Hydrogen trapping and embrittlement in
high-strength Al alloys
Received: 4 April 2021
Huan Zhao1 ✉, Poulami Chakraborty1, Dirk Ponge1, Tilmann Hickel1,2, Binhan Sun1,3,
Chun-Hung Wu1, Baptiste Gault1,4 ✉ & Dierk Raabe1 ✉
Accepted: 13 December 2021
Published online: 16 February 2022
Open access
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Ever more stringent regulations on greenhouse gas emissions from transportation
motivate efforts to revisit materials used for vehicles1. High-strength aluminium alloys
often used in aircrafts could help reduce the weight of automobiles, but are
susceptible to environmental degradation2,3. Hydrogen ‘embrittlement’ is often
indicated as the main culprit4; however, the exact mechanisms underpinning failure
are not precisely known: atomic-scale analysis of H inside an alloy remains a challenge,
and this prevents deploying alloy design strategies to enhance the durability of the
materials. Here we performed near-atomic-scale analysis of H trapped in
second-phase particles and at grain boundaries in a high-strength 7xxx Al alloy. We
used these observations to guide atomistic ab initio calculations, which show that the
co-segregation of alloying elements and H favours grain boundary decohesion, and
the strong partitioning of H into the second-phase particles removes solute H from
the matrix, hence preventing H embrittlement. Our insights further advance the
mechanistic understanding of H-assisted embrittlement in Al alloys, emphasizing the
role of H traps in minimizing cracking and guiding new alloy design.
High-strength Al alloys of the 7xxx series are essential structural materials in aerospace, manufacturing, transportation and mobile communication5,6, owing to their high strength-to-weight ratio, which enables
products with lower fuel consumption and environmental impact.
The high strength is achieved through the formation of a high number
density (approximately 1024 m−3) of nanosized precipitates via an aging
thermal treatment6,7. Unfortunately, high-strength Al alloys are notoriously sensitive to environmentally assisted cracking2,8, and, like most
high-strength materials, are subject to H embrittlement9,10. Overcoming
these intrinsic limitations requires gaining a precise understanding
of how H penetrates the material and of its interactions with ubiquitous microstructural features, for example, grain boundaries (GBs)
or second phases, to ultimately cause a catastrophic deterioration of
mechanical properties11. H uptake can occur during high-temperature
heat treatments, as well as in service12,13. H has low solubility in Al14, yet
crystal defects can assist H absorption15–22, leading, for instance, to a
drop in the fatigue life23.
The enduring question remains of where the H is located in the microstructure and how such traps facilitate catastrophic failure. Several
studies pointed to the critical role of GBs in the environmental degradation. GBs are locations of preferential electrochemical attack4, but
also cracks propagate more easily via GB networks throughout the
microstructure of the alloy24,25. An experimental validation of the H
distribution in Al alloys is challenging, owing to its low solubility and to
the experimental difficulty of performing spatially resolved characterization of H at relevant scales and at specific microstructural features.
Recent efforts in atomic-scale H imaging in steels led to insights into
the trapping behaviour of second phases and interfaces26–28.
Here we address these critical questions using the latest developments in cryo-atom probe tomography (APT)26–28, enabled by
cryo-plasma focused-ion beam (PFIB) specimen preparation to
investigate H associated with different microstructures in an Al alloy.
Through isotope-labelling with deuterium (D), we partly avoid characterization artefacts associated with the introduction of H from the
sample preparation28,29 and from residual gas in the atom probe vacuum
chamber. We studied a 7xxx Al alloy with a composition of Al–6.22Zn–
2.46Mg–2.13Cu–0.155Zr (wt.%) in its peak-aged condition. For this alloy,
electrochemical-charging with H leads to a critical drop in the ductility
compared with uncharged samples (Fig. 1a). The H desorption spectra
are shown in Extended Data Fig. 1. Figure 1b–d highlights the complexity of the microstructure across multiple length scales. First, Fig. 1b, c
reveals the predominant role of GBs and GB networks in the crack formation and propagation during deformation of the H-charged material.
Fig. 1d displays the typical distribution of fine precipitates in the bulk,
coarse precipitates at GBs and precipitate-free zones (PFZs) adjacent
to GBs. Intermetallic phases (for example, the Al2CuMg S phase) and
Al3Zr dispersoids that act as grain refiners are also shown.
