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Chapter 5
Boiling Heat Transfer: Convection Controlled by
Irakli Shekriladze
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
Due to the peculiar way of evolution of boiling heat transfer research, a model “theater
of director” (MTD), pumping effect of growing bubble (PEGB) and MTD-based universal
correlation (UC) remain beyond the attention of researchers for more than half a century.
In parallel, there are periodic fundamental events, demonstrating the irrationality of such
indifference. Since the 1980s, not having found a way to enhance boiling heat transfer,
other than that uncovered by the MTD-UC, high-performance boiling surfaces are being
developed by artificially increasing effective radius (ER) of nucleation centers (bypassing
the reference to the relevant theoretical basis). In 2009, an independent review declares
transient conduction and microconvection as the dominant boiling heat transfer mechanism, not knowing that this is just the PEGB. In 2014–2017, the real versatility and accuracy of the UC is confirmed by independent studies, which involve extensive databases
on the pool and flow boiling (with some interpretation problems). Assessing the current
status of the study, the chapter emphasizes the complete fiasco of traditionally adopted
approaches, models and theories, led to the dominance of purely empirical relationships
written in a dimensionless form. Heat transfer research community is invited to gain will
and rid of the heavy burden of the past.
Keywords: boiling, nucleation, heat transfer, pumping effect, effective radius,
1. Introduction
Importance of boiling heat transfer research is determined by the implementation of this process in the most energy-intense components of technical systems in nuclear and thermal power,
space, aviation, cryogenics, refrigeration, chemical and other technologies. The complexity of
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Heat Transfer - Models, Methods and Applications
the boiling phenomenon is due to the combination of turbulence and phase conversion with
intricate feedbacks generating complex irregular dissipative structure with various thermohydrodynamic effects.
Eventually, all this translates into the exceptional peculiarities of this type of convective heat
transfer. Because of this and some other reasons a great number of studies carried out for almost
a century after the classic works of Max Jacob and his colleagues [1] have not yet led to generally recognized theory of boiling heat transfer, still remaining as the central unsolved problem
of heat transfer theory.
By today’s view, boiling heat transfer research has produced a huge agglomeration of experimental facts, analytical and numerical models, and countless helpless correlations, not unified
by any single ideology. This agglomeration not only rendered meaningless numerous concrete real scientific achievements but also buried the real boiling fundamentals, the pumping
effect of growing bubble (PEGB), the model theater of director (MTD), the universal correlation (UC) capable of serving as a robust framework for solving the problem as a whole.
Of course, understanding of revolutionary new model requires some time. However, half a
century of delay with confirmation of the validity of the UC, which requires simple arithmetic
calculations, cannot be explained in terms of conventional scientific practice. In this regard,
one fact deserves attention. A very short abstract of the most accessible at that time international publication of the MTD-UC [2] claims to submit the UC of developed boiling heat
transfer covering all groups of liquids including liquid metals without matching different
constants and powers to different surface-liquid combinations.
Boiling heat transfer researchers simply had to check the above claim for a scientific breakthrough. Despite this, during the past almost 40 years, except for self-citations, the article has
never been cited by any researcher. The author’s systematic calls for a change in irrelevant
approaches to the MTD-UC also prove futile. Obviously, such a situation is not an indicator
of the overall focus on the effective solution of the boiling problem. Moreover, this clearly
indicates a complete suppression of fair scientific debate and competition in the field.
Later, taking into account the above features of the current situation, we pay particular attention to comprehensive examination of the rare belated episodes of de facto validation of the
boiling fundamentals by independent studies.
2. The MTD as an alternative to traditional approaches
The uniqueness of boiling heat transfer manifests itself in the independence of the intensity
of heat transfer in developed boiling mode from the macro-hydrodynamic parameters of the
two-phase medium. Drastic changes of these parameters with a change in the acceleration of
gravity by several orders or significant supercooling of the bulk liquid practically do not affect
the superheat of the heating surface relative to the saturation temperature.
These features of the boiling phenomenon, paradoxical from the standpoint of traditional
concepts of convective heat transfer, were fully uncovered only in the 1960s. Before this, the
Boiling Heat Transfer: Convection Controlled by Nucleation
classics of the theory of boiling heat transfer Jakob [1], Kruzhilin [3], Rohsenow [4], and other
researchers have had to develop boiling heat transfer theory based on a traditional approach
of convective heat transfer theory connecting heat transfer to the intensity of certain cooling
mechanism or combination of certain cooling mechanisms (the MTA).
