Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1–23 (2011)
Printed 31 October 2018
(MN LATEX style file v2.2)
arXiv:1201.3369v1 [astro-ph.CO] 16 Jan 2012
Triggered star-formation in the inner filament of Centaurus A
R. Mark Crockett1, Stanislav S. Shabala2,1⋆ , Sugata Kaviraj1,3, Vincenzo Antonuccio-Delogu4,
Joseph Silk1 , Max Mutchler5 , Robert W. O’Connell6, Marina Rejkuba7 , Bradley C. Whitmore5 ,
A. Windhorst8
Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Keble Road, Oxford, OX1 3RH, UK
of Mathematics & Physics, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 37, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia
3 Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK
4 INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, Via S. Sofia 78, Catania I-95123, Italy
5 Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
6 Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4325, USA
7 ESO, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, 85748 Garching bei München, Germany
8 School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1404, USA
2 School
31 October 2018
We present recent Hubble Space Telescope observations of the inner filament of Centaurus A, using the new Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) F225W, F657N and F814W filters. We
find a young stellar population near the south-west tip of the filament. Combining the WFC3
dataset with archival Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) F606W observations, we are able
to constrain the ages of these stars to <10
∼ Myrs, with best-fit ages of 1-4 Myrs. No further
recent star-formation is found along the filament.
Based on the location and age of this stellar population, and the fact that there is no radio
lobe or jet activity near the star-formation, we propose an updated explanation for the origin
of the inner filament. Sutherland et al. suggested that radio jet-induced shocks can drive the
observed optical line emission. We argue that such shocks can naturally arise due to a weak
cocoon-driven bow shock (rather than from the radio jet directly), propagating through the
diffuse interstellar medium from a location near the inner northern radio lobe. The shock can
overrun a molecular cloud, triggering star-formation in the dense molecular cores. Ablation
and shock heating of the diffuse gas then gives rise to the observed optical line and X-ray
emission. Deeper X-ray observations should show more diffuse emission along the filament.
Key words: galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD; ultraviolet: galaxies; galaxies: individual:
NGC 5128; galaxies: active; intergalactic medium; galaxies: jets
The peculiar elliptical galaxy NGC 5128 is an archetypal example
of a post-merger system, believed to have formed via a merger between an early-type galaxy and a gas-rich disk galaxy (Israel 1998).
Located in a poor group at a distance of 3.7 Mpc, it hosts the closest powerful extragalactic radio source, Centaurus A. These factors make Centaurus A the perfect laboratory for studies of starformation and the interaction between the energetic output of supermassive black holes and their surroundings.
Centaurus A has been extensively studied at wavelengths
ranging from radio all the way through to γ-rays. Radio images
(e.g. Morganti et al. 1999) show multiple synchrotron-emitting
[email protected]
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lobes, potentially indicative of restarting activity (Saxton et al.
2001; Morganti et al. 1999). A pair of inner lobes at 5 kpc from
the nucleus co-exist with a single Northern Middle Lobe at 25-30
kpc (Fig. 1). On the largest scales, a pair of outer lobes is seen
at around 100 kpc from the nucleus (Feain et al. 2009). The bent
nature and re-orientation of the jets between these three scales
suggests interactions between the jets and gaseous environment
are important (Gopal-Krishna & Wiita 2010). Further evidence for
this is provided by observations of X-ray knots along the radio
jet, most likely triggered by jet interaction with dense gas clumps
(Kraft et al. 2009).
It is well-known that interaction between radio sources and
their environment can result in significant quenching of gas cooling and star-formation. Such feedback is often invoked to explain the lack of significant recent star-formation in massive el-
R. M. Crockett et al.
lipticals (Bower et al. 2006; Shabala & Alexander 2009). Recently,
Shabala et al. (2011) have shown that radio sources can suppress
star-formation on scales of groups and clusters, by heating and
sweeping gas out of satellite galaxies. However, radio jets can also
trigger star-formation by compressing dense gas with short radiative cooling times. This phenomenon is modelled in simulations
(e.g. Tortora et al. 2009), and explains the so-called alignment effect between the radio, UV and optical line emission along the jet
axis in distant radio galaxies (McCarthy 1993; Best et al. 1996).
Two filaments, observed as narrow-line optical emission,
are found in the vicinity of the Northern Middle Lobe (Fig. 1)
and oriented more or less in the direction of the inner radio jet
(Morganti et al. 1999; Blanco et al. 1975; Peterson et al. 1975).
The inner filament is located 8.5 kpc from the nucleus, some 2 kpc
away from the radio jets (Morganti et al. 1999), while the outer one
is 18 kpc from the central engine and aligned with the radio emission. Broad-band optical observations reveal that both filaments
contain hot, young stars of <10
∼ Myrs old (Rejkuba et al. 2001,
2002, 2004; Fassett & Graham 2000; Graham & Fassett 2002).
However, while the young stars appear to be evenly distributed
along the outer filament (Rejkuba et al. 2001; Fassett & Graham
2000), those in the inner filament are concentrated at its southwestern tip, closest to the galaxy nucleus (Rejkuba et al. 2002).
H I observations highlight another difference between the filaments. The outer filament lies in very close proximity to a large
H I cloud (Schiminovich et al. 1994; Oosterloo & Morganti 2005).
The transverse dimension of the cloud is comparable to the filament
length, and the rotational velocity of the cloud supports it from collapsing towards the nucleus (Schiminovich et al. 1994). Moreover,
the stellar age of ∼ 10 − 15 Myrs (Rejkuba et al. 2002) is consistent with the crossing time of the cloud across the radio jet, and the
ionized gas velocities within the filamentary structure are similar to
the cloud velocity (Schiminovich et al. 1994; Graham 1983, 1998).
This scenario led a number of authors (e.g. Rejkuba et al. 2002;
Gopal-Krishna & Wiita 2010) to suggest that the outer filament is a
prime example of recent jet-induced star-formation, which is probably still ongoing (Mould et al. 2000; Rejkuba et al. 2004). On the
other hand, no such HI cloud is observed in the vicinity of the inner
Despite the lack of cold gas and distributed stellar populations,
the inner filament appears brighter and more tightly collimated in
optical emission lines than the outer filament. This emission is also
less uniform across the filament, appearing much brighter at the end
nearest to the nucleus (Morganti et al. 1991). Two potential mechanisms have been proposed as being responsible for the line emission: photoionization by the nucleus (Morganti et al. 1991) and
shock heating (Sutherland et al. 1993). The photoionization model
requires Centaurus A to be a blazar, which is at odds with radio observations of its jets (Hardcastle et al. 2003). It also fails to account
for the highest excitation lines and complex velocity structure in
the inner filament (Evans & Koratkar 2004; Graham & Price 1981;
Morganti et al. 1991). The jet-driven shock excitation model suggested by Sutherland et al. (1993) can explain both the high and
low-excitation emission by invoking fast and slow-moving shocks.
However, this model explicitly requires the presence of a radio jet
in the vicinity of the filament, which is not observed. It also fails to
predict the distributed X-ray emission found by Evans & Koratkar
In this work, we employ high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) observations to examine star-formation in the inner filament. The unique spatial resolution and sensitivity of WFC3, in particular at near-ultraviolet
(NUV) wavelengths, enables us to isolate and estimate reliable ages
for stars and stellar populations. The location and ages of these stars
place new constraints on the possible origin and evolution of the inner filament.
The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we describe
the observations and object detection. Identification of stellar populations and derivation of parameters (in particular, stellar ages) is
presented in Section 3. We discuss the implications of our findings
in the context of triggered star-formation and the AGN - gas interaction in Section 4. We conclude in Section 5.
Throughout the paper, a distance of 3.68 ± 0.43 Mpc (µ =
27.83 ± 0.24) to Centaurus A is assumed, giving a scale of 1′ =
1.07 kpc. This distance is taken from NED1 and is the mean of several distance estimates made using a range of methods: Cepheid
variables (Ferrarese et al. 2007); Type Ia supernovae (e.g. Jha et al.
2007; Ruiz-Lapuente et al. 1992); surface brightness fluctuations
(e.g. Ferrarese et al. 2007; Shopbell et al. 1993); tip of the red giant branch (e.g. Rizzi et al. 2007; Rejkuba 2004; Soria et al. 1996);
globular cluster radius (Chattopadhyay et al. 2009); globular cluster luminosity function (Harris et al. 1984); planetary nebula luminosity function (Ciardullo et al. 2002; Hui et al. 1993); Mira variables (Rejkuba 2004).
Our recent HST observations of the Cen A inner filament were
made using the new WFC3 as part of the WFC3 SOC (Scientific
Oversight Committee) Early Release Science Program (HST program 11360, PI: R. O’Connell). These data, taken 2010 Jul 02,
were obtained using the F225W, F657N and F814W filters (NUV,
Hα + [N II], and I-band respectively). Of particular note is the
F225W (NUV) data. Later in this paper, we exploit the sensitivity of the NUV to stellar age in order to age date the very recent
star-formation in and around the inner filament.
Earlier HST observations of the Cen A inner filament from
2004 Aug 10&11 were found in the HST archive (HST program
10260, PI: W. Harris). Taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), these data comprise of three separate pointings, all in
the F606W filter. This very broad ‘V ′ -band filter spans a number
of prominent emission lines which dominate the optical spectrum
of the inner-filament – most notably [OIII] 4959Å,5007Å, [OI]
6300Å,6370Å, [NII] 6548Å,6584Å, Hα, and [SII] 6725Å. The filamentary structure is therefore strongly detected in the F606W image.
The ACS data sets were downloaded from the HST archive2 at
the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) via the on-the-fly recalibration (OTFR) pipeline, and we adopted the pipeline drizzled
data as our science images. The WFC3 data were bias, dark and flatfield corrected locally using calwfc3, and subsequently drizzled using the multidrizzle image reconstruction software. The purpose
of multidrizzle (both the pipeline and local implementations) was
to align exposures in each filter, correct for geometric distortion,
remove defects such as cosmic rays and hot pixels, and combine
the exposures using the drizzle image reconstruction technique of
Fruchter & Hook (2002). The latest calibration files, including image distortion coefficient tables (IDCTAB), were downloaded from
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Triggered star-formation in Centaurus A
Figure 1. Reproduction of Fig.1 from Oosterloo & Morganti (2005). Optical image (provided by D. Malin) showing the location of the inner and outer
filaments relative to the nucleus of Cen A, and the radio jet (white contours). The black contours show the position of the HI cloud, associated with the outer
filament, which is crossing the radio jet. Angular size of 1′ corresponds to 1.07 kpc. Note that the large diffuse pattern in the top left corner is an image artefact
and not a real object.
the WFC3 reference file website3 . Further details of WFC3/UVIS
data reduction are given by Windhorst et al. (2011).