Peak-aged specimens were electrochemically charged with D for
subsequent APT analysis after validating that H and D show a similar
embrittling effect on mechanical properties (Extended Data Fig. 2).
D-charged specimens were prepared by PFIB at cryogenic temperatures to limit the introduction of H29, and immediately analysed by APT
using voltage pulsing to minimize residual H from APT28,29. Figure 2a
displays the APT analysis of Al3Zr dispersoids in the D-charged specimen, with the corresponding composition profile shown in Fig. 2b. H
is strongly enriched, up to 9.5 at.% on average, within the dispersoids,
Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf, Germany. 2BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany. 3Key Laboratory of Pressure Systems and Safety,
Ministry of Education, School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China. 4Department of Materials, Royal School of Mines,
Imperial College London, London, UK. ✉e-mail:
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected]
Nature | Vol 602 | 17 February 2022 | 437
S phase
Engineering stress (MPa)
〈001〉 Al
Al3Zr dispersoid
GBs 3
10 12
Engineering strain (%)
Fig. 1 | Heterogeneous microstructure of an aerospace Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy.
a, Engineering stress–strain curves of uncharged and H-charged samples in the
peak-aged condition (120 °C for 24 h). b, Backscattered electron imaging of an
intergranular crack of the H-charged alloy subjected to tensile fracture.
c, Electron backscatter diffraction imaging showing the crack along GBs.
d, The microstructure of GBs, precipitates, PFZs31 and main types of secondary
phases (the S phase47 and Al3Zr dispersoid). The colour schemes reflect the
microstructures where specific APT analyses were performed. APT, atom
probe tomography; GB, grain boundary; GBPs, grain boundary precipitates;
PFZs, precipitate-free zones. Scale bars: 20 μm (b, c), 100 nm (d, top), 50 nm
(d, top inset), 3 nm (d, middle and bottom).
contrasting with the much lower content of only 0.4 at.% H in the Al
matrix. D is also enriched up to 2.8 at.% inside the dispersoids. H and
D atoms partition preferably to sites inside the dispersoids, with a
slightly higher content at the interface that may be due to the misfit
strain (0.75%)30. We further analysed uncharged specimens prepared
by PFIB and electrochemical polishing for reference (Extended Data
Fig. 3). H appears consistently enriched inside Al3Zr dispersoids, up
to 8.5 at.% on average. Only a peak at a mass-to-charge ratio at 1 Da,
corresponding to H+ atomic ions, is detected in the dispersoids in
uncharged specimens. However, in the D-charged material, a distinct
peak at 2 Da gives proof of efficient D-charging, with D partitioning
into Al3Zr dispersoids.
Figure 2c shows the APT analysis on an intermetallic particle in
the D-charged sample. The composition profile indicates that the
Mg-enriched region corresponds to the S phase (Al2CuMg). The
S-particle contains 4.2 at.% H, whereas the matrix has only 0.3 at.%
H, and 0.12 at.% D (right axis). Comparison with a similar S particle in
an uncharged sample (Extended Data Fig. 4) shows a 6.5-times higher
peak ratio of 2 Da/1 Da in the D-charged sample, revealing that most
of the signal at 2 Da comes from electrochemically charged D. Further evidence of an enrichment up to 9 at.% H within Al7Cu2Fe, and
Mg32(Zn,Al)49 T-phase particles, is provided for the uncharged material
(Supplementary Figs. 1, 2).
We then analysed the distribution of H and D at a high-angle GB. Following sharpening at cryo-temperature, the specimen was transferred
through a cryo-suitcase into the APT to minimize out-diffusion of D28.
The peak-aged sample contains 5-nm (Mg, Zn)-rich strengthening precipitates in the bulk and coarser 20–50-nm-sized precipitates at the
GB31, as well as typical PFZs adjacent to the GB (Fig. 3a). Atom maps of
H and D(H2+) in Fig. 3b reveal a higher concentration at the GB. Fig. 3c
shows details of the precipitates and solutes populating the GB. Al3Zr
dispersoids at the GB (Fig. 3d) contain 11 at.% H and 0.6 at.% D—that is, a
lower D content compared to the Al3Zr dispersoids in the bulk (Fig. 2b).
