International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-7C May 2019
Reconnoitring Artificial Intelligence in
Knowledge Management
Aparna Vajpayee, K K Ramachandran
Abstract: This paper provides an overview of the
interdisciplinary study of human cognition, psychology,
knowledge management and artificial intelligence (AI). An effort
has been made to comprise the relationship (KM) of human
cognition, behaviour and organizational knowledge with
Artificial Intelligence. It has also given a description of the
application of AI in KM for organizational effectiveness and
customer affiliation and e-commerce.
The elementary organizational element of KM is the
community of practice (Brown and Gray, 1995), in that a
collection of people who share a common field of expertise
and/or who explore for resolutions to shared problems. This
is how artificial intelligence has come into the area of KM to
manage an enormous spectrum of IT world.
Keywords; Exploring the technology of AI in Management,
Use of Technology in Knowledge Management, Artificial
Intelligence and Technology, Artificial Intelligence and
Knowledge Management.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a common field of
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience and
engineering which has wide implication in KM. We human
being think, respond, reason and involve ourselves in
reasoning and thinking. In order to bring all capabilities of
the human mind in computer science, the study of human
brain functioning with human behaviour has laid a
foundation for the study of AI (Crowder,.and Friess, 2013).
As to make computer effective to coordinate and work as a
human being. In 1952 with the artificial intelligence studies
have started as to how the human brain thinks, store
information, segregate information, do relate or cluster and
ultimately respond to perform(Rich and Knight, 1991). This
is where the concept of human engineering come into
existence which has laid down the foundation of AI with its
wide implication in various areas of human knowledge. The
functioning of the human brain in receiving information,
coding into neural signal and transforming to coordinate
with different functioning is widely studied and applied with
human reasoning and problem-solving (Crowder,.and Friess,
2013). Managers and business leaders alike convinced that
issues of technology, process, people, and content must be
addressed to attain accomplishment. An organization should
have technologically advanced to make progress, especially
in the multinational global business environment of these
days. In order to be successful, we need to pay more
attention to the technologically equipped environment.
Knowledge base of various organizations have defined that
around one-third of the KM budget should be specifically
devoted to technology (O'Dell, Elliott, and Hubert, 2000).
Artificial Intelligence, Human Cognition, Psychological
Processing and Knowledge Management
By means of AI mechanism which can help to
automatically think, learn and accommodate and accumulate
experience for autonomous functioning was largely a vital
goal for Computer Science. For which the study of human
cognition and the process of information in the brain was
studied scientifically to accelerate information base similar
to human cognition and brain. As psychology is also the
science of understanding of mental processes and behaviour
so in order to establish machine system similar to human
cognition it has become an important and indispensable
foundation of knowledge to advance AI or machine
intelligence. The entity of human cognitive processes was
required to correlate autonomous self-developing learning
and intelligence. Therefore, the study of psychology had
several spheres to focus on the study of AI. The study of
cognitive psychology was accomplished to know how the
brain thinks and works.
This comprises perception,
learning, memory, language, logic, decision making
(Daróczy, 2010) etc. Along with that, developmental
psychology helps to know how a person adopt, acclimatizes
and changes through subsequently in various developmental
stages and what is suitable to contemplate as a human base
on development (Friess, 2010, Diapera and Sanger, 2006,
Crowder, and Friess, 2013). Thus, AI must caricaturist
human cognitive processes in order to be intelligent like the
human brain to process the information. Ultimately the
human brain and cognition are in the top of the spectrum of
AI to implement and to be admirable.
As KM is a field of processing creating, sharing, using
and managing the knowledge, therefore it is having the wide
implication of AI with its multidisciplinary approach in
achieving organisational resolutions by assembling the best
and right application of knowledge for the organizational
Revised Manuscript Received on May 28, 2019.
Aparna Vajpayee, Galgotias University, Greater Noida
K K Ramachandran, GRD Institute of Management, Coimbatore
Retrieval Number: G10200587C19/19©BEIESP
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
International Conference on Emerging Trends & Innovations in Social Sciences, Engineering, Management, Agriculture &
Medical Sciences (SEMAM -2k19) | 26th April, 2019 | Universal Group of Institutions, Lalru, Distt. Mohali, Punjab, India
Relationship of Brain Functioning---Human Psychology--Artificial Intelligence-- Knowledge Management
------------------------------------------Processes---------------------------------The relationship of KM and AI has led an interdependent
existence with a basic foundation of brain functioning and
human psychology (Crowder,.and Friess, 2013). Using
computerized models for the adoption of human thought
processes for knowledge which imbibes in self/deep
learning of artificial neural network software similar to
human brain, that customise text/data mining, pattern
recognition and relate to natural language processing to
mimic the way the human brain performs. Hence, AI
computing is leading the ways for forthcoming applications
imbibe with brain functioning in human psychology and
KM (Rich, Knight,1991).
During the last few decades, it has been realized that
people or human capital contribute more to the success of
the organization as compare to asset of organizational life.