In parallel, based on an analysis of just the newly uncovered features, in the same 1960s, an
alternative model (the MTD) was proposed that highlights the governing role of nucleation in
the developed boiling heat transfer [2, 5–11]. Ultimately, the MTD led to adequate description
of a vast array of experimental data on developed boiling heat transfer, outlined an effective
way to enhance heat transfer successfully implemented since the 1980s in the form of highperformance boiling surfaces.
The principal difference between the MTD and MTA is particularly clearly manifested when
comparing the characteristic lengths of the process. In the case of the MTA, this is the parameter of the macro-hydrodynamics of two-phase medium (e.g., the bubble detachment diameter or the internal diameter of the channel), the multiple change of which practically does not
affect the superheat of the heating surface relative to the saturation temperature.
In the case of the MTD, this is the average effective radius (ER) of nucleation centers, which
just reflects controlling role of nucleation. This linear scale not only contributes to universal description of heat transfer in developed boiling mode regardless of the geometry of the
medium and the type of a boiling liquid but also serves as a tool for heat transfer enhancement. The ratio of two different scales (of the order of 105–106) would seem to emphasize the
qualitative gap between the MTD and MTA.
2.1. Pumping effect of growing bubble
A special role in the prediction of the PEGB and development of the MTD was played by
the discovery of local temperature pulsations of heating surface [12]. Establishment of coincidence of main cooling effect with onset of bubble growth (Figure 1, points a and c) has led
to breakthrough in understanding of boiling phenomenon. The particular surprise was the
disclosure of the secondary role of heat removal during the detachment of the bubble and its
replacement by liquid mass that was considered as the main cooling effect according to the
ideas existing at that time.
Simultaneously, a serious problem arose in terms of reconciling the identified pattern with
a fairly firmly established fact of the predominant role of heat removal by the liquid phase,
which led to the tendency of unjustified exaggeration of the role of the microlayer evaporation
(MLE) [12]. On a qualitative level, a complete clarification of this problem was achieved by
predicting the PEGB [5, 6].
The PEGB represents acceleration by vapor bubble of liquid jet at the initial stage of growth normal to the heating surface, accompanied by microcirculation in the boundary layer (Figure 2).
According to the model [5–7], the PEGB is caused by the abrupt variability of the transverse
momentum transfer by evaporation along the surface of the bubble, say, by the abrupt variability
of the reactive force applied to the surface of the growing bubble. Let us look at the effect in combination with a typical cycle of local temperature pulsation.
Heat Transfer - Models, Methods and Applications
Figure 1. Typical cycle of local temperature pulsation of heating surface [12]: Tw—local superheat of heating surface;
Ts—temperature of saturation; ΔT′—maximum superheat; τ—time; τo—duration of the pulsation cycle.
After point b (Figure 1), the convective cooling effect is greatly reduced and the wall and
adjacent liquid begin to warm up, mainly by transient conduction. At point c, wall overheating becomes sufficient to start the growth of the next bubble. The PEGB is again launched
with another powerful short-term cooling effect, similar to sections a–b. In terms of collecting
heat of the overheated liquid and transporting it first to the growing bubble and then to bulk
liquid, the scheme seems almost ideal.
Figure 2. A model of pumping effect of growing bubble (PEGB) [5].
Boiling Heat Transfer: Convection Controlled by Nucleation
Intensity of the PEGB strongly depends on initial superheat of boiling surface. Therefore
PEGB is much more intensive at relatively low pressures, small-sized nucleation sites and
high surface tension (e.g. in liquid metals). “Switched on” simultaneously with the onset of
bubble growth, the PEGB quickly reduces initial gradient of temperature due to that it arises
and “cuts off” itself even if a bubble still remains on the wall. By the way, according to considerations [13], just this feature leads to quite impressive phenomenon of a bubble detachment
against gravity force [14].
As a whole, the PEGB reconciles character of local temperature pulsation with prevailing role
of liquid phase convection in the majority of boiling processes opening thereby a new line of
attack on the boiling problem.
Over the past decades a number of experimental proofs were obtained directly confirmed
existence and importance of the PEGB. Unfortunately, accidental rather strong manifestations
of the effect with jet velocities in the range 1–5 m/s observed in some yearly experiments were
left without proper interpretation [15, 16], for example, speeded-up liquid jet flow (5 m/s)
penetrating through full-grown large preceding vapor bubble (Figure 3), the frame of which
was published without any comment [15].
