A least action principle
for interceptive walking
Soon Ho Kim1,4, Jong Won Kim2, Hyun Chae Chung3 & MooYoung Choi1*
The principle of least effort has been widely used to explain phenomena related to human behavior
ranging from topics in language to those in social systems. It has precedence in the principle of least
action from the Lagrangian formulation of classical mechanics. In this study, we present a model for
interceptive human walking based on the least action principle. Taking inspiration from Lagrangian
mechanics, a Lagrangian is defined as effort minus security, with two different specific mathematical
forms. The resulting Euler–Lagrange equations are then solved to obtain the equations of motion.
The model is validated using experimental data from a virtual reality crossing simulation with human
participants. We thus conclude that the least action principle provides a useful tool in the study of
interceptive walking.
Principles of least action play a fundamental role in many areas of physics. They were preceded by Fermat’s
principle or the principle of least time in geometrical optics1. In classical mechanics, equations of motion can be
generated from Maupertuis’s principle of least action or the closely related Hamilton’s principle2,3. Theories of
modern physics, including quantum mechanics and general relativity, also have formulations in terms of principles of least action4,5. Such formulations mostly adopt calculus of variations in which the dynamics selected by
the theory, e.g. the path taken by a particle, is governed by the stationarity of the suitably defined action. In the
context of classical mechanics, the action is given by the time integral of the Lagrangian along the path of motion.
In the study of human behavior, these principles have inspired the principle of least effort, which was used
to explain the power-law form of the rank-frequency distribution of words in the English language6, and subsequently a diverse range of phenomena such as crowd behavior7 and even mental effort8. These studies have
found predictable patterns in distributions arising from human behaviors, which individually are variable and
unpredictable. However, it is reasonable to expect that there should typically be a tradeoff between effort and
other quantities. Therefore, a more complete description of human behaviors may plausibly be provided by a least
action principle in which effort is one component. In this report, we take this approach and propose a principle
of least action, which is used for modeling human walking behavior.
The study of locomotion requires an integrative approach9, and human bipedal locomotion in particular
has a long evolutionary history which resulted in a uniquely economical cost of transport10. Human walking
exhibits a parabolic curve when the cost of transport is plotted against speed; the optimum walking speed is
related to the pendular mechanism of human walking11,12. Here we are concerned with trajectories of interceptive walking13–15. It is widely observed that during acts of interception, certain paths tend to be taken, despite the
inherent variability of human action. This study presents a quantitative model that characterizes a wide range
of such individual walking trajectories based on a few key assumptions, thus capturing the essential features of
interceptive walking. In doing so, we ignore the specific biomechanics12,16 and gait patterns17–19 of walking, which
are themselves subjects of active study.
In the following sections, we first propose the Lagrangian mechanics of interceptive walking by defining
a Lagrangian and solving the resulting Euler–Lagrange equation, which yields the path of stationary action.
Inspired by the principle of least effort, we postulate that the Lagrangian consists of effort as well as a quantity
we call security. Two specific forms of the Lagrangian are considered and their respective equations of motion
are derived. Then the equations of motion are verified by fitting the solutions to positional time series data from
a virtual reality crossing experiment. The experiment simulates a road crossing situation in which a pedestrian
should cross between two moving vehicles, hence intercepting the gap20–23. Finally, we discuss the meaning of
the model and fitting parameters.
Department of Physics and Astronomy and Center for Theoretical Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826,
Korea. 2Department of Healthcare Information Technology, Inje University, Gimhae 50834, Korea. 3Department of
Sport and Exercise Sciences, Kunsan National University, Gunsan 54150, Korea. 4Present address: Brain Science
Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul 02792, Korea. *email:
[email protected]
Scientific Reports |
(2021) 11:2198
| https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-81722-6
Taking inspiration from Lagrangian mechanics, where the Lagrangian is defined as L = T − U with the kinetic
energy T and potential energy U, we here consider a Lagrangian of the form
L = E − S,
where E denotes the effort and S the security in walking. It is known that the rate of metabolic energy consumption during walking on a level surface is proportional to the walking speed squared11,24–27. We thus assume that
the effort for walking increases in proportion to the square of the walking speed v, and write, up to multiplicative
and additive constants:
where vm is a constant setting the scale and making E dimensionless. It turns out to correspond to the maximum
walking speed (see below).