The Cen A inner filament is strongly detected in ACS F606W
and WFC3 F657N as optical line emission from ionized gas. It is
situated ∼ 8.5 kpc to the north-east of the galaxy nucleus, and extends a further 2200 pc along the same direction, with a width of
∼50-100 pc. (Note all of the above are projected lengths). The first
500 pc of the filament, beginning in the south-west closest to the
galaxy nucleus, consists of three major groups of extended emission. These appear as unresolved ‘blobs’ in the seeing-limited observations of Morganti et al. (1991)(see their Fig. 2a), who label the
regions A, B and C (following Blanco et al. 1975; Osmer 1978).
Table 1. HST observations of the Cen A inner filament
2004 Aug 10
2004 Aug 10
2010 Jul 02
2010 Jul 02
2010 Jul 02
F657N (Hα + [N II])
Exposure Time
1050 The HST images in Figs. 2 – 5 reveal significant structure in these
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R. M. Crockett et al.
regions. Shell-like features are visible, which presumably demarcate regions of higher density gas (perhaps due to compression by
shocks), and appear to lie perpendicular to the line extending from
the galaxy nucleus, and along the inner filament.
The filament continues to the north-east with decreased surface brightness, and appears to be split into two further regions,
labelled E and F by Morganti et al. (1991).4 The morphologies of
regions E and F are less well defined in the HST imagery due to
low surface brightness. However, there are tentative traces of shell
structures orthogonal to the main axis of the filament, similar to
those seen in regions A to C.
2.1 Object detection
A unique aspect of the WFC3 dataset is the inclusion of F225W
observations. These diffraction limited NUV images are most sensitive to the hottest, youngest stars, and offer us clear information
as to their properties and location in and around the inner filament.
Given that other purely optical studies have already been published
(e.g. Rejkuba et al. 2002) we have focussed our attention on those
objects that are detected in F225W.
We used daofind – part of the iraf daophot package
(Stetson 1987) – to automatically identify point sources in the
F225W, F606W and F814W data. A 5σ detection threshold was
applied. The resulting coordinate tables were cross-correlated to
extract those objects detected in the F225W image and at least
one other filter. Cross correlation of the ACS and WFC3 object
positions required a transformation between the ACS F606W and
WFC3 F814W coordinate grids, which was calculated using the
iraf task geomap and the positions of 37 point sources common to
both images. The ACS F606W coordinates were then transformed
to the WFC3 coordinate frame using the task geoxytran.
A final visual inspection of the data was carried out to check
for any other common sources missed by daofind and crosscorrelation, adding 17 extra objects to the list. Several of these
were saturated objects that had been rejected by daofind due to their
shape characteristics. Other added objects were just below the detection threshold and/or partially blended with neighbouring bright
objects in one or more filters.
The positions of all objects detected in F225W and at least one
other broadband filter are plotted on the two images in Fig. 3. The
position markers have been colour-coded in relation to the observed
colour of each of the objects, and this photometry will be described
fully in the following section. However, it is useful to discuss now
the relative morphologies of the two main populations we see in this
figure – those with blue NUV-optical colours [(F225W − F814W)
< 0; blue markers] and those with red colours [(F225W − F814W)
> 0; red and green markers].
The most obvious difference is in their distributions across the
field-of-view. Red objects appear quite evenly spread, while blue
objects are mostly to the right (south west) of the frame, closest to
the galaxy nucleus and the radio jet.
Many of the red objects are very bright, or even saturated,
in F606W and F814W and have diffraction spikes or show clear
diffraction patterns around the central peak of their PSFs. We con-
clude that these particular objects are most likely foreground stars
in our own Milky Way.
The highest concentration of blue objects is found at the SWtip of the inner filament, which also harbours the brightest of the
blue objects. It is also the only region that such blue objects are
found in association with strong line-emission. The colours and
magnitudes of these objects (discussed more fully in the following
sections) coupled with the line-emission suggests the presence of
young stars or star clusters. Figs. 4, 5 & 6 show progressively magnified views of the SW-tip in greyscale and in colour, where the
RGB colour images have been constructed by assigning F814W,
F606W, and F225W to the red, green and blue channels respectively. The hot, blue stars are clearly seen concentrated in two regions at the SW-tip. No other blue stars are seen anywhere else
along the emission-line filament 5 .
The reader should note that the speckled background visible
in the F606W and F814W images in Figs. 3 & 4 or in the colour
images shown in Figs. 5 & 6) is not due to noise, but rather is the
myriad of background stars detected in the body of Cen A. Interestingly, the stellar field coincident with the emission-line filament is
indistinguishable from this general background, except at the SWtip where we see the dense concentration of (presumably) young,
NUV-bright stars. This suggests that recent star-formation in the
inner filament has been predominantly confined to the SW-tip, and
that no – or at least no significant – recent star-formation has taken
place anywhere else along the filament.
This contradicts the observations of Rejkuba et al. (2002) who
reported the detection of young stars (<
∼ 10 Myrs) along the entire
length of the inner filament (although they also noted the concentration at the SW tip). Our Fig. 7 is a partial reproduction of Fig. 4
from Rejkuba et al. (2002), showing the positions of the bluest (UV) < -0.5 stars (black triangles) which they detected along the inner
filament. We have overlaid a colour composite image, constructed
from the same broadband U (blue), V (green) and I (red) Magellan
Telescope observations as used by Rejkuba et al. in their analysis.
It is clear that the majority of these apparently blue stars lie along
the filament, which also appears blue in this figure, most likely due
to [OII] 3727Å line-emission detected in the broad U-band filter.
Apart from the SW tip and a few other outlying sources, none of
these blue stars are detected in our WFC3 F225W image. Given
the resolution and depth of the HST data, we would have expected
strong NUV detections if hot, young stars were present.
If the dust extinction along the rest of the filament is much
higher than at the SW tip, it might be possible that the NUV light
from the young stars is fully attenuated. However, Rejkuba et al.
(2002) find no evidence for such high extinction. Another explanation might be that the U-band photometry from Rejkuba et al. is
contaminated by [OII] 3727Å line emission, leading to artificially
bluer photometry. Lacking narrow-band imagery, Rejkuba et al.
had to rely on sky-background subtraction to correct for underlying line-emission in their stellar photometry, particularly in the Uband. We can see from the Magellan and HST images presented
here that the surface brightness of the filament changes rapidly on
short spatial scales. This makes it difficult to determine an appropriate sky-background level for any individual object along the filament. For example, where an object happens to coincide with a region of higher emission-line flux, the background level determined
The lack of a region ‘D’ in Morganti et al. (1991) relates to the labeling
scheme of Blanco et al. (1975), who identified regions A, B and C of the
inner filament, and used ‘D’ to denote what is now referred to as the outer
5σ detection limits (Vegamag) are: F225W = 25.0; F606W = 27.4
(no emission-line background), F606W = 26.8 (strong emission-line background); F814W = 25.8
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Triggered star-formation in Centaurus A
from the surrounding pixels will be an underestimate, leading to
brighter source photometry.
This may have been the case with some of the U-band photometry in Rejkuba et al. (2002), and would naturally explain why
the majority of their blue star candidates are found associated with
the brightest regions of the filament. Of course, one could also argue that the association of young stars with regions of brighter
line-emission is a direct consequence of their photoionization of
the surrounding gas. Nevertheless, without narrow-band data it is
difficult to rule out contamination in the U-band photometry, and
our WFC3 F225W observation strongly suggests that very young
stars are almost entirely confined to the SW tip.
In light of our HST data, it seems reasonable to suggest that
photoionization by young stars (<10 Myr old) is contributing to
the strong line-emission at the SW tip. Indeed, Graham & Price
(1981) have already shown that a spectrum of this region is similar to that of a normal HII region powered by embedded, hot stars.
However, the apparent lack of young stars along the rest of the filament, and the appearance of high excitation lines, suggests that
some other mechanism must be exciting the gas in these regions. As
mentioned in the introduction, two mechanisms have already been
proposed to explain the line emission in the inner filament: photoionization by the galaxy nucleus (Morganti et al. 1991) and shock
heating (Sutherland et al. 1993). Later in this paper we present a
model, based on the Sutherland et al. shock heating hypothesis,
which incorporates the formation of the inner filament, the X-ray
flux and optical line emission, and the recent star-formation at the
south-western tip. In the following section we focus on the starformation, and attempt to fit ages to the young stellar populations
using HST photometry.
As described above, two regions in the south-western tip of the
inner filament (Figs. 2 & 5) shows signs of young, massive stars;
namely bright, compact objects visible in all of the HST observations (NUV to I-band). Fig. 6 shows magnified colour composite
and greyscale F225W images of these fields. In the colour images,
the F225W data is shown in blue, F606W in green, and F814W in
The diffuse green glow prominent in the north of Region 1,
and concentrated around the NUV-bright star clusters, is strong
line-emission detected in the broad F606W filter. In contrast, the
blue objects in the south of Region 1, in Region 2, and throughout
the rest of the field show little or no sign of such line-emission.
This could suggest one or a combination of the following: (1) that
the photo-ionizing flux emitted by these stars is too low; (2) that
the gas density in these areas is lower than in the north of Region
1; or (3) that gas has been swept out by stellar winds or shocks.
Region 2 (situated to the south-west of Region 1 and closer to
the galaxy nucleus) contains fewer NUV-bright objects, and shows
only traces of line-emission around its two brightest NUV components. It is detected in [OIII] by Morganti et al. (1991) (see their
Fig. 2a), but at much lower intensity than Region 1. This again suggests lower photo-ionizing fluxes and/or gas densities than in the
northern part of Region 1.
Also visible in the colour images is a multitude of yellow and
red objects that are not detected in the NUV. These are apparently
part of the background stellar population in Cen A as these stars
appear throughout the HST field. From Rejkuba et al. (2004), we
expect the red giant branch (RGB) in Cen A to appear at magnic 2011 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–23
Figure 7. Partial reproduction of Fig. 4 of Rejkuba et al. (2002) showing
the positions of the bluest (U-V) < –0.5 stars (black triangles) which they
detected along the inner filament. Here, we have overlaid a colour composite image, constructed using the U (blue), V (green) and I (red) Magellan
Telescope observations used by Rejkuba et al. 2002 in their analysis. The
small square delineates Knot A of Rejkuba et al. (2002), which we identify
with the SW tip.
tudes V > 25.5 – 26 mag. The F606W photometry of the reddish
objects is consistent with their being RGB stars, indicating ages of
>1 Gyr. It is worth stressing that none of the red objects visible in
Fig. 6 closest to the SW-tip are likely supergiants, as their absolute
magnitudes (typically MF606W > –2) are too faint.
