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1990, "Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Commerce", (A set of seven volumes), Akash Deep Publishing House, Delhi, 1990, pages 2603 , ISBN 81-7058-164-1. (With Y.P. Singh)
4 pages
1 file
"Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Commerce", (A set of seven volumes), Akash Deep Publishing House, Delhi, 1990, pages 2603 , ISBN 81-7058-164-1. (With Y.P. Singh)
The article discusses the role of trade and merchants in Indian civilization and the particularities of the organization of Indian merchant communities.
Development is the main aim of every economy. Economic development increasingly depends on trade. The growing importance of the developing countries in international trade reveals that a country with immense natural and human resources can surely benefit through their strategic move in the international changed world. The economic reform process introduced in the beginning of the 1990s with the focus on liberalisation has enabled increased integration of the Indian economy with the rest of the world.
12/3/14 1 7. THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMERCE In Chapter 6, we saw how commerce first organized itself during the Commercial Revolution to meet the challenges of mediating long-distance exchange. In this chapter, we will see how commerce, like production, continued to develop in ways that increased its productivity. What drove this development was the pressure of competition. Both the Crisis of the Long Fourteenth Century and the subsequent expansion of the Long Sixteenth Century put pressure on the organization of commerce to increase efficiency and lower trading costs. During the Crisis, it was shrinking markets and the resulting intense competition among merchants for the remaining business.1 In the expansion that followed, it was competition for the growing trade in price-sensitive mass-market goods. The expansion in trade expanded the market for the services of commerce. This had the same effects on commerce as did market expansion on production. It induced reorganization, including...
Business history has been a neglected area in both Economics and History due to various reasons. However, some scholars have attempted to write books on business history basing upon whatever material they could lay their hands on, whereas some others have written individual corporate histories, which are usually sympathetic accounts of the perspective corporate houses and are of restricted circulation. Realising the importance of business history accounts for proper understanding of the overall business and economic scenario of India, an attempt has been made to present a bibliographic survey of business history books in English language pertaining to the colonial and modern period. The paper aimed at presenting a comprehensive account of the books of the following types: viz. general business histories; industrial histories; in-house histories of different companies; souvenirs of the various chambers of commerce and industry; histories of the business houses; accounts of the busine...
The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Section 1. Introduction During the 18 th century the range and number of economic publications produced in Britain expanded rapidly. Books, pamphlets, manuals, reports and periodicals abounded covering anything from colonial trade, foreign travel and foreign exchange rates, to new manufacturing techniques, agricultural improvements, commercial legislation, customs and taxation. Just for the period 1701-1750 and counting only new titles, Hanson (1963) listed just over 6500 works on economic topics published in Britain. The difficulties of access that this diffuse and ever growing literature posed to non-specialist readers eager to learn more about economic subjects, were acknowledged by mid-century commentators. In 1760, for instance, Joseph Massie (?-1784) complained about the 'irregular and broken Manner in which [the Knowledge of Commerce] hath been treated of by commercial Writers'. As a consequence, such knowledge could not 'be come at, without collecting and reading more than a Thousand Books and Pamphlets' (Massie 1760 [i,ii]). A decade earlier Malachy Postlethwayt (1707-1767) had identified the same problem: Foreign and domestic trade admitting of so infinite variety of matter; and the knowledge communicated to the world, by those skilled and experienced therein, being scattered in an infinity of volumes, it is no easy matter to have immediate recourse to what may be occasionally requisite, either for the information of the Statesman, the Senator, the private Gentleman, the Trader, or the Manufacturer (Postlethwayt 1749: 26). This abundance called for selection and classification and indeed these are exercises that were undertaken by contemporary connoisseurs like Massie, Anderson and Postlethwayt. 2 Especially the latter's massive Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, first published 1 I wish to thank Kingston University Business School for awarding me a grant to make possible the data-input exercise for the network research project of which the current paper is the first result. I thank PhD students Ibukunolu Babarinde, Ehsan Khajeh, Anna Ivanova, Florence Kode, Katy Schnitzler and Babangida Yohanna for their assistance with data inputting and I thank Dr Barry Avery for his indispensable help with the application of the network analysis software. 2 Their activities are connected to some of the earliest proposals for publicly accessible commercial libraries in Britain. The most well-known, due to its surviving catalogue that lists 2418 titles, is Massie's library. See Higgs (1935, xi) and Hoppit (2006). In the same period Postlethwayt compiled his commercial library probably for like reasons, namely for the use by students at his mercantile academy. The contents of this library are more difficult to assess for reasons explained in note 13 below. Similarly, Adam Anderson (1692-1765) mentioned that he intended to make the many sources used in his large work available to the public: 'with respect to the very numerous and smaller tracts and pamphlets herin made use of […] our Author has long since sorted them and had bound them up into many volumes of various sizes, exactly according to their particular subjects, many of which being curious and long ago out of print, were by him intended for a small beginning to a Mercantile library, when properly authorized, for the use and honour of the citizens of the first commercial city in Christendom' (Anderson 1764, viii). Unfortunately, nothing is known about the exact content of Anderson's library.