Real steps toward study of the PEGB during boiling on thin wires firstly were made in the
works [17, 18]. Rather powerful manifestations of the PEGB were observed and recorded,
including phenomenon of vapor bubble departure against gravity field. Diverse dynamical
effects were studied including bubble-specific motion on micro-wires. Non-gravity nature of
the observed phenomena was confirmed. Numerical model of bubble motion and jet flows
through subcooled boiling on micro-wires was developed. At the same time, the interpretation of received data and evaluation of the role of the Marangoni effect in the PEGB became a
subject of discussion [19, 20].
Very powerful manifestation of the PEGB is observed during laser drilling of nickel and copper
[21]. The fixed velocities of the ejected liquid jets achieve 100–150 m/s. Though the authors link
Figure 3. Liquid jet flow (5 m/s) penetrating through full-grown large preceding vapor bubble [15].
Heat Transfer - Models, Methods and Applications
the effect to vapor bubble nucleation (to say, to the PEGB), this specific phenomenon requires
further investigation. Tangible episodic manifestations of the PEGB were recorded also during
boiling on down-facing heating surface [22].
The specific case of jet flow, containing the chain of micro-bubbles, was observed during
experiments on subcooled boiling on micro-wires in micro-gravity [23]. Recorded velocities
of micro-bubble jets (4–14 mm/s) are at 2–3 order lower than the jet velocities observed in
aforementioned experiments (1–5 m/s and more). It may turn that the observed micro-bubble
jet is the end result of numerous “micro-launches” of the PEGB, each of which detaches from
the heating surface a single micro-bubble by the scheme [13].
In general, the studies are episodic. Especially when compared with the relatively minor
MLE the study of which was the subject of numerous studies. It still is not examined the
dependence of the effect on the properties of boiling medium and heating surface, heat flux,
saturation pressure, and subcooling, the orientation of heating surface in the space. The most
important in terms of understanding of the phenomenon relationships between the PEGB
and local temperature pulsations are not investigated at all. In this connection, it still remains
outside the field of view of researchers’ specific type of thermal fatigue associated with cyclic
thermal stresses generated by the PEGB [24].
The results of modern comparative studies of different boiling heat transfer mechanisms are
also worthy of attention. In this context, it is of particular importance the actual confirmation
of the status of the PEGB as the main cooling mechanism during boiling heat transfer by comprehensive review [25].
The review covers numerous experimental works, analytical and numerical studies. Having
analyzed the experimental data obtained through various modern methods, such as microheater array, micro-heat flux sensors, and liquid crystal techniques, and comparing them with
the results of numerical and analytical studies, the author makes an unambiguous conclusion
about the impossibility to explain the observed pattern of heat inflow in a bubble during
boiling by known to the author of the review heat transfer mechanisms, including MLE and
contact line heat transfer.
The main outcome of the review is the fundamental conclusion about dominant role of heat
transfer by liquid phase through “transient conduction and micro-convection.” It also is concluded that “none of the proposed bubble heat transfer models described in the Introduction
are consistent with the experimentally observed heat transfer signatures.”
As follows from Figure 2, given in [25], characteristic of the basic heat transfer mechanism
really is a brief description of the PEGB. The PEGB is an almost ideal mechanism for collecting
heat accumulated by transient conduction in liquid boundary layer with its further transport
through micro-convection to the almost whole surface of the bubble and then to bulk liquid.
Unfortunately, despite rather wide international publishing [2, 6, 7, 9–11], the PEGB turned
to be unknown to the author of the review [25]. It also turned to be unknown an approximate
analytical solution [2, 8, 13] just considering the combination of the transient conduction and
microcirculation. These facts prevented the review to identify the real beneficiary of the study.
Boiling Heat Transfer: Convection Controlled by Nucleation
At the same time, the conclusion about the main role of “transient conduction and microconvection” should not be taken as all-embracing. Studies of cooling mechanisms still do
not adequately cover such processes as boiling at very high pressures or small gravitational
accelerations in which the MLE can outperform the PEGB in importance.
In terms of refinement of the model [5–7], it deserves a serious attention the potential dynamic
consequences of the rapid transition from one stable capillary state to another at the stage of
nucleation (Figure 4), similar to the dynamic effect of “jumping droplets” [26].