No enrichment in H and D(H2+) (right axis) is shown in (Mg, Zn)-rich precipitates distributed both at the GB (Fig. 3e) and in the bulk (Extended
Data Fig. 5). Fig. 3f gives a composition profile through the GB between
the particles, showing that the GB is enriched with 2 at.% Mg. We observe
no enrichment in Zn and Cu (1 at.%, Extended Data Fig. 6), and in the
peak-aged state this can be explained by the accelerated GB precipitation through the consumption of segregated solutes31. The locally
increased content of D(H2+) implies that the solute-decorated GB (that
is, devoid of precipitates) acts as a trap for H, and no enrichment in H and
D is observed in the adjacent PFZs (that is, the regions next to the GB),
an effect that amplifies the mechanical and electrochemical contrast
in these regions. Comparison with a similar GB in an uncharged sample
(Extended Data Fig. 7) shows a higher signal at 2 Da (by a factor of 3)
in the D-charged sample, supporting that D is indeed enriched at the GB.
We obtained seven APT datasets containing GBs in D-charged samples,
and all show consistent enrichment of H and D at GBs (two additional
datasets are shown in Supplementary Figs. 3, 4).
We note that the probability of detecting spurious H from residual gas
in APT decreases as the strength of the electric field increases, which
can be traced by the evolution of the charge-state ratio of Al (that is,
Al2+/Al1+)32. For each microstructural feature studied herein, this ratio
is reported in Extended Data Fig. 8, and in each H-enriched case, the
electric field either does not change notably or increases compared
to Al matrix. The content of H and D measured in each feature in the
uncharged and D-charged conditions is compiled in Supplementary
Table 1. These analyses indicate that the peak at 2 Da is extremely
unlikely to be associated with H2+, but with D in D-charged samples,
and that most of the detected H was from initially trapped atoms inside
the specimen, either from its preparation or/and from the processing
history of the material28. The electrolytical-charging with D reinforces
our observation that H is trapped within the material itself28.
To better understand the effect of H in the intermetallic phases
(for example, S phase Al2CuMg), Al3Zr dispersoids and at GBs, we
438 | Nature | Vol 602 | 17 February 2022
Al3Zr dispersoid
S phase
S phase
Al3Zr dispersoid
Composition (at.%)
Composition (at.%)
Composition of D (at.%)
Distance (nm)
Distance (nm)
Fig. 2 | APT analysis of second phases of the D-charged Al–Zn–Mg–Cu
samples in the peak-aged condition (120 °C for 24 h). a–d, Atom map and
composition profiles are presented along the red arrows respectively for Al3Zr
dispersoids (a, b) and S phase (c, d). The shaded bands of the traces correspond
to the standard deviations of the counting statistics in each bin of the profile.
The background colours in b, d show the locations of the dispersoid and the
S phase, respectively. Scale bars: 30 nm (a, c).
used density functional theory (DFT). Solubility analysis of H in the
S phase reveals that Al-rich octahedral sites provide the lowest solution enthalpy (0.014 eV). The calculated concentrations of H in these
sites is 3 at.% at 300 K, substantially higher than 5 × 10−5 at.% assumed
for the Al matrix, which explains the APT observations. In Al3Zr dispersoids, H prefers octahedral interstitial sites with Zr in the second
nearest-neighbour shell and with a solution enthalpy of 0.128 eV and
a H solubility of 0.2 at.%. However, the high experimental H concentrations may be explained by the presence of Zr antisites in the first
nearest-neighbour positions of H, which reduces the solution enthalpy
to −0.202 eV. The solubility of H in the GB was estimated for a symmetric Σ5 (210) [100] GB (Fig. 4a) as a representative high-angle GB33. The
excess volume for all considered GB sites (Fig. 4b) explains the negative
segregation energies given in Fig. 4c. Therefore, the corresponding
solution enthalpies at these sites are lower than in the Al matrix, but
still much higher than in the S phase or Al3Zr dispersoids.
To explain why GBs, nevertheless, show higher susceptibility for H
embrittlement, as documented in Fig. 1, we determine the embrittling
energy associated with H (Fig. 4c). This quantity describes the thermodynamic driving force for fracture formation by comparing the impact
of H on the energetics of the GB with that of the free surface. In the Σ5
GB, H when located at sites with the strongest segregation energy,
also yields the strongest embrittlement. When distributing H atoms
according to their nominal solubility over all these possible sites in a
unit area of the GB, weighted by their respective segregation energy
(Fig. 4c), the total contribution to the embrittling energy adds up to
600 mJ m−2 for this GB. This value is substantially more positive (that
is, more detrimental) than the embrittling energy determined for Al3Zr
dispersoids (2 mJ m−2) and the S phase (129 mJ m−2).
