Surface Tension of Root Canal Irrigants

2000, Journal of Endodontics

FIG 1. Average surface tension values (dyne/cm).

JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS Copyright © 2000 by The American Association of Endodontists Printed in U.S.A. VOL. 26, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2000 Surface Tension of Root Canal Irrigants Fügen Taşman, DDS, PhD, Zafer C. Çehreli, DDS, PhD, Canan Oǧan, PhD, and İlker Etikan, PhD The aim of this study was to evaluate the surface tension values of established and potential endodontic irrigants to which a surface active agent had not been added. Additionally, Cetredixine, a surfactant-containing 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate solution, was included in the measurements. Surface tension measurements were performed using the ring method on a DuNouy tensiometer at a standard room temperature. Ringer’s solution, saline solution, and distilled water had the highest surface tension values, whereas those of NaOCl (2.5% and 5%) and 17% EDTA were relatively low. Two anesthetic solutions, Ultracaine and Citanest, demonstrated values similar to NaOCl and EDTA, although a statistically significant difference was found between all solutions tested. Cetredixin displayed the lowest surface tension. A low surface tension agent should penetrate tubules better. tension of these solutions as a potential factor that may contribute to such inefficiency. This study was, therefore, designed to compare the surface tension of different root canal irrigants, commonly used in endodontics. MATERIALS AND METHODS The irrigating solutions studied were: 1. Distilled water 2. Ringer’s solution (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) 3. Sterile physiological saline solution (Baxter, Deerfield, IL) 4. 2.5% NaOCl (Sultan Chemists, Inc., Englewood, NJ) 5. 5% NaOCl (Sultan Chemists, Inc., Englewood, NJ) 6. 17% EDTA [prepared in the laboratory (10)] 7. 3% Hydrogen peroxide (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) 8. Citanest–Octapressin 3% (Astra, Sweden) 9. Ultracaine DS (Hoechst-Marion Roussel, Frankfurt, Germany) 10. Cetredixine (Vebas Milanese, Italy). The surface tension of the irrigants was measured using the “Ring Method.” The DuNouy tensiometer (Cambridge Industrial Instruments, London, UK) (11, 12) at a constant room temperature of 25°C was used. The principle of the instrument depends on the fact that the force necessary to detach a platinum-iridium ring immersed at the surface or interface is proportional to the surface or interfacial tension. Before measurements, distilled water was used for zero calibrations. All glass equipment was cleaned by immersion into a cleansing solution, and the platinum ring was cleaned using a Bunsen burner flame. For each test solution, an amount of liquid was poured into the glass dish (of 3 cm diameter), and the dish was elevated by a precision screw until contact with the platinum ring was maintained. Torsion was then applied to the screw until the platinum ring became detached and readings on the scale were recorded in dyne/cm. Seven readings were taken for each solution, and the average was recorded. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using the Kruskall-Wallis one-way ANOVA and Mann-Whitney U tests, with significance set at p , 0.05. The primary function of an endodontic irrigant is to remove any debris loosened, but not removed, by instrumentation (1). Therefore, the irrigating solution must be brought into contact with the dentin wall and the debris (2). The intimacy of this contact depends on the wettability of the solutions on solid dentin (3). In general, the wettability of a solution depends on its surface tension (2), which is defined as the force between molecules that produces a tendency for the surface area of a liquid to decrease (1). This force tends to inhibit the spread of a liquid over a surface or to limit its ability to penetrate a capillary tube. The efficiency of an endodontic irrigant could, therefore, be improved by reducing its surface tension because wettability of such solutions is of primary importance in their penetration of the main and lateral canals and predentin dentinal tubules (1–3). By the improvement of wettability, it is also possible that an irrigant could extend its protein solvent capability or perform the bactericidal function through penetration into the uninstrumented areas of the root canal system (1). Numerous studies have demonstrated that many of the commonly used irrigating solutions are ineffective in completely removing hard and soft tissue debris (4 –7). The inadequacy of irrigating solutions has often been attributed to either the lack of mechanical flushing (i.e. flushing volume of irrigant) (4) or their inability to remove organic and inorganic material simultaneously (8, 9). However, little information exists with respect to the surface RESULTS The results of the surface tension measurements are presented in Fig. 1. Cetredixin showed the lowest surface tension (32 dyne/cm), whereas that of the distilled water was found to be the highest (70 dyne/cm). Differences between the surface tension of the tested solutions were found to be statistically significant among all samples (p , 0.05). 