In position 1, the nucleus meniscus still holds the wetting angle θ with the inner surface of the
conical cavity, but the radius is almost equal to the radius of the mouth. During the nucleation
(during overcoming the mouth), rapid transition of the same wetting angle θ to the base heating surface (position 2) occurs with associated dynamic effects, similar to the coalescence of
the droplets. The transition is accompanied by change in the surface energy, corresponding
thermal effect, and expansion work.
In fact, the emerging bubble is a capillary micro-heat engine that pushes the fluid from the
heating surface, to say, promotes the PEGB. The relevant task is to determine the contribution
of this micro-heat engine in the overall effect.
2.2. The MTD: heat transfer controlled by nucleation
The MTD is based on the fundamental fact of independence of heating surface superheat
relative to the saturation temperature in developed boiling mode not only on the individual
contributions of various cooling mechanisms but even on the number and composition of
Figure 4. The scheme of the nucleation.
Heat Transfer - Models, Methods and Applications
these mechanisms. Another important basic fact is the launch of the main cooling mechanisms
by the onset of bubble growth and the short duration of their action.
In boiling of saturated liquid, one can distinguish four cooling mechanisms (Figure 5). Among
them only the MLE [12] is linked to immediate evaporation on the boiling surface (Figure 5a).
Other three mechanisms, bubbling [1] (Figure 5b), the PEGB or jet-like (Figure 5c) and the
micro-membrane pumping (MMP) [27] (Figure 5f) are linked to liquid phase convection. With
another approach, the number of cooling mechanisms could be greater. For instance, cooling
mechanisms such as through pushing the liquid by growing bubble, through displacement of
overheated liquid layer, or through drift liquid current subsequent to detached bubble sometimes are thought to be separate mechanisms. Here, these mechanisms are seen as the stages
of the bubbling mechanism.
Less well-known MMP is a specific cooling mechanism due to permanent vibration of nuclei
in potential centers synchronously with the local temperature pulsation of the heating surface. As the temperature increases, a nucleus surface (“micro-membrane”) expands to critical
profile, stops expanding when the nearest nuclei launches the PEGB with relevant cooling
effect, and returns to the previous position with the temperature drop.
Figure 5. Schematics of cooling mechanisms: a—MLE; b—bubbling; c—PEGB; d—heat pipe-like; e—BCD; f—MMP.
Boiling Heat Transfer: Convection Controlled by Nucleation
Subcooling puts in operation two additional cooling mechanisms: heat pipe like (evaporationcondensation) [28] (Figure 5d), being an extra version of MLE, and bubble collapse-driven
mechanism (BCD) (quasi-cavitational) [29] (Figure 5e) associated with the collapse of a bubble on the surface under the influence of influx of highly subcooled liquid.
As you can see, the main cooling mechanism (the PEGB) and its main assistants, the MLE,
possibly the MMP and the BCD in the case of subcooled liquid, are all launched by the onset
of bubble growth and have a short-term effect.
Data showing a virtually zero effect of a significant redistribution of the total heat flux between
the various cooling mechanisms on the developed boiling heat transfer law are analyzed in
the reviews [13, 30]. Here, we can confine ourselves to an impressive example of the BCD [29],
which is absent altogether in the boiling of a saturated liquid and is quite intense in the case
of surface boiling of a highly subcooled liquid. Despite this, these two processes reproduce
the same developed boiling heat transfer curve.
Finally, based on these features of developed boiling, the MTD assumes control of the superheat by nucleation through multiple triggering short-run cooling actions of different cooling
mechanisms. It also is assumed that onset of a bubble growth takes place at the instant the
average temperature of the meniscus of critical size overcomes the temperature of thermodynamic equilibrium in the system nucleus-liquid-center.
It should also be clarified that the introduction of the MTD does not necessarily mean the
inapplicability of the MTA in the analysis of developed boiling heat transfer, in general. We
are talking only about extremely low efficiency of the latter in this particular case.
Let us take as an example an imaginary experiment with the process of developed boiling at
a given heat flux. Changing within broad limits the acceleration of gravity and subcooling,
we can set thousands of regimes of developed boiling with different compositions of cooling
mechanisms and their various contributions to the overall heat transfer.
An accurate calculation of each such regime through the MTA is still an insoluble task. At the
same time, when numerical models achieve such perfection, we will face a very peculiar situation: it turns out that thousands of complicated calculations result in the same overheating
of the boiling surface relative to the saturation temperature. As for the MTD, it simply aims to
identify the same overheating through the mechanism that sets it.
