Discrete Signal Processing on Graphs:
Sampling Theory
arXiv:1503.05432v2 [cs.IT] 8 Aug 2015
Siheng Chen, Rohan Varma, Aliaksei Sandryhaila, Jelena Kovačević
Abstract—We propose a sampling theory for signals that are
supported on either directed or undirected graphs. The theory
follows the same paradigm as classical sampling theory. We show
that perfect recovery is possible for graph signals bandlimited
under the graph Fourier transform. The sampled signal coefficients form a new graph signal, whose corresponding graph
structure preserves the first-order difference of the original graph
signal. For general graphs, an optimal sampling operator based on
experimentally designed sampling is proposed to guarantee perfect
recovery and robustness to noise; for graphs whose graph Fourier
transforms are frames with maximal robustness to erasures
as well as for Erdős-Rényi graphs, random sampling leads to
perfect recovery with high probability. We further establish the
connection to the sampling theory of finite discrete-time signal
processing and previous work on signal recovery on graphs.
To handle full-band graph signals, we propose a graph filter
bank based on sampling theory on graphs. Finally, we apply
the proposed sampling theory to semi-supervised classification on
online blogs and digit images, where we achieve similar or better
performance with fewer labeled samples compared to previous
Index Terms—Discrete signal processing on graphs, sampling
theory, experimentally designed sampling, compressed sensing
With the explosive growth of information and communication, signals are generated at an unprecedented rate from
various sources, including social, citation, biological, and physical infrastructure [1], [2], among others. Unlike time-series
signals or images, these signals possess complex, irregular
structure, which requires novel processing techniques leading
to the emerging field of signal processing on graphs [3], [4].
Signal processing on graphs extends classical discrete signal
processing to signals with an underlying complex, irregular
structure. The framework models that underlying structure by
a graph and signals by graph signals, generalizing concepts and
tools from classical discrete signal processing to graph signal
processing. Recent work includes graph-based filtering [5],
[6], [7], graph-based transforms [5], [8], [9], sampling and
interpolation on graphs [10], [11], [12], uncertainty principle
on graphs [13], semi-supervised classification on graphs [14],
[15], [16], graph dictionary learning [17], [18], denoising [6],
[19], community detection and clustering on graphs [20], [21],
[22], graph signal recovery [23], [24], [25] and distributed
algorithms [26], [27].
S. Chen and R. Varma are with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213 USA. Email:
[email protected],
[email protected]. A. Sandryhaila is with
HP Vertica, Pittsburgh, PA, 15203 USA. Email:
[email protected].
J. Kovačević is with the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering
and Biomedical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
[email protected].
Two basic approaches to signal processing on graphs have
been considered: The first is rooted in the spectral graph theory
and builds upon the graph Laplacian matrix [3]. Since the
standard graph Laplacian matrix is restricted to be symmetric
and positive semi-definite, this approach is applicable only to
undirected graphs with real and nonnegative edge weights.
The second approach, discrete signal processing on graphs
(DSPG ) [5], [28], is rooted in the algebraic signal processing
theory [29], [30] and builds upon the graph shift operator,
which works as the elementary operator that generates all linear
shift-invariant filters for signals with a given structure. The
graph shift operator is the adjacency matrix and represents the
relational dependencies between each pair of nodes. Since the
graph shift is not restricted to be symmetric, the corresponding
framework is applicable to arbitrary graphs, those with undirected or directed edges, with real or complex, nonnegative
or negative weights. Both frameworks analyze signals with
complex, irregular structure, generalizing a series of concepts
and tools from classical signal processing, such as graph filters,
graph Fourier transform, to diverse graph-based applications.
In this paper, we consider the classical signal processing
task of sampling and interpolation within the framework of
DSPG [31], [32]. As the bridge connecting sequences and
functions, classical sampling theory shows that a bandlimited
function can be perfectly recovered from its sampled sequence
if the sampling rate is high enough [33]. More generally,
we can treat any decrease in dimension via a linear operator
as sampling, and, conversely, any increase in dimension via
a linear operator as interpolation [31], [34]. Formulating a
sampling theory in this context is equivalent to moving between
higher- and lower-dimensional spaces.
A sampling theory for graphs has interesting applications.
For example, given a graph representing friendship connectivity
on Facebook, we can sample a fraction of users and query
their hobbies and then recover all users’ hobbies. The task
of sampling on graphs is, however, not well understood [11],
[12], because graph signals lie on complex, irregular structures.
It is even more challenging to find a graph structure that is
associated with the sampled signal coefficients; in the Facebook
example, we sample a small fraction of users and an associated
graph structure would allow us to infer new connectivity
between those sampled users, even when they are not directly
connected in the original graph.
Previous works on sampling theory [10], [12], [35] consider
graph signals that are uniquely sampled onto a given subset
of nodes. This approach is hard to apply to directed graphs.
It also does not explain which graph structure supports these
sampled coefficients.
In this paper, we propose a sampling theory for signals that
are supported on either directed or undirected graphs. Perfect
recovery is possible for graph signals bandlimited under the
graph Fourier transform. We also show that the sampled signal
coefficients form a new graph signal whose corresponding
graph structure is constructed from the original graph structure.
The proposed sampling theory follows Chapter 5 from [31] and
is consistent with classical sampling theory.
We call a sampling operator that leads to perfect recovery a
qualified sampling operator. We show that for general graphs,
an optimal sampling operator based on experimentally designed
sampling is proposed to guarantee perfect recovery and robustness to noise; for graphs whose graph Fourier transforms
are frames with maximal robustness to erasures as well as for
Erdős-Rényi graphs, random sampling leads to perfect recovery
with high probability. We further establish the connection to
sampling theory of finite discrete-time signal processing and
previous works on sampling theory on graphs. To handle
full-band graph signals, we propose graph filter banks to
force graph signals to be bandlimited. Finally, we apply the
proposed sampling theory to semi-supervised classification of
online blogs and digit images, where we achieve similar or
better performance with fewer labeled samples compared to
the previous works.
Contributions. The main contributions of the paper are as
• A novel framework for sampling a graph signal, which
solves complex sampling problems by using simple tools
from linear algebra;
• A novel approach for sampling a graph by preserving the
first-order difference of the original graph signal;
• A novel approach for designing a sampling operator on
Outline of the paper. Section II formulates the problem and
briefly reviews DSPG , which lays the foundation for this paper;
Section III describes the proposed sampling theory for graph
signals, and the proposed construction of graph structures for
the sampled signal coefficients; Section IV studies the qualified
sampling operator, including random sampling and experimentally designed sampling; Section V discusses the relations to
previous works and extends the sampling framework to the
design of graph filter banks; Section VI shows the application
to semi-supervised learning; Section VII concludes the paper
and provides pointers to future directions.
