Knowledge, Diversity and Performance in European Higher Education


Knowledge, Diversity and Performance in European Higher Education A Changing Landscape Edited by Andrea Bonaccorsi Professor of Engineering Management, University of Pisa, Italy Edward Elgar Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA Contents List of contributors vii Introduction Andrea Bonaccorsi 1 PART I MAPPING DIVERSITY IN THE EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION LANDSCAPE 1 Mapping the European higher education landscape: new insights from the EUMIDA project Andreas Niederl, Andrea Bonaccorsi, Benedetto Lepori, Tasso Brandt, Daniela De Filippo, Ulrich Schmoch, Torben Schubert and Stig Slipersaeter 2 Is there a European university model? New evidence on national path dependence and structural convergence Torben Schubert, Andrea Bonaccorsi, Tasso Brandt, Daniela De Filippo, Benedetto Lepori, Andreas Niederl, Ulrich Schmoch and Stig Slipersaeter 3 Public and private higher education in Europe: competition, complementarity or worlds apart? Pedro Teixeira, Vera Rocha, Ricardo Biscaia and Margarida F. Cardoso 13 47 84 PART II THE MISSIONS OF UNIVERSITIES: RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND THE THIRD MISSION 4 The research Output of universities: conceptual and methodological problems Ulrich Schmoch 109 5 The internationalization of European higher education institutions Marco Seeber and Benedetto Lepori 138 v VI Contents 6 Institutional and regional factors behind university patenting in Europe: an exploratory spatial analysis using EUMIDA data Attila Varga and Märton Horväth 7 How universities contribute to the creation of knowledge­ intensive firms: detailed evidence on the Italian case Andrea Bonaccorsi, Massimo G. Colombo, Massimiliano Guerini and Cristina Rossi Lamastra PART III 167 205 EFFICIENCY AND PRODUCTIVITY OF HIGHER EDUCATION 8 Is the university model an organizational necessity? Scale and agglomeration effects in science Tasso Brandt and Torben Schubert 9 How and why does cost efficiency of universities differ across European countries? An explorative attempt using new microdata Zara Daghbashyan, Enrico Deiaco and Maureen McKelvey 10 Scale and research specialization in European universities: a directional distance approach to teaching efficiency Andrea Bonaccorsi, Cinzia Daraio and Leopold Simar 233 267 292 313