Vol. 1, No. 1, 2011, 21–28
DOI 10.5277/met110103
Łukasz KARWOWSKI1, Andrzej S. PILSKI2, Andrzej MUSZYŃSKI3, Steve ARNOLD4,
Geoffrey NOTKIN5, Agnieszka GURDZIEL1
University of Silesia, Faculty of Earth Sciences, ul. Będzińska 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland.
Nicolaus Copernicus Museum, ul. Katedralna 8, 14-530 Frombork, Poland.
Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Geology, ul. Maków Polnych 16, 60-606 Poznań, Poland.
Meteorite Men Headquartes, P.O.Box 36652 Tucson, AZ 85740, USA.
Aerolite Meteorites LLC, P.O.Box 36652 Tucson, AZ 85740, USA.
Abstract: In result of searching in the Morasko preserve for the documentary series Meteorite Men two irons were found below
ground. A 544-g shrapnel-like with weak shock deformations, mildly weathered, at low depth, and 34-kg individual, with its
upper surface 156 cm deep, with a thick shell of clay and weathering minerals. Of particular interest is presence of chukanovite,
a mineral discovered in the Dronino iron meteorite. Morasko is the second meteorite, where chukanovite could be found.
The recovery of a new specimen so much deeper than the previous depth record, suggests that further, more detailed surveys
should be conducted in the future with improved metal detecting equipment. Moreover, the larger specimen was found embedded in a Miocene clay, which demonstrates that it fell from the sky at that exact spot and was not deposited in glacial terminal
Keywords: iron meteorite Morasko, new finds, strewnfield
The Morasko iron meteorite has been known
since 1914, when a mass of iron, 77.5 kg, was found
while digging trenches at the town of Morasko near
the Poznan city (Grady, 2000). Later a few more
irons were recovered, and in late 1950 Jerzy Pokrzywnicki found evidence of multiple fall in Morasko,
and noticed eight pits that could be meteorite craters
(Pokrzywnicki, 1964). His efforts resulted in the formation of the Morasko meteorite preserve in 1976 in
order to protect the area around the craters.
In the 1970s, research on Morasko was continued under direction of Hieronim Hurnik from Adam
Mickiewicz University and resulted in publications
on the strewnfield, and composition of the meteorite
(Hurnik, 1976; Dominik, 1976).
In the last two decades, access to better equipment resulted in the recovery of hundreds of iron
Corresponding author: Andrzej S. PILSKI,
[email protected]
Permission SR.III-2.6630-89/04/05
meteorites by private meteorite hunters in the fields
and forests mostly north and east of the craters, and
outside of the protected area. At the same time, comprehensive research in the Morasko area were made by
scientists and students of the Geological Institute of
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Stankowski,
2001). In 2005 the University was granted permission to search for meteorites in the Morasko preserve
over a two-year period (permission SR.III-2.663089/04/05). The search was conducted on behalf of
the university by Krzysztof Socha, an experienced
meteorite hunter who had previously found hundreds
of Morasko irons outside the preserve. As a result,
13 meteorites larger than 1 kg were found, including the largest specimen ever recovered (164 kg after
cleaning), plus many smaller irons (Muszyński et al.,
2007). Because of snow or dense vegetation searching
Łukasz Karwowski, Andrzej S. Pilski, Andrzej Muszyński, Steve Arnold, Geoffrey Notkin, Agnieszka Gurdziel
was only possible during early spring and late autumn.
Moreover, the preserve was full of scrap iron and lead
bullets, which made working with metal detectors
slow and laborious. As the result of these obstacles,
the two-year season turned out to be too short, and
part of the preserve area was left unsearched.
The results of research on the Morasko iron were
summarized by Wojciech Stankowski (2008). After a
few reclassifications the Morasko iron was finally classified as IAB-MG (Wasson & Kallemeyn, 2002).
An opportunity to continue searching presented
itself in 2011, when Discovery Science and LMNO
Cable Productions applied for permission to film an
episode of the documentary series, Meteorite Men,
at Morasko. As part of a joint research project with
Adam Mickiewicz University, the permission – WPNII.6205.43.2011.MM – was given for a five-week season that would include searching and filming. Due
to the limitations of participants, searching was done
in two short periods: June 28–29 and July 18–21,
Two metal detectors were used in the search: a hand
detector, which employed VLF (very low frequency)
technology and another hand detector, which employed the pulse induction (PI) technology, with an
18-inch coil, which was replaced during the second
search season with a 2-meter coil for deeper targets.