On the other hand, security is related to the motivation of the pedestrian to reach a goal, while avoiding
danger, and likely to depend on the walking speed and acceleration. With regard to the speed, it is reasonable to
assume that the pedestrian should feel safe when she/he can cross the gap at high speeds. Measuring the speed
in units of vm, we thus postulate that the drive to move forward is described by the linear term v/vm (< 1), with
higher-order terms neglected. As for the acceleration, we assume a biomechanically preferred degree: The pedestrian prefers to accelerate at the preferred rate or not to accelerate at all (i.e., walking at a constant speed), and
avoids accelerating in the intermediate range. Such a tendency as to the acceleration a is taken into account by a
function g(a) (again up to multiplicative and additive constants), which we presume to be a function with zeros
at a = 0 and am which is convex in between so that g(a) < 0 when 0 < a < am. This form reflects the preference for constant speeds or high accelerations. Incorporating these two terms leads to the security in the form
+ g(a),
We discuss two different possible choices for g(a) below. The difference between Eqs. (2) and (3) then gives
the Lagrangian.
Note that we are assuming no dependence of effort or security on the position y. Regarding effort, this means
that we are assuming a uniform and level walking terrain; Eq. (2) could be generalized to include non-uniform
terrain (e.g., with some areas having gradient surfaces, which should change the energy expenditure27), but this
is not considered here. As for security, the pedestrian would surely feel less safe in the middle of the crosswalk
than elsewhere. By imposing boundary conditions, however, we are already placing a positional constraint; we
thus reason that the sense of safety is fully accounted for by the speed at which the pedestrian is passing through
the gap (i.e. the first term in Eq. 3). Accordingly, the Lagrangian becomes independent of the position y and
depends only on the magnitudes of the velocity, i.e., speed ẏ ≡ v , and of the acceleration ÿ ≡ a. Without loss of
generality, we may assume that v > 0 by choosing a reference frame in which the pedestrian is moving forward.
Further, we suppose that the pedestrian does not decelerate until crossing, which implies a ≥ 0. The case that
the pedestrian decelerates (a < 0) in the course of crossing is considered in Discussion.
Before we discuss the specific form of g(a) in Eq. (3), we derive a simplified form of the Euler–Lagrange equation under the given conditions. The stationary path for a Lagrangian L = L(y, v, a) obeys the Euler–Lagrange
d ∂L
d 2 ∂L
+ 2
= 0.
dt ∂v
dt ∂a
Using the fact ∂L/∂y = 0 and integrating with respect to time t, we reduce Eq. (4) to
d ∂L
+ c1 = 0
dt ∂a
with an integration constant c1 . The chain rule, together with the fact ∂L/∂t = ∂L/∂y = 0 , yields
dL/dt = ∂L/∂t + v∂L/∂y + a∂/L∂v + ȧ∂L/∂a = a∂L/∂v + ȧ∂L/∂a , which is substituted into Eq. (5) to obtain
d ∂L
− ȧ
+ c1 a =
L− a
+ c1 v = 0
dt ∂a
Then Eq. (6), upon integration, obtains the form
+ c1 v − c2 = 0,
where integration constants c2 and c1 may be absorbed into L as an overall additive constant and as an multiplicative coefficient of the first term of Eq. (3). We thus set, without loss of generality, c1 = c2 = 0 to obtain
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(2021) 11:2198 |
= 0.
Figure 1. (a) Dependence of the Lagrangian L on (a) the speed v (in the absence of acceleration, a = 0). (b)
Dependence of L on a (for v = 0) for the quadratic form (blue) and the logarithmic form (red).
