The Enzymatic Oxidation of Graphene Oxide

ACS nano

AI-generated Abstract

The study investigates the enzymatic oxidation of graphene oxide (GO) using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as a biocatalyst. Key techniques employed include various spectroscopic measurements (FT-IR, UV-Vis) and electron microscopy (TEM, AFM), which provide insights into the structural modifications of GO during the enzymatic process. The findings demonstrate that enzymatic reactions can effectively modify GO's properties, opening avenues for enhanced applications in material science and biomedicine.

The Enzymatic Oxidation of Graphene Oxide Gregg P. Kotchey,1 Brett L. Allen,1 Harindra Vedala,1 Naveena Yanamala,2,3 Alexander A. Kapralov,2 Yulia Y. Tyurina,2 Judith Klein-Seetharaman,3 Valerian E. Kagan,2 and Alexander Star*,1 1 Department of Chemistry, 2Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, 3Department of Structural Biology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15260 Email: [email protected] Supporting Information Table of Contents Figure S1 – TEM Micrographs ............................................................................................................ S-2 Figure S2 – Amplex Red Assay for CCG ............................................................................................ S-3 Figure S3 – EPR Data ........................................................................................................................... S-4 Figure S4 – AFM Images with Section Analysis ................................................................................. S-5 Table S1 – Predicted Interaction Sites for CCG, GO and Holey GO on HRP ............................... S-6 Figure S5 – Back Gate FET Data for hRGO and RGO ..................................................................... S-7 Figure S6 – (a) FT-IR and (b) UV-Vis Spectra ................................................................................... S-8 S1 F Figure S1. TEM micro ographs of (aa) graphene oxide-controol I (–H2O2) and (b) graaphene oxidee-control I (–HRP) affter 10 days of incubatioon. TEM miicrographs of II o (c) reducedd graphene oxide o (RGO O)-control I (–H2O2) annd (d) RGO-ccontrol II (––HRP) after 10 1 days of inncubation. (e) ( Holey graaphene oxide formed b adding 40 µM H2O2 (final conccentration) every by e 30 minnutes for 4.5 hours to a dispersionn initially c containing g graphene oxiide and HR RP. (f) “Oveer-oxidized”” graphene oxide o formeed by using identical c conditions ass (e). (g) Holey reducedd graphene oxide o (hRGO O) formed by b chemically reducing the t holey g graphene oxiide formed after a 8 day of o incubationn with HRP/H H2O2 with hyydrazine. S2 F Figure S2. Amplex Red R UV-Vis spectroscoppic study coonducted onn days 1 andd 20 of the reduced g graphene oxiide (RGO)/H HRP/H2O2 saample. S3 F Figure S3. Electron paaramagneticc resonance (EPR) specctroscopy daata. To eachh sample coontaining H HRP (0.35 µM) µ and etop poside (200 µM), H2O2 (80 µM) waas added, andd either a fuull ESR specttra (a) or t time couurse of the EPR signal (bb-e) were reccorded. Thee duration off the recordiings were 100 min for the s sample (a), and 1 min for f the time course of the t EPR siggnals (b-e). Sample (d) contained graphene g o oxide (5×10-5 mg/ml), an nd sample (ee) contained reduced grapphene oxidee (RGO) (5×10-5 mg/ml).. S4 F Figure S4. Atomic force microscoopy (AFM) images i withh section anaalysis of (a) graphene oxide, o (b) h horseradish peroxidase (HRP), andd (c) reducedd graphene oxide (RGO O). The heeights determ mined by s section analyysis are 0.61 nm, 5.02 nm m, and 1.73 nm, respectiively. S5 Table S1: Details of the Predicted Interaction Sites for Reduced Graphene Oxide, Graphene Oxide and Holey Graphene Oxide on HRP. Binding Site 1 Structure Reduced Graphene Oxide Graphene Oxide Holey Graphene Oxide Binding Site 2 Binding Energy Residues with in 5Å Binding Energy Residues with in 5Å -26.7 kcal/mol Asn24, Arg27, Ser28, Asp29, Asp56, Asn57, Thr58, Thr59, Arg62, Asp66, Asn72, Pro78, Asp81, Arg82, Ala85, Arg178, Ser216, Ala217, Asn214, Gly213, Asn300, Arg302, Val303, Val304, Ser306 - - -24.8 kcal/mol Asn24, Glu25, Arg27, Ser28, Asp56, Asn57, Thr58, Thr59, Phe77, Pro78, Val79, Asp81, Arg82, Ala85, Ala86, Glu88, Ser89, Pro92, Lue299, Asn300, Arg302, Val303, Val304, Ser306 -22.4 kcal/mol Leu26, Arg27, Pro30, Lys174, Thr200, Tyr201, Gln203, Thr204, Leu205, Arg206, Gly207, Leu208, Pro210, Leu218, Asp220, Leu223, Arg224, Thr225, Pro226 Thr227, Ile228, Lys241 -22.4 kcal/mol Ser28, Asp29, Pro30, Lys174, Thr200, Tyr201, Gln203, Thr204, Leu205, Arg206, Gly207, Leu208, Pro210, Leu211, Asn212, Gly213, Asn214, Ala217, Leu218, Val219, Asp220, Asp222, Leu223, Arg224, Thr225, Pro226, Thr227, Ile228 - - S6 Figure S5. (a) Conducctivity versus potential (bback gate) plot p for reducced graphene oxide (RG GO, black c circles) and holey reduceed graphenee oxide (hRG GO, solid redd line). Thee measuremeents were reccorded at a constant drrain-source voltage v of 10 mV. Inseet representss a schematicc of the expperimental seetup. (b) T Transfer chaaracteristics (Gate voltagge (VG) versus Conductaance (G)) off RGO (blackk circles) annd hRGO ( (solid red linne) measured d under ambiient conditioons and a connstant drain--source voltaage of 50 mV V. S7 F Figure S6. (a) FT-IR spectra of holey reducced graphenne oxide (hR RGO), reduuced graphenne oxide ( (RGO), and graphene ox xide. (B) UV V-Vis spectra of hRGO, RGO, and graphene g oxiide. S8