The MTD incorporates one-parameter model of boiling surface consisting of unlimited number of identical stable nucleation centers with the same ER characterized by unchangeable
level of the superheat, triggering the growth of the first and following bubbles. The role of
such a center may be played by conical recess with apex angle β satisfying the condition:
β < θ < 90 0
The minimum curvature radius of the nucleus surface ρ0 (the ER) in similar center is equal to
the radius of the mouth [31].
Heat Transfer - Models, Methods and Applications
The coverage area of the operating nucleation center is determined in a self-organized manner by the ability of the initially activated nucleation center to prevent by own cooling
effect the activation of neighboring potential centers with the same ρ0. If such zone of influence is reduced (e.g., with increasing heat flux), the former periphery overheats, and an
additional center or centers with the same ER turn into operation there. Simultaneously,
the new periphery is formed closer to the center. Of course, the process can also proceed
in the reverse order. In such a framework, heating surface affects heat transfer by a single
parameter, the ER.
Next, in the first place, within the framework of the MTD, an approximate analytical solution
is made for the area adjacent to nucleation center [2, 8, 13]. The analysis approximates local
temperature variation by the curve presupposing instantaneous drop in the wall temperature
down to the saturation temperature at the onset of bubble growth (instantaneous start-up and
shut-down of very intensive heat removal, e.g., by microcirculation (the PEGB) and immediate evaporation (the MLE)) and further warming-up of the wall through transient conduction
up to the moment of onset of the next bubble growth (Figure 6).
The superheat ΔTeq necessary for bubble growth onset, should be achieved at the meniscus of
the nucleus in average. As critical nucleus is in the zone of temperature gradient, concomitant
heating surface superheat ΔTꞋ is much above ΔTeq. Corresponding unsteady-state process is
considered as warming-up of initially isothermal liquid semi-infinite space (with initial temperature equal to Ts) through transient heat conduction at suddenly posed boundary condition q = Const. The superheat ΔTeq is determined by the relationship [18]:
2σ T
Δ Teq = ____
r ρ0 ρg ,
where σ is the surface tension, r is the heat of evaporation, and ρg is the density of vapor.
Figure 6. The first approximation.
Boiling Heat Transfer: Convection Controlled by Nucleation
On the basis of the general solution of the problem [32], the equations are obtained for the
Nusselt number (Nu) and the rise time of the heating surface temperature (τ*):
3 √π _____
____ ,
Nu = ___
ρ0 _______
= __
2 √a τ ∗
2 √𝛼𝜏
2 √a τ
where h is the heat transfer coefficient (HTC), k is the thermal conductivity of the liquid phase,
ɑ is the thermal diffusivity of the liquid phase, and q is the heat flux.
Nu = ___
q ρ0 r ρg
K = _____
σ kT
According to relevant comparison [2, 13], the analytical solution (3)–(4) predicts the order
of HTC during boiling of nitrogen, water and sodium at atmospheric pressure. Taking in
account the great difference between the liquids, such an outcome of approximate analysis
still can be considered as a serious support of validity of the MTD. Important outcome of the
solution is disclosure of the number K and characteristic length—the ER.
The theory is further refined through introducing some qualitative considerations of the
periphery of the action zone of the center, given that it makes major contribution to the average superheat. The prolongation of liquid micro-convection by inertia after the termination
of the action of PEGB also is taken into account. Based on some qualitative considerations, in
addition to K, following modified Reynolds number is introduced:
Cp 𝜎𝜌 Ts
Re ∗,s = ______
r 3/2 ρg2 ν
where Cp is the heat capacity of the liquid, ρ is the density of the liquid, and ν is the kinematic
viscosity of the liquid.
Finally the following correlation, Shekriladze and Ratiani, for developed boiling HTC is
developed [2, 8–11, 13]:
Nu = 0.91 ⋅ 10 −2 K 0.7 Re ∗ 0.25,
An important outcome of the Eq. (8) is the disclosure of rather strong dependence of HTC
on the characteristic length (h~ρ00.4). Just this dependence marked the basic direction of
boiling heat transfer enhancement by creating on the heating surface nucleation centers
with large ER. With the exception of a misprint in article [8] (the coefficient of 0.88 ✕ 10−2
instead of 1.22 ✕ 10−2 in equation (10)), the presence in the part of publications of the other
constant in the same Eq. (8) (1.22 ✕ 10−2 instead of 0.91 ✕ 10−2) is due to the different records
Heat Transfer - Models, Methods and Applications
of Re*: through specific work of expansion or through heat of evaporation (taking into
account that P(vg-v) ≈ 0.1r (P is the absolute pressure, vg is the specific volume of the vapor,
and v is the specific volume of the liquid)).