In this section, we briefly review relevant concepts of
discrete signal processing on graphs; a thorough introduction
can be found in [4], [28]. It is a theoretical framework that
generalizes classical discrete signal processing from regular
domains, such as lines and rectangular lattices, to irregular
structures that are commonly described by graphs.
A. Graph Shift
Discrete signal processing on graphs studies signals with
complex, irregular structure represented by a graph G =
(V, A), where V = {v0 , . . . , vN −1 } is the set of nodes and
A ∈ CN ×N is the graph shift, or a weighted adjacency matrix.
It represents the connections of the graph G, which can be
either directed or undirected (note that the standard graph
Laplacian matrix can only represent undirected graphs [3]). The
edge weight An,m between nodes vn and vm is a quantitative
expression of the underlying relation between the nth and the
mth node, such as similarity, dependency, or a communication
pattern. To guarantee that the shift operator is properly scaled,
we normalize the graph shift A to satisfy |λmax (A)| = 1.
B. Graph Signal
Given the graph representation G = (V, A), a graph signal
is defined as the map on the graph nodes that assigns the signal
coefficient xn ∈ C to the node vn . Once the node order is fixed,
the graph signal can be written as a vector
x = x0 x1 . . . xN −1 ∈ CN ,
where the nth signal coefficient corresponds to node vn .
C. Graph Fourier Transform
In general, a Fourier transform corresponds to the expansion
of a signal using basis elements that are invariant to filtering;
here, this basis is the eigenbasis of the graph shift A (or, if
the complete eigenbasis does not exist, the Jordan eigenbasis
of A). For simplicity, assume that A has a complete eigenbasis
and the spectral decomposition of A is [31]
A = V Λ V−1 ,
where the eigenvectors of A form the columns of matrix V,
and Λ ∈ CN ×N is the diagonal matrix of corresponding
eigenvalues λ0 , . . . , λN −1 of A. These eigenvalues represent
frequencies on the graph [28]. We do not specify the ordering
of graph frequencies here and we will explain why later.
Definition 1. The graph Fourier transform of x ∈ CN is
b = V−1 x.
The inverse graph Fourier transform is
x = Vx
The vector x
b in (3) represents the signal’s expansion in the
eigenvector basis and describes the frequency content of the
graph signal x. The inverse graph Fourier transform reconstructs the graph signal from its frequency content by combining graph frequency components weighted by the coefficients
of the signal’s graph Fourier transform.
Previous works on sampling theory of graph signals is based
on spectral graph theory [12]. The bandwidth of graph signals
is defined based on the value of graph frequencies, which
correspond to the eigenvalues of the graph Laplacian matrix.
Since each graph has its own graph frequencies, it is hard in
practice to specify a general cut-off graph frequency; it is also
computationally inefficient to compute all the values of graph
frequencies, especially for large graphs.
In this section, we propose a novel sampling framework for
graph signals. Here, the bandwidth definition is based on the
graph shift
graph signal
graph Fourier transform matrix
graph signal in the frequency domain
sampling operator
interpolation operator
sampled indices
sampled signal coeffcients of x
first K coeffcients of x
first K columns of V
N ×N
N ×N
M ×N
N ×M
N ×K
TABLE I: Key notation used in the paper.
Fig. 1: Sampling followed by interpolation.
number of non-zero signal coefficients in the graph Fourier domain. Since each signal coefficient in the graph Fourier domain
corresponds to a graph frequency, the bandwidth definition is
also based on the number of graph frequencies. This makes
the proposed sampling framework strongly connected to linear
algebra, that is, we are allowed to use simple tools from linear
algebra to perform sampling on complex, irregular graphs.
A. Sampling & Interpolation
Suppose that we want to sample M coefficients of a graph
signal x ∈ CN to produce a sampled signal xM ∈ CM
(M < N ), where M = (M0 , · · · , MM −1 ) denotes the
sequence of sampled indices, and Mi ∈ {0, 1, · · · , N − 1}.
We then interpolate xM to get x′ ∈ CN , which recovers x
either exactly or approximately. The sampling operator Ψ is a
linear mapping from CN to CM , defined as
1, j = Mi ;
Ψi,j =
0, otherwise,
and the interpolation operator Φ is a linear mapping from CM
to CN (see Figure 1),
sampling :
interpolation :
xM = Ψx ∈ CM ,
x′ = ΦxM = ΦΨx ∈ CN ,
where x′ ∈ RN recovers x either exactly or approximately.
We consider two sampling strategies: random sampling means
that sample indices are chosen from {0, 1, · · · , N − 1} independently and randomly; and experimentally design sampling
means that sample indices can be chosen beforehand. It is
clear that random sampling is a subset of experimentally
design sampling.
Perfect recovery happens for all x when ΦΨ is the identity
matrix. This is not possible in general because rank(ΦΨ) ≤
M < N ; it is, however, possible to do this for signals with
specific structure that we will define as bandlimited graph
signals, as in classical discrete signal processing.
B. Sampling Theory for Graph Signals
We now define a class of bandlimited graph signals, which
makes perfect recovery possible.
Definition 2. A graph signal is called bandlimited when there
exists a K ∈ {0, 1, · · · , N − 1} such that its graph Fourier
transform x
b satisfies
bk = 0 for all
k ≥ K.
The smallest such K is called the bandwidth of x. A graph
signal that is not bandlimited is called a full-band graph signal.
Note that the bandlimited graph signals here do not necessarily mean low-pass, or smooth. Since we do not specify the
ordering of frequencies, we can reorder the eigenvalues and
permute the corresponding eigenvectors in the graph Fourier
transform matrix to choose any band in the graph Fourier
domain. The bandlimited graph signals are smooth only when
we sort the eigenvalues in a descending order. The bandlimited
restriction here is equivalent to limiting the number of non-zero
signal coefficients in the graph Fourier domain with known
supports. This generalization is potentially useful to represent
non-smooth graph signals.
Definition 3. The set of graph signals in CN with bandwidth
of at most K is a closed subspace denoted BLK (V−1 ), with
V−1 as in (2).