Finds were ground or cut to unveil metal and then
the metal surfaces were etched with nital.
Loose clay was cleaned off from the second specimen, and part of the weathering crust was removed
for analyses. Then an end piece was cut and etched
for examination under an optical microscope, and another slice was cut and prepared for analysis. Mineral
phases were investigated using a scanning electron microscope equipped with EDS (EDAX) detector and
an X-ray diffractometer X’Pert Philips PW 3710 at
the Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Silesia and
an electron microprobe CAMECA SX 100 at the Faculty of Geology, Warsaw University.
The northwestern part of the preserve was chosen to
begin the search, an area that had not been extensively
covered by Krzysztof Socha. From among many iron
fragments found, two pieces were proven to be real
meteorites. The first meteorite was found on July
29 by Andrzej Pilski (Fig. 1). A 544-g piece of iron
with a thin weathered crust, it was found about 30
cm below ground, among stones of similar size or
larger, with sand between them. The find was cut in
half and etched. Its etched surface shows an irregular,
coarse Widmanstätten pattern with Neumann lines in
kamacite (Fig. 2). Both the Widmanstätten pattern
and Neumann lines are distorted in places because of
shock influence. There are no larger inclusions visible.
Schreibersite appears in form of rhabdite, and in some
places between kamacite bars replacing taenite.
The second meteorite was located on July 19 by
Steve Arnold using a PI detector with a 2-meter coil.
Because of its great depth, and without the ability to
use mechanical devices for excavation, the iron could
Fig. 1. The 544 g iron found on June 29, 2011 in the Morasko preserve
Fig. 2. Etched cross section of the 544 g find
New finds in the Morasko meteorite preserve, Poland
Fig. 3. The 34 kg Morasko iron seen from two sides. Dimentions: 28 × 24 × 18 cm. It is shown upside down relative to its position in the clay.
only be uncovered at the end of next day. Its upper
surface was 156 cm below ground, buried in the
colorful Poznan clay (Miocene in age). After preliminary cleaning its weight was determined to be 34 kg,
and size 28×24×18 cm. Despite cleaning the iron was
still covered with clay tightly attached to the meteorite
During examination, an attempt was made to first
remove the attached clay and unveil crust or metal.
The result was a large end piece of totally weathered
rock that was chipped out, plus a few other fragments of minerals from the weathering crust. It was
discovered that the lump of iron was deeply weathered and it was hard to uncover clean metal. In order to determine the depth of the weathering crust,
a larger end piece was cut. After cutting and etching
the cut surface, it was found that weathering was irregular. Some areas were deeply affected and in other
places nickel iron alloy was intact even at shallow
depths (Fig. 5).
On the meteorite cross section two different areas are
clearly visible. About one half of it (lower on Fig. 5) is
Fig. 4. Deeply weathered section after removing an end piece from the
upper right side on Fig. 3, left.
Fig. 5. Etched cross section of the 34 kg find. There are many cohenite inclusions in the lower part and two elongated, horizontal schreibersite inclusions below center; the lower one is rimmed with
cohenite. Part of a troilite inclusion rimmed with schreibersite is
seen at the upper edge
rich in cohenite, grains of which mimic the Widmanstätten pattern, and being situated between kamacite
Łukasz Karwowski, Andrzej S. Pilski, Andrzej Muszyński, Steve Arnold, Geoffrey Notkin, Agnieszka Gurdziel
Fig. 6. Minerals in the external layer. Left: iron hydroxides. Right: a druse of aragonite. SEM image
Fig. 7. X-ray diffraction pattern of minerals in the most external part
of weathering crust
plates or inside them. The cohenite pattern continues
into a deeply weathered area (lower right on Fig. 5),
where the kamacite is completely weathered out into
hydroxides, but cohenite seems to be intact. The second half (upper on Fig. 5) is cohenite-free and texturally resembles the first iron find, except there are no
signs of shock influence. Generally the unweathered
part of the specimen seems to be typical of Morasko,
the petrology of which was described in detail by
B. Dominik (1976), Karwowski & Muszyński (2008),
Karwowski et al. (2009).
The most external layer of the meteorite is not its
real weathered section, but the attached clay, cemented with some iron oxides. In the case of our specimen
the cementing mineral is goethite. Its origin is debatable, but most likely the iron in goethite is a result
of clay coming in contact with the meteorite. Usually
an iron meteorite will act as a strong reducing agent
and attract iron and manganese from its surroundings. Goethite is associated with calcite and aragonite;
the last mentioned often forms tiny druses within the
crust (Fig. 6). The cemented material comprises of
small grains of quartz, muscovite, kaolinite with some
addition of feldspar (Fig. 7). It seems that the meteorite, when penetrating the clay, some surface material
(soil) adhered to its front.