We now consider two specific cases of g(a) that yield analytic solutions of the simplified Euler–Lagrange equation [Eq. (8)].
Case 1: Quadratic form.
The simplest convex function one can consider is the quadratic equation
g(a) = −(a/am )(1 − a/am ). The corresponding Lagrangian reads
where the factor 1/4 on the second term, measuring the relative contributions of the speed and the acceleration,
has been determined via fitting to experimental data (see Experimental Results). The dependence of L on v is
illustrated in Fig. 1a whereas its dependence on a in the quadratic case is plotted with a blue curve in Fig. 1b.
Substitution of Eq. (9) into Eq. (8) results in
= 2am
Equation (10) has unstable fixed points at v = 0 and vm. Provided 0 ≤ v ≤ vm, we obtain the solution
v(t) = vm cos2
which oscillates between the fixed points with τ ≡ vm /4am measuring the duration of each acceleration and
deceleration interval. Under appropriate boundary conditions, we can reason that the least action path begins at
rest (v = 0), accelerates to vm following Eq. (11) during a time interval centered at time t = ta, and then continues
to move with constant velocity v = vm. This is described by the following piecewise function:
t − ta ≤ −πτ
v(t) = vm cos2 ((t − ta )/4τ − π/4), − πτ < t − ta < π τ
v ,
t − ta ≥ πτ ,
which, upon integration, leads to
y0 ,
� a �� t − ta ≤ −πτ
y(t) = y0 + τ v2m π + t−t
− 2 cos t−t
, − πτ < t − ta < π τ
y + v (t − t ),
t − ta ≥ πτ .
Equations (12) and (13) obey the Euler–Lagrange equation at all points, but they exhibit singularities in the
higher derivatives at times t = ta ± πτ .
Scientific Reports |
(2021) 11:2198 |
Case 2: Logarithmic form. As a second case, we take g(a) = (a/am ) log(a/am ), which yields
again with a factor of 1/4. The dependence of L on a in the logarithmic case is plotted with a red curve in Fig. 1b.
Unlike the quadratic equation, this form of g(a) is asymmetrical and steeper on the left side. Plugging into Eq. (8)
results in the logistic equation
4am v
which carries the solution for the speed:
v(t) =
t − ta
+1 ,
where τ is defined the same way as above, again measuring the duration of acceleration, and the integration
constant ta determines the timing of acceleration. Note that vm in Eq. (16) indeed corresponds to the maximum
walking speed. Further, differentiation of Eq. (16) with respect to t manifests that the maximum acceleration is
given by am. Integrating Eq. (16), we also obtain the position as a function of time:
t − ta
y(t) = y0 + vm τ log 1 + exp
Unlike Eq. (13), Eq. (17) is free of singularities. Instead, however, the speed reaches neither exactly 0 nor vm,
and has thus the disadvantage of being an approximation (albeit the error decays exponentially).
Experimental results
Data collection. To verify the validity of each case of the model, we make a comparison with the data
obtained from a virtual reality road-crossing experiment. In this experiment, human participants walked on a
customized treadmill (of dimensions 0.67 m wide, 1.26 m long, and 1.10 m high) with four magnetic counters
that track movements. A Velcro belt connected to the treadmill was worn for suppression of vertical and lateral
movements, and a handrail was placed for safety. Each participant wore a commercial virtual reality headset
connected to a standard desktop PC. The headset portrayed a realistic view of a typical crosswalk in Korea in
1280 × 800 resolution stereoscopic visual images which shift in real time according to the participant’s steps
and head turns. Participants from the two age groups were recruited as follows: children were recruited from
an elementary school in a middle-class district of Gunsan City, Republic of Korea, while young adults were
recruited through a Kunsan National University social media post. Participants were required to have normal or
corrected-to-normal vision, no persistent problems with dizziness, and no history of serious traffic accidents. If
a participant experienced motion sickness, the experiment was immediately halted and the participant excluded
from the data. In this way, two adults were excluded from the experiment. Sixteen children (of age 12.2 ± 0.8
yrs, i.e., mean age 12.2 years and standard deviation 0.8 years) and sixteen adults (of age 22.8 ± 2.6 yrs) participated in the experiment and were included in the data set. Informed written consent was obtained from every
individual participant; for each juvenile participant, informed written consent was obtained from the parent or
legal guardian. The experiment was conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki, and the protocol was
approved by the Ethics Committee of the Kunsan National University Research Board. Details of the experiment
can be found in Chung et al22,23.
