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Tutorial for Making a Basic Embankment Construction
Pembangunan Embung Kepuh Rejo dibangun untuk mencukupi kebutuhan air bagi penduduk Desa Kepuh Rejo. Pemerintah Kabupaten Jombang berinisiatif membangun Embung Kepuh Rejo guna menanggulangi masalah kesulitan air pada saat musim kemarau di Desa Kepuh Rejo, Kecamatan Kudu, Kabupaten Jombang.Pembangunan Embung Kepuh Rejo ini menggunakan metode pelaksanaan dengan sistem Manajemen Konstruksi (MK). Dalam pengerjaan Embung Kepuh Rejo ini dibutuhkan beberapa tahapan pekerjaan, yaitu pekerjaan persiapan, pekerjaan tanah, pekerjaan timbunan tanah, pekerjaan pasangan, pekerjaan beton, pekerjaan pintu, dan pekerjaan lain-lain. Proyek akhir ini menggunakan 2 perbandingan, yaitu metode konstruksi alternatif dan metode konstruksi lapangan. Metode konstruksi alternatif menghabiskan biaya sebesar Rp.2306.410.458 dengan durasi waktu 6,30 bulan. Sedangkan metode konstruksi lapangan menghabiskan biaya sebesar RP.2.449.212.448 dengan durasi waktu 7,10 bulan.
Tutorial untuk belajar Program Plaxis untuk kebutuhan analisa stabilitas tanah
Jurnal PenSil
This paper contains an analysis of the loading and the position of rock in the bridge foundation based on the rock's response to the force that will be tested with "Graphic User Interface (GUI)" program using MATLAB. This paper also explains the preparation of bridge foundation modeling based on the forces tested on the rock named ‘x’. The response forces discussed in this paper are normal force, latitude force and moment force. The data is processed using MATLAB software and then presented in the form of tables, graphs and 2D modeling that shows the loading and the position of rocks correspondence to the bridge foundation. After obtaining the rock’s ‘x’ data, the data is then processed using Graphic User Interface program, through the program moment force graphs, normal force graphs, latitude graphs can be obtained which later these results can be considered for modeling the loading and the position of the rock’s ‘x’. Through the data processing that has been done, ze...
The purpose of this study is : Designing 2D AutoCAD tutorial learning media, particularly on the subject of drawing look and pieces of the building know the outcome of the process of making to AutoCAD tutorial video and produce learning media devices are valid and deserve to be used as a learning media AutoCAD. The research methodusedin this researchwas Research & Development (R&D) method. The research wasconductedon the di SMK N 5 Surakarta. Design done by taking a path that includes the development of assessment procedures subjects AutoCAD, user assessment of media types, the assessment of media makers, and create a storyboard. The circuit design includes the collection of products made with the object of media support, the design of video learning, revision, validation, revision, testing, and evaluation. Success criteria of this research refers to the successful development and validation testing of products. The successful achievement of the design of products obtained from the use of media that includes:
PENGANTAR Dalam suatu pelatihan biasanya selalu diawali dengan materi Building Learning Commitment (BLC). BLC selalu ditaruh diawal pelatihan untuk menyiapkan peserta siap mengikuti pelatihan. Mungkin tiap fasilitator atau lembaga pelatihan punya versi sendiri-sendiri dalam mengampu materi ini. Jumlah jam pelajaran (JP) sangat mempengaruhi jumlah dan lamanya pokok bahasan dari pada BLC, kisarannya antara 2-10 JP@ 45 menit. Tulisan ini sebagai sharing terhadap mata diklat BLC yang pernah saya lakukan, baik di dalam maupun di luar Bapelkes D.I. Yogyakarta. APA ITU BLC? Menilik arti BLC jika diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti membangun komitmen belajar. Komitmen belajar tentunya dari peserta dalam mengikuti pelatihan. Kesuksesan pelatihan ditentukan oleh peserta, panitia dan fasilitator. Dalam kaitannya dengan BLC, yang dibangun adalah kesuksesan pelatihan dari unsur peserta. Maka dalam BLC perlu ditekankan komitmen peserta dalam mengikuti pelatihan. Yang perlu diketahui adalah bagaimana komitmen belajar mereka dalam mengikuti pelatihan dan motivasi dari fasilatator agar mereka mempunyai komitmen belajar selama mengikuti pelatihan. Komitmen adalah janji atau kesanggupan yang pasti untuk melakukan sesuatu atau tidak melakukan sesuatu. Maka diawal BLC peserta juga ditanya apa keinginan, tujuan, motivasi mereka mengikuti pelatihan. Jika mereka sangat membutuhkan pelatihan tersebut, tentu motivasi mereka mengikuti pelatihan sangat tinggi dan mereka akan serius mengikuti pelatihan sampai selesai. Tetapi motivasi peserta pelatihan bervariasi, ada yang karena diperintah atasan (baik suka atau tidak suka), refreshing karena ingin keluar dari rutinitas kerja, mendapat teman baru, bisa jalan-jalan (apalagi kalau pelatihannya di tempat tertentu yang dekat dengan daerah wisata, seperti Jogja, Denpasar, Mataram, Manado, Batam, dsb.), mendapat tambahan penghasilan karena diakhir pelatihan di-sanguni oleh panitia, dan lain-lain motiv. Dari motiv yang bermacam-macam itu, fasilitator harus berusaha agar peserta mempunyai motiv yang sama dan satu, yaitu bahwa pelatihan tersebut sangat penting dan bermanfaat dan akan berusaha untuk mengikuti pelatihan sampai selesai. Agenda dalam BLC biasanya terdiri dari: perkenalan, ice breaking, pemilihan pengurus kelas, harapan dan kesepakatan norma-norma selama pelatihan. Dalam literatur lain, dalam BLC juga disampaikan tentang gaya belajar peserta, seperti auditori, visual dan kinestetik. Jika waktunya cukup, gaya belajar bisa disampaikan dalam BLC. Gaya belajar seseorang mempengaruhi efektivitas belajarnya.