When defining the bandwidth, we focus on the number of
graph frequencies, while previous works [12] focus on the
value of graph frequencies. There are two shortcomings to
using the values of graph frequencies: (a) When considering
the values of graph frequencies, we ignore the discrete nature
of graphs; because graph frequencies are discrete, two cut-off
graph frequencies on the same graph can lead to the same
bandlimited space. For example, assume a graph has graph
frequencies 0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.6 and 2; when we set the cut-off
frequency to either 0.2 or 0.3, they lead to the same bandlimited
space; (b) The values of graph frequencies cannot be compared
between different graphs. Since each graph has its own graph
frequencies, a same value of the cut-off graph frequency on
two graphs can mean different things. For example, one graph
has graph frequencies as 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 2, and another has
graph frequencies 0, 1.1, 1.6, 1.8, and 2; when we set the cut-off
frequency to 1, that is, we preserve all the graph frequencies
that are no greater than 1, first graph preserves three out of
four graph frequencies and the second graph only preserves
one out of four. The values of graph frequencies thus do not
necessarily give a direct and intuitive understanding about the
bandlimited space. Another key advantage of using the number
of graph frequencies is to build a strong connection to linear
algebra allowing for the use of simple tools from linear algebra
in sampling and interpolation of bandlimited graph signals.
In Theorem 5.2 in [31], the authors show the recovery for
vectors via projection, which lays the theoretical foundation
for the classical sampling theory. Following the theorem, we
obtain the following result, the proof of which can be found
in [34].
Theorem 1. Let Ψ satisfy
xM = U−1 U xM = U−1 x
b(K) .
rank(Ψ V(K) ) = K,
where V(K) ∈ RN ×K denotes the first K columns of V. For
all x ∈ BLK (V−1 ), perfect recovery, x = ΦΨx, is achieved
by choosing
Φ = V(K) U,
with U Ψ V(K) a K × K identity matrix.
Theorem 1 is applicable for all graph signals that have a few
non-zero elements in the graph Fourier domain with known
supports, that is, K < N .
Similarly to the classical sampling theory, the sampling rate
has a lower bound for graph signals as well, that is, the sample
size M should be no smaller than the bandwidth K. When
M < K, rank(U Ψ V(K) ) ≤ rank(U) ≤ M < K, and thus,
U Ψ V(K) can never be an identity matrix. For U Ψ V(K) to be
an identity matrix, U is the inverse of Ψ V(K) when M = K;
it is a pseudo-inverse of Ψ V(K) when M > K, where the
redundancy can be useful for reducing the influence of noise.
For simplicity, we only consider M = K and U invertible.
When M > K, we simply select K out of M sampled signal
coefficients to ensure that the sample size and the bandwidth
are the same.
From Theorem 1, we see that an arbitrary sampling operator
may not lead to perfect recovery even for bandlimited graph
signals. When the sampling operator Ψ satisfies the full-rank
assumption (5), we call it a qualified sampling operator. To
satisfy (5), the sampling operator should select at least one
set of K linearly-independent rows in V(K) . Since V is
invertible, the column vectors in V are linearly independent and
rank(V(K) ) = K always holds; in other words, at least one set
of K linearly-independent rows in V(K) always exists. Since
the graph shift A is given, one can find such a set independently
of the graph signal. Given such a set, Theorem 1 guarantees
perfect recovery of bandlimited graph signals. To find linearlyindependent rows in a matrix, fast algorithms exist, such as QR
decomposition; see [36], [31]. Since we only need to know the
graph structure to design a qualified sampling operator, this
follows the experimentally designed sampling. We will expand
this topic in Section IV.
C. Sampled Graph Signal
We just showed that perfect recovery is possible when the
graph signal is bandlimited. We now show that the sampled signal coefficients form a new graph signal, whose corresponding
graph shift can be constructed from the original graph shift.
Although the following results can be generalized to M >
K easily, we only consider M = K for simplicity. Let the
sampling operator Ψ and the interpolation operator Φ satisfy
the conditions in Theorem 1. For all x ∈ BLK (V−1 ), we have
x = ΦΨx = ΦxM
V(K) U xM
V(K) x
b(K) ,
where x
b(K) denotes the first K coefficients of x
b, (a) follows
from Theorem 1 and (b) from Definition 2. We thus get
b(K) = U xM ,
From what we have seen, the sampled signal coefficients xM
and the frequency content x
b(K) form a Fourier pair because
xM can be constructed from x
b(K) through U−1 and x
b(K) can
also be constructed from xM through U. This implies that, according to Definition 1 and the spectral decomposition (2), xM
is a graph signal associated with the graph Fourier transform
matrix U and a new graph shift
AM = U−1 Λ(K) U ∈ CK×K ,
where Λ(K) ∈ CK×K is a diagonal matrix that samples the
first K eigenvalues of Λ. This leads to the following theorem.
Theorem 2. Let x ∈ BLK (V−1 ) and let
xM = Ψx ∈ CK
be its sampled version, where Ψ is a qualified sampling
operator. Then, the graph shift associated with the graph signal
xM is
AM = U−1 Λ(K) U ∈ CK×K ,
with U = (Ψ V(K) )−1 .
From Theorem 2, we see that the graph shift AM is
constructed by sampling the rows of the eigenvector matrix and
sampling the first K eigenvalues of the original graph shift A.
We simply say that AM is sampled from A, preserving certain
information in the graph Fourier domain.
Since the bandwidth of x is K, the first K coefficients in
the frequency domain are x
b(K) = x
bM , and the other N −
K coefficients are x
b(−K) = 0; in other words, the frequency
contents of the original graph signal x and the sampled graph
signal xM are equivalent after performing their corresponding
graph Fourier transforms.
Similarly to Theorem 1, by reordering the eigenvalues and
permuting the corresponding eigenvectors in the graph Fourier
transform matrix, Theorem 2 is applicable to all graph signals
that have limited support in the graph Fourier domain.
D. Property of A Sampled Graph Signal
We argued that AM = U−1 Λ(K) U is the graph shift that
supports the sampled signal coefficients xM following from a
mathematical equivalence between the graph Fourier transform
for the sampled graph signal and the graph shift. We, in fact,
implicitly proposed an approach to sampling graphs. Since
sampled graphs always lose information, we now study which
information AM preserves.
Theorem 3. For all x ∈ BLK (V−1 ),
xM − AM xM = Ψ (x − A x) .
xM − AM xM
U−1 x
bM − U−1 Λ(K) U U−1 x
Ψ V(K) (I −Λ(K) )b
Ψ (x − A x) ,
where the last equality follows from x ∈ BLK (V−1 ).
Fig. 2: Sampling followed by interpolation. The arrows indicate that the edges are directed.
The term x − A x measures the difference between the
original graph signal and its shifted version. This is also called
the first-order difference of x, while the term Ψ (x − A x)
measures the first-order difference of x at sampled indices.