Vidyasagar University , Midnapore , West-Bengal , India, 1996
This paper is an agenda for a research study, which aims to portray an interlocking approach to Accounting, Economics and Finance in the perspective of socio-eco nomic development of the SAARC countries. In other words, this paper endeavors to focus on how the approaches to the three disciplines of Accounting, Economics and Finance can be integrated for the purpose of socioeconomic development of the SAARC nations, in particular. This paper encompasses in its canvas theoretical perspectives, problem statement in terms of different research questions pertaining to three disciplines; and objectives, methodology, scope, rationale and probable limitations of the proposed study. The paper concludes with the statement that the proposed study is expected to throw some new light on the integration of these three old disciplines and this would be an area, that would lead to expanded socio economic growth and development as well as value addition. Theoretical Perspectives: Genesis of the Problem The history of Accounting-Economics-and-Finance has shown that there are reasons to believe that Accounting, Economics and Finance are not entirely pro fessional subjects, nor are they meant exclusively for professionals. All lovers of Accounting, Economics and Finance including professional accountants, economists and financial experts themselves recognize this fact. The idea that they have no time or inclination to deal with the theoretical implications of the subjects is absolutely wrong. As a matter of fact, it is the professional accountants, economists and finan
De part ment of In for ma tion Man age ment, Ming Hsin Uni ver sity of Sci ence and Tech nol ogy, Tai wan (R.O.C); Leyland F. Pitt, Pro fes sor of Mar ket ing, Fac ulty of Busi ness Ad min is tra tion, Si mon Fra ser Uni ver sity, Van cou ver, BC, Can ada and Al bert Caruana, Cen tre for Commu ni ca tion Tech nol ogy, Uni ver sity of Malta, Malta
ISSN-2277-5811(Print) & ISSN- 2278-9065(Online) Impact Factor: 2.813 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRADE AND COMMERCE-IIARTC (Refereed Research Journal of Social Science & Humanities) Volume-IV | Number -II | July-December, 2015 Impact Factor 2.813. Assessed by International Society for Research Activity (ISRA) Indexed with: 1. Cabells, Texas, U.S.A., 2. Ulrich, U.S.A. , 3. Connect journals, India, 4. ISRA, India, 5. Genamics Journal Seek, Hamilton, New Zealand , 6. Georgetown University Library, Washington DC 20057-1174,USA, 7. ZHdK Medien- und Informationszentrum, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland, 8. German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB), Welfengarten, Hannover (Germany), 9. Cosmos Foundation (Germany), 10. Electronic : Journals Library: Social Science Research Center, Berlin, (Germany), 11. Leipzig University Library, Germany, 12. Scribd, California, USA, 13. ZB MED, Germany, 14. GetCITED, India , 15. WZB Berlin Social Science Center, 16. Worldcat.
Toplumsal Tarih Dergisi / Sayı 368 (Ağustos 2024), 2024
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