Restructuring of
International RELAP5 Users Seminar
George L. Mesina
Joshua Hykes
September 2005
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Restructuring of RELAP5-3D
Dr. George L. Mesina and Joshua Hykes
Idaho National Laboratory, P.O. Box 1625, Idaho Falls, ID, 83415-3890,
[email protected]
Penn State University, 0355 ATHERTON HALL, UNIVERSITY PARK, PA 16802,
[email protected]
Converting a hierarchical language computer
program to structured code is a standard method to
improve it in many ways. Structured code is comprised
of a sequence of blocks of code that each has only one
entry point, one exit point, and is itself comprised of
individual lines of code or sub-blocks. Structured code is
easier to read as the logic paths are clearer. This results in
reduced development and maintenance costs. It also leads
to greater robustness and increased longevity of the code.
FOR_STRUCT [1, 7] is a commercial restructuring
tool that guarantees to reengineer unstructured
FORTRAN programs to create structured programs that
always produce exactly the same calculations.
FOR_STRUCT was applied to RELAP5-3D [2]. This
was an involved process due to inherent limitations of
FOR_STRUCT and the complexity of RELAP5-3D. The
process for restructuring RELAP5-3D and measurements
of the improvements are reported.
Structured Programming
Programs are written from algorithms generated to
solve specific problems. A program for implementing the
algorithm can be written in numerous ways. Many of
these ways can be difficult to read and understand. Others
are easy to read, understand, and modify. The latter is
preferable to the former because the time and cost for
development and maintenance is less.
However, long experience of the computer industry
indicates that the former is too often produced. In fact, so
many of these kinds of programs were written in the early
decades of computer programming that means to alleviate
the problem were sought. One solution was to develop a
language that strictly controlled the ways an algorithm
could be implemented; the language was called ADA [3].
Another solution was to develop paradigms for writing
code that, if adhered to, produced programs that were
easier to read, understand and maintain. The best known
are structured and object oriented programming. So
successful was structured programming for procedural
programs, that by the mid 1970s, college texts on
structured programming in FORTRAN [4] were in use.
Procedural programs that are not structured can be
characterized as having interwoven logic paths. The
colloquial term for this is spaghetti code. Two otherwise
separated logic paths of sequentially executed statements
can be intermingled by a GOTO that transfers execution
from the first path to the interior of the second. Backward
GOTO statements have a greater potential to interweave
than forward GOTO statements because they can cause
portions of the same or a different logic path to be
repeated. The GOTO statement has such potential to lead
to unstructured code, that it was considered harmful by at
least one of the greatest computer scientists, Edsger
Dijkstra [5].
According to Federal Standard 1037 [6], structured
programming is a technique for organizing and coding
computer programs in which a hierarchy of modules is
used, each having a single entry and a single exit point,
and in which control is passed downward through the
structure with no unconditional branches to higher levels
of the structure. There are three types of flow control:
sequential; test (if and case); and iteration (loop). We use
the term "block of code" or simply block in place of
module for languages with module constructs, such as
The value of structured programming is manifold.
Structured programs are easier to read and understand
than unstructured programs. This most always leads to
reduced time and cost for maintenance and development.
Further, with structured coding it is easier to extract and
reuse a portion of the code in future computer programs.
Structured code tends to be more robust, having fewer or
no program errors in the implementation of the underlying
algorithm. Structured programs tend to have a much
greater longevity; some are still in use today in the form
of libraries such as IMSL and LINPACK. Finally, it takes
less time for new developers to learn the program and be
effective working on structured code.
Code Restructuring
Most computer programs are written by scientists and
engineers who have little or no training in structured
programming. Very few programs start out as structured
programming. Moreover, subsequent development and
maintenance work can lead to loss of structured coding as
new features and patches are added.
Fortunately, it is possible to re-engineer an existing
program into a structured program. There are commercial
software packages available that do this.
The FOR_STRUCT software tool was selected for
restructuring RELAP5-3D code. It reengineers the logic
paths within subroutines to produce structured code with
block-oriented, Fortran 90 constructs. The vendor
guarantees that FOR_STRUCT code restructuring has no
impact on the calculated results. FOR_STRUCT has the
added advantage of applying consistent style rules, such
as indentation and blanks around keywords and operators.
Code restructuring of RELAP5-3D is complicated by
the extreme complexity of the coding and the limitations
of FOR_STRUCT. Three limitations of FOR_STRUCT
are relevant to restructuring RELAP5-3D: inability to
produce completely structured code for a very long and
intricately interwoven subroutine; inability to restructure
FORTRAN 90 code; inability to handle pre-compiler
directives. Means to overcome all three limitations are
reported in this section.
Overcoming FOR_STRUCT Limitations
The first complicating factor to be dealt with is the
length and complex interwoven logic paths of some
RELAP5-3D subroutines. Applying FOR_STRUCT to
these produced code with fewer GO TO statements and
was closer to being structured programming, but that was
not yet fully structured. In such cases, reapplying FORSTRUCT to its own output produced code with even
fewer GO TO statements that was either fully structured
or much closer. It was found that, in general, little
improvement was made beyond the third application of
FOR_STRUCT; therefore, three iterative applications
were used for all subroutines.
The second complicating factor was FORTRAN 90.