Furthermore, kx − A xkp is the graph total variation based on
the ℓp -norm, which is a quantitative characteristic that measures
the smoothness of a graph signal [28]. When using a sampled
graph to represent the sampled signal coefficients, we lose the
connectivity information between the sampled nodes and all
the other nodes; despite this, AM still preserves the first-order
difference at sampled indices. Instead of focusing on preserving
connectivity properties as in prior work [37], we emphasize the
interplay between signals and structures.
E. Example
We consider a five-node directed graph
0 25 25 0 15
2 0 1 0 0
31 1 3 1
2 4 01 4 01
0 0
0 2
with graph shift
and the fourth coefficients. Then, M = (1, 2, 4), xM =
0.29 0.32 0.05 , and the sampling operator
1 0 0 0 0
Ψ = 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
is qualified. We recover x by using the following interpolation
operator (see Figure 2)
Φ = V(3) (Ψ V(3) ) = −2.7
5.04 −3.98 −0.05
The inverse graph Fourier transform matrix for the sampled
signal is
0.16 ,
U−1 = Ψ V(3) = 0.45
0.45 −0.66 −0.41
and the sampled frequencies
Λ(3) = 0
The corresponding inverse graph Fourier transform matrix is
0.35 −0.40
0.16 −0.74
0.45 −0.66 −0.41 −0.47 −0.57
0.45 −0.60
The sampled graph shift is then constructed as
0.28 .
AM = U−1 Λ(3) U = −0.23
1.17 −0.56
Let K = 3; generate a bandlimited graph signal x ∈ BL3 (V−1 )
b = 0.5 0.2 0.1 0 0 ,
We see that the sampled graph shift contains self-loops and
negative weights and seems to be dissimilar to A, but AM
preserves a part of the frequency content of A because U−1
is sampled from V and Λ(3) is sampled from A. AM also
preserves the first-order difference of x, which validates Theorem 3.
and the frequencies are
Λ = diag 1 0.39 −0.12 −0.44 −0.83 .
x = 0.29
and the first-order difference of x is
x − A x = 0.05 0.07 −0.05
0.0002 .
We can check the first three columns of V to see that all
sets of three rows are independent. According to the sampling
theorem, we can then recover x perfectly by sampling any
three of its coefficients; for example, sample the first, second
The first-order difference of xM is
xM − AM xM = 0.05 0.07 −0.13
= Ψ(x − A x).
As shown in Section III, only a qualified sampling operator (5) can lead to perfect recovery for bandlimited graph
signals. Since a qualified sampling operator (5) is designed
via the graph structure, it belongs to experimentally designed
sampling. The design consist in finding K linearly independent
rows in V(K) , which gives multiple choices. In this section, we
samples, the smallest singular value of Ψ V(K) grows, and thus,
redundant samples make the algorithm robust to noise.
Algorithm 1 Optimal Sampling Operator via Greedy Algorithm
Fig. 3: Sampling a graph.
propose an optimal approach to designing a qualified sampling
operators by minimizing the effect of noise for general graphs.
We then show that for some specific graphs, random sampling
also leads to perfect recovery with high probability.
A. Experimentally Designed Sampling
We now show how to design a qualified sampling operator
on any given graph that is robust to noise. We then compare this
optimal sampling operator with a random sampling operator on
a sensor network.
1) Optimal Sampling Operator: As mentioned in Section III-B, at least one set of K linearly-independent rows
in V(K) always exists. When we have multiple choices of K
linearly-independent rows, we aim to find the optimal one to
minimize the effect of noise.
We consider a model where noise e is introduced during
sampling as follows,
Ψx + e,
where Ψ is a qualified sampling operator. The recovered graph
signal, x′e , is then
ΦxM = ΦΨx + Φe = x + Φe.
To bound the effect of noise, we have
kx′ − xk2
kΦek2 =
V(K) U e
k| Uk2 kek2 ,
where the inequality follows from the definition of the spectral
norm. Since V(K) 2 and kek2 are fixed, we want U to have a
small spectral norm. From this perspective, for each feasible Ψ,
we compute the inverse or pseudo-inverse of Ψ V(K) to obtain
U; the best choice comes from the U with the smallest spectral
norm. This is equivalent to maximizing the smallest singular
value of Ψ V(K) ,
= arg max σmin (Ψ V(K) ),
V(K) the first K columns of V
the number of samples
sampling set
where σmin denotes the smallest singular value. The solution
of (6) is optimal in terms of minimizing the effect of noise;
we simply call it optimal sampling operator. Since we restrict
the form of Ψ in (4), (6) is non-deterministic polynomial-time
hard. To solve (6), we can use a greedy algorithm as shown in
Algorithm 1. In a previous work, the authors solved a similar
optimization problem for matrix approximation and showed
that the greedy algorithm gives a good approximation to the
global optimum [38]. Note that M is the sampling sequence,
indicating which rows to select, and (V(K) )M denotes the
sampled rows from V(K) . When increasing the number of
while |M| < M
m = arg maxi σmin (V(K) )M+{i}
M ← M + {m}
return M
2) Simulations: We consider 150 weather stations in the
United States that record local temperatures [5]. The graph
representing these weather stations is obtained by assigning an
edge when the geodesic distance between each pair of weather
stations is smaller than 500 miles, that is, the graph shift A is
formed as
1, when 0 < di,j < 500;
Ai,j =
0, otherwise,
where di,j is the geodesic distance between the ith and the jth
weather stations.
We simulate a graph signal with bandwidth of 3 as
x = v1 + 0.5v2 + 2v3 ,
where vi is the ith column in V. We design two sampling
operators to recover x: an arbitrary qualified sampling operator
and the optimal sampling operator. We know that both of them
recover x perfectly given 3 samples. To validate the robustness
to noise, we add Gaussian noise with mean zero and variance
0.01 to each sample. We recover the graph signal from its
samples by using the interpolation operator (5).
Figure 4 (f) and (h) show the recovered graph signal from
each of these two sampling operators. We see that an arbitrary
qualified sampling operator is not robust to noise and fails to
recover the original graph signal, while the optimal sampling
operator is robust to noise and approximately recovers the
original graph signal.
B. Random Sampling
Previously, we showed that we need to design a qualified
sampling operator to achieve perfect recovery. We now show
that, for some specific graphs, random sampling leads to perfect
recovery with high probabilities.
1) Frames with Maximal Robustness to Erasures: A frame
{f0 , f2 , · · · , fN −1 } is a generating system for CK with N ≥
K, when there exist two constants a > 0 and b < ∞, such that
for all x ∈ CN ,
a kxk ≤
|fkT x|2 ≤ b kxk .
