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The transport of sediment in open channels is a complex process, and the physics of this phenomenon have not been completely explored. The majority of research work on sediment transport has been concentrated on beds formed of the same mobile sediment and only a few researchers have been concerned with sediment motion over fixed bed. This paper reviews the state of the problem and focuses on some practical points. Sediment threshold experiments were conducted in the two types of V-shaped bottom channels. Sand and gravel particle movements were considered and the relationship between flow discharge and bed shear stress, as well as channel bed slope were found at the threshold condition. Some practical and design equations were found to be more appropriate. It may be found that the effect of cross sectional shape on sediment threshold in fixed bed channels should be examined.
The condition of incipient motion and deposition are of the essential issues for the study of sediment transport. This phenomenon is of great importance to hydraulic engineers for designing sewer, drainage as well as other rigid boundary channels. This is a study carried out with the objectives of describing the effect of cross-sectional shape on incipient motion and deposition of particles in rigid boundary channels. In this research work, the experimental data given by Loveless (1992) and Mohammadi (2005) are used. On the basis of the critical velocity approach, a new incipient motion equation for a V-shaped bottom channel and incipient deposition of sediment particles equations for rigid boundary channels having circular, rectangular, and U-shaped cross sections are obtained. New equations were compared to the other incipient motion equations. The result shows that the cross-sectional shape is an important factor for defining the minimum velocity for no-deposit particles. This study also distinguishes incipient motion of particles from incipient deposition for particles. The results may be useful for designing fixed bed channels with a limited deposition condition.
Researches on compound channel hydraulics have been carried out for many years, yet few are concerned with sediment transport. In order to prevent sediment problem, the sediment transport process and the influence of bed form on the roughness of the river flows must be understood. An experimental investigation on the flood flow characteristics and sediment transport in straight compound channel have been undertaken. The effects of mobile-bed channels on flow characteristics and sediment transport were studied by using flumes in the Hydraulics and Hydrology Laboratory, Faculty of Civil Engineering, UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia (UTM). The flume is 4.0 m long, 0.6 m wide and configured into a 0.3 m wide and 0.05 m depth of rectangular main channel with a single floodplain. A mobile-bed channel is composed of uniform graded sand with a d of 0.8 mm. The findings on sediment transport rateand b 50 ed formation of the bed channel for overbank flows in straight rectangular compound channels are presented in this paper. It has been found that the maximum velocity zone is observed to be in the main channel where sediment transportation takes place. Thus, the bed formation change after the sedimentation and erosion occur at the channel bed which is also influenced by the higher velocity in the main channel.
This study investigated the effect of cross sectional geometry on sediment transport rate. The processes of sediment transport are generally associated to environmental management, such as pollution caused by the forming of suspended sediment in the channel network of a watershed and preserving physical habitats and native vegetations, and engineering applications, such as the influence of sediment transport on hydraulic structures and flood control design. Many equations have been proposed for computing the sediment transport, the influence of many variables on sediment transport has been understood; however, the effect of other variables still requires further research. For open channel flow, sediment transport capacity is recognized to be a function of friction slope, flow velocity, grain size, grain roughness and form roughness, the hydraulic radius of the bed section and the type and quantity of vegetation cover. The effect of cross sectional geometry of the channel on sediment...
The problem of determining critical condition for incipient motion has been long considered for alluvial channels. , stated that the majority of research work on sediment researchers have been concentrated on beds formed of the same mobile sediment, only a few including Novak attempted to analyze the incipient motion of different sizes of sediment over fixed beds. The aims of this study are to gain an improved understanding of the incipient motion processes and to provide improved incipient motion relationships. This can be achieved by investigating the important parameters governing the incipient motion of particles touching each other and resting in one layer (t s = d 50 ) and in several bed thicknesses. The results of the experiments demonstrate that the sediment thickness and the sediment particles size are significantly affects the incipient motion of the sediments. Comparisons with the previous studies were done and the experimental results are used to derive a new equations taking into account the effects of deposits thickness, for critical bed shear stress and critical velocity.
The current study presents an experimental procedure used to determine bedload sediment transport rates in channels with high gradients and coarse sediment. With the aim to validate the procedure for further investigations, laboratory experiments were performed to calculate bedload transport rates. The experiments were performed in a laboratory tilting flume with slopes ranging from 3% to 5%. The sediment particles were uniform in shape (spheres). The experiments were divided into four cases based on sediment size. Three cases of uniform sizes of 10 mm, 15 mm and 25 mm and a case with a grain size distribution formed with the uniform particle sizes were considered. From the experimental results a mathematical bedload transport model was obtained through multiple linear regression. The experimental model was compared with equations presented in the literature obtained for gravel bed rivers. The experimental results agree with some of the models presented in the literature. The closes...