It is instructive to determine the ages of the NUV-bright stellar
populations within the inner filament, particularly in the context of
the Sutherland et al. (1993) shock heating framework. The possible
association of an AGN related shock with a gas cloud and young
stars points towards jet-induced star-formation – i.e. positive AGN
feedback. In the following sections we carry out photometry on
the HST ACS and WFC3 datasets, and subsequently compare the
observed measurements to models of single stars and stellar populations to determine ages. Although we present photometry for all
sources detected in the F225W filter, our analysis and subsequent
discussion is focussed on the dense concentration of blue objects at
the SW-tip and the potential link between their formation and that
of the emission-line filament.
3.1 Photometry
3.1.1 PSF-fitting
Photometry was carried out using point spread function (PSF) fitting tasks within the iraf daophot package (Stetson 1987). Vegamag zeropoints for both the WFC3 and ACS instruments were
taken from their respective webpages hosted by STScI6,7 . Only
7 zp lbn
R. M. Crockett et al.
Figure 2. Combined WFC3 F657N (Hα + [NII]) and F814W image of the Cen A inner filament and its immediate environment. The filament, observed here
as Hα emission, is split into five major regions labelled A, B, C, E and F, following the labelling scheme of Morganti et al. (1991). (The absence of a region D
is historical and relates to the discovery of regions A, B and C of the inner filament by Blanco et al. (1975), who denoted the outer filament as region D.) The
filament has a projected length of ∼ 125′′ (2200 pc), and width of ∼ 3 − 6′′ (50-100pc). Its appears, at least in projection, to lie along a line originating at the
galaxy nucleus and directed to the north-east. The majority of bright sources to the north-west of the filament are Galactic stars along the line of sight, although
two Cen A globular clusters are marked (GCs 1 & 2). No young stars are found along the length of the filament, except in two regions in the south-western tip
(labelled regions 1 & 2).
Figure 3. ACS F606W and WFC3 F814W images showing the locations of all objects detected in F225W and at least one other filter. Blue markers indicate
objects with observed (F225W − F814W) < 0, while red markers denote those with (F225W − F814W) > 0. Green markers denote objects that are saturated
in the WFC3 F814W data. The different pointing of the ACS F606W image results in several objects falling outside the field-of-view to the south east. The
inner filament is clearly visible in the centre of the F606W frame, running right to left (south west to north east). A concentration of blue, NUV-bright objects
is located at its south western tip, but no other such objects are visible along the rest of the filament. Other blue objects are detected in the rest of the field –
although nowhere with the same concentration as observed at the SW-tip – with the vast majority located in the west between the filament and the radio jet.
The red and saturated objects (red and green markers) are more evenly distributed across the field-of-view, and many of these are likely foreground stars in our
own Galaxy. Some, including GC 1, are consistent with being globular clusters in Cen A.
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Triggered star-formation in Centaurus A
Figure 4. WFC3 F225W, ACS F606W and WFC3 F814W image sections showing magnified view of regions A, B and C of the inner filament, including
the SW-tip. Black circles mark the position of two likely foreground stars. It is immediately clear from the F225W image that the NUV-bright sources in this
figure are confined entirely to the two regions in the SW-tip. No other NUV point-sources are detected coincident with any of the line emission anywhere else
along this section of the filament.
Figure 5. RGB colour composite image of regions A, B and C in the Cen A inner filament. This image was created using the WFC3 F225W (blue), ACS
F606W (green) and WFC3 F814W (red) observations. The Hα emission of the filament falls within the F606W passband and is therefore visible in this figure
as diffuse green emission. At HST resolution, regions A, B and C reveal a shell-like structure, with the shells oriented perpendicular to the main axis of the
filament. No young stars are observed coincident with the filament, except at the south-west tip in the regions marked 1 and 2. In these fields we see significant
NUV-flux, consistent with the presence of young, massive stars.
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R. M. Crockett et al.
Figure 6. Magnified colour composite (left) and greyscale F225W (right) images of Regions 1 and 2 in the south-western tip of the Cen A inner filament. All
images are oriented such that north is up and east is to the left. NUV bright sources are identified in the right-hand panels. The ID numbers correspond to those
used in Figures 11 & 12 (see Section 3.2.2). The reader should note that object 1 is not coincident with the bright yellow object visible in the colour image – it
is the fainter blue object immediately to the north-east.
those sources detected in F225W and at least one other filter
were analyzed, and this photometry is presented in Table A1. The
matched coordinate lists (as described in §2.1) were input to the
allstar task, along with model PSFs for each of the broadband
filters. Empirical PSF models were constructed using several, relatively bright stars in each image. Ideally, isolated stars should
be used and this was possible in the F225W image. The highly
crowded F606W and F814W images required a multi-stage process, in which an initial PSF model was created and subsequently
used to subtract all objects close to the PSF stars. A second model
was then generated from the cleaned image and the process repeated until the photometry of the subtracted objects converged.
The crowded nature of the F606W and F814W images in
general, and of Regions 1 & 2 in all filters, necessitated the use
of small fitting radii in order to properly measure photometry for
close or partially blended objects. These radii were 1.8 pixels in
WFC3/UVIS and 1.5 pixels in ACS/WFC. Median sky background
levels were measured in concentric annuli with internal and external radii of 1.5′′ and 2′′ respectively.
Contamination of the ACS F606W image by strong line emission posed a particular problem for the photometry of some objects
in Regions 1. Crowding and the rapid variation of the line emission
on small spatial scales made it impossible to accurately measure the
line emission using annular apertures. As mentioned previously in
§2, the F606W filter spans several prominent emission lines which
dominate the optical spectrum of the inner filament. The strongest
of these are [OIII] 5007Å, and Hα 6563Å.
We have used the WFC3 F657N narrowband data to correct
the F606W image for Hα and [NII] 6548Å,6584Åemission. First,
we aligned and re-sampled the F657N data to the coordinate grid
of the F606W image using the iraf tasks geomap and gregister.
The ratio between the F606W and F657N continuum fluxes was
calculated using synphot – part of the iraf stsdas package – and
the spectrum of a K-type main sequence star. Such stars have only
very weak Hα absorption lines and we could therefore assume that
the calculated fluxes in both filters represented stellar continuum
only. Appropriate scaling of the F606W data therefore allowed us
to approximate the continuum emission of all stellar sources in the
F657N image. Here, we derived a scale factor of 0.04. The F606W
image was scaled and subtracted from the narrowband data resulting in an F657N image free from stellar continuum. This emission
line image was rescaled by a factor of 1.68 (again, calculated using
synphot) to take into account the higher throughput of the F606W
filter at the Hα and [NII] wavelengths, and finally subtracted from
the original F606W image. The final F606W image was thereby
corrected for contaminating Hα and [NII] line emission.
Our corrected F606W image still contains emission from several other lines, but without additional narrowband observations –
in particular F502N which targets the [OIII] 5007Åline – it is difficult to remove all of the contamination. In an attempt to estimate
c 2011 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–23
Triggered star-formation in Centaurus A
the flux contributions of the remaining emission lines, we created a
synthetic spectrum using the line ratios recorded by Morganti et al.
(1991) for the area closest to our Region 1. synphot was used to
calculate the count rates in the F606W and F657N filters for this
synthetic spectrum, from which we estimated that the emission line
counts in the broadband image should be around 4.2 times higher
than in the narrowband. However, this high scale factor lead to an
over-subtraction in the vicinity of the brightest stars/star clusters in
Region 1, observed as negative count values in the pixels surrounding these objects. This suggests that the line ratios in the emitting
gas coincident with these stars/star clusters might be different from
those measured elsewhere in the filament, and indeed varying line
ratios are observed by Morganti et al. (1991) – e.g. [OIII] 5007Å/
Since no reliable full-correction was deemed possible without
further observations we have used the F606W image corrected for
Hα and [NII] emission only. As a result object photometry in areas
of strong line emission – the north of Region 1 (Fig. 6) – will most
likely be artificially brightened due to uncorrected flux.
3.2 Age estimation
We have taken the conservative approach of comparing all of the
photometry to models of both stellar populations and single stars.
Profile fitting suggested that most of the objects were consistent
with the stellar PSF, but one cannot rule out the possibility that
some of these might be close multiple systems (binaries etc.) or
low-mass, compact stellar clusters based on profile characteristics
alone. While it is true that neither model is particularly suited to
these specific possibilities, the comparison of photometry to both
models allowed us to identify those objects that are more consistent
with one or the other, those that are consistent with both, and those
that are not well fitted by either model.
Ulitimately, our main aim was to determine reliable and robust
age estimates for the NUV-bright objects in the SW tip of the inner
filament. This was achieved through the convergence of the results
from stellar population and single star model fitting as described in
the following paragraphs.
3.2.1 Simple stellar populations
3.1.2 Partially resolved objects
While the majority of objects are relatively well fit by the stellar
PSF, a few possess profiles that are significantly broader than that
of a point source. In the case of objects 81 (also labelled GC 1
in Figs. 2 & 3) and 109 (see Table A1) the partially resolved appearance is obvious to the naked eye, and they are identified as
globular cluster candidates within Cen A. Photometry was measured in large apertures with radii of 0.80′′ and 0.47′′ for objects
82 and 109 respectively, the aperture sizes chosen to be roughly 3
times the FWHM of each object in the F606W image. These radii
reflect an approximate cut-off between each cluster and the stellar
background. The high density of background point sources made
it impossible to reliably isolate objects 82 and 109 in F606W and
F814W, which subsequently prevented the accurate determination
of total brightnesses. However, the measured colours are considered reliable.
Objects 12, 15 and 16 – located in the the northern part of Region 1 (see Fig. 6) – were also found to be poorly fit by the stellar
PSF, suggesting they are likely star clusters. We employed a modified version of ishape (Larsen 1999) to model each as a convolution
of the stellar PSF and an intrinsic source function of variable size
and shape.
The standard implementation of ishape does not function well
when targets are partially blended, which was the case for objects
15 and 16. Despite a pixel weighting procedure that was designed to
mask-out neighbouring objects, the fitted profiles for these objects
invariably fell between their respective centroids. Our crude modification was to fix the centroid of the fitted profile at a user-defined
position, and to limit the radius within which χ2 -minimization occurs to one smaller than the radius used to extract the fitted model
– analogous to the fitrad and psfrad parameters in daophot PSFfitting tasks. The residual images for objects 15 and 16 from our
modified code showed a marked improvement over those produced
by the standard version of ishape.