We investigate the effect of Mg segregation on GBs revealed by APT
and introduce in the simulation cell a Mg atom substituting one of four
equivalent Al atoms in the GB plane (Fig. 4d). The negative segregation
energy of Mg (−0.274 eV) indicates that it stabilizes the GB compared
to defect-free Al34,35, whereas the small negative embrittling energy
(−0.043 eV) yields almost no effect on the GB strength compared to the
formation of free surfaces. However, for H added to the GB supercell
into the interstitial sites at and near the segregated Mg atom (Fig. 4a),
the embrittling energy changes greatly, as summarized in Fig. 4c. The
solution enthalpy gives no indication that co-segregation of Mg and H is
energetically favourable. In particular, H sitting at the capped trigonal
prisms maintains its strong (that is, negative) segregation energy and
has a strong (positive) embrittling energy that is considerably enhanced
in the presence of Mg. In the same way, all other sites substantially
contribute to embrittlement when a Mg atom is nearby and when H
diffusion at the opening free surface is considered. This is even true for
sites such as 1i and 1gb, for which an occupation by H is less probable.
Overall, these effects increase the embrittling energy by H per unit GB
area by approximately one order of magnitude with Mg compared to
the Mg-free case. The opposite impact of Mg on the segregation and
the embrittlement caused by H is explained by the interaction of Mg
and H at the free surface resulting from the decohesion.
We can now rationalize the H-embrittlement mechanism as follows:
as H penetrates the alloy, the equilibrium H concentration remains low
in the Al matrix and also in the fine and coarse (Mg, Zn)-rich precipitates. However, H accumulates in intermetallic phases (for example,
S or T phases), Al3Zr dispersoids, and to a lesser extent, at GBs. The high
H enrichment in the second-phase particles was explained by DFT
calculations where H shows no clear decohesion or embrittlement
effects. Upon H saturation of the second phases, further ingress of H will
gradually lead to an accumulation of H at GBs. DFT predicts no strong
increase in H concentrations in the presence of Mg, which agrees with
APT where H is not strongly segregated at GBs compared to second
Nature | Vol 602 | 17 February 2022 | 439
10 at.% Zn,
5 at.% Zr
Composition of D (at.%)
Composition (at.%)
Composition (at.%)
Distance (nm)
Composition (at.%)
Distance (nm)
Composition of H/D (at.%)
Composition of H/D (at.%)
Distance (nm)
Fig. 3 | APT analysis of a D-charged peak-aged Al–Zn–Mg–Cu sample
containing a GB (120 °C for 24 h). a, The iso-surfaces highlight the
dispersion of fine (Mg, Zn)-rich precipitates in the matrix, coarse ones at the
GB, and Al3Zr dispersoids. Scale bar: 30 nm. b, Atom maps of H and D(H2+).
c, Solute distribution at the GB plane. d, Composition profile across one Al3Zr
dispersoid at the GB. e, Composition profile of one (Mg, Zn)-rich precipitate at
the GB. f, Solute composition profile across the GB in between precipitates.
The shaded bands of the traces correspond to the standard deviations of the
counting statistics in each bin of the profile.
phases. Yet DFT calculations suggest that when combined with Mg, the
strong driving force for H to segregate to a free surface with respect to
a possible interstitial site at GBs favours GB decohesion and drives the
system towards crack formation. This rationalizes that GBs are embrittled and explains that Mg can impact the H embrittlement without
promoting the absorption of H to GBs11,36. Further investigation on the
c 1.2
Grain 2
Grain 1
Grain 2
Segregation energy with Mg
Interstitial site
GB sites
Fig. 4 | Theoretical analysis based on DFT simulations. a, Schematic
representation of the symmetric Σ5 (210) GB in Al shown with two GB planes.