The condition of incipient motion is one of the essential issues for the study of sediment transport. This phenomenon is of great importance to hydraulic engineers for designing drainage systems. A study carried out by the objectives of describing the effect of cross-sectional shape on incipient motion of particles in rigid boundary channels. In this research the experimental data of Loveless (1992) and Mohammadi (2005) are used. The new incipient motion equation for V-shaped bottom rigid boundary channel and incipient deposition of sediment particles equations for rigid boundary channels with circular, rectangular and U-shaped cross section are obtained based on the critical velocity approach. New equations were compared with other incipient motion equations. This study distinguishes incipient motion from incipient deposition. The results may be useful for the design of fixed bed channels with limited deposition condition.
Aportes, 1997
Sartre irá áemostrando a {o fa1JJO deí ensago que e{ 'E'Yictencialismo no e,s anti-liumano, sino que a{ contrario "'-, es un 9-lumanismo, pero de6emos acfarar que e.s un %umanistn.o nuevo, un 9-lumanismo 'Ezytenciafista.
The period of Istibdat, run for 30 years in when the field of press as well many other fields heavily felt under pressure, ended with the declaration of a new Constitution for the second time in 1908. The freedom environment that emerged afterwards manifested itself especially in the field of press, and allowed countless newspapers and magazines to start broadcasting for the first time under the shadow of a changing political climate. The Ittihad newspaper started its life of newspaper (on October 8, 1908) as the publication body of the Committee of Union and Progress in Izmir during this new context of freedom and made it their principle to act as the spokesman for the committee. The newspaper continued this mission until its 142nd edition (on April 3, 1909), and abandoned this mission after the change of administration, adopting an approach based on ideological independence. In this dissertation, the opinions, attitudes and the approaches of the Committee of Union and Progress towards the events during that period were investigated through the analysis of its first 142 editions by the newspaper, emerged as the spokesman of the committee. In addition Ittihad, following the negative consequences of the Istibad regime, the contributions of the committee to the social and political transformation during their rule in power were examined in details. It emerges that the newspaper acted in accordance with the views of the Committee of Union and Progress and defended its policies for a long time. It turns out that their publication policy was based on the idea of "Ottomanism" originated from the concepts of "Freedom", "Equality", "Brotherhood" and "Justice" modelled by the Committee of Union and Progress. The dissertation concludes that in the first 142 editions, the Ittihad newspaper fulfilled the requirements of their mission to act as the spokesman of the Committee of Union and Progress without exception, and under the shadow of the freedom environment by the new constitution, they gave journalistic supported for the political activities initiated by the Committee of Union and Progress with the name of political and social transformation in Izmir case. Keywords: Press, Ittihad Newspaper, II. Constitutionalism, The Comittee of Union and Progress, Izmir. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 yıl süren ve birçok alanda olduğu gibi basın alanında da baskısı ağır şekilde hissedilen istibdat dönemi, 1908 yılında meşrutiyetin ikinci defa ilan edilmesi ile sona ermiştir. Sonrasında ortaya çıkan özgürlük ortamı özellikle basın alanında kendini göstermiş ve değişen siyasi iklim, sayısız gazete ve derginin de ilk defa yayın hayatına başlamasına imkân sağlamıştır. İttihad gazetesi de bu özgürlük ortamında İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti’nin İzmir’deki yayın organı olarak yayın hayatına başlamış (8 Ekim 1908) ve cemiyetin sözcülüğünü yapmayı kendine ilke edinmiştir. Gazete bu misyonunu 142. nüshasına kadar (3 Nisan 1909) sürdürmüş ve bu tarihte yaşanan yönetim değişikliği sonrasında fikirsel bağımsızlığı temel alan bir anlayışı benimseyerek cemiyetin sözcülüğünü yapma misyonunu terk etmiştir. Tez çalışmasında gazetenin, cemiyetin sözcülüğünü yaptığı ilk 142 nüshasının analizi üzerinden dönemin olayları karşısında İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti’nin görüş, tutum ve yaklaşımları irdelenmiştir. Ayrıca İttihad’ın istibdat rejiminin olumsuz sonuçlarını takiben toplumun İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti iktidarı döneminde başlayan toplumsal ve siyasal dönüşüm yolunda sağladığı katkılar ayrıntılarıyla incelenmiştir. Gazetenin, İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti’nin görüşleri ile uyumlu hareket ettiği ve uzun süre cemiyet politikalarını savunduğu ortaya çıkmaktadır. İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti’nin getirmiş olduğu “Özgürlük”, “Eşitlik”, “Kardeşlik” ve “Adalet” kavramları üzerinden “Osmanlılık” fikrini temel alan bir yayın politikası takip ettiği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu tez çalışması ile İttihad gazetesinin ilk 142 sayısında İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti’nin sözcülüğünü yapma misyonunun gerekliliklerini istisnasız bir biçimde yerine getirdiği ve II. Meşrutiyet’in özgürlük ortamının da etkisiyle siyasal ve toplumsal dönüşüm adına İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti tarafından girişilen işlere, İzmir özelinde destek verdiği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Basın, İttihad Gazetesi, II. Meşrutiyet, İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti, İzmir.
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