The ishape models were used to define filter-dependent aperture corrections, which were subsequently applied to small aperture
photometry of objects 12, 15 and 16. Radii of 1.8 WFC3/UVIS pixels and 1.5 ACS/WFC pixels were chosen to prevent overlapping of
apertures during photometry of objects 15 and 16.
c 2011 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–23
In Fig. 8 we plot our HST photometry in colour-vs-colour diagrams
along with model colours of simple stellar populations (SSPs). Synthetic WFC3 and ACS photometry for a grid of SSPs based on the
Padova stellar models (Girardi et al. 2000; Marigo et al. 2008) was
obtained from the CMD web-interface, hosted by the Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova8 . Model photometry was calculated for
ages of 106 to 2 × 109 yrs with increments of ∆log(Age[yr]) = 0.05,
metallicities of Z = 0.002 to 0.030 (0.1 to 1.5 Z⊙ ) with increments
of ∆Z = 0.002, and assuming a Kroupa (2001) initial mass function
(IMF). The uncertainties in the synthetic photometry were taken to
be 0.05 mags in the optical filters, and 0.1 mags for the NUV (Yi
2003). The SSP models shown plotted in Fig. 8 are of roughly solar metallcity (Z = 0.020) with extinctions of E(B − V) = 0.0, 0.115
and 0.345 (zero, 1× and 3× foreground extinction; Schlegel et al.
The photometry in Fig. 8 is shown divided into three groups;
Regions 1 and 2, both situated at the SW tip of the inner filament,
and the rest of the WFC3/ACS field (see also Table A1). By definition only those objects with photometry in all three broadband
filters are plotted in these diagrams, thereby excluding objects that
were found to be saturated or fell outside the field-of-view of the
ACS F606W image. This effectively removed all of the bright foreground stars. Visual inspection of objects 25 and 29 in Region 2 revealed that the F814W detections were not exactly coincident with
those in F225W, suggesting that two different objects – one red and
one blue – had been observed in each case. Whether the F606W
detections were of one, the other, or a blend of both the red and
blue objects was unclear, due mostly to the transformation required
to map the F606W image to the WFC3 coordinate frame and the
lower resolution of the ACS instrument. The photometry of objects
25 and 29 has therefore not been plotted. Object 24, also in Region
2, falls outside the ranges plotted in Fig. 8 having colours inconsistent with SSPs and single star models (§3.2.2) – again suggesting
the detection of different stars in different filters.
The photometry of Region 1 is colour-coded depending on the
location of each object. Objects coincident with strong levels of
line-emission in the north are plotted in green, while those in the
south that are associated with little or no discernible line-emission
R. M. Crockett et al.
Figure 8. Photometry of detected NUV-bright objects (red diamonds) overlaid on model SSPs. The metallicity of each model grid is solar. Three extinction
levels are shown: zero (dot-dashed line), foreground (solid line) and 3x foreground (dotted line). The blue crosses in each panel, going from left to right,
indicate the locations of 5, 10, 100 and 1000 Myr populations on the foreground-extinguised model grid. The photometry of objects in Region 1 has been
split into two groups: northern objects associated with strong line-emission (green diamonds); southern objects associated with little or no line-emission (red
diamonds). The northern objects appear significantly redder than those in the south, most probably due to higher extinction. See text for detailed discussion.
are plotted in red. It is clear that objects in the north of Region 1
are systematically redder in (F225W − F814W) than objects in the
south. Assuming the two populations are of similar age, with similar intrinsic colours, suggests that the northern population is more
heavily extinguished – to be expected given its association with
significant amounts of (line-emitting) gas. It should also be noted
that the (F606W − F814W) colour of some objects in Region 1
may be significantly bluer than their actual values due to the partial
correction of emission line flux as described in §3.1.1.
Several points are immediately obvious from Fig. 8: (i) the
colours of the vast majority of the NUV-detected objects are consistent with stellar populations less than 10 Myr old; (ii) all of the
objects in Regions 1 and 2 of the inner filament have (F225W −
F814W) colours consistent with such young stellar populations;
(iii) objects in the northern part of Region 1 are more heavily extinguished than in the south; (iv) assuming foreground extinction, the
bluest objects in the rest of the WFC3/ACS field may be on average
slightly older than those in Regions 1 and 2; (v) the reddest objects
[(F225W − F814W) >1.5] are potentially globular clusters of intermediate age (∼1 Gyr). This includes object 81 (also labelled GC1
in Fig. 2) and object 109, the visibly extended cluster candidates 9 .
It is important at this point to recognize the limitations of
SSPs in modeling real stellar populations. SSPs can be used to accurately model massive clusters (∼ 106 M⊙ ), but are less effective
when considering clusters of lower mass. Model SSPs assume a
fully populated IMF which is only true in the limit of an infinite
number (and hence mass) of stars. Stochastic sampling of the IMF
in low mass clusters, particularly with reference to the most massive constituent stars, can lead to significant discrepancies between
model colours and observed photometry (e.g. Dolphin & Kennicutt
2002; Cerviño & Luridiana 2004; Jamet et al. 2004; Bastian et al.
2005). Cerviño & Luridiana (2004) have calculated minimum cluster masses (Mmin ) below which cluster colours are expected to
show significant dispersion in comparison to model SSPs. At Mmin
this dispersion is reported to be at least 0.35 mag in any given filter. Mmin is dependent on both the age and metallicity of the cluster, and also the photometric band in which it is observed, with
shorter wavelength observations permitting lower values of Mmin .
Cerviño & Luridiana (2004) calculate that U-band photometry of a
4-10 Myr cluster can reach Mmin of 10,000 - 3,000 M⊙ , dropping
as low as 300 M⊙ for a 100 Myr cluster. Assuming a continuation
of the trend to shorter wavelengths, our F225W (NUV) photometry
should enable even lower Mmin , but here we have opted to assume
the U-band derived values of Cerviño & Luridiana (2004) as conservative limits.
Assuming an object to be a SSP, we can make crude estimates
of its mass by taking rough age and extinction values from Fig. 8
and comparing the absolute photometry to model SSPs. Using ages
of 2 to 5 Myr and extinction of E(B-V) = 0.35 we estimated object 15 – one of the brightest in Region 1 – to be roughly 1,800 2,700 M⊙ . This is around 2 to 3 times lower than our Mmin limit
and we can therefore conclude that, for most objects, age and mass
estimates derived from SSPs will have large uncertainties10 .
In an attempt to better utilize SSPs to estimate ages in Regions
1 and 2, we combined the individual object photometry within
each region and compared the resultant colours to the entire grid
of model SSPs. By combining the photometry within each region
we effectively increased the mass of the fitted stellar population.
However, we also implicitly assumed that all the objects within a
region were coeval. This assumption might be reasonable if starformation was triggered by an event which traversed each region
on a short timescale; e.g. a shock. The estimated mass for Region
1 – using ages of 2-5 Myr and extinction of E(B − V) = 0.115 to
0.35 – was found to be roughly 2,000 to 11,000 M⊙ , the range in
mass due mostly to that in extinction. The estimated mass for Region 2 was much lower at around 500 to 1,000 M⊙ , assuming only
foreground extinction (E(B − V) = 0.115; Schlegel et al. 1998). In
either case the combined mass estimates still fall close to, or below
the values of Mmin discussed earlier, and we must therefore expect
large uncertainties in our comparison with model SSPs. To at least
partially account for this in our SSP model fitting we included an
uncertainty of ±0.35 mag in each photometric band – equivalent to
the dispersion noted by Cerviño & Luridiana (2004) for photometry of clusters with masses of Mmin .
The observed colours were compared to the entire grid of
GC2 was not detected in F225W and is therefore not included in our
In contrast, we derive a mass of 2.5×106 M⊙ for the large globular cluster candidate object 81 (also labelled GC1 in Fig. 2), assuming an age of 1
Gyr and foreground extinction of E(B-V) = 0.115
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Triggered star-formation in Centaurus A
model SSP photometry, covering the range of ages and metallicities described at the beginning of this section. Extinction was allowed to vary between 0.1 6 E(B − V) 6 1.0, with appropriate extinction coefficients derived for each filter assuming the reddening
laws of Cardelli et al. (1989) and a model spectrum of B0 supergiant from Castelli & Kurucz (2004). The likelihood of each model
(∝ exp − (χ2 /2)) was determined from the value of χ2 , computed
in the standard way. Each parameter (age, extinction and metallicity) was then marginalised from the joint probability distribution
to extract its one-dimensional probability density function (PDF).
This is the same method as employed by, for example, Kaviraj et al.
The marginalised PDFs for Regions 1 and 2 are shown in the
top panels of Fig. 9. The age-PDFs indicate that the stellar populations in both regions are very young (only a few Myrs old).
However, the main peak of the Region 1 age-PDF is significantly
broader than that of Region 2. The Region 1 age-PDF also possesses a lower-likelihood tail which extends to much older ages
– out to roughly 100 Myr. Both of these features are most likely
due to higher levels of extinction in Region 1, in particular in the
northern part of this region, which is associated with significant
line-emission. This becomes clear when we split Region 1 into its
northern and southern components, and fit each component separately (see middle panels of Fig. 9) . The southern component —
which is free from line-emission — has similar age and extinctionPDFs to Region 2. The northern component — where we see intense line emission — has a broader age PDF, and a second peak
in the extinction PDF at higher reddening (E(B − V) ≈ 0.375 mag).
Higher extinction is exactly what one would expect in an HII region, owing to the presence of gas, and presumably dust. Note that
the higher extinction fits are associated with models of younger
age, which are consistent with the best-fit ages from Region 2 and
the southern component of Region 1. The older ages are due to fits
that involve lower assumed extinctions, such that the observed photometry appears intrinsically redder and hence older. With more detailed spectral coverage we might have been able to break this ageextinction degeneracy using model fitting alone. However, given its
apparent association with an HII region, we can reasonably assume
that higher extinction values are more likely in the northern part of
Region 1.
From SSP fitting, we therefore conclude that the young stars
in Regions 1 and 2 are most likely 1–4 Myrs old, and not older than
∼7 Myrs.
3.2.2 Single stars
The individual source photometry was fitted to a grid of synthetic isochrones, again derived from the Padova stellar models
(Girardi et al. 2000; Marigo et al. 2008). Each isochrone consisted
of a set of single star models of the same age, but with different
masses, and hence different luminosities and colours. The model
photometry grid included isochrones with ages from 106 to 108 yrs
(∆ log(Age[yr]) = 0.1), and metallicities of Z = 0.002 to 0.030 (∆
Z = 0.002).