586 Vol. 26, No. 10, October 2000 Surface Tension of Endodontic Irrigants 587 present in the solution. Chlorhexidine gluconate (0.2%) alone possesses a broad spectrum of antimicrobial action and a relative absence of toxicity that are desirable properties of an ideal root canal irrigant (18). However, it is not known to possess a tissue-dissolving property that has led to its recommended use as an endodontic irrigant in combination with NaOCl (19, 20). The limitation of this study was the inability to compare the surface tension of the tested irrigants by addition of surfactants because of the lack of a standardized surface active agent for such purposes. Further research into the surface tension of different irrigating solutions used in combinations and/or with the incorporation of surfactants would be needed to take the advantage of maximum antibacterial and tissuesolvent capacity with minimum instrumentation. FIG 1. Average surface tension values (dyne/cm). DISCUSSION Various factors have been reported that contribute to the failure of root canal treatment, notably the presence of persistent intraradicular infection (13, 14). However, it is difficult to eliminate all microorganisms and organic debris from the root canal system, regardless of the irrigant and instrumentation (15, 16). The search for an irrigating solution with antimicrobial properties, tissuedissolving ability, and concomitant biocompatibility with the periapical tissues continues to be the subject of many studies. However, very few studies have addressed the potential effect of surface tension of irrigating solutions in the overall success of endodontic treatment (1, 2). Abou-Rass and Patonai (2) found that the chemical Polysorbate 80 reduced the surface tension of distilled water, alcohol, NaOCl, and EDTA by 15 to 20%, thereby enhancing the flow and penetration of the test solutions into the canals in vitro. Cameron (1) has shown the surface tension of 4% NaOCl to be reduced from 70 mN/m to 27 mM/m by addition of 0.1% fluorochemical surfactant, Fluorad FC99. In his study, 10 ml of surfactant-containing NaOCl was reported to be capable of dissolving the complete contents of root canals within a clinically acceptable duration of time, indicating that small tags of pulpal tissue would dissolve quickly and easily if the tested solution could be brought into contact with these tissue tags. The latter two studies tend to indicate that endodontic irrigants with lowered surface tension could reduce the need to remove large quantities of root dentine to achieve a debris-free root canal. However, a search of the literature fails to show any of these valuable laboratory data to have been extrapolated to clinical studies. Moreover, little knowledge exists on the surface tension of established and potential endodontic irrigants. It was, therefore the aim of this study to obtain comparative data for surface tension values of irrigating solutions to which surfactant materials had not been incorporated. Additionally, a new commercially available irrigant, Cetredixine, which contains 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate and a surface-active agent (0.2% cetrimide), was included in the study. In observing the average surface tension values of the test solutions, it was noted that Ringer’s solution, saline solution, and distilled water—which are known to lack any chemical effect— had the highest values, questioning once again the efficacy of these solutions in endodontic therapy. On the other hand, the relatively lower surface tension values of NaOCl and EDTA may contribute to the high success rates achieved with the combined use of these irrigants as reported in previous reports (8, 17). Cetredixine displayed the lowest average surface tension value, most probably because of the surfactant Dr. Taşman is affiliated with the Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry; Dr. Çehreli is affiliated with the Department of Pedodontics, Faculty of Dentistry; Dr. Etikan is affiliated with the Department of Biostatistics, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Dr. Oğan is affiliated with the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey. Address requests for reprints to Dr. Fügen Taşman, Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Hacettepe University, 06100 Sihhiye, Ankara, Turkey. References 1. Cameron JA. The effect of a fluorocarbon surfactant on the surface tension of the endodontic irrigant, sodium hypochlorite. A preliminary report. Aust Dent J 1986;31:364 – 8. 2. Abou-Rass M, Patonai FJ. The effects of decreasing surface tension on the flow of irrigating solutions in narrow root canals. 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