The weathered meteorite forms the next layer beginning with a relatively homogenous layer of iron
Fig. 8. Taenite. Left: surface with growth steps. Right: elongated exsolutions of nickelsulphide on the surface of a taenite lamelle. SEM image
New finds in the Morasko meteorite preserve, Poland
Fig. 9. Left: a microdruse of chukanovite. Right: a desintegrating grain of helleyrite. SEM image
hydroxide, mainly goethite, with lepidocrockite in
places. After cutting and polishing, the layer shows
conspicuous luster. The next layer contains tiny metal
phases, represented mainly by taenite in the form of
thin plates with distinct surfaces (Fig. 8). In some
places elongated grains of nickelphosphide are attached to taenite plates.
Spaces between taenite plates are filled with hydroxides and carbonates together with aggregates of
an emerald-green substance. In some places there is a
dark gray substance with romboedric cleavage. After a
detailed examination it was found that it is the pseudomorph after kamacite and its cleavage comes from
Neumann lines. The substance is composed mainly of
chukanovite (Fig. 10) with minor taenite and small
addition of siderite, where some Fe is replaced by Ca
and Mg. These elements were probably absorbed from
outside with carbon dioxide. In some places small
microdruses of green chukanovite can be seen.
Additionally, small amounts of goethite and hellyerite (NiCO3.6H2O) could be seen. The last mineral
is emerald-green and unstable. In a laboratory it disintegrates quickly into an amorphous, greenish mass.
Hellyerite was discovered on SEM images and its presence was confirmed with EDS analysis.
In the unweathered, internal section of the meteorite, the cohenite zone ends with a conspicuous, elongated inclusion of schreibersite rimmed with cohenite. A nearby, elongated schreibersite inclusion with
no cohenite rim, is the beginning of the cohenite-free
zone. There can be seen a schreibersite inclusion inside the kamacite crystal, some elongated schreibersite
inclusions replacing taenite between kamacite plates,
and a schreibersite rim around the troilite inclusion
on edge, which continues into the weathered part.
Fig. 10. X-ray diffraction pattern of chukanovite
The search was very limited, due to time constraints.
Sampling was carried out in different areas, but unfortunately neither a survey of the entire area, nor
a controlled exhaustive in very defined areas could be
A comparison of both finds confirms once again
that the weathering grade may depend more on terres-
trial environment than on the terrestrial age of a meteorite. The smaller specimen was found in a slightly
elevated place, cut with trenches, among stones, where
water had no chance to accumulate for any length
of time. The larger meteorite was found in the clay,
which can retain water for long time, as was demonstrated when rain fell during the excavation. As both
Łukasz Karwowski, Andrzej S. Pilski, Andrzej Muszyński, Steve Arnold, Geoffrey Notkin, Agnieszka Gurdziel
Fig. 11. The orange spots mark locations of the new finds: 1 = 544 g and 2 = 34 kg. Map from Muszyński et al., 2012
finds belong to the same meteorite shower, their terrestrial age is the same, but their weathering grades are
entirely different.
Characteristic of the Morasko strewnfield are numerous finds confined to relatively small area on the
northern slope of a terminal moraine. This gave reason
to a supposition, that possibly meteorites showered
onto a glacier during the most recent period of glaciation, and then they were transported by the glacier
and deposited in terminal moraine. If this is correct,
all meteorites should be found in relatively shallow
depths and in strata deposited during the last glaciation. Until now all finds were buried at relatively shallow depths suggesting that this supposition may be accurate. The 34-kg find, embedded in the Poznan clay
with an age of more than 5 million years, obviously
had to penetrate the clay rather than being deposited.
It seems the only reason for relatively shallow finds is
that less sensitive detectors were unable to locate the
deeply-buried irons.
A characteristic of the external layer of the 34-kg
specimen is the presence of substantial amounts of
carbonates. The outer part of the meteorite coating
consists of relatively light colors, and contains kaolinite, minerals from the mica group, both light and
dark, goethite, quartz as well as aragonite and calcite.
The presence of aragonite clearly distinguishes this
find from Morasko specimens that were found at shallower depths. In those specimens calcium carbonates
were rare and sometimes only occurred on the bottom faces of meteorites, due to the crystallization of
oozing solutions from moraine formations. They only
appeared in the form of calcite. In the analyzed find
aragonite clearly dominates and it forms tiny druses
on the sides of cracks. Most often aragonite crystals
form distinctive triplets of pseudohexagonal morphology (Fig. 6, right).