In finite dimensions, we represent the frame as an N × K
matrix with rows fkT . The frame is maximally robust to erasures
when every K × K submatrix (obtained by deleting N − K
(a) 1st basis vector v1 .
(b) 2nd basis vector v2 .
(c) 3rd basis vectorv3 .
(d) Original graph signal.
(e) Samples from the optimal
sampling operator.
(f) Recovery from the optimal
sampling operator.
(g) Samples from a qualified
sampling operator.
(h) Recovery from a qualified
sampling operator.
Fig. 4: Graph signals on the sensor network. Colors indicate values of signal coefficients. Red represents high values, blue
represents low values. Big nodes in (e) and (g) represent the sampled nodes in each case.
rows) is invertible [39]. In [39], the authors show that a polynomial transform matrix is one example of a frame maximally
robust to erasures; in [40], the authors show that many lapped
orthogonal transforms and lapped tight frame transforms are
also maximally robust to erasures. It is clear that if the inverse
graph Fourier transform matrix V as in (2) is maximally
robust to erasures, any sampling operator that samples at least
K signal coefficients guarantees perfect recovery; in other
words, when a graph Fourier transform matrix happens to
be a polynomial transform matrix, sampling any K signal
coefficients leads to perfect recovery.
For example, a circulant graph is a graph whose adjacency
matrix is circulant [41]. The circulant graph shift, C, can be
represented as a polynomial of the cyclic permutation matrix,
A. The graph Fourier transform of the cyclic permutation
matrix is the discrete Fourier transform, which is again a
polynomial transform matrix. As described above, we have
hi Ai =
hi (F∗ Λ F)i
hi Λ i
where L is the order of the polynomial, and hi is the coefficient corresponding to the ith order. Since the graph Fourier
transform matrix of a circulant graph is the discrete Fourier
transform matrix, we can perfectly recover a circulant-graph
signal with bandwidth K by sampling any M ≥ K signal
coefficients as shown in Theorem 1. In other words, perfect
recovery is guaranteed when we randomly sample a sufficient
number of signal coefficients.
2) Erdős-Rényi Graph: An Erdős-Rényi graph is constructed by connecting nodes randomly, where each edge is
included in the graph with probability p independent of any
other edge [1], [2]. We aim to show that by sampling K signal
cofficients randomly, the singular values of the corresponding
Ψ V(K) are bounded.
Lemma 1. Let a graph shift A ∈ RN ×N represent an ErdősRényi graph, where each pair of vertices is connected randomly
and independently with probability p = g(N ) log(N )/N , and
g(·) is some positive function. Let V be the eigenvector matrix
of A with VT V = N I, and let the number of sampled
coefficients satisfy
M ≥K
log2.2 g(N ) log(N )
max(C1 log K, C2 log ),
for some positive constants C1 , C2 . Then,
(Ψ V(K) )T (Ψ V(K) ) − I ≤
is satisfied for all sampling operators Ψ that sample M signal
Proof. For an Erdős-Rényi graph, the eigenvector matrix V
log2.2 g(N ) log N/p
max | Vi,j | = O
for p = g(N ) log(N )/N [42]. By substituting V into Theorem
1.2 in [43], we obtain (7).
Theorem 4. Let A, V, Ψ be defined as in Lemma 1. With
probability (1−δ), Ψ V(K) is a frame in CK with lower bound
M/2 and upper bound 3M/2.
sample 10 rows from the first 10 columns of the graph Fourier
transform matrix and check whether the 10 × 10 matrix is of
full rank. Based on Theorem 1, if the 10 × 10 matrix is of full
rank, the perfect recovery is guaranteed. For each given graph
shift, we run the random sampling for 100 graphs, and count
the number of successes to obtain the success rate.
Figure 5 shows success rates for sizes 50 and 500 averaged
over 100 random tests. When we fix the graph size, in ErdősRényi graphs, the success rate increases as the connection
probability increases, that is, more connections lead to higher
probability of getting a qualified sampling operator. When we
compare the different sizes of the same type of graph, the
success rate increases as the size increases, that is, larger graph
sizes lead to higher probabilities of getting a qualified sampling
operator. Overall, with a sufficient number of connections, the
success rates are close to 100%. The simulation results suggest
that the full-rank assumption is easier to satisfy when there
exist more connections on graphs. The intuition is that in a
larger graph with a higher connection probability, the difference
between nodes is smaller, that is, each node has a similar
connectivity property and there is no preference to sampling
one rather than the other.
Success rate
0.9 N = 500
Proof. Using Lemma 1, with probability (1 − δ), we have
M (Ψ V(K) ) (Ψ V(K) )
≤ .
We thus obtain for all x ∈ CK ,
(Ψ V(K) )T (Ψ V(K) ) − I x
− xT x ≤ xT M
x x≤
xT (Ψ V(K) )T (Ψ V(K) )x
N = 50
1 T
x x,
3M T
x x.
From Theorem 4, we see that the singular values of Ψ V(K)
are bounded with high probability. This shows that Ψ V(K)
has full rank with high probability; in other words, with high
probability, perfect recovery is achieved for Erdős-Rényi graph
signals when we randomly sample a sufficient number of signal
3) Simulations: We verify Theorem 4 by checking the
probability of satisfying the full-rank assumption by random
sampling on Erdős-Rényi graphs. Once the full-rank assumption is satisfied, we can find a qualified sampling operator
to achieve perfect recovery, thus, we call this probability the
success rate of perfect recovery.
We check the success rate of perfect recovery with various
sizes and connection probabilities. We vary the size of an
Erdős-Rényi graph from 50 to 500 and the connection probabilities with an interval of 0.01 from 0 to 0.5. For each given size
and connection probability, we generate 100 graphs randomly.
Suppose that for each graph, the corresponding graph signal is
of fixed bandwidth K = 10. Given a graph shift, we randomly
Connection probability
Fig. 5: Success rates for Erdős-Rényi graphs. The blue curve
represents an Erdős-Rényi graph of size 50 and the red curve
represents an Erdős-Rényi graph of size 500.
We now discuss three topics: relation to the sampling theory
for finite discrete-time signals, relation to compressed sensing,
and how to handle a full-band graph signal.
A. Relation to Sampling Theory for Finite Discrete-Time Signals
We call the graph that supports a finite discrete-time signal
a finite discrete-time graph, which specifies the time-ordering
from the past to future. The finite discrete-time graph can be
represented by the cyclic permutation matrix [31], [28],
0 0 ··· 1
1 0 · · · 0
= V Λ V−1 ,
A = . .