b, The projected and perspective views of deltahedral packing units show the H
adsorption sites of the calculations. Site number 1 is the substitutional site for a
Mg atom nearby the H sites located inside the polyhedral packing units. c, The
440 | Nature | Vol 602 | 17 February 2022
Octahedron Tetrahedron Capped trigonal prism
Embrittling energy without Mg
Embrittling energy with Mg
ev per H atom
Segregation energy without Mg
Hydrogen sites
embrittling energy and segregation energy are compared in the absence and
presence (patterned bars) of Mg as a solute atom at the GB for the different
interstitial sites of H labelled in b. d, The Al (light grey) and Mg atoms (light
green) in the enlarged figure belong to different adjacent (001) planes.
elemental distribution at a H-induced intergranular crack using scanning Auger electron microscopy reveals the enrichment of Mg at the
cracked GB (Extended Data Fig. 9). The enrichment is even stronger (by
a factor of 2) than the Mg concentration at the GB (Fig. 3f). To confirm
the generality of the role of Mg we also show that no H-embrittlement
features occurred in a Mg-free Al–5.41 (wt.%) Zn alloy that was used
as reference material. The alloy was exposed to the same H-charging
and tensile test conditions, but no sign of H embrittlement was found,
neither in the tensile test results nor in the metallographic fractography (Extended Data Fig. 10). These findings support the result that the
co-segregation of Mg and H to free surfaces provides the driving force
for the embrittlement of GBs.
Generally, avoiding the ingress of H in the first place is extremely
unlikely to work, and the best approach to mitigate H embrittlement
is therefore to control its trapping to maximize the in-service lifetime
of the components. Our results provide indications of H-trapping sites
and their respective propensity to initiate damage in environmentally
assisted degradation, thus contributing towards establishing a mechanistic understanding of H embrittlement in Al alloys. On this basis of this
study, we propose specific measures that may be explored to enhance
resistance to H-induced damage and improve the lifetime and sustainability of high-strength lightweight engineering components. The
results on the high H enrichment in second-phase particles provide a
potential mitigation strategy for improving H-embrittlement resistance, namely through introduction and manipulation of the volume
fraction, dispersion and chemical composition of the second phases,
despite their potentially harmful effects on mechanical properties.
Other strategies could aim at designing and controlling GB segregation, for instance with the goal of eliminating Mg decoration of GBs
by trapping it into precipitates and keeping it in bulk solution. A third
and more general avenue against environmental degradation lies in
reducing the size of PFZs in these alloys, with the goal to mitigate the
H-enhanced contrast in mechanical and electrochemical response
between the H-decorated GBs and the less H-affected adjacent regions.
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Nature | Vol 602 | 17 February 2022 | 441
The chemical composition of the Al alloy studied is Al–6.22Zn–2.46Mg–
2.13Cu–0.16Zr–0.02Fe in wt.% (Al–2.69Zn–2.87Mg–0.95Cu–0.05Zr–
0.01Fe in at.%). The as-cast ingot was homogenized at 475 °C and water
quenched followed by hot rolling at 450 °C to 3 mm thickness. Samples were cut to the size of 12 mm × 10 mm × 2 mm and then they were
solution treated at 475 °C for 1 h and quenched in water. Peak aging
was immediately carried out by heat treatment at 120 °C for 24 h with
water quenching. The detailed precipitation behaviour during aging
is described in a previous work7.
An Al–5.41Zn–0.15Fe–0.02Si in wt.% (Al–2.31–0.08Fe–0.02Si in at.%)
alloy was used as reference material, which contains a similar amount
of Zn as in the studied Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy. The cast ingot was homogenized at 360 °C for 6 h and water quenched, followed by hot rolling
at 345 °C from 20 to 3 mm thickness and solution treated at 360 °C for
1 h and a final quench in water.