The KM (Weber, and Kaplan, 2003) is a compilation
containing methods of gathering, managing, capturing and
using knowledge, both explicit and tacit. Explicit knowledge
(Staab, Studer, Schnurr, and Sure, 2001))is the knowledge
that can be readily articulated, codified, accessed and
verbalized. It is easy to transfer this kind of knowledge to
others. This kind of knowledge is mostly available in some
writing storage in the form of a book or encyclopaedias.
Another kind of knowledge is known as tacit Knowledge
which is difficult to transfer by means of writing and
verbalizing. Thus, KM is also of many phases, in the first
phase the source of information is from the outside of the
organization and it comes in the form of employee. It is also
significant to display a role of metadata, which establishes
methods of obtaining knowledge and present the best
practice in generating knowledge (Milton, Shadbolt, Cottam,
and Hammersley, 1999).
Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management
AI and KM both are multidisciplinary in nature which
comprehends psychology, epistemology, cognitive science,
management and computer science. The aim of KM are to
empower individuals and organizations to cooperate,
involve, collaborate to generate, practice and re-practice the
knowledge. Thoughtful acceptance of KM is leveraged to
enhance performance, increase innovative new ideas to
expand which is commonly accepted from both individual
and organizational perspective.
KM and AI at its fundamental unit are about the
information. AI delivers the mechanisms to allow machines
to acquire learning the knowledge base provided by KM.
Wherever AI lets allow the machines to obtain, acquire,
Retrieval Number: G10200587C19/19©BEIESP
process and utilize information to perform the tasks and to
reveal or unlock the knowledge which can be delivered to
humans to improve the stretegic decision-making process.
Hence, AI and KM are just two edges of information linked
with each other. KM make the foundation of knowledge to
inspire and AI utilises, expand, and generate that knowledge
to use in a varied spectrum of application (McGuiness and
According to a 1997 Ernst & Young Center for Business
Innovation 1997 survey entitled "Executive Perspectives on
Knowledge in the Organization," the biggest obstacle to
information transfer is corporate culture (54 per cent), and
the major difficulty in management of knowledge is
frequently changing people's behaviour (56 per cent)
(Bock,1998). An organization should motivate innovative
ideas and allow the organisational members to members to
share all ideas which they know and share the knowledge
for the usage of everybody in organization. In conclusion,
validated and trusted content is vital. We can elaborate
knowledge as "interpreted data" and information as
"information in action" or "information transformed into
capability for effective action." (Fisher, and Ostwald, 2001).
Nevertheless, we reside no additional on distinctions among
the two. Relatively, the idea that such distint classification
do not offer much in useful way, at least in the first few
phases of KM implementation and acceptance in an
organization, Davenport (1998) and O’Dell, Elliott, and
Hubert (2000).
Knowledge Management E-Business and Artificial
E-business and e-commerce have created lots of
possibilities and opportunities along with risks which can be
judgmentally recognized prior adopting as a strategy with
the help of KM. AI helps to identify risk mitigation. AI with
leveraging knowledge base as a successful strategy in the
area of e business as with present day economy ( Jutla ,
Craig and Bodorik , 2001).E-business strategy has
tremendous challenges to well-organized and efficacious
sources of KM to adopt and enhance with AI (Hackbarth
and Kettinger 2000).
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-7C May 2019
Knowledge Management,
Artificial Intelligence
These days due to internet marketing and application of ecommerce, marketing and sales strategies are a big part of
AI-based strategic thinking and decision making. AI is
having the vivacious role of in building (Creating) ebusiness strategies with a wide application of Information
Technology (IT) project. Internet technologies based on AI
provide support system to the organization and give
competitive advantages with numerous configurations of its
accessible resources to meet the requirements of the
marketplace and customers, it also provide support to the
“Customer Relationship Management” (CRM) and
consecutive service of “Supply Chain Management” (SCM)
(Hackbarth and Kettinger 2000).
Organizational Knowledge and Information base is one
of the significant mechanisms for developing a effective ebusiness stratagem project in any firm, as it encompasses
data, information along the set of knowledge possessions
about the firm. Therefore, organizational requirement is
subject to on and use this source as an basic step to perform
some of the strategic tasks effortlessly, precisely and
proficiently. “Creating e-business strategy based on four
stages: 1) Initiate, 2) Diagnose, 3) Breakout and 4)
Transition” (ALhawamdeh, 2007).
A KM platform delivers an easily available place for
value proposition and it also related sales collateral–to be
live. Admission to a KM platform helps in getting the
correct knowledge in for the right people at the right time. If
anybody is having a new question, they can upright it to the
KM system to get a solution from officials or other top
salespeople. Moreover, with the help of AI, the answer to
that question is on their strategic reply mechanism, the
person who require that knowledge can do a quick
exploration and assess all alternate resolutions.
Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management in
Getting Organizational Sale Values
The application of AI also helps to have a clear idea about
the companies' value position. As it helps to do a strategic
analysis of the competitors and thus organizations can have
their unique offers to costumes along with their competitors.