. . . . . 0
0 ···
where the eigenvector matrix
V = v0 v1 · · · vN −1 = √1N (W jk )∗
j,k=0,···N −1
is the Hermitian transpose of the N -point discrete Fourier
transform matrix, V = F∗ , V−1 is the N -point discrete Fourier
transform matrix, V−1 = F, and the eigenvalue matrix is
Λ = diag W 0 W 1 · · · W N −1 ,
where W = e−2πj/N . We see that Definitions 2, 3 and
Theorem 1 are immediately applicable to finite discrete-time
signals and are consistent with sampling of such signals [31].
Definition 4. A discrete-time signal is called bandlimited when
there exists K ∈ {0, 1, · · · , N −1} such that its discrete Fourier
transform x
b satisfies
bk = 0 for all
k ≥ K.
The smallest such K is called the bandwidth of x. A discretetime signal that is not bandlimited is called a full-band discretetime signal.
Definition 5. The set of discrete-time signals in CN with
bandwidth of at most K is a closed subspace denoted BLK (F),
with F the discrete Fourier transform matrix.
With this definition of the discrete Fourier transform matrix,
the highest frequency is in the middle of the spectrum (although
this is just a matter of ordering). From Definitions 4 and 5,
we can permute the rows in the discrete Fourier transform
matrix to choose any frequency band. Since the discrete Fourier
transform matrix is a Vandermonde matrix, any K rows of F∗(K)
are independent [36], [31]; in other words, rank(Ψ F∗(K) ) = K
always holds when M ≥ K. We apply now Theorem 1 to
obtain the following result.
Corollary 1. Let Ψ satisfy that the sampling number is no
smaller than the bandwidth, M ≥ K. For all x ∈ BLK (F),
perfect recovery, x = ΦΨx, is achieved by choosing
Φ = F∗(K) U,
with U Ψ F∗(K) a K × K identity matrix, and F∗(K) denotes the
first K columns of F∗ .
From Corollary 1, we can perfectly recover a discrete-time
signal when it is bandlimited.
Similarly to Theorem 2, we can show that a new graph shift
can be constructed from the finite discrete-time graph. Multiple
sampling mechanisms can be used to sample a new graph shift;
an intuitive one is as follows: let x ∈ CN be a finite discretetime signal, where N is even. Reorder the frequencies in (10),
by putting the frequencies with even indices first,
e = diag λ0 λ2 · · · λN −2 λ1 λ3 · · · λN −1 .
Similarly, reorder the columns of V in (9) by putting the
columns with even indices first
e = v0 v2 · · · vN −2 v1 v3 · · · vN −1 .
e is still the same cyclic permutation
One can check that V
matrix. Suppose we want to preserve the first N/2 frequency
e the sampled frequencies are then
components in Λ;
e (N/2) = diag λ0 λ2 · · · λN −2 .
e (N/2) ,
Let a sampling operator Ψ choose the first N/2 rows in V
e (N/2) = √1 (W 2jk )∗
which is the Hermitian transpose of the discrete Fourier
e (N/2) ) = N/2
transform of size N/2 and satisfies rank(ΨV
in Theorem 2. The sampled graph Fourier transform matrix
e (N/2) ))−1 is the discrete Fourier transform of size
U = (ΨV
N/2. The sampled graph shift is then constructed as
e (N/2) U,
AM = U−1 Λ
which is exactly the N/2 × N/2 cyclic permutation matrix. Hence, we have shown that by choosing an appropriate
sampling mechanism, a smaller finite discrete-time graph is
obtained from a larger finite discrete-time graph by using
Theorem 2. We note that using a different ordering or sampling
operator would result in a graph shift that can be different
and non-intuitive. This is simply a matter of choosing different
frequency components.
B. Relation to Compressed Sensing
Compressed sensing is a sampling framework to recover
sparse signals with a few measurements [44]. The theory asserts
that a few samples guarantee the recovery of the original signals
when the signals and the sampling approaches are well-defined
in some theoretical aspects. To be more specific, given the
sampling operator Ψ ∈ RM ×N , M ≪ N , and the sampled
signal xM = Ψx, a sparse signal x ∈ RN is recovered by
min kxk0 , subject to xM = Ψx.
Since the l0 norm is not convex, the optimization is a nondeterministic polynomial-time hard problem. To obtain a computationally efficient algorithm, the l1 -norm based algorithm,
known as basis pursuit or basis pursuit with denoising, recovers
the sparse signal with small approximation error [45].
In the standard compressed sensing theory, signals have to be
sparse or approximately sparse to gurantee accurate recovery
properties. In [46], the authors proposed a general way to
perform compressed sensing with non-sparse signals using
dictionaries. Specifically, a general signal x ∈ RN is recovered
min kD x|0 , subject to xM = Ψx,
where D is a dictionary designed to make D x sparse. When
specifying x to be a graph signal, and D to be the appropriate
graph Fourier transform of the graph on which the signal
resides, D x represents the frequency content of x, which is
sparse when x is of limited bandwidth. Equation (12) recovers a
bandlimited graph signal from a few sampled signal coefficients
via an optimization approach. The proposed sampling theory
deals with the cases where the frequencies corresponding to
non-zero elements are known, and can be reordered to form
a bandlimited graph signal. Compressed sensing deals with
the cases where the frequencies corresponding to non-zero
elements are unknown, which is a more general and harder
problem. If we have access to the position of the non-zero
elements, the proposed sampling theory uses the smallest
number of samples to achieve perfect recovery.
to obtain an optimal sampling operator. An example for the
finite discrete-time signals was shown in Section V-A.
As shown in Theorem 1, perfect recovery is achieved when
graph signals are bandlimited. To handle full-band graph signals, we propose an approach based on graph filter banks,
where each channel does not need to recover perfectly but in
conjunction they do.
Let x be a full-band graph signal, which, without loss of
generality, we can express without loss of generality as the
addition of two bandlimited signals supported on the same
graph, that is, x = xl + xh , where
xl = Pl x, xh = Ph x,
C. Relation to Signal Recovery on Graphs
Signal recovery on graphs attempts to recover graph signals
that are assumed to be smooth with respect to underlying
graphs, from noisy, missing, or corrupted samples [23]. Previous works studied signal recovery on graphs from different
perspectives. For example, in [47], the authors considered that
a graph is a discrete representation of a manifold, and aimed
at recovering graph signals by regularizing the smoothness
functional; in [48], the authors aimed at recovering graph
signals by regularizing the combinatorial Dirichlet; in [23], the
authors aimed at recovering graph signals by regularizing the
graph total variation; in [49], the authors aimed at recovering
graph signals by finding the empirical modes; in [18], the
authors aimed at recovering graph signals by training a graphbased dictionary. These works focused on minimizing the
empirical recovery error, and dealt with general graph signal
models. It is thus hard to show when and how the missing
signal coefficients can be exactly recovered.