Figure 2 presents a schematic diagram of the crossing simulations viewed from above. While the two parallel
vehicles are moving at equal constant speed vc = 30 km/h, the pedestrian attempts to cross the road in the perpendicular direction. The paths of the pedestrian and of vehicles intersect at the crossing point. The pedestrian
is instructed to cross between the two vehicles if possible. The empty space between the two vehicles, called the
gap, is set to be lg = 25 m in length. The distance between the midpoint of the gap and the intersection point,
denoted by xg , has the initial value 33.3 m, so that the gap center reaches the crossing point in 4 s. The position
of the pedestrian is measured by the distance y from the crossing point taken as the origin and is recorded to
generate positional time series. The initial position y0 is set to be −4.5 m.
Fitting results.
We fit Eqs. (13) and (17) to the data, making use of vm, τ , and ta as fitting parameters. When
Eq. (13) was fit to the data, the root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) turned out to be 0.052 m on average, with
the standard deviation 0.022 m and the maximum RMSD of 0.10 m. Meanwhile, when Eq. (17) was fit to the
data, the RMSD of 0.056 m was obtained on average, with the standard deviation 0.024 m and the maximum
RMSD of 0.12 m. In all fits, the coefficient of determination was found to be close to unity: 0.996 ≤ R2 ≤ 0.999.
It was thus concluded that either model function makes a description of each individual crossing with high
accuracy, and no significant difference between the two was observed. All-time series are plotted in Fig. 3, which
manifests that overall, data (thin gray lines) fit closely to the model.
There were individual variations in the slope vm and the acceleration timing ta, resulting in a spread of the data
as seen in Fig. 3. Taking the average of the position data in 0.25 s increments, we obtain the average behavior of
each collective group and plot the averages and standard deviations also in Fig. 3. The thick red and blue lines
depict Eqs. (13) and (17) fitted to the averaged position data, with the fitting parameters given in Table 1. Note
Scientific Reports |
(2021) 11:2198 |
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the crossing environment. The two boxes on the road depict two vehicles
facing right, which move forward at constant speed vc . The circle depicts the pedestrian, who walks in the
perpendicular direction (shown by the arrow). The gap between the two cars is lg in length while the distance
between the pedestrian and the midpoint of the gap is xg . The position of the pedestrian is measured by the
distance y from the crossing point.
Figure 3. Fitting results together with data for (a) adults and (b) children, displaying the position y (in meters)
versus time t (in seconds). Circles and error bars indicate averages and standard deviations of positions,
respectively. Blue and red lines correspond to Eqs. (13) and (17) fitted to the averaged data, respectively. The
blue and red lines overlap significantly. Individual time series data are plotted in grey and rectangles represent
first that the averaged data also display a good fit for both cases of the model. By plotting the two age groups
separately, we observe a difference in the slope. Accordingly, vm takes different fitting values: The adult group
has a higher value by 0.24 m/s (see Table 1). Other parameters do not differ significantly.
We have presented a model for goal-directed human walking behavior, based on a principle of least action.
The approach can be considered as a generalization of the principle of least effort, incorporating another term
called security. Walking behavior results from the assumption of three simple terms making up effort and
security. The resulting equations have been found to fit experimental data from a virtual reality road-crossing
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(2021) 11:2198 |
Age group
vm (m/s)
τ (s)
ta (s)
am (m/s2)
Table 1. Fitting parameters vm, ta, and τ for the group-averaged data, together with Lagrangian constant am, in
each model.
experiments. While the equations were derived from a Lagrangian, an equivalent Hamiltonian formulation can
also be constructed (see Supplementary Information).