2.3. The ER, correlation of experimental data, and heat transfer enhancement
Disclosed by solutions (3)-(4), characteristic length especially clearly showed the basis of universality of the UC. Just the fact of the generation of control impulses by the nuclei of about
10 μm in size create the basis for the independence of wall superheat in the developed boiling
mode from macro-hydrodynamics of two-phase medium, intensity of mass acceleration, the
geometry and sizes of the heating surface, including microchannels. All of these parameters
can affect the range of heat fluxes (beginning and end) of the developed boiling mode but not
heat transfer law within the mode.
By the way, longstanding disregard of the MTD-UC was accompanied by a remarkable phenomenon: the concept and the term “characteristic length” left the scientific publications on
boiling heat transfer for decades. The importance of knowledge or experimental determination of this parameter has ceased to be discussed at all.
As a result, an opportunity has been lost to stop the ordinary experimental practice to study
boiling heat transfer without measuring the ER, a single parameter of the heating surface
greatly affecting the HTC. If you try to invent an analogy to this situation, we could talk
about the experiment on the hydrodynamics of the channel flow without measuring the crosssectional dimensions of the channel.
The possibility of translating virtually all known correlations into the category of empirical
relationships written in dimensionless form (due to the lack of the real characteristic length
in them) was also missed.
In terms of the confirmation of the validity of the UC, it becomes particularly important a
very few experimental studies including data on the ER and covering greatly differing liquids (sodium [33], water [34], refrigerants [35]) on the heating surfaces with highly different
ER. Correlation of these data by the UC, borrowed from [2, 13, 36], is presented in Figure 7.
The correlation represents a fundamental confirmation of the validity of the MTD-UC and the
role of the ER as the characteristic length. It is also obvious that the data presented in Figure 7
cannot be described in a unified manner by the correlations that do not contain the ER (i.e., by
all known correlations, other than UC). Incidentally, during boiling of sodium at ρ0 = 50 μm,
HTC is 2.5 times higher than on commercial surface, other conditions are the same. The same
enhancement factor for the refrigerants is 3.1.
Universal character of the Eq. (8), also can be demonstrated by the correlation borrowed from
[22] (Figure 8) including, together with experimental data on pool boiling of Cesium and
Hydrogen, the data on flow boiling of R11 and HCFC1 in a narrow passage and flow boiling
of subcooled water in a microchannel.
To a certain extent, the problem of poor knowledge of boiling surfaces is also mitigated by
the use in many experiments of commercial heating surfaces (mainly rolled pipes), which is
characterized by the ER equal to 5 μm based on some indirect evidences [2, 8–11, 13, 34].
Boiling Heat Transfer: Convection Controlled by Nucleation
Figure 7. Comparison of Eq. (8) with experimental data on developed boiling on the surfaces with the known values
of the ER: 1—sodium [33], ρ0 = 50 μm; 2–4—water [34], ρ0 = 5 μm; 5—R 12 [35], ρ0 = 86 μm; 6—R 22 [35], ρ0 = 86 μm; solid
lines—Eq. (8).
Relying on a similar assessment of commercial surfaces, the validity of Eq. (8) is confirmed
by a wide database on developed pool boiling of all groups of liquids including liquid metals
and cryogens without matching different constants and powers to different surface-liquid
combinations. The correlation covers the data on boiling of water, ammonia, ethyl alcohol,
benzene, biphenyl, ethane, ethylene, R11, R12, R22, R113, R134a, R142, HCFC123, Na, K, Cs,
Hg, CO, NO, BF3, N, Ne, and H [2, 8–11, 13, 33].
Now let us look at the problem of boiling heat transfer enhancement. As mentioned, the MTD
has determined the basic principle of boiling heat transfer enhancement: providing plenty
of stable nucleation sites with large ER. At the same time, the UC has predicted the highest
achievable enhancement factor (h ~ ρ00.4). Over the past decades, enhanced boiling surfaces
have been developed in direct using this basic principle. Outstanding achievements of this
line of R&D have led to substantial progress in relevant technologies.
However, all the above circumstances have not prevented complete silencing of the MTDUC-ER. The role of the boiling fundamentals turned out to be hidden by a rather simple way:
the important issues to specify the scientific bases of development of the enhanced boiling
surfaces and analyze the results in the same basic framework, they are generally avoided in
the publications. A recent survey [40] may serve as an example of such an approach.