Mike Kunkle, a training leader with a Fortune 50
corporation, elucidates "that spin is often deeply understood
by a handful of people in marketing or maybe a handful of
people in sales leadership, but it’s not always clearly
communicated throughout the sales organization. There isn’t
always consistency in messaging around the value
proposition.” (McGuinessand Wright, 1998).
A KM platform base with AI delivers an effortlessly
reachable place for their value proposition–and related sales
insurance–to accomplish. The value position of a company
can be made easy to obtain and to comprehend and apply in
primary identities to mark the sale values (McGuinessand
Wright, 1998).
preferences by creating relevant content of choices to them
for attracting the sale. This also helps the sales team to take
advantage of focusing on target person mainly based on the
content of knowledge created by AI. This also helps to
create content to compel the sales to lead (Brynjolfsson,
Urban, 2001). Which creates a big opportunity for sales and
customer related demand fulfilment. AI helps to get the KM
system to make a certainty of the sales team as they know
the details of the target population with a better
understanding to target and achieve.
AI and Knowledge Management
Organizational Application
AI with KM enhance the IT skills in business with an
overall spectrum of an organization such as serving
customers/suppliers, recruitment and training need analysis,
future prospects of the business with both tangible and
strategies solution. Along with this, it also helps to succeed
“management relationships electronically (e-CRM),
communication between employees and external
collaboration with other business partners” (Brynjolfsson,
Urban, 2001). It also support in shared factors for common
work of various hierarchy of management and organization
subdivisions, the collective factor which integrates them
together is information or knowledge.
As an instance, customer's satisfactions feedbacks will
linkage to the marketing department and to the production
department. Thus, it attaches the tasks between individuals,
interorganizational level.
Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge
Organizational Decision Making
With the usage of information technology, knowledge
gathering has advanced and many organisations are
suffering with the problem of information overload which
often creates problem in segregating the information for
problem-solving and decision making in an organization. AI
is extensively applicable for synchronizing organizational
knowledge base with mining of data to take strategic
decision-making partners (Brynjolfsson, Urban, 2001). The
process by the elaboration of a sequence of information in a
given manner;
Relationship of Artificial Intelligence with Knowledge
management in Decision Making
KM for present customers and suppliers helps the
organization to keep update their requirements (Declarative
Knowledge), with the benefit of the internet technologies as
AI based KM tool such as search engines, also enable the
firm to obtrain more new information about the existing
market competitors, demands, customer’s demographics,
new customers’ competitors, etc. (ALhawamdeh, 2007)
which make a base of behaviour knowledge.
Use of Artificial Intelligence in Knowledge Management
for Target Costumers
AI plays an important part in to understand the main
challenges of focused costumers faces. Search engine based
on KM and AI help to know prospective costumers and their
Retrieval Number: G10200587C19/19©BEIESP
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
International Conference on Emerging Trends & Innovations in Social Sciences, Engineering, Management, Agriculture &
Medical Sciences (SEMAM -2k19) | 26th April, 2019 | Universal Group of Institutions, Lalru, Distt. Mohali, Punjab, India
KM has got widespread acceptance by many chief
executive and officers (O’Dell, Elliott, and Hubert 2000;
O’Dell et al. 2000) for the substantial growth of the
organization. Despite excitement application which has been
described “peak of inflated expectations” and the “trough of
disillusionment” and is moving up the “slope of
enlightenment” on the Gartner Group maturity curve
(Brynjolfsson, Urban, 2001). AI application in KM always
helps to add value advantage by giving automation very
much like the human brain (Brynjolfsson, Urban, 2001). AI
community is continuously working to give a more precise
application in synchronization of information for the better
decision-making process (Brynjolfsson, Urban, 2001).
Knowledgebase stores of information are well managed,
organized, filtered and captured, to be assessed and save
them as information for knowledge base, along with this it
store all information that is associated with other
organization's strategies of
advertising policy and
Information System in relation to other organizations
strategy (Brynjolfsson, Urban, 2001) for more effective
strategies of organizational effectiveness. Knowledge
repository with “AI simplify the information for workforces
to access, save, retrieve, and unify all knowledge”
(Brynjolfsson, Urban, 2001).
This study has established the importance and vital roles
of KM and AI in e-business strategy, that are soul concerns
for knowledge managers involved in creating and creative
effective KM systems with the application of AI. Along
with this innovation and global competition have enforced
the organization to
implement new strategies to capable the real-time
optimization of the value chain. “Building e-business
strategy and plans should be derived from the business
objectives, culture, policy, and current strategies (knowledge
resources)” (ALhawamdeh, 2007) in a wide spectrum of AI.
As a consequence, AI community is translating more and
more cognitive aspect of the human brain to apply on the
knowledge base for best and precise decision making and
we are waiting for further 9more advanced use of it with the
application of human psychology.
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Retrieval Number: G10200587C19/19©BEIESP
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication