Simulation in Clinical Nursing Education
Simulation in Clinical Nursing Education
Konstantinos Koukourikos1,2,
Areti Tsaloglidou1, Lambrini
Kourkouta1, Ioanna V
Papathanasiou3, Christos
Iliadis4, Aikaterini Fratzana5,
Aspasia Panagiotou2
Nursing Department, Alexander Campus,
International Hellenic University,
Thessaloniki, Greece
Nursing Department, University of
Peloponnese, Tripoli, Greece
Nursing Department, University of
Thessaly, Larissa, Greece
Background: Simulation constitutes a teaching method and a strategy for learning
and understanding theoretical knowledge and skills in the nursing and medical field.
Objective: To review and present modern data related to this issue. Methods: Literature
review of data related to the issue derived from Medline, Cinhal, and Scopus databases, in
English, using the following keywords: nursing, simulation, simulator, nursing laboratory.
Results: The implementation of simulation enables students to practice their clinical and
decision-making skills for some significant issues they may face in their daily work. The
protected environment and the sense of security enhance students’ self-esteem and
confidence, thus promoting learning. In this way, the gap between theory and practice
is substantially reduced. Conclusion: The further development of simulation, along with
other instructional techniques, can significantly help the efforts made by the students to
become integrated and successful healthcare professionals.
Keywords: nursing, simulation, simulator, nursing laboratory.
Private Health Center of Thessaloniki,
“G. Papanikolaou” General Hospital of
Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Corresponding author: Konstantinos
Koukourikos, Lecturer, MSc, PhD (c), Nursing
Department, Alexander Campus, International
Hellenic University, P.O. BOX 141, T.K. 57
400, Sindos, Thessaloniki, Greece. Tel:
+302310013831 E-mail:
[email protected],
doi: 10.5455/aim.2021.29.15-20
ACTA INFORM MED. 2021 MAR 29(1): 15-20
Jan 15, 2021
Mar 11, 2021
© 2021 Konstantinos Koukourikos, Areti Tsaloglidou,
Lambrini Kourkouta, Ioanna V Papathanasiou, Christos
Iliadis, Aikaterini Fratzana, Aspasia Panagiotou
This is an Open Access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License (
licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
One of the major problems of
nursing education is the lack of coordination between theory and practice. Nursing students encounter
difficulties in the practical implementation of theoretical knowledge
and this is a problem seen on an international scale (1, 2). The distance
created between theory and practice complicates the learning process and the lack of understanding of
nursing terms and concepts affects
the professional integration of a student (3). This is achieved through
real knowledge and understanding
of healthcare science, where nursing
theory is harmoniously combined
with practical skills. A teaching technique contributing to this direction
is simulation.
Simulation is defined as “the
process by which we are trying to
achieve results approximating clinical practice as closely as possible”.
It is a technique for replacing or
completing real-life experiences
with guided experiences, which area
faithful imitation of the real world
in a fully interactive way (4). It is a
teaching method where, following
a certain scenario, students experience the actual dimensions of their
future professional roles, which
helps them to be more quickly integrated into the workforce of the
healthcare sector (5, 6)
In nursing science, simulation is
used for teaching theoretical and
clinical skills, while focusing on the
promotion of the critical thinking of
students (7, 8). Simulation enables
students to work in an environment
closely resembling that of a hospital
and helps them to gain healthcare
and nursing experiences, even before they start working as professionals. The students are able to put
everything they have been taught
into practice, cope with any difficulties and problems, and even make
mistakes without causing damage,
and all that in a safe environment,
without any risk whatsoever for patients (9, 10). An increase in the use of
simulation is due to the lack of clinical structures for student training,
lack of professors, and also due to
Simulation in Clinical Nursing Education
the increased quality of training provided through this
method (11).
The aim of this study was to review and present modern
data related to this issue.
This is descriptive study based on searched and used
literature data related to the issue derived from on-line
databases: Medline, Cinhal, and Scopus (in English),
using the following keywords: nursing, simulation, simulator, nursing laboratory.
Simulation-based learning
Simulation constitutes a teaching and training technique for healthcare professionals aiming at the substantial understanding, enhancement and dissemination
of knowledge, skills and attitudes of healthcare professionals at all levels. Through this technique, students experience an actual hospital setting and interact in it, thus
significantly reducing the probability of errors in the performance of their duties (4, 12).
Simulation-based education and learning is an answer
to the mainly theoretical training of students to date and
helps them to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes,
while creating a sense of security both for the patient
and for the healthcare professional (13). This technique
rebuilds a skill or clinical experience, in full or in part,
without exposing the patients to any risk whatsoever (14,
15). It is used for applying structured learning experiences
(e.g., venipuncture, patient resuscitation) based on a certain action protocol, and for enhancing the team spirit
and spirit of cooperation, mostly in countries with limited educational resources (16, 17). This technique minimizes errors, increases the satisfaction of students from
the educational process, and enhances their self-confidence, self-esteem, and comfort in skill performance.
Now, the students are familiar with the successive steps
required to acquire a skill, perfect their technique, and
reach the optimal clinical outcome. Simulation-based education and learning becomes interactive and experiential, the main benefit being the consolidation of skills acquired and knowledge taught (18-20). The setting where
the simulation is performed promotes learning and,
through the repetition of a skill, this skill becomes fully
understood and clear. In their work Wellard et al. (21) report that the protected setting of a laboratory practically
drives students to learn and understand certain skills,
while Freeth et al. (22) argue that clinical laboratories
and simulation substantially reduce student anxiety and
fear. By choosing rare or unusual examples or scenarios,
a student becomes acquainted with a wide range of interventions and skills, thus enhancing the effectiveness of
education (23). In a research by Croxon et al. (24) the students made positive comments and strongly argued that
simulation and the clinical laboratory procedure have
prepared them for what they will later face in the hospital.
The basic nursing skills including intramuscular and
intravenous drug administration, venipuncture, nasogastric catheter placement, colostomy care, bladder catheterization, oxygen therapy, and basic life support lessons
can be taught by the use of simulation.
Another basic parameter of simulation is the possibility of assessing student performance, since the stepby-step learning of a skill allows repetition and testing
thereof (25).
Simulation Types in Nursing Education
Through the use of simulation, an attempt is made to
replace real patients with virtual standardized patients,
or technologies and methods capable of reproducing actual clinical scenarios for therapeutic and educational
purposes. These processes include, among others, plain
demonstration of a certain scenario on a computer (cognitive test), simulation of a nursing skill, or carrying out
of an integrated process. The basic types of simulation in
nursing education include the following (15, 25, 26, 27):
Use of high-fidelity mannequins or technologies.
These constitute body blocks or body part blocks with
characteristics of life, which can respond to actions or
interventions by the students. They are used for representing the clinical reactions-symptoms of a patient and
for describing any conditions surrounding a case, for
example, tool stocks available (e.g., dressings, syringes,
etc.) and time limits available.
Low-fidelity mannequins. Use of low-fidelity mannequins capable of performing a small number of particular tasks or processes, for example, a limb for catheterization of a vessel, or mannequin for CPR learning.
Partial task simulators. This category includes models
(e.g., hands-arms) used for implementing a clinical skilltask that may be repeated by students. Typical examples include “limbs” for intravenous catheterization of a
vessel, head and chest mannequins for placing an airway
and faux leather cushions for practicing wound suturing.
Virtual reality. Virtual reality is increasingly being adopted as a simulation tool. In health professions, the simulation of virtual reality uses computers and standardized patients to create a realistic learning and evaluation
Standardized patients - Volunteers playing the roles
of patients. These are trainees behaving in a particular
way for realistic clinical interactions. They are widely
used for teaching and assessment in nursing education,
especially for communication purposes and for the acquisition of skills, and they may provide feedback when
E learning (usually knowledge testing, e.g., multiple
tests). Computer-generated simulators are representations of tasks or settings used for facilitating learning.
These include a simple computer program demonstrating
the operation of a device, e.g., anesthetic machine, or
something highly complicated, e.g., a detailed setting for
virtual reality, where the participants interact with virtual patients or other healthcare professionals.
Hybrid Simulation. This type of simulation is defined
as a type where two or more simulation types are combined to produce a more realistic simulation experi-
Simulation in Clinical Nursing Education
ence. A typical example is the use of portable devices by
standardized patients, where students are able to perform certain procedures while interacting with a real
person. For example, a standardized patient may fix a suture training model (cushion) on his/her arm, where the
trainee can suture a wound; thus, while giving the trainee
the opportunity to obtain informed consent, explain the
procedure, etc.
Benefits of patient simulation in Nursing Education
Simulation, as an evidence-based educational technique and process, firstly appeared when it became difficult for nurses working in a hospital to acquire clinical
experiences. Simulation helps to address any limitations
related to the clinical setting (including availability of patients, security issues etc.), promote teamwork and solidarity among students, and implementation of a protocol
for the attainment of a skill. It is based on a scenario,
where learning becomes interactive, allows feedback between the educator and the other members of the team,
and promotes clinical reasoning and critical thinking in
the team (28).
The majority of students are familiar with advanced
computer technology and computer games. As a result,
there is relative comfort with certain types of simulation
using computers, mainly in providing audio and video
feedback in real time, thus helping a student even more
to perform a skill. The controlled and totally safe setting
(both for the patient and for the student) of a laboratory
that a professor may operate, constitutes another factor
leading a student to success and knowledge. In addition,
an activity may be interrupted for discussion and correction and be continued later. Video recording of a skill significantly contributes to the evaluation of an activity by
both the student and the professor (29).