Heat Transfer - Models, Methods and Applications
Figure 8. Correlation of experimental data on pool boiling HTC of cesium [36]: ▪—1.82∙103 Pa; □—1.58∙103 Pa; pool boiling
of hydrogen [37]: ∇—0.82∙105 Pa;▾—5.16∙105 Pa; ▴—8.50∙105 Pa; flow boiling in narrow passage [38]: ●—R11, 1.0∙105 Pa;
o—HCFC123, 1.0∙105 Pa; flow boiling of subcooled water in a microchannel [39]: ◊—1.0∙105 Pa; solid lines—Eq. (8).
Finally, we should also address the issue of the limitations of the MTD. As it follows from
the above correlations, developed boiling represents the most conservative basic regime of
boiling heat transfer characterized by the dependence of HTC on restricted number of influencing factors. According to Eq. (8), together with the physical parameters of boiling area,
developed boiling HTC depends only on two “external” factors—heat flux and the ER. As it
follows from relevant analysis, such a conservatism of developed boiling heat transfer can be
linked to the existence of a great (practically unlimited) number of stable nucleation sites with
roughly uniform effective radii, short duration of each action of any cooling mechanism and
prevailing contribution of heat removal by liquid phase convection.
According to the multi-factoring concept (MFC) [41], any failure to meet these conditions
results in essential transformation of heat transfer regularities up to drastic increase of the
number of influencing HTC factors. For instance, depending on concrete conditions, the circle
of influencing HTC factors may be widened by the parameters of inter-phase hydrodynamics, intensity of body force, contact angle, subcooling, sizes, form, orientation, and thermal
characteristics of the heating surface, micro-geometry, and distribution of nucleation sites,
and prehistory of the process. Besides, multi-factoring may be accompanied by “passing on
the baton” from the MTD to the MTA. As it follows from qualitative consideration, there can
be distinguished two main types of multi-factoring:
• The first— connected with onset of dependence of effective radius (ER) on a degree of penetration of liquid into nucleation site (wetting-dependent multi-factoring (WDM)),
• The second—connected with transition to prolonged duration or uninterrupted regime of
action of any intensive cooling mechanism (duration-dependent multi-factoring (DDM)).
Boiling Heat Transfer: Convection Controlled by Nucleation
The MFC opens up a promising path to the description of the observed in experiments
diversity of boiling heat transfer curves, including boiling hysteresis (for more details, see
[13, 22, 41]).
Finally, another very important aspect of the boiling heat transfer research should be noted.
Due to the complete neglect of the above boiling fundamentals, a very important direction of
boiling heat transfer research, numerical modeling, has lost consistent bases [42]. As a result,
the direction still has not reached the level to be taken into account when analyzing the existing experimental data bases [43, 44].
3. Hard steps to recognition
The results of the first independent comparison of UC with experimental data were published
only on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the publication of the correlation itself [43]. Despite
the problems, with some applied methodological approaches and interpretations, the results
of the comparison allow us to draw some important conclusions.
Using quite broad experimental database on heat transfer during pool boiling of 55 non-metallic liquids on copper heating surfaces, the authors identified the nine “most advanced” equations among tens and even hundreds of correlations published for more than half a century.
Further, comparing these nine equations, they have identified three equations with the “low
level” of the mean relative deviation (MRD): the equation of Gorenflo and Kenning updated
in 2010 (the MRD 9.5%), the UC (10.8%), and the equation of Stephan and Preusser (12.1%)
surpassing other equations in accuracy.
Unfortunately, in [43], important results of the comparison were not supported additionally
by their comprehensive analysis. A thorough criticism of the corresponding part of the work
was given in [45].
Here, we only note that the significance of the study would be greatly increased by clarifying
the potentially appreciably higher accuracy of the UC.
The matter is that the UC participates in competition with other equations on unequal conditions. On the one hand, the UC is the only equation that includes the real characteristic length
of the process (ρ0). On the other hand, the standard boiling heat transfer experiment bypasses
just the definition of this single parameter of heating surface influencing heat transfer.
In this connection, when processing the experimental data in the framework of the UC, it
became necessary to characterize commercial heating surfaces on the basis of indirect estimates
with a constant average value of ρ0 [8]. For this reason, quite acceptable in itself, MRD of 10.8%
can correspond to the UC only in the really unfeasible situation of the real constancy of ρ0 of
all experimental surfaces. Actually, of course, the numerous experimental surfaces deviated
from the accepted value. As a result, in the still hypothetical situation, when the value of ρ0 is
known for each surface, the accuracy of the UC-based generalization can be noticeably higher.