Similarly to signal recovery on graphs, sampling theory on
graphs also attempts to recover graph signals from incomplete
samples. The main difference is that sampling theory on graphs
focuses on a subset of smooth graph signals, that is, bandlimited graph signals, and theoretically analyzes when and how
the missing signal coefficients can be exactly recovered. The
authors in [10], [50], [12] considered a similar problem to ours,
that is, recovery of bandlimited graph signals by sampling a few
signal coefficients in the vertex domain. The main differences
are as follows: (1) we focus on the graph adjacency matrix, not
the graph Laplacian matrix; (2) when defining the bandwidth,
we focus on the number of frequencies, not the values of
frequencies. Some recent extensions of sampling theory on
graphs include [51], [52], [53].
D. Graph Downsampling & Graph Filter Banks
In classical signal processing, sampling refers to sampling
a continuous function and downsampling refers to sampling a
sequence. Both concepts use fewer samples to represent the
overall shape of the original signal. Since a graph signal is
discrete in nature, sampling and downsampling are the same.
Previous works implemented graph downsampling via graph
coloring [6] or minimum spanning tree [54].
The proposed sampling theory provides a family of qualified
sampling operators (5) with an optimal sampling operator as
in (6). To downsample a graph by 2, one can set the bandwidth
to a half of the number of nodes, that is, K = N/2, and use (6)
P = V K
0 −1
V ,
V−1 .
We see that xl contains the first K frequencies, xh contains
the other N − K frequencies, and each is bandlimited. We
do sampling and interpolation for xl and xh in two channels,
respectively. Take the first channel as an example. Following
Theorems 1 and 2, we use a qualified sampling operator Ψl
to sample xl , and obtain the sampled signal coefficients as
xlMl = Ψl xl , with the corresponding graph as AMl . We can
recover xl by using interpolation operator Φl as xl = Φl xlMl .
Finally, we add the results from both channels to obtain the
original full-band graph signal (also illustrated in Figure 6).
The main benefit of working with a graph filter bank is that,
instead of dealing with a long graph signal with a large graph,
we are allowed to focus on the frequency bands of interests
and deal with a shorter graph signal with a small graph in
each channel.
We do not restrict the samples from two bands, xlMl and
xMh the same size because we can adaptively design the
sampling and interpolation operators based on the their own
sizes. This is similar to the filter banks in the classical literature
where the spectrum is not evenly partitioned between the channels [55]. We see that the above idea can easily be generalized
to multiple channels by splitting the original graphs signal into
multiple bandlimited graph signals; instead of dealing with a
huge graph, we work with multiple small graphs, which makes
computation easier.
Simulations. We now show an example where we analyze graph signals by using the proposed graph filter banks.
Similarly to Section IV-A2, we consider that the weather
stations across the U.S. form a graph and temperature values
measured at each weather station in one day form a graph
signal. Suppose that a high-frequency component represents
some pattern of weather change; we want to detect this pattern
given the temperature values. We can decompose a graph
signal of temperature values into a low-frequency channel
(largest 15 frequencies) and a high-frequency channel (smallest
5 frequencies). In each channel, we sample the bandlimited
graph signal to obtain a sparse and loseless representation.
Figure 7 shows a comparison between temperature values on
January 1st, 2013 and May 1st, 2013. We intentionally added
some high-frequency component to the temperature values on
January 1st, 2013. We see that the high-frequency channel
Fig. 6: Graph filter bank that splits the graph signal into two bandlimited graph signals. In each channel, we perform sampling
and interpolation, following Theorem 1. Finally, we add the results from both channels to obtain the original full-band graph
in Figure 7 (a) detects the change, while the high-frequency
channel in Figure 7 (b) does not.
Directly using the graph frequency components can also
detect the high-frequency components, but the graph frequency
components cannot be easily visualized. Since the graph
structure and the decomposed channels are fixed, the optimal
sampling operator and corresponding interpolation operator in
each channel can be designed in advance, which means that
we just need to look at the sampled coefficients of a fixed set
of nodes to check whether a channel is activated. The graph
filter bank is thus fast and visualization friendly.
The proposed sampling theory on graphs can be applied to
semi-supervised learning, whose goal is to classify data with
a few labeled and a large number of unlabeled samples [56].
One approach is based on graphs, where the labels are often
assumed to be smooth on graphs. From a perspective of signal
processing, smoothness can be expressed as lowpass nature
of the signal. Recovering smooth labels on graphs is then
equivalent to interpolating a low-pass graph signal. We now
look at two examples, including classification of online blogs
and handwritten digits.
1) Sampling Online Blogs: We first aim to investigate the
success rate of perfect recovery by using random sampling,
and then classify the labels of the online blogs. We consider
a dataset of N = 1224 online political blogs as either
conservative or liberal [57]. We represent conservative labels
as +1 and liberal ones as −1. The blogs are represented by a
graph in which nodes represent blogs, and directed graph edges
correspond to hyperlink references between blogs. The graph
signal here is the label assigned to the blogs, called the labeling
signal. We use the spectral decomposition in (2) for this
online-blog graph to get the graph frequencies in a descending
order and the corresponding graph Fourier transform matrix.
The labeling signal is a full-band signal, but approximately
To investigate the success rate of perfect recovery by using
random sampling, we vary the bandwidth K of the labeling
signal with an interval of 1 from 1 to 20, randomly sample K
rows from the first K columns of the graph Fourier transform
matrix, and check whether the K × K matrix has full rank. For
each bandwidth, we randomly sample 10,000 times, and count
the number of successes to obtain the success rate. Figure 8
(a) shows the resulting success rate. We see that the success
rate decreases as we increase the bandwidth; it is above 90%,
when the bandwidth is no greater than 20. It means that we
can achieve perfect recovery by using random sampling with a
fairly high probability. As the bandwidth increases, even if we
get an equal number of samples, the success rate still decreases,
because when we take more samples, it is easier to get a sample
correlated with the previous samples.
Since a qualified sampling operator is independent of graph
signals, we precompute the qualified sampling operator for
the online-blog graph, as discussed in Section III-B. When
the labeling signal is bandlimited, we can sample M labels
from it by using a qualified sampling operator, and recover
the labeling signal by using the corresponding interpolation
operator. In other words, we can design a set of blogs to
label before querying any label. Most of the time, however,
the labeling signal is not bandlimited, and it is not possible
to achieve perfect recovery. Since we only care about the
sign of the labels, we use only the low frequency content to
approximate the labeling signal; after that, we set a threshold
to assign labels. To minimize the influence from the highfrequency content, we can use the optimal sampling operator
in Algorithm 1.