FOR_STRUCT was written to convert older FORTRAN
coding to FORTRAN 90, but it does not recognize most
of the post-FORTRAN 77 constructs of FORTRAN 90
and therefore cannot be used to reengineer FORTRAN 90
code. There are several ways to handle this. The method
developed for RELAP5-3D was to pre-process the source
code. All references to derived type arrays, for example,
were replaced with legal FORTRAN 77 variable names.
The derived types were restored after FOR_STRUCT had
been applied.
Pre-compiler directives that are used throughout
RELAP5-3D are the third and most difficult complicating
factor. FOR_STRUCT does not handle conditional code.
To overcome this, a method of preprocessing and postprocessing the files was devised. It is described in
Subsection 3.1.1
Handling pre-compiler directives
For RELAP5-3D subroutines with one or more
directives, the file must be pre-processed to eliminate the
directives before applying FOR_STRUCT. First, a define
file that activates directives is created and pre-pended to
the file. The pre-compiler processes the resulting file and
then FOR_STRUCT can be applied.
For a file with zero or one directive, this is a simple
process. A duplicate of each pre-compiler directive is
created immediately below it the original in the source
code, then the duplicate is made into a comment. After
pre-processing, FOR_STRUCT is applied. During postprocessing, the commented ENDIF-directives that are
often misplaced by FOR_STRUCT are found by visual
inspection and moved manually to the correct position.
Note that pre-processing expands the included
COMDECKS and this must be undone after restructuring,
although this can be automated.
For files with 2 or more directives, the process is
more involved. If the pre-compiler directives are nested
or are mutually exclusive, no define file suffices to build a
single source code file that covers all possibilities for
conditional code inclusion. In these cases, a minimal set
of define files that fully covers all such possibilities is
constructed. With each define file, the source file is
handled as explained for the case of zero or one directive.
After the source file is processed with each define file, the
resulting output files are combined manually to construct
the restructured subroutine.
Controlling complexity
With these operations in mind, the subroutines were
ranked according to their complexity. Smaller routines
are simpler to convert than larger ones and code with
more pre-compiler directives is generally more complex
than code with less. The subroutines were grouped
according to the number of unique pre-compiler directives
they had. See Table 1.
# Directives # Files
Table 1 Directive Groupings.
Within each directive group, the subroutines were
sorted from smallest to largest. The subroutines were
then restructured according to this order. As each new
difficulty arose, means to handle it were developed as was
summarized in Section 3.1.
With all the hand manipulation and pre- and postprocessing operations that must be performed, testing is
absolutely essential to ensure against introduction of code
Each modified subprogram is tested by recreating
the RELAP5-3D executable to include it and then running
a small set of test cases. After a small group of about 5
subprograms is converted, all normal test cases are run.
Conversion is deemed successful only when output from
the modified code is identical to the output of the
unconverted code for all test cases.
At the conclusion of the restructuring task, the entire
code was compared to the non-restructured code. The
reengineered code produced exactly the same output, to
the last character printed, as the original for all test cases.
While some blocks of code remain unstructured, a
much greater fraction of the code is now structured.
These measurements indicate a significant reduction in
the degree of interwoven logic paths and corresponding
increase in the degree of readability of the code.
FORTRAN Structuring Solution,” 11585 Jones
Bridge Rd, Suite #420-306, Alpharetta, GA, 30005,
USA, (1997).
“RELAP5-3D Code Manual,” INEEL-EXT-9800834, Revision 2.3, Idaho National Laboratory,
Idaho Falls, ID, USA (2005).
F. L. Friedman, E. B. Elliot, Problem Solving and
Structured Programming in FORTRAN, ISBN 0-20101967-1 BCDEFGHIJ-MA-7987, Library of
Congress Catalog Number 76-45154, AddisonWesley Publishing Company Inc., 1977.
D. A. Fisher, "DoD's common programming
language effort," IEEE Computer, volume 11,
number 3, pages 24-33, March 1978.
E. W. Dijkstra, “Go To Statement Considered
Harmful,” Communications of the Association for
Computing Machinery, Inc, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 147148, March 1968.
“The Definition of Structured Programming,”
General Services Administration, Federal Standard
1037C, Telecom Glossary, 2000.
There are 554 source files in the relap directory. Of
these, there were 60 files that needed no restructuring
because they were already written with the structured
programming paradigm. 447 files comprising some
80,000 lines of FORTRAN code were restructured. The
remaining files have not yet been converted.
One important result is that all the restructured files
have also been reformatted with a consistent indentation
and spacing rules. Many or the format statements that
have text strings out to column 72 and wrap around to
column 7 have been rewritten; they now break at the end
of each line with an ending quote mark. The indentation
rules now apply to format statements.
One measure of improvement would be a reduction
in code run time; however, there was no measurable
The restructured files showed significant reduction in
the number of logic jumps they contain. This is measured
by the reduction in number of GOTO statements and line
labels. The average number of GOTO statements per
subroutine dropped from 8.8 before restructuring to 5.3
afterwards, a reduction of 40%. The maximum number of
GOTO statements in any subroutine dropped from 213 to
99, a factor of 2.1. Finally, the maximum number of
statement labels dropped from 210 to 43, a factor of
nearly 5. This is summarized in Table 2.
Ave GOTO 8.8
Max GOTO 213
Ave Labels
Max Labels 210
Table 2 Measurements of restructuring improvement
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