Figure 10 shows the observed HST photometry plotted in
colour-vs-magnitude and colour-vs-colour space along with synthetic photometry from model isochrones. The HST photometry
is again divided into three groups, with Region 1 further divided
into its northern component (green diamonds) – which is coincident with significant line emission – and its southern component
(red diamonds). It is useful to consider Fig. 10 alongside Fig. 3,
which shows the position of each object in the WFC3/ACS field
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colour-coded relative to its (F225W − F814W) colour. Note that
not all the photometry listed in Table A1 is plotted in Fig. 10, as
some objects did not have a detection, or were saturated in one or
both of the F606W and F814W images. The plotted isochrones are
of roughly solar metallcity (Z = 0.020) with log(Age[yr]) = 6.0
to 7.0, in increments of 0.2 dex, and log(Age[yr]) = 8.0. Two levels of extinction are illustrated in the colour-vs-magnitude plots –
E(B − V) = 0.115 and 0.345 – while three levels are shown in the
colour-vs colour plots – E(B − V) = 0.0, 0.115 and 0.345.
We again see that objects in the northern component of Region
1 are systematically redder than those in the south. This reddening
is especially pronounced in the NUV-optical colours, and is most
easily explained as being due to excess extinction associated with
the line-emitting gas in the north of Region 1. The objects in Regions 1 and 2 are most consistent with single star models of ages
< 10 Myr. The majority of blue objects in the rest of the field appear to be relatively consistent with similarly young stars, although
there is some indication that the absolute F225W magnitudes are
on average fainter than those in Regions 1 and 2 perhaps suggesting
slightly older ages.
Many of the reddest obects — (F225W − F814W) > 1.5 —
are saturated in F606W and are most likely foreground stars. By
assuming distance moduli consistent with Milky Way stars along
the line-of-sight, all of these objects can be made to lie along the
main sequence (roughly 14 magnitudes fainter than currently plotted object photometry). Other red objects, which have good, nonsaturated detections in all filters, are found to have colours inconsistent with single stars (see the colour-vs-colour plot in Fig. 10).
These same sources were discussed in the previous section on SSP
fitting where we suggested they are GC candidates of ∼ 1 Gyr old.
The distribution of the red objects across the field-of-view lends
further support to our conclusions. If these objects were a population of red supergiants in Cen A we would expect them to be associated with regions of very recent star-formation – i.e. the youngest
stars in the field. Since they are in fact spread quite evenly across
the field, it is more likely that they are part of the old stellar background in Cen A, or foreground stars in our own Galaxy.
Two colours — (F225W − F606W) and (F606W − F814W)
— as well as the absolute magnitude, MF814W , of each of the NUVbright sources in Regions 1 and 2 were fitted to the entire grid of
model isochrones, while extinction was allowed to vary between
0.1 6 E(B − V) 6 1.0 mag. Note again that foreground extinction
towards Cen A is measured to be E(B − V) = 0.115 (Schlegel et al.
1998). The likelihood of each model fit (∝ exp − (χ2 /2)) was again
determined from the value of χ2 . By fitting MF814W we were able to
break some of the degeneracy in colour-colour space — i.e. distinguish stars of the same colour but different luminosity (and hence
age). Note that the absolute magnitude uncertainty included a contribution from the distance modulus of Cen A of ±0.24 mag.
Figs. 11 & 12 show marginalized age and extinction-PDFs for
all of the objects in Regions 1 and 2 (see Fig. 6). In Fig. 11 the objects of Region 1 are separated into two groups corresponding to the
northern and southern components discussed in Section 3.2.1. Note
that the objects in the north are generally associated with strong Hα
emission, while those in the south are not, as can be seen in Fig. 6.
Our single star model fits indicate systematically higher values of
extinction in the northern component of Region 1 when compared
to the south, which is consistent with the result from SSP fitting in
the previous section. The majority of objects in Region 2 are best-fit
with low values of extinction, again consistent with the SSP fitting
The marginalized age PDFs suggest that all of the NUV bright
R. M. Crockett et al.
Figure 9. Marginalised age (left) and extinction (right) PDFs for Regions 1 and 2 in the SW tip of the Cen A inner filament (see Fig. 6). Observed HST
photometry was fitted to colours of model SSPs, covering a range of ages, extinctions and metallicities (Age = 106 to 109 yrs; E(B-V) = 0.1 to 1.0; Z = 0.1
to 1.5 Z⊙ ). (Top panels:) Both Regions 1 and 2 are best-fit by young stellar populations of only a few Myrs old. However, the median age and extinction
associated with Region 1 both appear to be higher than for Region 2. (Middle panels:) Separating Region 1 into Northern and Southern components, it appears
that the Southern component actually has very similar age and extinction characteristics to Region 2, while the Northern component, which is associated with
a bright HII region, most probably suffers higher levels of extinction. (Bottom panels:) Limiting the fitting of the Region 1 Northern component to models
with E(B-V) > 0.30, we find best-fit ages comparable to those of the Southern component and Region 2. The marginalised metallicity PDFs (not shown) are
flat, owing to the fact that the model colours for such young stellar clusters are almost completely independent of metallicity.
sources in Regions 1 and 2 are <10-20
Myrs old, assuming that they
are single stars. This upper age limit is in line with those derived
from SSP fitting, although somewhat less constraining. Overall, the
single star fits appear to corroborate the age and extinction results
derived from SSP fitting.
The multi-wavelength picture for the inner Hα filament is an interesting one. Starting at the NUV-bright south-west tip (corresponding to a location near Region A of Morganti et al. 1991) and moving north-east, the UV emission quickly disappears. Instead, diffuse, gradually decreasing X-ray emission is observed to be associated with Regions B and C (Evans & Koratkar 2004), and no
c 2011 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–23
Triggered star-formation in Centaurus A
Figure 10. Photometry of detected NUV-bright objects (red diamonds) overlaid on stellar isochrones: log(Age[yr]) = 6.0 to 7.0, in increments of 0.2 dex, and
log(Age[yr]) = 8.0. All the isochrones shown are of solar metallicity. Colour vs magnitude plots show isochrones with two levels of extinction: foreground
(solid line) and 3x foreground (dotted line). Colour vs colour plot shows three levels of extinction: zero (dot-dashed line), foreground (solid line) and 3x
foreground (dotted line). The photometry of objects in Region 1 has been split into two groups: northern objects associated with strong line-emission (green
diamonds); southern objects associated with little or no line-emission (red diamonds). The northern objects appear significantly redder than those in the south,
most probably due to higher extinction. See text for detailed discussion.
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R. M. Crockett et al.
Figure 11. Marginalized age and extinction PDFs for NUV bright objects in Region 1 of the inner filament south-west tip. See Section 3.2.2 for details. Object
ID’s correspond to those shown in the top-right panel of Fig. 6.
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Triggered star-formation in Centaurus A
Our WFC3 NUV observations shed new light on this problem.
In this section, we propose an alternative scenario for formation of
the filaments, namely shock heating and ablation of a gas cloud by
a weak bow shock associated with the radio lobes.
4.1 Ablation of gas clumps
The basic picture we propose is illustrated in Fig. 13 and is described as follows. An AGN-inflated radio cocoon expands supersonically into intragalactic gas. The resultant mildly supersonic
bow shock overruns a molecular gas cloud. The densest parts of
the cloud are radiative, and the passage of the shock triggers the
star-formation observed at the south-west tip of the inner filament.
The more diffuse parts of the cloud are ablated, and compressed as
they are dragged upwards by the shock front. The morphology of
the resulting wake strongly depends on local microphysics (eddies
and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities), and evolves with time. Shocks
similar to those proposed by Sutherland et al. (1993) give rise to
the Hα emission further up the filament. The shock-heated gas will
also emit in the X-rays, giving rise to spatially distributed emission.
4.1.1 Filaments
Figure 12. Marginalized age and extinction PDFs for NUV bright objects in
Region 2 of the inner filament south-west tip. See Section 3.2.2 for details.
Object ID’s correspond to those shown in the bottom-right panel of Fig. 6.
X-rays at all are found further along the filament. The broad-band
optical emission paints a similar picture to that in the near UV, with
discernible stellar clusters only found coincident with the strong
NUV-flux. This strongly suggests that star-formation (recent or otherwise) has only occured at the south-west tip of the filament, the
region closest to the radio lobes.
Sutherland et al. (1993) suggested that the observed Hα emission can arise as a result of interaction of dense molecular clouds
with AGN radio plasma. In this picture, the radio cocoon induces
supersonic turbulence in the gas, ablating it from the dense cloud.
Supersonic clumps produce strong extreme UV and soft X-ray photons as they collide, giving rise to the high-excitation lines. Lowexcitation lines come from shocks in the dense gas. Such multiphase gas is a natural consequence of both the Kelvin-Helmholtz
instability, and ablation of the outer parts of gas clouds.
The Sutherland et al. model successfully reproduces both the
high and low excitation lines, as well as the Hβ luminosity observed by Morganti et al. (1991). Moreover, the predicted X-ray luminosity in the filament is also consistent with the observed value
(Evans & Koratkar 2004). However, there are two major problems
with the model. Firstly, the observed X-ray emission is much more
extended than models predict. Secondly (and this is the fundamental issue), Sutherland et al. predicted “the presence of a radio jet in
the vicinity of the inner filaments”. As seen in Figure 1, no such jet
is observed.
c 2011 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–23
Filamentary structures formed by uplifting of gas clumps have
been observed in other environments. For example, Fabian et al.
(2003a) report observations of Hα filaments in the Perseus cluster, and around NGC 1275 in particular. These authors argue that
such structures are a natural consequence of the buoyant rise of an
underdense bubble of radio plasma through the cluster gas. Essentially, these filaments correspond to gas “falling off” the bubble as
it rises. It seems plausible that a weak shock could play a similar
role in Centaurus A.
Another possibility is that gas clumps were already lined up
along the filament before something triggered the Hα emission.
This can happen as a result of, for example, a thermal instability (Sharma et al. 2010). Our observations argue strongly against
this possibility. The warm interstellar medium is multi-phase (e.g.
Sutherland & Bicknell 2007), and any shocks required to give rise
to Hα emission would necessarily also give rise to star-formation
in the densest parts of the ISM. The resolution and sensitivity of
WFC3 is sufficiently high to observe compact groups of (or even
single) massive stars, and thus there is no surface brightness limit
to consider. In other words, any young (6 10 Myrs) massive stars—
even if formed in very small numbers— should be observed in the
near UV. Similarly, any older stars should be picked up in the i-band
images. The fact that we don’t see any stellar emission anywhere—
apart from the south-west tip of the filament— suggests that no
dense gas clumps have been overrun in those regions. In other
words, our WFC3 observations strongly favour an external origin
for the emitting gas. It is worth noting that Fabian et al. (2003a)
also conclude that it is very unlikely that the cold gas clumps giving rise to the Hα filaments in the Perseus cluster are formed in situ
by cooling out of the hot gas.
