. Assim, mesmo focado na seara cristã, esta pequena antologia é de valia para todo tipo de leitor, todo aquele que tem sua atenção capturada pelo mundo das ideias. Este livro é uma edição revista e ampliada do e-book “Amor, Esperança e Fé – Uma antologia de citações”, publicado em 2017, e que reunia em torno de 750 citações sobre as três virtudes. Além do acréscimo em citações, aqui inserimos uma nova seção, “As Três Virtudes”, reunindo citações que falem ao mesmo tempo sobre as três, ou ao menos duas delas. Que esta pequena seleta seja de proveitosa e edificante leitura a você, amigo leitor. Mais do que um livro a ser lido, nosso esforço foi para tornar este volume um livro a ser revisitado enquanto durar nossa peregrinação terrena. Ah, e caso você queira o LIVRO IMPRESSO, ele também está disponível, sendo comercializado pelo site da UICLAP, aqui:
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