We solve the following optimization problem to recover the
low frequency content,
(K) = arg
sgn(Ψ V(K) x
b(K) ) − xM
, (13)
where Ψ ∈ RM ×N is a sampling operator, xM ∈ RM is a
vector of the sampled labels whose element is either +1 or
−1, and sgn(·) sets all positive values to +1 and all negative
values to −1. Note that without sgn(∗), the solution of (13)
is (Ψ V(K) )−1 xM in Theorem 1, which perfectly recovers the
labeling signal when it is bandlimited. When the labeling signal
is not bandlimited, the solution of (13) approximates the lowfrequency content. The ℓ2 norm (13) can be relaxed by the logit
function and solved by logistic regression [58]. The recovered
labels are then xopt = sgn(V(K) x
(K) ).
Figure 8 (b) compares the classification accuracies between
optimal sampling and random sampling by varying the sample
size with an interval of 1 from 1 to 20. We see that the
optimal sampling significantly outperforms random sampling,
and random sampling does not improve with more samples,
because the interpolation operator (13) assumes that the sampling operator is qualified, which is not always true for random
(a) Temperature on January 1st, 2013 with high-frequency pattern.
(b) Temperature on May 1st, 2013.
Fig. 7: Graph filter banks analysis.
Success rate
(a) Success rate as a function of bandwidth.
Classification accuracy
experimentally designed sampling
with optimal sampling operator
random sampling
# samples
(b) Classification accuracy as a function of the number of samples.
Fig. 8: Classification for online blogs. When increasing the bandwidth, it is harder to find a qualified sampling operator. The
experimentally designed sampling with the optimal sampling operator outperforms random sampling.
sampling as shown in Figure 8 (a). Note that classification
accuracy for the optimal sampling is as high as 94.44% by only
sampling two blogs, and the classification accuracy gets slightly
better as we increases the number of samples. Compared with
the previous results [24], to achieve around 94% classification
• harmonic functions on graph samples 120 blogs;
• graph Laplacian regularization samples 120 blogs;
• graph total variation regularization samples 10 blogs; and
• the proposed optimal sampling operator (6) samples 2
The improvement comes from the fact that, instead of
sampling randomly as in [24], we use the optimal sampling
operator to choose samples based on the graph structure.
2) Classification for Handwritten Digits: We aim to use the
proposed sampling theory to classify handwritten digits and
achieve high classification accuracy with fewer samples.
We work with two handwritten digit datasets, the MNIST
[59] and the USPS [60]. Each dataset includes ten classes
(0-9 digit characters). The MNIST dataset includes 60,000
samples in total. We randomly select 1000 samples for each
digit character, for a total of N = 10, 000 digit images; each
image is normalized to 28×28 = 784 pixels. The USPS dataset
includes 11,000 samples in total. We use all the images in the
dataset; each image is normalized to 16 × 16 = 256 pixels.
Since same digits produce similar images, it is intuitive to
build a graph to reflect the relational dependencies among
images. For each dataset, we construct a 12-nearest neighbor
graph to represent the digit images. The nodes represent digit
images and each node is connected to 12 other nodes that represent the most similar digit images; the similarity is measured
by the Euclidean
P distance. The graph shift is constructed as
Ai,j = Pi,j / i Pi,j , with
−N 2 kfi − fj k2
Pi,j = exp P
i,j kfi − fj k2
with fi a vector representing the digit image. The graph shift
is asymmetric, representing a directed graph, which cannot be
handled by graph Laplacian-based methods.
Similarly to Section VI-1, we aim to label all the digit
images by actively querying the labels of a few images. To
handle 10-class classification, we form a ground-truth matrix
X of size N × 10. The element Xi,j is +1, indicating the
membership of the ith image in the jth digit class, and is
−1 otherwise. We obtain the optimal sampling operator Ψ
as shown in Algorithm 1. The querying samples are then
(a) MNIST.
(b) USPS.
Fig. 9: Graph representations of the MNIST and USPS datasets. For both datasets, the nodes (digit images) with the same
digit characters are shown in the same color and the big black dots indicate 10 sampled nodes by using the optimal sampling
operators in Algorithm 1.
XM = Ψ X ∈ RM ×10 . We recover the low frequency content
b opt
(K) = arg
b (K) ∈RK×10
b (K) ) − XM
sgn(Ψ V(K) X
We solve (14) approximately by using logistic regression and
b opt
then obtain the estimated label matrix Xopt = V(K) X
(K) ∈
RN ×10 , whose element (Xopt )i,j shows a confidence of labeling the ith image as the jth digit. We finally label each digit
image by choosing the one with largest value in each row of
Xopt .
The graph representations of the MNIST and USPS datasets,
and the optimal sampling sets are shown in Figure 9. The
coordinates of nodes come from the corresponding rows of the
first three columns of the inverse graph Fourier transform. We
see that the images with the same digit characters form clusters, and the optimal sampling operator chooses representative
samples from different clusters.
Figure 10 shows the classification accuracy by varying the
sample size with an interval of 10 from 10 to 100 for both
datasets. For the MNIST dataset, we query 0.1% − 1% images;
for the USPS dataset, we query 0.09% − 0.9% images. We
achieve around 90% classification accuracy by querying only
0.5% images for both datasets. Compared with the previous
results [35], in the USPS dataset, given 100 samples,
local linear reconstruction is around 65%;
normalized cut based active learning is around 70%;
graph sampling based active semi-supervised learning is
around 85%; and
the proposed optimal sampling operator (6) with the
interpolation operator (14) achieves 91.69%.
Classification accuracy
Classification accuracy
# samples
# samples
(a) MNIST.
(b) USPS.
Fig. 10: Classification accuracy of the MNIST and USPS
datasets as a function of the number of querying samples.
We proposed a novel sampling framework for graph signals
that follows the same paradigm as classical sampling theory
and strongly connects to linear algebra. We showed that perfect
recovery is possible when graph signals are bandlimited. The
sampled signal coefficients then form a new graph signal,
whose corresponding graph structure is constructed from the
original graph structure, preserving the first-order difference
of the original graph signal. We studied a qualified sampling
operator for both random sampling and experimentally designed sampling. We further established the connection to the
sampling theory for finite discrete-time signal processing and
previous works on the sampling theory on graphs, and showed
how to handle full-band graphs signals by using graph filter
banks. We showed applications to semi-supervised classification of online blogs and digit images, where the proposed
sampling and interpolation operators perform competitively.
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