Microstructure observations
The microstructures of the cracks and the adjacent regions were characterized by the combined use of backscattered electron imaging
(Zeiss-Merlin SEM) and electron backscatter diffraction (Sigma). For
transmission electron microscopy (TEM), specimens were prepared
by in situ lift-out, using a dual-beam PFIB instrument. The microstructures of specimens prepared for TEM probing were analysed using a
JEOL-2200FS operated at 200 kV or an aberration-corrected FEI Titan
Themis 80–300 operated at 300 kV. Auger analysis was performed
on a JEOL JAMP 9500 F Auger spectrometer with a cylindrical mirror
analyser and a thermal emission electron gun. The operating vacuum
pressure of the chamber was about 5 × 10−7 Pa. The accelerating voltage (Ep) of the electron beam is 25 kV and the probe current (Ip) is
about 10 nA, the Auger measurements were conducted at a working distance 23.2 mm, with the sample being tilt by 30°. Before the
mapping started, the sample was pre-sputtered to remove surface
contaminations. The scanning energy intervals of each element—O
(495.6–518.4 eV), Al (1,453.2–1,504 eV), Mg (1,175.0–1,188.0 eV), Cu
(896.0–930.0 eV), Zn (970.0–1,004.0 eV)—and the mapping settings
(dwell time, 50 μs, number of accumulations, 10) were identical for
all elements. The intensity definition of the obtained map is (P − B)/B
(P, peak, B, background).
Deuterium charging method
Deuterium (D) charging was conducted on a three-electrode electrochemical cell as shown in a previous work28. A charging solution of
0.05M NaCl with 0.03 wt.% NH4SCN in D2O (Sigma-Aldrich) was used as
the cathode electrolysis to create a D-rich environment around the Al
samples. A platinum counter-electrode and reference (μ-Ag/AgCl) were
used. The D charging was conducted for 3 days to 1 week, followed by
immediately transferring the samples to PFIB. For all charging experiments, a PalmSens EmStat3 potentiostat was used.
TDS measurements
Thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) experiments were performed using a Hiden TPD Workstation to measure the H concentration in both H-charged and uncharged reference specimens.
Specimens with a dimension of 10 × 15 × 1.0 mm3 were used, and the
TDS spectra were measured at a constant heating rate of 16 °C min−1.
Three samples were measured for each condition in the H-charged and
uncharged state. The charging was conducted on a three-electrode
electrochemical cell for 3 days. A charging solution of 0.05M NaCl
with 0.03 wt.% NH4SCN in H2O was used, after which the tests were
started within 15 min. The total H concentration was determined
by measuring the cumulative desorbed H from room temperature
to 400 °C.
Tensile experiments
Tensile testing was conducted on a Kammrath & Weiss test stage
coupled with the digital image correlation (DIC) technique. Tensile
specimens with a gauge length of 8 mm and a width of 2 mm were used.
The tests were performed at a strain rate of 3 × 10−4 s−1. At least five
samples were tested for each condition (uncharged, H-charged and
D-charged). Global and local strain distributions were measured by
DIC. The data analysis was done using the ARAMIS software.
APT sample preparation
For the APT specimens prepared by electrochemical polishing, samples were first cut into 1 mm × 1 mm × 12 mm bars. First rough polishing was conducted in a solution of 25% perchloric acid in glacial
acetic acid at 10–30 V. Final polishing was done in 2% perchloric acid in
2-butoxyethanol under an optical microscope. For the APT specimens
prepared by PFIB, bulk samples with the size of 10 mm × 12 mm × 1 mm
were prepared on an FEI Helios PFIB instrument operated with a Xe
source to avoid contamination by gallium.
For the APT specimens prepared from grain boundaries (GBs), GBs
were first crystallographically characterized and then site-selected
in the SEM, and trenches were cut from the GBs in the plate samples.
D charging was then conducted in the bulk plate samples. After charging, the samples were immediately transferred to PFIB, lifted out from
the pre-cut trenches, and mounted to the Si coupons. The sharpening
processes were done at a cryo-stage fitted with a Dewar and a cold finger.
More details on this specific setup can be found in previous works28,29,37.
The cryo-prepared APT specimens were transferred from the PFIB into
APT under cryogenic ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions using our
cryogenic UHV sample transfer protocols described previously37.
APT experiments
Atom probe measurements were performed on the local electrode atom
probe (LEAP 5000XS/LEAP 5000XR) at a cryogenic temperature of 25 K
under UHV conditions of 10−11 Torr. All APT measurements were carried out using voltage pulsing with a 20% pulse fraction and a 250 kHz
pulse rate. Multiple APT datasets were obtained from multiple APT
tips prepared from GBs and second-phase particles. APT datasets were
analysed using the commercial software package IVAS 3.8.4. The APT
reconstruction parameters were calibrated according to the crystallographic poles appearing on the detector hit maps38.
