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2020, Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications
4 pages
1 file
Human hearts suffer through various heart ailments. There are several diseases related to the heart like cardiomyopathy, Aorta diseases, Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and arrhythmia which majorly contributes mortality and morbidity rates worldwide. One in 4 deaths in India is now because of cardiovascular disease with ischemic heart disease. The biggest challenge to overcome is the prediction of cardiovascular diseases via data analysis in the clinical domain. Now a day's large number of data is produced in health care and wellness industry. Finding meaningful data and patterns is the urgent need to make the proper regulations and forecasting. We proposed a framework for predicting a heart disease using three different algorithms: Random forest, Naive Bayes, and logistic regression. Proposed system uses Cleveland dataset from machine learning UCI repository for training and testing of the model. This model imbibes various significant features and classification techniques to predict the results. We also compare the results of proposed system with the algorithms that are existing in the literature, on the same dataset and it is observed that model produce an enhanced accuracy performance of 94.73%.
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2020 In recent times, Heart Disease prediction is one of the most complicated tasks in medical field. In the modern era, approximately one person dies per minute due to heart disease. Data science plays a crucial role in processing huge amount of data in the field of healthcare. As heart disease prediction is a complex task, there is a need to automate the prediction process to avoid risks associated with it and alert the patient well in advance. This paper makes use of heart disease dataset available in UCI machine learning repository. The proposed work predicts the chances of Heart Disease and classifies patient's risk level by implementing different data mining techniques such as Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression and Random Forest. Thus, this paper presents a comparative study by analysing the performance of different machine learning algorithms. The trial results verify that Random Forest algorithm has achieved the highest accuracy of 90.16% compared to other ML algorithms implemented.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2023
Heart attack disease is one of the leading causes of the death worldwide. In today's common modern life, deaths due to the heart disease had become one of major issues, that roughly one person lost his or her life per minute due to heart illness. Predicting the occurrence of disease at early stages is a major challenge nowadays. Machine learning when implemented in health care is capable of early and accurate detection of disease. In this work, the arising situations of Heart Disease illness are calculated. Datasets used have attributes of medical parameters. The datasets are been processed in python using ML Algorithm i.e., Random Forest Algorithm. This technique uses the past old patient records for getting prediction of new one at early stages preventing the loss of lives. In this work, reliable heart disease prediction system is implemented using strong Machine Learning algorithm which is the Random Forest algorithm, which read patient record data set in the form of CSV file. After accessing dataset the operation is performed and effective heart attack level is produced. Advantages of proposed system are High performance and accuracy rate and it is very flexible and high rates of success are achieved.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
In this modern times, Heart Disease prediction is one of the most critical tasks in the world. In recent times, a lot of people have died due to heart disease. Machine learning plays a very important role in training and testing the huge amount of data in the medical field. Heart disease prediction is a crucial task to create and evaluate the prediction process to avoid heart disease and alert the patient before he/she suffers from disease. This research predicts the chances of Heart Disease and says whether the patient has heart disease or not by implementing different machine learning techniques such as Decision Tree, Logistic Regression. Finally, this study shows a result of heart disease and Results are obtained and comparative experiments have shown that the proposed approach can be utilized to give the prediction to the patient.
Asian journal of convergence in technology, 2022
Cardiovascular disease, otherwise known as heart disease, encompasses many diseases that affect the heart. Heart disease prediction is among the most complicated tasks in medical field. In the modern age, about one person dies every minute as a result of heart disease. In addition to many factors that contribute to heart disease, it's necessary at this point in time to acquire accurate, reliable, and sensible approaches to make an early diagnosis so that the disease may be managed appropriately. Due to the complexity of finding out the heart condition, the prediction process must be automated to avoid risks related to it and to alert the patient at an early stage. In the healthcare domain, data mining is commonly used to analyze huge, complex medical data and predict heart disease. Researchers apply a variety of data mining and machine learning approaches to analyse huge complex medical data and predict heart disease. In this study, various heart disease attribute are presented, and model is developed on the basis of supervised learning algorithm as K-nearest neighbor, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, SVM, Light GBM and Naïve bayes. This Paper makes use of heart condition dataset available in Kaggle repository. The purpose of this study is to anticipate heart disease risk in patients. The results show that K-nearest neighbor provides the most accurate result.