4.1.2 Hα in the star forming region
If the above picture is correct, the lack of shock-heated X-ray gas at
the south-west tip, together with the young stellar population, suggests that only the densest gas remained unablated. Consequently,
R. M. Crockett et al.
Figure 13. Density maps from a two dimensional hydrodynamical simulation showing the Cen A AGN-inflated radio cocoon expanding supersonically into
intragalactic gas. (Left panel:) A mildly supersonic bow shock is induced ahead of the expanding radio cocoon, which overruns a molecular gas cloud, denoted
Cloud2. The underdense (with respect to the intragalactic medium) radio cocoon is shown in purple. Ambient density of the undisturbed gas corresponds to
green colours. The expanding bow shock is outside the region shown. (Right panel:) The passage of the shock triggers star-formation in the densest part of
the cloud (red and yellow colours), and ablates the more diffuse gas, dragging it out along the direction of shock propagation. The ablated material is shock
ionised, giving rise to the emission-line lament. A detailed 3D simulation of the formation of the Cen A inner filament will be presented in an upcoming paper
(Antonuccio-Delogu et al. in prep.).
much of the observed Hα emission must be due to the photoionizing UV-flux associated with star-formation, in contrast to the rest
of the filament.
Wang et al. (1998) relate Hα surface brightness to the density
of photoionized electrons ne . Rearranging their Equation 2, we get
U −1 eHα cm−3
ne =
5.9 × 10−14 ergs s−1 cm−2 arcsec−2
where the ionization parameter U = 4.22 × 10−4 r−1.72 is empirically
, and eHα is the ratio of infound from the ratio r = [S II]λλ6716,6731
trinsic to observed surface brightness (i.e. an extinction correction
in linear flux).
Morganti et al. (1991) give an average Hα surface brightness
value for the entirety of Region A (some 30 arcsec2 in area) of 1.08
×10−15 ergs s−1 cm−2 arcsec−2 . We find a similar value (1.17×10−15
ergs s−1 cm−2 arcsec−2 ) by performing photometry of the entire region in the continuum-subtracted WFC3 F657N image, using an
80 pixel (3.2′′ ) radius aperture. However, around 40 percent of the
total Hα emission in Region A is concentrated into an area of just
0.5 arcsec2 (0.4′′ radius) centred on the main star-cluster visible
in Figs. 5 & 6. The Hα surface brightness in this small area is obviously much higher than the average value quoted by Morganti et al.
We used a 10 pixel (0.4′′ ) radius aperture to measure the
Hα-flux coincident with the main star-cluster in the continuumsubtracted WFC3 F657N image. Correcting for the instrument and
filter throughputs, we calculated a mean surface brightness within
the aperture of 2.90×10−14 ergs s−1 cm−2 arcsec−2 , which is almost
30 times higher than the average value for Region A. Note that
neither this, nor the Morganti et al. value as quoted, have been corrected for extinction.
Literature values— and our best-fit SSP models (Section 3)—
suggest modest extinction values between E(B-V) = 0.1 and 0.3
mag, yielding eHα ≈ 1.3 to 1.9. The line ratios listed in Table 3
of Morganti et al. (1991) allow us to calculate r = 0.22 for Region A, and thus U = 5.71 × 10−3 . From Eqn. 1 we then find
that ionized gas densities of ne ≈ 112 to 164 cm−3 (depending
on the value of eHα ) are required to give rise to the observed Hα
surface brightness, as measured in our 10 pixel aperture. The ionization parameter U is related to the total ionizing photon flux via
Φ = Une c/4 (Wang et al. 1998). An ionizing flux of greater than
(4.8 − 7.0) × 1013 photons s−1 m−2 is therefore required.
We can estimate the ionizing photon flux of our observed cluster from model SSP spectra. In Section 3.2.1 we found the most
likely age of the recent star-formation to be 1–3 Myrs. Assuming
that a value of 2 Myrs is appropriate, the mass of the cluster can be
estimated by scaling a model 2 Myr old SSP to match the observed
F814W (10 pixel aperture) photometry. This yields a cluster mass
of roughly 5200 M⊙ .
By integrating the model spectrum of a 2 Myr old SSP (Starburst99; see Leitherer et al. 1999) shortward of the 911 Å threshold for hydrogen ionization, and subsequently scaling to the cluster mass and surface area of the emitting region (i.e. a sphere
of the same physical radius as our photometry aperture; 0.4′′ =
2.20 × 1017 m), we predict Φ = 2.75 × 1014 photons s−1 m−2 . This
is in excess of the value required to explain the observed Hα emission, suggesting that it can be explained purely by photoionization
by young stars, in this region at least.
This approach can be used to estimate the ionizing photon
flux for a range of assumed cluster ages, and therefore provides an
alternative method of estimating the age of the stellar population
from the Hα surface brightness alone. As Figure 14 shows, stellar ages in excess of 4 Myrs cannot produce the required ionizing
flux. Note that the mass of the cluster— calculated from its F814W
photometry— varies with assumed age.
We note that the above calculation only presents a plausibility
argument for a significant contribution from newly-formed stars to
the ionizing flux. Shocks will almost certainly play a role, particularly at greater radial distance from the young stars, and the relative
contributions of the two components can only be decoupled with
detailed high-resolution spectroscopy. In Section 4.2 we show that
this assumption leads to a prediction for the diffuse gas densities
that are in good agreement with an independent method.
c 2011 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–23
Triggered star-formation in Centaurus A
Figure 14. Ionizing photon fluxes and cluster mass estimates vs age of the main star cluster in Region 1. This cluster is embedded in an HII region in the
Northern component of Region 1 (see Fig. 6). Masses are estimated by scaling model SSPs of different ages to match F814W photometry of the observed
cluster. Ionizing photon fluxes are calculated by integrating model SSP spectra shortward of 911 Å (the threshold for hydrogen ionization), which are scaled
to match the estimated cluster masses. The observed Hα surface brightness in the immediate vicinity of the cluster requires an ionizing photon flux of at least
4.79 × 1013 photons m−2 s−1 (blue dashed line) suggesting the stellar population must be younger than 4 Myrs.
4.2 Weak shock
The lack of a radio jet in the vicinity of the inner filament suggests that the origin of Hα emission is quite different from that in
the outer filament. As outlined above (Section 4.1 and Fig. 13),
a weak shock that shocks and ablates a gas cloud located at the
south-west tip of the inner filament could account for the observed
features. Such a shock could arise from an overpressured cocoon of
radio plasma expanding into the ISM. It is intriguing to note that an
H I clump is detected in both absorption and emission (Struve et al.
2010) at the north-eastern edge of the inner northern radio lobe—
the part of the radio emission closest to our filament. This is also
the region where the radio jet appears to bend. The very location
of the H I cloud suggests that the jet could be deflected by the
cloud (Gopal-Krishna & Wiita 2010), as often seen in simulations
(e.g. Sutherland & Bicknell 2007; Gaibler et al. 2011). The resultant reorientation of the hotspot (where the jet terminates) would
change the dynamics of cocoon backflow, and allow the bow shock
far away from the hotspot to dissipate. A detailed 3D simulation
of the formation of the Cen A inner filament will be presented in a
subsequent paper (Antonuccio-Delogu et al. in prep.).
the Hα emitting gas near the south-west tip of the filament. For
107 K X-ray emitting gas and 104 K Hα gas this yields a density of
nX ≈ 10−3 ne . While ne ≈ 100 – 150 cm−3 immediately surrounding
the main star-cluster in the south-west tip, the average for Region
A is ne ≈ 4 cm−3 . The density of X-ray emitting gas is therefore
estimated to be nX ∼ 4 × 10−3 cm−3 .
Dynamical considerations
Alternatively, average X-ray gas density can be estimated from radio source dynamics. Analytical models of
Kaiser & Alexander (1997) and Kaiser et al. (1997) relate the size
and synchrotron luminosity of double-lobed radio sources to physical parameters such as jet power, source age and the atmosphere
into which the radio source is expanding. We follow an approach
similar to that outlined by Shabala et al. (2008) to infer the density
of the hot gas.
The age of inner lobes of Centaurus A is tage = 5.6 − 5.8 Myrs,
and their radio luminosity is (1.05±0.16)×1024 W Hz−1 at 327 MHz
(Alvarez et al. 2000). Such young lobes are not expected to suffer
significant synchrotron or Inverse Compton losses. In this case, the
models of Kaiser & Alexander (1997) and Kaiser et al. (1997) give
a closed-form expression for radio luminosity:
ν −0.57
3(5 + 4R2T ) − 4 − β
10−22 kg m−3
1036 W
4.2.1 X-ray emission
Hot gas density
A shock needs gas to propagate through, and we therefore
expect diffuse X-ray emission to be present between the radio
lobes and the inner filament. Karovska et al. (2002) find such diffuse emission with Chandra, however their maps are adaptively
smoothed to 4.’2 resolution. Evans & Koratkar (2004), on the other
hand, do not detect any diffuse X-rays in the region of interest.
A lack of observed X-ray emission between the radio lobes and
inner filament would argue against our interpretation, unless the
gas is too diffuse to be detected in the X-rays. In the first instance,
we follow the Fabian et al. (2003b) analysis of the Perseus cluster in assuming that the hot ISM is in pressure equilibrium with
Here, Dsource is the observed separation of the two lobes, ν is the
observing frequency, RT the axial ratio (length/width) of the radio
cocoon, Qjet is the jet power supplied to each lobe (equal to half the
total jet power), and ρcore , Rcore and β describe the density profile of
the hot gas, taken to follow a power law ρ(r) = ρcore Rcore
. All
the other jet and environment parameters (power-law exponent for
the electron energy spectrum at hotspots, adiabatic indices for the
cocoon and magnetic field) are taken from Case 3 of Kaiser et al.
c 2011 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–23
8.0 × 1027
R. M. Crockett et al.
A second equation is required to close the relationship between Qjet and the density profile. The dynamical model of
Kaiser & Alexander relates the age and size of the radio source to
jet power and environment, via:
Qjet 1/(5−β)
Dsource = 2c1 Rβ/(5−β)
RT (5−β)3
where the constant c1 = 27π
is of order unity.
