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This paper is an extension of an earlier paper titled QUANTUM PARTICLES, CONSCIOUSNESS, UNIFIED FIELD THEORY AND RELATIVITY. It addresses the conundrum relating to nature and consciousness. Mind and consciousness has been given scant attention in the hard science of physics and has been relegated to the soft science of psychology instead. This evidently stems from the problem that consciousness is not “hard”, tangible or quantifiable whereas physics deals with particles which can be seen when greatly magnified. Though consciousness is intangible we somehow know it is real; we all simply know we have consciousness. Consciousness may possibly pervade the whole universe, possibly forming links with other conscious beings, that is, there is an entanglement of consciousness, which may explain why human beings are so similar in their psychological or mental make-up and closely connected. A moot question is whether consciousness comprises of invisible particles which are similar to, for ex...
Quantum and Consciousness Revisited, 2024
Many scientists believe that any true unification theory of physics must include a concept of consciousness as well as a model for the mind that interprets our three-dimensionally biased and limited sensations of the external physical/material world. And, that number is growing. The single field theory goes even further than that, in fact, well beyond the simple notion of mind and consciousness as mere human bound perceivers and interpreters of the external material/physical world by placing the physical origin of consciousness within every geometrical point in the universe itself. Some higher level permanent ‘pattern’ structure must be at work in the background of mind to lend more than temporary stability and even ‘permanence’ to the electrical field patterns that constitute the action of mind, since mind, as such, is ephemeral and would disappear (decohere or destabilize) after a few moments as individual electrical potentials neutralized or canceled each other out, positive for ...
“Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships” journal, 2017
The possible nature of consciousness and psyche and their correlation with known neurophysiological processes and structures are considered. A review of a number of work shows that the processes of consciousness and thinking are adequately described only with the application of the concepts of quantum mechanics, which leads to questions about the quantum nature of mental processes and consciousness. Since the neural substrate can not provide the manifestation of quantum processes, there are proposed the concepts of consciousness in which neural structures associated with the other having a quantum nature and conjugated with neurons. The emergence of such concepts is also associated with the existence of living and working people who have no more than 10% of the brain. Cases of life of people with completely degraded neuronal structures of the brain are also given. Proceeding from these facts, the author proposed a new hypothesis in the form of the concept of quantum biological structures as condensates with superfluidity properties formed by light elementary particles. The properties of such structure that interacts with the molecular structures of a living organism correspond to all known manifestations of consciousness and psyche. The proposed hypothesis has verifiable experimental consequences.
ABSTRACT 46.07 Consciousness and the Quantum Field This paper is based in part on only four shreds of scientific evidence, the balance was developed from speculation and conjecture. ‡ In the context of this paper, “quantum field” refers to the realm of quanta, quantum activities, and the influences that affect quanta. Quanta. (plural, noun) What makes all of this interesting is to consider the bubble chamber evidence of the Higgs Bosom particle, which is also called the God particle, Adamantine particle, Ultimaton, and for myself the quantum particle. Quanta provide the self-organizing element to the Infinite Universe, including humans. Humans are self-organizing on two levels: survival of the species without conscious decision-making; and, the survival of the organized social existence of humanity requires conscious intention, decision-making, and action-implementation. We already have the capability to attain global peace, when it becomes important enough to use the innate tools that are embedded in the design of Homo sapiens. ##
NeuroQuantology, 2007
What is consciousness? Is it some kind of magic or the gift which god provided to us for inducing life? Is it a special quality which belongs to only certain living beings or is it spread across the whole universe uniformly? In this paper we travel across the Universe and our thoughts and fathom the Consciousness
“Aspects of Consciousness: Essays on Physics, Death and the Mind.” Ingrid Fredricksson, editor. McFarland, 2013., 2013
Science investigates phenomena in nature that are either experienced or observed by people. However, some special classes of phenomena are generally considered outside of the realm of science if not just plain unscientific, i.e., unworthy of scientific investigation by the majority of scientists. Science has generally dismissed or ignored any phenomena directly associated with mind or consciousness, which amounts to a scientific bias against these concepts. Even psychology, the science of mind, neither directly studies nor even speculates on the ultimate nature of mind and consciousness, but hides behind behaviorism. This shortcoming of science is actually a historical artifact inherited from the earlier break between science and religion and the subsequent separation of human thought into the two realms of MIND and MATTER, but it is also likely that the unintended consequences of adopting a physical theory or model of consciousness are more than science has been willing to accept. The present shortcomings of science in this regard were institutionalized at the end of the eighteenth century by the adoption of positivistic philosophies by the majority of scientists and scholars. But nature has had her way in spite of the best intentions and efforts of science to the contrary: New research and recent discoveries point directly to the conclusion that science has reached a point in its normal advancement beyond which it cannot pass until it distinguishes between matter and the consciousness that is perceiving and interpreting matter, thus necessitating the first ever theories of both consciousness and matter. Keywords: Life, Mind, Consciousness, matter, survival of consciousness, afterlife, quantum theory, relativity, four-dimensional, space, five-dimensional, space-time, metric, memory, electromagnetism, scalar potential, vector potential, magnetic potential, physical reality
This article represents a transdisciplinary theory that attempts, in a nonmathematical way, to reconcile some contemporary concepts of physics with a novel theory of the mind. It represents a thought experiment that consolidates complexity by melding certain unifying natural science concepts into a coherent reality. The foundations of quantum mechanics and the cosmological mysteries of dark energy, dark matter, and normal matter non-dogmatically explained may be accessible to individuals other than those immersed in mathematical formulas. Through reasoning and models, terms are defined and illustrations provided, further clarifying concepts. In this theory, consciousness represents dynamic differences that come to an end. It exists through interdependent relationships between dark energy, focal points of dark matter (FPDMs), and normal matter with associated states of mind: pure awareness, pure mental state, and mental images state, respectively. Consciousness enables the emergence of an observing ego, a viewpoint that defines conscious events but which is not consciousness in and of itself. For topics described throughout the article, there is a mental and physical aspect that through relationship produces change that makes a difference. In this way, the reader, an 'observing ego,' with a human cognitive viewpoint, may bridge the 'gap' connecting the mental and physical domains. Although the theory can be developed mathematically in more detail, the main emphasis is to provide an intriguing explanation of how physics melds with 'mind,' thus laying the foundation for future explorations into how this theoretical framework of the mind reciprocates with other areas of science.
Playing Twenty Questions with Nature: 2 Reflections on Quantum Mechanics and Cognitive Systems What must be admitted is that the definite images of traditional psychology form but the very smallest part of our minds as they actually live. The traditional psychology talks like one who should say a river consists of nothing but pailsful, spoonsful, quartpotsful, barrelsful, and other moulded forms of water. Even were the pails and the pots all actually standing in the stream, still between them the free water would continue to flow. It is just this free water of consciousness that psychologists resolutely overlook. Every definite image in the mind is steeped and dyed in the free water that flows around it. With it goes the sense of its relations, near and remote, the dying echo of whence it came to us, the dawning sense of whither it is to lead. The significance, the value, of the image is all in this hallo or penumbra that surrounds and escorts it,-or rather that is fused into one with it and has become bone of its bone and flesh of its flesh; leaving it, it is true, an image of the same thing it was before, but making it an image of that thing newly taken and freshly understood. William James (1890, p. 255).
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