As shown in [46], in such a case, MRD can decrease almost two times.
Heat Transfer - Models, Methods and Applications
More details about prolonged absurd situation with the characteristic length of boiling heat
transfer, in general, are elucidated in [46]. At the same time, an important outcome of [46] is
the first independent confirmation of the fundamental nature of the MTD-UC.
The conclusions drawn on the basis of the results of [43] are substantially strengthened by
the results of the studies [44] devoted to the generalization of extensive experimental data on
flow boiling. An experimental HTC database containing 2783 data points built from 26 open
literatures for annular flow is covered. The database includes both macrochannel and mini-/
microchannel data and covers wide range of working conditions. The annular flow database
consists of seven working fluids, covering hydraulic diameters of 0.5–14.0 mm, mass velocities of 50–1290 kg/m2 s, liquid-only Reynolds numbers of 240–55, 119, vapor qualities of 0.10–
0.98, and reduced pressures from 0.01 to 0.77. In addition, 19 existing prediction methods for
flow boiling are compared.
Really, the results of generalization of the experimental data showed fundamental characters
of the MTD-UC and versatility of the UC, which outperformed in accuracy all the competitive
equations. However, due to some sad missteps, very important work did not end with the
adequate conclusions.
A critical mistake was the removal of the UC from the list of competing equations with subsequent exclusion from the published text of the UC-based generalization of the experimental
data (necessarily preceding the obtaining of the UC-based so-called novel correlation). This
step fundamentally contradicts the very logic of the MTD-UC, which reasonably claims to
cover all classes of developed boiling heat transfer processes (see, for example, Figure 8).
As followed from the relevant analysis, the novel correlation [46] can hardly be regarded as
a new result. It differs from the UC by two corrections of the opposite sign, each of which is
noticeably smaller than the scatter of the experimental data (details of the examination are
available in the “letter to the editor,” submitted to Applied Thermal Engineering).
In any case, we are dealing with the fact that the correlation, ignored for 50 years, in 2017 wins
in a wide competition for the best description of the channel flow boiling heat transfer.
Ultimately, independent confirmation of the successful competition of the UC with two different groups of equations in describing the two main classes of processes of boiling heat
transfer certainly gives it a special status. In addition, if remembering the correlation by the
UC and the experimental data on boiling heat transfer of liquid metals and highly different
liquids (water, refrigerants, and sodium) on the surfaces with known different values of the
ER, the UC will generally remain beyond any competition.
4. Concluding remarks
In the final part, there always is a desire, together with the conclusions, to talk about plans for
the future. However, in this particular case, because of historical reasons, the accumulated problems are so vast that their representation would take a lot of space. Therefore, in this context, we
Boiling Heat Transfer: Convection Controlled by Nucleation
recommend the reader to get acquainted with the publications of recent years [45, 46], where the
tasks for the future are described in sufficient detail.
The real picture of boiling heat transfer research is rather gloomy. Half a century of total ignoring of the boiling fundamentals could not but lead to logical consequences. Tens and even
hundreds of thousands of scientific publications, numerous editions, and conferences exist by
themselves. In rare cases, when the accumulated knowledge should explain the reality in the
form of experimental databases, the terms physical model, theory, numerical model, criteria,
cooling mechanism, characteristic length completely disappear, and “calculation methods”
come to the fore, the pure empiricism represented in dimensionless form.
Excessive tightening makes the recognition process increasingly painful. First, it turns out
that the scientist, who established the key role of transient conduction and microcirculation,
does not know that this is just the PEGB. Then others establish an excellent description of
flow boiling heat transfer by the UC and by making minor corrections of the opposite sign
transform the fundamental result of 1960s into the “novel correlation.” The third and fourth
forget to add to the examined databases the experimental data on heat transfer during boiling
of liquid metals, generally leaving the UC out of competition. Developers of highly efficient
boiling surfaces forget to indicate the basics of the success.
The author’s systematic calls for a broad discussion on the problem remain unproductive
for decades. Heat transfer research community still cannot gain will and carry out targeted
actions to rid of the heavy burden of the past. The problem goes beyond the scope of the particular scientific discipline.
Author details
Irakli Shekriladze
Address all correspondence to:
[email protected]
Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia
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