According to Cook et al., (30) health care systems are
reinforced by simulation, because there is an interprofessional development of the team of healthcare professionals, an overall improvement in the performance of
activities and health care skills, and an enhancement of
the competence of healthcare professionals in a safe setting. Error analysis, discussion on communication-related issues, and missed opportunities for optimizing
health care may become topics for feedback.
Simulation helps to develop different scenarios requiring the use of both clinical skills and critical thinking
skills by nurses, in order to solve problems. In addition,
according to Savarese (31) there is a trend towards replacing the clinical experience of the hospital with simulation programmes, even by fifty per cent, in the curricula of nursing schools.
The factors that may determine the attainment of
learning outcomes and promote the self-confidence of
students include the area where simulation is performed,
psychosocial contact and interaction of students, organization and elements of teaching (32). Teaching focuses on
students, and it is a process of experiential exercise centered on training and cooperation with others (33).
Through simulation, nursing students may practice
their abilities and clinical skills, make errors that will
not be fatal for the patients, and repeat the process (more
than once) leading to mastery. In addition, they have time
to reexamine and reflect on their performance, and reach
a kind of review, which is necessary for completion of the
process (34, 35).
This process provides an opportunity for active participation of students, and it is focused on error prevention, immediate feedback, and creation of an appropriate training environment, where students will feel
and actually be psychologically safe, will communicate
among them, and be able to review the process. Participation in small groups allows the students to directly
monitor the attempts made by their classmates, improve
their methods and enhance solidarity among them (36,
37). Simulation establishes a bridge between theory and
clinical practice. Students are able to understand a skill,
because they can see it and apply it on a patient simulator. Thus, critical thinking develops and clinical decision-making skills lead to substantial learning experiences (38).
It is well documented that simulation-based training
helps to enhance communication skills, the ability to
cooperate with other members of the interdisciplinary
team, the ability to manage complex situations, and to
enhance self-efficacy and understanding of interpersonal
relations (39, 40).
According to a study by Crowe et al.,(41) through simulation it is possible to enhance nursing knowledge and
skills, promote communication skills, and enhance confidence and self-reliance of nurses in the exercise of their
duties. Therefore, this reduces their stress, makes them
feel more confident, enhances their psychomotor skills,
and makes them ready to apply nursing interventions in
a clinical setting.
Currently, simulation-based training as an educational
tool in nursing science has multiple uses. The most recent applications include continuing vocational training,
just-in-time training, and development of a team spirit.
Educators play a significant role in regulating the entire
procedure and through their knowledge and skills, they
facilitate learning. Educators also ensure that an atmosphere of psychological safety is created, in order to enable students to act in this setting, thus reducing other
concerns and problems they may have (42).
Limitations on the use of simulation in Nursing Education
There is a widespread use of simulation in nursing
schools and it continues to spread, since the benefits are
enormous. However, there are certain limitations in the
teaching of nursing skills through simulation, the most
significant of which include the following:
Simulation as technique and holistic nursing care
as philosophy constitute two different components of
nursing courses, which have been merged in the process
of acquiring knowledge and skills required for patient
care. Simulation provides opportunities for acquiring
and applying knowledge and skills through the use of
simulators, standardized patients and virtual settings.
However, it is impossible to approach a patient as a whole,
as a biopsychosocial human being (43).
Another limitation of simulation training is that some-
Simulation in Clinical Nursing Education
times not all variables related to an emergency in a live
environment are included. Simulation training is carried
out in a controlled setting managed by the educator, who
may stop and restart a process, which is impossible in
real life (29).
Simulation is a process trying to resemble real life, but
it is not real. Its realism depends on the fidelity of the simulator, the setting, and the description of the scenario.
As advanced simulation models may be, there will always bean imperfect imitation of human systems. As well
trained the students may be, whenever they are called to
apply a skill in real time and conditions, they often are extremely stressed or “freeze”, being unable to successfully
complete the procedure. Therefore, schools are trying
to update different simulation programmes, investing in
machinery, or using actors in roles of patients, in order to
add plausibility in their reactions. In addition, training
of professors in simulation processes and technological
issues is required. As realism increases, the effectiveness
of simulation and scenario as a training tool also increase
(44, 26).
Training of nurses in whatever way possible, especially
if such training is achieved by means of simulation, is
not a low-cost effort. The equipment and operation of a
modern laboratory demand quite large expenses. Purchase of computers and high-fidelity simulation models
and maintenance there require considerable funds.
Amortization of such equipment will be achieved through
an appropriate and rapid training of students and, consequently from the health care provided to patients by welltrained nurses (45, 46).