3(5+4R )−4−β
The inner lobes of Centaurus A have Dsource ≈ 10 kpc, RT ≈
4.5. Upper and lower limits on the gas density can then be obtained by assuming a very steep or very shallow gas density profile. Setting β = 0 (a constant density profile), Eqns 2 and 3 yield
ρcore = 4 × 10−23 kg m−3 , corresponding to nX = 0.04 cm−3 . Alternatively, setting β = 1.5 and Rcore = 1 kpc (approximately the
transverse size of the H I gas cloud near the central engine) yields
ρcore = 1.9 × 10−23 or ncore = 0.019 cm−3 . At the lobes, this density
drops by a factor (Dsource /(2Rcore ))−β , giving nX = 1.7 × 10−3 cm−3 .
These values are consistent with the equilibrium-derived value of
nX = 4 × 10−3 cm−3 . The implied jet powers of (1 − 8) × 1033 W are
consistent with the lower limit of 8 × 1032 W estimated from X-ray
observations (Kraft et al. 2009).
We can also use the size and age of the radio lobes to estimate the expansion speed of the cocoon. Given the above values,
the average cocoon expansion speed is vc ≈ 510 − 730 km s−1 , depending on the assumed density profile. Self-similar models (e.g.
Alexander 2002) predict the bow shock to expand a factor of 1.2
faster (vc ∼ 600 − 900 km s−1 ). For comparison, X-ray temperatures of ∼ 0.7 keV (e.g. Kraft et al. 2008) yield sound speeds of
430 km s−1 . Thus the picture of a mildly supersonic bow shock is a
plausible one.
Surface brightness
Given a density and temperature, it is possible to derive the Xray surface brightness expected from bremsstrahlung cooling. For
a slab-like geometry, we have:
n 2
ΣX = 9.23×10−18
ergs s−1 cm−2 arcsec−2 (4)
where D = 3.68 Mpc is the distance to Centaurus A, the cooling term for T X = 107 K is Λ ∼ 2.5 × 10−23 ergs s−1 cm3
(Sutherland & Dopita 1993), and θd is the depth (in arcsec) of
the X-ray emitting region along the line of sight. The size of the
emitting region is d ∼ 4πρcore
. The spheroid mass of Centaurus A is 6.5 × 1010 M⊙ and the absolute upper limit on hot gas
mass is 10% of this value, yielding d 6 35 kpc at the equilibrium density of nX = 4 × 10−3 cm−3 . It is worth noting that
this is a very large radius, likely to be an order of magnitude in
excess of the actual value. With these parameters, Eqn 4 gives
ΣX 6 8.3×10−19 ergs s−1 cm−2 arcsec−2 . For comparison, the diffuse
emission detected in the inner filament, but slightly further away
from the site of star-formation (Evans & Koratkar 2004) has a flux
SX >
∼ 6 × 10 ergs s cm and is ∼ 300 arcsec in size, implying
s−1 cm−2 arcsec−2 .
a surface brightness of ΣX, obs >
This is a 2.5σ Chandra detection for an integration time of 65
kiloseconds. Since sensitivity goes as the square root of integration
time, we don’t expect the predicted surface brightess to be observable until the integration time is extended by a factor of 580 to 38
megaseconds. We note that the maximum enhancement of X-ray
emissivity due to the bow shock is around an order of magnitude
(Alexander 2002), and therefore the suggested weak shock would
be undetectable in available X-ray observations. This is confirmed
by simulations. Kraft et al. (2007) report X-ray detection of a shock
around the south-west lobe of Centaurus A. Typical temperatures in
our simulation around the deflected (north-east) lobe are higher, but
the maximum density is lower. X-ray brightness scales as ne 2 T 1/2 ,
and the global emissivity from the gas turns out to be about a factor
of five less than the measured values from Kraft et al. (2007).
4.2.2 Filament size
If a weak (mildly supersonic) bow shock is indeed responsible for
the observed NUV and Hα emission, the age of stars at the southwest tip should be similar to the shock wave travel time up the
filament. The extent of the filament is ∼ 125 arcsec, or 2.2 kpc.
Given a sound speed of 300− 400 km s−1 (Evans & Koratkar 2004),
and assuming a bow shock speed of 600 − 900 km s−1 (sec Section 4.2.1 above), the expected age of the young stellar population
is 2.4 − 3.6 Myrs, consistent with the values derived in Section 3.
4.3 X-ray emission in the filament
In our picture, both the shocked and ionized gas will be uplifted.
Both the Hα and X-ray surface brightness are proportional to the
square of the gas density (e.g. Eqn 4 of this paper and Eqn 7 of
Sutherland et al. (1993). Therefore, the ratio ΣHα /ΣX should remain roughly constant and we can use the Hα luminosities of
Morganti et al. (1991) to predict the expected X-ray surface brightness along the filament. Diffuse X-ray emission is observed around
regions B and C. The predicted values for Regions E and F are
6.8 and 6.4 × 10−18 ergs s−1 cm−2 arcsec−2 respectively, a factor of
three lower than the 2.5σ surface brightness above the background
detected by Evans & Koratkar (2004). A ten-fold increase in the
exposure time should therefore just pick up the diffuse X-ray emission.
4.4 Masses
The X-ray and Hα surface brightness can be used to estimate the
initial mass of the cloud that has been disrupted to form the filament.
4.4.1 X-ray
The X-ray emission is spatially diffuse, and it is likely that a substantial part of it is not detected by Chandra in the parts of the filament further away from the nucleus. Under the assumption of X-ray
emission scaling with Hα we use the Morganti et al. (1991) values to interpolate the X-ray surface brightness profile. This yields
θ −0.666
= 1.04 arcsec
where θA is the distance
10−16 ergs s−1 cm−2 arcsec−2
along the filament to Region A of Morganti et al. (1991). Eqn 4
then relates this surface brightness to a gas density. Assuming a
filament width of 20 arcsec (Evans & Koratkar 2004), integration
along the filament yields an estimate for total X-ray gas mass of
MX = 3.7 × 105 M⊙ .
4.4.2 Hα
A similar estimate for the Hα-emitting gas yields MHα = 1.2 ×
106 M⊙ . However, unlike the diffuse X-ray emission, the Hα-flux
is known to be mostly contained in knots, and therefore this value is
very much an upper limit. A better estimate is provided by adding
up the contributions from the Hα knots. We can take ne ∝ Σ1/2
Hα ,
where the constant of proportionality is derived using Eqn 1 for
c 2011 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–23
Triggered star-formation in Centaurus A
Region A. This yields MHα = 2.1 × 105 M⊙ a value which is much
more consistent with the observed masses of nearby H I clouds of
6 8 × 105 M⊙ (Struve et al. 2010).
It should be noted that the above calculation implicitly assumes the same scaling between electron density ne and surface
brightness ΣHα along the Hα filament. However, this may not be
true, since we have suggested that the Hα emission in Region A
may be heavily influenced by the photoionizing flux from young
stars, while it is dominated by shocks further along the filament.
Using the gas density of ne ≈ 1 cm−3 derived by Sutherland et al.
(1993) for their shock model, and assuming the filaments to be
circularly symmetric about the major axis, we derive a mass of
MHα = 1.5 × 105 M⊙ , in good agreement with the value derived
above from the Hα-flux.
4.4.3 Cloud constituents
There is no detectable H I-flux in the vicinity of the inner filament, and the mass of young stars in the south-west tip is estimated from F814W photometry to be Mstars ≈ (2 − 8) × 103 M⊙ .
Thus, we estimate the total pre-ablation cloud mass of Mcloud =
MX + MHα + Mstars ≈ 5.8 × 105 M⊙ . Recently, Struve et al. (2010)
have reported observations of two new H I clouds near the inner
filament, of masses 6 8 × 105 M⊙ . It is therefore entirely plausible
that another one of these clouds could have been overrun by a weak
shock within the last few Myrs.
The mass of the star-forming component is also entirely consistent with this picture. A passing shock will only ablate and efficiently heat the more diffuse gas components of a molecular cloud.
Dense molecular clumps are radiative (i.e. they have very short
cooling times), and as a result shock passage can only trigger starformation by compressing the gas. Typical molecular clump masses
of > 103 M⊙ (Kim & Koo 2001; Shabala et al. 2006) are consistent
with the derived mass in young stars.
In this paper, we presented high-resolution WFC3 NUV observations of the inner filament of Centaurus A. We found a significant
population of recently formed stars at the south-west tip of the filament, and no such population further along the filament. Stellar
population modeling reveals that these stars have ages of only a
few Myrs.
The location and age of this stellar population suggests an explanation for the origin of the multi-wavelength structure of the inner filament. As originally proposed by Sutherland et al. (1993), the
observed optical line emission is driven by shocks originating from
gas clumps. We propose that these shocks arise due to a weak bow
shock propagating through the diffuse interstellar medium, from a
location near the inner northern radio lobe. The shock compresses
and ablates a molecular gas cloud, triggering the observed starformation at the south-west tip. The dragging out of the diffuse
cloud gas and subsequent shocks give rise to the observed optical
narrow-line and X-ray emission.
We show that the derived stellar ages for the UV-bright population are consistent with the gas uplifting timescale. We predict
that much deeper X-ray observations should reveal more faint, diffuse emission along the filament. More generally, this mechanism
should be applicable to any galaxy or galaxy cluster containing gas
clumps and capable of driving weak bow shocks.
c 2011 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–23
Positive feedback is likely to be present in many systems, perhaps even more so at high redshift where the gas supply and gas
densities are much higher and interaction between AGN and gas is
much more frequent. This type of process may play an important
role in the rapid buildup of stellar mass in massive galaxies (e.g.
Silk 2005). This study is therefore a useful laboratory to trace this
process, which is both useful from a purely observational viewpoint
but also as a potential constraint on models of galaxy formation at
high redshift.
This paper is based on Early Release Science observations made by
the WFC3 Scientific Oversight Committee. We are grateful to the
Director of the Space Telescope Science Institute for awarding Director’s Discretionary time for this program. Finally, we are deeply
indebted to the astronauts of STS-125 for rejuvenating HST. Support for Program numbers 11359/60 as provided by NASA through
a grant from the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy,
Incorporated, under NASA contract NAS5-26555. RMC acknowledges funding from STFC through research grant DBRPDV0, and
support from the James Martin Institute, Oxford through a James
Martin Fellowship. S.S. thanks the Australian Research Council
and New College, Oxford for research fellowships. S.K. acknowledges a Research Fellowship from the Royal Commission for the
Exhibition of 1851, an Imperial College Junior Research Fellowship, a Senior Research Fellowship form Worcester College, Oxford and support from the BIPAC institute.