Blok Etika, Hukum dan Komunikasi Medik adalah blok pada semester 1 dari Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Pendidikan Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang. Pembelajaran blok ini sangat penting untuk dipelajari dalam komponen pendidikan blok di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang. Pada kesempatan ini dilaksanakan tutorial studi kasus skenario A yang memaparkan kasus tentang dr. Armen yang tidak menerapkan komunikasi yang efektif saat memeriksa Ayu, sehingga Ayu masih mengalami keluhannya dan pergi ke praktik dr.Agus, lalu dr.Agus mengatakan obat yang diberi dr.Armen tidak tepat sehingga keluarga Ayu mengadukan tindakan dr.Armen ke polisi dengan dugaan malpraktik.
N/A, 2022
PASCUA, KATLYN F. Extent of Implementation of Work Immersion and Level of Satisfaction Of Senior High School Students during Crisis Management: Basis For Work Immersion Action Plan. Doctoral Dissertation. The study utilized mixed method of research to identify the different perspectives of the 330 students and Work Immersion teachers towards Work Immersion during pandemic setting. The quantitative aspect of the study identified the extent of implementation of Work Immersion in terms of phases of implementation and learning competencies provided by the Department of Education. For the qualitative aspect, the study was able to enumerate the best practices and challenges utilized and experienced by the Work Immersion teachers in delivering Work Immersion during crisis situation. Specifically, the study sought to: determine the extent of implementation of work immersion in terms of phases of implementation and strand competencies; identify the satisfaction level of the Senior High school students in work immersion; determine if there a significant relationship between the extent of implementation and level of satisfaction in the work immersion of the participants; describe the best practices of the selected Integrated Senior High Schools in implementing work immersion; enumerate the challenges encountered of the Work Immersion teachers in the implementation of work immersion; and develop an action plan based on the result of the study. The utilization of descriptive correlation as a quantitative tool was used to identify the extent of implementation of work immersion focusing on pre-immersion, immersion proper and post immersion as well as the learning competencies. In addition, the study also determined the level of satisfaction of the participants in work immersion. Furthermore, the study's qualitative component would be a description of the best practice and challenges faced by participants in Work Immersion as outlined vi in the DepEd Memorandum CI-2020-00085 in 2020 – Guidelines of Work Immersion during Crisis situation. Lastly, Using thematic analysis, the study was able to identify the best practices and challenges experienced by the informants of during work immersion. The data were measured using Standard error of the mean to identify the accuracy of the selection of the participants. Spearman rank correlation was also used to analyze the relationship of the extent of implementation and level of satisfaction of the participants in work immersion during crisis situation. Lastly, the Thematic analysis was used to identify the best practices and challenges experiences by the informants in work immersion during crisis management. Important ethical considerations were utilized in the research that involves fairness, anonymity, and confidentiality. The study entitled, “ Extent of Implementation of Work Immersion and Level of Satisfaction of Senior High School Students During Crisis Management: Basis for Work Immersion Action Plan” . The study utilized mixed method of research to identify the different perspectives of the 330 students and Work Immersion teachers towards Work Immersion during pandemic setting. The study identified the extent of implementation of Work Immersion in terms of phases of implementation and strand competencies. For the qualitative aspect, the study was able to enumerate the best practices and challenges utilized and experienced by the Work Immersion teachers. The utilization of descriptive correlation as a quantitative tool was used to identify the extent of implementation of work immersion and learning competencies. In addition, the study also determined the level of satisfaction of the participants in work immersion. Using Spearman rank correlation, the result determined the relationship between the presented variables. Furthermore, the study's qualitative component using thematic analysis, it was enumerated he best practices and challenges faced by participants. vii Based on the findings, there is a very high level of work immersion implementation across all implementation phases, with a value of 3.35, which is equivalent to fully implemented. In addition, in terms of the implementation of strand competencies, ABM strand perceived that there is an adequate extent of implementation, while HUMSS and STEM strands achieved very high extent of implementation which is equivalent to fully implemented. In addition, with the value of 3.39, the results revealed that the students strongly agree that they are very satisfied with the implementation of work immersion. On the other hand, using the Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient, the study's findings demonstrate that the computed spearman rank correlation coefficient was 0.643 for the pre-immersion, 0.653 for the immersion proper, 0.802 for the post-immersion, and 0.083 for the overall, with a p- value of 0.000, which is significant at the 0.05 level. It also demonstrates that participants’ satisfaction levels increase in direct proportion to the degree to which work immersion is implemented in terms of its phases, or vice versa. The best practices of work immersion in crisis managements according to the informants as emerged based on the thematic analysis were Developing Career Related Simulations, Integration of the subjects, Developing Online Trainings, Assigning Competent Teacher in Teaching Work Immersion and Creating Learners’ Packet to Showcase the Student’s Talent/Ability. While the challenges they have experienced comprises of Lack of Communication Means ,Lack of Participation in Group Projects, Lack of Gadgets to Perform/Submit School Activities, Excessive Teaching Loads, Questionable Student Competency, Preparation for Pandemic Induced Changes in Work Immersion It was recommended that the Division of Cavite may consider adapting the proposed action plan of Work Immersion during crisis management which caters the demands of the students and teachers.
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