Computational details
The DFT calculations were carried out using the projector augmented
wave (PAW) potentials as implemented in VASP39,40. The exchange and correlation terms were described by the generalized gradient approximation
(GGA) proposed by Perdew, Burke and Ernzerhof (PBE)41. A plane-wave
cut-off of 500 eV was taken for all calculations. The convergence tolerance of atomic forces is 0.01 eV Å−1 and of total energies is 10−6 eV.
The k-point sampling number was set large enough that the convergence
of the total energies was within 2 meV per atom. Brillouin zone integration was made using Methfessel–Paxton smearing. Ionic relaxations
were allowed in all calculations keeping the shape and volume fixed.
The equilibrium structure for pure Al with a lattice parameter of 4.04 Å
obtained within the convergence criteria is consistent with previous
DFT-GGA calculations42 and has been used to construct the supercells.
The H solubility across microstructural features, denoted as σ, can
be calculated as:
cH = exp[− H sol
(H)/kBT ]
= exp−(E σAlX +H − E σAlX − µH)/kBT ,
where E σAlX +H is the total DFT energy of the supercell, H σsol(H) is the
solution enthalpy of H in the phase σ, X is an impurity as explained in
the next section, and kB is the Boltzmann constant. The chemical potential µH is aligned such that a nominal solubility of ~5 × 10−5 at.% is
obtained at T = 300 K for the preferred tetrahedral interstitial positions
in the face-centred cubic (fcc) Al matrix43,44. A 2 × 2 × 4 simulation cell
is considered for Al2CuMg (256 atoms per cell) and the solution
enthalpy of H is compared for all possible interstitial sites. Al3Zr has a
L12 structure with Al atoms at the fcc positions. A 3 × 3 × 3 cell is considered here with 108 atoms in total. The solution enthalpy of H is calculated for the two different octahedral sites in Al3Zr. For each
microstructure a consistent simulation cell is considered for bulk and
the free surface. The free surface depicts the supercell after crack formation, thereby containing half the number of bulk atoms.
The Σ5 (210)[100] symmetric tilt grain boundary (STGB) is selected
as a representative high-angle GB33. The supercell shown in Fig. 4a
contains 40 atomic layers (4 atoms per layer, 160 atoms per cell) and
represents a cell doubled along the [100] and [012] directions. The GB
supercell includes two GBs where two Mg solute atoms are placed at
the GB layer such that possible interactions between them are avoided.
The free-surface supercell has exactly half the number of atoms, but the
same dimensions as the GB supercell and the two Mg solute atoms are
placed in symmetrically equivalent positions. The Mg atoms replace
one of four equivalent host atoms in the GB plane and the H atom is
inserted between host atoms and close to the substituted Mg atom
in the GB2 plane as shown in Fig. 4. The dimension of all the models
was fixed during structural optimizations, allowing relaxations only
along the direction perpendicular to the GB plane. The 2 × 9 × 9 Monkhorst–Pack k-point mesh is used in all calculations of GB. All structures
have been rendered using the OVITO45 programme package and all GB
structures were created using the software GB Code46.
H site at the GB. However, at the opening free surface, H is expected to
immediately diffuse to the position with the lowest segregation energy.
This yields a higher embrittling energy compared to H remaining at
the specific site of the GB (thin horizontal lines in the bars of Fig. 4c).
Data availability
All data to evaluate the conclusions are present in the manuscript, the
Extended Data items and the Supplementary Information. Raw data
are available from the corresponding authors on reasonable request.
Code availability
The code for this study can be found at ref. 46, which is also available
on GitHub (
GB segregation
The ability of an impurity X to segregate to the GB can be characterized
by the segregation energy given by,
seg = (E Al+ X
− E GB
Al ) − (E Al+ X
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− E bulk
Al )
Here, E GB
Al , E Al+ X , E Al and E Al+ X are the total energy of the pure Al GB,
GB in presence of impurity atoms X = Mg or H, pure bulk Al and bulk Al
with impurity atoms X, respectively. A negative segregation energy
indicates that the impurity atoms prefer to segregate towards GB from
the bulk environment.