Another distinctive feature that makes the specimen under consideration of particular interest, is the
presence of chukanovite (Fe2(CO3)(OH)2) as a dominant mineral phase in pseudomorphs after kamacite
with distinctive quasi-cleavage as a relic after Neumann lines in kamacite, as well as the presence of emerald-green, unstable in room conditions, hellyerite
(NiCO3·6H2O). The authors are of the opinion that
the presence of chukanovite and hellyerite is a result of
a specific stability of climatic conditions (temperature,
constant humidity, limited accessibility of oxygen) existing at a depth of 1.5–2 meters below the ground in
this region.
New finds in the Morasko meteorite preserve, Poland
Fig. 12. Left: nickel exsolutions. Right: weathering of taenite. BSE images
Weathering acted most quickly on metal phases:
mainly kamacite and to a lesser extent, taenite and
tetrataenite. Kamacite was nearly completely transformed into a mixture of chukanovite and iron hydroxides. Inside this mixture tiny druses appeared,
filled with greenish needles of chukanovite or, less
often, with dripstones of clear, colorless iron hydroxides (Fig. 6, left), which quickly turned yellow (a rusty
color), and became turbid and dehydrated. In the most
external layers of the meteorite only iron hydroxides
– mainly goethite – could be seen.
Weathering resulted in the separation of nickel
from iron. Nickel is concentrated among secondary carbonates and hydroxides as a separate mineral
phase of native nickel (Fig. 12, left). The secondary
exhalations of nickel are enriched with germanium
and, in the analyzed specimen, they contained up to
2.56 wt% Ge, which means a 60-times enrichment
relative to typical Ge content in Morasko meteorites.
The highest Ge contents appear in the most external
appearances of the secondary Ni. A still higher Ge
content in the secondary Ni metal was measured by
Karwowski & Gurdziel (2009).
Weathering of taenite depends upon nickel content (Fig. 12 right), and low-Ni phases are destroyed
first. The most resistant are high-Ni phases and tetrataenite. In the most external layers of a weathering
iron meteorite only relics of tetrataenite may be seen
(Fig. 13). The minerals most resistant to weathering
are schreibersite and nickel phosphide. Characteristic of schreibersite inclusions in the specimen under
consideration is a high Ni content: nearly 1:1 relative
to Fe content, whereas the nickelphosphide contains
more nickel, from 39.78 to 42.31 at% of Ni. These
phases seem not to be affected by secondary processes.
Fig. 13. Tetrataenite left after taenite totally weathered out. BSE image
Slightly less resistant is cohenite, in which iron hydroxides grow along cracks. Low-Ni kamacite from
a cohenite decomposition and secondary graphite
were not observed.
Cleaning finds and removing dirt and rust crust to
expose metal or at least a crust on the metal is a common practice among iron meteorite hunters. This
can result in the removal of all weathering minerals
before a meteorite is examined by scientists. Due to
a different approach with the larger find, a rare mineral, chukanovite, was discovered first time in Morasko
specimens and only the second time in any meteorite,
the first being the iron meteorite Dronino (Pekov et
al., 2007). As the 34-kg find is not the first Morasko
specimen to be so highly weathered, it seems possible
that the mineral could have been detected earlier if
other finds were not so thoroughly cleaned.
Łukasz Karwowski, Andrzej S. Pilski, Andrzej Muszyński, Steve Arnold, Geoffrey Notkin, Agnieszka Gurdziel
Applying new detecting techniques to the Morasko
strewnfield resulted in the discovery of a Morasko
specimen with its upper surface buried 156 cm below
the ground, deeper than any previous Morasko find. It
seems possible that more irons exist that could not be
located until now because detectors were not sensitive
enough to locate deeply-buried specimens. More detailed surveys should be conducted in the future with
the improved equipment available today.
These new finds confirm, once again, that weathering grade is a poor indicator of the terrestrial age of an
iron meteorite and depends mainly on conditions in
the soil around a meteorite specimen. Moreover, composition of the soil is an important factor that helps
determine both the type and the rate of weathering.
The find of the 34-kg Morasko specimen in
Poznan clay is evidence that the Morasko meteorites
fell in situ and were not transported by glaciers. The
idea that the meteorites might have been deposited by
glacier on the terminal moraine “Moraska Góra” has
been proven incorrect.
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Wrocław University of Technology, Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology
Polish Meteorite Society