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Triggered star-formation in Centaurus A
Table A1: Table of photometry. Includes only objects detected in both F225W
and at least one other filter. Photometry of objects 12, 15 and 16 was performed
using small apertures, with aperture corrections derived using ishape (Larsen
1999). Visual inspection of objects 25 and 29 revealed that the F814W detections
were not coincident with those in F225W and F606W. Photometry of the globular cluster candidates, objects 81 and 109 was performed using large apertures
with radii of 3× each object’s FWHM in F606W – 0.80′′ and 0.47′′ respectively.
I.D. R.A.1
Southwest tip - Region 1
13:26:03.253 -42:57:19.36
13:26:03.264 -42:57:19.18
13:26:03.304 -42:57:19.04
13:26:03.274 -42:57:18.88
13:26:03.282 -42:57:18.94
13:26:03.297 -42:57:18.58
13:26:03.328 -42:57:18.38
13:26:03.320 -42:57:18.36
13:26:03.264 -42:57:18.34
13:26:03.207 -42:57:18.31
13:26:03.325 -42:57:18.23
13:26:03.418 -42:57:18.04
13:26:03.372 -42:57:17.82
13:26:03.502 -42:57:17.77
13:26:03.424 -42:57:17.63
13:26:03.427 -42:57:17.49
13:26:03.453 -42:57:17.36
13:26:03.408 -42:57:17.38
13:26:03.375 -42:57:17.34
13:26:03.332 -42:57:17.28
Southwest tip - Region 2
13:26:02.940 -42:57:21.80
13:26:02.968 -42:57:21.54
13:26:02.856 -42:57:21.09
13:26:02.904 -42:57:20.80
13:26:02.856 -42:57:20.73
13:26:02.887 -42:57:20.46
13:26:02.889 -42:57:19.93
13:26:02.878 -42:57:19.73
13:26:02.877 -42:57:19.41
Rest of WFC3/ACS field
13:26:03.538 -42:58:38.93 24.36(0.12)
13:26:07.384 -42:58:07.24 24.54(0.10)
13:26:03.736 -42:58:02.39 23.03(0.08)
13:26:09.251 -42:57:58.56 23.42(0.07)
13:26:01.558 -42:57:46.75 21.98(0.04)
13:26:00.483 -42:57:46.39 23.51(0.09)
13:26:00.606 -42:57:44.40 24.15(0.11)
13:26:13.163 -42:57:37.06 23.50(0.09)
13:26:01.513 -42:57:35.51 24.69(0.13)
13:26:01.862 -42:57:33.35 22.27(0.04)
13:26:15.019 -42:57:28.38 24.29(0.08)
13:26:02.694 -42:57:28.30 23.74(0.09)
13:26:06.972 -42:57:23.87 16.85(0.02)
13:26:01.164 -42:57:23.88 24.27(0.09)
13:26:06.314 -42:57:23.22 22.79(0.05)
13:26:01.534 -42:57:22.67 23.91(0.09)
Coordinates measured in WFC3 F225W data
c 2011 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–23
Extended object
Extended object
Extended object
Very weak F814W detection
F814W detection is different object
F814W detection is different object
Outside F606W FOV
Outside F606W FOV
Saturated/non-linear F606W & F814W
Outside F606W FOV
Saturated/non-linear F606W
Outside F606W FOV
Saturated/non-linear F606W
Outside F606W FOV
Saturated/non-linear F606W & F814W
Continued on next page
R. M. Crockett et al.
Table A1 – continued from previous page
I.D. R.A.1
13:26:01.636 -42:57:21.04 23.81(0.12) 25.17(0.06) 25.36(0.10)
13:26:09.319 -42:57:19.63 23.00(0.08)
Outside F606W FOV
13:26:04.809 -42:57:16.76 23.64(0.06) 25.60(0.09) 25.62(0.14)
13:26:04.841 -42:57:16.05 22.03(0.05) 23.95(0.11) 24.18(0.08)
13:26:11.406 -42:57:15.16 24.69(0.11)
Outside F606W FOV
13:26:14.150 -42:57:13.46 18.67(0.04)
Outside F606W FOV; saturated F814W
13:26:05.846 -42:57:11.29 20.56(0.03) 19.40(0.07) 18.65(0.02)
13:26:03.353 -42:57:10.85 21.60(0.04)
Saturated/non-linear F606W
13:26:11.240 -42:57:07.72 24.26(0.08)
Outside F606W FOV
13:26:08.780 -42:57:07.60 24.67(0.12)
Outside F606W FOV
13:25:58.130 -42:57:06.47 23.81(0.09)
Saturated/non-linear F606W
13:26:00.599 -42:57:03.44 23.05(0.06) 23.71(0.07) 23.56(0.07)
13:26:02.147 -42:57:03.33 23.23(0.06) 20.61(0.08) 19.91(0.02)
13:26:02.016 -42:57:02.87 24.17(0.09) 25.46(0.09) 24.93(0.10)
13:25:59.413 -42:57:02.50 24.37(0.14) 24.52(0.06) 24.43(0.06)
13:25:59.159 -42:57:01.92 23.93(0.08) 25.02(0.05) 24.90(0.08)
13:25:59.050 -42:56:58.89 23.23(0.07) 24.50(0.07) 24.43(0.05)
13:25:59.644 -42:56:58.28 23.57(0.05) 24.60(0.05) 24.74(0.08)
13:25:57.687 -42:56:56.84 23.67(0.05) 23.15(0.06) 23.02(0.03)
13:25:57.128 -42:56:56.52 22.73(0.05) 21.01(0.09) 20.33(0.04)
13:26:00.489 -42:56:55.08 24.37(0.11) 25.36(0.09) 25.61(0.16)
13:26:12.125 -42:56:54.80 20.47(0.04)
Outside F606W FOV
13:25:59.748 -42:56:53.16 24.01(0.07) 25.18(0.09) 25.14(0.11)
13:26:10.273 -42:56:51.09 21.95(0.03)
Outside F606W FOV
13:26:00.028 -42:56:51.07 24.84(0.17) 26.38(0.08) 25.57(0.12)
13:26:05.809 -42:56:50.23 20.69(0.03)
Saturated/non-linear F606W
13:26:00.079 -42:56:49.87 23.65(0.06) 24.97(0.08) 24.94(0.07)
13:26:00.573 -42:56:49.71 23.36(0.06) 23.08(0.06) 22.88(0.03)
13:26:08.224 -42:56:49.50 23.94(0.11) 24.13(0.08) 23.69(0.06)
13:26:03.122 -42:56:48.97 22.01(0.04)
Saturated/non-linear F606W
13:25:59.577 -42:56:45.09 23.73(0.06) 21.38(0.06) 20.59(0.03)
13:25:58.771 -42:56:40.10 24.19(0.09) 25.09(0.03) 24.69(0.08)
13:25:56.932 -42:56:39.31 23.23(0.07)
Saturated/non-linear F606W
13:26:12.608 -42:56:34.21 24.44(0.21)
Outside F606W FOV
13:26:06.155 -42:56:33.57 21.77(0.04) 23.77(0.06) 23.89(0.03)
13:26:05.386 -42:56:32.28 19.87(0.01) 17.17(0.01) 16.23(0.01) Globular cluster; some non-linear pixels F606W
13:25:57.294 -42:56:30.27 23.96(0.06) 20.10(0.06) 19.36(0.02)
13:26:06.849 -42:56:28.96 23.99(0.09) 25.26(0.04) 24.84(0.09)
13:25:59.533 -42:56:27.51 23.16(0.05) 24.45(0.09) 24.09(0.06)
13:25:59.684 -42:56:25.06 23.79(0.08) 25.37(0.10) 25.28(0.11)
13:25:59.413 -42:56:25.06 23.23(0.05) 25.08(0.08) 25.13(0.09)
13:25:59.310 -42:56:24.91 20.94(0.03) 22.65(0.05) 22.65(0.03)
13:26:03.337 -42:56:24.07 19.84(0.04)
Saturated/non-linear F606W & F814W
13:25:59.278 -42:56:23.75 21.48(0.03) 23.50(0.03) 23.44(0.03)
13:25:59.597 -42:56:23.20 23.59(0.07) 25.32(0.07) 25.56(0.15)
13:25:59.385 -42:56:22.63 23.14(0.06) 25.04(0.06) 24.98(0.07)
13:25:59.546 -42:56:22.42 24.36(0.11) 26.17(0.05) 26.06(0.16)
13:25:59.388 -42:56:23.26 24.78(0.11) 25.96(0.07) 25.85(0.20)
13:26:08.344 -42:56:22.03 21.99(0.03)
Saturated/non-linear F606W
13:25:59.699 -42:56:21.36 21.72(0.04) 23.93(0.05) 23.99(0.05)
13:25:59.297 -42:56:21.17 21.72(0.04) 23.76(0.05) 23.64(0.04)
13:25:59.357 -42:56:20.67 22.33(0.04) 24.47(0.06) 24.64(0.09)
13:25:58.745 -42:56:20.31 23.77(0.07) 25.30(0.05) 24.91(0.09)
13:26:05.651 -42:56:19.00 23.03(0.06) 19.57(0.07) 18.60(0.03)
100 13:26:09.942 -42:56:14.55 24.07(0.09)
Saturated/non-linear F606W
101 13:26:05.969 -42:56:11.44 20.77(0.03)
Saturated/non-linear F606W & F814W
102 13:26:07.718 -42:56:10.24 22.74(0.07) 22.60(0.11) 22.45(0.04)
103 13:26:03.636 -42:56:09.33 21.10(0.04)
Saturated/non-linear F606W & F814W
104 13:26:05.352 -42:56:00.29 24.43(0.09) 20.03(0.08) 18.96(0.03)
Coordinates measured in WFC3 F225W data
Continued on next page
c 2011 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–23
Triggered star-formation in Centaurus A
Table A1 – continued from previous page
I.D. R.A.1
105 13:26:05.220 -42:55:58.91 20.30(0.04)
106 13:26:10.200 -42:55:58.07 22.74(0.04) 19.65(0.08) 18.88(0.02)
107 13:26:06.602 -42:55:56.69 23.23(0.05)
108 13:26:10.065 -42:55:55.60 21.41(0.03)
109 13:26:04.165 -42:55:44.60 21.32(0.02) 19.04(0.01) 18.22(0.01)
110 13:26:07.989 -42:55:44.09 21.25(0.04)
111 13:26:06.737 -42:55:34.92 24.67(0.20) 27.21(0.11) 25.90(0.18)
Coordinates measured in WFC3 F225W data
c 2011 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–23
Saturated/non-linear F606W & F814W
Saturated/non-linear F606W
Saturated/non-linear F606W
Globular cluster
Saturated/non-linear F606W & F814W