GB embrittlement
The changes in the mechanical strength of the GB with segregation of
impurity atoms is characterized by the embrittling energy η within the
framework of Rice–Thomson–Wang approach34,35
η = E seg
− E FS
seg = (E Al+ X − E Al ) − (E Al+ X − E Al)
Here free-surface energies (FS) are defined similarly to the corresponding GB energies. A negative value of embrittling energy suggests that
the impurity will enhance the GB strength, whereas a positive value
indicates a detrimental effect on GB strength. The embrittling effect of
H in presence of Mg in Σ5 (210) STGB is modified depending upon the
Acknowledgements We acknowledge A. Sturm for technical support with cryo-experiments in
the PFIB and cryo-suitcase transfer in the atom probe. The help of L. Stephenson for the
cryo-transfer in the atom probe is also appreciated. We are grateful to D. Wan for the initial TDS
measurements, and M. Adamek for the tensile experiments. B.G. acknowledges financial
support from the ERC-CoG-SHINE-771602. Plane vector image in Fig. 1 was obtained from (public domain).
Author contributions H.Z., B.G., D.R. and D.P. developed the research concept; H.Z. was the
lead experimental scientist of the study and interpreted the data; H.Z., B.G. and D.R. discussed
and interpreted the APT results; P.C. and T.H. performed atomic calculations; B.S. conducted
TDS measurements; C.-H.W. performed scanning Auger mapping measurements; H.Z., B.G.,
P.C. and T.H. wrote the manuscript. All authors contributed to the discussion of the results and
commented on the manuscript.
Funding Open access funding provided by Max Planck Society.
Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material available at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Huan Zhao, Baptiste
Gault or Dierk Raabe.
Peer review information Nature thanks the anonymous reviewers for their contribution to the
peer review of this work. Peer reviewer reports are available.
Reprints and permissions information is available at
Extended Data Fig. 1 | Thermal desorption spectroscopy analysis. The H desorption spectra of uncharged and H-charged Al–Zn–Mg–Cu samples in the
peak-aged state. cum., cumulative; ppm, parts per million.
Extended Data Fig. 2 | Tensile properties of H-charged and D-charged samples. Engineering stress–strain curves of H-charged and D-charged Al–Zn–Mg–Cu
samples in the peak-aged state showing that H and D have a similar embrittling effect on mechanical properties.
Extended Data Fig. 3 | Atom probe analysis of Al3Zr dispersoids in
peak-aged Al–Zn–Mg–Cu samples. a, D-charged. b, Uncharged sample
prepared by PFIB. c, Uncharged samples prepared by electropolishing.
Associated H peaks in the mass-to-charge ratio within the local Al3Zr
dispersoids (middle) and composition analysis across the Al3Zr dispersoids
(right) are also shown for each condition.
Extended Data Fig. 4 | Atom probe analysis of S phase in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu samples. a, D-charged; b, uncharged. Atom maps of Al, Mg, H and D are presented, with
the S phase visualized by the Mg enriched regions. Associated H peaks in the mass-to-charge ratio within the S phases are also shown.
Extended Data Fig. 5 | Atom probe analysis of bulk precipitates. Representative composition profile across the bulk precipitate in D-charged Al–Zn–Mg–Cu
samples in the peak-aged state, showing no H enriched.
Extended Data Fig. 6 | Atom probe analysis of the GB composition. The mean chemical composition profile of Zn, Cu, Al2+ across the GB represented in Fig. 3.
The composition profile of Al2+ shows the evaporation field not changing.
Extended Data Fig. 7 | Atom probe analysis of GBs in peak-aged Al–Zn–Mg–Cu samples. a–c, D-charged; d–f, uncharged. Associated H peaks in the
mass-to-charge ratio within the GBs and composition analysis across the GB are also shown for each condition.
Extended Data Fig. 8 | The local electrical field analysis for microstructural features. The local electrical field for each microstructural feature was tracked by
the charge state ratio of Al2+/Al+.
Extended Data Fig. 9 | Scanning Auger electron microscopy analysis of a
H-induced intergranular crack in the Al–Zn–Mg–Cu sample. a, Scanning
electron microscopy image of a crack at the grain boundary. b, Auger map of
the overlay of Al, O and Mg showing Mg enriched at the crack. c, Elemental
distribution images of Al, Zn, Mg, Cu at the crack.
Extended Data Fig. 10 | Tensile properties and metallographic
fractography of Al–5.41 wt.% Zn alloy. a, Engineering stress–strain curves of
uncharged and H-charged Al–Zn samples. b, c, Typical scanning electron
microscopy fractography of the uncharged (b), and H-charged (c) Al–Zn