International Journal of Engineering Research and
Heart is one of the most important part of the body. It helps to purify and circulate blood to all parts of the body. Most number of deaths in the world are due to Heart Diseases. Some symptoms like chest pain, faster heartbeat, discomfort in breathing are recorded. This data is analysed on regular basis. In this review, an overview of the heart disease and its current procedures is firstly introduced. Furthermore, an in-depth analysis of the most relevant machine learning techniques available on the literature for heart disease prediction is briefly elaborated. The discussed machine learning algorithms are Decision Tree, SVM, ANN, Naive Bayes, Random Forest, KNN. The algorithms are compared on the basis of features. We are working on the algorithm with best accuracy. This will help the doctors to assist the heart problem easily.
The world has seen an unprecedented and exponential increase in cases of heart disease worldwide every day. In the paper, the early prognosis of heart disease through careful treatment and the implementation of a healthy lifestyle through other studies will help prevent many cardiovascular diseases. This paper discusses a statistical model of heart disease that, based on basic parameters of the patients' health history, will help medical examiners and cardiac practitioners forecast heart disease. To build this prediction model, three (03) different Machine Learning Classifier Models are used, namely, Logistic Regression Classifier, K-Nearest Neighbours Classifier, and Random Forest Classifier. Different important clinical features of a patient, critical for deciding a patient's heart disease, are taken in the first section and, secondly, different ML Classifiers are defined on the given dataset and their accuracy calculated. For this analysis, the University College Irvine (UCI) Dataset incorporates all the above attributes of possible heart attack patients.
desconhecido, 2011
Os Primórdios da Computação Apesar dos computadores eletrônicos terem efetivamente aparecido somente na década de 40, os fundamentos em que se baseiam remontam a centenas ou até mesmo milhares de anos. Se levarmos em conta que o termo COMPUTAR significa fazer cálculos, contar, efetuar operações aritméticas, COMPUTADOR seria então o mecanismo ou máquina que auxilia essa tarefa, com vantagens no tempo gasto e na precisão. Inicialmente o homem utilizou seus próprios dedos para essa tarefa, dando origem ao sistema DECIMAL e aos termos DIGITAL e DIGITO. Para auxílio deste método, eram usados gravetos, contas ou marcas na parede. A partir do momento que o homem pré-histórico trocou seus hábitos nômades por aldeias e tribos fixas, desenvolvendo a lavoura, tornou-se necessário um método para a contagem do tempo, delimitando as épocas de plantio e colheita. Tábuas de argila foram desenterradas por arqueólogos no Oriente Médio, próximo à Babilônia, contendo tabuadas de multiplicação e recíprocos. Acredita-se que tenham sido escritas por volta de 1700 a.C. e usavam o sistema sexagesimal (base 60), dando origem às nossas atuais unidades de tempo. O Ábaco Na medida em que os cálculos foram se complicando e aumentando de tamanho, sentiu-se a necessidade de um instrumento que viesse em auxílio, surgindo assim há cerca de 2.500 anos o ÁBACO. Este era formado por fios paralelos e contas ou arruelas deslizantes que, de acordo com a sua posição, representava a quantidade a ser trabalhada. O ábaco russo era o mais simples: continha 10 contas, bastando contá-las para obtermos suas quantidades numéricas. O ábaco chinês possuía 2 conjuntos por fio, contendo 5 contas no conjunto das unidades e 2 contas que representavam 5 unidades. A variante do ábaco mais conhecida é o SOROBAN, ábaco japonês simplificado (com 5 contas por fio, agrupadas 4x1), ainda hoje utilizado, sendo que em uso por mãos treinadas continuam eficientes e rápidos para trabalhos mais simples. The first international Padua Workshop in the History of Intelligence aims to start a dialogue between historians and other intelligence experts about the uses of intelligence sources for the analysis of phenomena such as modern state formation and development, church-state relations, workforce mobility with regards to security issues.
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