It is not conceivable that our simple model captures the full complexity of the complex biomechanics and
psychology involved in walking. The model treats the walker as a self-propelling particle and thus provides
rather a coarse approach compared with biomechanical studies28. However, we presume that the form of Eq. (1)
should contain all the essential features of goal-directed walking, including psychological factors. For example,
the pendulum-like mechanics of walking is implicit in the form of energy consumption given by Eq. (2). This
approach may thus be useful in the study of pedestrian trajectories.
For validation of the model, an experimental setup was employed which imposed a gap interception task on
the participant. The results show that the participant chooses the path of least action as defined by the model.
However, while the initial conditions are constrained, the experiments force the participants not into a single
point but into a spatiotemporal range (the gap). Accordingly, there are individual variations in the endpoint
the participant chooses. In addition, we expect that physiological differences lead to differences in constants vm
and am, which could result in variations in the least-action path even with the same boundaries. This is made
apparent in the difference in vm between the age groups, which is manifested by different values of vm and am in
the Lagrangian. A detailed examination of the effects of various other crossing conditions (e.g. the initial position of the pedestrian, the gap length, and the vehicle speed) on fitting parameters can be found in Kim et al.29.
One may note the limitations of using a treadmill, which may change walking behavior and also constrains the
participant to walk in a straight line. Additional walking simulations have been done in which the participants
walk freely in a room, with sensors used to detect their positions. The results were again consistent with the model
(data not shown). However, an additional dimension is added due to the freedom in the walking direction. There
were no interesting features in the dynamics of the angle, which was generally held constant. The choice of the
angle exhibits also individual variations; this is beyond the scope of the current model.
Note also that the model has been limited to the case of positive acceleration (a > 0). The quadratic Lagrangian in Eq. (9) can already describe negative accelerations, as a piecewise function can be constructed with a
deceleration event from velocity vm to 0 due to the oscillatory form of Eq. (11). For the logarithmic Lagrangian in
Eq. (14), with negative accelerations (a < 0) allowed, we may assume that the security feeling of the pedestrian
should depend only on the magnitude (regardless of the sign), and put the absolute value |a| in place of a in
Eq. (3). This reverses the solution over time: The speed begins at vm, then decreases to zero. Such a time-reversed
solution describes the deceleration event after the pedestrian has reached a destination. Under some experimental
conditions (not shown here), the participant walked forward, stopped, and then accelerated again to cross the
gap29. The stopping behavior between walking can be seen as a deceleration event described by the model with
a < 0. For simplicity, this analysis is left out of the present study.
We note that our model has similarities with other models of pedestrian behavior, e.g., in Guy et al.7, which
also defines effort as the metabolic energy consumption. Our model differs from those previous models in that
it includes additional terms (security) affecting the trajectory and also in that it produces an analytical solution
for the entire walking trajectory, which is possible due to the simplicity of the walking task. Guy et al. instead
simulate collision avoidance in crowds by restricting the direction of movement based on the environment at
each simulation step. The least action model may be extended to include interactions with other pedestrians and
walking directions; this is left for future study.
Received: 3 June 2020; Accepted: 11 January 2021
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S.H.K. and M.Y.C. were supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea through the Basic Science
Research Program (Grant No. 2019R1F1A1046285). S.H.K. was also supported by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Institutional program (Grant No. 2K02430). H.C.C. was supported by the Korea
Institute for Advancement of Technology and Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (Grant No. 10044775).
Author contributions
J.W.K. and M.Y.C. devised the model. H.C.C. conceived and conducted the experiments. S.H.K. performed the
analysis and wrote the manuscript. M.Y.C. supervised the research. All read and edited the manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.C.
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Scientific Reports |
(2021) 11:2198 |