Familiarization of educators with technology, in general, is a necessary condition for smooth operation of
the simulation programme and appropriate training of
students. Being a simulation educator is different from
being a professor in a nursing school. However, such distinctions are rarely made and health educators are inadequately trained and have limited skills as a result, such
training is ineffective (47).
Incomplete training is another significant limitation
that may appear in simulation. A poorly designed scenario may result in negative learning. For example, if
certain physical reactions are missing during the simulation process, the students may neglect them and fail to
test them. Frequently, due to time constraints, simulation
fails to assess some essential parameters of the health
care procedure and communication. Thus, the students
fail to ask for or obtain the consent of the patient to the
implementation of a medical procedure, or fail to follow
basic rules of communication, which are necessary for
establishing personal contact and creating a healing environment (26).
The attitude of trainees is of great interest. The participants will always approach a simulator different from
when they are in real life. There will be anxiety and concern, on the one hand, because one is aware that a certain
event will occur and, on the other hand, one may not pay
attention, because no one’s life is in danger (48)
Educators and Simulation
Educators play a significant part in the successful im-
plementation of simulation programmes. It is not assumed that a nursing professor is identified with a simulation educator. Knowledge of technology and technological applications is necessary for successfully teaching
the parameters of nursing science. A study by Simes et al.,
(49) aiming at investigating the factors affecting the comfort of simulation educators in an Australian university,
reported that there are four factors affecting educators:
1. Personal Barriers (including excessive stress from students’ expectations), 2. Structural Barriers (including understanding of educational material, access to teaching
and learning resources), 3. Human Resource Barriers
(e.g., when there is no prior information and discussion
on simulation programmes, and the students were simply
given these programmes and they were told to use them),
4. Suggestions to address barriers (they provided suggestions for ways of addressing such barriers, including
presence of a mentor, more training in simulation-related
issues, carrying out of a rehearsal and creation of backup
In addition, the availability or lack of resources affects
the ability of educators to join simulation activities in all
courses of study, according to a study by MacKinnon et
al (50).
Some students report that the role of an educator in simulation programmes is very significant and that it must
combine the role of a clinical nurse and that of an educator, because this is the only way to enhance learning
and the realism of different scenarios (51).
McAllister et al., (52) present a series of suggestions for
overcoming any barriers and limitations appearing in
simulation and maintaining quality in clinical training,
while taking practical and pedagogical issues into account. These suggestions include: providing assistance
to educators in their work, enabling students to have direct access to clinical skills videos, focusing on teaching
clinical skills, utilizing teams in the documentation on
skill learning, learning communication skills in an entertaining and imaginative way, and improving time management and prioritization of needs for students.
3.6. The Future of Simulation in Nursing Education
Nursing science and art constitutes a highly significant
and integral part of the health care system. Nurses and
their training are fundamental elements of the effectiveness of the system; therefore, special attention is paid
and must be paid. Any changes in the training of nurses
are interwoven with technological advances, and their
training is directly affected by any technological means
available for teaching.
The use of simulation as an educational strategy represents a great challenge for nursing education. Simulation may improve health care and patient safety. No
patient who is alive is put at risk at the expense of the
trainee. Simulation provides standardization of cases,
promotes critical thinking, allows supervision of patient
care, provides immediate feedback, and helps students to
assimilate knowledge and experience. It is an ideal composition learning experience (53).
Probably the greatest change in nursing education is
the introduction of virtual simulation. Continuation and
Simulation in Clinical Nursing Education
development of virtual simulation constitutes a focal
point for nursing science and for the progress of nursing
students. This requires investment of funds in the establishment of appropriate laboratories by nursing schools,
time for simulation as provided for in the curricula, and
educators who are properly trained to create various scenarios and operate simulators. (54)
The use of virtual simulation must become a part of
the overall simulation programme. Despite the fact that
virtual and augmented reality are at a quite early stage,
this option will rapidly spread, as soon as simulation-related technology becomes available and affordable. The
quality of simulation devices will provide opportunities
for training of students in skills that used to require actual educators in the past, thus opening up new opportunities for schools to reallocate their financial resources.
The objective of nursing education, apart from the acquisition of solid theoretical knowledge, is the acquisition
of clinical skills, which are necessary for graduate nurses
to be promptly integrated into the workforce. Integrated
learning, critical thinking, and optimal decision-making
skills help nurses to provide quality health care. This can
be achieved through the inclusion of simulation in the
education process. Further development of simulation,
along with other educational methods may be of great assistance in the attempt made by students to become integrated and successful healthcare professionals.
• Author’s contribution: All authors were involved in all steps of preparation this article. Final proofreading was made by the first author.
• Conflicts of interest: There are no conflicts of interest.
• Financial support and sponsorship: None.
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